Phone pranks and jokes - play funny jokes on your friends and relatives. Funny phone pranks

Phone pranks have always been extremely popular. In fact, a telephone set, the number of a friend or colleague is enough - and a cheerful mood is provided. The main thing is to come up with an original text for the draw! And with the advent of cell phones, the range of pranks has expanded significantly and for a small fee you can order for a friend, for example, a good April Fool's joke. How to prank a friend on the phone? The scenario of the draw can be chosen for every taste.

Phone pranks

Answering machine

So, how to breed a friend on April 1? We dial a phone number, introduce ourselves as a housing and communal services worker and warn that water will be turned off in the near future. It is clear that after such a call, any person will rush to collect water in all suitable containers - in a bath, pots, basins. After a while, the same telephone voice can "please" - the water shutoff is canceled! And at the same time, the caller will advise you to start launching paper boats.

You will become a dad!

Let's say right away that this is a rather tough prank - to inform a friend (or just an acquaintance) about the upcoming paternity by phone. The main thing here is the effect of surprise! As soon as the subscriber answers, phrases like “Well, congratulations - get ready to become a dad” are heard in the receiver! But I said - you need to protect yourself! ”, Pronounced in an expressive tone. As a rule, the dumbfounded "future dad" in response to a nervous voice asks who is calling. Here, the person who played the game exclaims indignantly, “Are you kidding me?! Well, wait for me!” and hangs up.

The most important point in a joke is to keep from laughing when meeting the unlucky "dad". Such a telephone prank can be an excellent "peppercorn" of any holiday, whether it's a birthday, April 1 or February 23.

Tax office

A stranger calls and in a solid voice begins a dialogue with something like this phrase: “Hello, you are concerned about the tax office (name of the region) about undeclared income for the past year. Submit a new tax return urgently, otherwise you will face penalties! Thus, it is possible to maintain a conversation between the “tax inspector” and the “malicious non-payer” for some time. As an option, call a friend “from the prosecutor's office” on April 1.

What else to organize a drawing by phone? You can come up with the text yourself or use the offers of numerous Internet resources. In addition to oral jokes, you can prank a friend on the phone via SMS, which will definitely make the addressee smile.

Violent jokes on April 1

April Fool's Day is a great occasion not only to laugh at a good joke, but to show real acting skills. True, this will require some preparation, as well as improvised materials. What cruel pranks to arrange on April 1? Video jokes will help to show imagination and creativity! It is especially interesting to play a trick on a sleeping friend.

And here are some more funny-"terrible" videos:

Please note that prank calls must not cause physical or mental harm to a person, humiliate his honor and dignity, or violate the law. In addition, it should be remembered that minor children are not allowed to make calls and send paid SMS on their own, without the knowledge of their parents or guardians.

In any case, each joke or prank should bring a good mood - especially if your friend is playing the part. Take care of friendship and fun pranks for you!

We are always interested in seeing the frightened faces of people who have been played. But you get even more emotions when you play pranks on your friends. Today we will look at 5 applications that will help you with this.

And in the last draw, I combined 2 applications at once. The draw will look something like this. You are walking with a friend and suddenly your phone rings. You pick up the phone, and there in a terrible voice you are asked to call a friend to the phone. And then you watch a funny picture of how tears flow down his cheeks, he starts calling for his mother, and so on. His reaction will directly depend on your imagination. For such a draw, as I said, you will need 2 applications. With the help of the first one, you will record your distorted voice, which will then sound in the receiver. The low bass effect works best. With the help of the second application, you will create a pseudo call. Everything will look like a real call, you pre-set the name of the subscriber, his phone number and specify the time when the call will be made, and, most importantly, choose your recorded voice to sound in the handset. What you will say - come up with yourself, there are many options. The main thing is that it hooked him.

And finally, I would like to show you one draw that struck me with its scope. This can be said to be an example of how to play pranks on people using a mobile application, if, of course, your budget allows. One guy, let's call him Bob, opened a smartphone repair office and everyone who enters it today to fix their phone will receive a unique mobile application as a gift. But what it can do, we will soon find out. But first you need to attract customers.
He puts up a sign “Smartphone repair in 15 minutes” and the first customers are already there. They give their smartphones in for repair, and after a few minutes, Bob comes out with the words that everything is ready. And he adds that as a gift, he installed another interesting application on their smartphone absolutely free of charge. And then he offers to demonstrate it in action. Bob presses the "Hack" button and the lights in the store go out. The clients are a bit overwhelmed. He presses again and the light comes on again. The guy adds that it also works on the street.
They go outside, Bob presses a button, and the lights really go out, releasing spectacular sparks. Clients do not know what to say, they cannot believe that this is really possible. And our Bob, as if nothing had happened, turns on the lights again. But that's not all. He presses a button and a car parked nearby opens. He also says it works with any machine. They stand in the center of the street, Bob flips the magic button, and all the cars parked nearby are broken into.
Bob decides to get away before supposedly no one notices. But the matter does not end there. The application, it turns out, can also hack ATMs. Banknotes immediately fly out of the ATM. Distraught with joy, customers no longer want to think with their heads and believe every word of Bob. And he goes further, gives them their phone in their hands and offers to change the traffic light themselves. One, two, three - and then the green light turns on. But suddenly something went wrong. From the sudden switching of the signal, the cars crash into each other, and there is a real commotion.
The clients are terrified, and immediately, as in any American movie, the police arrive on the scene. Bob puts all the blame on the customers, saying that they hacked the traffic light with their application, and even stole the phone from his store. Clients don't know what to do. The Chinese, for example, decided to pretend that he did not speak English. Others simply deny everything. The policeman demands to see their phone and asks: “Do you really think that this is possible with a simple phone?” And shows them the display. The display reads "You have now tried what you can do while playing the video game Watch Dogs".
It turned out that it was a prank to advertise the game "Watchdogs", in which the main character is able to hack into various electronic devices. Of course, your budget is unlikely to compare with Ubisoft, but if your imagination works as it should, then you can completely do without spending.

Hope you have a lot of fun! Write about the results of the draws in the comments.

Pranks and various jokes are insanely funny and a lot of fun, but only if you play another person. Today we’ll talk about how to play a cruel prank on a friend, while not bringing everything to a nervous breakdown. However, before you play a trick on your best friend, you need to weigh the pros and cons well. This will allow you to properly sort ideas and avoid the most ridiculous ones that can cause great inconvenience and resentment.

  • The purpose of any prank is to make you laugh, not offend. Here you need to answer one question for yourself - will a friend laugh after all the cards are revealed ?;
  • You should not arrange too scary jokes, especially if a friend is very impressionable;
  • The draw must not become a health hazard;
  • It is not recommended to touch personal relationships, because such pranks can undermine relationships and even put an end to many years of friendship;
  • Do not joke about death, as well as serious illnesses.

Despite this, many merry fellows are ready to take risks and go to the end, which sometimes turns out to be far from a joke. So, so that the planned draw does not become part of the video "TOP draws that got out of control", we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our ideas. Here everyone can emphasize something interesting and useful for themselves.

Witty pranks on a friend

  • If a friend is also a work colleague, then this can play into the hands when planning an upcoming prank. For example, if a friend goes on vacation, then it's time to plant real grass in his keyboard. It is very easy to do, and at the same time such an exhibit looks very presentable. Perhaps when a friend returns, he will have to run for a new keyboard, but he will definitely leave the created masterpiece as a flower garden. You can also update all other office equipment. To do this, you need to hide a real computer and all related equipment, and instead offer dummies from cardboard;
  • The surprise effect is another cool way to make fun of your friend. All you need is a blower and glue. Installs a horn in the bathroom, which will make a very loud sound when the door is opened. By the way, this is a great way to wake up from a sweet dream very quickly. In order for such surprises to await a friend all day long, the air horn can be installed under his favorite chair at home, at work and in the car;
  • If a friend has a car, then you can hang it with sticky notes or put a pastel on the windshield. The best time to do this is on a day when rain is expected.

  • Thus, when a friend turns on the wipers, he will create a real rainbow on his windshield. It is not known for sure whether this will dilute his gray day or not, but it will be possible to laugh very well. The most important thing is that such a prank does not cause an accident, so do not overdo it with multi-colored crayons. If a friend came to the supermarket for shopping, then you can leave for a while to prepare a funny surprise for him. This will require free carts, which are simply furnished with a car;
  • Try not to spill. This is a fun prank that can lead to a real nervous breakdown. Its essence lies in the fact that water is poured into a glass, bottle or pan, a sheet of paper is placed on top, the container is turned over and the paper is pulled out. Thus, water does not flow out, but it will not work to remove the container without spilling water. The funny thing is that many people spend a lot of time on this business, believing that they can still manage to do everything neatly. To give this draw the effect of surprise, you can choose an opaque container. Thus, a friend will think that someone just left a dish or a glass on the table or floor, and when he tries to remove it, a very “pleasant” surprise awaits him;

  • There is also another cool way to play a tough prank on a friend. If you live with a friend or stayed with him overnight, then while he has pleasant dreams, it's time to bring to life a very insidious, but painfully funny prank. To do this, you will need to purchase a large number of mousetraps. You can take the cheapest ones - they will still work well. So, mousetraps are laid out in a friend's room on the floor and on the bed. When he wakes up, a real test will await him, which simply cannot be passed without unpleasant surprises;
  • After a sleepless night, people, as a rule, go to the bathroom literally on the machine, while barely opening their eyes. This can be very beneficial to use. The essence of the draw is that it is necessary to squeeze out all the toothpaste from the tube and place mustard or ketchup instead. This can be done with a syringe or directly from the jar, if the neck allows for convenient manipulation. You can enhance the effect if you swap the liquids in places. Thus, toothpaste will turn into a favorite sauce for dumplings.

- (sadly) Hello, do you have our cat Vaska?
- No!
- If you see him, please feed him a cutlet!
After 10-15 minutes another calls and says:
- Hello, I'm a cat Vaska, no one was looking for me?

Week away! fun hour
Already in a hurry playfully.
Great Friday! We have
The eyes are shining. hand playfully
Opening the bottle fills the cup
A drink to have fun
Beckons our soul invitingly,
Say goodbye to sobriety immediately.

phone joke

Hello! Vasya, maybe?
- No, he doesn't live here.
Dial again:
- Hello! Vasya, maybe?
- No, they told you: there is no such person living here.
Dial again:
- Hello! So Vasya did not come up?
- Fuck you bitches!!!
In a few minutes:
Hello, this is Vasya. Nobody called me?

Ivan the Fool walked through the forest
Lost by chance
The poor fellow was confused
At least shout, at least pump the press.

Another phone prank

- Hello!
- Hello!
- Hello!
- How are you?
- Great!!!
Oh, I must have got the wrong number...

Prank a friend on the phone

We call any number (having previously learned the number of the apartment) and ask:
Hello, is this an apartment?
Having received an affirmative answer, we say:
- You know, the neighbors are calling you from the apartment on the floor below.
Could you turn off the toilet, it's buzzing painfully loud...

And the diagnosis was wrong
And the recipe is wrong.
The doctor finished the evening
Part time pharmacist...

SMS Message Prank

Vasya! Take the money from the stash and go to the market - buy 20 liters of milk.
Signature: Your mother.
The effect is guaranteed.

I'm hugging a cat
I lie down and sleep
So it will be easier for us
wintering spring

Phone pranks

Call to a random number
- Hello, sorry for such a late call, this is the emergency service of the DEZ. Check if you have hot water?
While checking, laugh. They usually answer: "Yes." And then politely ask:
- Is there a cold one?
While they are checking, gather yourself, and after answering in a serious voice, say:
- Thank you very much, now we will bring the elephant to you to wash!

Let pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles
And water on the asphalt river.
And it is not clear to passers-by on this bad day
What the hell is December all of a sudden.

Phone prank about TV

Hello, you have a call from the TV store. Do you need a TV?
- No! - answer confused.
- Well, then we'll come now.
- For what?!
- Behind the TV.

We all dream of a paycheck
We are so pleased to spend it
This fascinating process
Good for relieving stress.

Jokes on the phone

The stands are roaring - just a flurry!
Athlete runs - faster than light!!!
The referee carelessly gave a start,
And he got shot in the ass with a pistol ...

Hello... hello...???
You are hard to hear, speak louder, you speak into the phone???
(the caller starts yelling hysterically) Well, why yell so loudly?
It was just a little joke
now leave your message
we will definitely call you back.

I walked along the rails, along the BAM.
Suddenly I look - Obama is coming!
What are you doing here, Barak?
So... I'm walking. Just.

- Ale!
- Good afternoon! This is from the ZhEKa are worried. Do you have tonight
hot and cold water will be turned off, so take a bath!
- Oh! Thanks a lot! I'll dial!
Half an hour passes ... Another call:
- Hello! This is again from the Housing Office. Well, did you take a bath?
- Yeah.

Phone prank with answering machine

Hello, the answering machine says.
Leave your information after the beep.
P-I-i-I after 5-10 seconds Can be a little slower,
but I can't write it down.
After this phrase, the answering machine itself is turned on,
on which only excellent laughter will be recorded.

In the subway people read everything in a row,
And yesterday I thought in the car:
There are manuscripts that do not burn
And Dontsova's manuscript does not sink.

At the third hour of the night. Phone call:
- Hello! You must have been asleep?
- Of course, slept!
- Then excuse me, I'll call you back in the morning.

Phone jokes and pranks

- Hello.
- Hello, it's you from the house management who are bothering you.
Do you have hot water?
- Yes.
- Well then, wash your feet and go to bed.

There were three administrators in the firm.
The chief is a cunning beast,
The elder is an experienced lazybones,
Junior - just nail it.

After calling the firm, the secretary before
call the right person, asks:
- How to introduce you?
Answer options:
- In leather shorts and on a horse;
in an Apollo suit.

Listen to prank calls

How can the poor lion not get angry?!
Justice is completely corrected,
only lionesses are right.
LEFT is not RIGHT by default.

- Eight...
- Ale???
- Eight...
- Why eight???
- A what ale???

Here comes Friday
Congratulations to all, friends!
My heart has become warmer
And you can't be sad!
After all, now two days of freedom,
Have fun and relax!
Even in a cafe, even in nature
You can go - choose!

Funny phone pranks

Phone call at 3 am:
- Hi, stranger friend!
Are you awake too?!

Here comes Friday
Weekend led!
You finish your work soon
We want to have fun!
Congratulations to all, friends,
How happy am I
That I will rest for two days,
Breathe the freedom of the air!

Good afternoon, you are being disturbed from St. Petersburg...
Why are you threatening right now?

Phone pranks and jokes in verse

Two mushroom pickers got lost in the forest,
they shouted "ay" and "ay" for a long time.
The bear was full and satisfied -
There was nothing to be so loud!

Oh, where did I go?
- Where did you aim?

The patient was dissatisfied
What do paid doctors have
If you have money, then you are sick
No money - then healthy.

Phone jokes on the phone

Expensive! Something you can't hear!
- Yes, I'm trying not to breathe into the tube,
I just ate some garlic.

A young girl is walking
And legs straight from the ears,
And my wife's is shorter
Such legs would be mine ...

Damn, well, what, after all, flour
Rush for beer, at the speed of sound
Realizing that someone and somewhere
Rushing for beer at the speed of light...

Funny jokes on the phone

Once I was young and not weak
I loved books, booze and women
Years passed, I turned gray and wilted
Now I understand, not up to books ...

fitness, diet,
This is for the horses
And my (your) figure
perfect ball
