Types of human energy. Types of energy systems

Photo: Branislav Ostojic/Rusmediabank.ru

Esotericists say that we all have a certain energy. We often hear that people are divided into vampires (those who absorb other people's energy) and donors (those who give their energy to others). Or that some people have positive energy, while others have negative energy. But is everything so simple? In fact, there are many more energy types, depending on the way to generate, store and release energy.


In general, the same as "vampires". They may be among our relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors. They are not able to replenish their energy from outer space, so they try to "suck" it from those around them. As a rule - creating, showing aggression, starting quarrels and disputes and thereby trying to unsettle a potential "source". There is only one result - the "leeches" take the vitality of the "donor", after which they themselves feel a surge of vigor, while the "donor" feels like a squeezed lemon and may even experience serious malaise in some cases.


They also have a low level of energy, so they tend to replenish its supply at the expense of others. As soon as they find a more or less suitable "donor", they "stick" to him. From the outside it looks like a desire for friendship. "Stickers" are intrusive, they constantly call, look for meetings, ask for advice and complain about life to the "donor". If he refuses to help or communicate with them, they immediately accuse him of all mortal sins and thus also receive their “portion” of energy.


They love to get into other people's lives and influence them. "Absorbers" are of two types. Representatives of the first type are able to absorb everything. They are touchy, but quickly "depart".

Representatives of the second type absorb negative energy and give positive. They like to help people, often take care of the sick, are engaged in the rehabilitation of alcoholics or drug addicts, charity ... Although they usually influence the energy of other people positively, their accelerated energy exchange, which is characteristic of them, often depletes them.


In fact, this is, but they are too interested in the lives of others. Attempts to delve into other people's affairs give them a lot of problems: they are accused of excessive curiosity, gossip and other sins. Often they have to hear: “Mind your own business!” When they sincerely want to help or give advice. Unfortunately, outwardly their behavior looks repulsive and alarming.


They are fixated on their own experiences, but do not want to share them with anyone, lead a secluded life, unsociable, do not like to talk about themselves. They have problems with the redistribution of energy and therefore they store huge reserves of negativity inside themselves, which are not spent anywhere. This usually leads to illness and other troubles.


Such people tend to "reflect" someone else's energy. If such a person encounters someone who sends him a "negative" charge, he "returns" him. Therefore, those who have the so-called "negative" energy, try not to contact the "mirror". But people with “positive” energy, on the contrary, will try to maintain relations with him, since communication with the “mirror” will periodically fill them with positive emotions and energy.


Such people are called "thick-skinned" and "impenetrable." Any attacks on them simply "bounce" off them. However, unfortunately, the charges do not return to those who sent them, but are dispersed in space and can hit those who are next to the "wall" at that moment. If someone is shouted at in your presence, at least he doesn’t care, but you feel just terrible - this is a sure sign that the bad energy addressed to the “wall” person has hit you.


They are good "receivers" of energy, but do not know how to reflect the negative impact. However, they are able to transmit negative information further along the "chain". So, if a person was told something bad, he will definitely share it with his friends. True, the same thing happens if the information is positive. The type of energy "intermediaries" is one of the most common.


Such people are able to pass through themselves any amount of energy with any "charge" - both positive and negative. But at the same time, all the negative energy is “filtered”, and the positive energy returns to the “source”. Such people make good and professional priests, psychologists, diplomats, and peacekeepers.

Now try to determine what type you and your environment belong to. Perhaps you will understand a lot about yourself and about those with whom you communicate most often. If you belong to such types as “leech”, “sticky” or, say, “Samoyed”, then you definitely need to work on yourself and harmonize your energy.


Subject, basic concepts and definitions

Energy is the most important element of the sustainable development of any state. Each turn up the spiral of the historical development of mankind is accompanied by a higher level of energy consumption. It is estimated that over the 20th century, the total consumption of primary energy resources in the world increased by 13.5 times, reaching 13.5 billion tons of fuel equivalent in 2000. Such rates of consumption of primary energy resources threaten the rapid depletion of natural reserves

energy saving- organizational, scientific, practical, informational activities of state bodies, legal entities and individuals, aimed at reducing the consumption (losses) of fuel and energy resources in the process of their extraction, transportation, storage, production, use and disposal.

The fuel and energy complex (FEC) includes five energy systems:

electric power system (power industry), which includes a heat supply system (heat power industry) as a subsystem;

· oil supply system;

· gas supply system;

· coal supply system;

· nuclear power system;

Electricity production is provided by power stations, transformation - by transformers, transportation and distribution of electric energy - by power lines, consumption - by various receivers, i.e. energy consumers.

Under electric power system , should be understood as a set of interconnected power stations, substations, power lines, electrical and thermal networks, as well as consumers of electrical and thermal energy.

1.3. Efficiency of use and consumption of energy in the world and Belarus

The efficiency of the use and consumption of energy in any country is estimated by the energy supply or the unit cost of reference fuel per 1 inhabitant of the country per year. Comparative data on energy supply, gross national product (GNP) per capita and energy intensity of GNP for some countries are shown in Table 1.1. Table 1.1 Data on GNP, FER supply and energy intensity of GNP for some countries.

No. p / p Country GNP per capita, USD USA Consumption of fuel and energy resources per person per year, t c.t./person Energy intensity GNP, kg C.T./USD Comparative assessment of energy intensity of GNP, %
Republic of Belarus 3,8 1,76
Ukraine 4,7 2,46
Russia 5,8 2,19
Germany 5,9 0,23 13,1
USA 11,3 0,44 25,0
Finland 8,5 0,45 26,0
France 5,5 0,23 13,1
Sweden 8,0 0,34 19,3
Japan 5,5 0,16 9,1

Analyzing the data given in Table 1.1, it should be noted that the United States has the largest consumption of fuel and energy resources among the above countries - 11.3 tons of standard fuel. per person per year. The Republic of Belarus consumes 3.6 tons of standard fuel. The comparison of the energy intensity of the GNP of countries in relation to the energy intensity of the GNP of Belarus is also given here.

The first oil crisis that erupted in 1973-74 forced industrialized countries to take emergency measures and start developing new approaches to energy consumption. To do this, the economies of these countries have undergone a radical structural, technological and technical restructuring. Beginning in the 1980s, they began to increase their gross national product, with virtually no increase in energy consumption. For example, the United States increased its GNP by 40.2% from 1973 to 1987, while energy consumption increased by only 3.2%. A similar situation occurred in the industrialized countries of Europe. With a 13% increase in GDP, energy consumption in 1985 was even 6% lower than in 1979. Over the past 20 years, the energy intensity of GNP in the world has decreased by an average of 18%, and in industrialized countries - by 21-27%.

A similar situation occurs in the Republic of Belarus (Figure 1.1). During the period from 1997 to 2007, the country's GDP grew by 200.5%, while the consumption of fuel and energy resources remained almost at the same level - 104.5%. This contributed to a decrease in the energy intensity of GDP, relative to the data for 1997, by 47.9%. Indicators of energy intensity of GDP, calculated at purchasing power parity, for various countries of the world in 2002 are shown in Figure 1.2. As can be seen from these data, the energy intensity of GDP in Belarus amounted to 0.73 kg of US dollars. In Russia, this indicator was equal to 0.84, and in Ukraine - 0.89 kg TU/USD. It means,

Another problem of the economy of the Republic of Belarus is the energy intensity of the products of our enterprises. According to foreign experts, the energy intensity of products is on average 2–2.5 times higher than in industrialized countries. So, for example, in the production of chemical fertilizers, we spend 2.3 times more electricity, and 2.6 times more heat energy than abroad. When refining oil at our refineries, energy is spent 1.8 - 2.5 times more than at similar foreign plants. A similar situation is observed in other sectors of the economy, as the energy intensity of agricultural products is 3-4 times higher than in developed countries.

All of the above shows that the world level of technology in the current structure of energy consumption makes it possible to reduce energy consumption in energy-intensive industries by 1.5-2 times.


energy resource refers to any source of energy, natural or artificially activated, in which the energy used by a person is concentrated.

Energy resources can be classified according to the following criteria:

1. According to the sources of obtaining resources, there are ─ primary (natural) and secondary.

Primary energy resources, in turn, are divided into:

2.According to the ways of using on fuel and non-fuel;

3. on the basis of keeping stocks on renewable and non-renewable.

To fuel resources include combustible substances that are burned to produce thermal energy, for example, all natural fuel reserves (oil, gas, coal, peat, etc.).

All existing areas of energy can be divided into mature, developing and being in the stage of theoretical study. Some technologies are available for implementation even in a private economy, while others can only be used within the framework of industrial support. It is possible to consider and evaluate modern types of energy from different positions, but universal criteria for economic feasibility and production efficiency are of fundamental importance. In many respects, the concepts of using traditional and alternative energy generation technologies diverge today in these parameters.

Traditional Energy

This is a wide layer of established sectors of the heat and power industry, providing about 95% of the world's energy consumers. The resource is generated at special stations - these are thermal power plants, hydroelectric power stations, nuclear power plants, etc. They work with a ready-made raw material base, in the process of processing which the target energy is generated. There are the following stages of energy production:

  • Production, preparation and delivery of feedstock to the facility for the production of one or another type of energy. These can be the processes of extraction and enrichment of fuel, the combustion of petroleum products, etc.
  • Transfer of raw materials to units and assemblies that directly convert energy.
  • processes from primary to secondary. These cycles are not present at all stations, but, for example, for the convenience of delivery and subsequent distribution of energy, various forms of it can be used - mainly heat and electricity.
  • Maintenance of finished converted energy, its transmission and distribution.

At the final stage, the resource is sent to end consumers, which can be both branches of the national economy and ordinary homeowners.

Thermal power industry

The most common energy sector in the country produces more than 1000 MW, using coal, gas, oil products, shale deposits and peat as processed raw materials. The generated primary energy is further converted into electricity. Technologically, such stations have a lot of advantages, which determine their popularity. These include undemanding to operating conditions and ease of technical organization of the workflow.

Thermal power facilities in the form of condensing facilities and combined heat and power plants can be built directly in the areas where the consumable resource is extracted or where the consumer is located. Seasonal fluctuations do not affect the stability of the stations, which makes such energy sources reliable. But there are also disadvantages of thermal power plants, which include the use of exhaustible fuel resources, environmental pollution, the need to connect large amounts of labor resources, etc.


Hydraulic structures in the form of energy substations are designed to generate electricity as a result of converting the energy of the water flow. That is, the technological process of generation is provided by a combination of artificial and natural phenomena. During operation, the station creates a sufficient pressure of water, which is then directed to the turbine blades and activates the electric generators. Hydrological types of energy differ in the type of units used, the configuration of the interaction of equipment with natural water flows, etc. According to performance indicators, the following types of hydropower plants can be distinguished:

  • Small - produce up to 5 MW.
  • Medium - up to 25 MW.
  • Powerful - more than 25 MW.

A classification is also applied depending on the force of water pressure:

  • Low-pressure stations - up to 25 m.
  • Medium pressure - from 25 m.
  • High-pressure - above 60 m.

The advantages of hydroelectric power plants include environmental cleanliness, economic availability (free energy), inexhaustibility of the working resource. At the same time, hydraulic structures require large initial costs for the technical organization of the storage infrastructure, and also have restrictions on the geographical location of stations - only where rivers provide sufficient water pressure.

In a sense, this is a subspecies of thermal energy, but in practice, the performance indicators of nuclear power plants are an order of magnitude higher than thermal power plants. Russia uses full cycles of nuclear power generation, which allows generating large amounts of energy resources, but there are also huge risks of using uranium ore processing technologies. The discussion of safety issues and popularization of the tasks of this industry, in particular, is carried out by ANO "Information Center for Nuclear Energy", which has representative offices in 17 regions of Russia.

The reactor plays a key role in the execution of nuclear energy generation processes. This is a unit designed to support the reactions of fission of atoms, which, in turn, are accompanied by the release of thermal energy. There are different types of reactors, differing in the type of fuel and coolant used. The most commonly used configuration is with a light water reactor using ordinary water as a coolant. Uranium ore is the main processing resource in the energy sector. For this reason, nuclear power plants are usually designed to locate reactors close to uranium deposits. Today, there are 37 reactors operating in Russia, the total generation capacity of which is about 190 billion kWh/year.

Characteristics of alternative energy

Almost all sources of alternative energy compare favorably with financial availability and environmental friendliness. In fact, in this case, the processed resource (oil, gas, coal, etc.) is replaced with natural energy. This may be sunlight, wind currents, earth heat and other natural sources of energy, with the exception of hydrological resources, which are now considered traditional. Alternative energy concepts have existed for a long time, but to this day they occupy a small share in the total world energy supply. Delays in the development of these industries are associated with problems in the technological organization of electricity generation processes.

But what is the reason for the active development of alternative energy today? To a large extent, the need to reduce the rate of environmental pollution and environmental problems in general. Also, in the near future, humanity may face the depletion of traditional resources used in energy production. Therefore, even despite the organizational and economic obstacles, more and more attention is paid to projects for the development of alternative forms of energy.

geothermal energy

One of the most common in domestic conditions. Geothermal energy is generated in the process of accumulation, transfer and transformation of the internal heat of the Earth. On an industrial scale, underground rocks are serviced at depths of up to 2-3 km, where the temperature can exceed 100°C. As for the individual use of geothermal systems, surface accumulators are more often used, located not in wells at depth, but horizontally. Unlike other approaches to generating alternative energy, almost all geothermal energy sources in the production cycle do without a conversion step. That is, primary thermal energy in the same form is supplied to the end consumer. Therefore, such a concept as geothermal heating systems is used.

solar energy

One of the oldest alternative energy concepts, using photovoltaic and thermodynamic systems as storage equipment. To implement the photoelectric generation method, converters of the energy of light photons (quanta) into electricity are used. Thermodynamic installations are more functional and, due to solar flows, can generate both heat with electricity and mechanical energy to create a drive force.

The schemes are quite simple, but there are many problems in the operation of such equipment. This is due to the fact that solar energy, in principle, is characterized by a number of features: instability due to daily and seasonal fluctuations, dependence on the weather, low density of light fluxes. Therefore, at the design stage of solar panels and batteries, much attention is paid to the study of meteorological factors.

Wave energy

The process of generating electricity from the waves occurs as a result of the transformation of the energy of the tide. At the heart of most power plants of this type is a pool, which is organized either in the course of separating the mouth of the river, or by blocking the bay with a dam. Culverts with hydraulic turbines are arranged in the formed barrier. As the water level changes during the tides, the turbine blades rotate, which contributes to the generation of electricity. In part, this type of energy is similar to, but the mechanics of interaction with the water resource itself has significant differences. Wave stations can be used on the coasts of the seas and oceans, where the water level rises to 4 m, making it possible to generate power up to 80 kW/m. The lack of such structures is due to the fact that culverts disrupt the exchange of fresh and sea water, and this negatively affects the life of marine organisms.

Another method of generating electricity available for use in private households, characterized by technological simplicity and economic availability. The kinetic energy of air masses acts as a processed resource, and an engine with rotating blades acts as a battery. Typically, in wind energy, electric current generators are used, which are activated as a result of the rotation of vertical or horizontal rotors with propellers. An average household station of this type is capable of generating 2-3 kW.

Energy technologies of the future

According to experts, by 2100 the combined share of coal and oil in the global balance will be about 3%, which should move thermonuclear energy to the role of a secondary source of energy resources. Solar stations should take the first place, as well as new concepts for converting space energy based on wireless transmission channels. The formation processes should begin as early as 2030, when the period of abandonment of hydrocarbon fuel sources and the transition to “clean” and renewable resources will come.

Prospects for Russian Energy

The future of the domestic energy industry is mainly associated with the development of traditional ways of transforming natural resources. The key place in the industry will have to be occupied by nuclear power, but in a combined version. The infrastructure of nuclear power plants will have to be supplemented by elements of hydraulic engineering and means of processing environmentally friendly biofuels. Not the last place in the possible development prospects is given to solar batteries. In Russia, even today, this segment offers many attractive ideas - in particular, panels that can work even in winter. Batteries convert the energy of light as such, even without a thermal load.


Modern facilities put the largest states before a choice between the power and environmental cleanliness of heat and electricity generation. Most of the developed alternative energy sources, with all their advantages, are not able to fully replace traditional resources, which, in turn, can be used for several more decades. Therefore, many experts present the energy of the future as a kind of symbiosis of various concepts of energy generation. Moreover, new technologies are expected not only at the industrial level, but also in households. In this regard, one can note the gradient-temperature and biomass principles of energy production.

geothermal energy - obtaining energy from the internal heat of the Earth. Distinguish between natural and artificial geothermal energy - from natural thermal sources and from pumping water, other liquids or gaseous substances into the bowels of the Earth ("dry" and "wet" geothermal energy). This type of energy is widely used for domestic purposes and heating greenhouses. There are geothermal thermal power plants. The disadvantage is the toxicity of thermal waters and the chemical aggressiveness of liquids and gases.

space energy - obtaining solar energy on special geostationary Earth satellites with a narrowly focused energy transfer to ground receivers.

On these satellites, solar energy is transformed into electrical energy and transmitted in the form of an electromagnetic beam of ultra-high frequency to receiving stations on Earth, where it is converted into electrical energy. The power of one orbital station can be from 3,000 to 15,000 MW.

Marine energy is based on the energy of ebbs and flows (Kislogubskaya ES on the Kola Peninsula), sea currents and temperature differences in different layers of sea water. Sometimes it is referred to as wave energy. So far, marine energy is unprofitable due to the destructive effect of sea water on equipment. Tidal energy is profitable on the coasts of seas with exceptionally high tides.

Low temperature energy - obtaining energy using the low-temperature heat of the Earth, water and air, or rather the difference in temperatures of their various layers. Industrial production of energy using the temperature difference on the surface and in the depths of the ocean is not yet beyond the scope of pilot plants.

"Cold" energy - methods for obtaining energy carriers by means of physicochemical processes occurring at low temperatures and similar to those occurring in plants. For example, the decomposition of water on asymmetric membranes under the influence of sunlight. The water molecule breaks down into hydrogen and oxygen, which accumulate on opposite sides of this membrane. Hydrogen is then used as an energy carrier. In recent years, the efficiency of such membranes has been significantly increased, and the price has been reduced. This is probably the way to go. It is assumed that hydrogen will be widely used in aviation, water and land transport, industry, and agricultural production. Combustion of hydrogen does not produce harmful emissions, but it is explosive.

Controlled thermonuclear reaction. Physicists are working on mastering a controlled thermonuclear reaction for the fusion of heavy hydrogen nuclei with the formation of helium. With such a connection, an enormous amount of energy is released, much more than during the fission of uranium nuclei.

It has been proven that the main part of the energy of the Sun and stars is released precisely during the synthesis of light elements. If a controlled fusion reaction can be carried out, an unlimited source of energy will appear.

Scientists are sure that at the beginning of the next millennium, energy production through thermonuclear fusion will turn from a purely theoretical concept into an everyday reality.

Very promising are power plants that convert one type of energy into another in non-traditional ways with high efficiency.

Converts thermal energy into electrical energy magneto- hydrodynamic generator (MHD), which refers to promising devices (Fig. 2.5).

At present, there is a practice of operating a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) installation, the efficiency of which exceeds 45%. To understand the principle of operation of MHD generators, one should remember two provisions of physics:

      at high temperatures (2500 - 3000 ° C), gases are ionized, the so-called plasma is formed;

      electric current is the directed movement of electrons in metals or ions in liquids and gases.

Rice. 2.5. Scheme of the MHD generator. 1 - combustion chamber; 2 - MHD channel; 3 - electrodes; 4 - magnetic system

Therefore, the movement of the plasma is an electric current. To separate positive and negative ions, the plasma must cross a magnetic field in which positive ions are deflected to one side and negative ions to the other. The concentration of positive and negative ions on metal plates gives them a positive and negative potential; the plates become a source of electromotive force (EMF). In MHD installations, low-temperature plasma (about 2700 o C) is used as an energy carrier, which is formed during the combustion of organic fuel - natural gas or solid fuel.

Great interest is paid to the direct conversion of the chemical energy of organic fuel into electrical energy - the creation fuel cells. Widespread low-temperature (t= 150°С) fuel cells with liquid electrolyte (concentrated solutions of sulfuric or phosphoric acids and KOH alkalis). The fuel in the cells is hydrogen, the oxidizer is oxygen from the air.

Work is underway to create power plants that use the energy of gravity, vacuum, low ambient temperatures to heat rooms on the principle of a heat pump (“a refrigerator is the opposite”, the freezing compartment of which is placed on the street).

According to their energy potential, people can be divided into several types. These types differ from one another in their ability to generate, accumulate and release energy and are divided into people with bad energy and people with good energy.


Energy mirrors.
Both positive and negative energy, which is directed at the mirror person, always returns to the subject who directs it. That is, they tend to reflect energy. Such properties of energy can be used with great efficiency to protect against negative energy, including its purposeful flows. The mirror person feels good about other people, and if he has to reflect negative energy, being next to its carrier, he immediately understands who is in front of him, and tries not to contact such a person.

However, the owner of negative energy on a subconscious level tries to avoid meeting with such “mirrors”, since getting back his negative charge does not affect him in the best way, up to ailments and various diseases. For a person who has positive energy, on the contrary, communication with a mirror person is always pleasant, because the reflected positive energy returns to the owner, filling him with new positive emotions. As for the “mirror”, having determined that the person who communicates with him is a carrier of positive energy, he will continue to be glad to contact with such a person, and will always maintain good relations with him.

Energy leeches.
There are many such people everywhere, and almost every one of us has to communicate with them every day. It can be good friends, relatives of colleagues at work. In principle, "energy leeches" are the same as "energy vampires". These are people who have problems with replenishing energy, and the easiest way for them to increase their energy is to “stick” to other people from whom they take energy (life force).
Energy leeches are aggressive and persistent, emit bad energy, their method of pumping energy from potential victims is simple - they try to create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, in some cases even humiliate a person. After that, their well-being improves dramatically, they become cheerful and feel a surge of strength, as they have been sufficiently nourished by someone else's energy.

A person (donor) who has been attacked by an "energy leech", on the contrary, feels empty, depressed, in some cases various ailments occur. The key to the existence of this type of people is the constant presence of donors around them, they try to be close to such people, sticking to their energy field.

Energy walls.
An energy wall is a person with strong energy. Others call such people "impenetrable". Any troubles fly away from them like from a concrete wall. But there is a negative side to such impenetrability. The negative energy that bounces off them does not in all cases return to the person who sent it, but it can also return to those people who at a particular moment are next to the “impenetrable”.

Energy sticks.
Such people, even at the first meeting, begin to spew out a stream of negative energy, laying out all the negative that has accumulated in them. Like leeches, they do not directly take energy. But they also try to infiltrate the living space of other people and stay in it as long as possible.
Like leeches, stickies are people with low, bad energy. They strive to impose themselves, always be around, constantly make phone calls, look for meetings and contacts, ask for advice. However, later, if any difficulties arise, they blame those with whom they were close for everything negative that happens in their life.
Thus, without provoking conflict situations, "energy stickies" receive someone else's energy, in the form of sympathy, some kind of moral help, advice. That is, by imposing themselves on other people and indirectly forcing them to make contact, they feed on the energy of these people. But the people who communicate with them do not suffer, as from communication with energy vampires.

energy absorbers.
In this capacity, there can be both acceptors and donors. Such people are very sensitive, they have an accelerated energy-information exchange. They like to get into someone else's life, and try to influence someone else's energy with a pronounced desire to help. These people can be classified into two types:
- The first type includes those who absorb both negative and positive energy. They are offended for no reason, but they quickly forget insults.

People of the second type take on a lot of negative energy and give back no less positive energy. They actively delve into the problems of people and positively influence the biofields of others, but their accelerated exchange negatively affects them.

Energy Samoyeds.
This type of people is fixated on their experiences. They are closed and consciously do not want to communicate with other people, they do not know how to redistribute energy for their own benefit and at the same time create huge reserves of negative energy.

energy plants.
This type of people is inherent in the ability to give energy, that is, they are, in fact, energy donors. They tend to be overly curious. This trait brings them a lot of trouble, causing displeasure, and even anger of many people.

Energy filters.
An energy filter is a person with strong energy who can pass a large amount of both positive and negative energy through himself. All the information absorbed by it in a processed form returns to the original source and carries an already changed charge. All negativity remains on the filter, to which positive energy is added. Such people are often successful born diplomats, psychologists, peacemakers.

energy intermediaries.
They have excellent energy transfer. They accept energy well, but they cannot withstand negative energy effects. For example, some negative information was shared with such a person, transferring some of the negative energy to him. Being unable to cope with the received energy, a person transfers it further. The same happens in the case of transmission of positive information. This type of "energy mediator" is inherent in very many people.

Having considered the main types of energy inherent in a person, one can understand that different people have different bioenergy. Even the negative or positive energy of a person can be divided into different types. Based on this, we can say that each person (taking into account the type of his energy) has his own specific capabilities, his own energy potential and characteristics. Energy determines and influences a person's relationship with other people and the world around him.

A person who has negative, negative energy has a bad effect on everything that surrounds him, including people who are next to him. He's always causing trouble. He is not able to live in harmony with the outside world and even with himself. Negative energy is inherent in deceitful, envious, unfriendly, aggressive people, and this negativity often manifests itself in communication with others, does not bring them anything good.

If a person’s energy is positive, then his life basically proceeds in a harmonious way, he has a positive effect on others. One cannot expect meanness, deceit, trick or other negative manifestations from him. He is open, understandable and inspires confidence in other people.

The main signs of people with strong, positive energy are their desire to live in harmony with the world around them and the people who are close to them. These are pure, sincere people with a strong core inside.

Strong human energy is a guarantee of health and harmony of life!
