You have a model look. Model parameters

Must have certain parameters and growth. Everyone knows that a model should be very thin and tall, but there are certain standards in the modeling industry that allow some to work, while others put an end to their careers that have not yet begun.

What exactly should be the height and parameters depends on what the model wants to do.
The toughest selection is for girls who want to work abroad. They should have a height of 172 cm (less often from 170 cm), a girth at the hips of 86-88 cm. Ideally, a girl should have a height of 176-180 cm. With such a height, she will be able to work all over the world. It is harder for a girl with a height of 170-175 cm to get to Europe, but it is quite possible to work in Asia. Upper limit Models are around 184 cm tall, girls taller have problems in their careers. When an aspiring model enters the agency at the age of 12-17, her hips should not exceed 86 cm, otherwise she will be uncompetitive. By the age of 20, the hips can be up to 90 cm, but it is very undesirable to exceed this value.

In the modeling business, every centimeter is important. In contracts with international agencies, it is prescribed what parameters the girl has today. The model must keep them for the duration of the contract. There are such terms of the contract when a girl can be fined if the parameters have changed by at least 1 cm. Wildly? Welcome to the modeling business!

In our country, while the modeling business is not at that level. There are no such rigid limits. Requirements for models for girls to work in Russia: parameters close to 90-60-90 (although the chest may be smaller) and height from 170 cm.

“What if I’m 168 cm tall? I have no chance? ”, - a girl with a height of 168 cm will ask me.

I want to say right away that modeling business, despite the rigid framework, there are always exceptions. Yes, there are girls who, even with a height of 168 cm, walk the catwalk. Always the key concept is "competition". The closer the model is to perfect standards, the more chances she has to win auditions. Is it possible to work as a model with a height of 168-170 cm? Can. But it will be especially difficult to compete.

If a model wants to work at exhibitions as a stand attendant, then the exact numbers in the parameters are not important for her, it is important visually beautiful figure. Looks tall, thin, that's enough.

Some aspiring boys and girls will be unpleasantly surprised to learn that the top modeling agencies have very strict limits on height and size. Talent scouts often hear from them that "it's just not fair." But these rules are dictated solely by business considerations. Below are five reasons for such strict height and size requirements for models.

2. In all leading markets, the size requirements are quite strict. For women, this is the 34-40th size with a height of 1.75-1.8 m. For men, the same size is from 42 to 44 with a height of 1.8-1.88 m

Most fashion designers believe that it is with this growth that clothes fit the body best. And if the size requirements may vary slightly from year to year, especially in women's fashion, there are rarely exceptions with respect to growth.

“But there are very successful models of more short stature!" is something recruiters often hear. And the answer to this is yes, there are quite a few models whose growth is below the norm. However, all these men and women, without exception, have some kind of exceptional feature that customers would like to beat and use. In addition, if they are shorter, they should be extremely proportionately folded, which allows them to appear taller in the photo.

“New York agencies will tell you that the condition for admission to work in the Women's Section is a height of 1.75-1.8 m, but in any agency there are models whose height is somewhat shorter,” admits agent David Grilli.

3. Photo shoots with several models at once impose even more stringent requirements on height. It is extremely rare for a fashion designer to create a separate sample of a dress for not haute couture whether, as she will look ridiculous standing next to taller colleagues.

4. “But I only want to show my hands or my hair! I don't have to be that tall." And again, this statement will not pass. After all, most orders related to "body parts" are carried out by ordinary models, which, moreover, also have beautiful hands, feet or legs and hair.

5. Despite all of the above, sometimes there are orders for independent models, where the size is not so important. Most likely, this work will not bring much income, but it can become a useful hobby.

The average woman differs in size from the ideal model. However, the modeling business is not at all a conspiracy to create in the minds younger generation image perfect woman, which is frankly "unrealistic and unhealthy". The only goal is to flatter the dream, and dreams sell well. Fashion is a business, and a lot of market research is being done to determine what kind of image created around a product contributes to its success.

The same applies to glossy magazines. They learn about the market's reaction to sales volume to determine whose cover image sells best. If this is a photo of a size 46 woman, be sure that every agency in every city will be filled with models of exactly the size 46.

“Lonneke Engel worked at Pauline`s modeling agency, whose height did not exceed 1.67 m, but at the same time she had contracts for $ 3 million - with Cover Girl, Ralph Lauren Fashion and Ralph Lauren Fragrens. Thus, she was one of the most successful representatives of the modeling business. But this rare case, which can be classified as a statistical anomaly, adds David. - short girls, must be able to advantageously demonstrate their other virtues, for the sake of which people will forget about their small stature. Such advantages may include a purely proportional physique, which will make them appear taller in the picture, or a charming personality, indicating that you really have an exception to the rule, ”he continues. “You can manipulate height and size indicators and this way and that, ”comments another representative of the modeling business. “However, in order to become a model, you need to have enough trump cards on your hands.”

The career of a model is significantly different from others - there are no mandatory steps in it. If you study well and get the right degree, you can be quite sure that you are provided with a job as a postman, school teacher or even a doctor. In the modeling business, there are many things that are out of your control.

Model Amy Hübertz gives a good example: “No amount of coaching and practice will help a short guy get an NBA contract.” And no one sees it as "discrimination". Similarly, in the modeling business, there are certain requirements for physical data.

bust size

There are certain requirements for the size of the bust. Most agencies hire women no larger than B(2). And again - this is directly related to the size of the clothes. If necessary, the size of the breast can be artificially increased, but it cannot simply be taken and reduced.

male body

A male model should not be overly muscular, especially in "high fashion". The suit will not look good if the seams stick out on powerful biceps.

Changing fashion

Just as fashion changes, so do the requirements for height and size of the “ideal model”. Less than a decade ago, ideal model”Weared the 40th size.

“Over the past seasons, all the fashion designers I work with only want models in sizes 34-36,” says Morizio Padila (co-owner of the Mao Public Relation modeling agency, casting director for more than 30 fashion shows a year). - The girls are still just as tall, but their sizes are just miniatures. They should match the size of the clothing samples and look good in it.

There are several specific types, even rather trends, among the most sought-after facial types of models. If you are seriously thinking about a modeling career, it is important to immediately understand what kind of face type you have. In the future, with such knowledge, it will be much easier for you.

Types model appearance :

Very often, before a certain casting, the customer tells the agency what specific type of girl he needs. This greatly simplifies the task for everyone, because in this case, the modeling agency will invite for viewing only those models that match the desired appearance. But it often happens that such detailed recommendations are missed by the advertiser and the agency does not receive necessary instructions, as a result of which, most of the girls, having stood in queues for many hours at the casting, do not pass it.

Such rejections can hit your self-esteem hard, especially for beginner models. In most cases, this does not mean that you are not beautiful or too thin, and in some ways inferior to your competitors, model girls who are casting with you. It's just that your face type does not fit into the creative concept of this particular project. So that there are no senselessly shed tears of disappointment, you should figure it out yourself: what type of appearance do you fit.

The main types of model appearance:

  1. Classic look (classic face)

An oval face with regular classic features, as a rule, girls with such an appearance are called a “blank canvas” on which stylists and makeup artists can create. At correct selection make-up, clothes, hairstyles and the image in general, the model can be easily transformed into any necessary image, so this type can be safely called universal. Such girls usually do not achieve stunning success in the career of a model, but at the same time they can work actively and earn good money.

  1. baby-face

One of the most sought after and highly paid types in the modeling business. The most classic example of this standard is Natalia Vodianova. The faces of such girls are similar to the faces of children: large, wide-set eyes, a small neat nose, plump cheeks and beautiful little lips. Girls with a similar appearance look like 15-16 years old and look like cute, little kids.

  1. strong face

Type of appearance, more related to fashion. Usually, these are girls with a wild, passionate look, high cheekbones, expressive eyebrows and, in general, quite sharp facial features. Most often, models with this appearance are taken to fashion shows, fashion shoots for fashion magazines and other fashion shows with a creative component. In most cases, such girls have a tall, thin physique and long legs. This is a very winning and sought-after type. If you have the appearance strong face think you are very lucky.

  1. Commercial face (advertising face)

Perhaps these are the most beautiful types girls who look at us, usually from advertising billboards, covers of beautiful cosmetics, perfumes, etc. These are girls with “sales faces” that you can look at endlessly. They are really very beautiful, attractive, have charming smiles, large expressive eyes, luxurious curls hair, matte skin and everything that many women dream of. This is a face that you want to look at, admire and associate with him all the most beautiful.

  1. Strange look

The most interesting face type of models. It is most often chased by model scouts. When looking at such a model, one cannot say that she is a classic beauty and looks physically attractive, but there is something really attractive and unusual in such faces. It may be too protruding ears, unusual shape mouth or nose, too wide-set eyes - something special that catches the eye. Models with such an appearance are very rare, but as a rule, girls with a type strange look, do not realize how valuable and attractive in the modeling industry. This appearance can be called very rare and in demand in the modeling business.

Having the most attractive appearance from the point of view of the modeling industry does not mean yet. The most important link in a modeling career is an agent or manager of a modeling agency who will explain to you how unique you are and correctly select projects that are suitable specifically for your appearance.


Many beautiful girls dream of becoming models, but not everyone succeeds. Because beauty is not the most important thing for a model, often it is not needed at all. But the model appearance of the girl constantly attracts and attracts many men. So what does a girl need to become a model?

Parameters and standards for model appearance

Yes, the model appearance of a girl and the parameters of a woman's figure must meet specific requirements. For a model to walk the catwalk, very specific parameters are needed - high growth, not less than 170 centimeters, long, even and slender legs, a certain thinness, even sometimes "dryness". But the most important thing for a girl of model appearance is the ability to present all her “parameters” from a certain angle.

Photo models have slightly different parameters: height does not matter as much as on the catwalk, the main thing is facial expressiveness. A mandatory parameter for all models are long, thick and well-groomed hair and natural beautiful eyebrows.

For catwalk models who demonstrate underwear, the parameters are also slightly different. Height should correspond to the podium, that is, be at least 170 centimeters, but there is no question of thinness here. On the contrary, for the demonstration of underwear, rather "outstanding" forms of the chest and hips are welcome.

There is a clear connection here with standard phrase"demand determines supply"! It is from this very demand that the parameters of the model appearance of the girl depend.

One of the main qualities of a model appearance in a girl

But there is one main quality for any model, both on the catwalk and at photo shoots - a face like “ clear sheet paper." This refers to a face on which you can "draw" anything. These are well-defined cheekbones, high forehead and purity of the skin. With any shooting, every flaw on the girl's face will be visible at a glance! Flawless teeth should also be in every model.

Now a lot of people work on each model before the show or shooting - stylists, make-up artists, cosmetologists. But the material on which they must work must necessarily meet the standard of "clean slate".

Often nondescript at first glance girls who, at first glance, do not cause delight and admiration, become models. But after the work of the same stylist, they become simply beauties, and each time they are different - today Cleopatra, tomorrow Marilyn Monroe. This is the most important thing in the model appearance of a girl - to become the canvas on which you can draw any image.

Another main quality of the girl’s model appearance is her own “zest” that distinguishes her from others! And this is a mandatory quality, otherwise it is impossible to win a place under the "model sun". Moreover, this zest does not have to be innate, it can also be “acquired”, that is, developed in oneself.

For example, a feature of the tilt of the head, the bend of the neck, or the rotation of the shoulder. But without such a “zest” you will never become a real model.

The character for a girl with a model appearance often becomes a determining factor.
Probably everyone has heard about the “bitchiness” of models. But it's not about this very "bitchiness", it's about such character traits as assertiveness, the desire to achieve one's goal and self-control. The work of models is very difficult!

It seems to many that there is no difficulty here - he walked the catwalk or "lit up" in front of the camera, that's all the work, what's so difficult here. But the whole point is that you need to prepare yourself for work as a model from childhood, and prepare quite hard. And it’s not even about the notorious competition and “survival” among their own kind, it’s about constant total control above oneself.

This control often simply exhausts all forces, destroys nervous system and you need to be prepared for this. Constant diets to keep fit, workout, rehearsal, sleep in certain time, the inability to live your life, the ban on many of the pleasures available to other girls of the same age - all this is very difficult.

Even more difficult for such girls is the contrast of this rigidity and suppleness for those for whom they "work". You need to be an “iron lady” inside and “soft wax” in the hands of a stylist or photo artist, not only follow all their commands, but sometimes even rebuild literally on the go.

Moreover, this "perestroika" should be almost instantaneous, and try to express your dissatisfaction here - your career is over. And when you are tired after many hours of work, it becomes difficult to contain this very discontent.

The modeling business is very cruel, and everyone knows it. The age of the model is short-lived, but what then next? Undermined health, shattered nerves, a lot of diseases - this is the least that a girl of model appearance can expect. But if there is a great desire and a lot of enthusiasm, then why not try yourself in this business ?!

You just need to clearly know what is needed for this and what you have to deal with. Girls are not born models, they become so! - it horrible power. And everyone who has the parameters of a model appearance can still become a model, you just need to carefully and constantly work on yourself!

Canons, rules, division of markets. Kind of intimidating, isn't it? But what does this mean? In this article, I want to tell you about model types and the differences between them.

Some models, being in European cities, sit without work, but at the same time, having flown to Asia, they earn good money. Most likely, the point here is precisely in the type, which each model should know for itself. Do not amuse yourself once again with illusions. Earn money and experience, and you can see Paris, and even "die" there at any time free time, and with all the amenities.

In China, cute faces are accepted with porcelain skin. In Japan - children's round. In Turkey, they want hips of 93 cm. Still, the modeling business remains a business, there is no escape from supply and demand.

strong face

Wild look, sharp cheekbones and very expressive features, long legs and enviable thinness. According to many - the most "cool" type. Beginning models, and not only, strive to look like this, drawing in their cheeks until bruises appear, and even manage to do this on snaps. Looks ridiculous. Girls, owners of this type do not need to cast wild glances and somehow deform their faces, as mother nature has created them.


I heard many times that now this is the most popular type of face in modeling. Usually large expressive eyes, neat nose, small, inflated lips, round face. Such dolls. Looking 15-16 years old, even if you are already in your second decade, is a common thing for them.

Strange look

The pursuit of this face type never stops. If you hear from friends: “Which one of you is a model? You have a strange face! ”, - quickly run to the agency. Scouts strive to grab a model with this type. These girls can be ugly, and not have strict facial features, and be, at first glance, not commercially in demand. But there is something exciting about them. I will give examples, and you will immediately understand what I mean.

commercial face

The very word "commerce" speaks for itself. This is advertising and making money. Such faces are considered beautiful according to the laws of society, both in modeling and in life. You can hear this version from those who didn’t eat carrots and didn’t work out in childhood, in short, they didn’t grow up: “Well, there are models and photo models, the latter are owners of commercial entities.” They err, there is no such division. It’s just that this particular type has an ideal, precise face that radiates feminine beauty and charm. It is them that you see in advertisements for perfumes, cosmetics and different brands. They attract attention, which means they sell the product they advertise well.

Take a close look at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your chances, determine your type and the country in which you can really make money. Better yet, my advice to you is to find yourself a good parent agency that will do everything much more professionally. How I did it when I got into The Personal Model Management. I always thought that I had a baby-face, but here it turned out - commerce with a touch of the classics. Yes, and it happens, we are all so different and unique. We can combine many types, which allows us to work in many markets and in many countries.

P.S. I wanted to apologize. For what? I think many, based on my promise in the previous article, expected the topic of Asia's cooperation with the Big Four countries. But do not worry, we will definitely consider all the nuances of this issue.
