Care for dry elbows. Elbow Care

Every woman pays a lot of attention to face and hand care. But the fair sex often forgets about the elbows, which leads to very unpleasant consequences: the skin becomes rough, dark and may even begin to crack, which causes discomfort and even pain. As a rule, in this situation, all forces are rushed to eliminate the consequences of an indifferent attitude to the skin on the elbows. Obviously, this problem is easier to prevent than to fix.

Elbow skin care does not require special conditions and expensive products. Everything you need for care can be easily found at home. The main thing is to know a few simple rules and secrets for elbow skin care.

Cleansing the skin of the elbows

Any cosmetic procedure begins with cleansing. This is the first rule of skin care. It is necessary to clean the skin of the elbows before water procedures.

You can clean the skin of the elbow with ordinary body scrubs. Usually they are applied to wet skin and kept for 2-3 minutes, then gently treated with a sponge and washed off with warm water.

A good cleansing effect is achieved with a regular raw potato with lemon. The potatoes are rubbed on a grater, lemon juice is dripped there. The mixture is applied to the elbows and kept for 5-10 minutes. This procedure also has a whitening effect.

To simplify the procedure, you can lubricate your elbows several times with a slice of lemon or a slice of raw potatoes for 10 minutes.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

Moisturizing the skin should be carried out immediately after water procedures. For this, vegetable oils at hand are very effective: olive, corn, sunflower, cosmetic (any).

You need to rub the oil into the skin after it is completely dry. Rubbing movements should be light, as the skin on the elbows is prone to cracking. This procedure must be performed every time after cleansing.

Vegetable oils have a unique ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. At the same time, they retain moisture, relieve irritation and activate regenerating processes. Vegetable oils contain the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the skin. With regular use, even the roughest problematic skin will become soft and tender.

If the skin on the elbows requires treatment, then oil compresses will help. To do this, a cotton pad is moistened in slightly warmed oil and applied to the elbow, which is fixed with a bandage for 20-30 minutes. For serious problems, the compress is left overnight. After removing the compress, the skin is washed and lubricated with a greasy cream.

Skin whitening on elbows

Very often the skin on the elbows darkens. It looks very unaesthetic, especially in the warm season. Elbow care includes a whitening procedure. As already noted, lemon juice is quite effective for this purpose. It can be added to other tools, or you can use it on its own.

Fresh cucumber and parsley have a whitening effect. You can treat the skin of the elbows with these products 15 minutes before taking a bath.

Exfoliation of rough skin

If the skin on the elbows is rough, then it is necessary to take measures to eliminate dead particles. For this, cosmetic products based on fruit acids are very useful. You can use the funds several times a week. The duration of treatment depends on the condition of the skin and the depth of the problem.

Exfoliation of the skin on the elbows is a rather lengthy procedure, it is performed within 10-15 days. At the same time, you need to exfoliate daily. After removing dead particles, you need to carefully care for the renewed skin with the help of special creams and ointments.

Elbow skin care products

Cosmetic stores abound with elbow care products. When choosing a remedy, pay attention to the composition. Usually the composition includes plant extracts, vitamins and oils. Best for elbow skin care are products with vitamins A, E and F. Ointments and creams based on linseed oil and extracts from cinquefoil, calendula and licorice are very effective. These funds are applied before bedtime.

There are several types of Vaseline-based products that are protective and used throughout the day.

Aromatherapy for elbows

Aromatherapy with the use of essential oils occupies a special place among the caring procedures. Useful for elbows:

  • rosewood oil;
  • sandalwood oil;
  • orange tree oil;
  • avocado oil.

Means can be used separately, and can be mixed in equal amounts. It is useful to mix oils with honey, and make masks and compresses from the resulting mixture.

Rough skin on the elbows can be not only the result of improper care, but a symptom of some diseases. If, after careful care, the skin on the elbows is still bothering you, then you should consult a doctor.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

- one of the most secret women's secrets. However, this part of the body is very symbolic. After all, every girl dreams that the chosen one will lead her “under white hands” to a holiday, a gala reception or to the crown. And at this moment it is important that the elbow does not fail and pleasantly hit the man with the softness and smoothness of the skin.

Although they seduce men not with elbows, but a real woman will always find a few minutes a day to keep these parts of the body tender and soft.

Dry elbows: what to do?

The degree of dryness of the skin on the elbows is determined, first of all, by natural data. How many times a day it is necessary to pay attention to the elbows during hygiene procedures is an individual question.

Main cause of dry elbows lies in the age-old habit of leaning on them with the whole body at the table. The skin constantly rubs against a hard surface, coarsens, blood flow is disturbed, and therefore requires many times more nutrients when compared with other parts of the body. This is facilitated, of course, by a sedentary lifestyle and work indoors.

1. The first tip for keeping elbows soft and tender is posture strengthening , regular exercise on the muscles of the back. By the way, even the norms of etiquette require that during meals or sedentary work, the hands gently touch the surface of the table only with the hand or wrist.

2. The second tip is related to daily care. It is necessary to do regularly while taking a bath gentle peeling on the elbows , then lubricate them with a rich nourishing cream. And it is not necessary to fork out for expensive branded funds. Sometimes fat baby creams with added vitamin A and E help better.

The cream is rubbed with soft massaging movements, after which it takes some time for it to be well absorbed. Do not wipe off immediately - the cream should be absorbed naturally, so the skin will take as much as it really needs. After 5-10 minutes, the remains of the cream can be removed (wet) with a napkin.

3. The third tip will be needed if daily care is not enough. it oil baths . The scheme is simple: several oils are mixed in a wide container, then the mixture is slightly heated. The elbows are lowered for several minutes into a container with oils, then the product is rubbed into the skin with massaging movements and left to be absorbed.

Can do oil compress - wrap the treated area of ​​​​skin with cellophane and a cloth to keep warm for a couple of hours.

Folk remedies for dry elbows

A number of tips are related to traditional medicine. This is truly a storehouse of wisdom saved time for a modern woman! Folk remedies for the care of elbows are numerous and varied.

First of all, for the softness of the skin on the elbows, you can use wraps based on fish oil, melted lard (lard), castor oil.

A compress based on an oil extract from horse chestnut , for which a gauze napkin soaked in it is applied to the elbows for 10 minutes. They also recommend bleaching and emollients for the skin of the elbows. Their main ingredients are cucumber and lemon juice. In order for the skin of the elbows to brighten, it is necessary to use lotions based on them.

Periodic rubbing of elbows sauerkraut juice relieves redness and possible cracks. A mixture of ammonia and glycerin in equal proportions will soften the skin of the elbows well. Such a tool must be stored in a tightly closed container, it is necessary to lubricate the elbows with it regularly until the expected effect appears.

Roughness of the skin of the elbows will eliminate the remedy from seventy percent alcohol, glycerin and vinegar in the ratio 2:2:1. A daily compress at night will soften even the most rough skin. After three nights spent with a compress, traditional medicine recommends cleaning it with a pumice stone or peeling and generously smearing it with a nourishing cream. This product also has an exfoliating effect. If it is problematic to apply at night, you can make such a compress in the daytime, keeping the mixture on the skin of your elbows for 1 hour.

Try it, dear women, take care of yourself, be happy and delight others with your beauty!

Dry skin on the elbows is a much more serious problem than it might seem at first glance. What are the causes of dry skin, and how to deal with it, you will learn from this article.

Causes of dry skin on the elbows

Various factors can cause increased dryness and severe peeling of the skin on the elbows. As a rule, such a problem appears immediately for several reasons, both external and internal. It can be:

  • endocrine problems. Such reasons are accompanied by certain changes in the hormonal background, which, in turn, negatively affects the condition of the skin.
  • Sudden changes in temperature, change of seasons. It is during these periods that certain changes in the activity of the sebaceous glands begin to occur, which will affect the condition of the skin.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body. In order for the skin to be in good condition, vitamins E and A are required without fail. If the body experiences a serious lack of these vitamins, the nail plate begins to peel, the skin on the elbows peels, hair loss, etc.
  • Various mechanical influences. This problem often occurs in people who sit at the table for a long time every day, leaning on a hard surface with their elbows.
  • Eczema- This unpleasant disease is accompanied by inflammation. Some types of eczema can appear as a result of contact with low-quality synthetic things.
  • Wrong care. It is worth remembering that the skin on the elbows needs increased hydration and nutrition. Therefore, if it is not regularly moisturized, but hard water and aggressive detergents are constantly used, the use of cosmetics with numerous chemical elements, the elbows begin to dry out, crack, and peel off.
  • hot tub. This method helps to get rid of tension, especially with the addition of sea salt to water, foam or aromatic oils. However, such relaxing procedures can provoke increased dryness of the skin, because the water contains chlorine.

Dry skin on elbows: how to get rid of it

Thanks to a large number of different methods, everyone will be able to choose the most suitable for him. However, in order to achieve the goal and completely get rid of this problem, you must first eliminate the cause that provoked this phenomenon.

Moisturizing with aloe vera

Aloe vera is an amazing natural moisturizer that can deal with dry skin anywhere on the body.

How to use aloe vera: Extract the gel from the fleshy leaf of aloe vera. Apply it to your elbows. After 20 minutes, wash off the remaining gel with warm water. Repeat once or twice a day for several weeks.

Vaseline Skin Care

This is another affordable and effective remedy for keeping the skin soft on the elbows. It relieves irritation and itching, smoothes the surface of the body.

It is better to use it before bedtime: Wash your elbows thoroughly with warm water and dry them with a towel. Apply a thick layer of Vaseline to your elbows. Cover them with an elastic bandage and go to bed. Wash off the next morning with warm water. Repeat daily.

Softness of coconut oil

This popular all over natural remedy is highly moisturizing and can provide effective elbow care. It contains vitamin E, which reduces dry skin.

How to use it: Lightly warm up a little coconut oil in the microwave. Rub the warm oil well into the skin of your elbows. Gently massage the skin for deep penetration of the product. Repeat the procedure every day after taking a shower and before going to bed. Coconut oil can be replaced with olive or almond oil.

Dry skin on the elbows - Soft peeling

One of the important steps in skin care, especially prone to dryness, is gentle exfoliation. It will help rid your elbows of peeling and dead cells so that the skin looks better.

Peeling is recommended after bathing and showering, when the skin is damp and warm. You can exfoliate your elbows with a rough cloth, washcloth, brush or sponge. In this case, you can not press too hard on the skin, so as not to damage it.

Finally, a moisturizing fat cream or a few drops of olive oil is applied to the skin to restore hydration. It is not recommended to get involved in the procedure. It is enough to repeat it no more than once or twice a week.

Olive oil and sugar

These two natural ingredients make a great home exfoliator. The texture of sugar will work well with old cells, and the beneficial composition of olive oil will soften and deeply moisturize rough skin.

For this you need: In a small bowl, mix a quarter cup of sugar with the same amount olive oil. You can add some honey to them.

Massage this scrub on the elbows for a few minutes. Wait 10 minutes. Wash off the remaining scrub with warm water. Cream at the end is optional. Do this exfoliation once a week.

honey mask

Dry skin on the elbows - with the help of honey, you can get an amazing natural cream that saves from dryness and flaking of the skin. It moisturizes and retains moisture in the skin.

To use honey as a mask, you should: Apply organic honey on the elbows. Leave for 20 minutes. Wash elbows with warm water. Repeat twice a day until you get the desired result.

Alternatively, some honey can be mixed with the same amount of milk. Apply the mixture on your elbows before showering. Wait 10 minutes and wash it off. Repeat daily until a positive result.

Calming Oatmeal

Oats are known for their soothing and nourishing properties. It can also be useful in the fight against dry elbows.

For this you will need: Mix two tablespoons of finely ground oatmeal with enough milk to make a paste. Apply it on your elbows and let it dry on its own. Wash off the residue with water and repeat once a day until the skin recovers.

Shea butter for dry skin

Shea butter works as a great moisturizer and can remove dead skin cells to even out skin tone. Hydration helps to maintain vitamins A and E, fatty acids in the composition of the oil.

You need to rub a small amount of shea butter in the palm of your hand, warming it up. Apply it on dry elbows. Massage them for a few minutes so that the product is absorbed into the skin. Leave overnight. Repeat daily or as needed.

Homemade glycerin cream

Like petroleum jelly, glycerin is a frequent guest in the home first aid kit. It is also often used to soften the rough skin of the hands on various parts of the body, including the elbows. It is no coincidence that glycerin is included in the composition of various moisturizing cosmetics.

Here's how it can be applied: Mix equal amounts of glycerin and water. Distribute on the surface of dry elbows. Wait 20 minutes and wash off. Do this twice a day.

Alternative option: Mix a tablespoon each of glycerin and coconut oil. Before going to bed, rub the elbows with massaging movements. In the morning, wash off the residue with cool water. The procedure is suitable for daily use.

Dry skin on elbows - Banana exfoliation

A simple and effective way to keep your elbows soft is to rub them with the inside of banana skins. The fatty acids it contains help to moisturize the elbows to reduce dryness and itching. Antioxidants protect against darkening of the skin.

For this you need: Gently rub your elbows with the inside of the banana peel for 5-10 minutes. Allow the remaining pulp to remain on the skin for about 20 minutes. Rinse them with cool water. Apply 2-3 times a day until desired results appear.

All of the above tips will be useful, but you need to adhere to the main rules of skin care:

  • If the dry skin on the elbows not only peels off, but rather painful cracks appear, you need to seek help from a doctor. It is better not to ignore this symptom, otherwise more serious problems may appear.
  • With the onset of the cold season, you need to take multivitamin complexes, thanks to which the development of beriberi and other diseases can be prevented, and well-being improves significantly.
  • The use of various baths and oils will give the desired result only if they are used regularly. At least two weeks of intensive rehabilitation therapy will be needed to solve the problem. Then you need to constantly use moisturizing and nourishing products to maintain skin condition.
  • It is necessary to monitor nutrition - the menu should contain various products that contain vitamins E, A, D.
  • Do not lean too often and strongly on a table or other objects with a hard surface, because of this, the skin becomes very rough and rough.

Partial sources:,

Secrets of the beauty of Queen Cleopatra. Recipes for the rejuvenation of Egyptian women (video)


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

When caring for the skin of the face and hands, we quite often forget that the skin on the elbows also requires attention. Remember how often you observe darkening and coarsening of the skin on the elbow? As a rule, we catch on only when a problem overtakes us - the skin on the elbows becomes rough and begins to crack.

So how do you take care of your elbows at home so that the skin on them always remains soft and beautiful? In fact, there is nothing new and surprising here. It is only required to periodically carry out procedures for moisturizing and exfoliating the skin on the elbows. And how exactly to do it yourself, we'll talk now.

Cleansing the skin of the elbows

This procedure must be carried out continuously. It should be done before taking a shower. To cleanse the skin, you can use a regular raw potato or lemon. By the way, the latter has not only a cleansing effect on the skin, but also antiseptic and whitening.

These products should treat the skin of the elbows 15-20 minutes before taking a shower. It is advisable to do this every day before water procedures.

The procedure for moisturizing the skin of the elbow should be carried out immediately after taking a shower. To do this, you can use any vegetable oils that you have on hand.
You need to rub the oils after the skin of the elbows is completely dry. At the same time, you need to do this procedure every time after cleansing.

Vegetable oils have the ability to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis, relieving irritation and facilitating the activation of regenerating processes. At the same time, it is oils that are highly effective in terms of moisturizing and nourishing. Therefore, with regular use, even the roughest skin will become soft over time.

To speed up the process of treating rough skin, you can resort to the use of oil compresses. To do this, any vegetable oil is slightly heated, then a cotton swab is moistened in it, which is applied to the elbow bend and fixed with a bandage. The compress should be left on all night. And in the morning it is necessary to treat the dry skin of the elbows with a rich nourishing cream.

Elbow skin whitening

Elbow skin care also includes a skin whitening procedure. It is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of dark spots. As mentioned above, for this procedure, you can use slices of fresh lemon.

Parsley and fresh cucumber also have a whitening effect. They can also treat the skin of the elbows 15-20 minutes before taking a shower.

If the skin on the elbows has begun to peel off, then you need to use products that help eliminate dead particles. To do this, you can buy creams and ointments based on fruit acids at any cosmetics store. They should be used several times a week. The duration of treatment directly depends on the initial condition of the skin.

It is worth noting that in order to improve efficiency, during the period of skin treatment, it is better to refuse to use ordinary soap during water procedures. It must be replaced with other personal care products that are gentle on the skin and contain glycerin.

If the skin on the elbows is very dry and cracks appear on it, then you need to use these products for two weeks. However, they should be used every day. Then it is worth periodically using creams and ointments so that in the future this problem will no longer arise.

Vitamins for skin care

Quite often, the main reason for the deterioration of the skin on the elbow is deficiency. This is especially noticeable with a lack of vitamin A and E.
It is these chemical elements that are responsible for the condition and nutrition of the skin, not only on the elbows, but throughout the body. Therefore, when this problem appears, it is advisable to start taking vitamin complexes, especially since this will have a very good effect on your general state of health.

Remember, rough skin on the elbows is just a consequence of improper care for it. This symptom is not a sign of the development of pathological processes, so do not worry and run headlong to the doctor.

You should go to his appointment only if none of the methods used give a positive result and the skin on the elbows begins to crack more and more, causing terrible discomfort. The doctor will be able to select special medications for you that will quickly restore health and beauty to your skin on your elbows.

Elbow care video

Any woman is sensitive to her appearance. Oils, creams and other expensive body skin care products are on the night table of almost everyone and fully justify themselves. But not everyone pays due attention to the skin of the elbows. But she suffers even more than the skin of the hands or heels. Elbow care is more than just moisturizing. Elbow care is a whole complex of actions aimed at maintaining a healthy appearance and smoothness of the skin.

The skin on the elbows is much rougher than the skin on the arms and even the legs. Due to the fact that there are practically no sebaceous glands on the elbow, it does not receive the amount of moisture that would help it maintain smoothness. Therefore, care for this part of the body will be special. The usual light rubbing of the cream into the skin will not be enough. Such an important procedure requires a serious approach.

Elbow care at home occurs in 3 stages. At the end of the working day, when you can already give yourself enough time, you can carry out a set of procedures. The recommended frequency is 2 times a week.

How to make elbows attractive?

Stage 1. Skin cleansing

If you have an uneven elbow color, after the cleansing step, you will notice the result. Divide the lemon into two equal parts (you can take a grapefruit), make a small indentation in it and lower your elbows for 15 minutes. Lemon juice not only whitens the skin and evens out the color, but also perfectly tones the cells.

However, if there are wounds or cracks on the skin, this method will have to be postponed. As a cleansing, a compress of glycerin and vinegar essence, mixed in equal proportions, can be applied to the damaged area. And during washing, you need to walk with a hard washcloth over these areas.

Stage 2. Moisturizing

Since the skin of the elbow is rougher, then the moisturizers should be more oily. The easiest way is to grease with a fat cream, you can use a baby cream. Pay attention to the composition - it should contain plant extracts, vitamins A and B, as well as essential oils.

Oils, for example, olive, corn, burdock are great as a skin moisturizer. It is necessary to warm up any oil to room temperature, pour it into the bath and dip your elbows into it. It is enough to do the procedures for 10-15 minutes, but with a frequency of at least 2 times a week. After that, blot your elbows with a napkin, and when washing, rub with a hard washcloth - the stratum corneum will quickly be removed.

If you don’t have enough time for baths, make a compress of cotton swabs soaked in oil at night. Fix them on the elbow with a bandage and in the morning you will get smooth and soft skin.

Stage 3. Nutrition

The rough skin of the elbows is the result of our negligent attitude towards it. An unbalanced or improper diet can affect the entire body. Lack of vitamins A and E, especially in the off-season, leads to problems with the skin of the elbows, of course, provided that there was sufficient care for it before.

Indeed, in addition to the banal beriberi, we test it for strength in everyday life. For example, when working at a computer, our elbows are constantly in contact with a hard surface, the result is rough and wrinkled skin.

Elbow skin care is just as important and obligatory as facial skin care. Start caring for your elbows as early as possible. Be always beautiful!
