Sedatives for mothers during breastfeeding. Sedatives in tablets

During breastfeeding (BF), the psychological and emotional state of the mother is important. After childbirth, a woman becomes very irritable and aggressive. Possible postpartum depression. If she cannot calm down on her own, then sedatives for nursing mothers will be needed. We will find out further what kind of sedatives there are, what effect they have and which ones can be taken by a nursing mother.

Causes of irritability and depression

Why does depression appear? The mechanism of its occurrence is simple: during pregnancy, serious changes occur in a woman’s body. After childbirth, the mother’s body and hormonal levels begin to change rapidly. All these changes are aimed at milk production and feeding the baby. And all the forces of the body are aimed precisely at performing this function.

Another reason for the distress of a woman who has given birth is her figure. During childbirth, she ate a lot, her hormonal levels changed, and all this was reflected in her figure. Mom sees stretch marks on her chest and hips, a sagging belly, and begins to get upset.

In addition, it is very difficult for a pregnant woman without helpers. All the time is spent on the child and there is simply no time left for yourself. She begins to get nervous, lashes out at her husband, and then at her child.

All of the above factors lead to the development of irritability and depression in a woman. If she cannot cope on her own, then she can start taking sedatives.

Permitted sedatives

When figuring out what sedatives a nursing mother can take, you should first consult a doctor.

The most popular medications approved for breastfeeding are tinctures of motherwort and valerian.

What sedative medications can you take during breastfeeding? This:

  • Motherwort;
  • Valerian;
  • Glycine;
  • Homeopathic medicinal sedatives that a mother can drink while breastfeeding.


Motherwort is available in the form of filter bags for brewing, tablets and tinctures for oral administration. It has a calming effect, helps with insomnia, and reduces nervous excitability.

The tincture is a solution of motherwort in 70% ethyl alcohol. Contraindicated during breastfeeding.

Directions for use for nursing mothers:

  • filter bags - 2 filter bags (3.0 g) are brewed in 100 ml (1/2 cup) water, covered and left for 15 minutes. Take half a glass orally three times a day an hour before meals. Shake before use;
  • tablets - one tablet 3-4 times a day;
  • tincture (contraindicated during lactation) - dilute 30–50 drops in a quarter glass of water, take 3–4 times a day.


Valerian can be purchased in herbal form or in tablets. The herb has a sedative effect and helps quickly normalize sleep. The medicine is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day. The course lasts 2 weeks. When taking it, a woman must follow the dosage.


Safe during breastfeeding. Available in tablets. Glycine reduces emotional stress and aggressiveness, improves mood, and normalizes sleep.

Take one tablet 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts from 7 to 30 days.

Homeopathic remedies

Popular homeopathic medicines that can be taken during breastfeeding are:


Available in the form of drops or tablets. Indicated for anxiety, irritability, fatigue, mental stress, and sleep disturbances.

Take one tablet or 10 drops 3 times a day.

The question of using the drug Notta during breastfeeding (lactation) is decided by the doctor on an individual basis.


This is a sedative and is allowed during breastfeeding. Contains passionflower extract. Available in tablets and syrup. It helps to quickly get rid of neurosis, stress, and insomnia.

Directions for use for nursing mothers: syrup - 1-2 teaspoons 3 times a day, tablets - one 3 times a day.

This drug, regardless of its release form, is taken before meals.


Available in tablets. Nervohel helps reduce nervous excitability, irritability, and normalizes sleep. It is taken 1 tablet 3 times a day. During lactation (breastfeeding), use with caution, after consultation and under the supervision of a physician.

Remember, in order to achieve the desired effect, all these sedatives for nursing women must be consumed over a long period of time.

Prohibited drugs


Available in tablets. Persen calms and relieves spasms. Indicated for nervous excitability, irritability and insomnia. This product contains valerian 50.00 mg, mint 25.00 mg and lemon balm 25.00 mg.

Mode of application:

  • for nervous excitability and irritability - drink 2-3 tablets 2-3 times a day;
  • for insomnia - 2–3 tablets, 0.5–1 hour before bedtime.

According to the instructions, the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is contraindicated. This is due to the presence of mint in its composition, which can reduce lactation. In addition, the menthol contained in mint, passing into breast milk, can reduce the baby's blood pressure and disrupt the heart rhythm.


Available in the form of syrup or tablets. Novo-Passit contains: lemon balm, hawthorn, St. John's wort, passionflower (passionflower), valerian, elderberry and hops. Indicated for irritability, anxiety, absent-mindedness, insomnia, headaches.

Mode of application:

  • syrup - take undiluted or diluted in a small amount of water, 5 ml 3 times a day before meals;
  • tablets - 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals.

According to the instructions: when using the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped.

Contraindications and side effects

Many sedatives contain alcohol. A nursing mother should avoid such medications.

In addition, we should not forget about the side effects that can occur after a woman uses sedatives. This:

  • decrease or disappearance of lactation;
  • allergic reaction in mother or baby;
  • digestive and sleep disorders in a child.

Remember that if the baby or mother has one of the above symptoms, then you no longer need to take sedatives while breastfeeding.

Folk remedies, children's teas, herbs

Some medicinal herbs also have a calming effect. They can be mixed, brewed and drunk instead of regular tea. Such herbs are:

  • Mint. It has a slight calming effect and helps normalize digestion. It is brewed with chamomile and drunk as a soothing tea. Doctors recommend that nursing women take mint with extreme caution, as it reduces lactation.
  • Chamomile. It has a slight calming effect, helps with hysteria, insomnia, and increased anxiety. Chamomile has a positive effect on the baby's digestive system, but it should not be abused. Breastfeeding women can brew it and drink it instead of tea, but during breastfeeding they can consume no more than 1-2 cups a day.
  • Melissa. An excellent antidepressant. Melissa calms, relaxes, helps with headaches and insomnia, and treats nervous disorders. To make lemon balm tea, you need to brew one tablespoon of the herb in a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour.
    Drink warm tea before bed. Melissa is not recommended for nursing mothers with low blood pressure.
  • Green tea. Used as a base for soothing teas. Herbs are added to green tea when brewing. Note that green tea contains a large amount of caffeine, which can cause sleep disturbances and overstimulation of the nervous system. Drink no more than 2-3 cups per day.
  • Children's soothing teas. The most common are “Granny’s Basket” and “Hipp”. Approved for use by both children and nursing mothers. Due to their herbal composition they are safe. They have a calming effect.
  • St. John's wort. Prohibited during breastfeeding. Breast milk becomes bitter when taken. This sedative negatively affects the child’s digestive system and disrupts his intellectual development.
  • Lavender. It is better to refrain from using it. Lavender is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Allergic reactions may occur.

How do they affect lactation and the baby?

Many breastfeeding women, when choosing a sedative, prefer herbal remedies. Although they are safe, they should be taken with caution. For example, mint reduces milk production. And plants such as fennel, on the contrary, increase it. Valerian and motherwort roots calm a woman and do not reduce a woman's milk production.

Mint - reduces lactation. Fennel and lemon balm - increase. Valerian and motherwort are neutral.

Do not forget that the effect of the sedative extends not only to the mother, but also to the baby. Depending on the drug used, its concentration in breast milk can vary from zero to harmful to the health of the child. Before using any sedative, be sure to read the instructions, in particular: sections on contraindications and use during breastfeeding.

Monitor the baby's condition while taking sedatives. He may develop allergies, insomnia, digestive disorders and nervous system disorders. If any changes are detected in the behavior or health of the child, you should stop taking the drug - it is not suitable for you.

How to calm down on your own without medication

Many women cannot use sedative medications and herbal remedies when breastfeeding. For such mothers, there are special ways to help calm down. This:

  1. relaxing baths;
  2. good sleep;
  3. massage, aromatherapy;
  4. walks and chatting with friends, reading literature.

Refusing to eat while breastfeeding is strictly prohibited. This will not only not help you lose weight, but will also lead to the development of severe depression. Doctors recommend eating small meals at least 6 times a day. New foods can be introduced into your diet after the child is 2-3 months old.

Very often, depression appears due to the fact that the body of a woman who has recently given birth to a child lacks nutrients. They are found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables. But many of them cannot be eaten by a nursing woman at first. Then special vitamin complexes come to the rescue, which can be taken by a nursing mother.

Sweets are also a great mood lifter, but before consuming them you should talk to your therapist and pediatrician.

A woman can also sign up for a swimming pool or gym, but she can only perform light gymnastic exercises. Gymnastics will help a woman not only improve her health and mental state, but also regain her previous shape. Yoga is a great way to relieve stress.

Thus, if a woman experiences long-term depression after childbirth, she needs to do the following:

  • monitor your daily routine and sleep, normalize them;
  • give yourself a break from family responsibilities and the child;
  • eat healthy foods;
  • find a new hobby;
  • transfer housework responsibilities to your husband or relatives.

If compliance with the above rules does not produce an effect, then the woman is recommended to visit her doctor, as well as a psychologist and psychiatrist.

Depression and irritability in a nursing woman are dangerous phenomena that cannot be ignored. In this case, it is not advisable to use any medications. Still, they influence not only the mother, but also the baby. First of all, you need to try to cope with the problem using non-drug means, ask your husband and relatives for help. But if irritability does not leave you, despite your efforts, you can try herbal sedatives. Just be sure to consult your doctor first.

Dessert for today - a video about just one remedy that will save your nerves from stress.

In the life of almost every woman there are two periods when she should pay special attention to her health. This is pregnancy and breastfeeding a newborn. The baby's body is very sensitive to various substances coming from the outside, including from mother's milk. Which ones can a nursing mother drink?

Why is a nursing mother nervous?

The main causes of nervousness in breastfeeding women include:

  • natural changes in hormonal levels;
  • family situation;
  • ailments in the child.

There are several reasons why nervousness increases in women during lactation. Childbirth is always accompanied by the release of natural “happiness hormones” - endorphins, which increase stress resistance and reduce pain. After a successful delivery, their level drops sharply, and the feeling of happiness often changes. Here it is appropriate to draw an analogy with “withdrawal syndrome,” when a person takes medications for a long time and then abruptly stops them.

There is a simpler reason for increased nervousness. A child (especially the first-born) is a serious test for the whole family, first of all for the mother herself. She has to radically change her lifestyle, devoting most of her time to the baby and the household chores associated with his birth.

The husband, no matter how patient and understanding he is, expects the same attention to his person, but often the young mother does not have time to communicate with her husband.

The parents of a married couple usually show intrusiveness in their desire to convey to the young couple all their experience of caring for a baby.

In addition, any baby develops certain health problems from time to time. Even a minor illness in a child becomes serious stress for his mother.

As a result, most nursing mothers develop pronounced nervousness, which they have to combat, including with the help of medications.

How to cope with nervousness during breastfeeding?

The best way to stabilize the nervous system is normal, quality sleep. Any person needs to sleep 6-8 hours in order for the nervous system to recover. Taking into account the fact that the baby needs to be fed at night, and in addition, he may cry periodically (including for banal reasons), a woman rarely manages to get enough sleep, to put it mildly. It is recommended to use any free minute to relax; otherwise, it won’t be long before you have a serious psycho-emotional breakdown. Physical ailment is also possible, since regular and quickly decreases.


To create a normal mood for a young mother, it is advisable to periodically turn on relaxing music (or compositions that she simply likes).

A woman needs to eat regularly. Eating food, albeit briefly, can improve your mood. To maintain optimal body condition, doctors recommend split meals - 5-6 times a day in small portions.

When there is no time or energy left for normal sleep or regular meals, it is strongly recommended to shift at least part of the care of the baby to the father or other close people.

By following these simple rules, you can do without sedatives. Any sedatives, even those created entirely on a natural basis, affect the quality of breast milk, and, therefore, affect the health of the baby. Complications such as an inhibited reaction to external stimuli or even a slowdown in nervous development cannot be ruled out.

Which specialist should I contact?

Before starting to take any medications that calm the nervous system, you should definitely consult with your doctor (local therapist). It is quite possible that the problem can be solved without sedatives.

In particular, if the cause of nervousness is a hormonal imbalance, consultation and treatment with an endocrinologist will be required. The cause of a depressed state or unmotivated anxiety may be pathologies of the thyroid gland. Worsening mood is also caused by almost inevitable hypovitaminosis and.

Issues related to everyday difficulties are within the competence of the psychologist. A psychiatrist or psychotherapist can prescribe certain sedatives.

How to choose a safe sedative while breastfeeding?

It must be remembered that absolutely any substance can be an allergen for a particular child and cause serious consequences for his well-being. Before choosing any sedative drug, it is imperative to consult a specialist.

Some of the safest and most popular drugs among breastfeeding women include:

  • Motherwort;
  • "Novo-Passit";
  • "Persen."

An excellent sedative during lactation is herbal tea made from equal parts of nettle, lemon balm and chamomile. To prepare the drink, take 3 tsp. collection per 1 liter. water.

An absolutely happy new mother with a sweetly sniffling baby in her arms - this is the idyllic picture that most people associate with the birth of a child. But what really? In reality, this rarely happens. After all, most babies at first:

  • express their needs through screaming and crying;
  • suffer from stomach pain - this leads to the baby screaming again;
  • They do not immediately adapt to sleep and wakefulness, which means that parents are guaranteed sleepless or half-sleepy nights for some time.

Important: The situation gets worse if the child is diagnosed with any health problems - and this, according to statistics, does not happen so rarely: in at least 10-15% of cases.

In addition, the young mother herself most often experiences after childbirth:

  • physical discomfort – after all, childbirth is not a carefree walk to the maternity hospital and back;
  • psychological stress of one degree or another - especially when it comes to the birth of the first child;
  • and if the birth was difficult, involving surgery or complications, the mother may need a long time to restore her physical fitness and health.

As a result, it turns out that not all young mothers can enjoy their motherhood and fully care for their baby. According to research, mothers raising infants aged 0 to 3 months often experience:

Increased fatiguein 80% of cases
Tearfulness and suspiciousnessin 75% of cases
Depressed mood, feelings of despondency and melancholyin 70% of cases
Decreased activity and energyin 70% of cases
Irritability and increased nervous excitabilityin 60% of cases
Constant drowsiness and lethargyin 50% of cases
Inability to experience pleasure in life in general and motherhood in particularin 30% of cases

In the presence of such signs of mild disorders of the nervous system, they most often say that a woman needs time to adapt to a new role for her - the role of a mother. Adaptation may take some time - up to six months in some cases. But all this time the woman will be “boiling” in the cauldron of her own decadent thoughts, feeling persistent fatigue and getting irritated about everything and everyone. To prevent this from happening and for the child to have a confident and joyful mother, you can use sedatives.

Most drug labels contain specific instructions regarding the potential risk to the baby when taking this medication during lactation. After all, what a nursing mother consumes will definitely end up in her milk in one form or another, which means the child will become an involuntary accomplice in the healing process. And this will not always benefit the baby; on the contrary, it can harm his health. True, there are several “buts”:

  • the amount of medication in milk is most often significantly lower than in the mother’s blood;
  • some medications do not pass into milk at all;
  • Very few drugs can accumulate in milk;
  • The risk of harm from medications to a child's health is lower the older the child is, the more he weighs, and the more varied foods (besides breast milk) he receives.

However, strong sedatives, most antidepressants, and medications containing alcohol are contraindicated during breastfeeding - they create an unreasonably large load on the liver of a newborn baby, which his body may simply not be able to cope with.

Allowed sedatives

The above does not mean at all that a nursing mother has no chance to balance her nervous system in any other way than by engaging in auto-training and self-hypnosis. There is a range of medications that are allowed during breastfeeding.

Important: Ideally, a nursing woman should agree with her doctor that any medication she takes – even the most harmless herbal decoction!

Name of the sedativeWhat effect doesHow to useOpinion of lactation consultants
Mint – herbal mixtureMild sedative, normalizes digestionIn the form of mint tea, or with the addition of chamomileMint can reduce the amount of milk, should be taken with caution
Chamomile – herbal mixtureMild sedative, taken for hysterics, insomnia, increased anxietyIn the form of tea, no more than 1-2 cups per dayMay have a positive effect on a child's digestion, but should not be overused
Melissa - herbal teaCalms, helps cope with insomniaIn the form of tea or decoction, with the addition of mintEnhances lactation
Motherwort – herbal mixture, tabletsPronounced sedative and relaxing effect, does not cause drowsinessTablets: one 2 times a day for several weeksDo not exceed the indicated dosage, carefully monitor the child’s condition
Valerian – herbal tea, tabletsPronounced sedative effect, normalizes sleepTablets: one three times a day for several daysIf the dosage is exceeded, it can cause anxiety in the mother and nervousness in the child.
Glycine - tabletsCalms, normalizes sleep, eliminates feelings of depression and depressionOne tablet three times a day for a long timeCan be prescribed even to infants and has virtually no contraindications
Novo-Passit – medicinal syrupEffectively relieves nervous tension, normalizes sleep1 tsp. three times a dayUse with caution, may suppress lactation
Notta – homeopathic tablets or dropsIncreases the ability to withstand psycho-emotional overload, normalizes sleep1 tablet or 10 drops three times a day for 1-2 weeksCan be prescribed even to infants, it is safe
Alora – homeopathic tablets or syrupEffective for neuroses, stress conditions, insomnia1 tsp. or one tablet three times a dayNo studies, theoretically safe
Nervohel – homeopathic tabletsHelps reduce nervous excitability and irritability, improves sleep1 tablet three times a dayVirtually safe for children

Important: To achieve a lasting sedative effect and stabilize the nervous system, a young mother may need a fairly long course of taking these medications. You should not expect an immediate effect.

A nursing mother may be confused by the fact that most instructions for these drugs do not contain clear data on their safety during pregnancy and lactation. This is easily explained: after all, drugs have not been tested on pregnant and lactating women, so there is simply no statistical information about their effect. Theoretically, these drugs cannot cause serious harm to the baby’s health, but the following side effects may occur:

  • decreased lactation;
  • lack of visible sedative effect after several days of use;
  • worsening anxiety, nervousness or insomnia in the mother;
  • allergic reactions in mother or child;
  • indigestion in a baby;
  • sleep disorders, causeless crying and whims in the child.

If such symptoms appear, the drug should be stopped immediately.

Video - taking medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. School of Doctor Komarovsky

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?

Sometimes, in order to normalize frayed nerves and a depressed psyche, a young mother may need to consult a psychotherapist. As a rule, this is associated with the development of so-called postpartum depression. In this case, mild sedatives allowed during breastfeeding do not help, and you have to turn to “heavy” medicinal artillery in the form of antidepressants.

Important: Antidepressants should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor! You cannot self-medicate, purchase or take any sedatives that are not of herbal origin!

Only a doctor, having studied the condition of his patient, can come to the conclusion about the need to prescribe her antidepressants - selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Most likely, breastfeeding will have to be stopped during treatment. But in this case, this is not the main thing, but the condition of the young mother, the opportunity to return to her the joy of motherhood, the ability to fully communicate with her baby and care for him.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary if the following signs of postpartum depression are constantly observed for a long time (about a month):

  • low mood, tearfulness and irritability for no apparent reason;
  • weakness and reluctance to do anything, including caring for the child - the young mother does everything “through force”, forcing herself and not experiencing the joy of communicating with the baby;
  • decreased or sharp increase in appetite;
  • insomnia or constant drowsiness (even with full sleep);
  • Mom feels worthless, guilty, distances herself from people close to her, nothing brings her joy and pleasure.

Algorithm for a nursing mother to self-soothe

If a new mother feels that with the birth of her child her life has changed dramatically and not always for the better... If she notices that her nerves are not in order... If she begins to lash out at her family and friends, and family life resembles scenes from a disaster movie... What to do?

Step oneThink and analyzeA young mother should sit down and think about what exactly is wrong in her life. It is best to write down all the thoughts that arise and organize them. You can make a table in which you indicate the negative and positive aspects of the current situation. Then try to analyze the resulting picture: what and how can be changed to make it better
Step twoTry to change the situationAt the previous step, my mother could understand that all she needed to be completely happy was help from her loved ones. This means that you need to get this help and support from them. How? Ask, specifically indicating what you want. A mother cannot cope with both the child and housekeeping on her own, which means that someone else needs to do the cooking, cleaning, and the like. If there are no volunteers: try to limit yourself to a minimum of household chores, just so as not to completely become covered in dust and die of hunger
Step threeChange your attitude towards the situationOften young mothers deplete their entire reserve of physical and mental strength due to the fact that they are trying to do everything with an A+. Such conquest of heights and the desire to be perfect in everything cannot lead to good. Therefore, you should throw all your energy into spending as much time as possible with your child, just enjoying what he is, and not trying to be an ideal wife-mother-housewife-daughter-in-law, etc. simultaneously. Moreover, there are simply no clear requirements for ideality - this is an initially unattainable peak
Step fourMy own therapistIf suddenly your nerves are once again frayed, you need to try a set of home psychotherapeutic measures: have a heart-to-heart talk with a loved one, take a relaxing bath, get distracted and go somewhere, get yourself a new hairstyle and just watch an interesting movie. All this provided that there is someone to look after the baby
Step fiveOr maybe valerian?If the previous steps did not have the desired effect, you can seek help from sedatives allowed during breastfeeding
Step sixSeek help from a doctorAs a rule, few people take this step. And in vain. Indeed, according to statistics, postpartum depression develops in more than 50% of women giving birth. And in this case, the doctor is the best assistant. Perhaps medication assistance will not even be required - only psychotherapy and light sedatives based on herbs, allowed during breastfeeding, will be enough

Pregnant and lactating women are not allowed to take all medications. And even decoctions of many herbs are strictly taboo. What to do if your emotional state has become unstable, you have become irritable and worry about trifles? More about this in our article.

Why does a woman become irritable after childbirth?

After giving birth, every woman’s life changes dramatically. Having arrived from the maternity hospital and being left alone with the baby, without the opportunity to ask for advice from a doctor or nurse, a new mother does not always know what to do in a given situation. Often, babies begin to have tummy problems during the first month of life. The child cries often and sleeps poorly. The mother begins to feel tired, she is not always able to get a good night's sleep, and during the day the baby does not allow her to rest at all. And if we add to this the hormonal changes in the body that occur after childbirth, then we end up with an irritable, nervous mother who often worries and cries over little things.

Caring for a small child takes a lot of time and effort

In addition, if previously a woman managed to do everything around the house and took care of herself, then after giving birth all her time is spent caring for the baby. The house becomes a mess, there is no time to comb your hair and no one allows you to eat in peace. Over time, when the baby grows up a little and you get used to the new way of life, your past experiences will remain only a memory. Well, immediately after giving birth, there is nothing surprising in constant mood changes, uncertainty in one’s actions and emotional breakdowns.

Rules for taking sedatives

Sedatives sold in pharmacies will help stabilize the emotional background after childbirth. But not all of them are allowed for a nursing mother.

Approved products for breastfeeding

Drugs allowed during lactation include:

  1. It is better to take it in tablet form. A nursing mother is allowed 1–2 tablets per day, no more. You need to drink valerian in courses of 10 days. Then be sure to take a break and, if necessary, repeat. The drug is very well tolerated, there are no side effects. Valerian not only calms the nerves, but also improves sleep. In case of overdose, dizziness, lethargy, and drowsiness may occur.
  2. also sold in tablet form. The drug is completely natural and harmless. They also take it 1-2 tablets a day, not as a course, but as needed. Motherwort improves overall well-being and sleep, has a positive effect on heart function and normalizes blood pressure, and has an anti-edematous and hemostatic effect. Motherwort, like valerian, can be taken in the form of a decoction. For this, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry collection is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, infused and taken 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.
  3. Mint, lemon balm, verbena. All of these herbs also have a calming effect and improve sleep. Please be aware that this may reduce your milk supply. Verbena and lemon balm, on the contrary, enhance lactation. You can add chamomile and nettle to this tea, as well as a little honey.
  4. - one of the safest sedatives. It is even prescribed to newborn babies for sleep problems. Take glycine 1-2 tablets up to three times a day. The tablets must be dissolved until completely dissolved in the mouth. Allergic reactions in the form of rashes and skin itching are possible as side effects.
  5. Novo-Passit. This drug includes a complex of medicinal herbs. But, in addition, the product contains additional chemical compounds and dyes. Novo-Passit has a pronounced sedative (calming) effect, normalizes sleep, and improves the general condition of the body. Its use during breastfeeding is possible only after consultation with a doctor.. The drug can cause allergies in the child and, if possible, it is better to replace it with a safer drug.
  6. Persen is a herbal preparation containing excipients - stabilizers. The active components of the drug are extracts of valerian, lemon balm and mint. They cause a sedative and antidepressant effect and increase the activity of the body's immune system. Taking Persen while breastfeeding is also not advisable and is possible only after consulting a doctor.
  7. Nervohel is a homeopathic drug that contains: Ignacia bitters extract, phosphoric acid, valerian-zinc salt, cuttlefish ink, etc. The drug is prescribed for increased anxiety, mood swings, depression, lack of good sleep. Possible side effects include an allergic reaction in the form of itching and skin rash. Nervochel can be used during breastfeeding only after consultation with a doctor.

Photo gallery: drugs allowed during breastfeeding

Novo-Passit is used during breastfeeding after consultation with a doctor. Persen is a sedative of herbal origin.
Valerian calms nerves and improves sleep
Glycine is one of the most harmless sedatives
Motherwort is great for calming and improving overall well-being.

The most harmless drugs are considered to be tablets of glycine, valerian and motherwort. There will be no harm to the baby from taking them. But their effect is somewhat lower than that of Novo-Passit and Persen, for example. It all depends on the degree of nervous tension of the nursing mother. If possible, it is better to limit yourself to mild medications.

Prohibited means

When breastfeeding, it is strictly forbidden to use alcohol tinctures of any herbs. Since the alcohol contained in them passes into breast milk and can negatively affect the baby’s health. Nursing mothers can take herbs only in the form of tablets or decoctions.

Alcohol tinctures of herbs should not be used during breastfeeding.

Also, the following are considered prohibited drugs:

  1. Tenoten. This is a medicine with an anti-anxiety, calming effect. Tenoten helps to better tolerate emotional stress and stress. The drug is prescribed for increased nervous excitability, stress, depression, and neuroses. Taking the product is allowed only from 18 years of age. The safety of taking Tenoten while breastfeeding has not been studied, so it is better to replace it with a more proven and safe one.
  2. Afobazole is a fairly strong sedative. It is used for increased irritability, a tendency to depression, frequent feelings of anxiety, and sleep disorders. The drug is absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it directly affects receptors in the nerve cells of the brain.

Afobazole is contraindicated during breastfeeding

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe Tenoten for a nursing mother. This happens if the benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the baby. Afobazole is practically not used during breastfeeding.

In addition to herbs and medications, the use of which can negatively affect the baby, a nursing mother always has many alternative ways to rest, relax and, therefore, calm her frayed nerves.

In order for your emotional state to be stable, it is very important to get enough sleep.. To feel good, you need to sleep at least 7–8 hours. It is advisable to have uninterrupted sleep.

In addition, a nursing mother needs to eat normally and on time.. Meals should be every 3-4 hours. This also affects your mood and overall well-being. If you can’t get enough sleep or eat in peace, it’s better to entrust the baby to dad or grandma for a while.

If everything is fine with your sleep and nutrition, but you continue to feel nervous, you should try the following relaxation methods:

  1. Sometimes relaxing music helps you calm down. Psychologists recommend listening to it from time to time.
  2. Warm bath. You can supplement it with foam or salt, or take your favorite magazine with you. And let the whole world wait.
  3. Reading interesting books. Even if you feel like you don’t have time for it, try to read at least a few pages a day. This perfectly distracts from negative thoughts, relaxes and diversifies life. You can choose works to suit your taste; it can be everyone’s favorite classics or modern masterpieces.
  4. Watching your favorite movies.
  5. Meeting with friends, going to the theater or cinema, shopping, etc. Such days also need to be arranged sometimes, otherwise chronic fatigue can result in increased nervousness or depression.

Reading is a great way to relieve fatigue and overcome depression

The author of the article, guided by his own experience, advises more often resorting to the above methods of relaxation. For the past five years, books, music and favorite films have helped me avoid stress. If I feel like my nerves are on edge, I always have motherwort at hand, but I use it extremely rarely.

Hormonal changes in the body of a woman who has given birth to a child often lead to postpartum depression, drowsiness or lack of sleep, and constant fatigue. But women have no time to think about how to help themselves, because... the child takes up all his free time, and the husband wants attention. As a result, the mother’s nervous system suffers and, accordingly, she takes out her negativity on loved ones. Therefore, a woman simply needs to figure out what exactly is bothering her and choose a sedative for nursing mothers that will help her and protect her from the consequences of the child.

A sedative during lactation can be taken and is even necessary, but you should remember that the main thing is not to harm the baby, because The body is still weak and taking strong medications is strictly prohibited by pediatricians. Such sedatives for nursing mothers, which contain bromine and alcohol, are not recommended; in case of urgent need - very carefully, in a minimal dosage and stop breastfeeding while taking it.

What sedatives can nursing mothers use?

Doctors recommend such sedatives for lactation as novopassit, persen, which contain exclusively herbal extracts. These are mainly valerian officinalis, peppermint, lemon balm. Or take it in the form of infusions of the same herbs, collected or separately.

So, what kind of sedative can be given to breastfeeding women? Valerian is an excellent remedy for calming mommy’s nerves; you just need to ask the pharmacy for “Bulgarian” valerian in tablets. Calming tablets for nursing mothers are sold in the form of tablets of 10 pieces. tablets and 5 such plates in a box. It is recommended to take 2 tablets a day in the morning and in the evening, the result is felt in the very first days of taking it, and even saves you from stress, and copes perfectly with birth depression.

Also a good remedy are soothing teas for nursing mothers, such as an infusion of motherwort or mint with lemon balm. You need to brew it in the morning - 1 teaspoon per 250 ml. boiling water, pour in and let stand, then strain and drink the weak infusion in small sips throughout the day. If the child does not have allergies, you can add a spoonful of honey to the tea. It is worth monitoring lactation, because... mint may reduce milk production.

Individuality in the selection of sedatives for nursing

Any sedative for nursing must first be taken in minimal doses. And see the child’s reaction - whether it will cause drowsiness, stomach upset, or other changes in the baby’s behavior.

Sedatives for nursing are varied, as is the degree of irritability and fatigue of the mother, so you need to choose a sedative for nursing that suits you personally and helps cope with psychological stress. After all, a child does not need a tired and embittered mother, who only thinks about resting; he needs a cheerful and friendly one, with whom it is always fun and interesting. So, having tried various sedatives during lactation and made sure that they do not harm the baby and help cope with fatigue, you can safely take them and live a full life.

Calming medications for nursing mothers are, first of all, herbal-based antidepressants and herbal infusions; you can also recommend a relaxing bath with foam and aromatic oils, spending more time in the fresh air and attracting your husband and relatives to help care for the child, thus leaving time for rest and proper sleep.

Sedatives during lactation should be chosen individually. Glycine does not help some, valerian does not help others. There is no remedy that will help everyone even after the first use. It must be remembered that the treatment of postpartum depression is a long process and the body adjusts to herbal preparations over a long period of use, so you need to be patient, love yourself and not forget that only systematic use of the chosen sedative will help maintain lactation and relationships with others and yourself.
