Types of miscarriages. General risk factors

A miscarriage is considered to be an interruption of pregnancy before 22 weeks or when the fetal weight is less than 500 g, regardless of the presence or absence of signs of fetal life.

How does a miscarriage occur?

A miscarriage is the premature exit of the fetus from the mother's body. There are two options for this process, which directly depend on the timing of pregnancy.

The first option is a miscarriage by type of rejection. This type of miscarriage is observed in the first trimester of pregnancy as a result of an immune conflict between the mother and fetus. As a result, the functions of the future placenta are disrupted and antibodies are produced to the cells of a “foreign” body. In this case, the chorion is destroyed, and the fertilized egg is expelled from the uterine cavity. The process is accompanied by bleeding of varying degrees - most often it is heavy bleeding.

The second type of miscarriage occurs according to the type of birth, and is observed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The main role in this variant is played by a change in the tone of the uterus - a significant increase in the tone of the uterine muscles or insufficiency of the uterine closure apparatus. In this case, contractions, opening of the cervix and the birth of the fetus are observed.

How to understand that a miscarriage has occurred?

During miscarriages in the first trimester, nagging pain occurs in the lower abdomen, spotting red-brown discharge appears, bleeding may appear, and sometimes the urge to urinate and defecate. In this case, the fetus completely or partially leaves the uterine cavity with blood clots.

At later stages, a miscarriage occurs as a premature birth with contractions and cramping pain, the release of amniotic fluid and the fetus with its membranes, in whole or in part.

What to do if there is a miscarriage?

If you notice the appearance of bloody discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, consult your doctor immediately, as there is still a chance of continuing the pregnancy until heavy bleeding occurs. If there is heavy bleeding, hospitalization is necessary, since large blood loss, blood poisoning and death for the woman are possible. It is usually not possible to maintain pregnancy in such cases.

If a late-term miscarriage occurs, a visit to the doctor or hospitalization is also necessary, since fetal membranes may remain in the uterine cavity, the infection of which poses a threat to the life and health of the mother.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs at home?

If you have any miscarriage or suspect one, immediately call a doctor or an ambulance! Try to clearly and clearly tell the dispatcher your address, the symptoms that are bothering you and the timing of your pregnancy.

You should also know what a woman should do before help arrives if a miscarriage occurs:

  1. Lie on the bed and place a folded blanket or pillow under your buttocks to help reduce bleeding.
  2. Cold (an ice pack, if you don’t have one - any frozen food, wrapped in a towel, a heating pad with as cold water as possible) on the lower abdomen.
  3. Remember your blood type and Rh factor (you may need a blood transfusion). It is better to write down this information and put a note next to it.
  4. Do not throw away diapers, towels and blood-soaked materials - the doctor needs them to assess blood loss.
  5. Monitor your general condition - measure your blood pressure and pulse before the doctor arrives.
  6. If possible, prepare a set of instruments for gynecological examination and curettage.

What happens after a miscarriage?

After a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, fetal membranes, blood clots, and remnants of amniotic fluid remain in the birth canal, which become infected and decompose. Complete release of all membranes is extremely rare, which requires diagnostic curettage of the remains from the uterine cavity and suturing of ruptures, if any.

Spontaneous miscarriages are a signal about the need for examination to prevent future miscarriages. It is necessary to find out the cause of the miscarriage and eliminate it. In the early stages of pregnancy, miscarriages rarely threaten a woman’s reproductive health and more often prevent the birth of a child with chromosomal developmental abnormalities, often incompatible with life.

An early miscarriage can quickly put an end to all the happy plans of future parents. It is not always possible to avoid such developments, but the expectant mother has the opportunity to reduce the threat of spontaneous abortion to a minimum.

Spontaneous abortion in the first trimester occurs most painlessly both from the point of view of physiology and for the mental state of the woman. Often, a failed mother learns about an interesting situation after a spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy occurs as follows. Rejection of the fertilized egg begins with pain in the lower abdomen, comparable to the condition during menstruation. Bleeding gradually develops. The discharge is much more abundant than during normal menstruation. At the final stage, a large clot comes out, similar to a bubble of blood.

Even the rapid cessation of bleeding and the absence of pain are grounds for immediate medical attention. Such measures will help avoid possible complications. If some of the detached tissue remains in the uterus, the patient needs to undergo cleaning.

Types of pathology

Depending on the moment when spontaneous abortion occurred after conception, there are four types of miscarriage:

  1. Termination of biochemical pregnancy. The embryo, which is only a clot of cells, is separated from the surface of the uterine epithelium. The patient begins to experience spotting, which differs from typical menstruation in that it begins with a slight delay. Usually the phenomenon occurs before the third week from the moment of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus.
  2. Early miscarriage, occurring before 12 weeks. At this time, the developing fertilized egg is small in size and leaves the woman’s body with virtually no consequences.
  3. Late miscarriage, occurring between 12 and 22 weeks. Despite the fact that the limbs and most of the internal organs are practically formed, there is no chance to save the baby.
  4. Premature birth. Starting from the sixth month, if the child was able to gain at least 0.5 kg of weight, there is a chance to save a small life. Premature newborns usually require resuscitation and long-term rehabilitation.

Termination of fetal life does not necessarily occur due to spontaneous rejection. Sometimes a pregnant woman needs help to provoke an early miscarriage. Such a measure is necessary when the child is obviously not viable, but the patient’s body, for a certain reason, has not performed the abortive function. There are several main indications for medical termination of pregnancy:

  1. Chorioadenoma is a violation of the normal development of the embryo, when the fertilized egg does not develop into a full-fledged organism. As a result, a clot of undifferentiated cells forms in the uterus, gradually increasing in size like a tumor.
  2. Anembryony. Pregnancy actually ends before the embryo is formed, in the early stages. The process usually ends in the death of the fetus in the first month, but sometimes the help of doctors is required.
  3. Frozen pregnancy (failed miscarriage). It is asymptomatic and can only be diagnosed by ultrasound. Without the help of a surgeon, there is a serious danger to the mother's life.

Reasons for unfavorable outcome

There are many reasons for the spontaneous death of an embryo in the first trimester, but not everything can be controlled and prevented. Often a woman can only accept it and try to get pregnant again.

A whole range of causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy are determined by genetics. These include congenital disorders of the mother’s organ systems, leading to the inability to carry a child to term normally, and hormonal imbalances that provoke rejection of the fertilized egg from the uterus.

The father's genetics has a significant influence on the outcome of the event. If, during the process of joining germ cells, a defective gene is detected in one of the 23 chromosomes, incompatibility occurs between the DNA chains of the parents, and the mother’s body sometimes decides to interrupt the development of the embryo.

A similar situation is possible in case of a conflict of the Rh factor of the blood. A negative protein level in the mother and a positive one in the father forces the woman’s immune system to identify the embryo as a foreign body/tumor and actively fight it. In such a case, only medical intervention will help save the life of the fetus.

External factors that can cause miscarriage have a detrimental effect on the health of the mother and unborn child:

  1. Infections. They provoke the cessation of vital activity of the embryo, even if the reproductive system is not affected. If the mother's body temperature rises above 38 °C, the risk of rejection of the fertilized egg increases significantly. Toxoplasmosis, rubella, chickenpox, a number of sexually transmitted infections and other diseases in the event of a certain set of circumstances do not leave the fetus a chance of survival.
  2. Pathologies and damage to the uterus. The presence of scars and seams on the surface of the epithelium of the internal genital organs can lead to rejection of the fertilized egg. This condition of the reproductive system is often a consequence of numerous abortions and a number of diseases.
  3. Treatment with methods contraindicated during pregnancy. Typically, bleeding and rejection of the fertilized egg begins in cases where the woman is unaware of her situation.
  4. Lifestyle. Many pregnant women constantly have to deal with high physical and psychological stress. These events do not pass without leaving a trace and often lead to spontaneous abortion. Having bad habits greatly aggravates the situation.

At later stages, most of the listed factors also play a significant role in the development of an unfavorable outcome. But spontaneous abortions soon after conception are dangerous - the girl does not know about her situation and does not have time to register with the antenatal clinic. Symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy go unnoticed, and treatment is prescribed when it is no longer possible to change the situation.

Symptoms of spontaneous abortion

In order to respond to alarming symptoms in time and save the life of the unborn child, a pregnant woman must closely monitor her health. The beginning of the process of embryo rejection is most easily determined by bloody discharge from the vagina. Weak smears without pain in the first weeks after conception are normal in most cases. But if the blood flows more and more, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you cannot do without consulting a doctor.

The process occurs in four stages. Each of them is accompanied by certain signs and symptoms, which are an alarm bell for the mother and a reason to contact an antenatal clinic as soon as possible:

  1. Threat of embryo death. This is the first stage, which begins with mild pain in the lower back. It is often accompanied by fever, as during inflammatory diseases, and mild bleeding. Timely provision of medical care and compliance with medical recommendations gives a chance to save the baby’s life.
  2. The beginning of rejection. Pain and bleeding increase. Signs of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy appear especially clearly during active physical activity. Gradually, the pain takes on the character of contractions, reminiscent of the process of childbirth. The pregnant woman feels weak and dizzy due to heavy bleeding. This moment is the last chance to prevent the death of the baby.
  3. Miscarriage is in progress. The fetus dies. Due to severe hemorrhage, it leaves the uterus partially or completely.
  4. Accomplished miscarriage. The patient's body returns to its pre-fertilization state. The uterus contracts and the menstrual cycle resumes.

Upon completion of the fourth stage, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound examination to exclude the possibility of preservation of the membranes in the uterine cavity. If the symptoms of the pathology were ignored, in the future the woman risks facing its consequences: chronic inflammatory diseases and infertility.

Useful materials on the topic:

Spontaneous abortion is not only a psychological event and a disappointment, but also a signal about the presence of problems in the body of a woman or her partner. The patient needs to undergo mandatory examination for two reasons:

  1. Every tenth case of miscarriage is accompanied by serious consequences for the health of the failed mother. In addition to possible inflammation due to the decomposition of the remnants of the fertilized egg inside the uterus, the patient sometimes experiences high body temperature, cramps and nausea for several days.
  2. Examination of fetal tissue will help determine the cause of death and help prevent it during subsequent conception. Knowing who is to blame and what to do in a given situation makes it easier to cope with the feeling of loss and move on.

Usually in the first trimester the process occurs without serious consequences and does not require specialized help. But if pain in the lower abdomen begins to bother you or your periods are particularly severe and unpleasant, you should definitely consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of complications.

In the absence of contraindications, some time after treatment and restoration of reproductive function, it is allowed to continue trying to get pregnant. It is necessary to remember the danger of repeated miscarriage and take the necessary preventive measures in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.


The loss of a long-awaited baby negatively affects not only reproductive functions, but also the mental state of the patient, leading to depression and fear of repeated failure. The best way out in this situation would be to seek help from a qualified psychologist. A specialist will help you understand your feelings and get through the situation without lasting consequences.

But the rehabilitation procedures do not end there. After undergoing the examination, it is important to identify the cause of the unfavorable outcome. Depending on it, a further set of measures is predetermined to prevent a similar situation in the future:

  1. Congenital pathologies. Miscarriage is a consequence of a weakened state of the female genital organs, including the cervix. The reason for this development of events turns out to be one of the structural features of the genitourinary system of a pregnant woman. The pathology must be eliminated and corrected by any available methods if a complete cure is not possible.
  2. Genetic factor. Some combinations of parental genes are considered by the pregnant woman to be incapable of development due to the large number of mutated DNA sections. Often artificial insemination and a search for a new sexual partner are required. In such cases, it is said that the failed parents are genetically incompatible.
  3. Immunological reasons. Considering the sensitivity of the body after fertilization to the effects of bacteria, fungi and viruses, it is better to undergo a full examination in advance and get rid of diseases. In the future, it is worth preparing in advance for the war against infections, observing hygiene standards, strengthening the immune system and using exclusively medications that are safe for the embryo at the first signs of the birth of a new life.
  4. Lifestyle. The developing fetus is sensitive to the condition of the mother. Nervous and mental fatigue, bad habits that lead to spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages can provoke a second one. The only decision is to make a choice between a career and the birth of a baby. The expectant mother needs to rest, change jobs, and sometimes she needs the help of a psychologist.

Once the underlying cause is identified and eliminated, the symptoms of the problem usually no longer bother the woman. But it’s better to worry about your own health and take preventive measures, as the test will show the coveted two stripes.

Prevention of pathology

Prevention of spontaneous abortions is based on two main principles: strengthening the body and eliminating external factors that provoke a threat. One of the best recommendations for girls is not to practice unjustified termination of pregnancy with the help of doctors and medications. Such artificial interference in the activity of the reproductive system has a detrimental effect on the reproduction of offspring in the future.

It is necessary to prepare for reconception in advance; it usually takes about six months. During this time, it is recommended to restore your health and take care of getting rid of bad habits. Don’t forget about a healthy, balanced diet; a proper diet will help reduce the unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis in the first trimester.

It is equally important to think about the emotional side of the issue in advance. Mood swings, stress, chronic fatigue and hormonal imbalances should not have a detrimental effect on bearing the long-awaited baby. Knowledge of the main nuances of the process and a conscious choice in favor of conception strengthens the mother’s peace of mind and increases the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Otherwise, a woman should choose those measures that will help prevent miscarriage. The main assistants in such a situation should be a loving husband and a competent antenatal clinic specialist who can notice the danger in time and suggest how to save the baby’s life.

Signs of miscarriage in the early stages up to 2 weeks and in general in the first trimester, how not to miss them, how to understand that something is happening to you and you need to see a doctor?

The pregnancy period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. That is, at the start of delayed menstruation, when the embryo is actually 2 weeks old, doctors talk about four obstetric weeks. But nevertheless, this period is still very short. And determining that the delay is explained by the onset of pregnancy is problematic without laboratory test data. This test is a blood test for hCG. It shows the exact result 5 days before the start of the delay. Earlier than all tests. But they should not be forgotten as the most accessible and fairly effective diagnostic tool.
So, if a test or analysis for hCG showed a positive result, but you suddenly started... menstruation, then this is not menstruation at all. Early miscarriage has such symptoms and signs.

In addition to bleeding, which with a slight delay in menstruation is usually not too heavy, such that there is a need to urgently consult a doctor, pain may occur. They are removed quite quickly with antispasmodics. Is it worth seeing a doctor and going to the hospital in this case? It is better to consult a doctor if you want to continue the pregnancy. But treatment in a hospital may be denied. A very short period of time. And if bleeding has already begun, there is a high probability that “everything has already come out” and there is nothing to save. At such an early stage, even an ultrasound may not show the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus. But medical supervision is still necessary, since an ectopic pregnancy can also give a positive test. You can’t just get rid of it, you just need to have surgery.

The doctor will definitely refer you for an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and a blood test for hCG. And then everything will depend on the results. If a fertilized egg is detected in the uterus, pregnancy is desired, then sexual rest, minimal physical activity and progesterone vaginally and (or) orally are recommended. Modern doctors consider the first option preferable. This can help, since the causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy are often hormonal imbalances, including a lack of progesterone. But it may also be a chromosomal pathology, then pregnancy will not save anything.

If the hCG level is high, there are no traces of the fertilized egg in the uterus, and the hCG continues to rise, this means the woman has an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, an operation is performed in Russia - the fertilized egg is removed. Sometimes together with the fallopian tube, where it most often develops.

If a woman claims that she was pregnant (for example, based on a pregnancy test), but her period began, and there is nothing suspicious on the ultrasound, treatment is not prescribed. Such early pregnancy failures do happen.

If the bleeding continues longer than normal menstruation (longer than 7 days), there are clots, and the ultrasound does not show everything well, the doctor may recommend vacuum aspiration of the endometrium or curettage of the uterine cavity.

And signs of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages are not a reason for great distress. This diagnosis is made to many women, and many of them successfully carry a child to term. The uterus may periodically become toned; the woman feels this as light stretching of the abdomen. But if your lower back begins to hurt, and uterine contractions become regular and painful, you need to urgently consult a doctor and take action.
For information: local hypertonicity, which some doctors diagnose during an ultrasound examination, is not a sign of a threatened miscarriage. The uterus can contract only due to the fact that light pressure is applied to it (in this case, with a sensor).
The main sign of spontaneous miscarriage in early pregnancy is bleeding and dilatation of the cervix (diagnosed during a gynecological examination), which may be accompanied by severe or moderate pain.

Miscarriage is a pregnancy loss that occurs at less than 20 weeks of gestation, long before the fetus can survive outside the womb. About 10 - 15% of all pregnancies end in pregnancy loss, and 40% of miscarriages go unnoticed by the woman because she does not even suspect that she was pregnant.

Causes of miscarriages

The causes of miscarriages are not fully understood, but most miscarriages occur when the pregnancy does not develop normally. Typically, there is nothing a woman or her doctor can do to prevent this condition.

Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester of pregnancy () and are carried. In many cases the cause remains unknown.

However, a number of factors can contribute to miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy:

1. Chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus – more than 50% of early miscarriages are caused by chromosomal problems in the fetus. Chromosomes are thread-like tiny structures in every cell of the body that contain our genes. Each person has 23 chromosome pairs, consisting of an equal number of maternal and paternal chromosomes.

Most chromosomal abnormalities result from damage to an egg or sperm that contains an extra chromosome or, conversely, that is missing chromosomes. As a result, the embryo receives the wrong number of chromosomes, and this usually leads to miscarriage. The presence of chromosomal abnormalities is more likely in parents who are too mature, thereby increasing the risk of miscarriage with age.

2. Empty sac or molar pregnancy - a condition in which there is no embryo in the fertilized egg. This happens either when the embryo is not formed at all, or when its development stops at a very early stage. Often, an empty fertilized egg is a consequence of chromosomal abnormalities.

Early in pregnancy, a woman may notice that her pregnancy symptoms have disappeared and she may experience vaginal bleeding (usually dark brown). During an ultrasound examination, the doctor sees an empty fetal sac. Ultimately, such a pregnancy ends in miscarriage, but sometimes this can drag on for several weeks.

3. Maternal health status – hormonal problems, infectious diseases, diabetes, thyroid disease, and other autoimmune diseases can increase the risk of early miscarriage. Treating these conditions before (and even during) pregnancy can sometimes help prevent miscarriage.

4. Mother's lifestyle – women who abuse alcohol or use drugs are at increased risk of developing a miscarriage. A recent study found that women who consumed more than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day (about 350 grams of coffee) had miscarriages twice as likely as women who did not consume caffeine. Therefore, women who are already pregnant or trying to become pregnant are not recommended to consume more than 200 mg of caffeine per day.

Late or second trimester miscarriages—spontaneous termination of pregnancy between 13 and 19 weeks of pregnancy—occur less frequently, occurring in approximately 1 to 5% of cases.

Late pregnancy losses are most often caused by problems with the uterus or a weakened cervix (cervical insufficiency) that begins to dilate prematurely. Late miscarriages can also be caused by chromosomal abnormalities, infections and maternal health conditions.

Symptoms of miscarriage

Vaginal spotting or bleeding, sometimes accompanied by lower abdominal cramps (like menstruation) or more severe abdominal pain, may be a sign that a woman may be experiencing miscarriage.

However, many pregnant women experience spotting in the early stages, but if they consult a doctor in a timely manner, miscarriage can be avoided. A woman should immediately contact her doctor if she notices any bleeding (even light spotting) during pregnancy. Her doctor will do an internal exam to evaluate her cervix (for signs that a miscarriage has begun), and order an ultrasound and blood tests.

Treatment of miscarriage

Most women who have an early miscarriage do not need treatment. As a rule, the uterus cleanses itself, and the woman notices this as very heavy periods.

However, if the doctor sees tissue remaining in the uterus on an ultrasound, or if the woman is bleeding heavily, he or she may recommend treatment to clear the uterine cavity. This can be done through a surgical procedure called curettage, in which the cervix is ​​dilated and tissue from the uterus is removed using a vacuum extractor or a surgical device called a curette.

In some cases, the doctor may suggest that the woman use the drug Misoprostol to expel any remaining tissue from the uterus. Recent studies show that Misoprostol is effective in 84% of cases. This drug, together with Mifepristone, is also used for medical abortion in the early stages (up to 7 weeks) of pregnancy.

Examinations after a miscarriage

As a rule, if miscarriage occurred for the first time and in the first trimester of pregnancy, the woman does not undergo any additional studies or tests. The reasons for these early losses are often unknown, so doctors chalk it up to chromosomal abnormalities.

If a woman has a miscarriage in the second trimester, or she has had two or more miscarriages (so-called recurrent miscarriage) in the first trimester of pregnancy, the gynecologist usually recommends taking a series of tests to determine the cause.

Tests to determine the cause of a recurrent miscarriage are as follows:

  • A blood test for chromosomal abnormalities, which is taken from both parents (called a karyotype) and for some hormonal and immune system problems, disorders in the mother's body;
  • Analysis for chromosomal abnormalities of tissue obtained as a result of a miscarriage (if tissue is available);
  • Ultrasound of the uterus;
  • Hysterosalpingography (x-ray of the uterus);
  • Hysteroscopy (examination of the uterine cavity using a special device (hysteroscope), which is inserted through the cervix into the uterus);
  • Endometrial biopsy (pinch off a small piece of the endometrium (uterine lining).

A woman's recovery after a miscarriage

In order to recover physically after a miscarriage, a woman needs from a week to a month (or more), depending on how long she was pregnant. For example, after a miscarriage, some pregnancy hormones remain in a woman’s blood for another 1–2 months. Most women resume their menstrual cycle 4 to 6 weeks after a miscarriage.

But emotional recovery can take much longer! A woman (and a failed father) may experience many emotions, including shock, sadness, guilt, depression and anger. Both partners will handle grief differently, creating tension between them at a time when they need each other most. Therefore, parents who have suffered pregnancy loss need to unite, and together it will be easier for them to survive the tragedy.

Pregnancy after miscarriage

A woman should not try to become pregnant again until she is physically and emotionally ready. In addition, before becoming pregnant again, you should try to find out the cause of the miscarriage.

From a medical point of view, a woman can become pregnant again after she has had one normal menstrual cycle if she does not receive treatment for the cause of her last one. miscarriage.

However, in order for a woman to be mentally prepared to become pregnant again after a miscarriage, much more time must pass, preferably at least two to three months.

Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful periods in the life of every woman. Expectant mothers are especially beautiful, and their eyes radiate so much happiness and warmth that they could warm the whole world. Unfortunately, not every pregnancy proceeds normally and ends with the birth of a healthy baby. Sometimes it happens that a pregnancy is unexpectedly interrupted, and the dreams of a failed mother are not destined to come true. Why is this happening? Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

What is a miscarriage and what types does it happen?

In order to understand how a miscarriage occurs, you must first know what it is.

4. The cause of repeated miscarriages can also be the so-called polycystic ovary syndrome. One recent British study found that 44 to 56 percent of women who had multiple miscarriages in a row had polycystic ovary syndrome, which is characterized by irregular or absent menstrual cycles. Most often, this syndrome is observed in women who are overweight.

5. Rhesus incompatibility (hemolytic disease), which occurs when the mother has a positive Rh factor and the father has a negative Rh factor.

6. Immune system disorders are the cause of 5-10% of miscarriages. This happens because a pregnant woman's immune system, programmed to fight bacteria and viruses, malfunctions and attacks healthy cells in the body. One of the most well-known immune system disorders is antiphospholipid antibody syndrome. It appears when the body mistakenly believes that phospholipids are foreign elements. As a result, antibodies are produced, which cause the formation of blood clots in the placental vessels, interrupting the flow of oxygen and nutrients from mother to fetus.

7. Other reasons: features of the anatomical structure of the uterus, viral and bacterial infections, anti-drug and anti-stress medications, exposure to harmful substances.

What symptoms indicate an incipient miscarriage?

Every woman worries about how a miscarriage occurs. Symptoms indicating an upcoming or incipient miscarriage are of great importance for timely medical intervention and the prevention of spontaneous abortion. Among the most common symptoms, the following should be noted:

Sudden weight loss;

Disappearance of pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, breast swelling, drowsiness;

False contractions, called Braxton-Hicks contractions;

Real contractions (painful, every 5-10 minutes);

The appearance of blood stains;

Light painless bleeding (although this is not always a symptom of miscarriage);

Heavy bleeding with or without clots, accompanied by cramps and severe pain in the abdomen or lower back;

Vaginal discharge without pain or bleeding.

A molar pregnancy, a damaged egg, or an ectopic pregnancy will ultimately lead to a miscarriage. The symptoms are similar, except that in the case of a molar pregnancy, the size of the uterus may be larger than usual and the level of hCG (pregnancy hormone) may be increased.

Signs and characteristics of early miscarriage

In the first weeks of pregnancy, only after learning about their interesting situation, women become very sensitive, and it is not surprising that they are visited by a variety of thoughts related to their well-being and the health of their future babies. The slightest changes occurring in the body make them worry. They see signs of early miscarriage in everything. Therefore, it is very important to have information. How to understand that a miscarriage has occurred? Is there really any point or reason to worry? Are these worries justified? How does spontaneous miscarriage occur? It is impossible to answer these questions unambiguously. Each case, like each organism, is absolutely individual, and they should be considered separately.

It is almost impossible to identify the causes of most early miscarriages (more than 60%). It is believed that these are genetic reasons. When an embryo is formed, half of its genes come from the sperm and the other half from the egg. Sometimes, without any apparent motive, something goes wrong and the pregnancy is terminated. A miscarriage itself can occur two to three weeks after the death of the fetus. Obstetricians-gynecologists name the following main causes of miscarriage at the initial stage of pregnancy:

The embryo does not implant in the uterus as it should;

Hormonal problems;

Chromosomal abnormalities;

Diseases of the uterus or cervix;

Various intrauterine infections;

Viral infections such as influenza;

Strong blows to the pregnant woman's stomach;

Multiple pregnancy;

Previous miscarriages.

Signs of early miscarriage:

Severe cramps.


Blood clots.

At what stage of pregnancy can a miscarriage occur?

Most often, miscarriage occurs in the earliest stages (2-3 weeks). In most cases, the woman does not even suspect that something like this has happened to her. Early spontaneous miscarriages are often confused with normal menstruation. This is explained by the fact that the main symptoms of miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy are identical to normal menstruation: vaginal bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen. This is the answer to the question of how a miscarriage occurs.

Miscarriages occur less frequently in later stages of pregnancy (up to the 20th week). Spontaneous termination of pregnancy, which occurs after the 20th week, is called a stillbirth.

How does a miscarriage occur?

Due to lack of awareness, many women sometimes do not even suspect that something terrible has happened to them - the loss of a child. They have no idea how quickly miscarriage occurs and what follows after it. In order to be fully armed, you need to remember the following:

1. Spontaneous abortion, fetal death and rejection by the body usually do not occur at once, but last several hours or even days. The process occurs in several stages: threatened miscarriage, imminent (incipient) miscarriage, incomplete abortion and, finally, complete abortion.

2. The threat of miscarriage is characterized by the onset of placental abruption and the appearance of the first signs of miscarriage (pain in the lower abdomen and slight bleeding from the vagina). At this stage, the uterus is closed and the pregnancy can still be maintained.

3. Imminent (started) abortion is characterized by placental abruption and, accordingly, further death of the fetus. Imminent abortion cannot be stopped.

4. With an incomplete abortion, the placenta separates, the fetus dies, and the process of its rejection by the body begins.

5. During a complete abortion, the fetus and place are eliminated from the uterus, as well as from the female genital tract.

Is it possible to independently determine that a miscarriage has occurred?

When registering with an antenatal clinic, women and even their husbands often ask doctors how to find out that a miscarriage has occurred. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to determine this on your own. If there is a suspicion that a miscarriage has occurred, you must immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Only after a medical examination of the woman can one say with complete confidence whether a miscarriage occurred or not. In order to determine this, the doctor will refer the patient for an ultrasound.

In addition, a test that will determine the level of hCG in the blood can indicate that a miscarriage has occurred. HCG is a hormone produced by the body exclusively during pregnancy. It can be detected in the blood one week after ovulation, when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. In the first three weeks of pregnancy, hCG levels should double every 2-3 days. When this level remains unchanged, a spontaneous miscarriage may have occurred.

Doctors also resort to measuring the fetal heart rate (HR). To do this, they use a special device that allows them to listen to the heart rhythms of the fetus in the mother's stomach starting from 7-12 weeks of pregnancy. If the fetal heartbeat can be heard, then there can be no talk of a miscarriage. Remember that if you take a regular pregnancy test, it can show its presence even after an interruption. Therefore, you should not waste precious time and wonder how to determine that a miscarriage has occurred. At the slightest sign, go straight to your gynecologist.

How can you provoke a miscarriage?

Not every pregnant woman is delighted that she will soon become a mother. Each has its own reasons. Some pregnant women seek medical help and terminate their pregnancy in a hospital, while others prefer to do it on their own and learn all the possible ways to have a miscarriage on their own. Since ancient times, various herbs, such as tansy, have been used for this. It was boiled and taken orally, which almost 100% guaranteed rejection of the fetus.

There are many cases when women, in order to get rid of an unwanted child, took and continue to take hot baths to this day. Some try to bring the body to exhaustion with heavy physical activity. Young girls even manage to drink milk to which iodine is added. More “advanced” young ladies do not risk trying folk methods on themselves. They prefer more modern means, such as hormonal pills.

Only a few people think about the consequences of such methods and experiments. As a result, rash actions can lead to very disastrous results. Any attempt to have a miscarriage at home threatens the health and even the life of a pregnant woman. Not a single folk remedy that can provoke an abortion guarantees that bleeding will not start or any infection will occur.

The safest way to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy on your own is the so-called medical abortion. A prerequisite is a minimum time from conception (up to two weeks from a missed period). In this case, most likely, the miscarriage will occur quickly and painlessly, and the uterus will be completely cleaned. In addition, complications are practically excluded. However, it should be noted that the drugs used for medical abortion are not sold in pharmacies. Only doctors with a special license have the right to prescribe this type of medication to their patients. In addition, the cost of such drugs is quite high and not every girl can afford it.

Instead of thinking about how to have a miscarriage and get rid of the fetus, maybe it’s worth imagining what the future baby will look like and how much joy and happiness he will bring to the house? The decision is up to each parent. Responsibility for all actions lies entirely on their shoulders.

What to do after a miscarriage occurs?

What happens after a miscarriage is familiar to many. Some women who have had an abortion feel well. However, in others (4-10% of cases) a number of complications occur. A period of treatment and rehabilitation follows, which lasts up to several weeks. In the first week after a spontaneous miscarriage, a woman may experience abdominal pain. In addition, bleeding may occur. In the first two weeks after an abortion, you must abstain from sex. You should immediately consult a doctor again if symptoms such as:

Heavy bleeding;

Severe pain in the lower abdomen;

High fever and seizures;


Nausea and vomiting.

Immediately after a spontaneous miscarriage, it is necessary to identify the reason why this happened. Today, there are a huge number of specialized medical centers, by contacting which a woman will receive qualified recommendations on what to do.

Experts recommend planning your next pregnancy only two months after a miscarriage. To avoid getting pregnant before this time, it is necessary to use reliable contraceptives. According to statistics, if a woman becomes pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, the likelihood of the situation repeating increases several times. However, if pregnancy does occur, you should not panic. Under close and constant medical supervision, the outcome can be positive.

Is it possible to protect yourself from spontaneous miscarriage?

In order to minimize the risk of spontaneous miscarriage, it is recommended:

A woman who has just learned about her interesting situation needs to:

  1. Don’t put it off until later, but consult a doctor as early as possible, get tested and register for pregnancy.
  2. Give up all bad habits (smoking, alcohol and drugs) and reduce the amount of coffee and strong tea you drink.
  3. Reduce physical activity and avoid sports that can cause injury.
