Arrogant girl. An arrogant person - who is this

When a meaningful “Proud, or what?” is thrown after the girl, it sounds more insulting than enthusiastic. First you need to understand what this concept is. How to treat such a character trait: with caution or strive to develop it in yourself?

Knows his own worth

Pride, unlike pride, is called positive self-esteem, that is, the presence of a person and self-respect. When they say " proud girl”, meaning the person who definitely knows her own worth. Not an arrogant person, but able to stand up for himself, defend his rights and his own point of view.

The same Angelica

When you say "proud girl," what character in a novel or film comes to mind? Of course, the red-haired Angelica, a character in the books of Anne and Serge Golon. How much she endured suffering, humiliation, insults, but did not break, did not lose faith in herself and her future. Yes, this character is fictional, but there are women who can be admired endlessly: their perseverance, courage and inner strength.

Work on your weaknesses

She has her weaknesses, which she does not like to advertise and show to others. She is used to hiding the negative, and finds a way out for him in solitude when no one is around. Some people think that this is not a person, but a piece of stone: soulless and not subject to normal. They are deeply mistaken. This girl keeps herself confident, respects herself and others, and knows which weak character traits need to be especially worked on.

What do men like

Do men like it? Let's try to understand which character the girl especially evokes sympathy for:

  • Having a sense of humor.
  • Kindness.
  • Accuracy.
  • Generosity.
  • The ability to care.
  • Ability and willingness to listen.
  • Individuality.
  • A bit of bitterness.

Do you agree that without humor, communication will be insipid? And kindness in men is associated with the sincerity of the mother. If a girl is sloppy, few people will like it. Generosity has a continuation of kindness and care. Men love to be listened to. Such a quality as the ability to listen is worth its weight in gold, it is possessed by rare people. Individuality only emphasizes the personality of a person. When a girl shows her eccentricity, it means that she is a “proud girl” to some extent. And a little bitch will not hurt anyone, because a certain sharpness in a relationship should be present. Oddly enough, but absolutely insipid, it will make a man find the thrill of sensations on the side.

As for the signs of the horoscope ...

If we translate these qualities into any of the signs of the horoscope, then they are most suitable for Scorpio. People of this sign have a strong will, a huge supply of energy, often win. Detractors believe that they are lucky, or that their circumstances have developed so well. A strong, purposeful, proud Scorpio girl scares and attracts men like a magnet. It is in it that there is the same bitch that was discussed above. And if you consider that the character of a Scorpio girl necessarily implies sexuality and sensitivity, then you can only shrug why men are crazy about "scorpions". Truly sexy and sensual proud!

I'm talking about beauty not only external but also internal.

my's all because if they're beautiful...then they deserve more than other girls. One of them said: “Why should I rush to choose? I’m pretty and I have the right to choose. I’ll look and choose who I want. a list of what the candidate must have).
Here ... but this is the same question as "why did Napoleon want to conquer the world."


Such a statement is a delusion, nothing more. After all, sometimes there are ugly girls arrogant. It's all about the look and manner of holding yourself, presenting yourself to others. Assuming that beautiful girls are given more attention and more often - an instinctive reaction of response ... It becomes just a habit, plus natural abilities should also be taken into account. But in general, for me personally, people who know their own worth and are self-confident are called arrogant. Therefore, if you see a "beautiful arrogant girl" - you are simply less confident in yourself than she is.
It seems to me that the point here is how they behave in each specific situation. If you cannot interest such a beautiful girl in something, then she will behave with you the way you deserve. For example, you are sitting in the city and drinking beer. A little man of indeterminate years comes up to you, all rumpled with traces of a months-long spree and asks you for a bottle (some insolent people even manage to ask you to finish drinking), look searchingly into your eyes, trying to tell you about what a shitty life they have. How will you treat them, will you want to communicate with them (of course, there are diamonds in this environment, but, as they say, it all depends on who you communicate with: you will communicate with losers, you will become one yourself, with millionaires - ... .. well, everything is clear here)
beautiful girls like to communicate with those who are interested in them. And not because, it seems to me, they communicate with rich men, but because these rich men (I'm not talking about bandits) are, for the most part, successful, self-confident men who know how to make decisions and are able to feed their future children (plays here their role and the genetic predisposition of women to a more successful hunter, a strong warrior, which has been laid in them for centuries). Yes, such people are interesting to women. The poor are also attractive, but only the presence male traits coupled with understanding and kindness will interest a woman (I mean exactly real woman). And so, sometimes you look at our men and see that it is directly written on their foreheads: “I want sex, preferably free, and I didn’t have to think much. Well, I want to end this opus with the words of Vishnevsky: “I was rejected .... , but what!!!"

If you have ever tried to meet or communicate with girls, then you have noticed that very often ladies value themselves too highly. The more beautiful she is, the more difficult it is to find an approach to her. And the more difficulties in communicating with her. But why are girls so arrogant? Where does the root of this problem come from? In fact, there are several factors that make them real bitches.

Who makes girls so arrogant?

In general, girls are made bad by our society and upbringing. From birth, they are taught that:

  • No need to write to the first guy;
  • You need to know your worth;
  • All men are goats;
  • Your appearance is a holy gift and everything.

As a result, already in the first second grade high school female arrogance is fully manifested. That's when girls begin to treat guys like underdeveloped creatures.

And then everything just gets worse. When ladies begin to turn into women and it comes to sex, they generally become "merchants of happiness." They can make anyone happy with a kiss, and make anyone a loser. And their arrogance only increases.

Guys make girls arrogant

In addition, the guys themselves make them bitches. Guys are attracted to opposite sex much stronger than girls. As a result, guys are most prone to suffering from love and running after the objects of their attention.

If this were not the case, then the girls would understand that any of their whims would end in complete gambling and oblivion. But when they know that guys will obviously run after them, they behave much more aggressively and arrogantly.

Among other things, among the guys there are a lot of henpecked people who admire the opposite sex. And when you are admired, it is difficult to be a normal person. Thus, even a banal love for women provokes negative qualities in them.

Are there any exceptions?

In general, you should not think that all girls are so arrogant. Among them there are exceptions:

  1. Not beautiful and not popular persons;
  2. Those who had a normal upbringing (there are almost none);
  3. Those who have their own mind (also honors do not meet);
  4. Girls who themselves were ignored or used;
  5. Poor girls who just don't know what pathos and so on means.

But not arrogant becomes less and less. The pop industry dictates the principles of the bitchy. And even not the most attractive individuals today tend to simply crush everyone with their charisma. And the situation keeps getting worse.

How to deal with female arrogance?

Yes, very simple. You think that the girl is arrogant, so do not communicate with her. If everyone does this, then she simply will not show off in front of anyone.

In addition, you should not run after someone or beg someone. You also need to restrain your feelings a little. If you praise the ladies too much, they will certainly humiliate you.

And in general, if you pay attention to those who are not showing off, then those who are ON show off will cease to be. They will simply understand that it is not profitable for them.

Remember that arrogance breeds society, including you. And only with the help of awareness of the problem and a clear method of struggle can it be defeated.

different. Some have a soft and docile character, while others are more complex. Now I want to talk about who such an arrogant person is. What kind of person is this and what kind of personality?

Concept definition

Initially, you need to understand what will be discussed. So an arrogant person is one who is distinguished by arrogance, who is full of arrogance. inherent in such people:

  • pride;
  • arrogance;
  • arrogance;
  • swaggering;
  • arrogance.

Such people most often possess. Often they do not hesitate to demonstrate their the best sides to everyone without exception, often doing it out of place.

A word about arrogance

An arrogant person is one who considers himself superior to others, both literally and figuratively. That is why earlier kings and rulers put their seats (thrones) on a dais, while forcing their subordinates to bow to them. This trend is rooted in antiquity, when high growth was not only a convenience, but also a huge advantage. So, always physically strong and big people were the leaders, the chief, the first. In this regard, we can make a simple conclusion that an arrogant person is a person who considers himself superior, better than others, while not embarrassed to demonstrate his attitude towards them. Often such a person wants to be a leader, but in a team he does not succeed.

About character and arrogance

Many may be interested in: a given quality how is it purchased? There are several ways:

  • Arrogance can be brought up in a person. It is not difficult to do this, you just need to instill dislike for others and pride from infancy.
  • It can be purchased at any age. As the ancient Greeks said, luck breeds arrogance. This is especially true for those people who suddenly become rich or successful, having the most simple roots. Arrogant are often those who have passed the so-called path

About sinfulness

It is also worth noting that arrogance is considered a sin, because it is a manifestation of pride. And pride is, according to the Bible, a mortal sin for which a person can be severely punished in the afterlife.

About the behavior of arrogant people

How does an arrogant person behave, what does he do? Here exact definition no and cannot be. There are many manifestations of arrogance: to humiliate a person (most often in an intellectual sense), to raise the tone of the interlocutor. Such people may not want to communicate with certain person, considering him much more stupid than himself, and communication with him - beneath his dignity. How to communicate with such people? It's simple: you just need to be confident in yourself. Better still, if possible, avoid contact with such individuals.
