Accept the poison offered by the sage. Three Rules for Dealing with Fools

As you know, fools are everywhere, ignoring them is about the same as ignoring the rain pouring from heaven, so some rules that help you adapt to the precipitation of nonsense are better to have than not to have.

Rule one: do not look closely and mentally complicate the thinking and behavior of a fool. Do not look for mysterious structures and tasks in the stupid psyche.

What a person looks at intently increases and begins to seem more significant. Therefore, looking at the person involved through a powerful magnifying glass of consciousness, it will not take long to decide: the role of a fool in nature is much more important and enviable than even the role of a genius. After that, you completely cease to distinguish one from the other. Among capable and extraordinary people, indeed, there are many freaks. And there is a great temptation to tightly connect one with the other: here is another psycho - none other than the new Einstein! Or Eisenstein. Yes, take a look! He just looks like a jerk, achieving just such an effect: let the title of genius be assigned to me. Unrecognized. In the sense that all acquaintances, semi-acquaintances and strangers RECOGNIZE me as an UNRECOGNIZED genius. Sophism, but what a useful!

Inflated figures (more precisely, inflated - and the filler is the notorious sophism about recognized or unrecognized) is full of any party - bohemian, scientific, financial, and even more so political. The more often we stumble upon them, the more thoroughly we assure ourselves: here they are, the pillars and foundations of society! Here are the people of the Russian land, whose strong foreheads are propped up ... In general, it doesn’t matter. What they get, then they prop it up. Depending on the height and position of the forehead owners. A big fool in a high position is terribly ugly ... that is, he can prop it up. And let them say to you: well, a rooster, well, a burdock, well, a goat! And you in response: stop the flora and fauna in vain remember! My idol is extremely humanoid! He has awards, diplomas, regalia, he won the “We chew with our mouths closed” contest! He is invited to the "Star Factory" - to work as a black hole!

So, step by step, for a short time and go into the camp of fools yourself - at first as a press secretary, image maker or just a sympathizer. And over time ... peace to your brain: sleep well, dear comrade, your services are no longer needed.

Rule two: than the wrong estimation of the fool is fraught.

Despite the fact that fools really "love to gather in flocks", you should not attribute to them those properties that they do not possess - in particular, the ability to rise above the clouds, as the song sings. Their most inalienable property is accuracy. Fools are highly social animals.

Of course, fools are part of the universe and, as a result, part of nature. But fools are not the soil in which cereals and shoots grow. And not the rain that helps them grow. And not the air that plants enrich with oxygen. They are adverse climatic conditions that have to be resisted: regular droughts, fires and floods, poisonous volcanic emissions, the arrival of locusts and other seven plagues of Egypt.

All who coexist with SUCH an unfavorable background are forced to turn leaves into needles or floats. And then to master the sands of deserts and the surface of reservoirs, bloom in early spring right in the middle of snowdrifts, bear fruit with nuts in the shell of a stone fortress ... In a word, use the entire supply of natural tricks, just to survive. Some individuals who are far from the natural sciences are ready to say “thank you” to fools for participating in the hardening of fragile and sensitive natures. Yeah. It's like thanking a brick that fell on someone's smart head: well, now this head will stop showing off and deal with the urgent problem of survival and subsequent recovery.

Thanks to this, the fool has the right to declare to mankind: “Thank you for having me” and to demand new benefits and privileges. For carrying out natural selection among people. And humanity should thank them with might and main for the result. By the way! And what is he? I'll tell you what it is.

Crocodile, shark and cockroach are ideal creatures. They looked at the dinosaurs with contempt - and they also look at us. And well deserved. Because our main means of improvement is the brain. A tool, but not a support.

In order to saturate, develop, provide and preserve the human brain, the body gave away everything it was rich in: insulation and shells - scales, wool, feathers; the strength of the joints and the power of the muscular apparatus; unpretentiousness of the digestive and excretory system; a convenient form of movement - on four legs, on four hands; tail as a balancer; finally, the ability to never get bored and get exquisite pleasure from the process of snapping lice. But the brain is not enough. After all, the thinner the device, the higher the likelihood of breakage. No wonder they say that all diseases are caused by nerves.

Well, where are we with such a "time bomb" before cockroaches? It explodes even in the most stable conditions of existence, and even in a crisis era, there is nothing to say. But a cockroach can survive a nuclear catastrophe and nothing: "The fire contributed a lot to her decoration." I mean, to him - a cockroach, that is. In addition, the cockroach is one of the components of this very “problem environment”. Anyone who at least once in their life looked into the kitchen or into the toilet of an old house crying for repairs cannot but agree with this. The fool, too, has the right to feel the mighty contempt of the cockroach for humanity. I am a plague on your houses, and therefore everything is in order with my sense of self! And it seems to someone: this is the real flight beyond the clouds, carried out by all the stupid brethren.

In addition to the dangerous overestimation of the fool, the attempts to hurt him are also dangerous - in any case, most of such outbursts of psychic energy are spent on heating the astral plane. You will kick someone in the ass, you will look after them with satisfaction, you will notice: it flies low! to the rain! - and you think you got rid of it. Unfortunately, the fool perceives all the pokes and slaps in the face ... as attacks on an outstanding personality. His pathos is his armor. He will get angry or offended, or stop trying to communicate. But he never realizes: the regular receipt of lyuli is a consequence of the suffocating idiocy given to him in a conversation.

Doubts are known to a smart person. He, poor fellow, understands how diverse the world around is. He understands that there is simply no single right way to solve ANY problem. And anyone who says: “It must be this way and nothing else!” either a fool or a leader - religious or political. Or both at the same time. The smart one sees this and doubts his own competence, while the fool indulges in pathos.

It can be said that the fool lives permanently in the atmosphere of the election campaign: he is the center of everyone's attention, he is treated delicately and even flattered, which makes him, the dolt, think that he is the center of all kinds of blessings and virtues. And a fool will never understand that with his "dignities" he deserved only one good - the good of being used. People who are characterized by two signs of mental health - cynicism and selfishness, use fools with might and main for the benefit of themselves and their loved ones. And they are not at all tormented by unnecessary remorse.

Maybe there is a reason to join the "party of users" - if only for the sake of not being in the opposite bloc, in the "party of used". But this blessed intention is often hindered by various obstacles of an emotional nature. And first of all, disgust is the very one that prevents a European who has arrived in the East from intrepidly collecting camel poop and stacking it as an excellent fuel.

Rule three: the fool is a competitive being.

Even if you do not try to see something in a fool that is not in him - well, there is the ability to fly in a flock or pierce space-time with an inner eye, or intuitively comprehend the content of masterpieces created, of course, by no means fools - you still cannot consider yourself saved . Because EVERY intelligent person is forced to compete with fools. For a place in the sun, for the right to have your own opinion, different from the opinion of a fool, for yourself and your children.

That's why you can't ignore a fool: you can only ignore someone who ignores you. Otherwise, you are not ignoring, but HIDING. Or you boldly go into battle for the power-a-ast ... of reason. Yes. At least for the power of reason over your own personality. You can't hide all your life! And at the same time, we were taught not to mess with fools. We were taught this by school, work, family and art - both world and domestic. And how not to mess with them when they are everywhere?

The etymology of the fool is limitless. From innate psychopathology to acquired ignorance. And each copy, as I wrote, in terms of adaptation is more perfect than a wise guy, just as much as a cockroach or a shark is more perfect than a person. Such a picture may suggest that fools are the future. As for a more perfect form of life.

Although to me, as a former evolutionist, this statement seems debatable. Rather, the past is behind the perfect forms of life. And the future... The future belongs to the competitive ones.

Communicating with a fool, you will not end up with shame. Therefore, listen to Khayyam's advice: Take the poison offered to you by the sage, Do not take balm from the hands of a fool. Omar Khayyam

8 months ago

Communicating with a fool, you will not end up with shame. Therefore, listen to Khayyam's advice: Take the poison offered to you by the sage, Do not take balm from the hands of a fool. Omar Khayyam

If you want to touch a rose - do not be afraid to cut your hands,
If you want to drink - do not be afraid to fall sick with a hangover.
And love is beautiful, quivering and passionate
If you want, don't be afraid to burn your heart in vain!

Omar Khayyam

In order not to look like a fool later, I prefer not to look like a wise man at first.

Umberto Eco "The Name of the Rose"

Omar Khayyam

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything that he thinks about you, and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

Omar Khayyam

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything that he thinks about you, and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.

Omar Khayyam

When everyone lies in your eyes - you just tell the truth,
When your friends leave, you open the doors to new ones,
When love comes to you - accept it as a gift of fate,
And if the pain lives in you, you better let it go.

Chinese wisdom

When everyone lies in your eyes - you only tell the truth, When your friends leave - you open the doors with new ones, When love comes to you - accept it as a gift of fate, And if pain lives in you - you better let it go. Chinese wisdom

Omar Khayyam

A plucked flower must be presented, a poem begun must be completed, and the beloved woman must be happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on something that is beyond your power. Omar Khayyam

Omar Khayyam

A plucked flower must be presented, a poem begun must be completed, and the beloved woman must be happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on something that is beyond your power.

Omar Khayyam

A plucked flower must be presented, a poem begun must be completed, and the beloved woman must be happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on something that is beyond your power.

Omar Khayyam

A plucked flower must be presented, a poem begun must be completed, and the beloved woman must be happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on something that is beyond your power.

Omar Khayyam

A plucked flower must be presented, a poem begun must be completed, and the beloved woman must be happy, otherwise it was not worth taking on something that is beyond your power. Omar Khayyam

To be born a fool is not a disgrace! But to die a fool, ashamed! Erich Maria Remarque

Omar Khayyam

Don't put intoxicated treats on a fool, To protect yourself from a feeling of disgust: Having drunk, he won't let you sleep with cries, And in the morning he will get bored, asking for forgiveness. Omar Khayyam

Don't put intoxicating treats to the fool,
To protect yourself from feelings of disgust:
Drunk, screaming he won't let you sleep,
And in the morning you will get bored, asking for forgiveness.

Omar Khayyam

Do not envy the one who is strong and rich. Dawn is always followed by sunset. With this life short, equal to a sigh, Treat it like it was given to you for rent!

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A simple Persian scientist Omar Khayyam during his lifetime was known for his works in mathematics and astronomy. After his death, he was recognized as an outstanding poet.

They say that his lyrical contribution was not so great and often those who were embarrassed to admit their authorship attributed their creations to him. It is very convenient in a conversation to screw in a daring poem and say: this is not my opinion, this is the great Omar Khayyam.

website selected for you a collection of 20 quotes, in fact, Persian folk wisdom.

  • The lower a person's soul,
    The higher the nose turns up.
    He sticks his nose in there
    Where the soul has not matured.
  • Who we are - puppets on strings, and our puppeteer - the sky.
    He leads his performance in a big booth.
    He is now on the carpet of life will make us jump,
    And then he will remove one by one into his chest.
  • “The world piles up such mountains of evil!
    Their eternal oppression over the heart is so heavy!”
    But if you tore them up! How many wonderful
    Shining diamonds you would find!
  • "Hell and heaven are in heaven," say the bigots.
    I looked into myself, I was convinced of a lie:
    Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe,
    Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.
  • We will never be in this world again
    We will never meet friends at the table.
    Catch every flying moment -
    Never to wait for him later.
  • Oh, how many, how many times, getting up from sleep,
    I promised that I would not drink wine again,
    But now, Lord, I do not give a vow:
    Can I not drink when spring comes?
  • I think it's better to be alone
    How to give the heat of the soul to "someone".
    Giving a priceless gift to just anyone,
    Having met a native, you will not be able to love.
  • If you have a nook for housing -
    In our vile time - and a piece of bread,
    If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
    You are happy and truly high in spirit.
  • Communicating with a fool, you will not end up with shame,
    Therefore, listen to Khayyam's advice:
    Poison, offered to you by the sage, take it,
    Do not take balm from the hands of a fool.
  • Torments age beauties. Get rid of trouble
    The one whose eyelids are transparent and lips are firm.
    Be with your beloved tenderness: beauty slips away,
    On the face leaving traces of suffering.
  • Giving yourself is not the same as selling.
    And next to sleep - does not mean to sleep.
    Not to take revenge does not mean to forgive everything.
    Not to be near does not mean not to love.
  • Do not envy the one who is strong and rich,
    Dawn is always followed by sunset.
    With this life short, equal to a breath,
    Treat as with this one for rent.
  • To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
    Two important rules to remember to get started:
    You'd rather starve than eat anything
    And it's better to be alone than with just anyone.
