Why did Rahoy use force? Planets in Vedic Astrology

Along with the seven main planets, the ancient Indian sages were also attentive to the two shadow planets, which in the usual sense are not planets, since they have no material mass and cannot be seen in any telescope.

But, despite this, of the nine planets that show karma, two are shadow (trans-Saturn planets, asteroids and comets are not considered by Vedic astrology).

And, since we live in the era of these planets, it is very important for us to know about them and live in harmony with them. Astronomically, these planets are points at which the Moon's orbit intersects with the plane of the ecliptic - the apparent path of the Sun on the celestial sphere. Solar and lunar eclipses can occur at these points.

Lunar nodes correspond to the moments at which the solar and lunar energies come into conflict with each other or neutralize each other. They symbolize, so to speak, the possibility of a "short circuit" of solar or lunar energy. Therefore, the lunar nodes are extremely sensitive points of the horoscope, and their influence can affect the entire field of activity of planetary forces.

Rahu - the north or ascending node - is the point at which the Moon crosses the ecliptic in its movement from south to north.

Ketu - the south, or descending, node - is the point at which the Moon crosses the ecliptic in its movement from north to south. Thus, the energy of the north node is associated with ascent, expansion, but this energy is predominantly negative. The south node is associated with descent, contraction of the same energy.

Thus, in the Vedic system, Ketlg is considered not as unfavorable as Rahu. According to legend, Rahu and Ketu are two halves of the body of a demon who drank the drink of immortality, but was then cut into two parts. An eclipse of the Sun and Moon occurs near one of the lunar nodes. Thus, the lunar nodes are able to suppress, overshadow the luminaries and, moreover, any other planet. Rahu is considered similar to Saturn, and Ketu is considered to be similar to Mars. However, the energy of the nodes is considered more subtle and elusive than the energy of these malefic planets.

The influence of Rahu and Ketu on our health

In our body, Rahu is responsible for: cheekbones, skin, excretory system, swallowing, digestive tract, rectum.

Ketu - for the spine, spinal canal, nervous system.

The diseases that the affected Rahu gives are varicose veins, psychosis, spleen, furunculosis, infectious diseases, suffocation.

Diseases of Ketu: low blood pressure, deafness, dumbness, intestinal worms.

General physical indicators of Rahu's weakness: weakness of the immune system, increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, nervousness, trembling of the limbs, insomnia, pallor and nervous indigestion. Communication with the physical body is weakened, loss of control over the functions of the body is possible, which can lead to various nervous and mental diseases.

Weakened Ketu gives digestive and circulatory disorders, ulcers, anemia and chronic bleeding. Muscular or nervous disorders are possible, as well as intractable, difficult to diagnose or mysterious diseases (multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc.), as with weak Rahu.

Psychological indicators of Rahu's weakness are hypersensitivity and excitability, fears, anxieties. Hallucinations, drug addiction, despondency and gloom, strange bizarre fantasies are possible. A person may not understand who he is, and easily succumb to any influences and suggestions, preferring among them the most awkward and unrealistic. Such people are usually not popular, they have few friends, it is difficult for them to fit into the modern world, they exhaust their strength and nerves in the pursuit of unhealthy pleasures and spend their lives on useless pursuits.

Rahu (North Ascending Node, Dragon Head)

Rahu represents the cosmic force needed to sustain the drama of life. Personifying our desires, unsatisfied in a past life, and being the cause of the rebirth of the soul in this world, Rahu creates the necessary conditions for us to dive into this material life and feel like kings here. This requires illusory material energy (Maya), and Rahu is the son of Maya, he represents this material energy. The symbol of Rahu is smoke.

Rahu can immerse us in an illusion, but it can also free us from the slavery of time, depending on how harmonious it is with us.

Axis of Ketu-Rahu as an indicator of a person's destiny. Keth and Rahu talents. Stages of personality development. The concept of "karmic maturity". Life programs "minimum" and "maximum". "Educational process" as a result of non-fulfillment of karma according to Rahu. Areas of life for which Rahu is responsible (according to ancient texts and modern interpretations). Negative and positive aspects of the influence of Rahu.

Karma according to Rahu turns on with the onset of the so-called "karmic maturity", not earlier than 15-16 (ie, not earlier than the onset of puberty) and not later than 42 years; the timing of this karma is individual and can also be determined with the help of astrology. Before the onset of karmic maturity, a person can only live according to Ketu, but after its onset, it is already necessary to proceed to the fulfillment of karma according to Rahu. The fact of the beginning of activity in the area indicated by Rahu, in the Avestan school of astrology, is usually called the “minimum program” on the path of personality development; The “maximum program” in this case is the complete overcoming of the main vice - the main negative stereotype that blocks the main talent of the current incarnation - the disclosure of this talent and its integration (harmonious integration) into society.

If, before the onset of karmic maturity, it is often possible to ignore the life purpose (a person simply “goes with the flow” or even performs adharma - actions that contradict his true duty), then from the moment the karma is turned on according to Rahu, as a rule, it is impossible to ignore the destiny with impunity , because the "education process" comes into force, with the aim of "forcing" him to begin to fulfill the goal of the current incarnation. The “intensity” of the educational process depends on the level of personality development (the higher the level, the higher the requirements of the Universe for a person). The most incorruptible and impartial planet, Saturn, oversees the process of education. A “soft” educational process is possible from the 1st to the 7th level of development, but from the 8th to the last (12th) the requirements for the individual increase and the educational process can be carried out more and more “hard”.

In modern psychology, one of the formulations of non-fulfillment of karma according to Rahu is an emotional state characterized as a “midlife crisis”.
In Western and Avestan astrology, the positions of the Black and White Moons (Lilith and Selena) in the horoscope are also directly related to the maximum program: Lilith indicates the main flaw of the current incarnation, Selena - the main talent. Unfortunately, the size of the article does not allow us to go into more detail about this; as materials for self-study, in this case, we recommend the very strong and profound in essence seminars "" and "Karmic Astrology", as well as the studies of P.P. Globa and other prominent astrologers dealing with personal and tribal karma. Because these types of karma often have deep roots and are quite difficult to understand (especially for a beginner), it is favorable to turn to a professional astrologer to conduct a full analysis of a personal and ancestral horoscope.

Having considered the influence of the axis of the shadow planets as a key factor in determining the destination, we again return directly to Rahu, which is the main topic of our study.

In Indian astrology (in its modern interpretations), Rahu is responsible for a number of integral aspects of modern "technogenic" life: large cities, electronic money (it can indicate income through the electronic banking system), "shadow" aspects of politics and mass media, artificial technologies.

Also (basically, this is already earlier information based on the Puranas and other Sanskrit sources) in its lower aspect, he "supervises" meat-eating, sexual promiscuity and prostitution, gambling (those in which rajas and tamas are strongly manifested), intoxication and poisons (including alcohol in "non-therapeutic" doses and drugs outside of their medical use).

Rahu is one of the karak (indicators) of jnana (knowledge) and is responsible for foreigners and long-distance travel.

A strong and harmonious Rahu, realized through a positive aspect, is characteristic of psychologists, philosophers, scientists, astrologers and clairvoyants (because it is responsible for the intuitive part of the mind), as well as, for example, satirists, because has a strong and peculiar influence on communicative functions.

Through its energy, Rahu can strengthen the house in which it is located, excessively enhance (hypertrophy) the qualities of the planets with which it connects (remove the “frames” from them) and introduce distortions, incl. having the nature of an illusion. He is also able to "mimic" - to adopt the qualities of the planets with which he connects, without losing, however, his own qualities. For harmoniously developed people, Rahu makes it possible to rise above the material, to look through the illusion, endowing them with a vision of “subtle” plans and a deep understanding of the essence of things.

The Om-Aditya Center wishes you to find Love in your soul - for God, for yourself, for the world around you - which is the basis of any health, happiness and prosperity.
Anton Kondrashev

- these are the points of intersection of the orbit of the Moon and the orbit of the Sun, they are opposite each other and move backward.

Rahu usually enhances the characteristics of the house in which it is located, introduces tendencies of struggle and quarrels.

Rahu is the planet of drama and illusion, the outer decoration of life.

It is not without reason that its symbol is smoke, a haze that obscures the view and perception from the reality of the picture of the world.

Rahu symbolizes the external life of a person, his behavior in the outside world.

Rahu is originality, imagination, the extraverted beginning of a person.

In the horoscope, Rahu symbolizes the karmic task and denotes what a person should devote time and effort to and what to do in the current incarnation. If a person does not realize this and does not fulfill the task assigned to him, in old age he will be subjected to great trials.

The influence of Rahu is similar to influence. Those who work on Rahu become a sage.

Rahu is "responsible" for natural disasters: earthquakes, floods, disasters, etc.

Rahu is cash, more often "easy" money, not supported by anything.

Rahu also symbolizes allopathic medicine - we can say that all modern medicine is under the influence of Rahu.

Also, Rahu is all intoxications: alcohol, drugs, etc.

Rahu is an indicator of genetic engineering, large cities, media, PR. These are revolutions and all sorts of riots, terrorism and all phenomena when forces and authorities are applied more than necessary.

Rahu in the horoscope means divorce or widowhood.

Rahu is the ability of a person to influence the masses.

Rahu also means unusual humor, wit.

Realized Rahu is a deep intuition and clairvoyance, the ability to see the world through an illusion.

Rahu has a peculiarity - the planet can give a lot to a person, but take just as much if a person does not learn lessons and is too attached to the material goods given to him.

Everything that Rahu gives is temporary, and it is given solely for gaining wisdom.

In the body, Rahu is responsible for:



    excretory tissue



    digestive tract

    swallowing reflex

Diseases for which Rahu is "responsible":

    varicose veins








In conjunction with other planets and depending on the degree of inauspiciousness of such a conjunction, Rahu can denote other diseases * that are not included in this list.

Clothing: pompous, pretentious, tasteless, but bright.

Colours: brown, smoky, as well as colors that are difficult to identify, incomprehensible colors.

Cardinal direction: southwest.

Places: stadiums, stages, beautiful, breathtaking, factories where a large number of people work, media.

Element: ether.

Geometric figure: straight line.

Metals and stones: lead, hizzonite (hessonite), agate.

Number: 4.

Age: from 69 to 108 years.

Personality: eccentric, impulsive.

Gender: genderless planet.

Relatives: maternal grandparents.

Professions and occupations: related to the masses, in front of people





    political games

The nature of the planet: varies depending on the position in the horoscope, the nature of the conjunctions and aspects.

Rahu does not own any sign of the zodiac.

Some sources of Jyotish say that this planet does not have degrees and signs of exaltation and fall, others state that Rahu exalts in and experiences a fall in Scorpio. Another group of Jyotish considers the sign of exaltation of Rahu to be the constellation, and the sign of its fall to be the constellation.

Strong Rahus also indicate a person born in a low caste or one who has sinful thoughts and commits low deeds.

A strong Rahu can give a person power and help to achieve a high position in society. Rahu can contribute to the material success of a person.

Rahu, as well as, will act as the owner of the sign in which it is located. Therefore, the strength of these planets is judged not only by their own position in the signs, but also by the position of the owner of the sign in which they are located.

The most important indicator of Rahu is the egoistic desires for pleasure, those desires about which the sages say "Beware of your desires."

Rahu forces us to indulge our material nature, plunges us into the race for illusory happiness.

In addition, Rahu gives doubts, disappointments, uncertainty. Rahu brings confusion to the mind, creates temptations. He personifies everything illegal, condemned - bad habits, a tendency to intoxication, gambling.

From a material point of view, the dignity of a strong Rahu is power over people, the ability to influence the crowd. But from a spiritual point of view, this is the biggest test.

Rahu shows poisons, he gives such qualities of character as greed, greed and envy.

Rahu in gunas




  • natural, simple life
  • eating natural foods
  • freedom from illusion
  • detachment
  • fearlessness
  • originality
  • novelty
  • independence
  • rich imagination
  • ingenuity
  • unusual humor
  • insatiable desires
  • influence on the crowd
  • extreme sports
  • desire for power over people
  • ostentatious religiosity
  • addiction to electronics
  • fear of the future
  • fancy taste in clothes
  • dishonesty
  • confusion
  • flirting for fun
  • dependence on allopathic drugs
  • criticism
  • disputes
  • divorces
  • addiction
  • clouding of mind
  • alcoholism
  • smoking
  • "terry" illusion
  • obsession
  • morbid addiction to heavy music
  • malaise from natural food
  • dirt, mess
  • television addiction
  • dislike of talking about God
  • irritation from beauty and nature
  • excessive sleep
  • terrorism

Upayas (methods of harmonization) of Rahu energy:

Do you know that in Vedic astrology there is a planet that is responsible for the fulfillment of desires, success in all areas of life, personal growth? This is one of the shadow planets - Rahu.

This planet does not have a physical body, but it can be found in astrological calculations. Despite the fact that it is not physically there, the energy of this planet is very strong, and by harmonizing it, you can achieve success and fulfill your desires.

From an astronomical point of view, Rahu can be described as follows: it is the ascending node or the point at which the Moon crosses the ecliptic (the path of the Sun) from south to north. At such a point, eclipses can occur from time to time. Lunar nodes are when two energies, lunar and solar, collide and cancel each other out.

Strong Rahu

If you are in harmony with this planet, then almost everything in life comes easy to you. You know how to correctly send your desires to the Universe, and after a while they all come true. You are successful, you have a very good environment, you can say that you are popular, you are respected. Such a person knows how to correctly prioritize and pay special attention to important things, thanks to this, success accompanies his life. You have a very good intuition, which also helps you in doing business. You always consciously and wisely approach the solution of problems and complex tasks, and you do it very well.

Rahu should be especially balanced by public and creative people who are constantly in the spotlight, have influence and popularity, and are opinion leaders. It is this planet that influences creativity, respect, inspiration, helps to keep attention.

Weak Rahu

Let's now determine if you have a problem with this planet.

You have a weak Rahu if:

  1. You have many fears and phobias, you have increased sensitivity and excitability
  2. You often feel anxious or restless
  3. You are easy to manipulate
  4. They often say about you that you are strange, they often do not understand you. You often have bizarre fantasies
  5. You have very few or no friends. You are not respected in society, unpopular
  6. You are doing useless things, while forgetting about matters of first importance
  7. You live in your illusions, which often prevents you from achieving success. Not able to soberly assess the situation
  8. You are constantly arguing and swearing. Love to run into conflict
  9. Do you love gambling?
  10. Problems communicating with parents
  11. You are afraid of the future, so you have no plans and goals
  12. Sleep too much or too little
  13. Love everything artificial
  14. Do you have an alcohol problem?
  15. You have nervous or mental illness, obesity, insomnia. If you have a weak immune system, digestive and stomach problems, cancers

Rahu in the natal chart

This planet is also weak if:

  • All the planets in your horoscope are located between Rahu and Ketu.
  • Rahu in: 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,12 houses
  • Rahu is associated with any of the planets in your natal chart
  • Rahu in fall
  • You were born near an eclipse

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  1. It is necessary to look in the natal chart in which house Rahu was at the time of your birth. It is with the energy of this house that you need to work hard. Because the position of Rahu shows a number of possibilities that you are afraid to make a reality. You will be able to understand with which house you need to establish a connection in order for this or that area of ​​\u200b\u200blife to improve. For example, if Rahu is in the 10th house - the house of career and you notice that nothing works out for you. You have a low salary, you are not moving up the career ladder, or you are afraid to open a business, although you have a great idea and this has definitely not happened before. This means that you have all the necessary and important qualities to reach a new level, but you think that you will not succeed and do nothing. Here it is important to understand which house is struck, and work on self-confidence and self-confidence.
  2. Avoid GMOs. Try to eat right. Eat more vegetables and fruits
  3. Wear natural fabrics, avoid synthetics
  4. Try to be clean. Especially where you sleep. If the house is dirty, he lets in the negative energy of Rahu. According to Vastu: put something heavy in the southwest - a figurine, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers - this will help you block the negative influence of Rahu.
  5. Eat oranges, honey, sea buckthorn. These foods neutralize the negative energy of Rahu
  6. Read the mantra that harmonizes all levels of Rahu - Om Namo Bhagavate Varahadevaya. You can also read the mantra of Shiva - Hum. It destroys illusions and cleanses the psyche from suggestions and negative influences.
  7. Try to smile more often, be friendly and friendly with others. Help people. Thank loved ones. If you have a grudge against your parents, practice forgiveness
  8. Learn to plan properly. Rank tasks from most important to least important
  9. Learn to set goals for yourself. Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down 10 goals. At least easy to perform, and begin to gradually achieve them.
  10. Drink warm sweet milk at night, this will also help direct the energy of Rahu in the right direction.
  11. Keep fasting on Saturdays
  12. If you have problems with bad habits, try to fight them: give up gambling, smoking, alcohol

Do you know that in Vedic astrology there is a planet that is responsible for the fulfillment of desires, success in all areas of life, personal growth? This is one of the shadow planets - Rahu.

This planet does not have a physical body, but it can be found in astrological calculations. Despite the fact that it is not physically there, the energy of this planet is very strong, and by harmonizing it, you can achieve success and fulfill your desires.

From an astronomical point of view, Rahu can be described as follows: it is the ascending node or the point at which the Moon crosses the ecliptic (the path of the Sun) from south to north. At such a point, eclipses can occur from time to time. Lunar nodes are when two energies, lunar and solar, collide and cancel each other out.

Strong Rahu

If you are in harmony with this planet, then almost everything in life comes easy to you. You know how to correctly send your desires to the Universe, and after a while they all come true. You are successful, you have a very good environment, you can say that you are popular, you are respected. Such a person knows how to correctly prioritize and pay special attention to important things, thanks to this, success accompanies his life. You have a very good intuition, which also helps you in doing business. You always consciously and wisely approach the solution of problems and complex tasks, and you do it very well.

Rahu should be especially balanced by public and creative people who are constantly in the spotlight, have influence and popularity, and are opinion leaders. It is this planet that influences creativity, respect, inspiration, helps to keep attention.

Weak Rahu

Let's now determine if you have a problem with this planet.

You have a weak Rahu if:

  1. You have many fears and phobias, you have increased sensitivity and excitability
  2. You often feel anxious or restless
  3. You are easy to manipulate
  4. They often say about you that you are strange, they often do not understand you. You often have bizarre fantasies
  5. You have very few or no friends. You are not respected in society, unpopular
  6. You are doing useless things, while forgetting about matters of first importance
  7. You live in your illusions, which often prevents you from achieving success. Not able to soberly assess the situation
  8. You are constantly arguing and swearing. Love to run into conflict
  9. Do you love gambling?
  10. Problems communicating with parents
  11. You are afraid of the future, so you have no plans and goals
  12. Sleep too much or too little
  13. Love everything artificial
  14. Do you have an alcohol problem?
  15. You have nervous or mental illness, obesity, insomnia. If you have a weak immune system, digestive and stomach problems, cancers

Rahu in the natal chart

This planet is also weak if:

  • All the planets in your horoscope are located between Rahu and Ketu.
  • Rahu in: 1,2,4,5,7,8,9,12 houses
  • Rahu is associated with any of the planets in your natal chart
  • Rahu in fall
  • You were born near an eclipse

Do you want to learn useful practices, draw up your natal chart and find out the future? Then watch our free webinar and get answers to the most important questions. Register and we will send you a link to the webinar

  1. It is necessary to look in the natal chart in which house Rahu was at the time of your birth. It is with the energy of this house that you need to work hard. Because the position of Rahu shows a number of possibilities that you are afraid to make a reality. You will be able to understand with which house you need to establish a connection in order for this or that area of ​​\u200b\u200blife to improve. For example, if Rahu is in the 10th house - the house of career and you notice that nothing works out for you. You have a low salary, you are not moving up the career ladder, or you are afraid to open a business, although you have a great idea and this has definitely not happened before. This means that you have all the necessary and important qualities to reach a new level, but you think that you will not succeed and do nothing. Here it is important to understand which house is struck, and work on self-confidence and self-confidence.
  2. Avoid GMOs. Try to eat right. Eat more vegetables and fruits
  3. Wear natural fabrics, avoid synthetics
  4. Try to be clean. Especially where you sleep. If the house is dirty, he lets in the negative energy of Rahu. According to Vastu: put something heavy in the southwest - a figurine, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers - this will help you block the negative influence of Rahu.
  5. Eat oranges, honey, sea buckthorn. These foods neutralize the negative energy of Rahu
  6. Read the mantra that harmonizes all levels of Rahu - Om Namo Bhagavate Varahadevaya. You can also read the mantra of Shiva - Hum. It destroys illusions and cleanses the psyche from suggestions and negative influences.
  7. Try to smile more often, be friendly and friendly with others. Help people. Thank loved ones. If you have a grudge against your parents, practice forgiveness
  8. Learn to plan properly. Rank tasks from most important to least important
  9. Learn to set goals for yourself. Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down 10 goals. At least easy to perform, and begin to gradually achieve them.
  10. Drink warm sweet milk at night, this will also help direct the energy of Rahu in the right direction.
  11. Keep fasting on Saturdays
  12. If you have problems with bad habits, try to fight them: give up gambling, smoking, alcohol
