A spell to find a good job. To be hired

A person spends most of his life in the service. The well-being and success of the individual depends on it. If the current place does not satisfy materially and psychologically, then you need to find yourself another occupation. Is there a proven rite of passage for finding a new job? Let's analyze the most popular options.

Preparing for rituals

Experienced magicians know that without preliminary action, any witchcraft will not function to its full potential. In order for the best conspiracies and prayers to achieve their goal, it is important to properly prepare. Cleansing rituals will not only get rid of negative energy, but also set you up for positive changes in life.

  1. Spring-cleaning. People do not pay attention to the fact that they are surrounded by a huge number of unnecessary things. We recommend clearing the blockages in the closets and on the balcony, as well as washing the floors and windows in all rooms.
  2. Get rid of negative thoughts. Lack of money leads to the fact that even the most positive person begins to envy others. The influence of destructive energy violates inner harmony and does not allow one to move on to the next step.
  3. Without a "monetary threshold". Often people put a limit on wealth at the mental level. You can’t “order” a certain amount from fate, otherwise, after receiving it, financial failures will come again. In extreme cases, it is easier to wish for a car or an apartment than to put a limit on your own capabilities.

Need to find a new job? Before an important interview, you need to calm down and tune in to a positive result. Remember that the procedure is carried out by experienced psychologists who quickly recognize an indecisive person. Rituals will make you feel more confident and “show” interviewers positive traits.

Classic conspiracy

For a proven ritual to find a position, you need coins and a new white handkerchief. Remember that the last component is purchased a day before the ceremony. In this case, you must not bargain with the seller and do not take the change.

Actions are carried out during the growing moon after sunset. The money is placed tails up in the fabric. Then the words of the conspiracy are repeated three times.

“As clear stars are always with the moon, so money luck will always be with me. I will not complain about my life and will find a good service for myself. In a new place, everything works out for me, and the coins in my wallet are added. Let it be so. Amen".

After reading, the money is wrapped in a scarf, tied in a knot and hidden away from prying eyes. In the morning, you can start looking for a new job. To do this, they buy a newspaper with ads, post a resume or respond to vacancies of interest. The position given by higher powers will no longer slip out of hand.

Honey magnet

The rite to attract financial luck and to increase is carried out for seven days. A suitable period for action is the full phase of the moon. The thin horn of the month is already visible in the sky, so you can start the ritual.

To find a good job, you have to take a honey shower. To do this, they take natural raw materials and smear the body during the hygiene procedure. Performing a ritual, they imagine how troubles go away, and the best offers “stick” to a person.

Then the sweet product is washed off with warm water and ordinary soap or gel. The substance has long been used by magicians in attracting actions, therefore it is also used to improve financial well-being. Remember that the rite is contraindicated for people allergic to honey.

Ritual with candles

Fire is a very strong element that has a dual nature. On the one hand, it destroys everything it touches, and on the other hand, it is a powerful source of energy that preserves life. Our ancestors knew these features, so they often used flame in witchcraft.

Before the ritual, it is necessary to carry out a cycle of cleansing procedures. You need to wear light, loose clothing that will not hinder movement. Still need to take:

  • four candles of different colors (white, beige, green, black);
  • ground cinnamon;
  • patchouli essential oil;
  • towel made of natural fabric;
  • a small bowl;
  • clean water.

The black candle is cut a few centimeters so that it is smaller than the rest of the lights. Gently lubricate the surface with an odorous liquid, light a flame. You need to look at the fire and mentally imagine how failures and lack of money burn in it. They put the element on the table, after which they thoroughly rinse their hands in a container of water.

The remaining candles are sprinkled with cinnamon powder. When lighting the green one, you need to think about a high salary at a new job, and the white one - how you will like the activity. The beige component is ignited last - the most important of all. It is a fixing element that gives energy for all previous actions.

After all the lights burn out, you can go to bed. In the morning, they begin an active search for a new place. The rules have been honed over the centuries, so it is important to adhere to the presented algorithm: in the coming days, get the desired position.

Ritual for a good job

Modern people often do not what they are interested in or like. Finding the best jobs that you like is not always a quick process, which is why many are afraid of running out of money. But there are conspiracies that contribute to undertakings.

Before the ritual, you need to start with cleansing, which is completed by reading any prayer. Then they take:

  • a new ceramic bowl;
  • Matchbox;
  • paper;
  • handle;
  • cinnamon;
  • crushed candied fruits;
  • long fig.

The ceremony is performed in the evening in complete solitude. They sit down at the table and write on the sheet all the requirements that they want from the desired position. It is important to think over the content of the text in advance so as not to forget anything. Then the paper is folded several times, put in a container. Sprinkle grains and spices on top, cover with palms and now you need to imagine yourself in detail at a new job.

In order for the magical actions to work, the procedure must be carried out during the period of the growing moon. The components are poured into boxes and left for three days on the windowsill. The rays of the night star will "charge" the amulet. The talisman is carried with them in a pocket or bag until they find a suitable place.


Ritual for getting a job.

Job search. Ritual of Svarog.

Before the interview

To obtain a highly paid position, they often negotiate with a future employer. If several candidates apply for one vacancy, then people will worry and can make many mistakes. The success of the business depends on inner peace and the help of higher powers.

In front of the building in which the interview is taking place, you need to stop and mentally imagine yourself in the desired position. Then they slowly walk to the door, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy to themselves.

“I am on my way to a new life. Let the owner like my face, character and performance. God, help me, give strength, and confidence, and good luck. Amen".

Now you don't have to worry about the interview. If the place is really good, then it will be yours. Fate will save you from a bad boss and low wages.

Rite on the pen

If instead of an interview they offer to fill out a questionnaire or take a test, then it is better to protect yourself in advance. Magic effects on objects is a proven technique that makes it easier to go to your goal. We offer to enchant an ordinary stationery item.

Actions are carried out on the growing moon. On Friday morning they go to the store, buy a pen and a red thread. Already at home, a church candle is lit, the twine is carefully wound around the body, trying to completely close the entire space.

At this point, you need to imagine how energy penetrates into the object. For three nights, the element of magic is left on the windowsill. Moonlight completes the ritual and "seals" the power within.

While filling out the document, use your stationery. The written text acquires for a short time witchcraft abilities. A person receives the location of the future leadership and the chance to enjoy the benefits of a good position. After being hired, we advise you not to be lazy and show your competence. Otherwise, the spell will dissipate, and with them a new place.

For promotion

What are the best magical conspiracies that can quickly affect career advancement? To make the dream accessible, we recommend trying a proven technique. The success of actions depends on the internal preparation of a person, so you need to carry out cleansing procedures and calm down.

Good luck will bring a piece of birch bark, which must be torn off on the way to work. They take a small bark with them, mentally representing it in the form of a shield. They hide it in the table and pick it up every day, repeating the visualization.

A week later, proceed to the next stage. You need to arrange a conversation with your boss. Before the interview, the words of the prayer to the guardian angel are said three times. Then they touch the birch bark and calmly go to an important meeting. Now you can not be afraid to apply for the best place.

Before taking action, you need to decide whether you need a raise or not. Often a person is not mentally prepared for other powers. We do not recommend engaging in witchcraft for the sake of experiment.

From ill-wishers

Sometimes career advancement is hindered by the intrigues of enemies. They do not allow to work normally and survive from a good position. Do not try to punish or destroy pests: black magic always returns to the original source. We advise you to create a reliable shield.

Within 12 days it is necessary to come to the temple to the image of the Virgin. They put a candle in front of the icon and mentally ask for protection from enemies. When the flame burns down to the middle, they leave the church, distribute alms to all the poor.

The ritual can be supplemented in another way. Candles are placed near faces:

  • guardian angel;
  • nominal saint;
  • Archangel Michael;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Before each image, they ask for protection from enemies and pests. At this point, you can not hate or get angry at people who want evil. Such humility reflects even the strongest dark magic.

Finding a job

The best specialists often face a problem when it is difficult to find a position. Companies offer uncomfortable hours or low pay. What do you need to do to get the right job?

To find a job and a device in a good place, you need to conduct a simple ceremony. You will need seven shiny coins and two new white handkerchiefs. The fabric is washed, dried and ironed, after which it is laid out for three nights on the windowsill. In the phase of the growing moon, the rays will touch the surface of the element, charging it with cosmic energy.

On the fourth day, money is wrapped in one handkerchief, and seven pinches of consecrated salt are wrapped in another. As it gets dark, they leave the house, bury magical coins under any plant. Professionals advise choosing places where the performer rarely goes.

They return to the dwelling, take a bundle with spice and take it to the nearest crossroads. They tie them to a tree, say: “Paid” and quickly walk back. Then you have to go to bed without talking to anyone. The very next day, you can safely search for a job.

Spells with rituals to work are ancient knowledge that has come down to us from our ancestors. By following simple rules, you can easily find a good place and get it quickly taken. But if you do not fulfill your duties, then magic will not help in your future career.

The magician who cannot help a person reach career heights is bad. There is no need to hide: using witchcraft techniques, it is very easy to find a good high-paying job, solve problems with management, achieve a pay increase ... The main thing is to be ready for change. Enchantment pushes the situation, but the person must want it.

When white magic is the only way out?

Very often, career development is inhibited at the energy level. Corruption, all kinds of blocks, closing paths - such programs are on a huge number of people. And in such situations, the best choice is to read prayers and conspiracies for work.

How to understand that you can not do without them? On the basis of these signs:

  1. It often happens that the interview seems to go well, but there is no result. It’s not that they don’t offer a position - they don’t even call back with a refusal.
  2. Work does not bring money in sufficient quantities, although a person makes a lot of effort. A typical example is that an employee has been promised a salary increase for years, but the rate does not change regardless of the real state of affairs of the company.
  3. There is constant conflict in the team. At the same time, the authorities always take the side of others, even if they are wrong.
  4. One has only to come to his workplace, as the trouble begins. The computer breaks down, documents are lost, health worsens, etc.
  5. There is a feeling of a certain “wall” - an invisible barrier that does not allow career development.

Don't be afraid of magic. The reviews of a huge number of people prove that witchcraft solves the most difficult problems. Moreover, even in conditions of apparent well-being, spells can improve the situation even more, because there is no upper limit as such.

Start solving your problems right now!

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Witchcraft to work at home - pros and cons

Realizing the problem, most people immediately try to start solving it. And this is commendable: without due effort, it is impossible to achieve anything. But the question arises - is it worth conjuring yourself? Consider the advantages and disadvantages of home rituals.

Advantages of independent rituals:

  1. Saving time. You can conduct a ceremony without adjusting to the schedule of a specialist.
  2. Budget. Most likely, it will be possible to do without any significant costs. The main component of the "estimate" is missing - the work of the magician.
  3. A chance to awaken your magical talent. Many people have the ability to cast spells, and independent experiments are an opportunity to reveal them.

But magic at home has very serious disadvantages. Key among them are:

  1. Risk of hurting yourself and worsening the situation. A strong job search spell, read incorrectly, will make it so that a person will not find any paid employment at all - and this is just one example.
  2. Potential to waste months. Instead of progressing under the influence of a spell, a person will cast non-working spells without achieving any result.

Why is this happening? For what reason, a self-read conspiracy to attract work does not help, but throws back years in a career? It's simple:

  • an unprepared person does not know all the subtleties (how to take into account the phase of the moon, how to focus on a goal, what tone to read the text, etc.);
  • the “home” magician does not have information about working rituals, and a conspiracy or prayer found on the Internet will most likely contain some distortions;
  • a fake sorcerer has no contact with higher powers.

But the choice, as always, is up to the individual. If the potential consequences are not frightening, you can conjure at home. But you need to be prepared for the fact that then everything will have to be redone.

Tell me about your trouble and I will help you

What are the conspiracies for getting a job: the most powerful rites

Those who decide to try independent witchcraft are advised to stop at one of the following rituals. These are the most powerful conspiracies for work and money, characterized by maximum security. Rituals will help:

  • get a job in a good company without proper experience, education, connections;
  • to establish relations with the new team and not become a victim of gossip and gossip;
  • immediately join the labor process, without experiencing the usual difficulties for beginners.

Rituals are performed on the rise of the moon. In one month, only one of the rites is performed:

  1. A conspiracy for salt to be hired. It is necessary to pour coarse salt in front of you and say seven times: “My will is true, the king will bow before her, bow his little head, bow to the ground to me. Where I go - I will come there, I will stand on the threshold, I will knock on the door. They will gladly open it for me, invite me inside, fill my pockets with gold, fulfill my will. They go to the organization where they want to work, sprinkling salt on the road. The rest is poured out on the doorstep of the company.
  2. An old conspiracy to work for cream. The rite will make sure that an interesting and monetary job is found within a month. They put a glass of home-made heavy cream in front of them and read on it three times: “Give milk to a cow, please the world with a song, and get me a job. Yes, not simple, but fine and rich, glorious and good. So that they invite me there with gold stones, so that they don’t let me go with an empty purse. So that everyone there loves and reveres me, so that they don’t know evil against me. To work for me there for glory and honor - and so that then I would not count the money. The cream is drunk to the bottom, and the glass is smashed on the floor.
  3. Conspiracy from Vanga. They pronounce the text, looking at themselves in the mirror: “I am handsome and smart, healthy and cheeky, hardworking and hardworking, handy and broad-shouldered, fit for any work, fit for any job. Everyone knows this, everyone sees it, everyone invites me to their place - yes, not ordinary chambers, but royal and golden ones, where they pay with gold, where they give silver. To work for me where the king would not be ashamed to work, where any master would like to find himself. As I say this to myself, I let go of my words, send them into the world so that they follow it, so that they find a good job for me.
  4. Conspiracy before sleep. It is necessary to close your eyes and repeat in a whisper seven times: “While I am sleeping, napping, my angel of rest does not know, flies around the world, looking for work for me. So that she was good and simple, not difficult, but sweet to me. So that she brings a lot of money, so that she doesn’t drink blood from me, so that she doesn’t pull the veins. So that she generously feeds me, so that she gives me joy, so that she does not thin my suit.

Conspiracies for all occasions of "career life"

There are a lot of situations when you may need to use magic. And it makes sense to dwell only on the most common cases.

Conspiracy to get a job before an interview

The text is spoken just before leaving the house (or while waiting for an interview). No attributes are needed, you just need to repeat to yourself:

I am a beast, I am a king, I am a sovereign,

I am honored to receive, I do not know the refusal.

Whatever I say, I will tie to the word,

whatever I say, I'll say well.

Get a job, everything is right to say,

do everything right, do not harm yourself.

And, of course, they don’t relax at the interview, trying to show their best side.

Conspiracy to get a job after an interview

The rite is carried out immediately after the interview, “on fresh tracks”. They leave the building, pick up any pebble and take about a hundred steps forward. As they walk, repeat:

Work is not my concern

and my concern is yawning and drowsiness.

I yawn and doze off -

yes, get a job.

Then they turn and throw a pebble towards the building. After that they go home.

Conspiracy for good luck in a new job

Arrive early on your first day of work. You need to take the handle of the front door and quietly say:

I'm here to be, to do business,

work, work

reach the top!

The plot can be repeated for several days in a row. It's completely safe and additionally makes sure you don't get fired for the little mistakes that happen to everyone.

Conspiracy for promotion at work

You need to take a new nail and say to it:

The nail is sharp, and I, brother, are cunning,

I say these words, I go up the stairs.

No one will overtake me

no one will get ahead of me.

I'll go around everyone, I'll go for a promotion,

not tomorrow, not Thursday, but today Wednesday -

right in time for dinner!

A nail is brought to work and driven in (or hidden) in a secluded place.

Conspiracy not to get fired at work

The ritual is carried out both for safety net and in case of real problems. You need to take a coin and say to it:

As no one throws money out of the purse,

like no one throws gold out of his pocket,

so I will never be kicked out of (company name),

will not fire, will not drive away, will not point to the door,

he won’t smoke, he won’t push him out, he won’t take him out of work.

Always carry a coin with you. The conspiracy, so as not to be fired from work, is valid for three months, then the ceremony is required to be repeated.

Conspiracy to protect at work from bad colleagues and ill-wishers

You can close yourself from unpleasant colleagues with the help of a simple ritual. You need to take two needles, cross them and say:

How can two shores not converge,

so my enemies do not gather together,

do not grind with your tongue, do not break my bones,

do not twist my insides, do not drink my blood.

I have to work, work, and my enemies will be incinerated,

whoever looks at me evilly will drive himself into trouble,

hide from goodness, hide from happiness.

Needles are brought to work and hidden in different places. For example, one can be stuck into the ground in a flower pot, and the second can be put under the carpet. It is permissible to read a plot from enemies at work several times. The more enemies, the more pairs of needles you will have to hide (it is advised to use two needles for each enemy).

A conspiracy from any trouble at work

Read the text above their own photo. It is advisable to learn it:

My trouble is not my sister, but the cursed enemy,

I will drive her away so that she does not follow me,

so that it doesn’t harm me, so that it doesn’t repair blackness for me.

I don’t know obstacles in my work, I don’t know the human law,

I do everything right, I do everything right,

I don’t know grief, I do everything by right!

It is necessary to repeat the plot from troubles at work three, seven or twenty-one times. The picture is not to be shown to anyone.

How to help loved ones with work: special conspiracies for husband and children

Magic is good because it allows you to take care not only of yourself, but also of your surroundings. The closer the connection with a person, the easier it is to influence his life through witchcraft. And most often you have to perform rituals for the spouse and children. There is nothing reprehensible in such help, since it is really difficult to find a good job today.

If the husband cannot get a job

A lit green candle is placed on the photo of the spouse. Pronounce:

Kitty cat, sheep graze, dog bark,

melt snow, burn fire, and (name) find work.

Wherever he goes, he will find a position,

wherever he looks, he will become the boss.

(Name) do not be lazy, do not make excuses,

but to work faithfully, to multiply money, not to complain about luck.

While the candle is burning, (name) is looking for a job,

when the flame goes out, (name) will find work.

The candle is allowed to burn to the end. The picture is hidden in an album. The same conspiracy is read so that the husband can return to work, from where he left earlier for some reason.

If the son has been unemployed for a long time

On a white sheet of paper write the full name of the son, the date and place of his birth. And from below they attribute a strong conspiracy to get hired:

A handsome son will find a share, he will enchant everyone,

will lure everyone - but not an empty girl,

not a drunken bottle, but a good job.

Let the handsome son change his fate -

from dashing to good, that he will give work -

not bestial, but good.

The paper is sealed in an envelope and, without signing, is lowered into the mailbox.

If the daughter is not taken anywhere in the specialty

It is required to generously smear the photo of the daughter with honey and draw three crosses in the picture with a wooden twig. In this case, each time you should say:

Like flies for honey, so money for (name) -

but not crazy, not stolen,

not quick, but hard-earned,

deserving of work.

Let (name) find a job,

let him serve in the right place,

let the boss make her happy in everything,

does good to her and helps in every way.

I say words to work and to about (name) care,

so that (name) goes to the position,

so that it’s okay to live and not toil,

to work as a bee and be liked by everyone around.

The picture is taken to the forest and left under a birch. A slice of fresh black bread is also placed there.

The consequences of witchcraft: what conspiracies give to work

Each case is different, which means that the results will always be different. But among the main "achievements" of the magical rite may be:

  • promotion at work;
  • improving relations with the team;
  • protection at work from various troubles and troubles;
  • receiving higher wages;
  • blocking your identity from evil people at work;
  • achieving mutual understanding with superiors;
  • no risk of being fired.

Almost all rituals have a beneficial effect on the overall situation. For example, when reading a conspiracy from enemies at work, a person automatically “pulls up” the other areas of his “labor life”.

But it is not enough to carry out the ritual. In order to be respected at work, not to be fired, to raise salaries in a timely manner and to offer new positions, a person needs to make efforts himself. Then the spell will contribute to further development - otherwise there will be a constant conflict between the influence of witchcraft and the resistance of the individual. All these points are discussed with the magician - only after a competent consultation is it really possible to choose an adequate rite. The above rituals also work, but their strength cannot be compared with the power of conspiracies that are forbidden to open to the uninitiated.

In this article:

For most people, one of the important aspects of life is work. And the main desire of every person is to find a job that would bring both financial well-being and satisfaction from its implementation. Conspiracies for a highly paid and good job can help achieve this.

A conspiracy to attract good work

The first step to a successful career is finding a job you love. Before you start looking for a job, you need to buy a handkerchief on the new moon and slander it 7 times:

“It will be for me, the servant of God (his name), prosperity and good luck on the road. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and I won’t get a refusal.”

A handkerchief should always be carried with you. However, reading this simple conspiracy also means that the work itself will be found. Conspiracy words to get the desired job are only help, and the performer himself must do the main actions to find a job.

Conspiracy for a successful interview

After the required position is found, the resume is sent, the next step is the interview. In order for the leaders of the company in which the person would like to work to be positive and hire him, you need to use the following conspiracy:

“I go to the boyars, not old and not young. I'm going to get hired, to show myself to the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words. He will not be able to drive away the baptized soul. Lord Jesus, our God, have mercy on us all at any hour. Amen".

Thanks to the conspiracy, the future boss from the very first minutes of the interview will want to accept a person for exactly the position that he claims.

After a successful employment, you should not immediately relax, since the most difficult stage remains - to stay in this company, join the team and successfully cope with the assigned responsibilities.

Spell for good luck at work

The first day at a new job is perhaps the most responsible and it is worth starting at home. Before leaving your home or on your way to work, you must say the following magic words:

“I will go as a successful fisher, I will enter as a bold merchant. I am a lion, I am a wolf, I am a fox, everywhere I have a ladder, who, perhaps, is lower than others, but I am always and everywhere above everyone. Let me be revered, loved, invited to a high position. All the words I said, be strong and sculpt. Amen".

The ritual with the red bag is very simple, but in this simplicity there is efficiency.

Conspiracy to work to your liking

To find a job to your liking, you need to collect 30 of the smallest coins and sew a red fabric bag yourself from Monday to Tuesday. After that, during the growing moon at dawn, you need to throw coins into the bag, put it on your right palm, cover it with your left hand and say the magic words 7 times:

“30 talismans, 30 coins - find me a job, but hurry up, show me the way now. I will be a servant of God (his name) prosperity along the way. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job there and I won’t get a refusal.”

As the last words will be said, 10 coins must be left in the bag and always carried with you, and the remaining 20 should be buried in different places, as far as possible from each other.

Conspiracy to work on cream

Cream is considered the best part of milk, so it is recommended to use it to conspire to find a good and well-paid job. For the ritual, you must use real homemade cream (not store-bought). The fatter the dairy product is, the better the job will be lucky to find, and the more money to bring home.

Cream must be poured into a white cup and whispered over them 3 times:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will leave the house - not from the house, by the door - not by the door, by the gate - not by the gate, dear - not by the road, by the road - I will not pass, by the country - not by the country.

I will go to seek my fate in a damp forest and in an open field.

I'll take a step - I'll find a ruble, I'll take a second step - I'll find a chervonchik, I'll take a third step - I'll find fifty.

Cream to drink, and I get rich.

So that I can live long, live and not know grief. Amen".

After the conspiracy, you need to take 3 large sips of milk cream, and drink the rest with coffee or tea, you can also offer a drink to your household. Before going to bed, shake your pillow and say:

“Cow, our mother, you gave me cream, give me a new job, good and profitable.” Then cross yourself 3 times and read the prayer “Our Father” 9 times.

A good and highly paid job should be found in the next 30-50 days.

Conspiracy to succeed in finding a high-paying job

The following rite will help you find a profitable and interesting job. It is necessary immediately after the new moon on Friday to go to the forest, while on the way you can’t look back and communicate with anyone. Then you should find 2 stumps in the forest, standing next to each other. Sitting on one of them whisper these words:

“I am sitting in this place, and I am looking for the best place for myself. I, the servant of God (my name), will change seats to another stump (and I really need to change seats) and get a good seat the next day. Right. Let it be so. Amen".

It is necessary to leave the forest in the same way, without looking back and without talking to anyone. Going home, you need to be confident in your luck and that there will be a good job in the near future.

Magic words for a profitable job

Before you start looking for a new job, you need to say 3 times:

“I’m going to the boyars to plow for nothing, I’m going to get hired and fall in love with the owner. Let everyone be touched by me, and let the owners smile at me, feed me well and pay well, do not beat or scold in vain. The Lord God is our King, our Supreme Sovereign. Lord help me, help me and bless me. Amen".

This ritual is good to carry out in combination with other methods.

Conspiracy for a successful business

To perform this rite, you need to come to the bathhouse.

Having melted the stove in the bath, you need to enter it, taking off all your clothes. Then wet your head with two fingers of your left hand. Then sit down in front of the stove and carefully looking at the fire say:

“In the sauna stove, the fire burns, scorches and bursts with heat, so let my work ignite and not go out. All day, to this hour, always. Amen".

Say magic words over 12 times in a row. On the day of the ritual, you should not wash in the bath. Enter the director's office from the left foot.

Conspiracy for the desired job

Before going to an appointment, you must kiss the edge of the bread and say:

“Just as from year to year the bread of God is revered, served and accepted with a low bow, so would I, the servant of God (my name), be accepted everywhere with great joy, hired for honorable work. Amen".

Conspiracy for successful employment

If a person is going to an appointment with the director of the company on the issue of employment, but at the same time he has some doubts that he may not be accepted, the following must be done.

Enter the office from the left foot, firmly holding the thumb in the fist, while saying to yourself:

“My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, visible and invisible adversaries. Take me to all 4 directions: south, north, west and east. Amen".

A conspiracy not to be denied the desired job

At home, before the interview, you need to tie a thread in a knot with the words:

“As this knot is tied very tightly, so the servant of God (his name) quickly and firmly worked out and was accepted for the desired work. Amen".

It is necessary to repeat the conspiracy words three times, each time tying a new knot (in the end, you should get 3 knots). Then put the thread on the threshold of the house, close the door, cross the threshold and calmly, with confidence in luck, go to get a job.

A promising, well-paid job is the dream of a modern man in the street. And given the current unstable economic conditions, such a place is a real gift of fate.

Most are destined to do what they hate, complain about the hard life and do nothing to correct the situation. Sometimes the applicant goes through dozens of monotonous interviews, breaking through the thresholds of different companies, without getting the desired position.

Thanks to a simple magic tool, you can achieve successful career growth, move to the desired position, pass an interview, enlist the support of your manager, colleagues, and gain authority.

In order to be hired, develop the strongest dedication, especially with the help of magical powers. Conspiracies held to get a good position are executed at strictly defined time intervals. The most effective magical rituals turned out to be those held for the growing month. It is more likely to get the desired position if you perform a witchcraft ritual on Saturday.

Career advancement, the possibility of avoiding layoffs, should be expected after the ceremonies held on Wednesday. When you want to be hired for a new job, believe wholeheartedly in the power of magic, in a specific ritual. It is not worth carrying out magical manipulations “just in case”, otherwise the process will be delayed. Great faith in the implementation of the plan increases the chance of prayer triggering. Doubts about the effectiveness of the conspiracy create an energy block that does not allow the desired to be realized.

They read the plot alone with themselves, full concentration is of great importance in achieving the goal.

The applicant will be taken only if he clearly represents the upcoming work, the estimated salary. We advise you not to share your intention to perform the ritual with anyone, even if it has already been completed. Practice shows that it is better to keep everything that happens in secret, then the effect will be as tangible as possible.

Properly selected conspiracy - guaranteed employment

Finding a suitable position and wanting to be accepted, it is recommended to perform the following rite. For its implementation, it is better to choose a day off on the waning moon. At noon, light a candle, carefully look at the flame, then you need to read the words of the conspiracy. You need to repeat them until the candle completely burns out.

Conspiracy "To get a new job"

“I’m riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they don’t offend me with a refusal. There is no refusal for me either today, or tomorrow, or the day before yesterday, or the day after tomorrow, on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse anything, open doors will meet me, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross cross, business with a good end! Amen."
you are not bored
And eternal separation.
Why don’t you (name of the opponent) follow my beloved,
His mind and feelings do not confuse.
And you (the name of the beloved), so as not to look at the lovebird, not to wish her,
Just feel disgust for her.
Let it be so."

It also happens that a person simply does not know what kind of work he likes, because of this, he has to do an unloved thing every day, "if only they would take it." But this problem can be solved with the help of the following conspiracy.

Collect 30 coins of the smallest denomination possible. From Monday to Tuesday, sew a red bag from any fabric with your own hands. After, during the growing moon in the early morning, throw the prepared trifle into the bag, put it on the palm of your right hand, read the words of the conspiracy 7 times.

Conspiracy "To get a new job" for coins

“30 talismans, 30 coins - find me a job, but hurry up, show me the way now. I will be a servant of God (his name) prosperity along the way. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job there, but I won’t get a refusal.”
cross-shaped movements on both sides, saying: “You can’t sleep without me, you can’t rest without me, but roll around on a down pillow. The life-giving cross is with me! Amen."

After reading, 10 coins are left in a bag and always carried with them, and the rest are buried in different places, as far as possible from each other.

If you want to get a good job, you can create a talisman plant yourself.

Plant any plant you like, it can be a flower, a bush, even a tree, the main thing is that you like it. You can plant it both in the yard and at home in a pot. During landing, it is very important to read the words of the conspiracy correctly. After the ritual, carefully look after the plant while it lives, develops, grows, you will have a good job, profit. If for some reason the plant died, it is better to immediately plant a new one.

Expected result of the ritual

The result is directly proportional to the desire and accuracy of observing the rules during the ritual. Practice shows that everyone who was serious about the ritual, really wanted to get a good job, was taken to a highly paid position. On the contrary, people who performed the ritual for the sake of entertainment risk only aggravating the situation. To prevent this from happening, take the situation seriously.

Often a job seeker finds himself in a vicious circle. Everywhere he is refused, and he spends the last remaining savings, but he can not find a good place. In this case, folk conspiracies help, the action of which is aimed at attracting favorable circumstances in the search for work.

Rite of passage for promotion or finding a highly paid position with handkerchiefs

This conspiracy to work is read on the growing moon. On Sunday during this period, two cotton handkerchiefs must be purchased. They do not take change from the seller, or they even give money for settlement. Upon returning home, the handkerchiefs are washed well, dried, and then sprinkled with holy water. For several hours they should lie down in the eastern part of the room, preferably near the holy images.

Then seven identical coins are wrapped in one of the handkerchiefs, as well as seven pinches of millet. After that, the bundle with all its contents must be buried in a deserted place under a tree (it can be anything except aspen). At the same time, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced 12 times to find a job:

  • “In the fields and in the oak forests, all kinds of living creatures work from the dawn of the morning to the dawn of the night. And on the fields, the peasant, without raising his eyes, without straightening his back, works. So I work, spinning and spinning all day long. I don’t know a day to rest, I don’t see rest. Send, God, from the holy heavens grace, a reward for my efforts. That I may worthily work for Your glory. Amen".

The second handkerchief is left on the same day at any pedestrian intersection, while saying: “Paid!” When the handkerchief is thrown, they turn over their left shoulder and return home by a different path. Until the end of the day it is forbidden to talk to anyone.

For career success

On the same day of the month in which a person was born, it is necessary to put on a new thing and wear it for three days. While dressing this thing, they say the words of a conspiracy to find a good job:

  • “I put on a new thing, never worn. I'm making my way, a road that no one has walked. I will have a glorious service, prosperity in work, and understanding among honest people.

After three days, the garment is rinsed in cold water. This water must be sprinkled on the place where a person works.

For a good job

This ceremony must be carried out using four candles. They help to attract subtle energies faster. Candles should be white, black, green and brown (one each). They are firmly installed in candlesticks. Candles must stand safely, as they must burn completely during the reading of the plot to work. Also take a little patchouli essential oil and a little cinnamon. In addition, prepare a bowl of water and a towel - this will be required for washing hands.

It is necessary to conduct the ceremony in complete solitude. At the end of all preparations, they sit down at the table. The rite consists in alternately lighting candles and visualizing the necessary transformations. For each of the candles, the words of a conspiracy to work are pronounced (listed below).

Then they take a black candle in their right hand. It is used to burn away all the difficulties that come with finding a job. It is lit, and, looking at the flame, they reflect on the problems that should burn in its flame. A black candle must be lubricated with essential oil and after a while put in the center of the table.

Then they wash their hands so that the oil does not get on the rest of the candles. They need to be sprinkled with cinnamon.

A white wax candle symbolizes the performer of the ritual. Taking it in hand, they think about what those positive feelings will be like when they manage to find a good job. Then a white candle is placed on the table. A green wax lamp symbolizes prosperity. Sprinkling this candle with cinnamon, you need to think about increasing income. It is installed to the right of you.

A brown wax candle signifies the work itself. When it is sprinkled with cinnamon, it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe desired job and the responsibilities assumed by this position. She is placed on her left hand.

Lighting candles, the following words are pronounced:

  • When the black one is lit - "Grief and sadness burned down, all enemies and enemies were defeated."
  • Belaya - "What is mine belongs only to me."
  • Brown - "I will find a job to my liking and by right."
  • Green - "Luck will come soon, it will bring money."

After the ceremony, the candles must burn out to the very end. The next day, you need to start actively looking for a new job.

Ritual for success

This conspiracy for good luck in work is actively used by Siberian healers. The value of the rite lies in the fact that it has been tested by many generations. To carry it out, every day at dawn they pray to the icon of Christ:

  • “Lord, help, Jesus Christ, save our souls. Help me to resolve an unbearable difficulty. Successfully complete the work, and improve your life. To your glory, amen."

This conspiracy to work is read every day until the plans are realized. Within the next month, the working environment will begin to take shape in the best way possible.

Ritual for water

This ritual was proposed by the soothsayer Vanga herself. It acts very quickly, helping to quickly find the desired job or promotion. To conduct the sacrament, fill a glass with holy water. They read a conspiracy for a good job on him:

  • “The power of pure water, help me in business! So that rich merchants and boyars would hire me. So that they don’t offend with gold and silver, and they don’t cheat with a kind word. I will show myself at work as the most dexterous master of all masters, the wisest connoisseur of all connoisseurs. Merchants and boyars will marvel at me, bestow honors and wealth. As I said, so be it. Amen".

The words of this conspiracy for good work are repeated three times. After that, a glass of water must be drained to the bottom. If everything was done correctly, then you won’t have to wait long for a new job.

good luck

If there are failures in the workplace, you can use an effective rite to eliminate them. After the words of the conspiracy are spoken, a person receives a powerful boost of energy and self-confidence.

To perform the ceremony, you must purchase a handkerchief made of white cotton. On the day of its purchase, you need to go to the nearest forest or wild grove and say the words of a conspiracy to work on a handkerchief:

  • “Goblin walked through a green forest, but he found a white scarf. He took that handkerchief, whispered for good luck. I'll pick up my handkerchief, I'll go through the forest. Wherever I go, I will find a job. I don’t hear refusals anywhere among people - I thank Leshy, who brought good luck.

Read the words of the conspiracy three times. After that, they carry a scarf with them everywhere. Usually, problems with work are resolved within two to three months. When the employment takes place, the probationary period is completed and all the formalities are observed, it is necessary to thank Leshy. To do this, the scarf is taken to the nearest forest, and placed on a stump. A glass of vodka with a piece of black bread is placed on it.

Ritual with cream

Another effective job search conspiracy involves the use of cream. With the help of the rite, you can find a highly paid position. Since cream is the best part of milk, it allows the person performing the ritual to be energetically “drawn” to a good place. For the sacrament, not store-bought cream is used, but rustic, real. The fatter they are, the more successful the conspiracy will be.

The product must be poured into a white mug and say the words three times:

  • “I step, the servant of the Lord (name), from the house - not from the house, from the city - not from the city, the path - not the path. I'm going to look for a better share in a dark forest, in a wide meadow. I'll take a step - I'll find a coin. I will take another step - I will find gold. I’ll take the third step - I’ll stumble upon a treasure, bend down, and take it away. The cat got drunk on fat forest cream, and I got rich. I live to live, but do not know misfortune-grief.

Then three large sips are taken from the mug. What remains of the product is desirable to give to your or a neighbor's cat. Or you can finish the cream with coffee, or offer to the household. Before going to bed, fluffing the pillow, it is necessary to say the words on this day:

  • “Cow-nurse, you gave me cream. Give me a good job, not for care, but for hunting.

Prayer on the day of the interview

It is read directly on the day of the meeting with the employer. They light a thin candle from the temple, and recite the words of the conspiracy by heart. Repeat it until the candle burns out completely:

  • "I'm riding on a new chariot, on a golden-haired mare. Where I'm going, they respect me, they don't offend me with refusals. No one will say a single bad word against me, they won't refuse a single request. Amen."

Ritual with nickels

They will help you find a good workplace and simple five-ruble coins. This must certainly be the change that the performer of the ceremony received when buying salt, bread and milk in the store. It is impossible to deliberately ask for change with such coins, this will violate the action of the conspiracy to find a job.

One penny is placed in each pocket. Previously, the words of the conspiracy are pronounced on them (seven repetitions for each coin):

  • “I didn’t ask, they gave it. Higher powers, help me find a job, drive away all sorrows. Amen".

To enhance the impact of the ceremony on the eve of the interview, you can supplement it with a visit to the church. To do this, you need to go on foot to the nearest temple and put three candles at the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, as well as for the health of your enemies and ill-wishers. To make the interview successful, you can also use the action of this conspiracy to work. The boss on whom employment depends must see you on any odd day. Having put the coins in your pocket, it is necessary to enter the office on this day, having crossed its threshold from the left foot. At the same time, the words are mentally pronounced:

  • "All the charmed coins and the help of the Higher powers are with me."

Rite at dawn

This strong conspiracy to work is pronounced at sunrise. It must be pronounced in a benevolent mood. Before pronouncing the words, you need to “warm up” your hands in the rays of the morning sun. You can do this on the street or on the balcony, but not through the window glass.

The conspiracy is this:

  • “I will get up at an early dawn, go out to the red Sun, crossing myself. I will ascend the blue, high mountain, I will look at the world on all four sides. Like a white, wild horse grazing on the north side. And on the south side, the horse is red, bold. On the western side - a crow. And on the eastern side it is piebald, pockmarked. That horse is wild in his temper - not a single soul saddled him, did not ride through the clean fields. I will tame that horse at a clear dawn, he will walk obediently under me, he will take me in every direction where I want. Key, lock, tongue.

A ritual for good luck in employment

Each time, going to the employer, you need to read the following conspiracy in order to be hired. In particular, a conspiracy helps in cases where there is no certainty whether they will be hired. Before leaving the house, the following words are pronounced on the left shoulder:

  • “And here, too, God is with me. In this place, at this hour."

The spell is repeated 7 or 12 times. After each time, you need to cross yourself and pronounce the words:

  • “Lord, send me, Your humble servant (name), good luck in everything. Amen".

Effective conspiracy to work at home

Before starting a job search, the Lord's Prayer is read seven times, and then the following words:

  • “I leave the house in the shirt of the Virgin, the wings of the Archangels overshadow me, four heavenly crowns. With me are the holy Apostles - Luke, John, Matthew and Mark. May they protect me from men and women, from sharp arrows and lead bullets. Amen".

Then write the following words on a small piece of paper:

  • “There is on earth, there really is, there is in this hour, there is in God, everywhere.”

The sheet is placed in a pocket.

Effective conspiracy

Before crossing the threshold of the organization where the interview will take place, they say the words of the conspiracy three times:

  • “I, the servant of the Lord (name), ride a wild wolf, I lead all the forest animals with me. And you (the name of the host) stand in front of me, lose the word, become deaf, dumb. Stone white instantly petrified. And I will tell you the words: scum, 40 words. All rights are mine.

The threshold of the room is crossed with the right foot. The door to the office must also be opened with the right hand.

Ritual using old clothes

Before going to the interview, they put on an old dress, trousers, blouse or any other item. Then they stand in front of the mirror and say to their own reflection:

  • “I’m going, I’m going, I’ll test my fate. Not only yours (point to the reflection with your finger), but also your own (point to yourself with the same finger). My word is strong. Amen".

After that, they take off the old clothes and put on a new suit, in which they then go to the interview. When it will be necessary to leave the house, the thumb in the right hand is clamped into a fist. You can unclench it only upon coming to the organization.

Prayers and conspiracies for work, like other sacraments, must be memorized. You can read them from a sheet, but this will reduce the effect of the rite. Before the sacraments, it is recommended to fast for several days, not to drink alcohol and not to speak obscene words. At the end of any sacrament, it is useful to read several main Orthodox prayers - for example, "Our Father" or "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice."
