Working with an anxious child: a mysterious door. Exercises to reduce childhood anxiety

State Public Organization “Kuzbass Regional Center for Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical Care “Health and Personal Development”

structural subdivision of Anzhero-Sudzhensky urban district

Reviewed: Approved:

Protocol _______________

Pedagogical Council No. ______ Director E.A. Gekk

from "_____"_________201_____


Orlova Natalya Anatolevna,


educational psychologist;


Little brave man: work program for the correction of fears and anxiety in children of senior preschool age. - Anzhero-Sudzhensk, 2012-41 p.

This program is aimed at correctional and developmental work with various types of fears and anxiety that arise in children of senior preschool age. The program can be used in preschool educational institutions. It is recommended for use both in the practical activities of educational psychologists and teachers with good psychological training.

Explanatory note………………………………………………………5

Thematic plan……………………………………………………………..9



Explanatory note

Currently, the number of anxious children characterized by increased anxiety, uncertainty, and emotional instability has increased. And such children are not the rule, but the exception. Psychologists and teachers L.A. Wenger, V.S. Mukhina, A.I. Zakharov agree that anxiety in preschool children is the result of the child’s important needs not being met. Among the reasons that cause children's fear and anxiety, in the first place are unfavorable relationships with parents, especially with the mother, and when the mother feels like one with the child and tries to protect him from the difficulties and troubles of life. A child’s anxiety can also be caused by the peculiarities of interaction between educators and the child: the predominance of an authoritarian model of communication or the inconsistency of demands and assessments. In the first and second cases, the child is in constant tension due to the fear of not fulfilling the demands of adults, not “pleasing” them, and transgressing strict boundaries. Disciplinary measures applied by such a teacher most often come down to reprimands, shouts, negative assessments, prohibitions, and punishments. An inconsistent teacher causes fear because it does not give him the opportunity to predict his own behavior. Constant changes in the teacher's demands, the dependence of his behavior on his mood, and emotional lability lead to confusion in the child and do not allow him to understand what to do in a given case. Therefore, relationships with children are the most important material for the civility of society. The more humane and responsible this attitude is, the more generous the material and spiritual contribution to childhood, the more the potential of each person and society as a whole is realized. Currently, there are anxious children who are characterized by increased anxiety, uncertainty, and emotional instability. We all know well that the development of a child is closely interconnected with the characteristics of the world of his feelings and experiences. Emotions, on the one hand, are an “indicator” of the child’s state, on the other, they themselves significantly influence his cognitive processes and behavior, determining the direction of his attention, the peculiarities of his perception of the world around him, and the logic of his judgments. Young children are often “captured by emotions” because they cannot yet manage their feelings, which can lead to impulsive behavior, difficulties in communicating with peers and adults, fears and anxiety. Only with personal development do they gradually develop the ability to recognize and control their experiences, understand the emotional state of other people, arbitrariness of behavior develops, feelings become more stable and deep. A particularly difficult period in a child’s life is when significant changes occur in his life - he begins to go to kindergarten or school. It takes a lot of time for a child to get comfortable in a new environment, get used to a new daily routine, to communicate with previously unfamiliar children, understand the requirements of educators and teachers, and understand how to master new knowledge in the process of group learning. The period of adaptation to school life is a serious test for most children entering first grade. They must get used to new requirements, daily responsibilities, and a new team. The children strive to become schoolchildren, but the order at school is too regulated and strict for many. School life is especially difficult for those children whose play motivation dominates; for them the transition to learning can be traumatic. The peculiarity of the inner world of a junior schoolchild is that he is still little aware of the content of his experiences. A child of six to nine years old is not always able to understand the reasons that cause them. A child most often responds to difficulties at school with acute emotional reactions - anger, fear, resentment. Special work is needed so that parents and educators, together with a psychologist, delve into the child’s problems and his experiences. Only then will they be able to provide effective assistance to the child. In order for a junior student to be able to consciously regulate behavior in the future, he needs to be taught to express his feelings and find ways out of a difficult situation. If this is not done, unreacted feelings will determine the child’s life for a long time, creating ever new subjective difficulties and problems. In older preschool age, children are especially actively developing voluntary behavior, an internal plan of action, and the ability to reflect begins to develop. Therefore, it is at this stage that a child can successfully master the means and methods of analyzing his behavior. Due to their age characteristics, children turn out to be especially susceptible to negative social influences. Therefore, the issue of therapeutic assistance to those who are not able to independently overcome psychological difficulties is extremely relevant. Here, the work of not only specialists with a child experiencing emotional problems, but also his parents is important. The essential characteristic of support in psychological terms is the creation of conditions for the individual’s transition to self-help, i.e. a transition is made from the position “I can’t” to the position “I can cope with my difficulties myself.” This occurs through the search for hidden resources for the development of a person or family, relying on his (her) own capabilities and creating on this basis psychological conditions for self-development. Particular attention should be paid to the activities of the psychologist within the current, immediate and potential zones of child development. What a child can do with someone’s help today, he can do on his own tomorrow. The construction of correctional work with children is based on the idea of ​​L.S. Vygotsky about the zone of proximal development. As you know, with some external help, any child does much more than he can do on his own, as if overcoming the limits of age-related development. Not only education, but also therapeutic assistance based on the child’s zone of proximal development is extremely effective. The orientation of psychological assistance “above” the current level of development of the child, and not on existing capabilities, gives the child the opportunity to turn to his own, not yet used internal resources. This program can also serve as a basis for creating your own scenarios, taking into account the needs and characteristics of each specific group, which implies a mandatory element of creativity in the work of a teacher. This correctional and developmental program “Little Brave” is entirely aimed at working with various types of fears and anxiety that arise in children of older preschool age. Work to eliminate fears and anxiety in children is carried out in several areas: work with children, work with teachers, work with parents and is based on the implementing tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) (federal state educational standards) in a preschool institution, one of which is the creation of conditions for timely and the full mental development of each child.

The purpose of the program is correction of fears and high levels of general anxiety in children of senior preschool age.

Program objectives:

Reduce anxiety levels;

Neutralize fears and emotionally negative experiences;

Increase self-confidence;

Program effectiveness criteria:

Increased self-confidence;

Reduced anxiety;

Reducing the number of fears.

It is planned to conduct two control points (at the beginning of the course of classes and after the course of classes) in the form of a diagnostic examination.

The program is designed for 20 lessons. Work is carried out in groups of 8-12 students, 2 times a week. Lesson duration is 35 minutes.

Lesson structure:

Welcome ritual;

Main part;

Farewell ritual.

Expected results:

1. Reducing anxiety levels.

2. Reducing the number of fears.

3. Development of self-confidence, the ability to most successfully realize oneself in behavior and interaction with other people.

4. Formation of knowledge among parents about the characteristics of anxious children

Methods and techniques used in the program:

Elements of play therapy;

Elements of art therapy;

Elements of sand therapy;


Thematic planning (pupils)

Name of topics

Number of hours


Introductory lesson/diagnostics

Hello, it's me!

Hot palms


Mood (continued)

How beautiful this world is

Our fears


Magical forest

Fairytale box

I'm brave!


Sun in the palm of your hand

Magic blots

Mysterious sounds

Why my loved ones love me.

I can overcome difficulties

I'm not afraid anymore!

Final lesson/diagnostics


Thematic planning (parents)

Number of hours

Number of hours


Test M.A. Panfilova "Fears in the houses"

Parent meeting:“Parenting styles” with presentation

Memo for teachers and parents “Ways to correct fears and anxiety in preschool children.”


Class notes


Introductory/diagnosis of fears and anxiety levels in children.



Goal: getting the participants to know each other, increasing the positive attitude and unity of children, emotional and muscle relaxation.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, large sheet of paper, paints, models of bumps.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Children sit in a circle with a psychologist. Everyone is invited to greet each other Good morning Sasha... Olya...etc. that need to be sung.


Children turn into a small sprout (they curl up into a ball and clasp their knees with their hands), the sun warms them more and more often and the sprout begins to grow and reach for the sun.

All movements are performed to the music.

Main part:

Exercise “What do I love?” and “Tell me about yourself”

Children in a circle, each one says in turn what he likes from food, clothes, what he likes to play, etc. and talks about himself.

Exercise "Swing"

Children in pairs. One of the participants gets into the fetal position, the other rocks it. Then they change.

One of the players goes out the door and laughs, the rest must discover who left the room and describe him.

Children turn into frogs. Models of hummocks are laid out on the floor at different distances from each other, everyone must hit all the hummocks in order.

Exercise "Artists are naturalists"

Children draw a joint drawing on the topic “My portrait”.

Farewell ritual.



Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" see lesson 1.

Children stand in a circle and choose a driver. He stands in the center of the circle and tries to recognize the children by their voice.

Main part:

Game "My Name"

The psychologist asks questions; Children answer in a circle.

Do you like your name?

Would you like to be called by another name? How?

If it is difficult to answer, the psychologist names endearing derivatives from the child’s name, and the child chooses the one he likes.

The psychologist says: “Did you know that names grow with people? Today you are small and your name is small. When you grow up and the name grows with you and becomes full, for example: Masha - Maria; Dima - Dmitry. etc. .

Game "Scouts" Children line up like a snake, one after another. Chairs are arranged randomly in the hall. The first one in the column leads in a confusing way, and the last one remembers this path and will have to reproduce it later.

Drawing yourself.

The psychologist suggests drawing yourself in three mirrors:

in green - as they appear to themselves;

in blue - what they want to be;

in red - how their friends see them.

Exercise "Trust Fall" Children stand opposite each other and clasp their hands. One of the children stands on a chair and falls back on his clasped hands.

Exercise "Hot palms" Summing up, Farewell Ritual.



Goal: revealing one’s “I”, forming a feeling of closeness with other people, achieving mutual understanding and cohesion.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, paints, sketchbooks.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" see lesson 1

Main part:

Exercise "Cockfighting"

Exercise "Tell your fear" The psychologist tells the children about his own fears, thereby showing that fear is a normal human feeling and there is no need to be ashamed of it. Then the children themselves tell what they were afraid of. when we were little

Exercise "Indeterminate figures" The psychologist draws various figures on the board, the guys say what terrible creatures they look like.

Game "Let's hold hands (path)" Children hold hands and walk like a snake along an imaginary path. At the command of a psychologist, they overcome imaginary obstacles. “We calmly walk along the path... There are bushes, trees, green grass all around... Suddenly puddles appeared on the path... One... Second... Third.. We calmly walk along the path... There is a stream in front of us. A bridge is thrown over it. We cross the bridge. We calmly walk along the path... etc..

Exercise "House of Horrors"

Exercise "Hot palms"“Children stand in a circle and touch their palms to each other and say how they feel.

Farewell ritual.



Goal: awareness of your emotional state, reduction of psycho-emotional stress, development of the ability to feel the mood and empathize with others.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, paints, album sheets; "springs" on separate sheets.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

"See lesson 1.

Main part:

Exercise "Take and Pass" Children stand in a circle, hold hands, look into each other’s eyes and convey a joyful mood and a kind smile with their facial expressions.

Exercise "Tumbler" Children are divided into three people. One of them is a tumbler, the other two are rocking this tumbler.

Exercise "Transformations" The psychologist offers children:

frown like... an autumn cloud; angry person;

get angry like... an evil sorceress; two sheep on the bridge; hungry wolf; a child whose ball was taken away;

be scared like... a hare who sees a wolf; a chick that fell from the nest;

smile like... a cat in the sun; the sun itself; sly Fox;

Drawing on the theme "My mood" After completing the drawings, the children tell what mood they depicted.

Exercise "Finish the sentence" Children are asked to complete the sentence:

Adults are usually afraid of….; children are usually afraid….; mothers are usually afraid...; dads are usually afraid...

Exercise "Springs"

Children are asked to trace the already drawn springs as accurately as possible.

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.


"MOOD" (continued)

Goal: awareness of your well-being, reduction of emotional tension, reduction of anxiety, reduction of muscle tension.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music; paints, whatman paper; sandbox; chalk.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun""See lesson 2.

Main part:

Exercise "Evil and good cats" We draw a stream. There are angry cats on both sides of the stream. They tease each other, get angry at each other. On command, they stand in the center of the stream and turn into kind cats, caress each other, and say kind words. Next, we analyze the feelings that arise.

Exercise "Tender chalk"

Drawing on the theme "Self-portrait" Children are invited to draw themselves in the mood with which they will leave class.

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood and a desire to participate in joint games. Development of expressiveness of movements, fine motor skills of the hands; logical thinking, imagination. Reducing anxiety, increasing confidence, self-esteem. Relieving muscle and emotional tension.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music; paints, whatman paper; sandbox;

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" see lesson 1.

Main part:

Game exercise “Give a smile to a friend”

Game "What is my mood like?" Children in a circle say what the mood is like using a comparison. The psychologist begins: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky.”

Exercise "Tender chalk" Children are divided into pairs. They take turns drawing various objects on each other’s backs. The one who is being drawn must guess what is drawn. We analyze feelings and sensations.

Exercise "Guess what's hidden in the sand?" Children are divided into pairs. One is hiding something in the sand, the other is trying to find it.

Drawing on the topic: “I feel good!”

Exercise "Scary tale in a circle" Children and an adult create a scary fairy tale together. They speak in turns, 1-2 sentences each. A fairy tale must pile up so many terrible things that this terrible thing turns into funny.

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: stimulation of the child’s affective sphere, increasing the child’s mental tone.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, paints, album sheets, a large sheet of paper, a pillow.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" see lesson 1.

Main part:

Exercise "Cockfighting" Children are divided into pairs - cockerels. They fight with pillows while standing on one leg. At the same time, they try to make the opponent step on the floor with both feet, which means he loses.

Exercise "Tell Your Fear"“The psychologist tells the children about their own fears, thereby showing that fear is a normal human feeling and there is no need to be ashamed of it. Then the children themselves tell what they were afraid of when they were little.

Drawing on a theme“What I was afraid of when I was little..” Children draw their fears without showing it to anyone.

Exercise "Other people's drawings" The children are shown, one by one, drawings of “fears” just drawn, and together they come up with what these children were afraid of and how they can be helped.

Exercise "House of Horrors" Children are invited to draw the inhabitants of a horror house.

All fears and horrors remain in the psychologist’s office.

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: Overcoming shyness, isolation, indecision, reducing anxiety. Nurturing the ability for coordinated interaction, developing communication skills. Development of expressiveness of movements, the ability to portray fairy tale characters using facial expressions, gestures, and pantomimes. Relieving muscle and emotional tension.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music and cheerful music.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" See lesson 1.

Main part:

Game "Snake" Children run around the carpet like a snake, holding hands.

Outdoor game "Baba Yaga"

Imitation game “Angry Baba Yaga” Children need to show the angry Baba Yaga one by one.

Psycho-gymnastics “Give a smile” The children look at each other and smile at each other.

Exercise "Scary tale in a circle" Children and an adult create a scary fairy tale together. They speak in turns, 1-2 sentences each. A fairy tale must pile up so many terrible things that this terrible thing turns into funny.

Exercises in the sandbox “sand picture” Children all together draw a picture in the sand with a single idea.

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: developing the ability to convey one’s emotional state through an artistic image, reducing psycho-emotional stress, increasing self-confidence.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, paints, whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper, models of hummocks,

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" See lesson 1.

Main part:

Exercise “Why mom…dad…sister loves me… etc.”Children are asked to say why adults love them and why they love adults.

Exercise "Frogs in the swamp" See lesson 1.

Exercise "Indeterminate figures"“The psychologist draws various figures on the board, the guys say what terrible creatures they look like.

Game "Path" Children line up at the back and walk like a snake along an imaginary path. At the command of a psychologist, they overcome imaginary obstacles. “We walk calmly along the path... There are bushes, trees, green grass all around... Suddenly puddles appeared on the path... One... Second... Third.. We calmly walk along the path... There is a stream in front of us. There is a bridge across it. We cross the bridge, holding on to the railing. Calmly we walk along the path... etc..

Collective drawing based on a common story written on the topic: “Magic forest" The psychologist asks the children to imagine the forest through which they walked along the path. Next, we discuss what happened, what we managed to draw together.

Exercise "Trust Fall""See 2.lesson

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: Formation of a positive “I-concept”, self-acceptance, self-confidence, reduction of anxiety, identification of positive personality traits.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, box, ball, paints, album sheets, the beginning of a scary fairy tale.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" See lesson 1.

Main part:

Game "Fairytale Box" The psychologist tells the children that the Fairy Fairy brought her box - the heroes of fairy tales hid in it. He further says: “Remember your favorite fairy-tale characters and tell me what they are, why you like them, what they look like. Then, with the help of a magic shelf, all children turn into fairy-tale heroes.

Exercise "Boyusek Competition"

Game "Prince and Princess"

Then the questions are asked: which person is cuter? Who do you look like now? Which mirror do you look in most often?

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: overcoming negative experiences, symbolically eliminating fear, reducing emotional stress.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" See lesson 1.

Main part:

Exercise "Current" Children stand with their hands down in a circle. The driver depicts a switch. He turns on the switch (raises his hand up) The current flows and touches another child with his hand, who in turn passes the current to another.

Exercise “Turning into scary people” Children portray scary imaginary animals.

Exercise “Brave guys” Children drive scary animals into the forest.

Exercise “The ABC of Fears”

Exercise “Scary tale in a circle”

Drawing on the topic: “I am confident!”

. Exercise "Boyusek Competition" Children pass the ball around in a circle. The recipient must name this or that fear, while saying loudly and confidently “I..... am not afraid of this!”

Game "Prince and Princess" Children stand in a circle. A chair is placed in the center - this is a throne. Who will be the Prince (Princess) today? The child sits on the throne at will. The others show him signs of attention and say something good.

Exercise "Come up with a funny ending" A psychologist reads the beginning of a children's scary fairy tale to the children. It is necessary to come up with a funny continuation and ending.

Drawing on the theme "Magic mirrors" The psychologist suggests drawing yourself in three mirrors, but not simple, magical ones: in the first, small and scared; secondly, big and cheerful; in the third - those who fear nothing and are strong.



Goal: reducing psychomuscular tension, strengthening adequate forms of expression of emotions, developing social trust

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music,

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" See lesson 1.

Main part:

Game "Confusion"

Game "Boat"

The sailor is one of the children, the rest of the children are a boat in a stormy sea. The sailor on the ship must shout over the storm: “I am not afraid of the storm, I am the strongest sailor!”4. Exercise “Horses and Riders” Children are divided into pairs - one child turns into a “horse”, the other into a “rider”. The “horses” are blindfolded, and the riders stand behind them, take them by the elbows and prepare to ride them. At the races, the task of the “horse” is to run faster, and the task of the “rider” is to avoid collisions with other horses.

Exercise "Magic dream"

We draw what we saw in a dream.

Exercise "Wizards"

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: liberation from negative emotions, development of social trust, increased self-confidence, increased importance in the eyes of others.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, photographs of children, paint album sheets.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" see 1 lesson

Main part:

. Game "Baba Yaga"

According to the counting, Baba Yaga is chosen. Draw a circle in the center of the room. Baba Yaga takes a broomstick and stands in a circle. Children run around Baba Yaga and tease her. “Baba Yaga, a bone leg. She fell from the stove and broke her leg. She went into the garden, scared all the people. She ran into the bathhouse and scared the bunny!” Baba Yaga jumps out of the circle and tries to touch the guys with a broom.

Game "Compliments"

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: Creating a situation of success. Development of creative imagination, expressiveness and general coordination of movements. Improving interaction with each other. Relieving muscle and emotional tension.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun"

Main part:

Exercise "Current"

Imitation game “Puddle”

. Exercise "Magic dream" All the children are resting and everyone is dreaming the same dream, which is told by a psychologist.

We draw what we saw in a dream.

Each child remembers what he saw in his dream and draws this picture.

Exercise "Wizards" One of the children turns into a wizard. He is blindfolded and asked to guess who will approach him; he feels his hands.

Drawing on the topic: “Transformations of a blot”

Exercise "Boyusek Competition" Children pass the ball around in a circle. The recipient must name this or that fear, while saying loudly and confidently “I..... am not afraid of this!”

Game "Prince and Princess" Children stand in a circle. A chair is placed in the center - this is a throne. Who will be the Prince (Princess) today? The child sits on the throne at will. The others show him signs of attention and say something good.

Exercise "Come up with a funny ending" A psychologist reads the beginning of a children's scary fairy tale to the children. It is necessary to come up with a funny continuation and ending.

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: reducing psychomuscular tension, strengthening adequate forms of expression of emotions, developing social trust.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

see 1 lesson

Main part:

Game: "Current"

Exercise “Competition to guess my mood to the sounds of music” Different music is played, and the children must guess what mood the child is in now (one child is called in a circle)

Exercise “Magic Dream”

Drawing on the topic: “The Book of Imaginary Fears” Children draw their fears on large sheets of paper, then these sheets are folded into a book.

Exercise "In a forest clearing" The psychologist asks the children to imagine that they are in a sunny clearing. Forest inhabitants came running and flocked to her from all sides - all kinds of insects, cockroaches

Music sounds, children turn into forest dwellers. Complete tasks according to each character (grasshopper, butterfly, ant, etc.)

Exercise "Sun in the palm" The psychologist reads the poem, then the children draw and give gifts (drawings) to each other.

The sun in the palm of your hand, the shadow on the path,

Cock crow, cat purring,

A bird on a branch, a flower by the path,

A bee on a flower, an ant on a blade of grass,

And next to it is a beetle, all covered in tan.-

And all this is for me, and all this is for nothing!

That's it - no way! If only I could live and live,

Loved this world and saved it for others...

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: revealing one’s “I”, developing a feeling of closeness with other people, achieving mutual understanding and cohesion

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, various music, paints, large sheets of paper.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise “Sprout under the sun”

Main part:

Exercise "Unfinished sentences" Children are given sentences to complete.

“I love...”, “They love me...”, “I’m not afraid...”, “I believe..” “They believe in me...”, “They care about me...”

Game "Baba Yaga"

Game "Compliments" Standing in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into the eyes of the neighbor, the child says: “I like it about you...” The recipient nods his head and replies: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!” The exercise continues in a circle. Next, we discuss the feelings that the children experienced while completing this task.

Exercise "In the rays of the sun" The psychologist draws a sun with photographs of children in its rays. At the psychologist’s signal, the children take turns naming their favorite qualities of the child that he showed in class.

Exercise "Boyusek Competition" Children pass the ball around in a circle. The recipient must name this or that fear, while saying loudly and confidently “I..... am not afraid of this!”

Drawing on the topic: “I am good” Children draw their friend on large sheets of paper, then talk about him. Why did he draw him? What's good about it, etc.

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



Goal: Creating a positive emotional mood and desire to participate in joint games. Development of expressiveness of movements, fine motor skills of the hands; logical thinking, imagination. Reducing anxiety, increasing confidence, self-esteem. Relieving muscle and emotional tension.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, various music, paints, large sheets of paper.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise “Sprout under the sun” see 1 lesson

Main part:

Game "Confusion"“One driver is selected. The rest of the children get tangled without releasing their hands. The driver must untangle the tangle.

Game "Boat"

Exercise "Boyusek Competition" Children pass the ball around in a circle. The recipient must name this or that fear, while saying loudly and confidently “I..... am not afraid of this!”

Game "Prince and Princess" Children stand in a circle. A chair is placed in the center - this is a throne. Who will be the Prince (Princess) today? The child sits on the throne at will. The others show him signs of attention and say something good.

Exercise "Come up with a funny ending" A psychologist reads the beginning of a children's scary fairy tale to the children. It is necessary to come up with a funny continuation and ending.

Drawing on the theme "Magic mirrors" The psychologist suggests drawing yourself in three mirrors, but not simple, magical ones: in the first, small and scared; secondly, big and cheerful; in the third - not afraid of anything and strong.

Exercise "Hot palms"

Farewell ritual.



“Goal: overcoming negative experiences, symbolically eliminating fear, reducing emotional stress.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, paints, album sheets, pillow, lively music.

Welcome ritual.

Exercise "Good morning..."

Exercise "Sprout under the sun" See lesson 1.

Main part:

Exercise "Brave guys" Children choose a leader - he is a terrible dragon. The child stands on a chair and says in a menacing voice: “Be afraid, be afraid of me!” The children answer: “We are not afraid of you!” This is repeated 2-3 times. From the children’s words, the dragon gradually decreases (the child jumps off the chair) and turns into a little sparrow. Starts to chirp and fly around the room.

Exercise "The ABC of Fears" Children are invited to draw various, scary characters on separate sheets of paper and give them names. Next, the children talk about what they drew. Next, each child is invited to turn scary characters into funny ones by completing their drawings.

Exercise "Scary tale in a circle"

Exercise "In a forest clearing"

Exercise "Drive away Baba-Yaga" The child is asked to imagine that Baba Yaga has climbed into the pillow and must be driven away with loud screams. You can hit the pillow loudly with a stick.

Exercise "I'm not afraid of you" One child stands in front of the psychologist, the other children begin to scare him in turn. The child says in a loud, confident voice: “I’m not afraid of you!”

Exercise "Hot palms" Ritual of farewell.


Final/final diagnosis of fears and anxiety levels in children.


M.A. test Panfilova "Fears in the houses"

Target: identify the number of fears in children and determine their nature.

During an individual conversation, it becomes clear whether the child is afraid of loneliness, attack (by bandits), getting sick, dying, the death of parents, some people, punishment, fairy-tale characters, the dark, animals, transport, the elements, heights, depths, water, fire, doctors, blood. Afterwards, a list of each child’s fears is compiled.

In no case should you rush a child to complete a task, since thoughts about how to portray fear imply a meeting with him, contact, contact, which in itself reduces the severity of his perception.

Individual questionnaire for the test “Fears in the houses”

Full name (child):

Please tell me, are you afraid or not afraid:

1. Stay home alone

2. Attacks

3. Get sick, become infected

4. Die

5. Death of parents

6. Strangers

7. Get lost

8. Moms and dads

9. Punishments

10. Fairy-tale villains (Baba Yaga, Koshchei, Barmaley...)

11. Be late for kindergarten

12. Scary dreams

13. Darkness

14. Animals (wolves, snakes..)

15. Insects

16. Transport (airplanes, cars...)

17. Heights

18. Depths

19. Cramped, small spaces

23. Elements

24. Large premises, streets

25. Doctors

26. Injections

27. Pain, blood

29. Sharp, loud sounds



number of years

number of years


1.stay at home alone


3.get sick

get infected


5.death of parents


7. get lost




10. Baba Yagi, Koshchei

11. be late for kindergarten or school

12.before falling asleep

13. scary dreams


15.animals: wolves, snakes, spiders, etc.


that (any)

Seniy, flood

opinions, storms



20. close,

small rooms



25.large premises, streets


27. injections

28. pain,


29.different loud sounds



Parent meeting "Parenting styles"


To update the problem of relationships between parents and children.

Discuss the effectiveness of different family parenting styles.

Form of conduct: meeting - workshop with elements of discussion.

Participants: parents, educational psychologist, teacher;

Preparatory stage:

preparing a presentation;

preparing a test for parents “Me and my child”;

invitation for parents.

Progress of the meeting

I. Organizational moment.

Hello dear parents! I'm glad you took the time to talk about the problems that we adults have when communicating with children

The one who will be abandoned by happiness will be the one

Who was raised poorly as a child?

Green shoots are easy to grow,

One fire will fix a dry branch.


Do you know what the surest way to make your child unhappy? Teach him not to refuse anything.

Before we get to work, let's get ready for joint activities. A warm-up game will help us get in the mood.

Game "Dating".

The person standing in the center of the circle offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some common characteristic. He calls this sign. For example, I will say: “Change seats, all those who have more than one child,” and everyone who has more than one child should change places. At the same time, whoever stands in the center must have time to take one of the vacant seats, and whoever remains in the center of the circle without a seat continues the game.

II. Teacher's speech.

In our daily life, we often encounter various situations when communicating with children. But we must not forget that a child is a person! This little person does not need shouting and punishment, not evil and cruel treatment, but kindness, care, and love. The child cannot and does not yet know how to protect himself from physical violence and psychological pressure from adults. But children learn behavior and communication manners from us: they scream if we scream, they are rude if we are rude, they are cruel if we demonstrate it. Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. It is in the family that we learn love, care and respect. The diversity of relationships between its members, warmth, mutual understanding, trust - all this creates a favorable environment for the emotional and moral formation of personality. And vice versa - the indifference of family members to each other, an indifferent attitude towards children can determine the character of a person, his attitude towards life.

There are many theories about raising children. Let's consider the connection between parenting style and the characteristics of the child.

– characterized by high control on the part of parents. Parents expect strict fulfillment of their demands. Parents have a good idea of ​​how their child should grow up and make every effort to achieve this. The child sometimes feels uncomfortable under their control. When communicating with a child, parents give orders and expect their child to carry them out exactly. The relationship is cold and distant. Children are withdrawn, fearful and gloomy, unpretentious and irritable. Girls are mostly passive and dependent, boys are uncontrollable and aggressive.

Authoritative style– involves a high level of control when parents recognize and encourage the growing autonomy of their children, as well as a warm relationship (parents are open to communication, allow changes in their requirements). As a result, children are socially adapted, self-confident, capable of self-control, have high self-esteem, and they do well in school.

Liberal style– implies a low level of control and warm relationships. Parents weakly or do not regulate their children’s behavior at all. Parents value their child too highly and consider his weaknesses to be excusable. They communicate with him easily, trust him in everything, and are not prone to prohibitions and restrictions. However worth thinking about: on the shoulder Does a child have such freedom? Although parents are open to communication with children, the dominant direction of communication is from child to parents, children are given an excess of freedom, parents do not set any restrictions. Children are prone to disobedience and aggressiveness, behave inappropriately and impulsively, and are undemanding to themselves. In some cases, children become active, determined, creative people.

Indifferent style– with a low level of control and cold relationships. Parents do not set any restrictions, are indifferent to their children, and are closed to communication. Due to the burden of their own problems, there is no strength left to raise children. If indifference is combined with hostility, the child exhibits destructive impulses and a tendency toward deviant behavior.

III. Psychological workshop.

Test “Me and my child”

IV. Discussion of situations.

The guys, your child’s friends, have gathered in the house. How can you organize them, what to do with them?

You need your child’s help, but he is busy with something interesting to him. How to proceed?

Your child tells you that he is being called to school for poor performance in subjects. What will you tell your child?

V. Summing up the meeting

American scientist David Lewis studied the psychological climate in families where gifted children grew up. He noticed that with all the diversity of these families, there is much that unites them, and above all, the style of parental interaction with the child. Based on the results of his research, he identified a number of specific features of parental behavior that guarantee the successful development of intellectual and creative abilities. The proposed list includes 32 judgments that will allow us to understand and evaluate how the style of interaction between parents and children corresponds to the practical findings of the most gifted parents who have achieved success in raising their children.

APPENDIX No. 3 (parent meeting)

Test for parents “Me and my child”

Question - Can you?


A - I can and always do this.

B - I can, but I don’t always do this

B - I can’t


1. Leave all yours at any time

business and take care of the child?

2. Consult with the child, regardless of his age?

3. Admit a mistake made towards him?

4. Apologize to your child if you are wrong?

6. Put yourself in the child’s place?

7. Believe at least for a minute that you are a good fairy (Prince Charming)?

8. Tell your child an instructive incident from childhood that portrays you in an unfavorable light?

9. Always refrain from using words and expressions that may hurt the child?

10. Promise your child that his wish will be granted for good behavior?

11. Give your child one day when he can do what he wants, behave as he wants, and not interfere with anything?

12. Not react if your child hits, roughly pushes, or simply unjustly offends another child?

13. Resist children’s requests and tears if you are sure that this is a whim, a fleeting whim?

Key to the test

Answer “A” is worth 3 points, answer “B” is worth 2 points, answer “C” is worth 1 point.

If you scored from 30 to 39 points, it means that a child is the greatest value in your life. You strive not only to understand, but also to get to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to progressive principles of education and a constant line of behavior. In other words, you are doing the right thing and can expect good results.

Sum from 16 to 30 points: Taking care of your child is a matter of paramount importance to you. You have the abilities of an educator, but in practice you do not always apply them consistently and purposefully. Sometimes you are too strict, in other cases you are too soft; In addition, you are prone to compromises that weaken the educational effect. You should seriously think about your approach to raising your child.

Number of points less than 16 indicates that you have serious problems raising a child. You lack either the knowledge or the desire to achieve it, or perhaps both. We advise you to seek the help of specialists - teachers and psychologists, and get acquainted with publications on the issues.


E.V. Zagornaya “Handbook for a child psychologist”, Publishing House “Science and Technology”, 2010, 291 p.

T.D. Zinkevich-Evstegneeva, T.M. Grabenko “Workshop on sand therapy”, “RECH”, St. Petersburg, 2002, p.-218.

Kryukova S.V., Slobodyanik N.P. Programs for the emotional development of children of preschool and primary school age: “I’m surprised, angry, afraid, boastful and happy,” “Let’s live together!” practical guide, 2nd edition, stereotypical, M. "GENESIS" 2000, 200 p.

Tatarnikova L.G. “Russian School of Health and Individual Development of Children”, St. Petersburg APPO, manual 3rd edition, St. Petersburg, 2004, p. - 190.

Panfilova M.A. “Communication Game Therapy” (tests and correctional games), Moscow, 2008, - 155 p.

Aryukova S, Pushkinskaya L. We are other... //School psychologist. - 2003. - No. 2. - P. 17-19

Barkan A.I. Practical psychology for parents. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2001.-432 p.

Borozdina L.V., Zaluchenova E.A. An increase in the anxiety index when there is a discrepancy between the levels of self-esteem and aspirations // Questions of psychology. - 1993. -No. 1.-S. 104-112

Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. (Psychological research). - M.: Education, 1968. - 464 p.

Vachkov I.V. Fundamentals of group training technology. Textbook allowance. - M.: Publishing house "Os-89", 2005. - 256 p.

Vachkov I. Anxiety, worry, fear: difference in concepts // School psychologist. - 2004. - No. 8. - P. 9

Vilyunas V.K. Psychology of emotional phenomena. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House,

Vygotsky L.S. Teaching about emotions. - Collection cit.: In 6 vols. - T. 4. - M.: Pedagogy,

Druzhinin V.N. Mental health of children. - M.: TV. Center, 2002. - 64 p.

Yu.Zakharov A.I. Prevention of deviations in child behavior. - St. Petersburg: Soyuz, 1997.-224 p.

P.Zakharov A.I. Childhood neuroses. - St. Petersburg: Respex, 1995. - 192 p.

Izard K.E. Human emotions - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Piter", 2000. -464 p.

Barkan A.I. Practical psychology for parents. - M.: AST - PRESS, 2001.-432 p.

Kryazheva N.L. Development of the emotional world of children. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996. - 208 p.

Zakharov A.I. How to overcome fears in children. - M., 1986.

Kovalev S.V. Psychology of the modern family.-M., 1988.

Monina G., Lyutova E. “Problems of a small child”, publishing house “RECH”, St. Petersburg, 2003, 180 – p.

Mirilova T.L. “Emotional development of the child”, “Corypheus” Volgograd, 2010, 98 – p.

Anxiety is not related to any situation and appears almost always. This state accompanies a person in any type of activity. When a person is afraid of something specific, we talk about the manifestation of fear. For example, fear of the dark, heights, closed spaces.

Fear can develop in a person at any age: children from 1 to 3 years old have frequent nightmares; in the second year of life, according to A.I. Zakharov, the fear of unexpected sounds, loneliness, and fear of pain most often manifests itself. At 3 - 5 years old, children are characterized by a fear of loneliness, darkness, death, and fictional characters. From 7 to 11 years old, children are more afraid of “not being someone who is well spoken of, respected, appreciated and understood” (Zakharov A.I., Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Psychological Assistance at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen.).

Every child has certain fears. However, if there are a lot of them, then we can talk about the manifestation of anxiety in the child’s character.

Purpose of the program:

Increased self-esteem.

Teaching a child the ability to manage himself in specific, most exciting situations.

Relieving muscle tension.

Reducing and gradually eliminating the level of constant restlessness, anxiety, irritability, and sleep disturbances.


- reduce anxiety levels in preschoolers;

Relieve excess tension;

Relax your body muscles;

Create a friendly atmosphere of mutual assistance, trust, open communication;

Increase self-esteem;

Teach to trust others;

Relieve nervous tension.

Expected results: increased child self-esteem, reduction in anxiety levels, manifestations of self-confidence.

Work organization:

The correctional and developmental training program to reduce anxiety levels in preschool children is designed for 1 month.

Preparatory stage (conducted by the teacher).


First week. Carrying out three game exercises during the day.

(A. Lyutova, G. Monina “Crib for Parents”, 2007)

Relaxation and breathing exercises: “Fight”; Balloon; "Ship and Air"; "Gift under the Christmas tree"; "Pipe".

Sketch for muscle relaxation: “Barbell”; "Icicle"; "Humpty Dumpty"; "Screw"; "Pump and Ball"; "Waterfall"; "Dancing Hands" "Blind Dance"

Games aimed at developing a sense of trust and self-confidence in children: “Caterpillar”; "Change of rhythms"; "Hares and Elephants"; "Magic Chair"

Game in pairs “Theater of Masks”. (conducts).

The lesson is conducted with a group of children with high levels of anxiety, 5-7 participants, 2 lessons per week (conducted by a practical psychologist).

Project structure: classes are conducted in a playful way, without negative evaluation.

Each lesson includes:


Basic exercises




As a rule, anxious children are not as noticeable in the kindergarten as hyperactive or aggressive children. But where there is anxiety, there are fears, and fears cause tension in children, which sooner or later seeks a way out in the form of hysterics, excessive physical activity and unreasonable aggression as a subconscious self-defense from what the child is afraid of or is worried about. From work experience, aggressive children often have more fears than other children. Therefore, anxious children need to be provided with timely help. This program will be of interest to psychologists, parents and educators. Training with anxious children can be used as additional material to the program or as an independent lesson, for example, as a training master class for parents.



Program for working with anxious children.

One of the priority goals of modern education is to promote positive socialization and successful integration of a child (schoolchild, teenager, young person) with society, the formation of his active and responsible social position, the opportunity to realize himself as an individual, find mutual understanding and his place among other people.

In my opinion, one of the ways to achieve this goal is the full development of the communicative potential of children, the education of communication and tolerance as personality traits that are in demand by society.

The formation of emotions, correction of deficiencies in the emotional and communicative spheres should be considered as one of the most important tasks of education.

During the development process, changes occur in the emotional sphere of the child. His views on the world and relationships with others change. The child's ability to recognize and control his emotions increases. But the emotional sphere itself does not develop qualitatively. It needs to be developed.

What L.S. wrote Vygotsky about the phenomenon of “dried heart” (lack of feeling) has not lost its relevance in our time, when, in addition to the appropriate focus of education and training, “de-feeling” is facilitated by the technologization of life in which the child participates.

Being confined to televisions and computers, children began to communicate less with adults and peers, but communication greatly enriches the sensory sphere.

Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of others.

The task of adults is to help the child understand the complex world of relationships with peers and adults.

Psychologists define communication abilities as individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure the effectiveness of his communication and compatibility with other people.

Communication ability includes:

  • desire to interact with others;
  • the ability to organize communication, including the ability to listen to the interlocutor, the ability to empathize emotionally, the ability to resolve conflict situations;
  • knowledge of the norms and rules that must be followed when communicating with others.

The importance of relationships with others is enormous, and their violation is a subtle indicator of deviations in mental development.

A child who communicates little with peers and is not accepted by them due to the inability to organize communication cannot be interesting to others and feels wounded and rejected. This can lead to a sharp decrease in self-esteem and isolation. It is necessary to help the child establish relationships with others so that this factor does not become a brake on the path of personal development.

In almost every group of any kindergarten there are children who need the support of specialists. Such children are often classified as “difficult”. These include aggressive, hyperactive, anxious and withdrawn. Undoubtedly, such children need special attention from an educational psychologist, because They find it difficult to interact with others.

In this case, the goal of working with “difficult” children is to create favorable conditions for achieving positive socialization of preschool children by developing their communication abilities and nurturing adequate behavior. For this purpose, methods, techniques and exercises for relaxation, meditation, body and dance therapy, and classes for the development of the emotional and communicative sphere are used.

Any experience of such children, be it anger, fear or resentment, ends in tension of some muscle group. The great Russian physiologist V.M. Sechenov pointed out this in his studies; the well-known bioenergetic theory of bodily therapy by Wilhelm Reich and Alexander Lowen was built on the same principle of the close connection between emotional experiences and muscle tension. The essence of this theory is that the mental trauma received by a person during his life is located in the so-called muscular shell, the inhibitory impulse of which makes it difficult to freely express emotions.

An anxious, secretive, timid child by the age of 5-6 years looks stooped, inactive and passive. Many aggressive, hyperactive children often experience diseases of internal organs, injuries and fractures. The relationship between the psyche and the body is obvious.

The fewer muscle tensions and negative “marks” on a person’s body, the healthier, freer and more prosperous he feels.

In this regard, in my work I use not only methods of influencing consciousness and thinking, but also techniques that distract the control of consciousness over the body, i.e. body and dance methods. These activities develop plasticity and flexibility of the body, relieve muscle tension, give the child a feeling of freedom and joy, promote play initiative, and stimulate motor and emotional self-expression.

Work organization:

  1. Using the observation method, collect information about how the child communicates, what is the reason for his difficulties in contacts with others (diagnosis of the emotional sphere, testing through projective techniques, drawings, consultations with parents and educators);
  2. After analyzing the situation, correctional and developmental classes are drawn up;
  3. Age groups are formed (no more than 8 people in one);
  4. The lesson is held once a week with each group of d/s;
  5. Duration of the lesson (from 20 to 30 minutes);
  6. Conducting consultations with parents, educators, and other specialists. These consultations are advisory in nature regarding interaction and communication with children experiencing communication problems;
  7. Tracking development dynamics.

Game activity “Underwater kingdom””

Greeting "Octopus"

Children sit in a circle on the carpet. The fingers represent octopuses that move along the floor, meet and greet other octopuses, etc.

Outdoor game “Waves”

The presenter addresses the children: “If you have been to the sea, then of course you know how nice it is when the waves gently wash you. Let's play: each of you in turn will be the “swim,” and the rest will be the “waves.” The “bathe” stands in the center of the circle, the “waves” gently stroke him, saying “We love you, we love you.”

After the game, the host asks: “Did you enjoy swimming in the sea?”, “How did you feel?” Then he distributes blue ribbons to the children and offers to use them to show “waves of joy”, “waves of calm”, “waves of anger”, etc.

Magic story

The presenter takes out a beautiful shell, lets the children touch it, smell it, and listen to it. He says: “This shell has some kind of secret. Maybe she will open it for me (puts it to my ear). Listen to what the shell told me. Far, far away from here there is a magical world of the underwater kingdom. Amazing fish, octopuses, and crustaceans live in it. The seabed is decorated with green and brown algae, red and white corals, colorful pebbles and shells. Close your eyes and imagine the underwater kingdom, the inhabitants of the depths of the sea... (the audio recording “The Sound of the Sea” plays). After a while, the presenter asks: “What interesting things did you see there?” Let's draw an underwater kingdom.

Drawing “Underwater Kingdom”

Children paint with their fingers, palms, or use straw blowing techniques. Then each child tells what he depicted.

Outdoor game “Sea Waves”

Children can sit freely in the room. At the command of the leader, “Calm” freezes, at the command “Waves” they move smoothly, at the command “Storm” they run.

Farewell “Big circle-small circle”

Children sit in a circle holding hands. At the leader’s command, they expand the circle, then narrow it, without breaking their hands. The exercise is repeated several times.

Meditation exercises “Bike ride”

Children are invited to lie down or sit comfortably and relax.

"Morning. Beautiful sunny weather. I'm riding a bicycle on a wide, flat road. There are beautiful blooming lilac bushes around. They are fragrant. Birds are chirping. The sun is warming up. I feel its warmth on my legs, arms, neck. Warmth spreads throughout my body. I am absolutely calm and confident. All troubles go away. The mood is wonderful. I smile, I give the joy of a smile to others. I drive smoothly and beautifully. I hold the steering wheel calmly and confidently, slowly turning the pedals. Everything is fine!"

“I can do anything”

“Today is a beautiful day and everything is fine with me. I feel myself good. I'm in a great mood. I am ready to work. I will work persistently and hard and will definitely learn everything. I'm confident. I believe that I will succeed. I will be persistent and persistent in achieving my goal. I feel that every day I become smarter, more beautiful, more hardworking, more confident in myself and in my abilities. I'm ready to go. I can do anything!”

Relaxation exercises to relieve muscle tension “Lemon”

Clench your left hand into a fist. “Squeeze the lemon juice.” Do this with maximum tension. Repeat. The same with the right hand.


Pull your shoulders towards your ears and pull your head into your shoulders. Do this with tension, and then relax the muscles... Repeat.


Stretch your arms forward, raise them above your head, trying to reach the ceiling. Relax your muscles and return your arms to their previous position. Try to feel tension, relaxation, a feeling of warmth. Repeat.

"Chewing gum"

Clench your teeth tightly and let your neck muscles help you with this. Then relax. Let your lower jaw drop. Repeat again.

“Fly on the nose”

Wrinkle your nose with tension. Imagine that you want to drive a fly off your nose. Hold this tension as long as you can. Now relax. When you do this, your cheeks, mouth, forehead help you. When you relax your nose, you relax your entire face. Wrinkle your forehead with tension, then relax. Make your face smooth. There are no wrinkles anywhere. Feel your face relaxed, beautiful.

"Pink Elephant"

You can lie on the floor and imagine that a large elephant has stepped on your stomach. He is kind! Tighten your abdominal muscles, relax. Repeat several times. Notice the difference between relaxation and tension.


Press your toes into the floor with tension. And then relax. Repeat several times.

Body therapy exercise (relaxation couples massage) “Mama beat”

Mom beat, beat, beat and reported everything to dad (lightly tap with the edge of your palm)
Dad beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the woman (tapping with clenched fists)
The woman beat, beat, beat and reported everything to grandfather (crushing her knuckles with her hands clenched into a fist)
Grandfather beat, beat, beat and reported everything to his brothers (pinch easily)
The brothers beat, beat, beat and reported everything to the sisters (“drum roll”)
The sisters beat and beat. They beat me and hit the tub (“rain” with index fingers)
And there are two frogs in the tub, close it quickly... (ears)
And there’s an old man in the tub, close it... (tongue)
And the dog Barbos is in the tub, close it quickly... (nose)
And there’s a porcupine in the tub, close quickly... (eye)
And in the tub there is a sponge, start again from the beginning (pairs change places)

Dance therapy “Body Jazz”

Children stand in a circle. Rhythmic music sounds. The adult shows the order of movements. First you need to move only your head and neck in different directions, forward and backward in different rhythms. Then only the shoulders move, together - alternately, forward - backward, up - down. Next - arm movements in the elbows, then in the hands. The next movements are with the hips, then the knees, then the feet. And now you need to gradually add each practiced movement in order: head + shoulders + elbows + hands + hips + knees + feet. At the end of the exercise, you should try to move all these parts of the body at the same time.

“Create your own dance”

The adult stands in the center of the circle. He performs several dance moves to the beat of the music. The children copy his dance. Then he touches any participant, he goes into the circle, composes his dance, and then around the circle.


One of the partners makes voluntary rhythmic movements, all the others repeat them.

“Carnival of Animals”

Dances of animals, birds, insects, fish, etc. Each new movement acquired in the process of exercise and observation means at the same time the acquisition of a new degree of internal freedom.

"My name"

Rhythmization of one's own name.

“Dance of the Five Movements”

“Flow of Water” - smooth music, flowing, round, soft movements flowing into one another.

“Crossing the Thicket” - impulsive music, sharp, strong, clear, chopping movements, drumming.

“Broken Doll” - unstructured music, a chaotic set of sounds, shaking, unfinished movements.

“Flight of the Butterflies” - lyrical, smooth music, subtle, graceful gentle movements.

“Peace” - calm, quiet music or a set of sounds that imitate the sound of water, sea surf, sounds of the forest - standing without moving, “listening to your body.”

Note: after the exercise, talk to the children about which movements they liked best, what was easy and what was difficult.

"Fire and Ice"

At the leader’s command: “Fire!” - children standing in a circle begin to move with all parts of their bodies.

On command: “Ice!” - the children freeze in the position the team found them in. The presenter alternates commands several times, changing the execution of one and the other.

Exercises for the development of the emotional and communicative sphere “Builders”

Children line up in one line. The presenter invites you to imagine and show various movements with your body and face, as the first one conveys to his neighbor...

  • heavy bucket of cement;
  • light brush;
  • brick;
  • a huge heavy board;
  • nail;
  • hammer.

Note: The presenter ensures that the posture, degree of tension in the body muscles and facial expression of the “builders” correspond to the severity and volume of the objects being transferred.

“Concerted Action”

Children are divided into pairs. They are asked to show paired actions:

  • sawing wood;
  • rowing in a boat;
  • rewinding threads;
  • tug of war;
  • transfer of a crystal vase;
  • pair dance.


Children stand in a tight circle. They are the beads of a beautiful necklace. They cuddle closely, spin in place, without looking away from each other, they run along the hostess’s neck, snuggling just as tightly.

The leader approaches the necklace and tries to “break” it. If he succeeds, the beads will “spread out” across the floor and roll along it. The leader catches them, one by one, holding tightly by the hand of the first one, the second one caught by the leader, the third one, etc. until he gathers the whole necklace and makes it dense and strong. The first bead caught becomes the leader.


  • children run freely around the room to the music;
  • to the words “Ku-chi-chi!” - clap each other’s palms to the rhythm of the music;
  • shake hands with each other, “hello”;
  • the children are dancing again and looking for a new couple.

“Hey, let's jump”

Hey, hey, let's jump (3 times), let's jump with you!
Hey, hey, let's clap (3 times), let's clap with you!
Hey, hey, let's stomp (3 times), let's stomp with you!
(let's spin around, make friends, hug...)


Work program for working with anxious children.

When working with anxious children, you should remember that anxiety is usually accompanied by strong tension in various muscle groups. Therefore, relaxation and breathing exercises for this category of children are simply necessary.

When working with anxious children, it is advisable to use games involving skin-to-skin contact, massage and simply rubbing the body. Impromptu masquerade, show (masks, costumes and just old adult clothes).

Relaxation is induced through specially selected gaming techniques. Each one is given a figurative name, which captivates children. They perform relaxing exercises, not just imitating the leader, but transforming themselves, entering into a given image. Most children perceive these exercises correctly and relax well. This can be judged by the child’s appearance: a calm expression on his face, even rhythmic breathing, sluggish obedient hands that fall heavily, some yawning, a drowsy state, etc. Experience shows that as a result of using relaxation, many children improve their sleep, they become more balanced and calm.

  • exercises aimed at muscle relaxation in contrast to tension can be used in a complex of morning exercises, as a physical exercise in class, at any scheduled moment during the day;
  • An exercise aimed at muscle relaxation is performed once a day, after a day’s walk.

Since anxious children experience a lack of positive tactile sensations, elements of tactile interaction between the presenter and the child (“the wind strokes you”) were introduced into the mood plot. This has a positive effect on the relaxation response.

Program objectives:

  1. Reduce anxiety.
  2. Strengthen the child’s “I”.
  3. Actualize the feeling of fear.
  4. Increase the mental tone of the child.
  5. Take control over the object of fear.
  6. Increase your self-confidence.

Program effectiveness criteria:

  • increased self-confidence;
  • reduction of anxiety;
  • reducing the number of fears;
  • improving parent-child relationships

Stage 1 – diagnostic.

Purpose: to study psychological health disorders in children.


  1. Test “Anxiety” (R. Temple, M. Dorki, V. Amen.) for preschoolers.
  2. Observation

Stage 2 – informational.

Goal: informing parents and teachers about existing disorders in the development of children.

Stage 3 – practical.

Goal: prevention and correction of psychological health disorders in children.

Stage 4 – control.

The practical training cycle is designed for 7 hours, i.e. 10 lessons. Classes are held with one group twice a week. This program of correctional and developmental classes is designed for preschool children (5–7 years old). Each group has 5-6 people. The classes are selected so that throughout the entire lesson and the entire course the interest of both children and older children is maintained.

Conditions for conducting classes:

1) accepting the child as he is;

2) you can’t help but rush and slow down the gameplay;

3) the principle of gradual immersion and exit from a traumatic situation is taken into account;

4) the beginning and end of classes should be ritualistic in order to preserve the child’s sense of integrity and completion of the lesson;

5) the game is not commented on by adults;

6) in any game the child is offered the opportunity to improvise.

All classes have a flexible structure filled with different content. During the lesson, children sit in a circle. A circle is, first of all, an opportunity for open communication. It creates a feeling of integrity, completeness, gives harmony to children’s relationships, and facilitates mutual understanding.

1 block – entertaining (contact) – 1 lesson – includes bringing children together with tasks aimed at creating a kind and safe environment.

Block 2 – correctional – directed + training – 8 lessons – correction of emotional disorders (fears, anxiety, lack of self-confidence), training.

Block 3 – entertaining + educational + tests.

The control stage allows you to see the effectiveness of correctional work. Control is carried out using all previously used diagnostic materials. The results are recorded in psychological maps and compared.

The structure of the game lesson.

Greeting ritual – 2 minutes.

Warm up - 10 minutes.

Corrective and developmental stage - 20 minutes

Summing up - 6 minutes.

Farewell ritual – 2 minutes.

Thematic planning of activities with preschool children

Program topics

Number of hours

Lesson 1 “Hello, it’s me!”

20-30 min.

Lesson 2 “My name”

20-30 min

Lesson 3 “Mood”

30 min.

Lesson 4 “Mood”

30 min.

Lesson 5 “Our fears”

30 min.

Lesson 6 “I'm not afraid anymore!”

30 min

Lesson 7 “Magic Forest”

30 min

Lesson 8 “Fairytale box”

30 min

Lesson 9 “Wizards”

30 min.

Lesson 10 “The sun in the palm of your hand”

30 min

Total hours:



Target: getting the participants to know each other, increasing the positive attitude and unity of children, emotional and muscular relaxation.

Lesson materials: tape recorder, calm music, mock-ups of bumps.

  1. Warm-up: Exercise “Sprout under the sun”Children turn into a small sprout (they curl up into a ball and clasp their hands around their knees), the sun warms them more and more often and the sprout begins to grow and reach for the sun. All movements are performed to the music.
  2. Exercise “Good morning...”Children sit in a circle with a psychologist. Everyone is invited to greet each other Good morning Sasha... Olya...etc. that need to be sung.
  3. Exercise “What do I love?”Children in a circle, each one says in turn what he likes from food, clothes, what he likes to play, etc.
  4. Exercise “Swing”Children in pairs. One of the participants lies down in the fetal position, the other rocks him. Then they change.
  5. Exercise “Guess by Voice”One of the players goes out the door, the rest must find who left the room and describe him.
  6. Exercise “Frogs in the swamp”Children turn into frogs. Models of hummocks are laid out on the floor at different distances from each other, everyone must hit all the hummocks in order.


Target: disclosure of one's “I”. Forming a sense of closeness with other people, achieving mutual understanding and cohesion..

Materials for the lesson:tape recorder, calm music, paints, sketchbooks.

see lesson 1.

3. Game “My name”The psychologist asks questions; Children answer in a circle.

  • Do you like your name?
  • Would you like to be called by another name? How? If it is difficult to answer, the psychologist names endearing derivatives of the child’s name, and the child chooses the name he likes. The psychologist says: “Did you know that names grow with people? Today you are small and your name is small. When you grow up and the name grows up with you and becomes complete, for example: Masha - Maria; Dima - Dmitry. etc.

4. Game “Scouts”.Children line up like a snake, one after another. Chairs are arranged randomly in the hall. The first one in the column leads in a confusing way, and the last one remembers this path and will have to reproduce it later.

5. Exercise “Trust fall”.Children stand opposite each other and clasp their hands. One of the children stands on a chair and falls back on his clasped hands.


Target : awareness of one’s emotional state, reduction of psycho-emotional stress, development of the ability to feel the mood and empathize with others.

Lesson materials: tape recorder, calm music.

See lesson 1.

2. Exercise “Take and Pass.”Children stand in a circle, hold hands, look into each other’s eyes and convey a joyful mood and a kind smile with their facial expressions.

3. Exercise “Tumbler”.Children are divided into three people. One of them is a tumbler, the other two are rocking this tumbler.

4. Exercise “Transformations”.The psychologist offers children:

  • frown like... an autumn cloud; angry person;
  • get angry like... an evil sorceress; two sheep on the bridge; hungry wolf; a child whose ball was taken away;
  • be scared like... a hare who sees a wolf; a chick that fell from the nest;
  • smile like... a cat in the sun; the sun itself; sly Fox;

5. Exercise “Complete the sentence.”Children are asked to complete the sentence: Adults are usually afraid of....; children are usually afraid….; mothers are usually afraid...; dads are usually afraid...


Target : awareness of your well-being, reduction of emotional stress, reduction of anxiety, reduction of muscle tension.

Material for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music; paints, whatman paper; sandbox; chalk.

1. Exercise “Sprout under the sun.” See lesson 1.

2. Exercise “Evil and good cats.”We draw a stream. There are angry cats on both sides of the stream. They tease each other, get angry at each other. On command, they stand in the center of the stream and turn into kind cats, caress each other, and say kind words. Next, we analyze the feelings that arise.

3. Game “What is my mood like?”Children in a circle say what the mood is like using a comparison. The psychologist begins: “My mood is like a white fluffy cloud in a calm blue sky.”

4. Exercise “Tender chalk”.Children are divided into pairs. They take turns drawing various objects on each other’s backs. The one who is being drawn must guess what is drawn. We analyze feelings and sensations.

5. Exercise “Guess what’s hidden in the sand?”Children are divided into pairs. One is hiding something in the sand, the other is trying to find it.

6. Exercise “Hot palms”


Target: stimulating the child’s affective sphere, increasing the child’s mental tone.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, paints, album sheets, large sheet of paper, pillow.

1. Exercise “Sprout under the sun.” See lesson 1.

2. Exercise “Cockfighting”.Children are divided into pairs - cockerels. They fight with pillows while standing on one leg. At the same time, they try to make the opponent step on the floor with both feet, which means he loses.

3. Exercise “Tell your fear.”The psychologist tells the children about his own fears, thereby showing that fear is a normal human feeling and there is no need to be ashamed of it. Then the children themselves tell what they were afraid of. when we were little.

4. Drawing on the topic “What I was afraid of when I was little..”Children draw their fears without showing anyone.

5. Exercise “Other people’s drawings.”The children are shown, one by one, drawings of “fears” just drawn, and together they come up with what these children were afraid of and how they can be helped.

6. Exercise “House of Horrors.”Children are invited to draw the inhabitants of the house of horrors. All fears and horrors remain in the psychologist’s office.


Target: overcoming negative experiences, symbolic destruction of fear, reduction of emotional stress.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, pillow, lively music.

1. Exercise “Sprout under the sun.” See lesson 1.

2. Exercise “Brave guys”.Children choose a leader - he is a terrible dragon. The child stands on a chair and says in a menacing voice: “Be afraid, be afraid of me!” The children answer: “We are not afraid of you!” This is repeated 2-3 times. From the children’s words, the dragon gradually decreases (the child jumps off the chair) and turns into a little sparrow. Starts to chirp and fly around the room.

4. Exercise “Scary tale in a circle.”Children and an adult create a scary fairy tale together. They speak in turns, 1-2 sentences each. A fairy tale must pile up so many terrible things that this terrible thing turns into funny.

5. Exercise “In a forest clearing.”The psychologist asks the children to imagine that they are in a sunny clearing. Forest inhabitants came running and flocked to her from all sides - all kinds of insects, cockroaches. Music sounds, children turn into forest inhabitants. Complete tasks according to each character (grasshopper, butterfly, ant, etc.)

6. Exercise “Drive away Baba-Yaga.”The child is asked to imagine that Baba Yaga has climbed into the pillow and must be driven away with loud screams. You can hit the pillow loudly with a stick.

7. Exercise “I’m not afraid of you.”One child stands in front of the psychologist, the other children begin to scare him in turn. The child says in a loud, confident voice: “I’m not afraid of you!”


Target: developing the ability to convey one’s emotional state through an artistic image, reducing psycho-emotional stress, increasing self-confidence.

Materials for the lesson:tape recorder, calm music, models of bumps,

1. Exercise “Sprout under the sun.” See lesson 1.

2. Exercise “Why does my mother...father...sister...etc love me?”Children are asked to say why adults love them and why they love adults.

3. Exercise “Frogs in the swamp”. See lesson 1.

4. Exercise “Indeterminate figures”.The psychologist draws various figures on the board, the guys say what terrible creatures they look like.

5. Game “Path”.Children line up at the back and walk like a snake along an imaginary path. At the command of a psychologist, they overcome imaginary obstacles. “ We walk calmly along the path... There are bushes, trees, green grass all around... Suddenly puddles appeared on the path... One... Second... Third.. We calmly walk along the path... There is a stream in front of us. There is a bridge across it. We cross the bridge, holding on to the railing. We calmly walk along the path... etc..

6. Exercise “Trust fall”. See lesson 2

8. Exercise “Hot palms”


Target : Formation of a positive “I-concept”, self-acceptance, self-confidence, reduction of anxiety, identification of positive personality traits.

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music, box, ball, paints, album sheets, the beginning of a scary fairy tale.

1. Exercise “Sprout under the sun.” See lesson 1.

2. Game “Fairytale Box”.The psychologist tells the children that the Fairy Fairy brought her box - the heroes of fairy tales hid in it. He goes on to say: “Remember your favorite fairy-tale characters and tell me what they are, why you like them, what they look like. Then, with the help of a magic shelf, all children turn into fairy-tale heroes.

3. Exercise “Boisek Competition”.Children pass the ball around in a circle. The recipient must name this or that fear, while saying loudly and confidently “I..... am not afraid of this!”

4. Game “Prince and Princess”.Children stand in a circle. A chair is placed in the center - this is a throne. Who will be the Prince (Princess) today? The child sits on the throne at will. The others show him signs of attention and say something good.

5. Exercise “Come up with a funny ending.”A psychologist reads the beginning of a children's scary fairy tale to the children. It is necessary to come up with a funny continuation and ending.

6. Drawing on the theme “Magic Mirrors”.The psychologist suggests drawing yourself in three mirrors, but not simple, magical ones: in the first, small and scared; secondly, big and cheerful; in the third - those who fear nothing and are strong. Then the questions are asked: which person is cuter? Who do you look like now? Which mirror do you look in most often?

7. Exercise “Hot palms”


Target : reduction of psychomuscular tension, consolidation of adequate forms of expression of emotions, development of social trust

Materials for the lesson: tape recorder, calm music,

1. Exercise “Sprout under the sun.” See lesson 1.

2. Game “Confusion”.One driver is selected. The rest of the children get tangled without releasing their hands. The driver must untangle the tangle.

3. Game “Boat”.The sailor is one of the children, the rest of the children are a boat in a stormy sea. The sailor on the ship must shout over the storm: “I am not afraid of the storm, I am the strongest sailor!”

4. Exercise “Horses and Riders”.Children are divided into pairs - one child turns into a “horse”, the other into a “rider”. The “horses” are blindfolded, and the riders stand behind them, take them by the elbows and prepare to ride them. At the races, the task of the “horse” is to run faster, and the task of the “rider” is to avoid collisions with other horses.

5. Exercise “Magic dream”.All the children are resting and everyone is dreaming the same dream, which is told by a psychologist.

6. We draw what we saw in a dream.

7. Exercise “Wizards”.One of the children turns into a wizard. He is blindfolded and asked to guess who will approach him; he feels his hands.

8. Exercise “Hot palms”


Target: liberation from negative emotions, development of social trust, increased self-confidence, increased importance in the eyes of others.

Materials for the lesson:tape recorder, calm music, photographs of children, paint album sheets.

1. Exercise “Sprout under the sun”

2. Exercise “Unfinished sentences”.Children are given sentences to complete. “I love...”, “They love me...”, “I’m not afraid...”, “I believe..”, “They believe in me...”, “They care about me...”

3. Game “Baba Yaga”According to the counting, Baba Yaga is chosen. Draw a circle in the center of the room. Baba Yaga takes a broomstick and stands in a circle. Children run around Baba Yaga and tease her. “Baba Yaga, bone leg. She fell from the stove and broke her leg. She went into the garden and scared all the people. I ran to the bathhouse and scared the bunny!” Baba Yaga jumps out of the circle and tries to touch the guys with a broom.

4. Game “Compliments”.Standing in a circle, everyone joins hands. Looking into the neighbor’s eyes, the child says: “I like it about you...” The receiver nods his head and replies: “Thank you, I’m very pleased!” The exercise continues in a circle. Next, we discuss the feelings that the children experienced while completing this task.

6. Exercise “Sun in the palm”

The psychologist reads the poem, then the children draw and give gifts - drawings to each other..The sun in the palm of your hand, the shadow on the path,
Cock crow, cat purring,
A bird on a branch, a flower by the path,
A bee on a flower, an ant on a blade of grass,
And next to it is a beetle, all covered in tan.-
And all this is for me, and all this is for nothing!
That's it - no way! If only I could live and live,
Loved this world and saved it for others...

7. Exercise “Hot palms”

Technologies, methods and techniques used in this program:

  • Fairytale therapy.

Activation of resources, personality potential, awareness of feelings and emotions.

  • Play therapy.

Used to reduce tension, muscle tightness, anxiety, fears and increase self-confidence.

  • Body therapy.

Helps reduce muscle tension, tension, and anxiety.

  • Art therapy.

Updating fears, increasing confidence, developing fine motor skills, reducing anxiety.

  • Relaxation.

Preparing the body and psyche for activity, focusing on your inner world, releasing excess nervous tension.

  • Concentration.

Focusing on your visual, sound and bodily sensations, on emotions, feelings and experiences.

  • Functional music.

Calming and restorative music helps reduce emotional tension and shifts attention.

Outdoor games.

Relaxation and breathing exercises.


Goal: relax the muscles of the lower face and hands. "You and a friend have had a fight. A fight is about to break out. Take a deep breath, clench your jaw tightly. Fix your fingers in fists, press your fingers into your palms until it hurts. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Think: maybe you shouldn’t fight? Exhale and relax. Hurray! The troubles are over! This exercise is useful to carry out not only with anxious, but also with aggressive children.


Goal: relieve tension, calm children.

All players stand or sit in a circle. The presenter gives instructions: “Imagine that now you and I are going to inflate balloons. Inhale the air, bring an imaginary balloon to your lips and, puffing out your cheeks, slowly inflate it through parted lips. Watch with your eyes how your balloon gets bigger and bigger. more, how the patterns on it grow. Have you imagined? I also imagined your huge balls. Blow carefully so that the ball does not burst. Now show them to each other.” The exercise can be repeated 3 times.

"The Ship and the Wind"

Goal: to get the group into a working mood, especially if the children are tired. "Imagine that our sailboat is floating on the waves, but suddenly it stopped. Let's help it and invite the wind to help. Inhale the air, draw in your cheeks strongly... Now exhale noisily through your mouth and let the wind break free speeds up the boat. Let's try again. I want to hear the sound of the wind! "The exercise can be repeated 3 times.

"Gift Under the Tree"

Goal: relaxation of facial muscles, especially around the eyes. "Imagine that the New Year holiday is coming. You have been dreaming about a wonderful gift for a whole year. So you approach the tree, close your eyes tightly and take a deep breath. Hold your breath. What lies under the tree? Now exhale and open your eyes. Oh, miracle! The long-awaited toy is in front of you! Are you happy?
After completing the exercise, you can discuss (if the children want) who dreams of what.


Goal: relaxation of facial muscles, especially around the lips.

"Let's play the pipe. Take a shallow breath, bring the pipe to your lips. Start exhaling slowly, and as you exhale, try to stretch your lips into a tube. Then start over. Play! What a wonderful orchestra!"

All of the exercises listed can be done in the classroom, sitting or standing at a desk.

Studies on muscle relaxation.

The sketches below are recommended by M.I. Chistyakova in the book “Psychogymnastics” and are probably familiar to many of you. These sketches are useful for different categories: anxious, autistic, aggressive. All exercises are in our modification.


Option 1

Goal: relax your back muscles. Now you and I will be weightlifters. Imagine that there is a heavy barbell lying on the floor. Inhale, lift the barbell off the floor with your arms outstretched, and lift it. Very hard. Exhale, place the barbell on the floor, and rest. Let's try again".

Option 2

Goal: to relax the muscles of the arms and back, to give the child the opportunity to feel successful. “Now let’s take a lighter barbell and lift it above your head. Take a breath, raise the barbell, fix this position so that the judges count you a victory. It’s hard to stand like that, throw the barbell , breathe out. Relax. You are all champions. You can all bow to the audience, bow again like champions.” The exercise can be performed several times.


Goal: relax the arm muscles."Guys, I want to ask you a riddle:

There is a white nail hanging under our roof, the sun will rise, the nail will fall.(V. Seliverstov)

That's right, it's an icicle. Let's imagine that we are artists and are staging a play for kids. The announcer (that's me) reads this riddle to them, and you will pretend to be icicles. When I read the first two lines, you will inhale and raise your arms above your head, and on the third and fourth lines, drop your relaxed arms down. So, we rehearse... And now we perform. It turned out great!"

"Humpty Dumpty"

Goal: relax the muscles of the arms, back and chest. "Let's put on another little play. It's called Humpty Dumpty."

Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty fell in his sleep.(S. Marshak)

First, we will turn the body left and right, while the arms dangle freely, like a rag doll. To the words “fell in my sleep,” we sharply tilt the body down.”


Goal: remove muscle tension in the shoulder girdle area. “Guys, let’s try to turn into a screw. To do this, put your heels and toes together. At my command “Start,” we will turn the body first to the left, then to the right. At the same time, the arms will freely follow the body in the same direction. Let’s start!.. Stop!"

The etude can be accompanied by the music of N. Rimsky-Korsakov “Dance of the Buffoons” from the opera “The Snow Maiden”.

"Pump and Ball"

Goal: relax as many muscles in the body as possible. “Guys, break into pairs. One of you is a large inflatable ball, the other inflates this ball with a pump. The ball stands with the whole body limp, on half-bent legs, arms and neck relaxed. The body is tilted slightly forward, the head is lowered (the ball is not filled with air) The comrade begins to inflate the ball, accompanying the movement of his hands (they pump the air) with the sound “s”. With each supply of air, the ball inflates more and more. Hearing the first sound “s”, he inhales a portion of air, while straightening his legs at the knees, after the second “s”. "The torso straightened, after the third - the ball's head rose, after the fourth - the cheeks puffed out and even the arms moved away from the sides. The ball was inflated. The pump stopped pumping. A friend pulls the pump hose out of the ball... Air comes out of the ball with force with the sound "sh" "The body went limp again and returned to its original position." Then the players change roles.

Games to promote relaxation.

The next three games are borrowed from K. Faupel's book "How to Teach Children to Cooperate." They will help create a friendly atmosphere of mutual assistance, trust, friendly and open communication between children in the kindergarten group.


Purpose: This imagination game will help children relax. "Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Inhale and exhale deeply 2-3 times. Imagine that you are standing near a waterfall. But this is not an ordinary waterfall. Instead of water, a soft white light falls down. Now imagine yourself under this waterfall and feel how this beautiful white light flows over your head... You feel how your forehead relaxes, then your mouth, how your neck muscles relax... White light flows over your shoulders, the back of your head and helps them become soft and relaxed. White light flows down. from your back, and you notice how the tension in your back disappears, and it also becomes soft and relaxed.

And the light flows through your chest, through your stomach. You feel how they relax and you yourself, without any effort, can inhale and exhale deeper. This makes you feel very relaxed and pleasant.

Let the light also flow through your hands, through your palms, through your fingers. You notice how your arms and hands become softer and more relaxed. The light also flows through your legs, down to your feet. You feel that they too relax and become soft. This amazing waterfall of white light flows around your entire body. You feel completely calm and serene, and with each inhalation and exhalation you relax more deeply and are filled with fresh strength... (30 seconds).

Now thank this waterfall of light for relaxing you so wonderfully... Stretch a little, straighten up and open your eyes.”

After this game, you should do something calm.

"Dancing Hands"

Purpose: If children are restless or upset, this game will give them (especially upset, restless) the opportunity to clarify their feelings and relax internally. "Lay out large sheets of wrapping paper (or old wallpaper) on the floor. Take 2 crayons each. Choose a crayon of the color you like for each hand. Now lie with your back on the laid out paper so that your arms, from hand to elbow, are above the paper. ( In other words, so that the children have room to draw.) Close your eyes, and when the music starts, you can draw on the paper with both hands. Then you can see what happens" (2-3 minutes. ). The game is played to music.

"Blind Dance"

Goal: developing trust in each other, relieving excess muscle tension. “Split into pairs. One of you gets a blindfold, he will be “blind”. The other will remain “sighted” and will be able to lead the “blind”. Now hold hands and dance with each other to light music (1-2 minutes). Now switch roles. Help your partner tie the headband."

As a preparatory step, you can sit the children in pairs and ask them to hold hands. The one who sees moves his hands to the music, and the blindfolded child tries to repeat these movements without letting go of his hands for 1-2 minutes. Then the children change roles. If an anxious child refuses to close his eyes, reassure him and do not insist. Let him dance with his eyes open. As the child gets rid of anxiety, you can start playing the game not while sitting, but moving around the room.

Games aimed at developing a sense of trust and self-confidence in children.


Purpose: The game teaches trust. Almost always the partners are not visible, although they can be heard. The success of everyone’s progress depends on everyone’s ability to coordinate their efforts with the actions of the other participants. “Guys, now you and I will be one big caterpillar and we will all move around this room together. Form a chain, put your hands on the shoulders of the person in front. Between the stomach of one player and the back hold the balloon or ball with your hands. It is strictly forbidden for the first participant in the chain to hold his balloon with his arms outstretched. Thus, in a single chain, but without the help of your hands, you must walk along a certain route."

For those watching: pay attention to where the leaders are located, who regulates the movement of the “living caterpillar”.

"Change of Rhythms"

Goal: to help anxious children join the general rhythm of work and relieve excessive muscle tension. If the teacher wants to attract the attention of the children, he begins to clap his hands and count loudly, in time with the clapping: one, two, three, four... The children join in and also, clapping their hands together, count in unison: one, two, three , four... Gradually the teacher, and after him the children, claps less and less, counts more and more quietly.

"Bunnies and Elephants"

Goal: to enable children to feel strong and courageous, to help increase self-esteem. “Guys, I want to offer you a game called “Bunnies and Elephants”. First, you and I will be panty bunnies. Tell me when a hare feels danger that he does he do it right? He’s trembling. Show how he trembles, curls up his ears, tries to become small and inconspicuous, his tail and legs are shaking,” etc. Children show.

"Show me what bunnies do if they hear a person's steps?" Children scatter around the group, class, hide, etc. “What do bunnies do if they see a wolf?..” The teacher plays with the children for several minutes.

“And now you and I will be elephants, big, strong, brave. Show how calmly, measuredly, majestically and fearlessly elephants walk. And what do elephants do when they see a person? Are they afraid of him? No. They are friends with him and, when They see him and calmly continue on their way. Show me how. Show me what elephants do when they see a tiger...” Children pretend to be a fearless elephant for a few minutes.

After the exercise, the guys sit in a circle and discuss who they liked to be and why.

"Magic Chair"

Goal: to help increase the child’s self-esteem and improve relationships between children.

This game can be played with a group of children for a long time. First, an adult must find out the “history” of each child’s name - its origin, what it means. In addition, you need to make a crown and a “Magic Chair” - it must be high. The adult has a short introductory conversation about the origin of names, and then says that he will talk about the names of all the children in the group (the group should not be more than 5-6 people), and it is better to name the names of anxious children in the middle of the game. The one whose name is told becomes the king. Throughout the entire story about his name, he sits on a throne wearing a crown.

At the end of the game, you can invite the children to come up with different versions of his name (gentle, affectionate). You can also take turns saying something good about the king.


Goal: relax the facial muscles, relieve muscle tension and fatigue.

“Guys! We will visit the “Theater of Masks”. You will all be artists, and I will be a photographer. I will ask you to depict the facial expressions of various heroes. For example: show what the evil Baba Yaga looks like.” Children, with the help of facial expressions and simple gestures, or only with the help of facial expressions, depict Baba Yaga. “Good! Great! Now stop, I’m taking a picture. Well done! Some people even found it funny. You can laugh, but only after the frame is shot.

Now depict the Crow (from the fable “The Crow and the Fox”) at the moment when she squeezes the cheese in her beak." Children clench their jaws tightly, simultaneously stretching their lips, depicting a beak. "Attention! Freeze! I'm filming! Thank you! Well done!

Now show how scared the grandmother from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” was when she realized that she was talking not to her granddaughter, but to the Gray Wolf." Children can open their eyes wide, raise their eyebrows, open their mouth slightly. "Freeze! Thank you!

And how slyly did Lisa smile when she wanted to please the bun? Freeze! I'm filming! Well done! Amazing! Well done!"

Further, the teacher or educator, at his own discretion, can praise particularly anxious children, for example: “Everyone worked well, Vitya’s mask was especially scary, when I looked at Sasha, I was scared myself, and Mashenka looked very much like a cunning fox. Everyone tried their best.” Well done!"

"The actor's working day is over. You and I are tired. Let's rest. Let's sit silently, relax and rest. Thank you all!"

Ecology of life. Children: It is important that when organizing games there are no competitive or directive elements; if a child does not want to participate, you should not force him

I use these games and exercises during group and individual lessons with children aged 5-8 years. Most children enjoy them and are quite effective techniques if worked consistently. It is important that when organizing games there are no competitive or directive elements; if a child does not want to participate, you should not force him. Sooner or later he will join the game himself.

Game "Compliments"

This game increases self-esteem and focuses children's attention on the positive qualities of group members.

Progress of the game: The first person who wants to is called, he goes out the door of the room. The presenter writes down all the compliments that the players express to the main participant, noting who said a particular compliment. The leader warns the group that all compliments should only be sincere, i.e. those character traits and personality traits that are truly inherent to the main participant. The main participant returns to the room and the presenter reads out the entire list. Then the presenter dwells on each compliment separately, and the player’s task is to guess who from the group gave the compliment. The player can name 3 people. If he guessed correctly, he gets an additional point for insight. The game is held as a competition for the most insightful.

Game "Mood and gait"

The game is aimed at relieving tension and muscle tension.

Progress of the game: An adult shows movements and asks to depict the mood: “We’ll start dripping like fine rain, and now like heavy, big drops. We fly like a sparrow, and now like an eagle. Let's walk like an old grandmother, let's jump like a cheerful clown. Let's walk like a little child learning to walk. Let's sneak up carefully like a cat on a bird. Let's feel the bumps in the swamp. Let's walk thoughtfully like an absent-minded person.

Projective drawing “Make friends with your anxiety”

The game develops creative imagination and relieves emotional stress.

Progress: Invite the child to draw fear (anxiety) in the form of a blot. To do this, fold a piece of paper in half, then unbend one half, smear it with paint, it is better to use dark colors. Then fold the sheet in half again, smooth it out, and unfold it again - you get a blot. You can ask your child: “Is the blot scary?”, “How can you make it beautiful (funny)?” Offer to add positive features to her (kind eyes, beads, bow) or turn her into something good.

Theatrical game "Pump and Ball"

Relaxes the maximum number of muscles in the body.

Progress of the game: children are divided into pairs, in which one holds a large inflatable ball, the other inflates this ball with a pump. The ball stands with the whole body limp, on half-bent legs, arms and neck relaxed. The body is tilted slightly forward, the head is lowered (the ball is not filled with air). His friend begins to inflate the ball, accompanying the movement of his hands (they pump the air) with the sound “s”. With each supply of air, the ball inflates more and more. Hearing the first sound “s”, he inhales a portion of air, simultaneously straightening his legs at the knees; after the second “s”, his torso straightened; after the third, the ball’s head rose; after the fourth, his cheeks puffed out and even his arms moved away from his sides. The ball is inflated. The pump stopped pumping. A friend pulls the pump hose out of the ball. Air comes out of the ball with force with the sound "sh". The body went limp again and returned to its original position. Then the children change roles.

Game "The wind blows on that.."

The game gives children an idea of ​​common interests and unites the group.

Progress of the game: the leader stands in the center of the circle and says: the wind blows on the one with pigtails (who likes ice cream, who doesn’t like math, etc.). Children who think that this is about them run up to the center of the circle, to the leader, others remain in place. Then the wind blows in the other direction (the presenter asks the children to take their places). When everyone has sat down on the chairs, the presenter names the next characteristic. You can play like this for 5-10 minutes. Game option: “swap places those who...”

Game "I give to you"

Increases self-esteem, relieves muscle tension.

Children sit or stand in a circle, the presenter makes eye contact with one of the children and says: “Name, I give you a kitten (flower, sun, car, etc.)” while trying to make a movement as if he were really conveying this item. The second player at this time needs to accept the gift as if it were really a kitten (flower, etc.) Then the one who accepted the gift must establish visual contact with the next player and also give him the gift. The game lasts until all participants receive gifts.

Almost all of the proposed games and exercises can also be done with adults. published

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely every person. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from our distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight.” In other words, anxiety does not arise out of nowhere, but has an evolutionary basis. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but a mechanism developed by evolution that is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Anxious impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their expediency, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the lives of anxious people.
