3 years what a wedding what to give her husband. Choosing symbolic leather gifts

A green wedding is called the day of the wedding and the entire first year after this event. Green color symbolizes youth, freshness and purity of the newlyweds. During the first year after the wedding, every month is possible. The symbol of a green wedding is the myrtle wreath. It is for this reason that it is customary to give flowers to the newlyweds, decorate the wedding premises and the wedding procession with them. The green wedding is also symbolized by the leaves in the bride's wedding bouquet and the groom's boutonniere.

Print wedding or gauze wedding - 1 year of marriage - first wedding anniversary

1 year from the date of the wedding is called a cotton wedding or a gauze wedding. This name came from antiquity, it is associated with certain traditions. As you know, chintz is a very thin fabric, usually of bright colors. So married life one year after the wedding was associated precisely with this material. Love has not yet cooled down and has not lost its bright colors, but the relationship is very fragile and shaky. Even the smallest storm in the ocean of marital passions can break, destroy, extinguish this weak, blazing fire of the family hearth of a young family. This first wedding anniversary of living together is celebrated one year after the green wedding. This wedding anniversary is called so because it marks the transition from the novelty of a honeymoon to the routine of everyday relationships, so to speak, chintz simplicity. However, fervent folk rumor ascribes a slightly different meaning to the name "chintz wedding". The people quite reasonably believed that the first year of marriage is notable for the extremely active actions of the newlyweds in bed, which, in fact, leads to the wear of cotton bed linen to the state of gauze. :) Accordingly, being invited to celebrate the 1st wedding anniversary, guests have the right to bring useful gifts for the chintz wedding - bed linen sets to replenish supplies :) Purely symbolic "chintz" gifts for the 1st wedding anniversary are also appropriate - handkerchiefs, aprons, as well as pillows in the form hearts.

Paper wedding - 2 years of marriage - second wedding anniversary

A cotton wedding is followed by a paper wedding (2 years of marriage). Relationships are identified with fragile and easily torn paper. Indeed, in the 2nd year after the wedding, a baby often appears in the family, which entails a lot of real worries and family life no longer seems to be woven from pleasures alone. On the basis of fatigue and irritability, conflicts are possible, family relationships on the second wedding anniversary become like paper. So that the paper can be torn without fear that it will end in the house completely, guests invited to celebrate a paper wedding replenish the family's paper stocks :) As a gift for a paper wedding, they give books, calendars, photo albums, paintings - the whole range of art and printing products: ) Plastic gifts and pieces of furniture are also nice. A husband and wife can give each other a gift for the 2nd year of the wedding with just a bundle of money (if any :)) An excellent gift option for the 2nd year of the wedding - a paper wedding - is exclusive italian handmade photo album which you can order from our company.

Leather wedding - 3 years of marriage - third wedding anniversary

It is customary to celebrate a leather wedding after three years of marriage. This wedding anniversary is called so because the spouses should feel good about each other by this time, figuratively speaking, with the skin itself. It is believed that "paper" difficulties have been overcome, and the third wedding anniversary testifies that the husband and wife, since they have not broken off relations like paper, have learned to get along with each other and adapt flexibly. Well, the skin is just a symbol of flexibility. So that in the future such a skill would not be transferred in the family, guests bring a supply of leather products as a gift for a leather wedding. :) The choice is diverse - from leather furniture or expensive leather clothes to a simple purse or key ring - everything made of leather will fit as a gift for a 3-year wedding. A handmade Italian leather photo album, which you can order from us, will also be a wonderful gift for a leather wedding.

Linen or wax wedding - 4 years of marriage - fourth wedding anniversary

A leather wedding is followed by a linen or wax wedding. The people gave this wedding anniversary a name - a linen wedding. This name was not chosen by chance, because linen is not chintz, it is much stronger, which means that the relationship of the spouses to this wedding anniversary has become stronger and more reliable. Flax is a symbol of strength and durability, as well as a symbol of prosperity and security. Handmade linen is not a fun chintz. To have linen things in the house means to make a certain investment with a solid perspective on the future. Well, for the 4th year of the wedding, it's time to become prosperous :). Therefore, as a gift for the 4th wedding anniversary, guests bring linen tablecloths, towels, bedspreads, etc. If you invite guests to the table for this wedding anniversary, then it must be sent with a linen tablecloth and decorated with lights and candles, which guests can also give you .

Wooden wedding - 5 years of marriage - fifth wedding anniversary

The next wedding anniversary is a wooden wedding. This is a serious, solid wedding anniversary. The tree symbolizes the strength of family relationships; it is no longer chintz or paper. By the fifth anniversary of their life together, the spouses have already managed to build their relationship, equip the house, and possibly have a baby. Everyone knows that a person must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. By this wedding anniversary, a wooden wedding, the young tree is already well enough rooted and begins to bear its first fruits. Guests invited to celebrate the anniversary of a wooden wedding usually give the spouses wooden gizmos for family use.

Cast iron wedding - 6 years of marriage - sixth wedding anniversary

A wooden wedding is followed by a cast-iron wedding - the first metal in family relationships. Fragile, ignoble (black), but metal. In order for cast iron to turn into silver and gold, and therefore the wedding turned into silver or gold, the young spouses still have to work and work. But the most important thing is that by this wedding anniversary the foundations of a friendly and strong family have already been laid. In addition, cast iron easily fills any form, and what form of family relations young spouses want to consolidate depends only on themselves. In the heat of passion, in the fire of disputes, the "cast iron" of relations will be melted into a more ductile cast iron - malleable, it will become lighter, more elegant, and lighter. And here the most important thing is not to overheat him: to yield in a dispute, to show attention, to take the first step towards. For this wedding anniversary, guests can give the spouses any product made of cast iron: for example, cast iron dishes, miniature cast iron pots, fireplace grates, a castle. An unusual gift for the sixth wedding anniversary of a cast-iron wedding can be dumbbells if the owners are fond of sports. Just don't forget to wrap them in something to give them a festive look.

Zinc wedding - 6.5 years of marriage

Zinc wedding (6 and a half years of married life) This strange "anniversary out of the blue" can only be explained by the desire to arrange a little holiday for yourself on a weekday :).

Copper wedding - 7 years of marriage - seventh wedding anniversary

Next comes the seventh wedding anniversary - the copper wedding. The name of this wedding anniversary also contains its own secret meaning: copper is a valuable, durable material, of course, it is far from noble metals, so such a wedding is a hint that the spouses are still ahead. A copper wedding is no longer a paper, cotton, or even cast-iron wedding. You can no longer tear copper like fabric, and you can’t split it like wood. It can only be melted and given a different shape, an image. Therefore, the important task of the spouses is to melt their relationship into more and more durable, so that they turn over time into precious metals - silver and gold, and then into the strongest gem on earth - a diamond.
It is customary for guests to give items made of forged copper: you can present a belt with a copper buckle, copper jewelry, cutlery, candlesticks and other copper items as a gift. A very suitable gift for the seventh wedding anniversary is a copper horseshoe, a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

Tin wedding - 8 years of marriage - eighth wedding anniversary

The eighth wedding anniversary is a tin wedding. Years go by, testing spouses for strength. It is assumed that the life of the spouses should finally normalize by this wedding anniversary, be filled with warmth and mutual understanding. On the 8th year of the wedding, family relations are renewed. This is what the new sparkling tin should symbolize. Accordingly, as a gift for 8 years, weddings are presented with both tin products (kitchen utensils, household items), and simply everything sparkling and similar to tin products - tea, sweets in tin boxes. An associative gift for a tin wedding can be (if funds are available) - everything that can be interpreted as a symbol of the renewal of the family hearth 8 years after the wedding: new furnishings and even apartment renovation.

Faience or chamomile wedding - 9 years of marriage - ninth wedding anniversary

Ninth wedding anniversary - earthenware or chamomile. Chamomile is a flower that has long been associated with love (fortune-telling for love), chamomile is a symbol of summer, sun, warmth, fun, so the wedding anniversary of a chamomile wedding reminds that married life is approaching its heyday. Therefore, it is best to celebrate such a wedding anniversary in nature (if it falls during the warm season) together with close friends of the spouses and children. The faience wedding has two (moreover, completely opposite) interpretations. According to one version, every year family relationships become stronger and stronger, like good tea - and faience cups filled with tea are a symbol of the beauty of family relationships. According to another version, 9 years after the wedding, the family is going through a critical period and is fragile, like faience. Accordingly, the motive for giving gifts for 9 years of marriage also differs. You can give a tea set (and mention the strength of the relationship), or you can give earthenware or crystal, hinting that some fragile things can break if carelessly handled.

Pink (or tin) wedding - 10 years of marriage

Steel wedding - 11 years of marriage

The eleventh wedding anniversary from the date of registration of marriage is a steel wedding. By this wedding anniversary, family ties should be so strong that nothing can break them, and spouses should have a good home, household and children. Having lived together for eleven years, you no longer just understand and appreciate each other, you have proved that this marriage has become like steel, has become strong and resilient. Steel is a black metal, but with certain processing it becomes shiny, mirror-like. So your family, having lived up to the eleventh wedding anniversary, having passed through thunderstorms of life's problems, joy, love and time, became, like steel, sparkling and brilliant. As a gift for this wedding anniversary, it is best to give spouses steel products: jewelry, utensils. Usually, sharp objects are not given for a holiday, so you need to get out of the situation. You can make an original wedding gift, the color of which will contain a steel shade, such as a tea or coffee set, a set of glasses or steel pans, a set of pots, a tray. And don't forget the colorful packaging, because the packaging is half the gift.

Nickel wedding - 12.5 years of marriage

Nickel wedding - the second "incomplete" wedding anniversary. According to Russian customs, a nickel wedding is celebrated after 12.5 years, but it is quite acceptable to celebrate it six months earlier - at 12 years old. The symbolism of the anniversary of 12 years of marriage is similar to the symbolism of a tin wedding: the sparkle of nickel indicates the need to refresh the sparkle of a relationship. Since the date is not round, the nickel wedding is celebrated in the closest circle. Usually relatives and friends from both sides are invited to this anniversary. You can send out invitations that indicate the reason for the celebration - the wedding anniversary. According to an old custom that has come down to us from time immemorial, on the day of the celebration of the nickel wedding, the spouses visit places that are memorable for both of them: they visit the church in which they got married, they visit the places of their first dates. Guests can take a walk along memorable places together with spouses. The gift for this wedding anniversary is very easy to pick up due to the wide selection of nickel items. So, jewelry can be a good gift: rings, earrings and bracelets. You can also present a chandelier, a candlestick or an expensive lighter for this wedding anniversary. Nickel-plated utensils will also come in handy.

Lace (lily of the valley) wedding - 13 years of marriage

Lace (lily of the valley) wedding - celebrated on the 13th anniversary of family life. Despite the "unlucky" date (and perhaps in the order of "compensation"), the celebration of the 13th anniversary of the family, as well as the celebration of the pink wedding, is accompanied by the theme of love. Light, delicate, refined and fragile, like love, lilies of the valley are a symbol of the 13th wedding anniversary. Refinement is also inherent in products made of lace, so the name "lace wedding" harmonizes very well with the name "lily of the valley". Lacemakers spend many months, and sometimes even years, weaving their wonderful products.
When they finish the work, it is impossible to take your eyes off these creations. In the same way, subtle, harmonious relationships in the family are built over the years.
For this thirteenth wedding anniversary, a lace wedding, the husband can present his wife with thin lace underwear or an airy peignoir as a gift, and the guests can give the spouses beautiful bed linen trimmed with lace, as well as: lace napkins, tablecloths, lace products knitted from fine wool.
On this wedding anniversary, you can give each other lilies of the valley, as light and tender as your love.

Agate wedding - 14 years of marriage

Only 14 years after the wedding, folk tradition begins to assign the family the status of a precious stone, and this first stone is agate.
Agate is a semi-precious stone, endowed with magical properties from ancient times to protect from danger, protect marital happiness and fidelity. The name of the wedding anniversary suggests that family life is already firmly established. According to custom, on the day of this wedding anniversary, spouses must confess to each other the most intimate, so that there are no secrets between them.
In addition, agate is a wonderful stone, in the depths of which you can see many of the most intricate patterns that form wonderful pictures. So the spouses, who lived to the fourteenth wedding anniversary, and, it seems, easily recognize and have long guessed each other, can now discern new features that were previously completely unknown. Agate is also a talisman that protects and protects marriage.
Gifts for an agate wedding anniversary should be directly related to the talisman stone: for a wife, it can be agate earrings, a ring or beads, and for a man, agate cufflinks or a tie clip.
Since an agate wedding involves a lot of jewelry, guests can give a box or jewelry boxes for this wedding anniversary. It must be remembered that natural stones require caskets made from natural materials, the best way out is carved wooden caskets.

Crystal or glass wedding - 15 years of marriage

Fifteenth wedding anniversary - crystal or glass wedding. This wedding anniversary is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people.
On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary - crystal and glassware, guests are advised to wear something light, possibly with transparent details.
Gifts for the 15th wedding anniversary - of course, made of glass and crystal - vases, glasses, salad bowls, etc. Perhaps Swarovski crystals are quite suitable. Husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone specifically breaks a glass, glass or plate.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years of marriage

18 years of wedding - Turquoise wedding.
Often the 18th wedding anniversary coincides with the majority of the first child. The brightness of turquoise is a symbol of the end of difficult and crisis situations associated with the growing up of a son or daughter; family relationships should "play" with a new light.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years of marriage

The 20th wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. The name has two interpretations. According to the first version, they believe that the dishes presented for the wedding have already been broken, which means that the supply of tea and coffee utensils should be renewed. The second option says that a happy family union 20 years after the wedding is beautiful and harmonious, like genuine Chinese porcelain, the secret of which has not been solved to this day.
The main tradition followed when celebrating the anniversary of a porcelain wedding is setting the table with porcelain dishes. It is customary to serve treats to guests on this wedding anniversary on new porcelain, as it is believed that not a trace of the old services is left.
Porcelain cups, plates, sets made of porcelain are presented as a gift for a porcelain wedding.

Opal wedding - 21 years of marriage

21st wedding year - Opal wedding.

Bronze wedding - 22 years of marriage

22 years of wedding - Bronze wedding.

Beryl wedding - 23 years of marriage

23 years of wedding - Beryl wedding.

Satin wedding - 24 years of marriage

24th wedding anniversary - Satin wedding.

Silver wedding - 25 years of marriage

25 years of family life - a silver wedding. it first famous wedding anniversary. After 25 years, the name of the wedding anniversary for the first time got to precious metal - silver. There is no need to explain in detail the meaning of such a comparison of a 25-year marriage.
According to ancient custom, on this wedding anniversary, the husband and wife must certainly give each other silver rings, which should be put on the middle finger of the right hand (next to the one on which the wedding ring is worn).
A silver wedding can also be celebrated officially - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage took place. Sometimes, on the occasion of a silver wedding, the official authorities themselves take the initiative.
The gala evening can be held in retro style, where favorite melodies and songs of the anniversaries will be played. A nice gift for anniversaries on their 25th wedding anniversary can be a slide show that presents the most interesting and most significant moments of their life together.
When laying the wedding table on the day of this wedding anniversary, you should use silverware, for decoration - silver ribbons, garlands, flowers silvered with lacquer.
Guests also give silver items for the 25th wedding anniversary: ​​these can be jewelry, cutlery, vases or figurines, interior items, jewelry. From non-standard silver gifts, we can recommend buying a silver commemorative coin of this year or two silver spoons.

Jade wedding - 26 years of marriage

26 years - Jade wedding

Mahogany wedding - 27 years of marriage

27 years - Mahogany wedding

Velvet wedding - 29 years of marriage

29th wedding anniversary - Velvet wedding

Pearl wedding - 30 years of marriage

The thirtieth wedding anniversary is a pearl wedding. Pearls are a beautiful, expensive stone. Although, perhaps, you can’t call it a stone, because it grows. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, it grows like a tree, in layers, becoming bigger and stronger every year. And, in the end, it takes shape and becomes dazzlingly beautiful.
Like pearls, the union of two people also developed, took its form, experienced difficulties, became stronger, and now, 30 years later, by the pearl wedding anniversary, the marriage became truly perfect, just like pearls are a miracle of nature. This wedding anniversary is a symbol of the fact that thirty years lived together are strung on top of each other like pearls in a necklace. As they say, the life of pearls is about 50 years, so this wedding anniversary is only the beginning of a new family life.
According to custom, on this wedding anniversary, the spouse gives his second half a thread with thirty pearls strung on it. Guests should present gifts of mother-of-pearl, white, black and pink shades (like the color of natural pearls) to the anniversaries on this wedding anniversary. It can be a variety of things - utensils, jewelry, interior items, etc.

Swarthy wedding - 31 years of marriage

31 years - Swarthy wedding.

Amber wedding - 34 years of marriage

34th wedding anniversary - Amber wedding.

Coral wedding - 35 years of marriage

Thirty-fifth wedding anniversary - coral wedding. This anniversary is also called a linen wedding, and rarely linen. Corals, formed from small calcareous skeletons of polyps, form entire coral reefs. So your marriage has developed from thousands of days spent together, filled with feelings and events, and formed a whole island called a family. Now your union is based not only on romance and love - it is firmly held together by mutual respect, care and gratitude for the years spent together.
It may seem strange to some that after this wedding anniversary there may still be some tender feelings, but, having crossed this particular line, the spouses begin to realize how deep their love is. In addition, the joint experience of married life proves the correctness of the choice that you made many years ago, in your youth.
The color of coral is usually red, which means that this color should become an essential attribute of this wedding anniversary. By tradition, the table should be dominated by red, aged wines, as well as other strong drinks, symbolizing the strength of marriage and your relationship.
Coral products, such as coral beads, can serve as gifts. Children can give their parents real red wine, which can tell a lot about the strength of passion and love between spouses. A wedding bouquet of scarlet roses, which the husband will present to his wife at the very beginning of the wedding anniversary, will be an excellent maintenance of the tradition, this will show that his passion has not yet died out, and in order to fully comply with the traditions, the bouquet should consist of 35 roses.

Muslin wedding - 37 years of marriage

37 years of wedding - Muslin wedding.

Aluminum wedding anniversary - 37.5 years of marriage

37.5 years of wedding - Aluminum anniversary.
Second half-hearted wedding anniversary, which, moreover, is known more than the previous whole the name of the wedding. Maybe because the very name of this wedding anniversary symbolizes the lightness and strength of family relationships.

Mercury wedding - 38 years of marriage

38 years. Mercury wedding.

Crepe wedding - 39 years of marriage

39 years. Crepe wedding.

Ruby wedding - 40 years of marriage

Congratulations on the ruby ​​wedding on the fortieth anniversary of marriage. The name of the wedding comes from the gemstone ruby, which is a symbol of love and fire. Its color is the color of blood, which means that the relationship between the spouses is "blood". Husband and wife may, in commemoration of the ruby ​​wedding anniversary, encrust a ruby ​​in their wedding rings. In terms of hardness, a ruby ​​is similar to a diamond, and it is believed that no trials can already split a family.
If the spouses have lived together for forty years, then they are about 60-70 years old. That is, they are already pensioners, for whom a ruby ​​wedding will be a good occasion to have fun and see their relatives and friends. It’s great if the relatives themselves remember this wedding anniversary, then the holiday will become doubly expensive for the anniversaries, but if not, then the guests must be notified in advance so that they have time to prepare gifts and congratulations or come if they live in another city.
In the design of the room where the fortieth wedding anniversary will take place, red color should prevail. So, the hall can be decorated with heart-shaped balloons, bouquets of red flowers on the table, bright red or pink curtains on the windows. The festive table for this wedding anniversary must also be bright and colorful. Excellent wines, all kinds of berry desserts and a red fruit-filled wedding cake are a must-have for this wedding anniversary.
The main gifts for the wedding anniversary of a ruby ​​wedding should be jewelry and crafts with rubies. Ruby earrings, rings, bracelets, beads and brooches, necklaces and pendants, key rings are magnificent, especially if rubies imitate flowers and clusters of berries. Rubies can be used to decorate caskets, caskets, watches, vases and bowls. And remember that the ruby ​​is also an amulet that can protect its owners.

Topaz wedding - 44 years of marriage

44 years - Topaz wedding.

Sapphire (scarlet) wedding - 45 years of marriage

45th wedding anniversary - Sapphire (Scarlet) wedding.
After forty-five years of married life, the wedding anniversary of the sapphire wedding is celebrated. Living together for so many years without losing love and tenderness is a truly precious thing. This is largely due to the name of this wedding anniversary.
Guests at this wedding anniversary are most often especially close and dear people and relatives. The reason for this is largely due to the fact that usually people who have lived together for forty-five years already have both children and grandchildren. In addition, a circle of really true friends is determined, with whom it is pleasant to celebrate such an important celebration and who will truly be happy about your holiday.
The main tradition followed for this wedding anniversary is the decoration of wedding rings with sapphire. Sapphire is a stone that has the ability to eliminate the effects of stress. Of course, that for people of respectable age it will not be superfluous. In addition, sapphire brings good luck in all endeavors.

Lavender wedding - 46 years of marriage

46 wedding years - Lavender wedding.
Very touching name of the wedding and touching symbolism of the wedding anniversary. This day symbolizes tenderness, kindness and longevity of marital relationships. The plant is southern, but if possible, it is good to give each other at least dry flowers or leaves of this plant for the lavender wedding anniversary, which is able to retain its delicate smell for many years.

Cashmere wedding - 47 years of marriage

47 years - Cashmere wedding.

Amethyst wedding - 48 years of marriage

48th anniversary - Amethyst wedding.

Cedar wedding - 49 years of marriage

49 years from the date of the wedding - Cedar wedding.

Golden wedding - 50 years of marriage

Golden wedding - the 50th anniversary of the family. Only love, devotion, and respect of the spouses helped to achieve this date. On the day of the golden wedding, there are special traditions - the husband and wife give each other new wedding rings, and the old ones are passed on to unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren as a family heirloom. This anniversary can not only be solemnly celebrated at the registry office at the place of registration, but even asked to arrange a second marriage ceremony.
The anniversary of the golden wedding becomes a really big and joyful event for the whole family of anniversaries. This is a holiday that allows you to feel the cohesion and unity of the family, the traditions that have developed in it. It is this wedding anniversary that in many ways says that in this family love and happiness are inherited, they are a sign of this family. Next to the anniversaries is the fruit of their long life together: joyful children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. The fiftieth wedding anniversary is celebrated almost as magnificently as the very first anniversary. It is important to prepare well, the surprise will be pleasant not only for the anniversaries themselves, but for the whole family.
Gifts for a golden wedding, of course, are gold items. Guests can also present gilded jewelry and interior items.

Emerald wedding - 55 years of marriage

55 years of wedding - Emerald wedding. The name of the wedding is associated with an emerald - a green stone, symbolizing the eternity of life. The wish for the wedding anniversary is appropriate - to live, love and never grow old.

Diamond (platinum) wedding - 60 years of marriage

60th wedding anniversary - Diamond (platinum) wedding.
A diamond wedding is truly one of the most record-breaking wedding anniversaries of married life, and accordingly, the most beautiful gemstone should be the symbol of this wedding anniversary.
In addition to the fact that a diamond is valuable, expensive and very beautiful, it is impossible not to take into account the strength and durability of this stone. Such is the life of spouses who managed to maintain their relationship until this wedding anniversary, despite all the problems and difficulties that are inevitable in any family.
When holding a diamond wedding, one should try to combine intimacy and solemnity. It can be a purely family holiday, when children and grandchildren present gifts to their parents or a big feast. The form of the sixtieth wedding anniversary is something between a solemn celebration of the anniversaries and a fun concert for them. Anniversaries themselves do not take part in organizing this wedding anniversary, everything is done by younger relatives, in particular, children and grandchildren.
It will be very nice if the holiday is decorated in the style of the time in which the first wedding of the anniversaries took place. Their favorite dishes must be on the table. You can also play some theatrical number especially for the spouses or show them a cut film about their life.
The biggest gift for anniversaries will be the very holding of their diamond wedding: since relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means that they are loved and respected.

Iron wedding - 65 years of marriage

The sixty-fifth wedding anniversary is an iron wedding. Not only a diamond is durable. Iron is a metal, although not precious, but necessary for life. In addition, this name of this wedding anniversary is another reminder that the family builds their life together. And they say: "Strike while the iron is hot." It is already useless to reforge each other's character, but it is never too late to reforge feelings. This wedding anniversary is a rare event, it testifies to the strength of family ties, which become hard and strong as iron. Time can destroy a stone, but love, proven by such a period, nothing and no one can break. There's nowhere to be stronger. You have proven everything to everyone! Enjoy the attention of your children and grandchildren.

Stone wedding - 67.5 years of marriage

67.5 anniversary - Stone wedding.
The name of the wedding confirms again that the relationship between husband and wife is like a rock in the raging ocean of life.

Gracious (grateful) wedding - 70 years of marriage

70 years wedding anniversary - Gracious (grateful) wedding.
That wedding anniversary, when they cast a glance into the past and understand that love sent by heaven is grace and true happiness. And thank God for it. On this day, children and grandchildren give the anniversaries whatever they wish.

Crown wedding - 75 years of marriage

The seventy-fifth wedding anniversary is the crown wedding. Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren come to this day to honor you. A better example for young people cannot even be imagined.
A date for which much, much time has passed since the day of the wedding - a green wedding. But those who made it to this date, this wedding anniversary, can rightfully be proud of the right choice of a life partner, or, at worst, their outstanding reserve of wisdom and tolerance. Such people need to be proud of and cherish and cherish them in every possible way - it is impossible for a simple person who has just embarked on the difficult path of family life to even imagine what the crowned anniversaries had to endure. Glory to them and honor! Guests on this wedding anniversary give any gift, most importantly - from the heart.

The third anniversary is considered the first significant date in the life of the spouses. And it is not in vain that it received the name - a leather wedding.
What are the traditions of celebrating an anniversary and what to give to your loved ones on this day? – Answers in our article.

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Psychological features of the period

The tradition of celebrating 3 years of marriage - this small but significant anniversary - arose after the very concept of "skin" appeared. That is why the relationship of the spouses is compared with the basic properties of this material. The skin will always look perfect, if you take care of it and polish it to a shine, it can stretch in different directions, taking the desired shape, but if you treat it carelessly and incorrectly, it will deteriorate or even tear.

So in marriage, in three years, your relationship has faced a lot, and with the right attitude and care, your marriage has only become stronger.

Psychologists say that the third year from the date of the wedding is a crisis period, so the longevity of a marriage depends on how understanding the spouses are towards each other, and how much they have the strength to save their relationship.

The main idea of ​​a leather wedding:

Maintain the brilliance and strength of your married life!
It is three years, in Frederic Begbeder's novel "Love lives for three years" that are considered the most dangerous for a relationship. And having passed this period, the spouses once again prove that their marriage is as strong as skin.

What to give for a leather wedding?

It is customary to give a variety of leather products for a leather wedding, ranging from clothes and leather goods to a variety of leather furniture, accessories, animal skins, key chains, purses, etc.

Gift ideas for 3 year weddings from guests

The original will be a gift that can combine both "leathery" and "festivity".

01. Camera in a stylish leather case.

02. A “paired” watch with a leather strap will also help to stop a beautiful moment.

03. Diary with a leather cover for each of the spouses.

04. A practical and no less desirable gift can be a handy bag or a folder for documents.

05. Pick up two similar things that would be a kind of business kit for a married couple.

06. An elite photo album with a leather cover will surely become a very suitable independent gift, because such albums are stored for decades and even pass from generation to generation as a family memory. Instead of a photo album, you can make a whole photo book filled with memorable images dear to your heart.

07. The history of a family or a whole family, set out on an "antique" leather scroll, will be a wonderful decoration for the interior and the thing that is proudly shown to friends and acquaintances.

08. From clothes, beautiful morocco shoes as home shoes and a pair of elegant oriental dresses will be an original gift for spouses.

09. Wall panel made of leather pieces of different colors and textures. Each family has its own symbols, "signs" of love. In particular, for a couple who met on the beach, the sun, sand and water will forever become attributes of happiness. Try to embody these symbols in the picture - this will make your gift a "gift with meaning."

10. The interior will help to decorate a leather dream catcher (especially lovers of ethno-style interiors will like it). This Native American amulet is woven from leather, decorated with feathers and hung over the bed to keep bad dreams at bay. You can make a whole set for sleeping: a warm cozy blanket, under which at least two people can easily fit, a bad dream catcher and a notebook for recording beautiful dreams. When choosing these things, pay attention to the fact that all these items are designed in the same style.

11. If the gift is from a group of people, you can buy a stylish leather purse together, and put a plastic card inside with a bank account opened in their name and some gift amount.

12. Leather paired figurines of animals - an original and symbolic gift.

Parents give spouses, according to tradition, children's things. By the way, they always give them: either hinting to their children about the need for procreation, or wanting to use this occasion to pamper their grandchildren. And if the material condition allows, you can give the young family leather furniture - armchairs and sofas or a small leather-covered ottoman in the hallway.

Gifts for wife for 3 years wedding:

  • leather shoes;
  • leather jacket or raincoat;
  • leather belt, wallet, handbag;
  • leather or suede gloves;
  • brooch in the style of "ethnos" with leather elements.

Gifts for husband for 3 years wedding:

  • jacket or leather shoes;
  • watch on a leather strap;
  • leather purse or leather belt;
  • any leather accessory or item depending on your husband's hobbies (leather-covered notebook, briefcase, etc.);
  • a leather punching bag or a small desktop bag. Family life is not always smooth, therefore, in order not to break down from stress and tension on each other, you can throw out all your negativity on a pear. Such a gift is not only an original solution, but will also contribute to a positive family atmosphere.

Leather wedding tradition

Since ancient times, many nations have associated certain traditions and rituals with the celebration of anniversaries and wedding anniversaries. As a rule, much in these rituals and traditions is symbolic. According to an old custom, before the celebration of the anniversary of the leather wedding, the spouses must pay off all significant and not very debts, forgive insults to all their enemies and ill-wishers, and ask for forgiveness for inadvertently inflicted insults. It is advisable to throw out all broken or cracked dishes from the house, get rid of items that bring trouble or remind you of the troubles that have occurred over these three years. The hostess certainly had to bring cleanliness and order in the house, sort out all the corners, wipe the glass and mirrors from dust so that they sparkled.

In the old days in Rus', two or three days before the celebration of the anniversary of any wedding, the spouse should bake figurines of domestic animals from dough - cows, bulls, horses, pigs, etc. It was believed that it was pets that brought wealth and abundance to the couple's house. But the secret of making dough figures was passed down by women from generation to generation.

On the day of the anniversary of the leather wedding, according to tradition, the spouses must wear leather clothes and walk around in it all day. A leather skirt with a blouse and a leather vest or leather trousers with a blouse and a leather vest may well suit a woman. You can simply use fashion accessories: a leather cosmetic bag, a leather belt, a leather wallet or a small leather handbag.

A man on this day should look appropriate: a leather jacket or leather trousers will be in perfect harmony with his wife's "anniversary" outfit. You can hold leather accessories in your hands: a case for glasses, a folder or an organizer.

On this day, according to tradition, it is customary to invite guests and relatives from both sides to the house of spouses-anniversaries. If the neighbors are your good friends, then they should definitely be invited to the celebration. According to legend, the neighbors had to bring dishes, help arrange tables and chairs, decorate and set the festive table.

Do not forget to invite a witness who will be the organizer of the anniversary. The witness, according to tradition, will play the role of an entertainer at your celebration, play various harmless jokes and pranks, but you can also subject the witness himself to funny jokes. In the process of celebrating the anniversary of the leather wedding, the witness must make joking speeches. In these speeches, there should be a direct allusion to the stork that brings children into the house (this joke should apply only to the married couple who do not yet have children), as well as in a joking manner to recall the duties of wife and husband. The witness must certainly have a long wand with a small hook bent at the top, which is usually decorated with multi-colored satin ribbons. A sprig of bird cherry (bird cherry is a sign of longevity) or a small red flower can be attached to a hat or other headdress of a witness, since it is red that means fiery and eternal love.

According to custom, on the day of a leather wedding, a loaf of rye bread was always placed on the table, from which the spouses had to break off a small piece and eat it in front of everyone present. The great importance of rye bread as the main, main element of the rite is found not only among Christians, but also among many peoples of the North, Argentina and the peoples of Central and South-Eastern Europe. The very first treat at the celebration of a leather wedding is "bread soup", which is prepared quite simply: rye bread crumbles into meat broth. This soup symbolized, according to ancient beliefs, the close relationship of spouses with friends and relatives. Instead of "bread soup", a married couple can eat a red apple or any other red fruit in the presence of guests and all relatives.

Sick and infirm relatives, far-living friends and work colleagues who did not come to the festive celebration, according to the old custom, should definitely send a few red apples that day, which can be replaced with other red fruits. The fact is that red color symbolizes true friendship and devoted love.

If you follow the customs and traditions of holding a leather wedding anniversary, then the young wife should not go out after seven in the evening 2-3 days before the celebration. And if such a need nevertheless arises, then you should definitely put a red silk scarf on your head. If such a handkerchief was not at hand, then the woman carried with her "miraculous protective" herbs, which, according to legend, protected from evil influences - from evil spirits and the evil eye.

According to a long tradition, spouses-anniversaries should greet guests and relatives who came to the leather wedding anniversary with a handshake and the words "welcome". Until the end of such a solemn ceremonial, none of those present should: sit down at the table and take utensils from it.

According to the customs of some countries, it is customary to start celebrating a leather wedding no later than 10 o'clock in the morning, since this is the time that contributes to an increase in family happiness and an increase in wealth in the family.

After all the guests and relatives have gathered, the spouse should be the first to cut off a small piece of rye bread and be the first to taste the "bread soup". After that, the spouse goes to the middle of the room or hall where the solemn ceremony takes place, and thanks the guests and all those present for coming to the celebration and congratulations.

Then the dishes were beaten, and it was believed that the more fragments, the happier and richer the family would be. In order to save money, you can collect shards of cracked cups, saucers and plates in advance, and then break them at the anniversary. The main meaning of this ancient custom is to drive away evil spirits from the house of young spouses with a loud noise. Spouses must collect pieces of broken dishes from the floor together. And the more fragments are collected in one minute, the happier the family life of the spouses will be.

At the end of the holiday, dances are arranged. The first dance should be danced by the spouses of the anniversary, who are then seated in the center of the room on chairs with their backs to each other. Guests, friends, relatives and all those invited surrounded them in pairs while singing their favorite songs. After singing, the witness made a solemn speech - and the guests showered the spouses with grains of rye.

Until the end of the 19th century, some signs and magical superstitions associated with the celebration of wedding anniversaries were preserved: if it rains or is cloudy on the day of the celebration of the leather wedding, then it is believed that the family life of the young spouses will not be entirely successful and joyful. Unfortunately, the weather does not always take into account our desires, and everyone wants happiness. So, in order to deceive the fate of the villain, it was customary for the spouses to throw a handful of rye over their heads.

On the anniversary of a leather wedding, according to an old custom, you can not wear jewelry and jewelry made of pearls, as this contributes to the appearance of troubles in family life

Another symbol of the three-year wedding anniversary is wheat. "Wheat wedding" is celebrated in Germany and France.

How to celebrate a leather wedding

01. A holiday in nature, in a country house or in a country house in the forest. This option is suitable for those who want to spend this day in a small company of loved ones.

02. For lovers of themed parties, a leather wedding can be organized in a hunting style or in the style of "Western films".

03. It’s good to celebrate the third wedding anniversary in restaurants with a Caucasian flavor, since the menu must necessarily include meat and red wine.

04. A romantic evening for two will also be a good option for celebrating a leather wedding.

Anniversary. Ahead of the young spouses is waiting for a leather wedding. It is celebrated 3 years after the wedding day. Such a date is very important for the family, although it is not an anniversary. Relationships are getting stronger and stronger, in most cases the family is already connected not only by love for each other, but also by the baby.

The question arises, what to give for 3 year wedding a family that has already passed the three-year stage of living together and is ready to go further through life together?

Why the third anniversary is called a leather wedding

Since ancient times, the relationship of a young couple has been compared with the properties of the skin. This material is, in fact, very durable and will always look irresistible with proper care. The skin has the ability to stretch in different directions, thereby taking the necessary shape. Similarly, in marriage, the relationship over the three joint years faced many joys and sorrows. But with the right caring attitude towards each other, relationships become stronger year by year.

But if the skin is treated carelessly and not carefully, then even this durable material is capable of damage, so both spouses should respect and listen to each other's opinions, take care, and, of course, protect their family from adversity.

What can I give for a wedding anniversary 3 years

This holiday is celebrated in the circle of relatives and friends. It will not be difficult for guests who were invited on this wonderful day to choose a gift for 3 years of marriage, because the symbol of this anniversary is leather and various souvenirs, accessories or gizmos made from this material.

  1. A wonderful surprise for a young family, presented from all the invited guests, will be leather furniture: a sofa, armchairs or leather ottomans. This gift will bring great joy to the young and will remain for a long time, because pieces of furniture will decorate their interior.
  2. A wonderful gift will be a camera in a stylish leather case, on which a young family will capture the most memorable moments of their family life. It can also be a pair of watches with a leather strap.
  3. A stylish original photo album in a leather cover will be a wonderful gift for spouses on their 3rd wedding anniversary. After all, it will keep the most memorable pictures of this wonderful family for a long time, which will be passed down from generation to generation. It can also be a diary in the cover of the same material for everyone.
  4. Leather slippers for home use for both spouses, made on their own or bought in a store, will be wonderful gifts that bring home comfort and peace.
  5. A useful present for a young family that loves to travel will be paired suitcases made of material symbolizing the three years of married life.

And of course, do not forget about, which will be a great addition to the gift.

On the next anniversary, a young family receives surprises not only from guests, but also congratulate each other.

What to give your husband for 3 years of marriage

What can please the wife of her beloved husband for a leather wedding? Darlaik offers several options for what you can give your husband for 3 years of marriage:

  1. An original purse, a modern stylish wallet, a folder for papers or documents, a key holder made of leather will be a wonderful gift for such a symbolic day.
  2. A case for a phone or tablet or a bag for a laptop, all made of the same material, will delight your soulmate.
  3. If your spouse likes to wear leather clothes and shoes, then give him a gift that he will be delighted with. It can be: jacket, gloves, pants, hat or leather shoes. Accessories: belt or stylish purse.
  4. A man who is fond of sports should pick up accessories: a punching bag, gloves, a ball, a baseball bat.
  5. A stylish watch with a leather strap that will become not only useful, but also a pleasant and memorable thing.

Congratulating her beloved husband, the wife should give him a surprise with all sincerity and love with beautiful tender wishes.

What to give your wife for a 3 year wedding

The husband, in turn, should also please his wife on the next wedding anniversary and pick up a surprise for her made of leather. And here Darlaik prepared several options for what you can give your wife for a 3-year wedding:

  1. An elegant handbag, gloves, a hat or a belt for a lover of fashion accessories will become such a gift for the three years of marriage.
  2. A new wallet, a folder for documents, a business card holder, an original case for a phone, glasses, a cosmetic bag made of leather will be a wonderful, useful and memorable gift.
  3. Does your wife like to wear leather clothes? then please her with a raincoat or jacket, jacket or vest. If you doubt the correct choice, size and style, then you should go to the store together.

When presenting a gift to your beloved woman for a leather wedding, present flowers that will be a great addition to the surprise.

Congratulating the spouses on this wonderful day, be sure to say beautiful, warm and sincere words of wishes for love, a strong family and boundless happiness. Show quite a bit of imagination, and then this wonderful day - the three years of the joint life of the spouses will be remembered by them for a long time.

Every year of the joint life of the spouses is of great importance for the family. People go the hard way together. Every year, husband and wife get to know each other better, relationships, as they say, are tested by everyday life.

third anniversary

Over time, the sharpness of feelings becomes dull, and in order not to confuse this moment with the complete withering of love, it is necessary to devote more time to talking about what is happening in everyone's soul. Perhaps this is a suitable occasion to diversify the established family order. So this third date is imperceptibly coming? The third pair is called leather (or wool). The name itself is the essence of this date.

What means?

Marital relations at this stage are associated with a supple material - leather. It is very durable and easy to use if properly cared for. The product after many years of wear may change color, but the strength remains the same. So it is in relations between spouses who have a third one on their nose. As they say, they live like that. This is what people say about every anniversary of living together. According to the second version, the marital path is similar to yarn or wool products. With improper care, they deteriorate at the moment and can no longer be used for their intended purpose.

Too hot water can shrink a thing made of wool. Similarly, the hot ardor of one of the spouses, shown at the time of the conflict, can lay a seed of doubt in the correctness of the choice made three years ago. Although most of the lapping is already over, it’s still not worth getting excited at certain points. Passion can also fade away, it will be replaced by a habit. However, the union is tempered by time and becomes more and more durable. Moreover, the external gloss can always be brought, but the essence requires much longer and painstaking work. Outside, the product, as a rule, is lubricated with cream and by all means prevents it from drying out. So it is in married life. Sometimes it is necessary to add, as they say, fuel to the fire. This is what marks the third wedding anniversary.

The opinion of psychologists

Psychologists note this period of living together as one of the crisis. The fact is that during the first three years of the relationship, a person looks closely at his partner, recognizes himself in a new role, the first difficulties are experienced, his own reaction to various situations is studied. The riot of emotions, but not feelings, gradually subsides. This should not be confused with the fading of love. This period, with the right attitudes and priorities, is the transformation of passion, dedication and other feelings into deeper ones. And if the third wedding anniversary is celebrated in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, then the couple has a chance for a strong relationship. Despite even quieter emotions and at times a lack of passion, spouses can live a long time together.

It is after three years that feelings from superficial ones are reborn into deeper ones. Or people, immersed in conflicts and the absence of past emotions, disperse. Many sincerely think that by leaving the person, they will solve the problem. However, as a rule, in a new relationship, everything repeats itself. That is why the third wedding anniversary is a kind of first serious milestone.


It is customary to organize a celebration on this occasion in an unusual way. This applies to absolutely everything. That is, if up to this point the anniversaries were not celebrated at all, the situation should be corrected immediately. In the case when spouses like to spend their free time at home, this is a great occasion to have fun in a noisy place. If the couple is one of the constantly busy workaholics, the third wedding anniversary is the most suitable moment for a romantic trip or a trip out of town with relatives and friends. By the way, it is in their company that it is customary to celebrate this date. That is, the celebration should be designed for a narrow circle of guests.

Festive table

Particular attention on this day should be given to the festive table. It must have meat on it. And different kinds. Previously, figurines of a cow or a horse were always present at the festive feast, in the form of which cookies or homemade pastries were made. This Russian tradition has always indicated that such a celebration is precisely the third wedding anniversary. What kind of drink is taken at the feast dedicated to this occasion?

Red wine is preferred, as are other drinks of this color - juices, fruit drinks, compotes and others. If the date of the celebration falls in the spring-summer period, then it is optimal to have a picnic or a trip to nature. There you can organize a barbecue, fry meat and vegetables. The abundance of fruits and fresh herbs diversifies the table. After all, this is the main storyline of the third anniversary of living together. Both the table and the celebration itself should be varied.

Celebration in a restaurant

When organizing a buffet in a restaurant, you should also make sure that the place itself has a beautiful interior. After all, they must be pronounced without fail in a special atmosphere. Perhaps it will be an oriental style restaurant or something like that. The menu must be original. You can also try exotic dishes from the cuisine of the peoples of the world. This will give new impressions not only to the couple as the heroes of the occasion, but also to the guests. However, one should reasonably approach the choice of dishes, observing caution and measure. It is advisable to try some of them first. So that the holiday does not end with a "sick leave", it is necessary to take into account which of the guests suffers from food allergies and to which products. Preliminary coordination of the menu will be very appropriate.

gifts for spouse

Family holidays are responsible events that require special attention and preliminary preparation, especially if it is the third wedding anniversary. What is it called, what to give - many are interested in similar issues. When going to a celebration, you need to learn a little more about what this date is. Referred to as leather (or woolen), the anniversary involves appropriate gifts. For example, haberdashery - notebooks, document covers, wallets, bags, belts, gloves and other items useful in everyday life. You can also give a certificate for the purchase of these accessories. All this is the best fit as a gift for such a celebration as the third wedding anniversary. Congratulations to the husband, uttered in the morning, can be supplemented with a present in the form of a watch on a leather strap, if the wife, of course, is not superstitious. After all, according to popular belief, you can not give your loved ones such items. The clock will count down the time left until separation. Today, few believe in such signs.

After all, watches are not only a memorable, but in some cases a very valuable gift. You can engrave them with the name of the owner, the date of donation or good wishes.

DIY gifts

Handmade gifts are also traditional. Previously (and sometimes this happens in our time) wives knitted products from pure wool for their husbands. It could be a sweater, jacket, scarf, socks or mittens. All these items of clothing, presented as gifts, spoke of the care and love of the wife. Indeed, in a sweater, carefully knitted by the hands of his wife, it was warmer and more comfortable. Modern clothing manufacturers offer a huge selection of quality wool products. Therefore, those women who do not have needlework skills should not be upset.

After all, the main thing is that behind three years of living together with a spouse, and ahead of the holiday - the third wedding anniversary. What to gift? A suitable option can be found in clothing and accessories stores. This gift will warm the spouse with its warmth and remind you of love and care. Also, do not forget about soft blankets, blankets and other bedding made of wool. These things are able to give comfort and warmth to both spouses. Also, do not forget that woolen clothing (thanks to technology) is not only for the winter cold and autumn bad weather. Now there is a wide range of products that can be worn in the summer. Fine wool perfectly maintains the natural temperature of the body, preventing it from freezing or overheating.

gifts for wife

Previously, there was also a tradition according to which a husband and wife exchanged leather gloves on the day of the celebration called "the third wedding anniversary." What to give his wife on the occasion of the holiday, every man himself knows better. Since in three years he probably managed to get acquainted with her tastes and preferences. Good gift options are: leather bags, accessories, and jewelry. To date, many stores offer a range of knitted jewelry. It can be a necklace or a string of beads, an openwork scarf or stole, as well as a scarf or scarf.

Hand-knitted gloves made of fine woolen yarn look very interesting and unusual. This accessory will emphasize the femininity and subtlety of the wife's brush. From leather products there are never superfluous shoes. On this occasion, you can pamper your spouse with an elegant and beautiful pair of shoes. This will certainly become an occasion to go to a special place to "walk" a new thing. Both spouses will benefit from this gift. The wife will be pleased to wear high-quality shoes, and the husband will enjoy the beauty of women's legs. Fresh flowers are an obligatory attribute of the holiday. Moreover, it is always a pleasure for any woman to receive them.


Finding a fresh bouquet at the present time is very easy, even if the third wedding anniversary falls in the winter. Congratulations on this solemn day should sound from relatives and relatives, and, of course, come from a pure heart. A family with little but tangible experience should be wished for wisdom, patience and understanding in order to survive all the hardships that may be encountered along the way. It is necessary to focus on what the spouses have already done for their families. Perhaps the moment of testing feelings for strength was timed to this day, or the couple managed to overcome serious everyday difficulties.


Three years is a good time for a family. The memories of the first date are still fresh, but it is already easier to get along with your spouse, so be sure to celebrate such a celebration.

The wedding day itself and the entire first year is called a green wedding - as a sign of youth, freshness and purity of the newlyweds. In the first year, you can mark the date of this event at least every month, and even every week!

The name of the first wedding anniversary is associated with chintz - a light material. On the one hand, chintz symbolizes the fragility of relations: the young people have just got to know each other better. On the other hand, relationships soaked in love are still very easy and simple.

It is customary to give items made of chintz, cotton, silk for a chintz wedding. It is convenient for close people to present to a young couple, for example, a beautiful set of bed linen. Spouses are usually recommended to exchange chintz handkerchiefs on the first wedding anniversary, but if this gift seems banal or impractical to you (for example, you are used to using disposable ones), then you can choose other chintz products.

In the old days, on this day, the “young” was given a dress made of chintz fabric, and the spouse was given a shirt or trousers, also made of chintz. And, of course, the main ceremonial gift on this day was a cotton dress presented to the young wife by her mother-in-law.

The two-year wedding anniversary is called the paper wedding. Marital relations during this period are identified with the most fragile material - paper: it is easily torn, wrinkled, and burned.

For two years of family life, the spouses manage to get to know each other quite well. Unpleasant habits are revealed, there is a distribution of duties, grinding of characters. Often at this time, the couple has a baby, which means the end of the romantic period when the husband and wife belonged only to each other and enjoyed intimacy. At the same time, this is a period of joy and happiness from new emotions and impressions - they should help overcome possible conflicts.

Guests invited to a paper wedding give all kinds of printed products: books, calendars, photo albums, paintings. Gifts made of plastic and furniture are also considered acceptable. You can even donate money: they are also paper!

They say that an interesting tradition was associated with this wedding anniversary in Byzantium. For the festive feast, the husband and wife made dolls out of paper. Notes with wishes to the spouse were hidden in these dolls, the advantages and disadvantages of a loved one were listed. It was believed that after two years of family life, the husband and wife got to know each other quite well and could give an objective assessment. Young spouses exchange dolls with guests, which should be next to them until the end of the holiday. During the feast, the husband and wife each closely monitor their doll, because the husband's friends or the wife's girlfriends can change the notes in the dolls. In the replaced notes, only the merits of the spouse are indicated. If the note is stolen, the kidnappers demand a symbolic ransom. By the end of the celebration, the young spouses take out notes from the dolls and read them aloud to the guests. The guests discuss whether the person who wrote them is truthful or whether he exaggerated something. The parents of the heroes of the occasion did not participate in this discussion. After the discussion, each of the guests had to give wise advice to the young spouses.

3 years from the date of the wedding - Leather wedding

Three years of marriage is the first "significant" date of a young family. Anniversary of 3 years from the date of the wedding is called a leather wedding. It is believed that the "paper" difficulties are left behind, and since the husband and wife did not break off relations like paper, it means that they learned to get along with each other and adapt flexibly. After all, leather is a symbol of flexibility.

The importance of the ability to find a compromise in family relationships is emphasized by the gifts that guests bring to the holiday. These can be leather or leatherette products: bags, purses, organizers, belts, and for the more affluent - leather clothes or even furniture.

It was no coincidence that the fourth wedding anniversary was called linen, because linen is not chintz, it is much stronger, which means that the relationship of the spouses has become stronger and more reliable. Linen is a symbol of strength and durability.

This anniversary is sometimes also called a wax anniversary, which laid the foundation for the tradition of putting candles on the table without fail. Well, to cover the table, of course, should be a linen tablecloth, and put a linen napkin near each device.

Flax is a symbol of prosperity and security. Linen items last a long time, and therefore the gifts presented on this day will remain with the spouses for life: tablecloths, bedspreads, and other high-quality home textiles.

The fifth wedding anniversary is the first major family anniversary. Wood is a warm, supple, cozy and very homely material. In addition, it is also a building material. By the age of five years of marriage, the couple had already managed to build their relationship, equip the house, and possibly have a baby.

Compared to all previous symbols of wedding anniversaries - chintz, paper, leather and linen, wood is the first solid material, which is also very symbolic. By the age of five, all the main roughness in relationships is smoothed out, which come to relative stability. Wood is a hard material, but, unfortunately, not eternal. A house built of wood is warm and reliable, but it can also be threatened by fires of family quarrels. It is considered a good omen for spouses to plant a tree on their fifth wedding anniversary. They say that a tree planted on the fifth wedding anniversary will survive all hardships and will be a memory for distant descendants.

If you have not celebrated the previous milestones of family life, then a wooden wedding is definitely worth celebrating. It would be nice to invite friends and all the guests who were present at your wedding. Gifts do not have to be expensive: caskets, carved gizmos, wooden utensils and jewelry, small pieces of furniture.

Here is the first "metal" wedding anniversary. But it should be remembered that cast iron, despite its external strength, is the most fragile of all metals, and may well break from a strong blow. In the old days, on this day, the hostess polished cast-iron dishes to a shine and put them on display for passers-by.

As a gift for a cast-iron wedding, it is recommended to give cast-iron pots and pans (in modern conditions, you may have to replace them with Teflon or ceramic ones). You can donate a brazier and skewers: although not cast iron, it is directly related to open fire.

By the way, in America and Western Europe, the wedding anniversary of 6 years is called candy, and in Latvia - mountain ash.

The first incomplete wedding anniversary is probably due to the fact that the atomic mass of zinc is 65.38. Obviously, the tradition of the holiday has not very deep historical roots and is not celebrated by everyone. However, it also has its own meaning: a zinc wedding reminds us that marriage, like galvanized dishes, needs to be polished from time to time. You can give a set of dishes, pots.

The copper wedding is celebrated on the 7th year after the wedding. Copper is a symbol of family strength, beauty and prosperity. This is no longer ferrous metal cast iron, but valuable. But it is still far from noble or precious.

As for wool, it is a warm material, warming all family members with even and soft warmth. But sometimes it can be prickly, which reminds of possible roughness in relationships even at this stage of family life.

In previous years, in honor of the seventh wedding anniversary, the couple exchanged copper coins. Now you can give each other handicrafts as a gift for a copper wedding - a candlestick, a coffee pot, decorative cups, and in honor of a woolen wedding - knitted socks or sweaters. And you can, by analogy with copper utensils, give the hostess a multicooker or other useful kitchen device as a gift.

For eight years, everyday life becomes too familiar for the spouses, their relationship pales and dims, becoming like a nondescript tin. But everyday problems, which in the first years of life so interfered with marriage, have now subsided. The name of the wedding, as it were, says that life, which tested the spouses for strength, became their ally, bringing them closer by common concerns about home and family. But you should not go too deep into everyday life, so that family life does not become too dull, from time to time it needs to be minted.

On the eighth wedding anniversary, you can give kitchen utensils, household items, or just everything that sparkles and looks like tin products - tea, sweets in tin boxes.

The faience wedding is celebrated on the ninth year of family life. The symbolism of the ninth wedding anniversary has two opposite interpretations. According to one version, every year family relationships become stronger, like good tea poured into faience cups. According to another version, nine years after the wedding, the family is going through a critical period and is fragile, like faience.

For a faience wedding, they usually give a tea set or tableware. In addition, a faience wedding is a good reason to break a plate for happiness!

The first full-fledged wedding anniversary, a round date, is called a pink (according to other sources - tin) wedding. On this day, it is customary to have fun to the fullest, celebrate solemnly, with huge bouquets of roses, and not remember minor family troubles and troubles.

Gifts for 10 years of marriage should be as beautiful as a ten-year relationship of husband and wife. Even the less popular "tin" name of the tenth wedding anniversary is associated with the flexibility and pliability of tin - that is, with the ability of spouses to adapt to each other.

Traditionally, a husband gives his wife 11 roses: 10 red as a symbol of love, and 1 white as a symbol of hope for the next decade. Guests who came to congratulate the spouses on the tenth anniversary of marriage also give bouquets of roses. In the details of clothing, they try to include elements of pink symbolism (color, pattern). On the table are rose wine, tea with rose petals and a cake decorated with roses.

This anniversary speaks for itself, because it is 1 + 1 - the union of two people - hand in hand, soul to soul. Marriage hardened and became like steel, became strong and resilient. Steel is a beautiful metal, with a certain processing it becomes a mirror, so your union, having been processed by life's problems, joy, love and time, has become, like steel, a mirror.

Stainless steel products are presented as a gift: a set of pots, a tray, a coffee pot, etc.

Nickel wedding - the second "incomplete" wedding anniversary. According to Russian customs, it is celebrated after 12.5 years, since this is exactly half the way to the most important anniversary - 25 years, the silver wedding. For convenience, her conception is celebrated six months earlier - at 12 years old. The symbolism of this wedding anniversary is similar to a tin wedding: the sparkle of nickel indicates the need to refresh the brilliance of the relationship.

The theme of the gift for 12.5 years of the wedding is obvious - shiny items should be given, for example, dishes or even a mirror.

13 years of marriage - Lily of the valley wedding (or lace wedding)

Like lace, which requires great patience from the craftswoman, good, harmonious family relationships are weaved for years with great patience and accuracy.
The lilies of the valley, which gave the second name to this wedding anniversary, also contain an equally reverent and tender image.

For 13 years of marriage, it is customary to give gifts made of lace, products knitted from fine wool. It would be ideal for a husband to give his wife a bouquet of lilies of the valley for their 13th wedding anniversary.

Only 14 years after the wedding, folk tradition begins to assign the family the status of a precious stone, and this first stone is agate. A husband can give agate jewelry to his wife on the fourteenth wedding anniversary. It is appropriate for guests to present products made of bone to match the stone.

The name of the fifteenth wedding anniversary of the wedding testifies to the purity and clarity of the relationship of the spouses. On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary - crystal and glassware, participants in the celebration are advised to wear light-colored clothes.

Gifts for the fifteenth wedding anniversary should be made of glass and crystal - vases, glasses, salad bowls and even Swarovski crystals. Husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone specifically breaks a glass, glass or plate.

16th wedding anniversary - Topaz wedding

Topaz is a transparent gemstone of a blue hue, which is probably why it symbolizes openness, clarity, mutual understanding. It is customary to celebrate the 16th wedding anniversary with family, relatives and friends. Any gifts that emphasize the warmth of the hearth, the strength of family ties are appropriate: a blanket or sofa cushions, a service or fondue set, a camera or a family photo album, etc.

17th wedding anniversary - Pink wedding

Some sources call the 17th anniversary a pink wedding, and the 10th in this case is a pewter one. A gift for a pink wedding is obvious - a bouquet of 17 scarlet roses!

By this time, the older child often reaches adulthood, and with it the difficulties associated with growing up end. The purity and freshness of turquoise is reminiscent of the color of the sky on a clear day. They wish the spouses the same calm and cloudless life in the future and give turquoise jewelry.

19 years of wedding - Pomegranate wedding

The red shade of garnet, like red in general, symbolizes love. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate 19 years of marriage in a scarlet or burgundy dress. The closest friends are usually invited to visit, who, when choosing a gift, stick to reddish hues.

The twentieth wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. After 20 years of marriage, the family union is as beautiful and harmonious as genuine Chinese porcelain, the secret of which is still a mystery.

As a gift for a porcelain wedding, it is appropriate to give, of course, a tea set. But ask the owners if they will be happy with such a gift, because if each of the guests gives a service, this can become a real problem for the anniversary spouses!

21st wedding anniversary - Opal wedding

The people believe that opal brings discord and hostility, but according to other sources, it develops intuition, strengthens love and fidelity. In any case, it is to be hoped that during 21 years of marriage, husband and wife have become so close to each other that not only a stone, but even more serious reasons are not able to sow discord among them.
It is customary to celebrate the 21st wedding anniversary in private. The husband usually presents his wife with an opal, an amazingly beautiful gemstone.

So you got to the first "Olympic" wedding! Bronze is an expensive and noble metal, to earn it, you need a lot of work to strengthen the family hearth. On the 22nd wedding anniversary, bronze items are given: figurines, candlesticks, watches, etc.

The 23rd wedding anniversary is usually celebrated in a close family circle. They try to decorate the table in the yellow-green range, characteristic of beryl. In warm weather, it is appropriate to transfer the holiday to nature. Gifts can be simple and inexpensive, symbolizing mutual love.

Satin is a dense, smooth and silky fabric. This is exactly how - smooth and strong - the relationship between the spouses becomes after 24 years of marriage.
Since the 24th wedding anniversary precedes a major date - a silver wedding - it is not customary to celebrate it widely. But for a family feast, of course, there is a reason.

25 years of married life - SILVER WEDDING

Poems, songs and plays have been written about this wedding anniversary. After 25 years, the name of the wedding anniversary for the first time "reached" the precious metal - silver.
Silver wedding gifts do not have to be made of silver, but usually give something significant and quite expensive. It can be large household appliances, pieces of furniture (which have worn out over the years), or antique clocks, figurines, silverware, etc.

Some special traditions accompany the celebration of the silver wedding. On this day, a husband and wife can exchange silver rings and wear them in addition to their wedding rings throughout the jubilee year. A silver wedding can also be celebrated "officially" - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage took place.

Jade is a very strong mineral, it is almost impossible to destroy it. So a family that has lived a long life together becomes strong and indestructible.
Spouses can exchange jade products or jewelry. One of the beautiful and touching traditions of the Jade wedding is the exchange of vows between spouses. Husband and wife should join hands and repeat their vows, which they probably gave each other 26 years ago. The repetition of these pleasant and meaningful words will obviously not be superfluous, but will only bring the heroes of the occasion even closer and strengthen their relationship.

Mahogany is a symbol of nobility and strength, wisdom and strong roots. All these qualities are inherent in a family celebrating 27 years from the date of the wedding.
Gifts, of course, should be from this noble type of wood: jewelry, caskets, figurines, etc., up to an elegant table or chair, if you are not limited in finances.

28th Wedding Anniversary - Nickel Wedding

Nickel is a very hard material and is also magnetic, polishes well and is very durable. The relationship of spouses who celebrate the Nickel wedding should also have the same qualities.

A nickel wedding gift can be associated with this metal, but it doesn't have to be. You can give a beautiful bedspread for a double bed, a large bouquet or a cake with an inscription.

Velvet is a symbol of softness and tenderness. Without these qualities, it is difficult to save a marriage, which is well known to spouses celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary.
Velvet symbolizes wealth and luxury, so they often try to celebrate it "in a big way", for example, in a restaurant. Gifts for the 29th wedding anniversary should be decorated or complemented with velvet. You can present curtains or other velvet textiles, or show your imagination and present earrings on a velvet cushion.

Probably, the name is connected with the years lived together, in which there were both difficulties and hardships, and therefore the relationship managed to “tan”, from “green” to become “dark”.
A gift can be related to tanning: from sunglasses or a poster with a summer landscape to an invitation to a solarium or trips to hot countries.

32 years - Copper wedding

Some sources call the 32nd anniversary of the copper wedding, although the day of 7 years from the date of the wedding has a similar name. You can present gifts made of copper, or limit yourself to a bouquet of flowers and a birthday cake.

33 years - Stone (strawberry) wedding

The stone symbolizes the unbreakable strength that family ties have gained on the 33rd wedding anniversary. Another name for this date is more playful and suggests a strawberry cake or pie, which should certainly decorate the festive table.

Amber is an amazing material that hardens over the centuries, turning from a viscous resin into a precious stone, becoming harder and harder, like your relationship. On the 34th wedding anniversary, amber crafts and jewelry should be presented.
