Ammolite is a stone of development according to the laws of the Universe. Ammolite - iridescent organic mineral Ammolite stone properties

Ammolite - spiral shells of molluscs

In fact, ammolite is not a mineral in the classical sense. In fact, ammolite is the fossilized shells of an extinct class of cephalopods, ammonites. Ancient mollusks were of considerable size - individual shells reached 2 meters in diameter. The centuries-old process of mineralization of shells gave the world this amazing stone.

general description

Ammolite is calcium carbonate in composition. Its chemical formula is CaCO3. Silica (SiO2) or iron disulfide (FeS2) impurities are characteristic. The surface of the stone is covered with cracks that form intricate stained glass patterns. Some specimens of ammolite, due to the cracked mother-of-pearl surface, look like reptile skin.

The main feature of this stone is its color. It consists of several shades of the same color or completely different colors. Most often, the color is red-green, pink-purple, bluish-green or blue-green. Ammolite specimens of the highest quality contain the entire color palette in color.

Main physical properties:

  • hardness - 4.5-5.5
  • density - 2.6-2.85 g/cm3
  • transparency - opaque
  • luster - mother-of-pearl
  • refractive indices - 1.52-1.68

Place of Birth

Ammolite is a spiral-shaped shell of molluscs that has undergone a process of many years of mineralization. Their size varies from a couple of centimeters to several meters. The deposits are within the habitat of these ancient cephalopods in North America.

The most significant ammolite deposit is Bear's Paw in Canada. It is there that this stone is mined on an industrial scale.


Ammolite has been a gemstone since 1981. It is carefully processed and used as inserts in jewelry. By its properties, it is similar to pearls or amber, so the stone requires careful treatment. It is easy to damage or scratch. Jewelry with this gem is incredibly beautiful. Their cost is quite high, so they belong to elite products.

magical properties

Due to its magical properties, ammolite is considered a stone of good luck. It helps to win at gambling and find lost things. The owner of such jewelry does not know losses or failures. He is always in the right place at the right time, and therefore always successful.

Ammolite also gives a woman charm and reveals her beauty. She attracts men and bathes in their attention. The gem helps to circulate the female energy, and therefore gives its owner femininity. Does this quality go unnoticed? and she is never alone.

Significance in astrology

Ammolite reveals its properties for all signs of the zodiac. However, it is especially in harmony with the signs of the zodiac of the elements of water - Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. For them, in addition to its standard impact, it will also act as an amulet from the evil eye.

Medicinal properties

Lithotherapists talk about the property of ammolite to heal skin diseases and diseases of the hormonal system. It is considered a stone of youth and beauty. It will be useful for those who want to lose weight or maintain youthful skin. Earrings make the skin elastic and promote rapid hair growth.

It is the most valuable of those that are of organic origin. If, when looking at this beauty, the soul of a stone lover responds - read the article and find out everything about the ammolite stone, its application and its properties, as well as other interesting information.

The name of the stone comes from the ancient Greek word "lithos", which means "stone", and the concept of "ammonite" (the definition of the most ancient mollusks). The fact is that ammolite is not a mineral, but a precious stone of organic origin (fossils from ammonite shells). The English name is "ammolite".

Physical properties

Ammolite has the following characteristics:

  • Moss hardness - 4.5-5.5;
  • Specific gravity - 2.60-2.85 grams per cubic centimeter;
  • The density is 2.6–2.85 grams per cubic centimeter;
  • The refractive index is 1.52-1.68.

Ammolite has a pearlescent luster and is opaque. Fragile. The fracture of the stone is uneven, there is no syngony. The structure is diamond-shaped.

Production (fields)

Ammolite deposits are located in the Rocky Mountains, in their eastern foothills, by country these are Canada and the United States of America. It is considered rare, the place of production is due to the fact that mollusks lived in these territories about 70 million years ago. On an industrial scale, a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bmining is considered to be an area called Bear Paw in the Canadian province of Alberta.

History (mythology)

Interestingly, ammolite is the "youngest" gemstone. He received this "honorary title" only in 1981. However, some mineralogists warn that if ammolite is mined so massively, then in a couple of decades the deposits will dry up.

Scope and scope

Zodiac sign

Astrologers believe that ammolite is most suitable for representatives of the water element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The stone is directly connected with the inhabitants of the water, and therefore will help:

  • Cancers - fulfill cherished desires and establish peace in the family;
  • Scorpions - heal and cheer up;
  • Pisces - complete harmony in all areas.

In addition, it would be nice to purchase ammolite in the form of a talisman for the signs of Air: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini.

Due to belonging to the water element, ammolite is a must-have for those whose occupation is connected with the sea.

Medicinal properties

The healing power of the stone is recognized by many. It is believed that wearing amulets from ammolites helps to cure many diseases. So, the gem has a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory system, it helps a lot in healing from ailments of the skin and hair. Even if they are all right, ammolite will further strengthen their condition.

Parents will be pleased to know that this beautiful stone is not only able to please the baby with its brilliance and bright color, but also has a good effect on his health. Even the ancient Greeks used ammolite in order to speed up the course (and cure) of various infections that often attack children: measles or scarlet fever.

Ammolite will help to improve the state of the endocrine system, normalizes the production of hormones. It will also have a good effect on the psyche: it will help get rid of depression or establish a strong, healthy sleep. Buy ammolite powder - for those women who want to conceive a child.

Even if everything is in order with health, an ammolite product will not harm, but only strengthen health and improve appearance: it can rejuvenate, and also improve metabolism and help, for example, lose weight a little.

magical properties

Even in ancient times, ammolite was used in magical rituals and rituals. Indian shamans could call a saving rain during a drought. The beliefs of some peoples say that a traveler can use a stone in order to find an underground stream and get drunk during a difficult journey.

A bright stone can also bring good luck to the wearer. Those who like to play in the casino or buy lottery tickets should have such a shining talisman. But in other areas, ammolite will bring success. In particular, it suits women - it will enhance attractiveness, make it more elegant and give charm, even some mystery.

Those who want to protect their energy field from evil influences like the evil eye can carry such an amulet in a secret pocket. For feng shui followers, ammolite will help to attract the energy of "Qi". The gem has the shape of a spiral, and therefore is able to bring orderliness and completeness to the life of the owner, to make it possible to realize the pattern of events.

The ancient Egyptians believed that ammolite could send a prophetic dream, thanks to which it would be possible to find a way out of a difficult life situation. And those who love to meditate should use it to make it easier to get in touch with higher powers.


Most often, jewelers make earrings, rings, brooches from ammolite. In collectibles, stones are sold in their natural state, but may be double or triplet with original backing of slate or clay.

The traditional cut of ammolite is a plate. There are round stones, they are high quality gems. If raw materials are being processed, then jewelers combine several layers, fixing with varnish, resin.

When ammolite was still not so popular and only those who independently mined the stone knew about it, its cost was very small. However, commercial prominence has risen, and now this gemstone can be worth several thousand dollars, and with silver.

How to distinguish from a fake

If you buy a pair of jewelry, you should understand that each piece is unique and, for example, two earrings cannot be exactly the same. In addition, a good way to check would be to ask for a certificate - if everything is in order with the papers, there should be no doubt.

stone care

Fragile and even “delicate” ammolite requires increased attention from its owner. Do not store it together with other jewelry: the stone can be scratched and spoil the appearance of the product. It is best to wrap the jewelry in a silk cloth or a box lined with velvet.

In no case should you use cleaning products such as varnish, alcohol, household chemicals. It is worth either giving the products to professionals, or carefully washing them in cold water with a small amount of soap. High temperatures and acidity have a bad effect on ammolite: the layers may separate, the product will be damaged.
By the way, for care, you can use those products that are suitable for pearls - the composition of the stones is similar.

Ammolite is a bright and unusual stone that can decorate a house or complement an image as an interesting accessory. This mother-of-pearl handsome man will become a worthy example of a collection of stone lovers.

The ammolite stone is a rare gem of organic origin. It is on a par with corals, amber, jet, pearls and mother-of-pearl and is mined in limited quantities.

Characteristics of the stone

By its origin, ammolite does not belong to mineral rocks. These are organic fossilized remains of the inner layer of mollusk shells called ammonites.

Ammolite is an organic gem among its relatives in the group.

Ammolite contains 96% aragonite, which belongs to the natural polymorphs of calcium carbonate.

It also contains some impurities that give it a red-green, red-yellow, blue-green and, in rare cases, purple and pink color.

Rare ammolites of the highest quality contain the entire color palette.

Ammolite can shine through in separate thin edges. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is in the range from 4.5 to 5.5 points, and the density is 2.6-2.85g / cm3.


The iridescent glow (irization) of ammolite appears in bright light and after polishing the surface. This is due to the layered structure of the stone, which was formed in the process of replacing the main component with impurities - aragonite with pyrite, calcite or quartz. As a result, the light passing through the numerous layers is refracted and reflected, forming an iridescent light spectrum.

Ammolite deposits

The rare gem today is predominantly mined in the eastern foothills of the mountain range that is part of the Cordillera system of North America, including the areas of America and Canada (in the southern part, in the province of Alberta).

The status of a precious stone was officially assigned to ammolite in 1981. Since then, mining has acquired an industrial scale.

According to the research of scientists, ammolite reserves have decreased significantly in recent years, new deposits have not been discovered, therefore there is a risk of losing organic rock in 20 years. For this reason, stone mining is carried out on a limited scale.


The main area of ​​application of precious organic material is the jewelry industry. It has become especially popular since its recognition as a commercially significant ornamental stone.

When it is used in the jewelry industry, the stone is strengthened by additional means - it is covered with a layer of natural resin, glass or quartz, which does not affect its appearance in any way and does not lower the quality properties of ammolite.

Given the decline in its production and reserves, the cost of jewelry in which ammolite inserts are present is growing rapidly.

Jewelers advise to protect the stone from chemicals so that the insert does not lose its natural luster.

Stone properties


Among connoisseurs of esotericism, the magical properties of ammolite are known:

  • this stone in shamans is a symbol of strength and prosperity,
  • it was used as an amulet in rituals to control water, causing rain,
  • many esotericists attribute to him the ability of prophecy,
  • it often acts as an attribute during meditation,
  • in the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, it helps to resist negative energy.

Topaz 7 CARAT - London blue topaz ("London Blue" - Sky of London)

Who suits

Precious ammolite is suitable for representatives of the elements of Water and Air. This is a good talisman for Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio, Libra, Gemini and Aquarius.

An ammolite amulet can also become a reliable protection for those whose profession is connected with water. For the rest, it can be just an ornament that does not carry any particular benefit, but does not bring any harm either.

There are very few unknown, little-studied mineral stones left on the planet. After 50 years, only one stone has earned the title of precious. This is a precious stone - a mineral of organic origin called ammolite. In the eighties of the last century, at a conference of jewelers, this one was named precious. After such recognition, a deposit in Canada, Alberta, became public.

Description of ammolite, historical facts.

What ammolite recognized as precious and no wonder, because it is represented by the petrified mother-of-pearl of old marine inhabitants, the so-called ammonites, they, in turn, appeared long before our era. Their shell looks like a curled spiral, and inside there were voids filled with gas, which allowed this chamber to stay afloat. The marine inhabitants received this name in honor of the Egyptian god Ammon, he was depicted with a ram's head, on which there were horns twisted like a spiral.

With a high probability, we can say that ammolite is one of the most priceless stones on the planet. It is part of the group of organic gems, along with it, this group includes: a variety of amber, coral and even pearls. Most of the ammolite consists of calcium salt and carbonic acid. This very beautiful stone is found in various. The diversity of this stone can be explained by its structure, the microstructure of calcium carbonate, and this is what distinguishes it from other multi-colored stones. The variety of colors is the result of how the stone absorbs light rays, although ammolite's color is generally obtained through an interference process.

As already mentioned, ammolite is mined in Canada on mountain slopes. As soon as it was officially named a precious stone, fishing resumed. In the first decade of the second millennium, the city of Lethbridge expressed a desire to consider the ammolite as its symbol.

Ammolite can be translated not only from the ancient Greek language, for example, it is translated from Indian as “a small crawling stone”. There are other names that are better known in trade circles, such as corite and calcentin. Korite comes from the name of a mining company known in international circles, which is the largest in the market for the sale of these stones.

Often ammolite has a scaly appearance similar to dragon skin, this is not bad, but it can significantly reduce the price of the stone. Many stones are assembled using the layering method, and ammolite is no exception. This method increases strength and may even enhance the color of the stones. Some specimens have been stabilized by impregnating with epoxy resin. If a number of procedures are not carried out on the stone, it cannot be used in jewelry, because. he is very fragile. Almost all mined ammolites contain impurities of all kinds of rocks, but in order for the stone to be of the highest standard, impurities must be completely absent. Today, ammolite mining sources are on the verge of extinction, and will completely cease to exist in the next two decades.

Definition of ammolite

In nature, there are a number of stones that look like ammolite, it's spectrolite, opal, labradorite. Ammolite can be distinguished only with enhanced study. For example, labradorite is much more common in blue and purple colors, and ammolite in red and green. Labradorite and opal have a special play of color, they seem to roll over the entire area of ​​the stone, while ammolite is fixed in one place. As for the visible part of it, the structure has a unique structure that no other stone has. It smoothly transitions from transparent to opaque, depending on the view. Real stones are opaque.

Sources of obtaining ammolite

Ammolite deposits are plentiful all over the globe, but the largest, accounting for about ninety percent of the production, is in Canada. Most of these deposits are owned by businessmen. Works in the mountains are carried out almost constantly, half of them are carried out along the St. Mary's River, and the second half of the stones are supplied from the Indian deposit. Since the year 2003, a company has appeared that today occupies a leading position in the supply of ammolite stones. In the US state of Utah, ammolites are mined in quality suitable for making jewelry. If mining continues at the same rate, ammolite reserves will soon run out.

Ammolite as a jewelry value

Color - ammolite color, can be considered unique, it is called rainbow in science. It is iridescence that makes it possible to see the beautiful colors of this stone, playing in the sun, which reveals its similarity with opal. What the color of the stone will be depends on how the light falls and what our viewing angle is. The multicolor of the stone can vary from small to a specific change in color. Ammolites are one-color, for example, smooth transitions from red to green, two-color - from blue to green.

The one of greatest value is ammolite through which all colors pass. The angle at which a stone is rotated can tell a lot about the quality. A good quality pebble will reflect colors within a rotation radius of three hundred and sixty, other stones will have different ranges. Stones that range from ninety to one hundred and eighty are not as valuable as those that range from 180 to 240 degrees. The rarest colors are raspberry, gold, and violet.

Ammolite cut, stone shape

During cutting ammolite often in the form of a plate. There are rounded specimens, the so-called bizarre ones, these are calibrated stones of the highest quality. Most often, ammolites are combined in three layers for further use. Such connections (triple) can be used further in products. Raw stones are not used as often.

Ammolite processing

The quality of ammolite is improved by layering. The layers are fixed with varnishes, all kinds of resins, polymers. For example, the base is represented by glass, and on top a thin strip of film covers the stone. In those stones where there are three layers (triples), the surface is fixed differently than in those where there are two (doubles). In the so-called triplets there is a layer, which is a transparent crystal. Its presence improves durability and enhances color reproduction. These types of treatments are very popular.

Physical and chemical properties of ammolite

  1. Composition - mostly calcium carbonate, impurities.
  2. The structure is diamond-shaped.
  3. Color gray-brown to iridescent.
  4. Hardness - depends on the composition.
  5. Refraction - from 1.52 to 1.68.
  6. Density - ranges from 2.75 to 2.80.
  7. Transparency - opaque.
  8. Refraction - 0.155.
  9. Luster - oily, resinous.
  10. Fluorescent ultraviolet or mustard yellow.

Ammolite, similarity with stones

The similarity of this stone with other stones is insignificant, it was already mentioned above that there are several stones outwardly similar to ammolite: labradorite, spectrolite, opal. For example, black opal is rare and therefore already some ammolites are used instead of opal. Others, similar to this mineral, contain various impurities in their composition. The most popular of the precious ammolites are: labradorites, pearls, coral, amber, varieties of amber, noble opal. The most uncommon of ammolites: snails, spectrolites, petrified ears, fire marble.

Ammolite, metaphysics, medicinal qualities

The power and features of ammolite in metaphysics have been traced for a long time, more than one century. Despite the fact that the gem market ammolite not so long ago, the ancient tribes used it for hundreds of years. The buffalo stone was nicknamed by the tribes of the Indians this stone, because. they found him near the rivers, and he outwardly reminded them of the silhouette of a buffalo. This animal was their symbol of wealth, strength and endurance. They believed that the stone was endowed with healing powers and would help in medicine. Since the time when the ammolite became precious, it has gained fans among connoisseurs of Chinese astrology. He was revered as a stone of great influence. It was used to detoxify the body. All colors and shades exerted their influence in a certain area. Ammolite was revered by the Romans, Egyptians, Indians, it was used to facilitate childbirth, to change the influx of negative energy, to remove bad thoughts.

Ammolite, use in jewelry

The richest land with ammolite deposits in Canada, but only half of the mined stone is suitable for further use. These stones are most often and longest used as amulets and amulets. As a rule, they have a different shape, and are mounted in silver and gold. The purest crystal clear accents are selected. Although ammolite consists of several layers, it is fragile, most often it is used in the manufacture of earrings, pendants, pins. Canada is the country that produces and sells products with this stone the most.

Jewelry, and even more so with precious stones, needs care, ammolite requires special attention, care and accuracy. You can wash the stone only in warm water with a low content of soap, avoiding damaging agents, including disinfectants: perfume, varnish, alcohol. Excessive heat and acidic substances will make the color dull and the adhesion of the layers not strong, leading to delamination. Ammolite stones are best stored separately from other jewelry, other stones, to avoid friction and scratches. It is best to allocate a separate box or velvet bag for their storage.

Ammolite is a mineral that staggers the imagination with its beauty. Containing all the colors of the rainbow, mother-of-pearl overflows, the stone awakens fantasy. He is able to impress even the most sophisticated connoisseur. Many people confuse ammolite stone with ammonite, but there is a fundamental difference. - this is an ancient fossilized mollusk, and ammolite is just the pearly, mineralized part of the mollusk - the shell. Rainbow stone, the closest relative, as part of a group of the following stones:, and. To be more precise, this is not a mineral, but the fossilized remains of ammonite shells that lived in the seas 3 hundreds of millions of years ago BC, during the Mesozoic period. Ammonite shells could float because there were compartments inside - sections completely filled with gas, like a submarine. A colossal number of species of ammonite mollusks lived in prehistoric seas. Their sizes could be as small as a pea and could reach the size of a wheel from heavy equipment.

Composition and physical properties

According to its chemical composition, this semi-precious stone is an organic mineral formed by calcium carbonate, silicon oxide and iron, it may have inclusions of pyrite and quartz. Shells with a diameter of 2 meters were found. Ammolite comes in all sorts of colors, but the most common colors are green, red, and blue. It has the ability to shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, several colors and shades of a single color. The value of the stone depends on the number of colors in the overflows.

Such an optical effect is achieved due to the layered structure, during the formation of calcium carbonate, it can be replaced by iron, pyrite and quartz. A ray of light, penetrating through each layer, is reflected and refracted in every possible way, so at every angle the stone changes its shade and color. According to the Mohs scale, the hardness of ammonite is 4.5-5 units, the density is 2.6-2.86 g/cm3. They are very fragile, and for the manufacture of jewelry, ammonites are reinforced with a layer of glass, resin or quartz. Ammonites are characterized by a reaction to chemical compounds; when wearing jewelry, it is necessary to control the ingress of creams, perfumes and hygiene products onto the stone.

There are two main versions of the origin of the name of the gem. The first has Greek roots: Ammo - from prehistoric ammonite mollusks, Lithos - stone. Mollusks, because ammolite stone is the hardened shell of an ancient mollusk.

According to the second version, the Egyptian name is literally Ammo-lithos, the stone of Ammon Ra, means "stone of the sun god." Or because the shells of ammonite mollusks were spiral in shape, resembling ram's horns, the Egyptians often depicted their god with a ram's head with large horns curved in a spiral. Both options are quite logical, but still it is not known for certain where the name came from.

Mineral discovery

The world jewelry community only in 1981 officially awarded the mineral the title of a precious stone. Therefore, it is considered the newest stone in the history of mankind. Ammolite is the rarest representative of ancient history. It was formed from mollusks that lived on our planet millions of years ago.

Where ammolites are found and where they are mined

These organic gemstones are quite rare. They can also be found on the Volga, but unfortunately, due to their small size, they are of no value. Yet in the role of a mineral, ammolites are mined in the Canadian province of Alberta, in deposits called "Bear paw" Bear paw.

However, the reserves of this deposit are melting every year, and presumably, in 20 years they will completely run out. It is also mined on the slopes of the US Rocky Mountains in Montana. The formation of the gem in these places is associated with the transformation of the boundaries of the ocean and volcanic processes, after which the colonies of marine life were buried under a layer of ash and rocky rocks. The Indians call the gem "buffalo stones", as the flow of rivers and streams erodes the shells and they look like these animals. Ammolites are found in sedimentary layers of limestone, marl and clay.

Ammolite in healing and magic

The properties of the fossilized shell in health-improving applications are very wide. The stone can help with blood diseases, has a positive effect on the skin and hair. It was believed in ancient Greece that childhood diseases such as measles, rubella, scarlet fever would quickly disappear without consequences if a piece of ammonite was hung around the child's neck. However, the rainbow stone can lose its healing properties with constant contact with the human body. Therefore, earrings and rings with a rainbow stone in the frame should be removed from time to time.

All Feng Shuists are convinced that ammolite, while cleansing and strengthening, also has a positive effect on the human body, restrains negative flows from the outside.

Shamans believed that ammolite, being a native of water, is able to subdue the water element. They used the stone to bring rain in times of drought, looking for an oasis in the desert to protect their crops from hail. The ancient Egyptians and Romans believed that the stone causes prophetic dreams, and is a guide to the other world of spirits. With the help of ammolite talismans, they meditated and predicted the future. It is also believed that the mineral is able to assist people in the profession, one way or another related to water (divers, rescuers, sailors, fishermen).

Rainbow fossil in astrology

Since the organic mineral is associated with water, Aquatic and air representatives of the signs of the Zodiac are especially favored by this stone. Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios, as well as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, ammolite is able to bring good luck, prosperity and health. The mineral is neutral to other signs: it will not bring problems and will not make you happy.

Stone in the jewelry world

The unique properties of this gemstone can give jewelry a natural, original beauty. Some lovers of beauty can see in it an endless universe, others optimistic shades of life and light. It is very interesting that the color of ammolite does not depend on pigmentation, like an ordinary stone, but on the refraction and reflection of rays in the layers of the frozen one. Only tropical butterflies have a similar nature of color and brightness. The most colorful representatives are called "seven-color stones of prosperity" in the teachings of Feng Shui, they are the most valuable, as they are considered conductors of Qi energy flows. The cost of ammolite jewelry can reach 1000 USD, or in accordance with the size and shades from 40 to 600 dollars. Due to such properties as softness, when creating jewelry, the stone is fixed with substrates, always fixing it in a setting. Previously, cupronickel and nickel silver were used as a frame, today the frame for a stone is more expensive, it is both gold and platinum. In application, ornamental stone is in demand not only for the manufacture of beads and earrings, it is also used for interiors and decor. Such art objects attract prosperity and wealth to the house.
