How to remove foot odor from shoes. Special odor neutralizing agents

Do you have an unpleasant odor in your shoes? Find out how to get rid of excessive sweaty feet. How to treat shoes to avoid the growth of bacteria that contribute to bad odor. Choose a method to eliminate odor from new shoes. Find out what products to choose if your shoes are soaked with sweat.

Come home after a busy day, take off your shoes and - oh, mom! What a terrible smell, is it really coming from your feet? Can't be! But elegant ballet flats, new shoes bought at a budget stall, and even brand-name boots can start to smell bad. What to do if your shoes are “damaged”? How to disinfect it and remove unpleasant foot odor? There are many means to combat this scourge, choose the one that suits you. But first, decide why this happened: the reason for the smell lies in the shoes themselves or in excessive sweating of the feet.

Perhaps we should start with our feet. If you sweat excessively, you won't need any shoes. Therefore, you need to fight increased sweating. For these purposes, the pharmacy offers a lot of time-tested products:

  • deodorizing foot cream with antifungal effect "Green Pharmacy";
  • antiperspirant with talc for sweaty feet "Green Pharmacy";
  • Formagel in the form of a colorless gel;
  • Teymur's paste, popular in the last century;
  • multicomponent ointment with antibacterial and antifungal effect Nepotoff;
  • Borozin is a special powder poured into socks;
  • antiperspirant Drisol;
  • drugs Bellaspon, Belloid, based on herbs.

How to remove unpleasant odor from new shoes

Yes, this happens too. Before you have time to rejoice at your new clothes, it turns out that the stylish new shoes smell terribly of chemicals and rubber. In this case, the following remedies will be effective and safe:

  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide: treat the inside surface of new slippers or ballet shoes with them;
  • vinegar and ammonia solution: soak a cotton pad in vinegar and put it in your shoes overnight; In the morning, wipe the inside of your shoes with ammonia;
  • natural absorbents: pour flour, baking soda or talcum powder into problematic new shoes overnight, knock them out in the morning, and clean them with a vacuum cleaner;
  • special chemicals: spray the inside of new shoes with shoe deodorant; Before putting on your shoes, wait until the product has completely dried.

Prevention is the best way to combat bad shoe odor

By following a number of simple rules, you can not only avoid the appearance of a musty smell in your shoes, but also extend their life:

  • dry your shoes regularly: a humid environment promotes the growth of bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor; you can use regular newspapers to stuff your shoes with them, but special shoe dryers will do the job best - choose models equipped with ultraviolet lamps;
  • try not to walk for a long time in closed shoes, and when staying in a heated room most of the day, change your winter boots to shoes;
  • wear cotton socks that allow your feet to “breathe”;
  • take care of the insoles: dry them daily, wash them sometimes, change them every couple of months for new ones; buy insoles that have antiseptic properties;
  • activated carbon, placed in leather or suede shoes at night, will absorb not only moisture, but also remove bad odor;
  • Contaminants that inevitably appear in fabric sneakers can be easily removed by regular washing using detergents.

Practical ways to get rid of the unpleasant smell of worn shoes

It's not just tightly closed sneakers that can cause suffocation. Sandals with thin straps, made from a certain type of leather, can also pretty much ruin your life. In case your shoes start to smell bad from sweat, there are a number of recipes that have received good reviews about their effectiveness:

  • spray deodorant "Dufta Fit", with double action: it helps remove unpleasant odors by acting on the source of stench at the molecular level;
  • treating shoes with chlorhexidine: a 0.05% solution of the drug is used for disinfection; washed and brushed shoes are treated with a solution, also paying attention to the insoles on both sides, then the shoes are placed in a sealed plastic bag for four hours, after which the shoes are dried for a couple of days;
  • treating shoes with Formidron gives good results: it is better to carefully pour it into a bottle with a spray bottle and treat the inside of the boots; When working with the drug, you should be careful to avoid getting it into the respiratory tract;
  • special freshers are perfect for sneakers: convenient stickers, the antibacterial properties of which quickly neutralize the characteristic odor of sports shoes, and the design allows you to regulate the intensity of the action.

For those who prefer simpler home remedies, ammonia, vodka or strong green tea will come to the rescue. You need to moisten your shoes with these products using a cotton pad, then dry them thoroughly. When using any preparations, be careful, especially when processing light-colored, dyed and suede products. Make sure that there are no marks left on the outside of your shoes. Maintain personal hygiene, use the tips given, and you won’t have to blush when you take off your shoes at a party.


I agree, I also wash my work shoes with Odorgone Professional. Great stuff. I work in a fish warehouse and the brine is constantly absorbed into the shoes and then it stinks very much.

Just washing doesn't always help. Now, if in the summer you’re on your feet all day, then the smell in the evening is far from pleasant. I personally recommend Odorgone Sport, I have been using it for several days now, I buy it from an official representative in Russia. By the way, it itself is American. In terms of quality and efficiency, there is nothing better in Russia; the price is quite reasonable, by the way.

06/13/2018 11:03:09, MaxH

I effectively got rid of the unpleasant odor using smelf.

03/28/2018 15:41:43, Marla1408

Wash it more often)

Comment on the article "How to get rid of shoe smell"

life hack - foot odor. Virgos, there is a solution! 5d cream from some St. Petersburg pharmaceutical company. costs 101 rubles in Rigel and 68 in their online store. I received the recommendation during a part-time job, which involved spending 10 to 18 hours on my feet, wearing shoes like sneakers. maidens...

My husband has foot odor. In the evening the smell hurts my eyes. To wash your feet, you need to steam them for a long time in hot water, otherwise the smell is deadly. there is a smell in sneakers after washing - because you can’t walk in the same shoes for 8-10-12 hours. especially as closed and hot as...


To wash your feet in the evening in ice husband was taught in the army...everyone there had a problem after foot wraps....THE FEET DO NOT SMELL AT matter what shoes I wore..and I solved my problem in your time quickly..good luck

Buy Lavilin at a pharmacy or joint venture. There is one for the feet - it works great.

How to remove unpleasant odor from shoes. In the event that you are “lucky” to become the owner of such a bad-smelling pair of shoes, try to remove the specific smell of synthetics and cheap. There is no smell left. Yes, and if your feet sweat, Formogel helps a lot.


Have you been checked for diabetes?

Improve your health, baths, creams - everything as usual. As an “ambulance”, I put regular women’s pads in my shoes. I change it every day. For closed shoes - it helps a lot. If sweating is not limited to your feet, look in my reg for information about clothing inserts

New shoes... smell. I bought Fabi boots, and they...ummm, stink, in short:)) You probably know that there is such leather that smells like fish. Tell me, is there any way to get rid of this smell, or at least hope that it will disappear soon?


OOO, there was also such a story... the balcony and so on didn’t help, only over time the smell disappeared... after about 2 months... and I wouldn’t say that it completely left a trace

An ancient method: sprinkle soda on the insole.
And probably in stores there is something for the smell of feet, shoes, and this can be done to treat the insoles.
But your skin smells, you just have to wait, it will disappear 100%.

02/29/2008 23:42:47, Steffi

How to remove unpleasant odor from shoes. On shoes worn on your feet before leaving the house: Apply softener... Why does cat urine stink so much? The composition of urine includes urine, uric acid, urochrome/urobilin - an information project on family issues...

foot smell. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Fashion and beauty. How to remove unpleasant odor from shoes. For obvious reasons, this method of odor removal is not suitable for dress leather shoes, but sneakers, canvas shoes or Why does cat urine stink so much?


I read somewhere that you need to spray your shoes with hydrogen peroxide and dry them

Wipe with a cotton swab and vinegar, then dry. It helps 100%, I recently suffered from the same problem, I was already planning to buy new boots, but I decided to try a folk remedy. There is no smell left. Yes, and if your feet sweat, Formogel helps a lot. Valid for 10 days after use.

04/19/2005 22:55:21, Also shameful

How to eliminate odor in shoes? Shoes. Fashion and beauty. Maybe I could use something to wash the inside there with a brush and some kind of product? Shoe disinfectant doesn't help anymore, we need to get rid of this smell first.

Everyone experiences an unpleasant odor in their favorite shoes or branded sneakers sooner or later. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the problem of odor in shoes can be successfully solved and its reoccurrence can be prevented. There are proven folk recipes and industrial products that will help remove unwanted odors at home.

Causes of unpleasant odor

In order for the fight against this by no means the most pleasant phenomenon to be effective, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the main reason for this. Fighting only the smell will give short-term results.

Sweat is the most common cause of a nasty odor in shoes, boots, and boots.

The odor may occur due to excessive sweating of the feet. For some, this is a whole problem, because it is embarrassing to take off your shoes when you come to visit or buy a new pair in the store. In fact, the cause of unwanted odor is not sweat itself, but bacteria. These microorganisms feed on the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands, and the end products of their vital activity give that very specific aroma. Therefore, we must first combat excessive sweating, monitor cleanliness and hygiene, and also buy only high-quality shoes and socks made from natural materials. It will not hurt to use special deodorants for feet and shoes and insoles - “breathable”, with activated carbon.

Insoles with activated carbon will protect shoes from excessive sweating of feet


Very often the cause of odor is foot fungus. The disease is very unpleasant and requires treatment, since fungal microorganisms multiply very actively in a damp, closed space. Antifungal drugs can be purchased at any pharmacy. It would also be a good idea to buy special insoles and ultraviolet shoe dryers.

Dampness and mold on suede and leather shoes

Closed shoes are an excellent breeding ground for mold, the spores of which thrive in damp, closed and poorly ventilated places. A grayish coating spoils the appearance of sports shoes, shoes, boots and emits a specific unpleasant smell of dampness. Therefore, do not forget to dry insoles and shoes after wearing or getting wet, as well as before long-term storage.

  1. An old and proven method is perfect for this - stuffing shoes with crumpled dry newspaper, which will absorb excess moisture.
  2. You can purchase special electric dryers. They are even made in small sizes specifically for children's shoes.
  3. If the shoes are moldy, but they are old and you don’t mind throwing them away, then we throw them away without regret, since mold is very harmful to the human body.

If your shoes are expensive and you don’t feel like throwing them away, you can take them to the dry cleaner or try cleaning them yourself using vinegar essence, ordinary laundry soap, or anti-mold preparations.

It is quite possible to save shoes from mold that has already formed. You can prepare a soap solution, wash your shoes well in it, and then treat them with a solution of boric acid (1:10) or a special anti-mold preparation.

Boric acid will protect leather and suede shoes from mold and remove the characteristic aroma

Poor quality shoes are the cause of a strong chemical odor (formaldehyde, paint, glue)

Often the shoes themselves smell unpleasant, especially if they are cheap and made of artificial materials. Some unscrupulous manufacturers make products from low-quality textiles, rubber and leatherette, using low-quality glue and dyes. The materials can be quite toxic and include hazardous substances such as phenol and formaldehyde. You should not buy or wear such shoes, as they will not only disturb you and others with an unpleasant odor, but will also cause harm to your health.

  • If you have already bought it and cannot return it, we try to remove the smell using:
  • ammonia;
  • soda;
  • soap solution;
  • washing with fabric softener;

good ventilation of the couple.

Very often the cause of bad odor is poor-quality insoles, which will only need to be replaced with new ones and the bad odor will disappear.

Second hand shoes

  • Such clothes and shoes must be treated with special substances, which include formaldehyde. Thanks to this, bacteria and fungi die, and things acquire a persistent and specific second-hand aroma. A solution of 10% ammonia and water will help eliminate it - 20 ml will be needed for 5 liters of water:
  • If the shoes are made of textiles, they need to be soaked in this solution and then washed.

If you can’t wash it, then take a cotton swab, soak it in the solution and wipe the shoes inside and out.

There are cases when ammonia, when inhaled in high concentrations, caused a reflexive cessation of breathing, but when preparing the solution described above, this is unlikely to happen.

Do not forget that even high-quality leather shoes may not have the most pleasant smell. This is absolutely normal and is due to the technological features of its manufacture. In this case, the problem will resolve itself by wearing it, ventilating it in the fresh air, or using a special deodorant for shoes. Sometimes new leather shoes can smell like mothballs, which is used to repel moths and leather beetles. Mustard powder, cloves, soda, and airing in the open air, preferably under the warm rays of the sun, will help get rid of its smell.

Coffee beans and tea bags can be used as shoe fragrances.

Coffee beans or tea bags will help remove the unpleasant smell of new shoes.

If your shoes smell like cat or dog urine or pet excrement

Surely every owner of a cat or dog has become their victim more than once, or rather, not himself, but his favorite sneakers or slippers. The smell of urine is very difficult to deal with; it can even be classified as an “irremovable odour.” Here we will be helped either by special products that are sold in pet stores, dry cleaning, or the shoes will simply have to be sent to the trash.

Special products or dry cleaning will help remove the smell of cat or dog urine from shoes.

Folk ways to remove unpleasant odors from ballet shoes, boots, sneakers

In most cases, getting rid of a bad odor is quite easy. Often simple ventilation can eliminate it. But if the cause of the pungent odor is the quality of the materials, then there is no point in fighting it and it is better to return such shoes or throw them away.

Now let's discuss means and methods for eliminating unpleasant odors. On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on this topic, as well as videos with detailed descriptions and step-by-step instructions.

How to manually remove foreign odors using baking soda

  1. The most popular means of combating unpleasant odors is baking soda. It is not only able to absorb unwanted odors, but also fight the microorganisms that cause them.
  2. Pour baking soda into your shoes and leave it overnight. You can do it longer - the effect will be better.

After completing the procedure, pour it out and remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner.

If the smell is not strong, you can pour baking soda into a cloth bag or an unnecessary sock and put it in your shoes. Although the substance will not touch the inner surface of the shoes, where harmful microorganisms live, it will perfectly perform the function of an absorbent.

How to treat shoes with hydrogen peroxide

The most effective and praised remedy, judging by reviews on the Internet and stories on videos on YouTube, is hydrogen peroxide. It does an excellent job of eliminating unwanted odors and all germs, as it is an excellent antiseptic.

  1. Prepare a cotton swab (you can take regular cotton wool or a cotton cloth) or a spray bottle.
  2. Moisten the swab generously with 3% peroxide or pour it into a spray bottle.
  3. Wipe or spray the inside of the shoes well.
  4. Leave to dry naturally for about a day.
  5. Dry with a hairdryer.

Hydrogen peroxide has excellent antiseptic and deodorizing properties and can clean shoes of unpleasant odors and refresh them.

Before using the product, you should test its effect on the material in a small area: hydrogen peroxide can whiten some materials.

Vinegar and vinegar essence are a quick way to disinfect and clean shoes from bad odors

Vinegar is an effective tool in the fight not only against microbes, but also for the prevention of fungus, which often causes an unpleasant odor.

  1. Moisten a cotton swab with the product and squeeze lightly.
  2. Place inside shoes.
  3. For best results, wrap the couple in a bag and leave for a day.

The evaporation of acetic acid will kill all microbes, which will help you forget about the bad smell for a while. For severe fungal infections, it is recommended to use 40% vinegar essence, which is much more effective at destroying the fungus.

  1. Moisten a cotton swab and put it in your shoes.
  2. Place the pair in a plastic bag for 1-3 days.

When using 40% essence, you must be as careful as possible, since it can cause burns if it gets into the eyes and mucous membranes. You should not use it on rubber boots.

How to eliminate terrible odors with alcohol, boric acid and other antiseptics

Alcohol, like hydrogen peroxide, has good antiseptic properties, but is significantly inferior in effectiveness. We moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and wipe the entire inner surface of the shoes or use a spray bottle. Alcohol does not harm shoe materials, eliminates bad odors, but leaves its light aroma for some time. Instead of alcohol, you can use vodka.

An excellent folk remedy for mold is boric acid. It has mild toxicity, is quite safe for people, but is capable of destroying fungi and other microorganisms.

  1. Damaged surfaces should be lubricated with an aqueous solution using a swab and, if necessary, treated with a stiff brush.
  2. To prepare the solution, it is enough to dilute boric acid with water in a ratio of 1:10.

You can also use other antiseptics to eliminate unwanted aroma - a solution of potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate (6 crystals per 1 liter of water), furatsilin (3-4 tsp per half glass of water), 1 percent chlorhexidine.

How to get rid of the stench inside children's, women's or men's shoes using aromatic oils

Many aromatic oils are known to have antimicrobial and bactericidal properties. Clove oil, for example, destroys fungi, while tea tree, lemon, pine, fir and juniper oils kill bacteria.

Therefore, the use of oils is quite rational. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product on a cotton sponge and treat the inside surface of the shoe with it. You can leave the sponge inside the shoe and hide it in a plastic bag overnight. The result is not only a wonderful aroma, but also a germ-free environment.

Will freezing help eliminate the stinky smell, mustiness? If it is winter outside and the air temperature has dropped below zero, the shoes can be taken out to the balcony or placed on the windowsill from the outside.

  1. Frost is harmful to most microbes.
  2. For the best result, the pair should be opened as much as possible, that is, all the zippers should be unzipped and the laces should be untied, and then taken outside.

The time spent in frosty air is at least 12 hours.

  1. If you can’t take your shoes outside or the temperature outside is above zero, you can use the freezer.
  2. Wrap the shoes in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for 12-24 hours. The bag will not allow the smell to spread throughout the chamber, so such manipulation will not affect the quality of the products.

After being in the cold, the pair should be placed near a source of heat for a while to dry and simply warm up.

Do not forget that low temperatures can adversely affect soles made of rubber, patent or artificial leather. Low temperatures may cause it to crack.

Other ways to clean sneakers, sneakers, and boots from the smell of sweaty feet

  1. If the smell is not strong, then you can use folk remedies such as green tea and coffee. Naturally, it is better to take tea in bags, and coffee in beans.
  2. You can also use any herbs with a pleasant aroma. They are used to make sachet.
  3. Peels of orange and lemon, cotton swabs with a few drops of your favorite aromatic oil or perfume will help remove the smell of chemicals. Such products act as a natural deodorant for shoes and are in no way suitable for combating fungi and bacteria.
  4. Activated carbon or charcoal can also be used as absorbents. To do this, you need to crumble them, pour them into bags or socks and then place them inside your boots, leaving them overnight or for a day.

What products will help remove bad odors - gallery

Baking soda will help remove bad odors from shoes, as well as wash the soles. Hydrogen peroxide works to eliminate both unwanted odors and germs. Boric acid will help make shoes clean and remove the smell of mold. Using clove oil, you can remove the musty aroma from boots or sports shoes. Orange peels remove unpleasant odors from shoes

Feet in shoes begin to sweat. Increased sweating is a favorable place for the appearance and proliferation of bacteria responsible for an unpleasant odor. Another reason why bad smell occurs is the material of the shoes. Most often, shoes are made from artificial materials, with rubber soles and plastic insoles.

How to eliminate sweat odor using deodorant

To eliminate unpleasant odors in footwear, there are special deodorants. The antibacterial substances included in the products help extend the life of shoes and eliminate odor. Deodorants do not leave stains and dry quickly.

Use: before spraying, shake the can well, keeping it 20 cm away from your feet and shoes.

  • Legs: Spray onto the top of the foot, between the toes and on the sole.
  • Shoes: spray inside the product for 2-3 seconds before and after wearing. To achieve visible results, daily use is recommended.

Brands of deodorants for feet and shoes:

  • “Odor Eaters” - 300 rub.
  • “Salton” - 200 rub.
  • “Scholl” - 150-180 rub.
  • “Salamander” - 170-200 rub.
  • “Every day” - 50 rub.

You can buy them in shoe stores.

How to get rid of bad odor using folk remedies

At home, you can kill bad odor using a variety of methods. With their help you can not only destroy bacteria, but also quickly absorb the disgusting odor.

  1. Deodorization baking soda. After the shoes are removed, sprinkle some baking soda inside and leave overnight. Before putting on, shake your shoes thoroughly to get rid of excess powder.
  2. Shoe cooling. Wrap the shoes in a plastic ziplock bag and place them in the freezer overnight. The cold will destroy the fungus or bacteria that cause the unpleasant odor.
  3. Moisten cotton pad alcohol or vinegar and treat the inside of the shoe with it. Leave untouched for some time. Bad odors will undoubtedly disappear. You can also wipe your shoes with hydrogen peroxide or boric acid.

    All this can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  4. You can remove an unpleasant odor by filling your shoes with newspaper. If you perform the procedure in the evening, you will find fresh shoes in the morning.
  5. Cat litter perfectly absorbs unpleasant odors. Place fresh litter in a sock and tie it to form a ball. Put socks in your shoes overnight, and in the morning there will be no trace of the smell left!
  6. Excellent natural odor absorber – ground coffee. As with cat litter, the coffee is collected in a sock and left in the shoe overnight.
  7. Another effective way to remove unpleasant odor is to use orange peel. It is enough to leave the peels of 1-2 oranges overnight for the smell to disappear.
  8. Mixture of the following ingredients Eliminates bad odors: baking soda, starch and baking powder. Place everything in a sock and leave it in your shoes overnight. This recipe is guaranteed to work!

In addition to directly combating unpleasant odor from shoes, it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent the problem. These include:

Always have several in your closet additional pairs shoes and alternate wearing them.

Necessarily dry your shoes after coming from the street.

  • To dry shoes quickly, twist newspaper into lumps and place in boots, renewing the procedure every couple of hours until maximum moisture is absorbed.
  • Salt also does a great job drying shoes. Place the salt heated in a frying pan in a nylon sock, tie it and put it in your shoe. As the salt cools, the procedure must be repeated.
  • Another interesting way using dry rice. You need to fill the box 2 cm with rice and place the shoes with the soles up on the grain. In 4-5 hours the shoes can dry completely. This method is especially good for leather shoes.

Try change socks as often as possible. Breathable, cotton socks help absorb some of the moisture from your feet. Socks should be changed daily to avoid bacteria build-up.

Doesn't hurt to use it daily foot deodorant, which will give a feeling of freshness and cleanliness to the feet. Most often, such deodorants are produced in the form of a spray.

Taking a shower is good wash your feet with antibacterial soap. To prevent dryness, the skin of your feet should be moisturized with oil or lotion after washing. Moisturizers from Nivea and Johnson'sbaby (about 200 rubles) are excellent for this purpose.

Insoles made of cedar with antimicrobial properties are perfect for protecting your shoes. The silver lining has the same properties. There are also insoles with activated carbon.

Give preference to good ventilated shoes.

Unpleasant odors interfere with a person’s life, making him less confident. This cannot be tolerated, because currently there are many ways to get rid of this problem. All you have to do is choose the one that’s right for you.

Methods for neutralizing the smell of sweat depend primarily on the material used to make shoes. Sandals, clogs, sandals, beach flip-flops are thoroughly washed in warm soapy water, then wiped with a damp cloth soaked in lemon juice or vinegar and dried in fresh air.

Sneakers, sneakers, and house slippers are machine washed if the material allows - shoes made of genuine leather are recommended to be cleaned by hand. It is better to throw away the old insoles from such shoes and replace them with fresh ones. If sports shoes are made of expensive leather or suede, then they are unlaced, aired and wiped from the inside with vodka, alcohol or mint tincture sold in pharmacies.

Alcohol can affect the intensity of skin color, making it paler. It is recommended to test the effects of this drug on an inconspicuous area of ​​the shoe.

In addition to alcohol, a vinegar solution mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio is used to wipe the inside of shoes. Vinegar not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also promotes... If the smell is caused by the presence of fungus on the feet, then wipe the shoes from the inside with a swab soaked in 40% acetic acid, after which the swab is left inside, the shoes are placed in a plastic bag, tied tightly and left to act for a day. Treated shoes are thoroughly ventilated on an open balcony. It is not recommended to treat natural leather with acid - it can become deformed and change its structure.

More gentle means for wiping the inner surface of shoes are hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. These products are suitable for both natural and synthetic materials. After treatment, the shoes are thoroughly dried and, to enhance the effect, scented using tampons soaked in essential oil or small bags with cedar shavings, juniper or aromatic herbs: mint, lavender, thyme, etc.

Herbs can be replaced with culinary spices: cloves or cinnamon, putting them in treated and dried shoes overnight.

Good absorbers of unpleasant odors are soda, starch, talc, baby powder or flour. The powder is poured inside the shoes, left to act for several hours, after which it is thoroughly shaken out or removed with a vacuum cleaner. Regular activated carbon or sea salt also eliminates the smell of sweat no less effectively. To prevent salt from leaving marks and streaks, it is placed in a linen or gauze bag and laid out inside the shoes.

For low shoes made of delicate materials, you can use dry tea leaves, which is generously poured inside the shoes or boots and left for two to three hours. If necessary, the tea leaves are changed several times until the smell of sweat is completely eliminated. It is not recommended to use this method for processing boots and other high shoes - it will be very difficult to clean the tea leaves out of them.

Boots are processed using a freezer: washed inside and out, thoroughly dried shoes are placed in plastic bags or wrapped in cling film and placed in the freezer for 8 to 10 hours. It is strictly unacceptable to expose shoes made of patent leather to low temperatures.

Many people are familiar with the problem of foul odor from shoes. At first glance, it is quite easy to solve this problem, but any objective thoughts and attempts are nullified. It’s not so scary when a person works in the fresh air and the smell from the feet is practically not noticeable to others, but when the work is carried out indoors, then one way or another, the problem will have to be solved.

Otherwise, you will receive hints from your friends that it’s time to take care of the shoes that have an unpleasant odor. What to do in such an awkward situation? First, you need to find out the main reasons for the foul smell of shoes. Having recognized them, you can begin to eliminate the unpleasant consequences.

On the eve of the question of how to get rid of the smell of shoes, you need to delve into the essence of the problem and understand the reasons. First, it should be noted that the source of odor is sweat and bacteria. Probably every person has noticed the process when his feet become swollen, after which an unpleasant odor forms, for example, in hot summer weather.

Sweat provokes the active proliferation of bacteria on the skin of the feet, which in the process of vital activity release decay products, as is typical for all living organisms. They are the source of an unpleasant odor, which sometimes simply drives you crazy. The reasons for this are the following factors:

  1. Poor quality shoe material. Things from China have actively entered our lives, thereby absorbing almost everything: clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, etc. Due to its cheapness, Chinese quality is poor or simply deplorable. Such shoes lead to many problems for a person: unpleasant odor, various fungal diseases. Artificial materials do not allow air to circulate, so the legs literally “suffocate”, and if there is still active sweating, then they begin to stink.
  2. Humidity. Moisture gets into it through the presence of its defects. Feet can get wet if you choose the wrong shoes for the weather.
  3. Sweating. The following factors can be attributed to the occurrence of this reason: various diseases, physical activities, wearing synthetic socks and tights, drinking alcohol. These factors provoke the release of sweat from the skin, which, in turn, becomes an excellent environment for the development of bactericidal microorganisms.
  4. Obsolescence. Shoes may emit an unpleasant odor as a result of this factor. If you don't take care of it, you won't be able to get rid of it.
  5. Presence of animals in the house. This point may seem ironic to you, but very often they are emptied into shoes. A person may not notice the discomfort, but over time the smell of urine will prompt the owner to hear the unfortunate news.

These are the main factors that cause shoes to smell bad. As for the options for removing this smell, there are some nuances. We will learn about the main ways to solve the problem below.

Sweaty feet: what to do?

Removing odor from shoes does not mean solving the problem. After all, this is only a consequence, so to eliminate it you need to find out the main causes. The solution to the problem should be entrusted to special creams and ointments that have antiseptic and disinfection effects. By treating your feet with such preparations, you can eliminate the problem of unpleasant odor from shoes. Baths will also come to the rescue.

Foot baths

You can get rid of foot odor using foot baths. If you carry out the procedures daily, then the microflora of the feet will be adjusted in this way. In addition, the special composition of the decoction helps prevent the development of fungal diseases. If your feet sweat, then the methods presented below will definitely help solve the problem of stinking shoes.

  • Use of potassium permanganate. The effectiveness of potassium permanganate has been known for a long time. You can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of active sweating by preparing a weak solution in which you should immerse your feet for 15–20 minutes. Carrying out such procedures daily will help solve problems that have been bothering you for many years.
  • Contrast baths. The method is tough but effective. You need to fill two basins with water, fill one with cold water and the other with hot water. It is necessary to lower your legs one by one in the container, which will speed up the blood circulation process and reduce sweating. The total duration of the procedure is about 10–15 minutes.
  • Oak bark decoction. You can prepare it according to the following recipe: grind oak bark, then pour it into a container, add water and boil. Then strain and add to the bowl. Immerse the limbs in the container for 15 minutes.
