What to come up with for the Teacher's Day concert. Scenario for a teacher's day in the form of a "Saturday evening"

Self-Government Day at School: Interesting Ideas for Teacher’s Day

The most long-awaited day in the life of every schoolchild is Self-Government Day, when teachers give their reins to students in grades 10-11. This event most often takes place either on Teacher’s Day or March 8, due to the fact that the majority of teachers are still women. Whatever the student is - a poor student or an excellent student - on this day he finds his academic subject for self-realization.

To hold Self-Government Day at school, graduates must discuss interesting ideas for organizing this day with teachers and school administration.

Do not forget that, although on a holiday the frigate called “School” is controlled by graduates, teachers need to keep their ears open. After all, no one is immune from unforeseen situations, and every graduate should know where to turn for help.

Preparation for Self-Government Day

Preparing for Self-Government Day usually falls on the shoulders of high school students. It depends on them how festive Self-Government Day will be at school. Everyone can offer interesting ideas, but only the best and most original ones will be brought to life. Only the united work of high school students can be the key to a successful holiday.

When you are preparing Self-Government Day at school, ideas for holding it could be the following:

    Shorter lessons and longer breaks. During breaks, you can show pre-prepared artistic performances.

    Organize a break for teachers by inviting them to sit back at their school desks for one day.

    The concert program dedicated to Teacher's Day should include performances with the participation of teachers. You just need to remember that they should not be offensive.

When organizing a holiday, each high school student needs to give his own assignment, for the fulfillment of which he will bear full responsibility. Complex tasks must be taken seriously; it is possible that the whole class team will need to work to solve them. These include, for example, organizing and holding a festive concert.

Preparing lessons for Self-Government Day

Of course, holding Self-Government Day does not exclude the educational process. Lessons must be conducted in accordance with the schedule established for that day. Most often, there are no more than four of them, due to the fact that it is difficult for a high school student to prepare high-quality lessons in the full scope of work of the substitute teacher.

In addition, if a substitute teacher gets sick that day, then the lessons will not be removed from the schedule and will take place in the planned order, only the real teacher will have to teach them.

Classes taught by high school students on Self-Government Day should be held in accordance with the teacher’s thematic planning. Each understudy teacher must have a lesson summary; the teacher’s assistance is required in compiling it.

On Self-Government Day at school, interesting ideas for conducting classes should be welcomed. If the topic being studied allows, then these can be all kinds of game lessons, travel lessons, research lessons... In general, there is room for the most daring ideas, for the implementation of which the teacher does not have enough time.

Lessons for children

Do not forget that Self-Government Day is not only a holiday for teachers and graduates, it is a holiday for all school students. And for this it is necessary that the lessons be as interesting as possible and leave only positive memories in the children’s memory.

On Self-Government Day at school, ideas for art lessons can be very diverse:

    Conducting classes outdoors, weather conditions permitting.

    You can invite children to draw a teacher of the future using those educational supplies (pencil, paint, ink) that are planned according to the teacher’s thematic planning.

Ideas on Self-Government Day at school can be completely varied. The Russian language as a lesson can also be taught in a non-standard way; it is best structured in the form of an intellectual game. Which game to choose is up to everyone to decide. Most popular:

    "What? Where? When?";

    "Who want to be a millionaire?";

    "Smart Men and Women";

    "One against all".

Whatever method of conducting the lesson the graduate chooses, one must remember that careful preparation is needed everywhere.

School line-up on Self-Government Day

Traditionally, on a holiday, in the morning there is a ceremonial assembly at which newly-minted teachers and the school administration are introduced.

To make the lineup unforgettable on Self-Government Day at school, the director can offer interesting ideas in the form of a comic decree, which may include the following provisions:

    Penalties for being late have been temporarily lifted.

    Playing on phones in silent mode is allowed.

    The lessons are 20 minutes long, the rest of the time everyone who does not want to study works for the benefit of the school.

You can also announce that today the director will accept complaints against teachers during the day, and the school psychologist will work with them to eliminate the reasons for the behavior that does not suit the students.

Photo and video reports

If the technical equipment of the school allows, then during breaks you can invite schoolchildren and teachers to the assembly hall. “School news” will be held here using an interactive whiteboard and computer.

What other interesting ideas are there for self-government day at school?

    Photos from lessons.

    Video messages from students to teachers.

    Video congratulations on the holiday, which coincides with Self-Government Day, from school graduates.

Of course, there is room for your imagination to run wild, the only thing is that you need to prepare for this in advance and carefully think through each type of activity.

Teacher's Day - Self-Government Day

Each school, of course, has its own day for Self-Government Day. You can consider different ideas for holding Self-Government Day at school. On Teacher's Day - the best option, because, in addition to the festive mood, children try themselves in the role of a teacher. And if someone wants to change their plans for entering a pedagogical institute, then graduates will still have time to work on this issue.

Let good traditions live on

In order for the good tradition of Self-Government Day at school to continue from year to year, interesting ideas for improving the holiday can be recorded on a special stand. After all, not only teachers and high school students should participate in the celebration, and besides, any event requires detailed discussion after it is held.

Happy Self-Government Day!

What events to coincide with Teacher's Day? How to congratulate teachers beautifully?

We offer interesting ideas, events and scenarios for festive events dedicated to Teacher's Day.

Holiday mail

The work of the holiday post office can be organized in different ways. It all depends on your capabilities, conditions and desires. We offer several options:

1. Postal work is organized on the eve of the holiday. Postmen advertise their services and offer postal options: postcards, audio letters (this will require a tape recorder, films), parcels, parcels. They accept postal items in order to deliver them to recipients on a holiday.

2. The initiative group draws a “Holiday Mail” poster, on which they place large envelopes, strengthening them with the front side. The envelopes are decorated with symbols of the item to whom the messages are addressed. The poster hangs in the classroom during the day or, if it is designed for students of different classes, in the corridor (hall). At the end of the day, envelopes from it are handed over to the recipients.

3. On this day you can give your favorite teachers high fives. You need to cut out a five the size of a large postcard from paper and write a congratulation on it. Each student will present their A and congratulate their favorite teacher in their own way.

Or you can do it differently: write congratulations to a math teacher on different numbers and signs, to a foreign language teacher - on letters of the English alphabet, to a biology teacher - on pieces of paper, etc. You can place all the numbers, letters, drawings on the board or wall according to in a circle, like in a round dance.

School press wall

On Teacher's Day, the central wall of a school or classroom can turn into a large exhibition of newspapers, greetings, congratulations, and photographs dedicated to teachers. The sizes and shapes of newspapers are very diverse: an autumn leaf, an open book, a globe, a palette, a calendar sheet, a flask, a bouquet of flowers. Or maybe it will be in the form of a film - a serial school film or an elegant train, or a round dance of funny people, etc.

As a rule, newspapers are composed of separate sections, for example: “Congratulations”, “Dedicated”, “Interviews on current topics”, “Your opinion about...”, “Questionnaire for teachers”, “People are talking about you”, “If if I were a teacher...", "It's all about you..." (lines from poems, songs, wise thoughts), "One day in the life of a teacher", "My first teacher...", "Graduates of different years about...”, etc. Preparation of rubrics can be distributed between separate groups within the class, and between different classes. It is very important that the headings collected together form a single whole.

Photo vernissage

A special section of a wall newspaper or a separate stand can be decorated with photographs. We suggest that photographs be arranged according to themes, for example: “Stop, a moment” - photographs of teachers in class, recess, on a hike, on stage, etc.; “The most, the most” - photographs with inscriptions: the most smiling, strict, wise, calm, energetic, fast, cheerful, etc.

Competitions can be held:

"Close to you!"— photographs are distributed at the stand: smiles, eyes, eyebrows, hairstyles, backs of different teachers. The goal of the contestants is to determine who owns what. All photographs are marked with serial numbers. Next to the stand is a box where you can put your answers. The winners are awarded a memorable photograph next to the teacher.

“What would that mean?” is a competition for the wittiest photo caption. (You can offer to arrange subject photographs.)

Reverse school

The game can be played not only on Teacher's Day, but also on the day of graduation from primary school or at the end of the school year. The essence of “Reverse School” is the reversal of roles: the teacher becomes a student, and the children become teachers.

The leader (one of the parents or another adult) divides the class into microgroups so that all the children are involved - they can teach the “lesson”.

After the roles have been assigned, the presenter invites the teacher to take a seat at the first desk and... get acquainted with the schedule in the “diary”. Children draw (or strengthen) the “diary” on the board in advance - they draw columns: “lessons”, “assessment”, “painting”. In the “lessons” column, fill in the names of the subjects: Russian language, mathematics, physical education, reading, natural history, music.

The bell for class rings (bell, alarm clock)...

Russian language lesson. The introduction to the song “What They Teach at School” sounds, and everyone sings two verses of the song in chorus. Next, the “Russian language teachers” go to the board, invite the “student” to listen to the story and count how many verbs there are in it. (“Teachers” read the story one by one.)

Example text:

Elena Grigorievna teaches us, gives us knowledge, learns from us, rejoices at our successes and successes, is upset by our failures and mistakes, gets angry at our pranks in class, swears when we behave badly, goes with us to theaters and libraries, sings and dances with us at matinees, takes an interest in our affairs, educates us and our parents, smiles and laughs with us, loves us, although we are all different. We are your class and we love you too!!!

After reading the story, one of the “teachers” asks a question. “Student” answers. The “teachers” put a grade of “five” in the “diary”, sign and leave.

Change - musical pause (30-40 seconds).

Math lesson. The musical intro is a fragment of the song “Twice two is four.”

The first “teacher” calls the “student” to the board. The second and third “teachers” propose the condition of the task.

Example text:

Schoolchildren of 3 "A" class studied in the first quarter - 9 weeks, in the second - 7 weeks, in the third - 10 weeks, and in the fourth - 8 weeks. How many days a year did schoolchildren study if they attended school 5 days a week?

The “student” makes calculations on the board. “Teachers” give a grade, sign, and leave.

Change - musical pause.

Physical education lesson. Musical intro - all the “teachers” perform a fragment of a sports march:

So that the body and soul are young, (3 times)

Don't be afraid of heat or cold.

Temper yourself like steel!

One of the “teachers” commands: “Do it once, do it twice...”. “Teachers” make a pyramid for five counts, which ends with chanting the slogan: “Elena Grigorievna - physical education Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!!!"

Then another “teacher” commands - another pyramid is also built for five counts. The slogan sounds: “Long live Elena Grigorievna - the most athletic teacher in the school!”

After this, a question to the “student”: how many counts were the first and second pyramids built on? What slogans were heard?

“Teachers” give a grade, sign, leave...

Change - musical pause.

Reading lesson. Musical intro - rhythmic pronunciation:

Who reads a lot

He knows a lot. (2 times)

Reading, reading is the best learning. (2 times)

“Teachers” take turns reading poetry expressively:

You every day and every hour

Dedicating yourself to hard work,

Just thinking about us,

You live by worry alone.

So that the earth may be glorified by us,

And so that we grow up honest,

Thank you, teachers,

As mothers, thank you for everything!

It's brighter to live next to you,

And we know - sooner or later

You can forget otherwise

But we cannot forget about you.

The difficult road -

We're going down the school road.

Elena Grigorievna is with us,

So, we can handle the climb!

The school is proud of its friendship

Our family,

Elena Grigorievna,

We are all sons for you!

Thank you for what

You love us.

Although you are strict at times.

Thank you for what

teach you to think,

For everything, for everything they did for us.

Questions and tasks for the “student”:

Please title our speech.

What feelings did the “teachers” convey in their speech?

“Teachers” give a grade, sign, and leave.

Change - musical pause.

Nature lesson.“Teachers” make a review and commentary on the exhibition of flower arrangements prepared specially for this day, and solemnly announce that all the compositions are dedicated to their beloved teacher (or all the teachers who taught children at their school).

The “student” is given a grade for excellent behavior in class.

Music lesson.“Teachers” suggest listening carefully to a musical story and then answering the question: what are the names of the notes?

One of the “teachers” is the soloist, the rest are the choir.

Soloist: DO.

Chorus: Goodbye, elementary school!

After the last lesson has passed, the presenter announces a test for the “student”. The “student” should stand with her back to the class, and the “teachers” can read, one or two at a time (in turns), say various wishes and kind words to the “student”. After each wish, the “student” must turn to the class and recognize by voice who spoke,

The test is completed. The presenter announces an excellent completion of primary school. Everyone congratulates, applauds and sings in chorus S. Namin’s song “We wish you happiness”:

In a world where crazy snow is swirling,

Where the seas threaten with a steep wave,

Where sometimes we wait for a long time for good news,

Each of us really needs

It is very necessary in the most difficult hour,

Everyone really needs to know that happiness exists.

We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world,

Like the sun in the morning

Let it come into the house.

We wish you happiness,

And it should be like this

School events and school holidays

How to celebrate Teacher's Day?


Teacher's Day During the Soviet Union it was celebrated on the first Sunday in October. After its collapse, the date changed in some former republics.

In Latvia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Azerbaijan, Teachers' Day is celebrated, as before, on the first Sunday of October (this year it falls on October 7), but traditionally the celebrations are held on the previous Friday. And in Russia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova and other countries, Teacher’s Day is celebrated according to the world calendar - October 5th.

Usually the holiday is divided into two parts: the official one, which teachers celebrate together with students, and the unofficial one, where everything that happens is shrouded in darkness.

In many schools, Teacher's Day is quite ordinary. The school day begins with a congratulatory line, presentation of flowers and gifts to teachers, and the festive events are limited to this. But there are many ways to make this day more interesting and educationally useful.

For example, on Teacher’s Day you can hold an amateur art concert prepared by students, or organize a skit party.

What is a cabbage plant?

Kapustnik is a comic performance consisting of all kinds of skits on a school theme. The first skit parties were organized in the Russian Empire by theater workers for a narrow circle of invitees, usually during Lent. The name comes from the traditional Lenten dish - cabbage.

If you don’t have time for a full-fledged skit, do a shortened version of it. For example, have your new teachers take a mock exam. To do this, prepare funny questions and answers on separate pieces of paper. Each “examinee” will draw a ticket from one pile, and the answer to it from the other.

Here are sample questions and answers:

Will you write notes to parents about their children's misbehavior?

Will you soon have favorites in your classes?

Will you wake up a student who has fallen asleep in your lesson?

Will you call parents to school?

Will you tell jokes from time to time in class?

Will you often be late for classes?

Will you allow the use of cheat sheets?

Are you going to use the pointer as a bladed weapon?

No way!

I never even thought of this!

May be. I'll think about this some more.

Can't wait!

Look what you want!

Yes! I've been dreaming about this for a long time.

Maybe. It will depend on my mood.

Why not? Some people can, but I can’t?

Need fresh ideas for Teacher's Day? It is not at all surprising, because the holiday is about to knock not only on schools and lyceums, but also on the doors of houses where teachers live, working in school classrooms and retired, where graduates live who love and remember their teachers, and schoolchildren, walking up the school steps every day. It’s impossible not to love this holiday, which is why the portal has collected so much material that will help organize any special event at school: from an ordinary concert to a fun KVN.

Need a special theme for Teacher's Day? Some will say no, because on this day there is one common theme: school, teacher, teaching. But you can beat her in a very unusual way. If you want to get an A for a concert, consider 5 ideas that will be useful for organizing a holiday.

Idea No. 1 for Teacher's Day: a concert with Brazilian touches

Ask, what does Brazil have to do with the professional holiday of teachers? The most direct, because all the concert numbers are dedicated to the teacher, but they are performed by children in costumes that you will only see in Brazil, and also at a school festival. If you don’t want to go to Brazil, organize a trip for your teachers to Venice or Mars, but connect it with the theme of the school

Idea No. 2 for Teacher's Day: bouquet in the same style

How often have you noticed at holidays, when after presenting flowers, the class teacher cannot hold all the bouquets in his hands, and other teachers stand with their heads modestly bowed, because they teach life safety, music, and works. Even the director at such events is sometimes left without a bouquet. We offer to arrange bouquets for Teacher's Day in the same style, on the same theme. How great it will be for everyone to feel the holiday spirit.

Idea No. 3 for Teacher's Day: give different events

Stop holding a school concert every year according to the same scenario! If the teacher-organizer has run out of ideas, then on our portal they never end. Last year you held a concert, download the script for Teacher's Day 2014 for the upcoming holiday. If your school is already tired of concerts, hold a KVN or skit party and fill them with beautiful numbers for Teacher’s Day.

Idea No. 4 for Teacher's Day: surprise everyone

It can be difficult to surprise, but it is possible. We are sure that a flash mob has not yet taken place at your school. What it is? Read with us, watch the video and surprise your teachers. By the way, the event participants themselves also really like this action.

Idea No. 5: numbers for Teacher's Day from teachers

Don't believe that a teacher doesn't want to get up on stage to congratulate his colleagues. Find those who will do it with joy, but not with beautiful words, but with something more original. The teacher is a great artist at heart. At the school holiday, let your colleagues see the fiery dance of a young teacher, hear a beautiful song accompanied by a guitar, or enjoy a little pantomime performed by the school principal.

With five ideas and fresh numbers for Teacher's Day, you can be sure that the holiday will be great.

Need fresh ideas for Teacher's Day? It is not at all surprising, because the holiday is about to knock not only on schools and lyceums, but also on the doors of houses where teachers live, working in school classrooms and retired, where graduates live who love and remember their teachers, and schoolchildren, walking up the school steps every day. It’s impossible not to love this holiday, which is why the portal has collected so much material that will help organize any special event at school: from an ordinary concert to a fun KVN.

Need a special theme for Teacher's Day? Some will say no, because on this day there is one common theme: school, teacher, teaching. But you can beat her in a very unusual way. If you want to get an A for a concert, consider 5 ideas that will be useful for organizing a holiday.

Idea No. 1 for Teacher's Day: a concert with Brazilian touches

Ask, what does Brazil have to do with the professional holiday of teachers? The most direct, because all the concert numbers are dedicated to the teacher, but they are performed by children in costumes that you will only see in Brazil, and also at a school festival. If you don’t want to go to Brazil, organize a trip for your teachers to Venice or Mars, but connect it with the theme of the school

Idea No. 2 for Teacher's Day: bouquet in the same style

How often have you noticed at holidays, when after presenting flowers, the class teacher cannot hold all the bouquets in his hands, and other teachers stand with their heads modestly bowed, because they teach life safety, music, and works. Even the director at such events is sometimes left without a bouquet. We offer to arrange bouquets for Teacher's Day in the same style, on the same theme. How great it will be for everyone to feel the holiday spirit.

Idea No. 3 for Teacher's Day: give different events

Stop holding a school concert every year according to the same scenario! If the teacher-organizer has run out of ideas, then on our portal they never end. Last year you held a concert, download the script for Teacher's Day 2014 for the upcoming holiday. If your school is already tired of concerts, hold a KVN or skit party and fill them with beautiful numbers for Teacher’s Day.

Idea No. 4 for Teacher's Day: surprise everyone

It can be difficult to surprise, but it is possible. We are sure that a flash mob has not yet taken place at your school. What it is? Read with us, watch the video and surprise your teachers. By the way, the event participants themselves also really like this action.

Idea No. 5: numbers for Teacher's Day from teachers

Don't believe that a teacher doesn't want to get up on stage to congratulate his colleagues. Find those who will do it with joy, but not with beautiful words, but with something more original. The teacher is a great artist at heart. At the school holiday, let your colleagues see the fiery dance of a young teacher, hear a beautiful song accompanied by a guitar, or enjoy a little pantomime performed by the school principal.
