What to take for your baby to the maternity hospital in winter. What to take with you to the maternity hospital: the most complete list of necessary things

Waiting for a baby is always accompanied by pleasant chores and preparations to meet him. Since the fall, pregnant girls who are going to give birth in winter months, thinking about what to buy for a newborn, making a list of things to take to the maternity hospital for the baby in winter. In order not to forget anything, “Popular about health” will help you prepare for this important event for new mothers.

Hygiene items

Hygiene items are the first thing you need to take to the maternity hospital in winter. The baby needs the following things on the list:

1. Diapers.
2. Wet wipes.
3. Pacifier.
4. Bottle.
5. Soap (preferably liquid).
6. Sterile cotton wool or cotton pads.

Caring for the baby begins from birth. Already in the maternity hospital you will need to wash your child, wipe his body with napkins, wash and change diapers. He may need a pacifier and a bottle (in case the milk doesn't come in).

Clothes, linen

What to take for your baby in winter? What should I dress my baby in? Usually in maternity hospitals provide a list of permitted things. It includes:

1. Two flannelette diapers.
2. Two cotton diapers.
3. Waterproof diaper.
4. A pair of vests.
5. Scratches.
6. Sliders - a pair.
7. Hat.
8. Cotton bodysuit.
9. Thin blanket or blanket.
10. Socks – two pairs.

Please note that all things for the child need to be natural - made of cotton, chintz, including a hat. Choose clothes that are easy to put on and take off, especially if you are a first-time mother and have no experience with a newborn. Doctors recommend taking baby undershirts to the maternity hospital just to make it easier for mothers to work. They are much easier to put on a baby than a blouse without fasteners. Children's blanket or a blanket may be needed if the maternity hospital is not warm enough. Everyone knows what kind of windows are in hospitals - most often they are old wooden structures with many cracks. To keep your baby from freezing, it is better to have something warm with you.

What to take for discharge to the maternity hospital in winter?

Extract – happy event for all parents, but you also need to prepare for it in advance. What do babies usually wear when leaving the hospital? In winter, the above list will have to be supplemented with the following things:

1. Diaper.
2. Cotton hat.
3. Cotton bodysuit.
4. Socks.
5. Plush or fleece overalls.
6. Scratches.
7. An elegant diaper with embroidery.
8. Winter hat.
9. Thermal or fur winter overalls.
10. Envelope (used in severe frost and wind).
11. Ribbon of the appropriate color.

Sometimes it happens that in winter the weather suddenly changes and the thermometer rises above zero degrees. In this case, you need to dress your child according to the weather. You can remove the fleece overalls, leaving only the cotton underwear, put on a winter overalls with fur, and leave a warm hat. The envelope should not be used in such weather, otherwise the baby will overheat.

How to prepare a child's things for the maternity hospital?

If you have already made a list for your baby to go to the maternity hospital, take care of their cleanliness. All clothes and diapers need to be washed, even if they are new and packaged in cellophane. For washing you will need a powder designed specifically for children, it is less allergenic. You can find it on sale household chemicals for newborns, it is marked “0-3”. Such powders and detergents are considered safer.

Wash absolutely all the items prepared according to the list for the maternity hospital, and after drying, be sure to iron them. Then carefully fold the clothes and diapers. All this should be done shortly before the expected date of birth. It is unacceptable to prepare things 2-3 months in advance, as they will become covered with a layer of dust and will no longer be clean.

What else to take to the maternity hospital?

The expectant mother should carefully consider what she will need in the maternity ward. When packing, rely on the list given to you by the hospital, but it does not include most necessary items. For example, it does not contain such important things as a phone charger, chapstick, toothbrush and toothpaste. It is important for you not to forget to take all this and much more with you.

Think about what you will do when the baby is sleeping. Perhaps you could read or do embroidery during this time, if that's what you like to do. Such activities are useful and can brighten up everyday life in the maternity hospital. It would be useful to take a couple of bottles of purified drinking water and some biscuits for snacking. Don't forget your hygiene items - soap, washcloth, shower cap and rubber slippers. Ask your friends what else might be useful in the maternity hospital. The stay there, although not long, is still associated with discomfort, since at a certain moment the much-needed item will not be available.

So, what should you take with you to the maternity hospital for your baby in winter? These are personal hygiene items, linen, clothing, a warm blanket, as well as elegant items for discharge. Be careful when making your list, try not to forget anything. If something is out of stock, there is still time to buy it. As winter approaches, prepare all your items by washing and ironing them.


Place the necessary things in bags in advance: a bag for the mother for childbirth, a bag for the mother for discharge, a bag for the baby in the maternity hospital.

– Passports, documents, exchange card, tests (2 AIDS tests, ultrasound), fear. policy
– Camera (dad)
Mobile phone+ charger (there is also a watch with an alarm clock)
– Slippers (+slippers for husband)
– Rubber slippers/flip-flops (for shower)
- Robe
– Nightgown 2 pcs. (convenient for feeding)
– Nursing bra (keep in mind that breasts will become larger when the milk will come)
– Breast pads - there are disposable ones, the brand doesn’t matter (when the milk comes in, a lot goes out), there are also reusable Avent ones (comfortable)
– Disposable panties (2 packs of 7 pcs.) - 1 pack is enough with you
– Cotton socks
– Cream, cosmetics (nipple cream Bepanten or Lancenoh (very good, harmless to the baby)) more good cream Mustela
– Postpartum pads
– Liquid soap (shower gel)
– Shampoo/conditioner
– Comb/brush
– Deodorant
Shaver (!)
Toilet paper
– Wipes (wet and dry)
– Towels 2 pcs.
– Toothpaste and brush
- Scrunchy
– Dishes (can be disposable), spoon, fork, glass
– Water (clean, still)


  1. Diapers for newborns (2-5 kg ​​or 3-6 kg)
  2. A set of clothes for discharge (1-2 pcs.) (vest, bodysuit, cap, socks) / or diapers, if clothes are not allowed
  3. An envelope for checkout (it’s better if it can be unzipped and turned into a blanket), but if overalls are better for getting into the car, you won’t be able to sit in a chair in an envelope.
  4. Diapers (2-4 pcs.)
  5. Disposable diapers (1 pack) optional
  6. Diaper cream
  7. Cotton buds
  8. Cord clamp and scalpel (disposable at the pharmacy)? They will say in the maternity hospital...BIG ITEMS to shop:

    1. stroller
    2. crib (+coconut mattress!, + set (bumper, blanket), canopy
    3. changing table
    4. chest of drawers
    5. Bath, slide
    6. “kangaroo” (optional)
    7. car seat

  1. bed sheets(2 sets)
  2. blanket (2 pcs. - for the crib and for the stroller) (light! quilted and thin! woolen)
  3. flannelette diapers (8-10 pcs. If you don’t swaddle, then cover, place, wipe, hang)
  4. cotton diapers (8-10 pcs)
  5. disposable diapers (if necessary)
  6. towels (large 2 pcs. with a hood (after bathing), small 2-3 pcs.)
  7. oilcloth for bed, stroller (if necessary)
  8. bathing ladle
  9. water thermometer
  10. room thermometer (electronic or liquid crystal)
  11. body thermometer for children (electronic)
  12. terry mitten or sponge for washing (after 1 month)
  13. baby soap(regular and liquid)
  14. scissors with blunt ends (manicure set)
  15. comb and brush with soft bristles
  16. washing powder (“Stork.” Better than soap powder (World of Childhood, Our Mother)
  17. pacifier (silicone (tight) or latex (soft). Better “tight latex or silicone, anatomical (“dental”, orthopedic), forms the bite.
  18. bottle with nipple (same as pacifier) ​​(preferably Avent)
  19. bottle brush (also Avent)
  20. sterilizer for bottles and nipples (can be sterilized in a double boiler, or boiled)
  21. wet wipes (preferably without fragrances) and dry wipes (optional)
  22. diapers (2 packs to start with.) (I like Japanese or)
  23. breast pump (if needed!) Avent Isis fur.
  24. milk formula (if needed!)
  25. toy for the crib (musical mobile. Yellow and red colors are better)
  26. rattles (by 2 months)
    1. Sterile cotton wool, gauze, bandage, children's plaster (+ soft umbilical)
    2. cotton buds(for the navel and skin), for ears it is better with a limiter.
    3. pipette 2 pcs.
    4. syringe No. 1 (aka enema)
    5. nasal aspirator (if needed!)
    6. gas outlet tube (BUT! A tummy massage is better; or Espumisan for children, Plantex; or Smecta (1/3 powder per 30 g of water); or Hipp fennel tea for colic; or fennel + dill + chamomile = tea for colic)
    7. hydrogen peroxide 3%
    8. Zelenka
    9. Potassium permangantsovka
    10. sterilized vegetable oil or sea buckthorn, rosehip, cedar, almond oil (wound healing and soothing) (only for diaper rash)
    11. Powder
    12. baby cream, diaper cream (“Bubchen”, Penaten, Bepanten, Calendula ointment(the best companies, as recommended by doctors, are Bübchen (Germany), Sanosan, Our Mother, World of Childhood. Ordinary baby creams with dogs and cats are good (but a bit greasy). “Johnson’s Baby” with its oils, creams and foams is at the bottom of the list)
    13. +other various cosmetics(bathing products, shampoo)
    14. a set of herbs (chain, chamomile, calendula, fennel fruits, fragrant dill fruits)
    15. Activated carbon
    16. children's antipyretic
    17. alcohol solution 1%
    18. biological products (for stool disorders, dysbiosis) (bifidumbacterin, baktisubtil, hilak, etc.)
    19. CLOTHING
      1. sleeping bags-envelopes (2 pieces - warm and off-season) Overalls are more comfortable for the season, better with a zipper for ease of dressing.
      2. light bodysuit (It is advisable that you do not have to put it on over your head. For diapers, take a size larger so that there are no marks on the legs from the pump.)
      3. cotton overalls - slips (completely with buttons, and on legs. Convenient - when dressing, just put the overalls, the baby on it, the arms in the sleeves and fasten the buttons)
      4. vests (T-shirts) (with short and long sleeve, on buttons, not ties) optional
      5. rompers or panties
      6. Blouses
      7. hats - caps (thin and flannel)
      8. socks (2 thin + 2 warm)
      9. scratch mittens (2)
      10. Bibs (will be needed later)

What should you take to the maternity hospital? Things and documents

From about 32 weeks of pregnancy, it is advisable to collect all the necessary documents for the maternity hospital and carry them with you everywhere, just in case. From 36 weeks there is real opportunity that will begin unexpectedly, so the level of preparedness must be further increased.

Documents for the maternity hospital

  • passport;
  • medical insurance;
  • exchange card;
  • birth contract (if you signed one).

Place it all neatly in a bag or file and carry it with you in your bag, especially if you are planning to go somewhere.

List of necessary things for the maternity hospital - what to take for childbirth

Once contractions begin and you are admitted to the hospital, you will be allowed to bring very few things with you to the birth. Ideally, a pregnant woman should be given everything except slippers. Here, a lot depends on the maternity hospital, on the conditions and rules that are accepted in it. Therefore, it is better to agree on the list in advance and find out what is possible and what is not:

  • slippers made of washable material;
  • hygiene supplies: toothpaste, brush, shampoo (more convenient in bags), baby soap, comb.
  • A player or phone with music that you have selected in advance for childbirth (not allowed in all maternity hospitals, you need to find out in advance);
  • a photo or video camera if you decide to capture the moment of your baby’s birth. It is better to give them to your birth partner, for example, your husband.

What you may need after childbirth

You can buy a ready-made kit at a pharmacy, but it is better to put the items in a bag: many maternity hospitals do not allow bags. You can also assemble everything you need yourself.
Things for mom

  • Robe and nightgown. In many maternity hospitals, these things are prohibited and you should only use those that are given out.
  • Postpartum pads. For the first three days you may not be allowed to use pads. This is because the doctor needs to monitor the discharge after childbirth.
  • Toilet paper is the softest you can buy.
  • Utensils: mug, plate, spoon.
  • Mineral water, if you don’t want to drink boiled water from the tap.
  • Towel.
  • Cotton panties - at least 3 pieces.
  • Nursing bra. It will be very useful, it is better to take two: while one dries, the second can be worn.
  • Disposable bra pads.
  • Cream “Bepanten” - useful for cracked nipples. It is not at all necessary that they will be, but you can grab the cream just in case. In addition, it can be used to lubricate the baby’s skin in areas of redness.
  • Postpartum bandage, if you are going to wear it.
  • Suppositories with glycerin to ease stool.
  • Vitamins for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Face cream, hygienic lipstick.
  • Something to read, a notepad and pen, a phone charger.
  • Cosmetics for discharge. Be sure to take Foundation– you will be photographed.
  • Money.
  • Comfortable clothes for discharge. A skirt is preferable to trousers. Keep in mind that your breasts can be very large these days due to the arrival of milk, so forget about tight blouses. Don't forget the comfortable one street shoes(not flip flops or slippers).

Things for a newborn (what to take a baby to the maternity hospital)

  • Set of clothes: - at least 4 diapers: 2 cotton and 2 flannel, size 60x90, many maternity hospitals provide them;
    - blanket;
    - “scratchies” - protective gloves made of thin cotton so that the baby does not scratch himself;
    - at least 4 pairs of rompers and socks;
    - vests or bodysuits;
    — caps of the first size 2 pcs;
    — overalls and envelope for discharge;
  • Baby diapers for newborns (from 2 to 5 kg). You need to take 20–25 pieces.
  • Cotton swabs with limiter. They are convenient to lubricate umbilical wound, clean your nose and ears.
  • Special scissors for cutting nails.

Every pregnant woman eagerly awaits the birth of her baby. With the onset of the ninth month of pregnancy, labor can occur at any time. To avoid having to pack your bag to the maternity hospital in a hurry during contractions, you need to fold it in advance. In this article we have collected lists necessary documents, things and products that a woman will need in the maternity hospital and upon discharge home.

What does a mother need in the maternity hospital - a list of everything needed for childbirth and after childbirth

List of clothes for a newborn - in the maternity hospital

Maternity hospitals have their own individual rules that allow the bringing of certain items and products. However, there is a certain list of what a woman will definitely need in the maternity hospital during childbirth and after.

Upon admission to maternity ward You must have the following documents with you:

  • passport of the mother in labor with a photocopy;
  • from antenatal clinic individual exchange card pregnant;
  • maternity insurance medical policy;
  • SNILS;
  • referral from a residential complex from a gynecologist;
  • birth certificate;
  • birth contract (if there is one).

IN prenatal ward You will need the following things and products:

  • slippers (washable);
  • towel;
  • loose-fitting shirt;
  • toilet paper;
  • sanitary napkins;
  • a small bottle of water (still) to quench your thirst.

What documents does the future father need to provide to the maternity hospital?

If you are planning a joint birth, you must provide it to the maternity hospital passport and health certificate for the future dad .

A woman in the ward after childbirth will need the following things:

  • robe (preferably cotton);
  • spacious nightgown;
  • nursing bra;
  • disposable panties;
  • socks;
  • telephone set with charger;
  • high-quality postpartum bandage;
  • toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, comb, small mirror;
  • several towels (for body and hands);
  • sanitary pads with a high volume of absorption (for women in labor);
  • special cream for cracked nipples;
  • absorbent breast pads;
  • hygienic lipstick;
  • spoon, plate and mug for food in the dining room, where food is prepared directly for women in labor.

You should take into account the fact that in almost all maternity institutions the use of cloth bags is prohibited, so all things and products should be collected in plastic bags.

What to take to the maternity hospital for a baby - list of things for a newborn

The baby in the maternity hospital will need the following things:

  • diapers (a pair of flannelette, two calico);
  • 2 cotton vests/2 bodysuits;
  • special anti-scratches;
  • cap/thin cap;
  • two pairs of socks;
  • 2 rompers/2 overalls;
  • disposable diapers;
  • terry towel (large)/blanket;
  • compact packaging of diapers size 0-1;
  • cream for newborns under a diaper or talc for children;
  • special wet wipes for newborns;
  • , which must first be boiled (used when there is a shortage of milk);
  • liquid baby soap.

What things should you prepare for mother and baby when leaving the maternity hospital?

A few days after the birth, if everything is fine with the mother and the newborn, they are prepared for discharge. In this case you will need:

  • For discharge for mom : loose dress, tights (if it’s cold), comfortable shoes, clean linen. All this can be brought by the husband or relatives on the day of discharge. Mom also definitely needs cosmetics, because discharge is a festive moment for the whole family, so you should look your best.
  • Baby on the day of discharge required special set: discharge envelope, cap, vests (1 light and 1 warm), overalls, socks, diaper and, of course, pink ribbon- for a girl, a blue bow - for a boy. When selecting for discharge, you should focus on the time of year in order to prevent the child from overheating in warm time years, and during cold weather - hypothermia of the baby. So suitable for summer a thin cap, a vest and a light blanket. In spring and autumn, you can use demi-season envelopes, but in late autumn and in early spring It is better to use its winter version. Must be purchased for winter warm cap And winter envelope, as well as warm vests and rompers or diapers.
  • Relatives should also take care of a photo or video camera , because the this moment should be captured forever.

Health 03/15/2018

Dear readers, every mother anxiously awaits the birth of her baby. The whole family is preparing for this. These worries are especially vivid if pregnancy and childbirth are the first. And, of course, you need to prepare in advance for such an event. What should you take with you to the maternity hospital? We turned to doctor Tatyana Antonyuk with this question, who will tell us all the details.

Good afternoon, readers of Irina’s blog! In order not to pack in a hurry and not forget the most necessary things, each future mom must make a list in advance of what you need to take with you to the maternity hospital and prepare all medications, clothing, personal hygiene items and, of course, documents. Having collected everything in advance, a woman feels more confident and calm.

If you don’t know what you should take with you to the maternity hospital, and what things may be unnecessary, you can clarify this issue with a medical institution. Often hospitals themselves provide a list of what needs to be taken to the maternity hospital for a woman in labor and her unborn baby.

The collection process is also complicated by the fact that you need to prepare several lists: what will be needed in the prenatal ward, things for the mother and what to take to the maternity hospital for the child. Let's discuss the main points.


You need to worry about them first, because you can do without any little thing, but not without documents. These include:

  • passport with photocopy;
  • exchange card with test results and information about how the pregnancy went;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • birth certificate issued from the 30th week of pregnancy;
  • insurance certificate pension fund(in the absence of a birth certificate).

If a woman plans to give birth in a paid clinic, the list of documents includes an agreement on the delivery. That's all today more women they want to give birth together with their husbands or other close people (mother, sister). They will also need documents: a passport and a certificate of tests and health status, fluorography. The question of what to take with you to the maternity hospital for your husband also needs to be clarified in advance.

What things to take to the prenatal ward

You don't need a lot of them, since you will be in the prenatal ward for about 12-14 hours. However, we advise you to pack these items separately so as not to look for them in the clutter of large bags. This list includes:

  • a nightgown or a comfortable loose-fitting robe;
  • towel;
  • disposable toilet seats;
  • soap and wet wipes;
  • toilet paper;
  • phone with charger;
  • bottle of water.
  • washable slippers.

In some medical institutions insist that during and after childbirth the woman wears the clothes they provide. There is no need to break the rules and argue. Be sure to take care not to forget your phone and charger, especially if you are heading to the birth without your husband, since it is possible that you will need contact with your family.

In some maternity hospitals, the newborn baby is dressed in his own clothes or swaddled. But you can take a few things with you for the new baby. To the list of what to take to the maternity hospital for childbirth, add a vest or blouse, a bodysuit, a cap, and a diaper.

What food should you take to the maternity hospital for childbirth?

As a rule, food is forgotten during the process, but you can take some fruit, cookies, chocolate, and water with you. A small snack in between contractions will help boost your strength.

Which bag is better to put things in?

According to sanitary standards It is prohibited to take bags made of leather, fabric, or wicker into the maternity hospital. It is best to buy a special transparent bag where you can place everything in sectors. Perhaps one of your relatives will sew you such a suitcase bag. If you don’t have such a bag, take a large plastic bag.

What things to take to the maternity hospital in the postpartum ward

Although you will only spend three to five days in the hospital, you will need quite a lot of things. These include clothing, personal care items, cosmetics, food and water. In addition, you will need an impressive list of items for the newborn baby. Let's look at the list of necessary things in more detail.

Clothes for mom

You will need a clean nightgown (preferably two), a robe, and socks, especially if the birth occurs during the cold season. Please note that your robe and shirt should be low-cut or easy to open so that you can breastfeed comfortably. Clothes for mom should be from natural lungs fabrics (not wool) that can be easily washed if necessary.

Rubber washable slippers are comfortable to wear in the room and in the shower. Models with heels or fur are absolutely useless in the maternity hospital.

Pay great attention to the choice of bras you will wear. You need to take several of them, it is better if they are special models created for nursing mothers. As for underwear, mesh disposable panties are very comfortable; you will need at least 2-3 of them per day.

Personal hygiene items

Having dealt with clothes and shoes, we move on to the list of cosmetic and hygiene items that will certainly be needed in the maternity hospital. The list includes:

  • set for daily care: toothpaste, brush, soap, shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, body and face creams, wet toilet paper;
  • comb, hair elastic, hairpins, scarf;
  • manicure accessories;
  • sponge or small washcloth for shower;
  • small towels for hands and face (2-3 pieces) and a large bath towel for use after a shower;
  • several disposable absorbent diapers;
  • sanitary napkin;
  • pads under the bra to absorb leaking milk;
  • dry and wet wipes;
  • protective cream for nipples;
  • cup, spoon, plate and other utensils at your discretion.

Some experienced mothers They advise you to take earplugs with you to the room so that the noise and crying of babies does not interfere with your sleep, since now you need to have a lot of physical strength.

You may need anti-varicose stockings and postpartum bandage. Don't forget to take with you any medicines you need that you use regularly. You need to find out in advance whether these products can be taken by nursing mothers.

The question that always worries expectant mothers is what pads to take to the maternity hospital. It's better to take advantage hygiene products, which are produced specifically for women in labor. They are longer and wider than regular gaskets, so they provide more reliable protection against leaks. Another advantage of such products is that they are made of breathable material, which is very important if there are minor injuries or stitches after childbirth.

Let's watch the video material on what to take with you to the maternity hospital.

Leisure items

Of course, the mother will devote most of her time to feeding and caring for the child. But in the first days of life, babies sleep a lot, so you need to take care of your leisure time. To do this, they take with them a book (perhaps about caring for newborns), magazines, a player with headphones, and a tablet.

Don't forget to take with you notebook or a notepad and pen. You may need them if you want to write down important information or a question to the doctor. You may have enough time to take your first notes on your baby's well-being.

Packing things for the future baby is the most enjoyable preparation for any mother. You don't need to take with you the entire wardrobe you bought for your baby. The list of useful things includes:

  • disposable diapers;
  • baby soap, baby wipes, diaper rash cream, cotton swabs, baby powder;
  • diapers from thin fabric– 5 pieces, flannel – 2 pieces;
    soft fabric towel;
  • several vests, blouses (3 pieces) 1 bodysuit;
  • several caps and a flannel hat (3 pieces);
  • two or three pairs of rompers or overalls (optional);
  • two pairs of socks and mittens – “anti-scratch”;
  • small oilcloth;
  • special scissors with blunt ends for infants;
  • a small blanket (in the cold season).

How many diapers should you take to the maternity hospital?

Naturally, now no one uses homemade gauze products; they have been replaced by disposable diapers. There is no definite answer to the question of how many diapers to take to the maternity hospital, but usually one package is enough. Newborns are given products designed for a weight of 3-5 kg.

Don't be upset if you can't immediately guess the brand of diapers. Time will tell which ones are right for your baby.

Food and drink

What to take to perinatal center from food? Many women prefer to eat food that is brought to them from home. Allowed products include: chicken broths, boiled meat or low-fat fish, steam cutlets, dairy products in sealed packaging, dried fruits, still mineral water, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

All products should be stored in the refrigerator, packaged in small portions and labeled.

The list of prohibited products includes:

  • fatty, spicy, smoked dishes;
  • pickles and marinades;
  • citrus;
  • mushrooms and mushroom dishes;
  • canned fish, sausages;
  • pastries, cakes and other sweets;
  • sweet carbonated drinks.

More detailed list allowed and prohibited products can be clarified in the medical institution itself.

What not to take to the maternity hospital

You don’t need to take extra clothes to the maternity hospital for yourself and your baby that you won’t need. Various bulky things that take up a lot of space will be superfluous. The list of items that are unlikely to be needed includes:

  • decorative cosmetics - you can ask your husband to bring it to you before discharge, but during your stay in the maternity hospital it is of no use;
  • perfume products - various perfumes can cause allergies in the baby;
  • jewelry expensive jewelry– they only interfere with caring for the baby;
  • pacifier and bottle - the baby needs to “learn” to suck mother's breast, and these items can interfere with this skill;
  • toys - the child is still too young to appreciate them, even if they are rattles for infants;
  • an electric kettle or a boiler - this may be prohibited by fire safety regulations.

Special mention should be made of this important thing for a nursing woman as a breast pump. As a rule, it is also included in the list of things that only a woman who has given birth will not need. When mother and child are together, you need to put the baby to the breast more often and you will not need a breast pump. Expressing with its help can lead to increased lactation and hardening of the mammary glands.

Some women prefer to bring their own bedding and even a pillow. We would still not recommend taking these things, they take up a lot of space and, moreover, may be prohibited in your medical institution.

It would be more expedient if the woman prepared all the necessary things before the birth, but left them at home, and her husband would bring them on the day of discharge. This will save the mother from having to carry large bags and move them from place to place in the ward when they are not yet needed.

A woman should remember that immediately after giving birth she will not yet be able to get rid of all the kilograms gained during pregnancy. Most mothers who have given birth still have a small belly. Accordingly, clothes need to be selected according to size. Jeans that were just right in the pre-pregnancy era may turn out to be hopelessly small. Think at home what will suit you for this case.

Mommy's shoes should also be comfortable and comfortable, without heels, low heels or wedges. Many women note that immediately after giving birth they need shoes a size larger!

How to dress your baby for discharge

A mother is much more concerned about how her baby will be dressed. When choosing clothes, you need to take into account the time of year and weather. Let’s say right away: you don’t need to buy very elegant suits or dresses. Clothes for a newborn should be practical, comfortable, light, and made from natural, high-quality fabrics.

IN summer time A bodysuit or blouse with rompers, a cap and a light diaper or envelope are enough. There is no need to wrap up the child excessively if the doctors have allowed him to be discharged from the maternity hospital, this means that the baby has already developed thermoregulation. On the contrary, very warm clothes leads to overheating, which can negatively affect the health of the baby.

In cold weather, the child needs a warm jumpsuit or suit, warm cap, insulated envelope or blanket.

During check-out, make sure you have photo and video equipment to take memorable photos. The new dad must take on this responsibility. However, you don’t need to get carried away with a photo shoot either, because you have absolutely little baby who needs peace of mind and comfortable conditions. And it’s best to invite a photographer you know at this moment. You will be more comfortable with him.

Safety is the main thing!

Are you met from the maternity hospital by car? For your newborn's first road trip, take care of purchasing in advance child car seat. For the little ones, it serves as a carrying device, and in some models it can also be placed on a stroller base, which is very convenient.

So, you have everything collected, all you have to do is wait for the cherished date! Have an easy birth and good health for your baby!

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