Diarrhea after medical termination of pregnancy. Changes in emotional state, character

Medical abortion It is considered the safest among all types of abortion. Why is that? It's all about the mechanism of abortion using pills. Their goal is to trigger something like a standard period, which will push the already fertilized egg out of the uterus. But you still need to be prepared for what such a simple and relatively safe method may entail. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that an abortion, even a medical one, is a restructuring of the body. This means that internal systems are disrupted, which has consequences to a greater or lesser extent. Medical abortion is serious step. It is impossible to treat it as if the pill solves all problems. Complications after a medical abortion are just as likely as with other types of abortion. This article discusses the most frequent complications after a medical abortion and the consequences of a medical abortion.

Is medical abortion dangerous?

Millions of women have already experienced the effects of medical abortion. In most cases, the abortion was successful without serious complications. After medical abortion, some women experienced certain problems, such as incomplete removal of the fetus, too heavy bleeding, infectious diseases. They had to treat these consequences. In isolated cases known to date, medical abortion has resulted in the death of patients. This was due to severe bleeding in abdominal cavity, due to heart failure caused by mifepristone, etc. Therefore, when asked whether medical abortion is dangerous, every conscientious doctor will tell you that there is a risk. And a lot depends on individual tolerance. You should not believe promises of 100% effectiveness and safety of the drug method. Whether they will or not depends, first of all, on the duration of pregnancy and on the characteristics of your body.

The following list will show how much influence the period has on the absence of consequences after a medical abortion.

  1. At up to 7 weeks, 98% of women terminate their pregnancies with medication. The remaining 2% are faced with the need to perform curettage or vacuum suction of the fetus.
  2. Between 7 and 12 weeks, 5% of women will need to undergo surgery to expel the fetus completely.
  3. For a period of more than 12 weeks, only 92% of women will manage with pills alone. Already 8% undergo surgical abortion.

Given these numbers, it becomes clear that among the hundred women who decide to have a medical abortion, complications will arise in a few women who will require further medical intervention. It depends on a number of factors, whether it happens or not, so it’s too early to talk about the dangers of the medication method.

So is medical abortion dangerous? What we talk about below will help you answer this question.

After an abortion, pregnancy hormones are still present in the woman for some time. Combined with a feeling of accomplishment, hormones can cause depression. Depression is manifested by fatigue, irritability, guilt, loss of appetite and can be... This is normal, but if depression continues for more than 2 weeks after an abortion, this case can be classified as complications after a medical abortion. Sexual life in the first week after a medical abortion is taboo. This period may be longer as prescribed by the doctor. Such a restriction is necessary to prevent possible bleeding inside the woman’s genital organs. In the future, it will be necessary to protect yourself not so much from the risk of becoming pregnant, but from all kinds of bacteria that pose a danger to the mucous membranes of the internal organs.

Medical abortion, complications. Is medical abortion dangerous?

The high effectiveness of abortion drugs does not eliminate a number of complications. These include :

  • The pregnancy continues. At the same time, the health of the fetus and mother is undermined to a greater or lesser extent.
  • Contractions.
  • Inflammation of the female genital organs.
  • Fever.
  • Crash menstrual cycle.
  • Ovarian dysfunction.
  • After a medical abortion, abdominal pain.

To avoid consequences after a medical abortion, it is necessary to carry out the abortion strictly as prescribed by a highly qualified doctor. Given the consequences, medical abortion is not performed at home, since this approach only increases the risk of serious complications.

Medical abortion. Pain

Women experience abdominal pain similar to contractions after taking prostaglandin. This drug speeds up medical abortion. The pain is associated with contraction of the muscles that push the fetus out of the vagina. In most cases, the pain is tolerable. If the pain is unbearable, the doctor may prescribe a number of painkillers. The pain is similar to that of normal menstruation. They cannot be considered serious consequences after a medical abortion. The pain ends within 24 hours after taking prostaglandin. If the pain continues, you should consult a doctor for advice. May be required.

Bleeding after medical abortion

Do not rush to attribute prolonged bleeding to consequences after a medical abortion. After all, it is with the help of bleeding after a medical abortion that the expelled fetus is released. The amount of blood and blood clots released from a woman varies from person to person. Therefore, you should not call heavy or too scanty bleeding complications. But still, if very heavy bleeding occurs, it makes sense to go to the hospital. After all, blood loss is serious, which can be solved by blood transfusion. Too little blood loss may mean that the cervix has closed, which means that the fetus will not be able to get out safely. Ideally, heavy bleeding lasts 2 days, then further scanty discharge. In any case, it is advisable to consult your doctor for emergency assistance.

Restoring menstruation after medical abortion

Menstruation after medical abortion in best case scenario will begin one menstrual cycle after the abortion. Considering the consequences, medical abortion is considered the first day of menstruation. This means that a new menstrual cycle must be counted from the moment it occurs.

Menstruation after a medical abortion is restored differently for each woman. This mechanism cannot be predicted or influenced in any way.

Periods after a medical abortion (which are induced by drugs) can be very heavy. This may mean that part of the fetus remains in the uterine cavity. In this case, it is necessary to clean the uterus. Real natural periods appear after one month. If this does not happen, you should go to the hospital. Perhaps there is new pregnancy. You can get pregnant after a couple of weeks, but for normal pregnancy and the health of the child, recovery after medical abortion A woman's fertility should last at least six months.

A woman definitely needs recovery after a medical abortion. Avoid physical activity and possibly undergo physical therapy. Should we remind you about contraception? Probably worth it. After all, otherwise women would not resort to abortion.

Medical abortion does not provide absolute guarantees that there will be no complications after it is performed. Sometimes there are consequences after medication interruption pregnancy. A forum dedicated to this topic is one proof of this.

What is the likelihood of complications?

Of course, the likelihood of adverse consequences in in this case lower than at traditional methods abortion - vacuum aspiration and curettage of the uterine cavity. But we must understand that taking highly active pharmacological drugs in huge dosages (exactly what is needed to obtain the effect) represents a powerful blow to a woman’s body, and, first of all, the pituitary-ovarian system suffers.

About the consequences

Consequences after medical termination of pregnancy(on the forum you can find out reviews from women who have gone through this) sometimes they manifest themselves after several months, and sometimes even years. We list the main ones:
  • due to hormonal imbalance in the body, a woman can become completely infertile;
  • the monthly cycle often becomes unstable;
  • long and painful menstruation;
  • The character may change for the worse - the woman begins to be extremely irritable and sometimes even aggressive, or, on the contrary, completely lethargic and adynamic, she begins to suffer from depression.
All consequences of medical abortion can be divided into:
  • early consequences (or emergency complications) that occur within the first few days after taking medications;
  • late complications, which take place in the distant future (sometimes it can be several years).

Early consequences

Emergency complications, of course, include uterine bleeding, which without medical care can end very sadly (this is why medical termination of pregnancy should only be performed in hospitals or clinics).

An unpleasant, but not directly life-threatening, complication consists of strong, cramping pain in the lower abdomen. In principle, they are a direct consequence of medical termination of pregnancy, since both mifepristone and (in particular) misoprostol tend to increase the contractile activity of the uterus, which causes pain.

When taking drugs orally in rare cases There are spastic pains in the intestines and stool disorders, since they all tend to enhance the contractile activity of the smooth muscles of the intestine. In extremely rare cases (often with insufficient examination of the woman), medical termination of pregnancy is carried out against the background of pre-existing inflammatory diseases of the cervix, uterus, vagina (cervicitis, endometritis, vaginitis, salpingitis), in some cases even of a very specific (trichomonas, gonorrheal) etiology. This provokes the progression of inflammation, which until now had a hidden course, and the manifestation of a pronounced picture of an inflammatory disease: painful sensations in the lower abdomen, dark or greenish discharge from the vagina, sometimes with admixtures of pus, begins to bother, fever. In this case, treatment must necessarily include antibacterial agents in a hospital setting.

In some cases, after termination of pregnancy, the fertilized egg or its fragments or membranes remain in the uterine cavity. In this case, a condition occurs that is called incomplete abortion. Its presence can be suspected when, after manipulation, bleeding from the vagina does not stop a long period time. In this case, you should not try to correct the situation on your own, for example, by taking drugs that stop bleeding - the effect, if any, will be very short-lived. The most the right decision in this case, you will contact a gynecologist and ultrasonography. This will allow you to install the real reason bleeding. If this is an unseparated fertilized egg, then it must be removed surgical method which involves scraping out the uterine cavity.

Late complications

The second group includes late complications of medical abortion. These include disruption of a woman’s hormonal balance due to drug-induced damage to the ovaries, as well as complications associated with this, the most important of which, of course, is infertility.

It is quite difficult to treat infertility of this origin; sometimes the only option to get pregnant is in vitro fertilization.

Another consequence of medical abortion is a violation monthly cycle– menstruation becomes irregular, extremely heavy or, conversely, very scanty, sometimes very painful. Often, uterine bleeding appears in the middle of the menstrual cycle, lasts 3-4 days, and then stops spontaneously - while the woman cannot distinguish whether it is normal menstruation or uterine bleeding - the situation then becomes even more confusing.

In addition, after taking mifepristone, the likelihood of tumors of organs in which the growth and development is regulated by the hormonal system increases (in women, these are the ovaries, mammary glands). An increase in the likelihood of developing neoplasms of these organs is one of the life-threatening long-term complications of medical abortion.

What may increase the likelihood of complications:

Remember that the risk of complications from medical abortion increases when:
  • a woman takes the drug on her own, without the supervision of a doctor;
  • the patient is taking a drug of questionable quality;
  • the dosage of the drug is violated.

In other situations, when medical abortion is performed by a qualified doctor in a well-equipped medical institution with the help of a high-quality (and very expensive) original drug, the likelihood of complications is low.

Preserving a woman’s reproductive health involves gentle performance of all gynecological manipulations. This also applies to termination of pregnancy. It is known that the earlier the procedure is performed, the less dangerous the complications. It is optimal to completely abandon this manipulation, but this is not always possible. Therefore it is recommended when short term gestation to perform an abortion using medications.

What is a medication method?

Replacing the surgical instrument and vacuum aspirator with hormonal drugs made it possible to develop a technique pharmacological abortion. This non-invasive pregnancy loss procedure early stages, which occurs spontaneously.

Its advantages are associated with the following factors:

  • efficiency 98-99%;
  • no possibility of injury to the uterus or cervix during surgical procedures;
  • low risk of ascending infection;
  • there is no danger of getting HIV, hepatitis;
  • there are no risks caused by anesthesia;
  • can be used in primigravidas, influence on women Health minimal;
  • low level of stress, does not create a traumatic situation.

The procedure does not require a long hospital stay. After the patient has taken medications that cause a medical abortion, bleeding can be expected at home. But self-administration medicines without a doctor is impossible.

What's better, vacuum abortion or medicinal?

This is decided individually. But the complications and degree of interference in the body with vacuum aspiration are much higher.

How is the time for an abortion determined?

The timing for medical abortion is determined by the protocol of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 21015. They record that it is possible to carry out a gestational disorder up to 63 days, or the 9th week. But in world practice there are differences in how long this manipulation can be done. In developed countries, the period is defined as 49 days, or 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Why for pharmacological interruption Is there such a deadline?

At the 5th week of pregnancy, the embryo begins to acquire human features, the rudiments of many organs and the umbilical cord appear. At 6 weeks the placenta begins to form and continues to develop internal organs. At week 8, the embryo already has a completely human appearance and enters the fetal stage. After this period, the formation of blood vessels in the placenta occurs, so a medical abortion can cause heavy bleeding.

Registered and used in Russia the following drugs for medical abortion:

  1. Mifepristone 200 mg.
  2. Misoprostol 200 mcg.

Pharmacological abortion can be used if the gestational age corresponds to that allowed by the protocol. The main condition for the successful completion of the procedure is the day of pregnancy and the presence of an embryo inside the uterus according to ultrasound results. After caesarean section medicinal method preferable to .

Preparation for the procedure

When you first visit a gynecologist, you need to conduct a general examination, a bimanual examination on a chair and in mirrors, and swabs are taken from the vagina. Also measured arterial pressure, pulse, breathing rate. Next, the woman is sent for an ultrasound to establish exact day gestation, uterine conditions, ovum.

Referrals are given for blood, urine, glucose, and ECG tests. A coagulogram is prescribed if there is a history of problems with the blood coagulation system. May be needed additional methods examinations, the need for which is determined by the doctor.

Execution method

When visiting the obstetrician-gynecologist again, the patient signs consent to perform induced abortion through pharmacological drugs. How a medical abortion is performed is determined by the clinical protocol.

For gestational age up to 63 days, 200 mg of Mifepristone is used, which the woman drinks with a doctor. A doctor's supervision is required for 1-2 hours, after which you can go home.

If the period is 49 days, 200 mcg of Misoprostol is taken at the next visit after 24-48 hours. During pregnancy 50-63 days, 800 mcg of the drug is used. This medication should be placed under the tongue, behind the cheek, or deep in the vagina. At the latter method administration, you need to lie down for 30 minutes. The patient should be observed for 3-4 hours. During this period, most people begin to bleed. If this does not happen, to achieve the result, take Misoprostol 400 mcg tablet again.

The signs of abortion are identical spontaneous miscarriage. A woman feels a cramping stomach ache and menstrual-like discharge appears.

How long does the bleeding last?

For most women, it lasts 7-9 days. Blood discharge after the procedure is rarely observed until the next menstruation. If the manipulation is carried out for a period of 3-4 weeks, then bleeding is not much different from menstruation. As the period increases, the release of blood increases; sometimes the use of hemostatic therapy may be required.

After 14 days you need to appear for a follow-up examination. This is necessary to confirm that the interruption has occurred. If an unsuccessful medical abortion occurs, aspiration from the uterus is prescribed.


The above medications have serious side effects. Despite the high degree of safety, there are certain contraindications to medical abortion:

  • gestation period exceeds 63 days;
  • diagnosed;
  • large fibroids that change the internal cavity of the uterus;
  • infectious diseases of the genital organs in the acute period;
  • anemia with hemoglobin less than 100 g/l;
  • porphyria is a disease associated with impaired metabolism of the constituent pigment hemoglobin;
  • bleeding disorders, as well as taking anticoagulants;
  • individual intolerance to one of the drugs;
  • adrenal insufficiency or long-term use of glucocorticoids;
  • liver and kidney diseases, which are accompanied by acute or chronic failure;
  • severe diseases of other organs;
  • extreme exhaustion;
  • smoking when a woman is over 35 years old;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • glaucoma;
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • hormonally active tumors;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy during or after taking oral contraceptives.

According to WHO recommendations, interruption using Mifepristone is possible up to 22 weeks, but the severity of bleeding increases parallel to the period. In this case, for the duration of the procedure, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital, where there is a large operating room and emergency surgical care can be provided.

Fibroids threaten the development of bleeding, but if the size of the largest node is up to 4 cm and they do not change the uterine cavity, then you can resort to a pharmacological method.

Anemia is also a relative contraindication. The consequences of medical abortion can manifest themselves in a decrease in hemoglobin concentration: bleeding after taking medications exceeds menstrual bleeding in volume and duration.

Disturbances in hemostasis have implications for the volume and duration of blood loss. If shortly before the procedure the woman was treated with anticoagulants, then an increase in blood clotting time will lead to more heavy bleeding. Women over 35 who smoke are at risk of thrombosis and disease of cardio-vascular system. Therefore, to exclude complications, a consultation with a therapist is carried out.

Use of oral contraceptives long time before pregnancy also affects the hemostatic system. But this contraindication is relative. If the results of the coagulogram do not reveal pathological abnormalities, then this interruption method can be used.

If pregnancy occurs while an IUD is installed, it is removed before the procedure. Further tactics do not differ from the standards.

Infection of the genital organs is a pathology that requires appropriate therapy, which should not be delayed. Medical abortion does not contribute to the development of ascending infection, and treatment of acute infection can be carried out simultaneously.

Mifepristone and Misoprostol penetrate into breast milk. If there is a need for interruption during breastfeeding, then you need to express milk for up to 5 days after taking Misoprostol. During this time, the child is transferred to artificial feeding.

Bronchial asthma, high blood pressure and glaucoma are diseases that respond to prostaglandins. Therefore, in these pathologies, taking Misoprostol is contraindicated.

In addition, the contraindications for each drug should be taken into account. For the most part they coincide with those given above. It can only be supplemented with careful use of Misoprostol in patients with epilepsy, cerebral atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease.

Possible complications

Despite the small number of complications, it is possible to determine why medical abortion is dangerous. In 85% of cases adverse reactions in the form of abdominal pain and bleeding are moderate, special treatment is not required.

In other cases, manipulation can lead to the following complications:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • temperature;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • progressive pregnancy.

Pain in the lower abdomen is observed during the period of expulsion of abortion products. Its intensity may vary, but it also matters individual threshold portability. Analgin and Drotaverine are used to reduce pain. WHO recommendations indicate Ibuprofen to reduce pain. If your breasts hurt after an abortion, this may be a consequence high level, which increases with the progression of pregnancy. This symptom goes away on its own.

Bleeding is considered significant if you have to change two pads in an hour, and this condition lasts for at least 2 hours. In this case, vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterus is indicated in order to stop it. IN severe cases surgical cleaning is performed.

In 2-5% of cases, medical abortion is incomplete. Then it is also necessary to perform vacuum aspiration or curettage of the uterine cavity. Less than 1% of cases result in pregnancy progression. If a woman insists on an abortion, then they use invasive methods. Those who have changed their decision must be informed about the possible teratogenic effect of the drugs on the fetus. But there is not enough data to confirm this fact.

Taking medications may cause a slight increase in temperature, but this lasts no more than 2 hours. If the fever lasts for 4 hours or more or occurs one day after taking Misoprostol, this indicates the development of an infectious process. A woman with these symptoms should consult a doctor.

Infectious complications are not typical for pharmacological abortion. But there is a group of people who are at increased risk infectious complications:

  • , established by smear;
  • patients with a sexually transmitted infection up to 12 months ago, but there is no laboratory confirmation of its cure;
  • patients diagnosed with;
  • women with a large number of sexual partners or low socioeconomic status.

Other complications in the form of dyspeptic symptoms may be a sign of pregnancy itself. At allergic reactions treatment with antihistamines is necessary.

Recovery period

After taking Mifepristone and Misoprostol, there is no disruption of the menstrual cycle. But when menstruation begins and how long it lasts after a medical abortion is difficult to predict. The timing of the procedure matters; after an earlier interruption, the cycle is restored faster.

The first menstruation may begin in 30-50 days. But medical abortion does not affect the onset, so a new fertilization is possible in the first cycle. To avoid this, immediately after the procedure the doctor prescribes combination oral contraceptives. These may be such means as Yarina, Regulon, Rigevidon, Novinet, Lindnet, Jess. Selection medicine happens individually.

Protects from unwanted pregnancy in 99% of cases. Positive effect is the regulation and restoration of the menstrual cycle. Minimum term for such contraception is 3 months, but you need to wait for the body to fully recover to decide when you can get pregnant. Usually this is a period of at least 6 months.

If pregnancy occurs earlier, this can lead to complications such as:

  • threat of interruption;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • anemia in a woman.

Doctors' advice on how to restore the body after a medical abortion is as follows:

  • start taking oral contraceptives early;
  • avoid overheating and hypothermia in the first month after the procedure;
  • do not visit the sauna, swimming pool, or swim in open water;
  • not to accept hot bath, wash in the shower instead;
  • take care of your health during the season colds avoid crowds of people to avoid getting infected;
  • nutrition should be balanced, with sufficient protein and vitamins;
  • completely give up alcohol, eliminate smoking;
  • at first you should limit physical exercise. Those who are intensely involved in sports or fitness should stop going to the gym for a while;
  • will limit stressful situations and emotional stress.

Sexual activity after a medical abortion is possible after the end of the first menstruation. The uterus after an artificial miscarriage is an extensive wound surface with a breeding ground for microorganisms. Sexual contact always carries a risk of infection. In addition, active frictions can deliver discomfort or lead to resumption of bleeding.

Physiotherapy has a positive effect on the recovery process. The choice of a specific method of exposure must be agreed with the attending physician, because This method of treatment also has contraindications.

If the menstrual cycle does not resume within 2 months, you should consult a doctor to conduct an examination and look for the causes of hormonal imbalance. You may also be concerned about discomfort in the mammary glands, which have begun to prepare for lactation. Therefore, in some cases, a consultation with a mammologist is recommended.

Despite numerous positive aspects, medical abortion is not ideal method. Any interference with the internal environment can lead to unpleasant consequences. To avoid them, it is necessary to approach family planning issues correctly, and not solve the problem after it appears.

Today, there are several methods of terminating pregnancy. These interventions are carried out both at the request of the woman and in the presence of conditions and diseases in which the consequences of pregnancy can aggravate their course. Medical abortion is considered the newest and least traumatic.

Medical abortion is the termination of pregnancy using tablets.

Not a single procedure leaves its mark on the body. But there are methods that have little impact. Medical abortion is the least in a dangerous way and rarely causes complications. But sometimes they happen. Therefore, when using it, it is necessary to monitor your health in order to early diagnosis side effects.


All consequences after medical termination of pregnancy are divided into:

  • Frequent.
  • Rare.

The most common manifestations include:

  1. Nausea, vomiting.
  2. Indigestion.
  3. Delay of menstruation not exceeding four days.
  4. Stomach ache.

Rare consequences of medical abortion are:

  1. Head pain and dizziness.
  2. Change in blood pressure.
  3. Uterine bleeding.
  4. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  5. Allergic reactions.

The most rare manifestations, which occur one case in 10,000, include: Quincke's edema, uterine rupture and infectious-toxic shock.

Uterine rupture occurs as a consequence of a medical abortion only if the woman has previously had surgical interventions on it, or at ectopic pregnancy. The cause of the appearance is a violation of the coordinated contraction of the uterus.

According to the time of occurrence of the consequences of medical termination of pregnancy, the following types are distinguished:

  • Short term.
  • Medium term.
  • Late.

Short term consequences

This concept unites the whole group consequences of the medical method of abortion, which occur immediately after taking abortion medications.

The most common early consequences of medical abortion are:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Weakness.
  4. Loss of appetite.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Allergic reactions.

These symptoms are explained by the systemic effect of the drugs on all systems of the woman’s body.

If vomiting occurs immediately after taking the medication, you must re-take an identical dose.

Allergic reactions occur quite rarely. Its manifestations can be varied. From simple rashes on the skin and mucous membranes to symptoms of other serious conditions: swelling of the nasopharynx, difficulty breathing. If they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

To prevent their occurrence and provide timely medical care, doctors recommend staying in the hospital while taking the first doses of drugs.

Medium-term complications

Consequences of medical abortion, which require a short period of time to develop. Its duration varies from person to person. It varies from several hours to several days.

The appearance of these symptoms indicates the effect of the components of the drug on the fertilized egg and reproductive organs in order to provoke its expulsion from the woman’s body.

Medium-term consequences after medical abortion:

  1. Intense abdominal pain.
  2. Violation of the act of defecation.
  3. Digestive disorder.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Bleeding.
  6. Accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity.

Abdominal pain is associated with uterine spasms. Their intensity can vary: from moderately painful to strong and painful. The duration of pain is individual; it can bother a woman from several hours to several days. Doctors do not recommend the use of antispasmodic drugs, as they reduce the contractile activity of the uterus, causing incomplete abortion. For unbearable pain, it is possible to use drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, based on ibuprofen.

Bleeding that occurs in response to taking the drug is a natural process. With its help, the fertilized egg is expelled from the uterine cavity. The intensity and duration of bleeding varies from woman to woman. But you should be wary and, if necessary, consult a doctor if you have to change the pad twice in three hours, or the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor.

IN in some cases a situation is possible when the fertilized egg does not leave the uterine cavity. Experts call this condition incomplete abortion, if the growth of the embryo stops, or the pregnancy continues. The cause of these complications is incorrect calculation of the dose of drugs. The main diagnostic method is ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs (ultrasound). It is usually prescribed within a few days after stopping taking abortifacient pills. In case of incomplete abortion, the main method of treatment is curettage of the fertilized egg from the uterine cavity. Since the drugs have bad influence on the child and the woman’s reproductive organs; continuing pregnancy is an indication for its termination by other methods.

The mid-term consequences of medical abortion are of greatest concern to women. And it is they who sometimes require additional medical intervention.

When this type of abortion is performed in the early stages, the likelihood of complications occurring is negligible.

Late consequences

As a rule, they are thought about very rarely. But it is these complications that arise after several months and even years that change a woman’s quality of life for the worse. Most of them cannot be corrected or treated. According to statistics, the likelihood of late consequences of a medical abortion is quite low.

The most common complications arising in the delayed period:

  1. Hormonal disorders.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.
  3. Infectious diseases of the genital organs.
  4. Infertility.

Changes in hormonal balance occur in response to drugs used for abortion. These medications contain a powerful dose of various artificially created substances. They affect not only the fertilized egg and reproductive organs, but also all hormone-producing organs, causing disruption of their function.

The main symptoms to suspect the occurrence of inflammatory and infectious diseases:

  1. Increased body temperature.
  2. Weakness.
  3. Malaise.
  4. Pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. Discharge from the genital tract with an unpleasant odor.

With these manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

In response to hormonal changes or infectious and inflammatory complications may cause infertility. Correction this state, in most cases, labor-intensive work. This consequence is most frightening for women of reproductive age.

It is worth remembering that any intervention is always extremely likely to result in various consequences. To minimize their occurrence, you should consult a gynecologist. After deciding whether to use a medical abortion, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions for using abortifacient drugs.

Translated from Latin, abortion (abortus) means “miscarriage”, a way to terminate a pregnancy. artificial method. Before making such a decision, you should think seriously, because we are talking about a little innocent person! Regardless of the sufficient number of different contraceptive methods, women turn to the services of doctors in order to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy using medication. Motherhood is the most excellent condition any woman, but despite this, every three pregnancies are accompanied by one abortion. Most similar procedure may seem harmless - you take a few pills and get rid of the “heaviness”. Could there be consequences? Let's consider.

What you need to know

Medicinal, pharmacological, or drug-induced abortion aims to terminate a pregnancy using antiprogestogenic drugs. It costs much more than other methods of termination and is carried out up to five weeks of pregnancy. Today, this type of abortion for the health of a pregnant woman is considered the safest, not involving surgical intervention. A woman planning a medical abortion should consider the following points: the occurrence of bleeding after taking a drug prescribed by a doctor does not always mean the result of the effectiveness of the procedure.

The fact is that the fertilized egg may not be completely removed. That is why, 7 days after drug intervention, a woman must be examined by an obstetrician-gynecologist to confirm that the pregnancy is indeed terminated.

Taking some medications can cause not only painful uterine contractions. The condition is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting. High chance of diarrhea. Medical abortion, like any other termination of pregnancy, provokes uterine bleeding. In this regard, it is advisable for the woman to be at home after the procedure. If complications arise, you must urgently contact your doctor or go directly to the hospital.

Early and late consequences

The consequences of medical termination of pregnancy relative to surgical intervention are considered less traumatic and rarely lead to serious complications or infertility. They have both early and late consequences.
Early ones occur during the abortion procedure itself and during the week after it. It is generally accepted that the effectiveness of medicinal abortion reaches 98%. Of course, much will depend on the professionalism of the doctors, but in fact, certain complications occur.

Progressive pregnancy

After taking the drug, there is a 1.5–2.% chance of pregnancy continuing to develop. Similar complication can be confirmed by a follow-up examination with a gynecologist and ultrasound. Most often, pregnancy is recommended to be terminated through surgery, since the risk of having a child with various malformations is very high.

“Two days after the medical abortion, my stomach hurt. Didn't start out well heavy discharge. Three weeks later I started feeling nauseous. An ultrasound revealed that the fetus was alive and nothing came out of the uterus. I decided that this was fate. The pregnancy itself turned out to be difficult, and all the prescribed ultrasounds were blurry, the fetus was not clearly visible. In the eighth month, contractions began and bleeding began. The baby was born dead with a number of pathologies. I had to be treated for depression for almost a year, but I still haven’t come to my senses.”

Severe bleeding

Intensity may be due to large doses taken hormonal drugs causing disruption of uterine contractions. In case of such a reaction, drugs to stop bleeding are prescribed. If the effect does not occur, you will probably have to perform surgical curettage of the uterine cavity.

Incomplete abortion

The remaining particles of fertilized egg in the uterus is called an incomplete abortion. Typically, this complication depends on individual characteristics woman's body or with the wrong dosage of the drug. In this case, immediate curette (curettage) is necessary to avoid genital infection and possible bleeding.

Infectious complications

Complications accompanied by infection after a pharmacological abortion occur much less frequently, but you should be aware of them.

Hormonal disorders

Hormonal disorders occur much more often after pharmacological abortion than after surgical abortion. This is due to violent termination of pregnancy, since female body I have already hormonally adjusted to carrying a baby. Another reason hormonal problems there may be excessive doses of drugs hormonal action. Late consequences most often develop after early complications on average, every tenth woman who has an abortion.

Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the uterus

Chronic inflammation fallopian tubes and appendages can be caused by an infection in the uterus that is not detected in time. Sometimes similar diseases can cause a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy.


The result of a medical abortion can be obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which in turn leads to infertility.

Subsequent pregnancies

Possible trauma to the cervix can lead to the development of so-called cervical insufficiency (isthmic-cervical insufficiency). This pathology is often the cause of miscarriages ( spontaneous abortions) or premature birth.

Menstrual irregularities

The lining of the uterus changes, which can cause all sorts of menstrual irregularities, accompanied by pain.

Mental disorders

Most women experience mental crises. Irritability occurs, sleep is disturbed, mood often changes, and a feeling of guilt haunts you. Sometimes it comes to suicide attempts.

Termination of the first pregnancy is considered especially dangerous, which is often accompanied by the inability to maintain a relationship with a partner and start a new one. A disturbed psyche cannot but affect sex life women.

“I had a medical abortion at 5 weeks. The procedure was very unpleasant. After taking the pills, just pieces and bloody clots began to come out of me. The bleeding lasted 3 weeks. I am only 24 years old and I still plan to have children. The worst thing is mine moral condition. Depression began. The thought of the injured little man does not let me go, to this day. »

If there are no special medical reasons, you should think many times before making a decision. Abortion is the toughest and extreme case in the fate of a woman.

It is impossible to say what consequences it will have. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s vacuum or medicinal method interruptions are selected, the consequences are always individual. Leading sex life, it is important to always remember possible complications and use it on time suitable means for contraception.
