Effective conspiracies and rituals for reconciliation - we restore relationships with the help of magic. Conspiracy: How to reconcile with a daughter or son How to reconcile a son with a father conspiracy

If it so happened in life that a quarrel prevents people from living peacefully in peace and harmony, then you should not be inactive. There are several excellent options to get out of the resulting conflict. Some people try to figure it out on their own, while delving more and more into a quarrel, and thereby only aggravating hostility towards each other.

However, today there is one very good way with which you can calm down, remember something good and meet a person halfway - these are conspiracies for reconciliation.

A very unpleasant situation is when a wife is in a quarrel with her husband because of some trifle and at the same time they may not talk to each other for weeks. In order to make peace with a person and at the same time not aggravate the situation, you need to read the conspiracies and restore those former and wonderful feelings of love with each other. It must be remembered that it is necessary to read the slander in absolute silence and alone from prying eyes:

“I don’t walk on the hot sun, I don’t walk on the cold moon, I walk on mother earth. Just as the stars do not quarrel with each other, do not squabble, just as the trees do not swear with the wind, so it would have been in my house, the hearth of the family, there had never been any scolding or swearing. Be my words stronger than steel fetters, so that forever is enough. Key. Lock. Amen three times!"

After the entire procedure, it is necessary to avoid communicating with people and in no case give anything to anyone. You just need to go to bed in the hope that everything will work out.

A conspiracy to reconcile with a husband works very effectively if you approach this matter with a special mood. First you need to get rid of all negative thoughts.

They say that a candle helps a person to calm down and therefore it is recommended to read the text with a candle, but before that you just need to sit for fifteen minutes and look at it in order to finally clear your negative thoughts.

Conducting a ritual for reconciliation with a best friend

Sometimes it happens that a trouble happened with a friend, which led to a very strong quarrel and it is necessary to somehow get out of the situation so as not to aggravate it even more. When a conspiracy to reconcile with a best friend is read, it is necessary:

  • think very carefully about those feelings that were before the quarrel;
  • you need to imagine for a moment that a person is happy and fully enjoys life;
  • you need to throw out all the negativity in relation to your girlfriend from your thoughts, and only after you have the right attitude, you need to read conspiracies for reconciliation:

“Holy Virgin, wave your white wing and reconcile us. We have always been like a key and a lock, like the moon and stars. And they ate bread and salt together. Who sowed confusion between us, may God be his judge. Our quarrel over someone's evil envy. I, Holy Virgin, do not hold a grudge against my friend and I want him to have no grudge against me. Illuminate our path with rays of light and turn away envious people and squabblers!

After the deed is done, you need to imagine a person with whom you are in a quarrel, in this case with a girlfriend, mentally send her all the love, gratitude and positive.

Ritual for reconciliation with a loved one

Sometimes in love couples it happens that someone misunderstood someone or did something wrong, on the basis of which a conflict arises that does not please anyone. But all problems in the relationship must be removed immediately in the bud. If it becomes noticeable that clouds are beginning to gather on the horizon, which as a result will not lead to anything good, you must immediately begin to act.

A conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one must be pronounced in absolute solitude, without prying eyes, so that the negative energy of a nearby person is not interfered with the spoken words. But for this you do not need to close yourself in a dark and empty room, you just need to mentally distance yourself from everything around you and completely focus your thoughts on reconciliation. Hex words:

“As the sun returns to the sky at dawn, so you, beloved, God’s servant (name of the betrothed) will return to me (reader’s name), but you won’t look at others anymore, you won’t look, you won’t turn around. I close the lock of these words with a forged key, but I throw it into the deep sea. Now no one will find, will not open. Amen!".

A strong conspiracy to conduct reconciliation

In order to conduct a strong conspiracy to reconcile, the table is covered with a canvas and photographs of those people who need to be reconciled are placed on it. Then you need to take a candle in your hand and light it. Then you need to hold a lit candle around the photos and read special words:

“May joy illuminate your face (the name of the desired person), may it whiten your bright soul, may it open your deep mind. Let all quarrels and disagreements turn into light. My will will illuminate your life, and friendship will give true, long. May it be so. Amen!".

Conducting rituals of reconciliation on Pokrov

On such a holiday as the Intercession, you can perform various rituals and read conspiracies for reconciliation. Despite the fact that the Intercession is a women's holiday, men or young guys who want to somehow improve their lives and make some changes to it can be bewitched on this beautiful day. If a man reads a certain conspiracy on Pokrov, then it is believed that within a year he must meet his love.

Also, since ancient times, many rituals of reconciliation have been performed on Pokrov, which helped people establish relationships and restore the destroyed world between relatives, loved ones or between friends. Very often, a quarrel between close people can drag on for more than one year, for example, between a brother and sister, and the mother’s heart hurts because she doesn’t know how to reconcile them. But, perhaps, the conspiracies carried out for reconciliation on Pokrov will help improve relations in the family.

To perform the ceremony for the Pokrov, you must:

  • go to church in the morning and buy 3 candles;
  • one of the candles should be placed near the icon of the Virgin, and the remaining two should be brought home;
  • take photographs of people to be reconciled;
  • put lighted candles on both sides of them and read the plot:

"Holy Mother of God,
Where is your holy cover?
Save with your cover and hide us servants of God (names).
So that we do not quarrel with each other,
They didn’t quarrel, like dogs didn’t bark.
As grass is reaped and mowed in autumn,
So are You, Mother of God,
Take away all the stupid anger from us.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!".

When the candles burn down to half, you need to extinguish them, hide the pictures, and tie the candles with a red ribbon and remove them behind the icon of the Holy Mother of God.

Miraculous words: a prayer to make peace with your daughter in full description from all the sources we found.

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Conspiracy: How to make peace with your daughter or son

“It's been almost three years since my only son last stepped into my house, and it's all because of my daughter-in-law. She has an inexplicable power over him, he does everything as she says. My son works at two jobs, and she spends this hard-earned money on all sorts of nonsense. Once I could not stand it and said to her: “Lilya, why do you need so many things? You would feel sorry for Tolya, he already looks like a skeleton. It would be better if you went to a resort, rested and healed, and rags are real nonsense. After all, if, God forbid, you ever need money, you won’t be able to sell it: the stores are full of everything now. Don't throw money away." She did not like my words, she complained to my son and forbade him to come to me. At first he went furtively: he would bring milk - and ran home so that his wife would not find out about anything. But apparently, someone told her all the same. She gave her son a terrible scandal and set a condition: either I, or my mother. How can I reconcile with my son and daughter-in-law, because I am already sixty-eight years old.

The following conspiracy for peace with your daughter or son should help you:

There is a wave on the sea, God tames it,

The servant of God (name) forgives the servant of God (name).

Let her smile when she sees me

And when he hears me, he is comforted,

How a mother comforts a child,

And the child is a red apple.

Amen to my word

Amen to my work.

Key to my words, lock to my deeds.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Help of a shaman. Order a spell:

Prayer for reconciliation with man

Each person in life may have a difficult situation, a quarrel with loved ones, and he begins to seek help in prayer appeals to the saints. And although science has not been able to prove whether prayers help, most people sincerely believe in their miraculous power. There is nothing wrong with this, so it is worth trying to carefully consider what happens when a person performs a prayer ritual. Prayer for the reconciliation of the warring, for example, can work real miracles.

Scientists who have been studying prayers for many years have found that when reading a prayer, the sound rhythms uttered when reading a prayer service contribute to the creation of certain frequency vibrations. They completely coincide with the fluctuations of human biorhythms.

And if a believer starts reading a prayer, reading a prayer service streamlines his biorhythms, heals, calms and sets him up for positive thinking.

The best feeling on earth is love. When a person loves and is loved, life is delightful, beautiful and amazing. But not always everything can be perfect between two people and there are moments when a black cat ran between them like a black cat. In such situations, it seems that life has lost all meaning, white colors have turned black, and a person experiences nothing but anger towards others and incredible sadness. And in order to correct the current situation and return your beloved husband or girlfriend to your life, you should use the help of prayer appeals for reconciliation.

The ancient power of prayer for reconciliation

Not a single word spoken by a loved one can disappear without a trace. Every thought affects others. It happens that this influence is quite insignificant, and sometimes it is very noticeable. Human thoughts are distinguished by their special power, and it is not for nothing that many argue that they are material and can be heard by higher powers.

A praying person not only asks God for something, he learns to understand himself and his real desires. If it comes to someone's mind to return a loved one, siblings or girlfriend, and his desire is sincere, then the prayer for a speedy reconciliation will certainly have a positive effect.

Prayer for the reconciliation of the warring is the most ancient way to influence a person and his destiny.

Do not confuse the prayer for reconciliation with love magic. In magic, a love spell makes a person experience passion against his will. And the witchcraft ritual limits the freedom of choice of a person. Prayer for the reconciliation of the warring, on the contrary, acts gently, it will in no way harm and bring happiness. To read it, there is no need to study special magic formulas and to get acquainted with secret rites. Prayer for reconciliation has a beneficial effect and will help you get your girlfriend or spouse back.

Although if the husband and wife are not destined to be together, prayer will not disturb the order of things. This is what makes it different from love magic. It is better to go through a breakup once than to torment each other for life.

A prayer for love addressed to Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are the patrons of spouses in love, will help you return your beloved husband.

You can read the texts of prayers for reconciliation both aloud and mentally, at home or in church. Even the text of the prayer itself is not so important. In order to return your loved one with the help of prayers, it will be enough for you to approach their reading with pure thoughts and confidence that your love is strong.

The words themselves must come from the depths of the heart. Only then will the prayer be able to reach the addressee. And most importantly, you must definitely believe that your words will be heard. The basis of true magic is true faith, it is on it that human happiness is based.

How should prayers for reconciliation be read?

Prayers for reconciliation help not only to return a loved one back to a family or girlfriend, but also provide considerable assistance in reconciling enemies. But in order for the miraculous power of prayers to help reconcile with your loved one, you yourself should not be angry with anyone. Pray for the health of your enemies. Only by forgiving your neighbor can you receive forgiveness from God. The prayer for reconciliation turns a person's thoughts towards the good and forgiveness of all people.

It is imbued with the attitude of a Christian created by Jesus and his disciples.

Prayers for reconciliation help to find protection from evil, to be cleansed, and also provide considerable assistance in achieving goals.

Do not neglect prayers for reconciliation with a girlfriend or husband, and soon you will be surprised at the results.

Prayers help get rid of evil, protect, purify, and also help achieve our goals.. Do not neglect them, and you will be surprised at the power of prayers and the results obtained. When reading a prayer, it is necessary to close your eyes and say the words about delivering a person from filth. Take a deep breath and exhale. Mentally imagine how a stream of bright light descends on you. Let this light penetrate you and squeeze all the dirt and malice out of you.

If you do not know where and when to read prayers to God for reconciliation, then you should know that the Lord is omnipresent and he will hear you everywhere. The most important prayer is the prayer service "Our Father".

During the two millennia of the existence of Christianity on earth, these words have been filled with great spiritual power, and living biological energy has helped them in this.

You do not need to read all the prayers at once or alternate them. You need to choose the ones that will suit your state of mind. You need to feel the prayer, understand and love it, if you want the Divine energy to come to you without barriers, to concentrate around you. If you say prayers for reconciliation daily, you can achieve the best result.

Prayer for Reconciliation: Comments

Comments - 12,

I quarreled with my beloved man the other day, and as usual, both were to blame, he did not want to meet halfway, and I was not very eager, a little time passed, I began to miss this person greatly, but I didn’t know how best to start a conversation, I decided to pray for reconciliation, I prayed with all my heart, and he called me himself! Not immediately, but still, I don’t know if this prayer helped or something else, but in my case we are together again and love and respect each other more

Hello, please tell me after how many days the prayer worked?

Understand one thing, a petition to God is not a spell. A day, two, three, a month may pass. It all depends on your Faith and understanding that the Lord is the Creator of the Universe!

And you need to turn to him not only when you feel bad, but every day! It’s even better to become churched: resort to the Sacraments of the Church: Confession, Communion, only then you will understand ... ..

God save you! It is necessary to pray, I believe that the Lord was heard, and the quarrel, and bewilderment, and resentment are gone. Thank God we forgave each other!



Mom and sister became foes, I ask God today to stink knowing my language, but on the butt dribnitsy and through the bedroom, this conflict is getting bigger.

I am a Muslim, my husband and his brother have not communicated with each other for five years, they are at enmity with each other, I really wanted them to reconcile and start messing around

Try on their adult 2 sons, otherwise they are like enemies. To be friends. helped each other

Forgive me, a sinner, I repent of my sins, may everyone forgive me, those whom I offended, slandered, slandered, started a quarrel between people, forgive me, God save me!

This is some kind of miracle, I reconciled with my wife, who did not want to have anything to do with me anymore. A month of attempts to reconcile did not lead to anything. I went to church, prayed, began to pray at home, and last night she forgave me. This is a miracle, prayers are really strong, they help. If you are in despair, pray with all your heart and with all your soul and God will hear you!

Strong prayers for the reconciliation of the warring

Almost every person is given the opportunity to use a unique gift - prayer. Prayer is a form of communication with the Almighty. Therefore, anyone who wants to develop spiritually can use such interaction with the Creator.

The power of a word

You can pray to help others to sort out various troubles and quarrels. As many modern studies indicate, a praying person changes many of his own characteristics., in particular, if you do a tomography of the brain during the prayer period, it is possible to notice a very atypical picture that is not characteristic of everyday brain functions.

Although such purely physiological changes are only a small part of the transformations that are achieved through prayer in this world.

The power of prayer is enormous and there are many testimonies of saving entire cities or helping in unimaginable situations. However, this power must be used with a certain amount of respect and caution. In some ways, such a force is similar to atomic energy, which can both provide resources to a city and help people, but can also destroy a city.

Therefore, especially for people who use this tool of religious practice, special texts have been created for a variety of situations. These verbal formulas are written in a certain way so that the one who prays cannot harm himself and others, and receives certain benefits.

Many formulas were created by saints and contain not only a deep meaning, but also the power of these saints, who have achieved a high skill in communicating with the Almighty and can help others in this matter.

Additionally, it should be added about the power of prayer, which surpasses the power of many different magical manipulations. Indeed, in most existing practices, the adept refers to various spirits or other spheres of being. Sometimes we are talking about certain hypostases of the divine or one's own psyche (oriental practices), or it can simply be about influencing energy or manipulating different energies.

One way or another, the result and effectiveness of such an impact largely depends on the development of the practitioner himself, experience in working with certain energies and the impeccability of technology. However, even a powerful practitioner cannot always achieve the effect that prayer gives.

Each praying person receives help from above and does not use his own resources. In our example, reconciliation is performed not by some magical manipulation, but by divine grace. Therefore, you can expect the best result.

The Importance of Humility and Faith

Of course, much depends on your faith and humility. In order for prayer to bring you results, you must be humble and filled with faith. At the same time, there is no need to artificially create such a mood and use prayer as a trip to the market: you give away a little humility and faith, you are given what you ask.

In such a matter, it is your sincerity that is of great importance, and without sincerity you will not find true faith and humility. Therefore, many prayers are created for such situations when people really cannot do anything and they can only rely on help from above. In such situations, they really begin to believe and can pray sincerely.

It is better to use focused and good prayers when you really need to. In particular, prayers for reconciliation, which can help you.

Prayers for Reconciliation

There are different versions of such prayers and for your convenience they are classified according to various topics.

If you want to reconcile your loved ones or reconcile yourself, with any of your relatives, you can use the appeal to these saints, who are an example of kindness.

For relatives

To the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb, in baptism to Roman and David:

Oh, holy duo, beautiful brethren, good martyrs Boris and Glebe, from youth served Christ with faith, purity and love, and with their blood, like a purple robe, adorned, and now reigns with Christ! Do not forget us who are on earth, but like a warm intercessor, by your strong intercession before Christ God, keep the young in holy faith and purity unharmed from every pretense of unbelief and impurity, protect us all from all sorrow, bitterness and vain death, tame all enmity and malice raised up by the action of the devil from neighbors and strangers. We beseech you, passion-bearers of Christ, ask the Greatly Gifted Lord for all of us to forgive our sins, unanimity and health, deliverance from the invasion of foreigners, internecine strife, ulcers and famine. Provide your intercession (this city and) to all who honor your holy memory, forever and ever. Amen.

For people in conflict

Almost universal and most powerful, it can be used as a separate text when you want to make peace with someone or make peace with someone.

The Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her Icon of the Softening of Evil Hearts or the Seven Arrows:

O long-suffering Mother of God, who exalted all the daughters of the earth, according to Your purity and the multitude of sufferings You have transferred to the earth, accept our many painful sighs and save us under the shelter of Your mercy. We don’t know any other refuge and warm intercession for You, but, as if you have boldness to the One born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we will sing with all the saints in the Trinity to the one God now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

For the warring parties

O Lord, Lover of mankind, King of the ages and Giver of good things, who destroyed the enmity of the mediastinum and gave peace to the human race, grant peace to Your servants now, root Your fear in them and affirm love for each other: extinguish all strife, take away all disagreements and temptations. For you are our peace and we send glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For spouses

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Descend before us who ask, and let go of all sinful deeds. Have mercy and overcome the enmity between your servants (calling in turn the names of those whom you wish to reconcile). Cleanse their souls from filth and the power of the devil, protect them from evil people and envious eyes. Like a quarrel over an evil deed, return it to the wicked adversaries. May Thy will be done, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The following prayers for the reconciliation of husband and wife are mainly used by women, but men can also use any prayer, only some details need to be changed. It is necessary to pronounce not “beloved”, but “beloved”, although, perhaps, this fact is already clear.

Prayer for the return of the beloved to the saints Peter and Fevronia:

Oh, great miracle workers, saints, saints of God, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I turn to you, I pray to you with bitter hope. Bring about me, a sinner, prayers to the Lord God himself. And ask His goodness: faith, yes to the right, hope, yes to the good, unfeigned love! Help my heart with my beloved, the servant of God (Name), be together. Amen! (3 times).

Prayer to the Lord for reconciliation in the family:

The Lord is my God, you are my protection, I trust in you, Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos and Saints. I raise my prayer to you, I ask you for help in difficult times, in the return of my beloved servant of God (name of the beloved). Hear my sinful prayer, do not leave my bitter request unattended by the servant of God (your name). Lord, Mother of God and Saints, I ask you to return your beloved (Name of the beloved), return his heart to me. Amen (3 times).

To multiply love

In these days, when even in your homeland you often see a lot of enmity and discord, it becomes relevant to read prayers to help your own country, to eliminate enmity between people who live on this earth. Such a prayer can benefit you specifically and will benefit all people in general, as it settles quarrels and enmity.

Prayer of repentance, read in the days of turmoil:

Lord, God, Almighty, look upon us, Thy sinful and unworthy children, who have sinned against Thee, angered Thy goodness, brought Thy righteous wrath upon us, who have fallen into the depths of sin. You see, Lord, our weakness and sorrow of the soul, weigh the corruption of our minds and hearts, the impoverishment of faith, the deviation from Your commandments, the multiplication of family discord, separation and strife of the church, You see our sorrows and sorrows, from diseases, famines, drowning, burning and internecine strife occurring. But, Merciful and Humane-loving Lord, enlighten us, instruct and have mercy on us unworthy. Correct our sinful life, quench strife and discord, gather the squandered, unite the scattered, give peace to our country and prosperity, deliver me from serious troubles and misfortunes. All-Holy Master, enlighten our minds with the light of the teaching of the Gospel, warm our hearts with the warmth of Thy grace and direct me to do Thy commandments, may Thy all-holy and glorious name be glorified in us, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

How to read a prayer?

As stated at the beginning of the article at the heart of every prayer: sincerity and faith. Essentially, the rest is not essential, however you can use the following:

  • calm environment
  • church candles or incense
  • home icons
  • concentration
  • reading inspirational books

Anyway, it's about getting soaked in a certain mood and setting yourself up for prayer.

Of course, prayer in a temple is a perfectly acceptable option, where you can choose an icon for prayer and put candles, and it will most likely become much easier for you to get the right mood. In the temple, you can attend the service and pray after. If necessary, you can turn to the saints in any other setting, as they are gracious and can help everyone.

This conspiracy will help parents reconcile with their children. if they are in a quarrel and do not communicate with each other.

It is desirable that the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, the nominal icon of the child, the icon of the Savior stand nearby.

The moon doesn't matter

“I will get up, blessed, cross myself three times.
My foot is on the stone.
Faith is with me, the cross is on me.
How I washed diapers from my child,
She washed him from sweat, saved him from evil people,
May God wash his soul.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From lessons, from prize-winners, from female conspiracies,
From the young and gray-haired,
from masters small and large.
From poppy and honey, from blood and sweat,
From all the red dawns.
Lord help, Lord bless.
Open his eyes to holy images,
On me, his mother,
For father and grandmother.
How he loved me so far
spoke kind words.
Grant also, Lord, from this hour,
From Your order, from my conspiracy,
Okay and quick, so that it fits.
In the name of the Father, and the son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Conspiracy for love between parents and children:

Enclose, Lord, with a holy thou
From earth to heaven, a servant of God (father's name),
And his son, the servant of God (the name of the son).
To have eternal peace between them
And endless, both in the world and in the house.
How are you, Lord?
You love your Mother and honor,
Pity her and respect her,
So that the son, the servant of God (name),
With his father, a servant of God (name),
Were in harmony and love forever and endlessly.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

This plot is read 12 or 40 days. The reader is fasting.

To remove the blood feud, read the report. You need to read it after sunset, three times in a row.

I will get up, blessed, cross myself three times. My foot is on the stone. Faith is with me, the cross is on me. How I washed diapers from my child, washed him from sweat, saved him from evil people, God forbid, wash his soul. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

From lessons, from prize-winners, from female conspiracies, from young and gray-haired, from masters small and large. From poppy and honey, from blood and sweat, from all red dawns. God help me. God bless. Open his eyes to the holy images, to me, his mother, father and grandmother. How he loved me hitherto, he spoke kind words. Give it the same, Lord, from this hour, from Your order, from my conspiracy, okay and quickly, so that things come together. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Conspiracy for reconciliation, read in the morning at dawn and in the evening after sunset.

Enclose, Lord, with a holy thyn from earth to heaven me (name) and my children (names).

So that between us there was eternal and endless peace, both in the world and in the house.
How are you Mr. go, love your Mother and honor, pity her and respect her, so that my children will be in harmony and love with me forever and endlessly.

My word is strong, my work is sculpted.In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

This prayer will help reconcile spouses, work colleagues, and indeed any people who are at war with each other.

Lord Love of mankind, King of the ages and Giver of good things! You destroy enmity among your neighbors and bring peace to the whole human race. Grant now peace in the heart of the servant of God (full name of the person with whom you are at enmity). Root the fear of the Lord in her heart and affirm love for me, the servant of God (your full name). Extinguish all strife between us, the servants of God (your full names), take away all disagreements and temptations between us. As glory to You I send to our world forever and ever. Amen! Amen! Amen!"


Prayer to the martyrs Adrian and Natalia.

“O sacred couple, the holy martyrs of Christ Adrian and Natalia, blessed spouses and good sufferers. Hear us praying to you with tears, and send down on us all that is useful to our souls and our bodies, and pray to Christ God, have mercy on us and do with us according to His mercy, that we not perish in our sins. Hey, holy martyrs! Receive the voice of our prayer, and deliver us with your prayers from gladness, destruction, coward, flood, fire, hail, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from sudden death and from all troubles, sorrows and illnesses, but strengthen with your prayers and intercession let us glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, to Him befits all glory, honor and worship, with His Father without beginning and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Prayer to the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian.

“O great and all-praised apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, confidante of Christ, our warm intercessor and quick helper in sorrow! Beg the Lord God to grant us the remission of all our sins, even if we have sinned from our youth, in all our life, deed, word, thought and all our feelings. At the end of our souls, help us sinners to be delivered from air ordeals and eternal torment, and by your merciful intercession we glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Remove hatred between husband and wife.

Soak the cord in holy water and dry.

Three knots are tied in the middle, one on one. After the conspiracy is completed, it is burned.

Tie and read at the same time.

, In the forest aspen hut
Guarded by three mad dogs
Wool in tufts, sharp fangs
The black ones bark to graze, bite, they don’t let them into the hut.
(begin to tie knots)
I'll tie up anger and the first and second and third
I'll shut the dogs in the mouth.
Dogs will eat anger, with (names) anger will be removed.
There is no anger in the house
Live in evil dogs and die.
I tied my anger with three knots, three chains
For three hundred years and three years.
Whoever gnaws the knots will take the anger for himself.
It is said - tied up, tightened, entangled.

For love between husband and wife.


Pavel asks Peter: “Where did you hear the voice of the sturgeon? The fish does not speak, does not bite, does not scream, does not eat up. Saint Peter answers: "The fish does not cry, the fish, Paul, is silent." So in the family of the slave (name) they would not shout in anger, but they would love and put up for every year and for every hour, and for half an hour, and for a minute, and forever and ever. Amen."

Talk about fish and feed your husband and/or wife.

Read for food, drink:

How Eve followed Adam
so you, slave (name), go for the slave (name).
So that they live together for a century, share bread and bed,
not lagging behind each other
they did not know peace without each other.
Where the slave (name), there is the slave (name). Amen."

You don't deserve such a callous attitude from your daughter. As a mother, you regret that you missed a child at a certain stage of upbringing. Read a strong conspiracy.

No sorcery. Do not be afraid, we will not turn to the forces of destruction.

You don't have to redeem.

After a short period of time, your daughter will change her attitude towards her mother for the better.

Go to the Orthodox Temple and buy 5 candles.

Come back without religious ceremonies.

Light all the candles.

Look closely at the fire.

Do not disturb the spiritual wound by remembering the quarrels.

Do not scold your daughter, do not reproach yourself.

Your relationship will improve soon.

Confidently read the proposed magical plot.

Oh, Fire, you blaze in the night, melt the ice and save you from the cold. Make your daughter see clearly, look at me differently. Let him be softer, not angry, closer to his mother with his heart. Oh, Fire, if I'm guilty, don't let the retribution torment me too much. Those who quarrel us, induce damage, let them leave the threshold in peace. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

You blow out the candles. Take the spell sheet to a secluded place.

After about a week, repeat all occult activities.

Live in harmony!

Author: Site Administrator | Published: 03/31/2017 | Home | STRONG CONSPIRACIES

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A conspiracy to make the daughter obey the mother

Do not reproach your naughty daughter. Your mother's heart is torn apart. But being rude won't solve the problem. Read the strongest magical conspiracy. 3 days.

Perhaps this is a transitional age, and the daughter's desire to assert herself in this way.

Her harsh temper, from which she is unable to get rid of.

Personal difficulties that she is afraid to tell you about.

Go to the Orthodox Temple and buy 7 candles.

Return immediately.

Exactly at midnight retire in a locked room.

Light all the candles.

With an effort of will, imagine how your daughter obediently agrees with you.

Proceed to the repeated and firm reading of a harmless magical conspiracy.

As a mother, this is holiness for a child, may my daughter always be happy with me. He will begin to behave obediently, he will recoil from nasty advice. In a conflict, he will agree with me, he will not scream and get angry. Nothing will hide from me, our house will not be washed with tears. Fire, let the man take notice, the wife of the worthy will meet. But even then, the mother will not leave, she will humbly ask for advice. May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Bury cinders in the ground. Remove the handwritten sheet.

If there is no result, after about 2 weeks, repeat the occult venture again.

Good luck!

Author: Site Administrator | Published: 03.04.2017 | Home | STRONG CONSPIRACIES

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ZagovorMaga.ru » Conspiracies » Conspiracy options for the love of a son for his mother

It is not unfortunate, but sometimes there are situations when parents cannot improve their relationship with their children. The reason is not that parents do not try, or do not pay due attention to their child. The reason is that children cannot relate normally to their parents. In such cases, a conspiracy to love a son for a mother, or a daughter for a mother, comes to the rescue. White magic has always been considered an assistant in family affairs. It has been used throughout the ages. Magic has always come to the rescue in difficult moments of life.

A conspiracy to love a son or daughter to mother

Reasons for disobedient children

Descendants can be rude to their parents for several reasons.

  1. Transitional age. At this time, all children stop behaving normally, because it seems to them that the whole world is against them. This is rather a psychological problem than a physiological one, because it is at this age that children undergo a change in character, and the formation of themselves as a person.
  2. Bad Company. Sometimes a child may contact bad company, because he wants to express his opinion. He believes that new friends will help him become what he wants to see himself.
  3. Different outlooks on life. Of course, parents know better what is good and what is bad. But children are not used to prohibitions. They want everything to be the way they want. And every parental comment is taken as a challenge. Psychologists say that "forbidden fruit is sweet", so every prohibition is accepted as something desired.

If you want your son and daughter to treat your words with understanding, you must take into account their wishes too. To begin with, it is worth talking heart to heart with them and making contact. If progress is not observed, then you can use a conspiracy to love a son and daughter. For the son and for the daughter, you must set an example. You shouldn't ban them from anything. This can lead to unpleasant consequences, and the destruction of love for you. It is better to clearly explain to them why you are against this or that situation. The child will decide what to do in the end.

Relationship rituals

If you want to regain the location of your son and daughter, then you need to read the following conspiracy:

“I ask the Holy Light Forces to help me in a difficult situation. Descendants have turned away from me, and I want to return the love of my son and daughter. I wish that we become a family again, and never be separated again. There will never be a stepmother in their lives. Only I have to wash their heads and bodies.”

This text is read early in the morning.

To consolidate the result before going to bed, read:

“Saints, you always help those in need. Today I ask for help, a servant of God (name). My son, the servant of God (name), and daughter, the servant of God (name), decided to cross me out of their lives. But I am their mother, and I wish them only the best. I want to protect them from bad company, from envious people and from the darkest forces. I will become the children's most faithful friend, helper and whoever they want to see in me. I don't need anything else, as long as they give me back my confidence in our family. You want love from your own descendants. May we be happy again. We are Orthodox believers who have always believed in our God. We attend church and always read prayers. Prayer has never left our home and our souls. Please heaven help us. Don't turn your back on us. In the name of the Father and the Son. Amen".

A rite that allows you to return children's love to mother

If you lack the love of babies, then use the following ritual. Light three candles around the house, and take one item from each child. Children should use these things all the time. Hold the thing in your hands, and imagine how your relationship with your children improved. In this case, you need to read a special conspiracy.

“I will settle down near the icon. I will read a prayer, I will baptize myself with a cross. On the icon I see the Mother of God holding her child. The strongest love that is possible in all the worlds is read in her eyes. The child trusts her, and allows herself to be touched. I ask the Mother of God to make sure that my children stop quarreling with me, so that our relationship will improve. They will never have stepmothers. You are a great woman and only you can help me. Only I, their mother, can protect my descendants from everything bad. Nothing bad can surround them."

There is no prayer stronger than a mother's reverence

Expand ↓↓↓↓↓prayer text below If you like

Mother and child as one

There is a conspiracy that will help ensure that your relationship with your children will never "fail". For several days you need to pray to the icon every evening:

“Everyone loves precious metals. I ask that my children feel the same love for me. Love in our family has not been observed for a long time, but the thought does not leave me that everything will work out. Children need a mother, even if they don't understand it. A day without them is like an eternity. Stepmothers will not love them the way I love them. In the name of the Father and the Son. Amen".

Herbs can help with this problem. Medicinal herbs should always be present in your yard, which are characterized by a positive effect on the human psyche. With these herbs, you can make tinctures, decoctions, and even add to tea. They have a positive effect on human behavior, because they have a sedative effect. If you don't know which herbs to use and where to look for them, you can seek the help of a specialist. He will point you to the right options that will allow you to build family relationships.


Conspiracy from a photograph on the love of children for their mother

Despite the fact that mother is the closest and dearest person, one can often come across stories when whole wars happen between parents and children. Both sides suffer from this, but the hardest thing is for the mother, because she always sincerely wishes her children well. Children, due to their age or inexperience, cannot correctly assess the situation, therefore misunderstandings often arise between them and their parents.

  • How to say love to children
  • For children to obey their mother
  • So that the mother is not offended

Also, very often we receive letters to our email box asking us to publish conspiracies for the love of mother. After all, it is not always possible to find understanding of children, and especially in adolescence. And there are also situations when children really forget about their parents, or even go beyond all permitted boundaries and beat their mother. So that such situations do not recur in the past, you need to use conspiracies that help you understand the fact that parents are sacred, and thereby establish harmony and peace in the family. After all, a reverent attitude towards parents from an early age is also a well-spent old age in the circle of their adult sons and daughters. So, a love plot between mother and children is read by the mother twice a day: at dawn and at sunset. Sometimes it takes a few days for reconciliation to happen, and sometimes the mother has to wait years for the children to realize they are wrong and reconcile with it. Thus, the result manifests itself in each specific case in different ways. The main thing is not to despair, not to lose heart, but to do your job firmly and calmly. In general, any doubts when conducting magical rites are simply unacceptable, since they simply reduce the effect of a magical ritual, or they can completely destroy it. You can’t even start any ritual (it doesn’t matter if it’s a love spell or a conspiracy to reconcile) if you are overcome by doubts.

How to say love to children

This conspiracy will help the mother to gain the love of children, using it you will see how reverently and caringly the children began to treat you, you will feel their love. Take a photo of the child, go to the river on a sunny, cloudless day, attach the photo to the back of your heart, hold it with both hands from the bottom edges, just do not cover the front side with your hands - the photo should be open. Be quiet and imagine how your child is changing, then read these words:

“As this world needs water and sun, as the Mother of God loved her son, as Jesus loved the Mother of God, so may my son (daughter) (my) (child's name) love and respect me, may he (she) get rid of evil thoughts on his mother (mother's name), may the Lord be with him. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

For children to obey their mother

How to speak to the obedience of children, because it happens that the children are crazy, they do everything in reverse, you tell them so, but on the contrary they do it completely, they don’t listen and don’t take your correct advice, and what methods you didn’t resort to, nothing comes out . So, in order to correct and improve relations with children, try the ritual from the photo at home. Take a photo of the child and look intently into his eyes, reading the plot:

“You are my child, I look into your eyes and conjure love, obedience to you, let your soul melt your son (daughter) my (my) servant (slave) of God (God) (name) in front of the mother of your servant of God (name), which I won’t punish you, you will listen to your mother, I wish you well and conjure with all my heart. Amen. Amen. Amen!"

Such a conspiracy to obedience to children is read on a certain day and a certain number of times, you will need to use the table (see below) and identify the magic numbers: Each letter corresponds to a number, take the First Name and Last Name of your child, translate the letters using the table into numbers and by Sum each one separately. The first number by Name - the day is calculated, the number should not exceed 28. By the Patronymic we calculate the month, the number should not exceed 12. And by the Surname you need to bring it to a single digit and this will be the number of reading the conspiracy.

For example: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, Ivan - 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 = 11, Ivanovich - 1 + 3 + 1 + 6 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 29, now since the number exceeds we add it 2 + 9 = 11 , Ivanov - 1+3+1+6+7+3=21, 2+1=3. That is, such a conspiracy for a child under the name Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov must be performed on November 11 and read 3 times.

So that the mother is not offended

This conspiracy is suitable for that mother who constantly has conflicts with her children or if the children behave aggressively towards their mother or father. When the child is not at home, take a church candle and a photo of the child. Sit at the table, put a photo, light a candle, take it in your hand and, reading the plot, lead the candle in a circle clockwise over the photo. Read this plot three times:

“Evil earthly and not earthly, you worthless adversaries, get rid of the son of my servant of God (from the daughter of my servant of God) (name), go away the evil forces, the forces are not good, I gave birth to him not for you such (such) handsome (pretty) . May the light of God shed on my son (my daughter) (name) and purify not good thoughts and he will enter this house with good thoughts and shed his love and respect on his mother (father) ”

Then make three circles in the opposite direction, saying: “Now and ever and forever and ever Amen!


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Conspiracy from maternal trouble

If the children are doing well, then the mother is always happy. If the son or daughter has gone astray, rolled down the slope, the mother will cry out all her eyes, she will not be happy with the white light. If, God forbid, something similar happens in your family, take water from a wooden well on Maundy Thursday, drink two sips, and bring the third sip in your mouth to your home. (Never spit or swallow this water!) Then spit this water on the threshold of your house and say:

When this water returns to where I took it,

Only then will the servant of God (name) drink intoxicating

And not according to God's word to live.

To make the child submit to your will

If the child is completely out of hand, plant three Christmas trees near your house in the spring. When the roots are already in the ground, before watering the trees, say:

How people bow in church

So you, servant of God (name), submit to me.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Another conspiracy to subjugate a person

If you want to force someone to do what you want, use this conspiracy:

I was in the field

I saw grass.

Where does the wind blow the grass?

There her sheet looks.

So would you, servant of God (name),

Did what I needed

According to my words, according to my speeches.

My words are the key, my deeds are the lock.

Fix, O God, my words, my deeds.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

If you have a dysfunctional child

On Good Friday, buy three candles and light them in the temple, then leave the church and stand at the gate. Count the people leaving the temple. When the fortieth person comes out of the door, immediately cross yourself and say:

How did this person get out?

So all the nonsense from my son would be gone.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Break up with bad friends

They read a plot over tar, which they then smear at the threshold, and again pronounce the same conspiracy words:

Black tar, black night

Go, servant of God (name),

Away from your friend. Amen.

To friends from the son unhooked

On Monday, on an even day, take a broom and read a special plot over it. Then, with this charmed broom, go to your son, who lives separately from you. If he is surprised, tell him that the broom should be taken to someone you know and you just stopped by on the way. Then add that you do not have hot water at home, and wash yourself in his apartment or house. When leaving, take the broom and leave it in one of the corners of the house or apartment where your son lives.

The spoken words are as follows:

Like that broom chalk, swept away all the dirt,

So would be swept out of this yard

Everyone I didn't call. Word, deed. Amen.

It is best to name after the words “did not call” the names of those whom you do not want to see in your son’s house.

So that the child does not run away from home

Truly great is the grief of a mother whose child runs away from home all the time, sleeps at train stations, wanders the streets. And how many misfortunes happen to such children, it’s even scary to think! Therefore, such children must be immediately reprimanded, otherwise there will be trouble.

Wait until the child is asleep. After that, at the bare heels, draw crosses in the air with the handle of a knife and say:

From heels to shoulder blades

I put seventy-seven crosses

From my fingers

From a damask knife

From the alatyr stone.

Give, Lord, to your servant (name)

Your guide

So that he does not run away from home,

And he lay in bed in his father's house.


So that the son does not run away from home

Above the first piece of bread that you cut off from the loaf, read a special plot. Then treat your son with this piece of bread. The spoken words are:

How does the bread of God stand on the table,

So my son would keep his house,

Without my word for the threshold was not going to.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

This rite must be repeated every nine days.

What to do if your son runs away from home

Take a three-leaved icon - it is also called a “skladen” - drain water through it and try to wash your son with this water (you can just sprinkle water on him), while reading to yourself such a conspiracy:

Three-faced icon, Holy Trinity,

Remove from the servant of God (name) patets.

The icon is in the house, and he is in order to the house.

If the daughter runs away from home

Take a dog collar and on Wednesday tie your daughter's slippers with this collar. After that, read a special plot over them and hide the slippers for a week, and then take them out and, as if nothing had happened, put them in their original place. The conspiracy is this:

How a dog sits on a chain

So you, servant of God (name), sit.

Like these slippers are only for the house,

So you just need to be at home.

Key, lock, threshold.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from hatred to the father's house

Remove the tablecloth or oilcloth from the dining table. Spread the surface of the table with honey, put a piece of bread on it and put a glass of water with a spoonful of salt dissolved in it. After crossing yourself three times in a row, say in one breath, without interruption:

As people cannot do without salt and bread,

So the children will not be able without a father at home.

Cross again and add:

As bees swarm and never exist without honey,

So my children will not be able without a father at home. Amen.

What to do if the son abandoned his mother

I advise you to use two conspiracies: to return the son to his father's house and to reconcile the son with his mother.

The first plot is read in the morning dawn, and the second - in the evening.

First conspiracy

Lord Jesus Christ,

Your servant (name) calls you for help,

Pray and call

The soul grieves and languishes.

I open doors for my son.

The first key is Jesus Christ,

The second key is the Guardian Angel,

The third key is Elijah the Prophet.

The castle was opened by the Mother of God.

Come to the threshold, my son (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Second conspiracy

Holy power invincible

And irresistible. Jesus Christ,

Send me Archangel Michael

At the evening dawn - on a fiery horse,

With a sharp sword, with fiery rain.

God's command

By his reconciliation to the Servants of God (names) to the world.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the son and mother never quarreled

It is noticed that after reading this conspiracy, the son becomes kinder, begins to take care of his mother and never be rude to her again. I really want this miraculous conspiracy to help you too! His words are:

You are my clear dawns,

Zori you are my red ones,

Get together, you, dawns, in one sulgan.

You walk high

You see far

Do not go to the field or to the sea,

And go to my son.

Shed light, love on his soul,

On his heart

So that he worries about his mother,

Listened to me, did not interrupt.

Take out all evil from him,

Put good into his soul.

As I carried the servant of God (name) in my arms,

She fed with her breast, with her milk,

How he ran after me, suffered,

Didn't let go of my hand

"Mother!" shouting day and night

That's how he would call me

He didn't use a rude word.

My little bird, take off my goryushka

Dew, rain, pure snow,

Rinse, rinse the hatred from his soul.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

From now until the century for many years.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the son does not say a word against the mother

Lord my God, bring (name) home.

Whichever way he leaves, let him come.

Staple, the castle is silent,

So my son would not say against the word,

On the mind-on the mind kept my advice

Till the end of time. Amen.

What to do if the son finds fault

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Angels at the window, Christ at the door,

Every animal from our house.

Carry, Lord, a formidable cloud

For dark forests, loose sands.

Go, anger, up to you with my son,

So that he does not swear, he would not find fault with us,

And he would keep his advice and smile.

In the windows of our guardian angels,

At the door - the Most Holy Theotokos,

In the corners - saviors

Christ is at the door, all kinds of animals are out of the house. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that the children of their parents do not beat

You should read a special conspiracy over food or drink, which you then need to treat your son. Better yet, if on Christmas Eve you cross your son's pillow and read the same plot over it. In any case, the plot should be read three times in a row. His words are:

spasov hand,

Throw on your scarf

On the servant of God (son's name):

On his mouth, so as not to scream,

On his feet, so as not to kick,

On his hands, so as not to beat,

On his soul, to forever forget the anger.

Come to me Jesus Christ Himself,

Spasova hand, Yegoriev castle,

Virgin key.

I'll lock Her keys, I'm not afraid of anyone.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To prevent children from raising a hand against their parents

If children beat their parents, you need to read a special conspiracy over soap, which is then quietly thrown to cruel children. The spoken words are:

As soon as this soap is washed off the face,

So soon evil will descend from the servant of God (name).

How soapy foam does not hold on the forehead,

So let anger not rest on God's servant (name).

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Or touch the deceased and say to yourself:

Like this dead man

Hands don't go up

Do not clench into fists

So it would be with the servant of God (name)

On me, the servant of God (name),

Hands didn't go up

They didn’t wave, they didn’t clench into fists.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If the children raise their hand to the mother

The mother, who is offended by children, must heat the bathhouse on the last day of the waning month. When the water in the boiler boils, you need to throw a pebble into it, saying:

Like this pebble from the water

Won't go up

So it is with the servant of God (name)

Hands on me, servant of God (name),

They will never rise.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If the daughter beats the mother, then you should say:

So the servant of God (daughter's name) will not rise.

The cruelty of children

If children are cruel and do not put their parents in a penny, read the following conspiracy into the wind:

The buoys are twisting, the buoys are twirling, the buoys are blowing.

Come on, buoy wind, on a buoy, a servant of God (name).

Roll his roar, roll his scream

Take away his evil, console his sorrow.

As the grass dries up without water,

Child without food

So there would be no evil in the servant of God (name)

On me, his mother.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

What to do if an adult daughter eats a mother

In this case, you should do this. Read a special plot over water, which first wash all the windows, then all the doors, and then the threshold of the front door. The ceremony should be performed three times in a row. And soon you will notice how your daughter's attitude towards you has changed. And do not torment yourself - what happened, it happened! Try not to repeat your past mistakes. The conspiracy is as follows:

On an even day, on an even date, at an even hour

Three holy hierarchs are coming:

Demyan, Kuzma and father Simeon.

The servant of God (name) goes to meet them:

– Where does the path lead you, holy hierarchs?

- We go to the world to give reconciliation,

From any enmity to give healing.

Saint Demyan, Saint Kuzma and Father Simeon,

Give, for Christ's sake, reconciliation,

Deliverance from enmity to Me, God's servant (name),

And the servant of God (daughter's name).

Take out your golden sabers,

Fire knives, damask axes,

Cut you off from the servant of God (daughter's name)

All hatred, all impatience,

Give me, for Christ's sake, deliverance from her evil.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and right now. Amen.

Whispers to adult children who like to yell at you

In our cruel and turbulent times, adult children often turn to their parents without any respect and even raise their voice at them. To pacify such children, use the following plot:

As the mute walls are silent,

Do not shout at the owners

So you, my children, be silent,

Don't yell at me, your mother. Amen.

If your own children hate you

It is no secret that there are cruel sons, and daughters can endlessly harass their parents with their anger and nit-picking, wishing them a speedy death. What can be done in this case?

Take some of your own blood and put any seeds (such as cucumbers) into it. Hide all this more securely for fourteen days. Then plant the seeds in the ground. With what grows from these seeds, feed your son or daughter, and children will never offend you again.

Conspiracy from hatred of children to mother

Take seven new, beautiful towels, such that those to whom you give them would not want to throw them away or sell them. Go to the church and give these towels to the poor, as alms are usually served, after reading the following plot over them:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I will go, servant of God (name),

Yes, on a wide street

In the clear sun, in the white light.

I shine with God's light

I will wrap myself in a gray cloud,

I will shower with clear stars.

And how can you not stop the moon in the sky,

So it is with me, the servant of God (name),

Do not poison my children

Do not offend, do not drive out of the house,

Do not call a bad word.

Cry, their soul, suffer,

Day and night do not know peace

For me, for God's servant (name),

Now and forever and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Remove the anger from the son

If the son looks at his parents like a beast, swears in vain and misses all good exhortations, take a bunch of keys from different locks and put them in a pot of water. You must boil the keys at noon, at eight o'clock in the evening and at three in the morning and leave the pot on the stove. In the morning you need to wash and drink this water to your son, here you will have to cheat, but there is still no other way out. The rite is performed three times in a row on a waning month (pay special attention to this, since by performing the rite on a growing month, you will only aggravate the situation). After that, buy your son three new clothes (one after the other, do not pull). Things can be the cheapest - it doesn't matter. Give new clothes to your son with your left hand and, looking into his eyes, read the following conspiracy to yourself:

As the fish is silent, so you are silent.

As the keys do not shout at their castle,

So you do not shout at me, your mother. Amen.

Conspiracy for filial love

I will become, crossing myself, blessed with an icon.

There is a lake in the middle of mother earth,

There are dumb fish, blind crayfish, water toads.

Among them there is a white fish,

Servant of God (name).

The fish are surrounded by water.

With the whitefish, the servant of God (name), the son is always near.

As there can be no dead body without earth,

As fish cannot swim without water,

It can't be like that

My son is without a mother, servants of God (name).

Bored, read, do not leave in old age. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

How to remove hatred between brother and sister

It is very bitter for parents to watch how brother and sister swear and quarrel with each other, as if they were strangers. They can be reconciled with the help of such a conspiracy:

Holy Immaculate,

Holy Sorrowful Mother of God,

The Mother of God descends from Heaven,

From the heavenly side, from the ninth Heaven,

From His Throne, with great help, he comes to us into the white light.

He will give birth to one soul, and forgive another.

May also forgive the servant of God (name),

He does not remember resentment, he does not think of guilt,

The door does not close from her, does not lock the bolts,

Don't stand with your back to her

Eyebrows do not frown, eyes do not sparkle.

As the Lord forgives us, forgives our sins,

Blesses us with love

So are you, servant of God (name), forgive the servant of God (name),

Do not keep evil in mind

Remember with a kind word, love her and miss her.

The Holy Mother of God holds a dish,

There's eternal love on that plate.

Go, love, to the blood of God's servants (names).

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

So that children do not fight each other

This conspiracy is read on children who are not yet thirteen years old. You can advise it to mothers whose children constantly swear and fight with each other. In one night, it is necessary to change the shoes of all the children in the family three times, and in the morning put all the shoes in one pile, saying:

How can these shoes stand in one place,

So children are in agreement to be.

So that children do not quarrel with each other

With the help of this conspiracy, you can chastise brothers and sisters of any age. They read it the first time over milk that has just boiled, the second time at the moment when the foam formed on the milk, and the third time already on the cooled milk. Then at the same time it is necessary to drink the children with charmed milk. The words of the conspiracy are:

How did this milk boil?

And how it got cold

So that and (names of children)

Cooled off in a fight.

For children to love and pity their mother

Unfortunately, we live in a time when few people remember family values ​​and children, following the lead of their friends, quickly cease to obey and respect their parents. So that nothing like this happens in your family and your children are kind and obedient, read this conspiracy:

I look at the icon, crossing myself.

On the icon of the Mother of God Mary.

She presses the Christ Child to her breast,

She suffers for Him day and night with a holy soul.

So that my children love me too,

Regretted, groomed, did not scold,

Evil words against me

The servants of God (name) did not speak.

There is a golden hail, a maiden sits above it,

She has a golden bird in her hands.

The girl is thirty-five years old.

Among people and people purer than silver,

Pure than pure gold.

How good people love pure silver and pure gold,

So let my children look at me

I am loved and will never be forgotten.

My word is strong, my work is sculpted.

The Lord will take, word to word will stick,

Will add me by grace

He won't leave his

Ying until times, from this hour.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that children never be rude to you

Take the fish and read a special plot over it. Then cook this fish, and bury the tail and head under a tree. Then you need to treat your children to such a charmed fish. The spoken words are as follows:

In the sea in the water, in the depths of the sea,

Swimming swordfish,

I'll take her head off her shoulders.

Like a swordfish without a tail

And there can be no head

So from now on my children won't

They are rude to me, my mother.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Important: the mother should not eat such a charmed fish in any case!

Conspiracy to love and respect children

We all want to be loved and respected. A special conspiracy can help with this, which they read over food or drink and then treat them to their children. The spoken words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Under the side, under the sheet,

I have three saints

Three messengers of God, three deliverers.

Saints, patrons opened my soul,

God's helpers for me

Servant of God (name), they asked:

- What are you, servant of God, suffering?

- Saints, deliverers, softeners of hearts,

Help me, God's servant (name).

You soften the heart of a servant of God (name)

Every day, every hour, every minute.

Let him pity me, his mother,

Let his soul ache for me.

Now, always, for all God's times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy to reconcile mother and children

The reconciliation conspiracy is read three times in a row. Please note that this plot cannot be read on odd days, on Saturday and Sunday, as well as during fasts and on major church holidays. The spoken words are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Under the Heaven of God, in the ocean, on an island, in a clearing,

There is an oak broadleaf,

On that oak sits a falcon,

Under that oak tree is a snake.

The snake hisses, the falcon sits, pulls with its claws,

Weaves silk threads tightly and tightly.

So they would twist and stick to each other

Servants of God (names) for all ages, for all times.

Tight, tight, tight

Heart to heart, soul to soul.

Now and ever and always and everywhere.

Children would yearn for their mother,

Parents spoiled their children

The daughters-in-law respected the father-in-law with the mother-in-law,

The mother-in-law and the father-in-law welcomed the son-in-law.

Viet falcon threads, curls,

Soul to soul, heart to heart sews.

Falcon above, snake below.

The snake died, human resentment withered.

Be, words, strong, be, deeds, modeling.

What did I say that I didn't say

An angel will fly from Heaven

All that is needed, agree.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy for the selfless and devoted love of children for their mother

Stand on the threshold of the front door, facing the apartment, and read the plot directly from the book so as not to confuse the words and make a mistake. When you read, in no case should you stop. In addition, there should not be animals near you at the time of the ceremony, so try to remove them from the house for this time. The spoken words are:

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed,

And I will go, crossing myself.

I'll walk on mother earth

I will cover myself with the sky, wash myself with dew,

I gird myself with stars,

Bow down on four sides.

No one can cover the sky

Extinguish the dawns of the clear

So none of my children will be able to me,

Offend your mother, think evil,

Dashing to think, raise your hand,

To catch the tongue in a dispute.

Lord, take away their longing for me,

According to their mother, according to God's servant (name).

How they screamed through my milk,

Missed my mother's tit

They grabbed me by the hem, they ran after me,

From my hand did not lag behind,

Gone - grieved,

Came - joyfully greeted,

Everyone, as one, called mom,

I was them and food and water,

So it would be now and always,

For all eternity,

The kids would miss me

I was welcomed with joy

They would call me mom

They looked into their eyes, they did not want to leave.

Lord, King of Heaven,

You love Your Mother of God,

Don't let my kids hurt me.

Be you, my words, strong, sculpting

For now, for centuries, for all time. Amen.
