Catherine - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope. Female name Ekaterina - what does it mean: name description


HISTORY AND MEANING OF THE NAME EKATERINA- The name Ekaterina (colloquial Katerina) comes from the Greek word "katarios" - pure, immaculate. The same root word "catharsis" - cleansing. In the tradition of the West, the initial "e" is absent everywhere: Katerina, Katharin, Katherine. Catholics even have a male name Katherine. The name Catherine means pure, immaculate, true.

The fiercely penetrating sound of this name creates a picture of a dynamic and powerful revelation of forces.

Like a roll of thunder and powerful streams of rain, it describes a nature aimed at bright self-manifestation, victorious, oriented towards passionate relationships.

This name has a lot of not very pronounced positive signs. In the last century, the name (Katya, Katerina) was very popular. Even common nouns appeared: katya - a doll, ask katya - flogged, katherine - get rich, cash in (obviously because "katenkas" were called bills of one hundred rubles with a portrait of Catherine II - big money at that time).

In our time, in terms of prevalence, this name is at the end of the top ten. It is twice as common in cities as in rural areas.

“The closest female complement to Nikolai is the name Catherine ... The name Catherine has at its root the meaning of purity, purity. Catherine, by the power of her name, occupies such a place in society that she inevitably serves as an object of attention ... Catherine considers it her duty to be as beautiful as possible , perhaps smart, perhaps majestic, and most importantly - impeccable, impeccable and noble." (P.A. Florensky)


Catherine of Alexandria, virgin, December 7 (November 24). A very learned virgin of a princely family received holy baptism after a miraculous vision in a dream of the Mother of God with baby Jesus. She boldly denounced the pagan king for his persecution of Christians. She suffered great torment for Christ and was beheaded in the 4th century.



COLOR NAMED CATHERINE- Blue, red, cold green, a combination of rich blue-green and red-brown.




CATHERINE'S PLANT- Cedar, lotus, strawberry.

CATHERINE'S ANIMAL- Termite, swan.

MAIN FEATURES OF EKATERINA - High level intellect.

TYPE OF EKATERINA- Excitable nervous choleric. Gets out of it quickly. Gives the impression of a woman "with a claim." "People's lady".

CHARACTER OF THE NAME OF EKATERINA- Ekaterina is very impulsive, proud and hard to bear someone's superiority. She is internally disturbed by some mythical inferiority of her own and tries to surpass others in everything. This is a dreamer, she has a well-developed imagination. In friendship and love, she is looking primarily for reliability, the opportunity to gain self-confidence and peace of mind. Reliable and bright person. In the view of most people, Catherine evokes associations with the "royal" name, with majesty and authority. But in life, such women most often have nothing to do with such an idea.

Proud, strives to be the best in the class and tries to communicate only with the "chosen ones". Her natural determination comes from talent, reasonable frugality and wasteful generosity. Relying only on her own strength, she often neglects those around her, although she herself does not have the power to solve all problems. She perceives changes in fate, poverty and wealth calmly, her reaction is balanced and restrained. Not stupid, majestically calm, sometimes kind, having enough taste and tact. Intelligent and makes others feel it. Too subjective, tends to take everything upon herself. She's got enough difficult character but she lives interesting and rich life. There is no mental subtlety.

THE PSYCHE OF EKATERINA- This is a woman Have a good mood. Her temperament can often be defined as phlegmatic.

CATHERINE'S INTUITION- Completely drowned out by the mental aspect of her personality.

CATHERINE'S THINKING- He considers himself very smart.

THE MORALITY OF EKATERINA- Depends on the environment and circumstances.

An analysis of the compatibility of qualities will help bring harmony to relationships with a loved one. The science of numerology will help us with this. From numerology, you will learn about compatibility even more than from psychology.

The ability to build and maintain relationships is the foundation of our lives. With the help of numerology, the science of the magic of numbers, you can calculate the compatibility of two people with each other, and understand whether they can peacefully and happily exist side by side. Numerology will help you find out the true impulses of your partner, hidden abilities and needs - you just need to find out its digital code and compare it with yours.

Using the personal compatibility map, you can conduct an express analysis of the possibilities of your partnership. Often used in intimate relationships pet name, therefore, calculations should be made, focusing on these forms.

Enter names

Compatibility Alexey and Ekaterina

Compatibility number 4

In a couple under the influence of the vibrations of the four, partners are united by diligence, determination, energy and loyalty to traditions. This combination is well suited for business relations, and in friendship and love unions, the four brings calm, not conducive to strong passions and expression of emotions. There are advantages to this: relationships do not take much mental strength, they do not have crises and long recessions.
In the work of the participants of such an alliance succeed. The vibrations of the four help them intelligently plan their time, set priorities correctly, and organize the work of other people.
The influence of the four also contributes to success in entrepreneurial activity, as it helps to make decisions on time, fight internal apathy, and simply gives energy. Favorable areas for work are construction, farming, as well as the field of finance.

For a complete analysis of the compatibility of names, now let's take a closer look at each number named after Alexei and Ekaterina.

Alexey name number 5

Indicates spiritual freedom and independence of action. Mercury endows people with a lively and resourceful mind. They value the acquired and accumulated experience much more than advice from the outside. They show initiative in everything, find a rational grain in any business, strive to try their hand at rare professions. They are swift and mobile: they think quickly, make decisions quickly, quickly move from words to deeds. Overwhelmed by a thirst for knowledge, they have a sharp critical mind, resourcefulness, but they are not capable of routine, monotonous work, they quickly become discouraged by failures. Natural charm makes them the soul of the company, and bright personality can elevate to the heights of popularity.
Most of all they love travel and adventure. They are not very economic and practical. Often the number 5 indicates a philosophical mindset, sometimes - frivolity and promiscuity in relationships.

The number of the name Catherine 8

It symbolizes enterprise, pedantry, constancy of habits and hobbies, respect for the laws and orders established in society. Uranus favors activity in the sphere of big politics and big business, heralding public recognition and wealth. These people do not like anything superficial and temporary, preferring order and stability in everything. They do not like to depend on other people, they achieve everything on their own. The desire for prosperity often becomes the main driving force their lives. Finishing successfully one business, these people are immediately taken to the next. They are characterized by stubbornness, sober look on things, a rational mindset. They are prudent, careful, punctual and methodical. Very hardworking and persistent in achieving goals. Having learned how to properly distribute work between subordinates and employees, leaving themselves only questions of general management, they are able to achieve great heights.

Men bearing the name Lyosha have charisma and are successful with women. The compatibility of the name Alexei with female names will tell you who will be the best couple for him.

Love of Alexei and Catherine

One hundred percent compatibility of Alexei and Catherine makes this couple happy and harmonious. Katya is an optimistic person, her positive attitude coincides with Lesha's worldview. If one of them begins to feel sad, the other immediately corrects the situation. Lyosha always strives for the best, and Katya is able to react with lightning speed to a change in tactics of a loved one.

Sunshine and lightness are the main features of this pair. Easy-going, young people will be able to reach the heights of life, prospects are open before them.

Their relationship will be filled with romance and unexpected surprises. Lyosha is ready to move mountains for the sake of his chosen one, and Katya just gives him an incentive for accomplishments. If such a pair formed, then it is unlikely that it will ever break up. Partners give each other everything they need, so it simply makes no sense for them to look for someone on the side. Katya is the woman next to whom Lyosha can finally settle down and think about the family.

Pair of Alexei and Anastasia

The compatibility of Anastasia and Alexei depends on whether Lyosha is ready to make concessions in communication with Nastya. Girls with such a name appreciate strong alliance, they become reliable and faithful companions. She is important stability in relationships and degree in actions. Nastya's personality will be revealed only when she can fully trust her partner.

Soft and compliant Nastya realizes her potential in close family circle She keeps in touch with all relatives. It is difficult to imagine Nastya at a noisy party and in the spotlight. Quiet and homely, she devotes all her time to the family hearth.

Lyosha is a lover of adventures and adventures, it is possible that he will get bored with his companion.

It is important for him to constantly move forward, set goals and achieve them. In anger, he can be harsh, although he always loves his chosen one with all his heart. The compatibility of Alexei and Anastasia is below average, but if he calms his temper a little, it is possible a strong family. Otherwise, the craving for thrills can destroy the union.

Family of Elena and Alexei

Despite the apparent differences, these people have similar characters. Impulsive Elena perfectly understands the motives of Lesha's actions and does not condemn him. There is no doubt about the friendly compatibility of Alexei and Elena, but the strength romantic relationship remains in question. First of all, this couple should work on the ability to communicate with each other. Read also about with female names.

Good communication can resolve most conflicts and avoid misunderstandings.

Even after the breakup, the couple maintains communication and feels personal sympathy for each other. It is important that the couple can switch from a friendly note to a romantic one. If Lyosha surprises Lena and talks about her love, then she will perceive him as a chosen one and a potential father of her children. Family is very important for Lena, the key to her heart lies through loyalty and devotion. Soft Lena expects tenderness and care from her companion. If Lyosha shows these qualities, the relationship will last a long time.

Katya's seismic optimism and determination cannot go unnoticed by Lesha. She will be for him the very “beam” of life that he needs so much in life. difficult times. The owner of a glorious name captivates with a cheerful disposition. As she grows older, her spontaneity won't fade, which is another added bonus in a relationship. Katya and Alexey are married and remain at the level of friendly relations. They will not be able to be a truly serious married couple, but they will be interested together.

In stretiv on the way of Alexei, Katya is unlikely to immediately succumb to his attempts at courtship. She simply cannot take everything seriously and will marry easily, naturally, thinking that this is a game. For Katya, the main thing is to have fun, to play a certain role. It's good if she takes care of the house, trying to please Lesha. He will bribe her with his tenderness and attention, but the relationship will remain friendly.

The period of the first passion will pass quickly if the spouse does not learn to be her "favorite" in bed. But among friends a couple Katya and Alexey, compatibility which is outwardly flawless, will pass for real Friendly family. Always surrounded by acquaintances, countless relatives, Katerina causes envy among her friends. This disgusts the jealous Alyosha, but he will endure them for the sake of his beloved.

Katya is actually not so simple. Alexei is a pretty profitable match for her. She can lead them, boldly choosing directions and methods of management. If Alyosha is not able to notice dominance, then not bad. By agreeing to such a relationship, the spouse will put himself in some dependence on whims.

Being in the center of attention, it is difficult for Katya to refuse temptations and experiments in search of new love. The husband needs to be "on the alert", not to give his wife the opportunity to take a leading position. Otherwise, the spouse will say that “it’s necessary” for the family and may leave in search of a new one. Employment at work and at home will help to avoid temptations. The task of the husband is to “load” his wife with household chores and then she will not have enough strength for new “adventures”.

Compatibility of Katya and Alexei only possible with distribution partnerships, the phenomenon of a special agreement with each other about the conditions of life.

At some point, the husband will decide that there is no strength to endure this. He will make a feeble attempt to leave. But is it possible to live without his "laughter and merriment". Commonwealth-level relationships are better suited in more adulthood when spouses understand what it is possible and necessary to live for: children, grandchildren, helping each other.

According to the horoscope and numerology, compatibility of names Katya and Alexey average, it does not indicate full happiness, but it will not bring grief either.

If you are lucky enough to meet Alyosha older than yourself, then the relationship will be more harmonious. He has already taken place, he knows what he wants from life. You can "educate" a young wife according to your interests and needs, skillfully managing her character. He reminds her of her father, showing special care, firmness in character. He is the one who initiated interesting trips. A wonderful storyteller, a good listener, he will become her true friend, who can be trusted with all the most intimate. In part, women only need this if they understand the role of such a relationship between a man and his partner.

With the compatibility of the names Alexey andCatherine on the basis of general observations, including numerology, it is recognized to be average. For successful love relationship the chosen one will have to make a lot of effort. Only a firm calculation of understanding his nature, a penchant for romanticism, can create conditions for harmonious relations.

Alexey interesting for her, but nothing more. If a man is prone to idle talk, without proving real deeds his capabilities, then he is unlikely to interest her.

Catherine- a powerful woman. Not everyone will have to live with it easily and simply. On the one hand, she is homely, loves her family, tries to make everything perfect. She wants to be the center of attention back side» character. She deserves it. The owner of subtle humor, natural intelligence, the lady is able to cause delight and admiration of fans. They will always surround her.

Union of Alexei and Catherine will be subjected to constant criticism from others. It seems that the purposeful Katerina is not worried. However, inner experiences will create a nervous environment.

Pair Alexey andCatherine, compatibility which will be tested for years, is able to be around for many years. The steadfastness of the wife, the strictness of the husband towards children, love for relatives and constant admiration are what will create the conditions for happiness. Such a path is difficult, but it is worth overcoming it for the sake of the love of the chosen ones for each other.

For strong relationship have to create a solid material base and imbued with the ideas of Alexei, then there is a high probability married couple with friendly relations. There will be no constant love, but since Katya loves children, they will become the “platform” of a stable marriage. The offspring will help to realize the common goals in upbringing and education.

And Alexey will be seduced by Katenka's outward calmness, but at home you won't have to count on such behavior. She knows exactly what she wants from life. The chosen one is in constant search of the new and unusual. Would you say that Alexey andCatherine marriage happy and satisfied with the union? One of the partners is for stability, and the husband relies on creativity. Rather, such an alliance could not last long. Katya will quickly get tired of the desire to search for the unknown. She needs order material base, a strong character that can overpower her "heroism".

E Katerina is too independent in her judgments. She has a specific attitude to the world order. The main thing is not to miss the moment of passion escaping with age. Alexei should be excellent lovers in bed and a wonderful father to the family. If you give your wife the opportunity to realize her ambitions at work, switch her attention to fulfilling public duties, that is, good chance save the relationship. Alyosha needs to show care and attention to his "queen", remembering that if there is no worship, then the marriage will give a "crack". Not meeting the requirements in intelligence is another danger in which the authority of the chosen one can gradually disappear. Firmness in character, softness in relationships will help smooth out " sharp corners"In the character of the owner of a proud name. Alexei should take care of his wife's peace of mind. Otherwise, emotional outbursts and distrust of her actions cannot be avoided.
