If your baby has swallowed or inhaled a foreign body, how can you wean your little fidget from tasting everything? What to do if a child swallows something." Very relevant

Parents of young children should know how to act in various serious situations. What to do if a very small child swallows glass? It is dangerous for any baby if a sharp object ends up in his mouth. It is important not to get confused, but to start acting quickly, following all the recommendations of specialists.

The main danger from glass

The circumstances under which the child swallowed the glass are not so important, the main thing is that adults remain calm. Under no circumstances should you scold or reproach your child, this will scare him even more. Parents' actions must be quick and clear.

It is unlikely to be possible without the help of doctors, so qualified assistance is necessary. If glass is inside the stomach, it can damage its walls and cause internal bleeding. When parents, when examining the oral cavity, see glass fragments, they must be removed immediately. It is important to consider that there may be cuts and blood on the mucous membrane. Even if all the fragments from the oral cavity are removed, this does not mean that there is no need to contact a pediatrician. In successful cases, the fragments can leave the child’s body along with feces, but otherwise, they can injure the trachea and esophagus, worsening the baby’s well-being.

Dangerous symptoms

What to do if your child swallows a piece of glass? It is worth carefully examining the oral cavity and immediately calling an ambulance. You can remove the glass yourself only if it is within your line of sight. The fragment can get stuck in the palatine arch, so you should immediately call the doctors to remove it. Let's look at the main symptoms that may indicate a deterioration in the condition of a child who has swallowed glass:

  1. The baby may drool involuntarily.
  2. Severe hiccups begin.
  3. Vomiting and nausea may occur.
  4. You can see streaks of blood in the vomit.
  5. The child will refuse to eat.
  6. The baby may complain of pain in the chest area.
  7. Symptoms of suffocation may occur.

Of course, it is important to know what to do if a very small child who cannot talk about his symptoms swallows a piece of glass. Any problems in the body may indicate serious abnormalities.

How to help a child?

First aid will depend on the size of the glass that entered the body and the degree of damage to organs. First aid is as follows:

If the parents strictly followed the algorithm, the prognosis can be favorable.

What to do if your child has a mild degree of glass penetration

Once the little patient is taken to the hospital, he can undergo an ultrasound, which will reveal the location of the fragment and its size. If the case is particularly severe, other diagnostic methods may be used. When a foreign body cannot be detected, the baby is still left in the hospital under observation, in which case the parents remain with him. It is important to remember that a dangerous object can enter the intestines after three hours. The baby may remain in the hospital for three days. If no symptoms appear, then you can suspect that the fragment came out along with the feces.

Some parents wonder: if a child swallows a piece of glass, what to do with his food? In this case, you should also act carefully. It is recommended to provide your baby with the following diet:

  1. Porridge in liquid form that will coat the stomach.
  2. You can prepare decoctions from vegetables.
  3. Give yoghurts and jelly to drink.

It is this kind of food that can coat the intestinal tract and relieve tension from the esophagus. If there is a sharp object in the child’s body, then there is a chance that it will come out without injuring the baby’s internal organs.

What to do in case of severe

Parents should know how to act correctly in a more dangerous case. For example, what to do if you swallow glass and it gets into your baby’s trachea. The location of the fragment in this place is considered the most dangerous; it causes severe pain and an attack of suffocation. In this case, it is recommended to remove the glass as quickly as possible, and for this you can use two methods:

When a small child swallows glass and blood comes out of his mouth, then under no circumstances should you carry out such actions, otherwise you can cause even more harm.

Treatment tactics

As soon as the child gets to a medical facility, he is prescribed an examination and hardware diagnostics. Treatment is carried out in two ways:

  1. Doctors recommend that parents do not panic and know exactly what to do with their baby. A child swallowed glass, but he has no complaints? In this case, there is nothing left to do but just watch and wait for the fragment to come out on its own. But it should be noted that observation should be carried out in hospitals, so that if something happens, specialists can always come to the rescue.
  2. In some cases, surgery is required. The child may develop breathing problems or the fragment will begin to actively move through the gastrointestinal tract; in this case, only surgery can save him.

In any case, it is unlikely to be possible without the help of doctors.

What is the essence of surgery?

It is important not only to know what to do if a child swallows glass, but also how to give him first aid. Once the child is taken to the hospital and examined, it will be possible to find out exactly where the foreign object is located. If the fragment is located below the duodenum, then treatment can be carried out using endoscopy. The method will help perfectly if only three hours have passed since the child swallowed the glass.

Many parents do not know how to act and wonder if a child swallows glass, what to do? The symptoms in this case can indicate many things. For example, when a baby is constantly vomiting, his throat is bleeding and his temperature rises, then you should definitely call a doctor. At the hospital, the baby will be able to undergo a laparotomy. Abdominal surgery is performed extremely rarely, only in particularly dangerous cases when other treatment methods are ineffective.

Parents must understand that small children require special attention, so they must be closely monitored and the right toys must be selected. This will help reduce the risk of such injuries.

Small children put everything in their mouths and can sometimes swallow small objects. Most often, babies swallow pins, small parts of toys, coins, needles, small batteries or toys. How to understand and what to do if a child swallows a foreign body, we will consider in the article.

A child has swallowed something small - first aid

Objects that get into a child’s trachea or windpipe become truly dangerous, as they block access to oxygen, which can result in the baby suffocating. Small objects that are swallowed and end up in the digestive tract are often eliminated without difficulty, but sometimes get stuck in the esophagus. A swallowed microbattery can cause erosion of the intestinal mucosa, therefore, if there is a suspicion that the baby has swallowed something, an x-ray is taken to find out what specific object entered the digestive tract and its location. After this, the doctor plans further actions.

It would be good if it was immediately noticed that the child had swallowed a foreign object. In this case, the harm caused is minimal, since the doctor’s help will be quick and timely.

Signs that your baby has inhaled or swallowed something:

  • When a small object enters the respiratory tract, signs of suffocation: the child turns blue, turns pale, suffocates.
  • Object caught in the digestive system causes vomiting, after 15 or 20 minutes salivation becomes profuse .

Such symptoms are a reason to consult a doctor; you should immediately call an ambulance. Sometimes the baby coughs and it seems that his condition has improved, but you still need to see a doctor, because not all objects can come out without having a detrimental effect on the digestive tract. It is unlikely that they will take out a small coin, a bead, a bone or a piece of construction equipment, but they will monitor its movement using X-rays. Doctors remove larger objects.

Features of different objects that a child could swallow: table

Swallowed objects behave differently in a child’s body, and their traumatic effects on the body are also different.

How do they behave in the body and why are swallowed objects dangerous?

Item Signs that a child has swallowed an object How does an object behave in the body? What to do?
Battery If it gets stuck in the throat, the baby coughs and chokes. The stool turns dark green or black with a metallic odor, usually within a couple of days after ingestion. Fever, vomiting, loss of consciousness. Under the influence of heat, moisture and stomach acid, the battery oxidizes and the acid begins to corrode the stomach lining. If the child is choking, induce vomiting. Call an ambulance as soon as possible or go to the hospital yourself.
Magnet There may be no symptoms for several days. Later, a runny nose, cough, abdominal pain, high fever, and loss of consciousness appear. In 30% of cases it is retained in the esophagus, in 70% in the stomach. A magnet with sharp edges injures the esophageal mucosa. Several magnets attract each other, seriously injuring the intestines. Do not induce vomiting, do not give food or food, consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Gum One swallowed plate will not cause unpleasant symptoms. If your baby swallows a lot, you may experience abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea. Once in the stomach, the chewing gum is digested in 6–10 hours or comes out unchanged, without damaging anything.

If several packages are swallowed, allergies, poisoning, constipation, and diarrhea are possible.

One plate does not pose a threat, if a lot is swallowed, monitor the child and if deviations in behavior appear, consult a doctor.
Coin If it gets stuck in the esophagus, the baby becomes restless, cries, refuses to eat, or immediately regurgitates food. There may be hiccups, drooling, and in very young children, shortness of breath and coughing due to the pressure of the coin on the respiratory organs from the esophagus. Most often, the coin leaves the gastrointestinal tract without having a harmful effect. In very rare cases, intestinal obstruction or esophageal perforation may develop. If the coin worsens the child’s condition, then it must be removed immediately; if everything is fine, just watch the baby.
Button Most often there are no symptoms, as the button rarely gets stuck in the esophagus. The button will come out naturally unchanged. There is no need to give a laxative or induce vomiting. If the child behaves normally, wait until it comes out with feces.

If your baby's behavior changes, you should consult a doctor.

Needle Excessive salivation, anxiety, cough, facial redness, choking, sweating, increased body temperature. The sharp end can hit the lungs or heart. If it reaches the stomach, then in the vast majority of cases (80%) it comes out naturally, without injuring anything in 2 to 72 hours. Very rarely it pierces the stomach or intestines. It can settle in soft tissues and cause pain and inflammation. Contact your doctor immediately. Move as little as possible to avoid moving the needle in the soft tissue. Do not induce vomiting, give laxatives, or shake the baby.
Mercury Weakness, malaise, high fever, headache, drooling, abdominal pain, and diarrhea are observed. It is not the mercury balls that are dangerous, but its vapors. Inhaling airborne vapors damages the lungs, kidneys and nervous system. Induce vomiting as soon as possible and seek medical help.
Sharp object (stapler staple, pin) The baby may hiccup constantly, blood appears in the stool, he feels nauseous, and may vomit. It can puncture the stomach wall, leading to peritonitis. Call an ambulance.

You cannot feed or give anything to drink until the doctor arrives.

Glass Hiccups, vomiting, nausea, chest pain, and blood in the stool are observed. A small piece can come out on its own without damaging anything, but it can cut the stomach and intestines. A large piece can remain in the stomach for many years, worsening health. With clean hands, remove visible fragments from the mouth and call an ambulance. Do not induce vomiting or give laxatives.
Tablet The first signs of poisoning will appear when the tablets begin to be absorbed into the blood. The child becomes irritable, his behavior changes, convulsions, loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, and fever are possible. The harmful effect depends on which tablet the baby swallowed. It is especially dangerous if there were a lot of them. Perform gastric lavage, induce vomiting, then give 2 - 3 tablets of activated carbon or other sorbent. Call an ambulance. Do not feed until doctors arrive.
A piece of foil Signs of malaise, lethargy, irritability. It often comes out without damaging the digestive organs. Sometimes a piece of foil can scratch the walls of the esophagus, causing bleeding. Call an ambulance. You cannot feed and water the baby, induce vomiting, or give a laxative until the medical staff arrives.
Plasticine The baby may become lethargic and capricious. In very rare cases, for example, a rash appears. A small piece of plasticine is not harmful. A large piece can cause an intestinal obstruction or become lodged in the esophagus. Watch the child. If your baby's behavior changes, seek help from a doctor.
cotton wool Usually absent. Does not pose a danger to the child. It comes out naturally. Observe the baby's behavior and condition.
pebble Most often, no change in behavior is observed. In very rare cases - irritability, weakness, lethargy. It comes out naturally within three days in most cases. Observe the baby's behavior. If the condition worsens, consult a doctor.
Small plastic item There are no symptoms unless the object is stuck in the esophagus or damages the intestines with sharp edges. In the vast majority of cases, it comes out on its own without damaging the internal organs. If the object has sharp edges, it can damage the intestines. Observe the child's bowel movements and behavior. If an object with sharp edges has been swallowed, consult a doctor. It is not always possible to examine a plastic object using X-ray due to the structure of the material.
Small metal object Unpleasant symptoms are rare. Sometimes there are hiccups, drooling, irritability, and abdominal pain. If it does not have sharp edges, it will come out safely. If acute, it can injure the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Contact a doctor if the child's condition worsens.
Small bead In most cases there are no unpleasant symptoms. In the vast majority of cases, it comes out naturally, without harming the child’s body. Monitor the child's condition.
Tooth Most often absent. Mostly it comes out naturally, without harming the body. You cannot induce vomiting. Contact a doctor if your baby's behavior changes.
Apricot, cherry, plum pits Very rarely, abdominal pain and blood in the stool appear. A large bone with sharp edges can get stuck in the intestines. then you need to monitor the condition of the baby and his stool. If unpleasant symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

The three types of objects that are most dangerous if swallowed are:

  1. Items that are large in size . There is a possibility of intestinal obstruction due to blockage by a foreign object.
  2. Objects with piercing and sharp edges. Such objects can puncture the walls of the intestines and stomach, which leads to the need for urgent surgery.
  3. Small round batteries in the shape of a tablet (from watches, toys) have an electrode inside, which can give a discharge in the stomach, esophagus or intestines, thereby injuring the organ.

Small children– very curious and restless creatures. Exploring the world is the first goal of all kids. What is possible, what is not, how to do it and how not to do it - they are just learning to understand all this. Parents should always be on guard and constantly monitor the movements of crawling and mouthing babies.

Sometimes it happens that children turn out to be more agile and dexterous. Hence various falls and accidents. The child may be burned, injured, hit, or swallow a foreign object. What should parents do in such cases? No wonder they say that knowledge is power. After reading this article, you can be savvy in such matters as swallowing objects, recognize the symptoms and understand what to do if a child swallows a coin, a button or some other item.

Foreign body stuck in esophagus

A child sometimes swallows any object - a coin, a part of a kinder, a tablet or a pen cap while playing or in the process of exploring the space of his room. This often happens from the age of 3 years and continues until the baby becomes more aware. When any object gets into the respiratory system or esophagus, a very serious situation occurs for the baby’s life. The esophagus is very sensitive at this age and if the child all of a sudden swallowed a foreign object, a sharp spasm occurs. Your baby's chest pain and cough should worry you.

In addition to pain behind the chest, it becomes painful for the baby to swallow not only food, but also saliva. You might think that vomiting when a foreign body enters the esophagus would expel the object. However, nausea, vomiting or coughing are dangerous signs. To prevent the object from injuring the esophagus and leading to unforeseen consequences, call an ambulance as quickly as possible.

Object stuck in respiratory system

Sometimes a child can not only swallow an object (a small coin, part of a toy), but also inhale it through his nose. In this case, it ends up in the respiratory system. These pathways are very small for the baby, so an object in them is a more dangerous situation than one in the esophagus. It will either damage organs or block pathways and then cause respiratory arrest. The reason is that such an object does not come out due to ligaments that prevent this.

When child Not swallows a foreign object, and inhales it, it can enter the wider right bronchus. In this case, there are coughing attacks, whistling and noises when breathing, and blue discoloration of the skin. Popping sounds are heard if an object is stuck in the trachea. If it was a food product, then it can cause suppuration in the tract or pneumonia. Call an ambulance without delay!

Items to be removed

If a child swallows a foreign object, you need to take certain actions before the ambulance arrives. The degree of danger to life depends on the object itself.

  1. Sharp and prickly small objects - nails, screws, small needles, pins, buttons, paper clips. To prevent your child from swallowing such foreign objects, remove them further and higher.
  1. Seeds in berries and fruits. When cooking compotes, jam and generally when serving them, check fruits and berries for the absence of seeds.
  1. Items longer than 3 cm.
  1. Different sizes of batteries. For this reason, do not give your little one toys with batteries.
  1. Small parts of toys.
  1. Glasses and their fragments.

A child can swallow a smooth, round object - a pea, a button, and so on. If this happened before your eyes, but you do not observe negative signs, then first aid The baby's stool will be monitored.


When a child swallows a foreign object, he or she experiences certain symptoms that are different from inhaling the object.

Symptoms of swallowing a coin. The pain spreads through the stomach, does not become quieter, but only increases. Vomiting and regurgitation may occur several times. The stool is difficult, or there are streaks of blood in it. Other strange symptoms or hiccups or excessive drooling appear. No matter what child swallowed - 10 kopecks or a bullet, watch him without leaving a single step from him, and call an ambulance if symptoms are evident.

Symptoms if a child swallows a battery or inhales/swallows household chemicals. In this case, the situation becomes doubly dangerous. In addition to the pain, the baby is unable to swallow food and starts crying. The battery can cause burns to the mucous membrane due to the presence of hydrochloric acid in it. Button batteries are especially dangerous. A debilitating cough and vomiting with drops of blood may begin. Household chemicals can cause tissue perforation in a matter of seconds. Contact us immediately for first aid to the hospital.

Symptoms of tablet exposure. In some cases, the tablet can block the esophagus and then the swallowed food comes back. If the baby swallows it deeply, then abdominal pain and vomiting begin.

Symptoms of swallowing a round object. There may be no discomfort at all, but you should make sure that the item comes out within three days. To do this, carefully examine your baby's stool.

Symptoms of swallowing a prickly object. The baby begins to cry and complain of pain. There may be blood in the saliva or sputum, in which case we can say that the object has already damaged the wall of the organs.

Symptoms of object inhalation. Blue or red face, loud whistling or wheezing breathing, coughing.

How to help if an object is swallowed/inhaled

Important! Your help is provided to ensure free breathing. The rest of the measures are taken by ambulance workers!

If your child suddenly swallows 10 kopecks or something else, you need to take action immediately after calling an ambulance. Do not stop providing first aid until the ambulance arrives.

  1. Do not panic! Act clearly and quickly, do not scold the child or shout.
  1. The child is less than a year old and has difficulty breathing. Quickly place the baby on your knee, tummy down, so that the upper part of the body hangs, and begin to clap the edge of your palm between the shoulder blades. If the child can breathe, these actions are not recommended to avoid pushing objects into the respiratory tract. In this case, wait for an ambulance.
  1. The child is over a year old. Turn his back to you and clasp him with both arms above the waist. Press rhythmically on your stomach with both hands every 3 seconds. At the same time, make sharp pushes from the bottom up with your hands and at the same time calm the child.
  1. A streamlined object is swallowed. Monitor your baby's bowel movements and feed him fiber-rich foods for three days. But this is only if there are no alarming symptoms or crying.
  1. The item did not come out and there are no symptoms. In this case, make an appointment with an ENT specialist.

What not to do:

  1. Do not give enemas, so as not to further damage the digestive organs and make things worse.
  1. Don't delay calling an ambulance.
  1. If child swallowed a ball made of metal, it may be too small to be noticed in the stool. In this case, do not wait until he comes out, but sign up for an x-ray.
  1. Do not push the item with foods such as bread.
  1. Don't shake the baby.
  1. Never leave baby unattended so that he not only does not swallowed a battery or other object, but did not splash yourself with hot water and was not accidentally injured.
  1. Take your baby with you and don’t let him out of your sight even for a minute.
  1. Do not resort to drugs with laxative effects, so as not to further harm the body.
  1. Do not give anything to drink until the item is removed.
  1. Do not try to induce vomiting yourself.
  1. Also, you should not breastfeed your baby if he has swallowed or inhaled an object. Only a doctor will allow you to do this.

How to prevent foreign body entry:

  1. Remove all small objects as far as possible, especially if the baby begins to crawl. Carefully inspect all rooms and corners for the presence of these items. Also hide all the older child's toys away.
  1. Especially dangerous are construction toys consisting of magnetized balls. They can cause severe bleeding and may not come out without emergency treatment. In such a matter, life counts in minutes. It is better not to buy this toy until the child grows up.
  1. Place money and small items in locked drawers.
  1. When purchasing a toy, always read the age labels. Hold off on buying Kinders and Legos until your baby grows up.

Activities in the hospital

If a child swallows a foreign object, in the hospital he is admitted to the pediatric surgery department. If an iron object hits, it is checked by x-ray. If food or other objects enter the respiratory system or esophagus, endoscopy is performed. An endoscope is a long tube with forceps at the end and a camera. Using an endoscope, the object is grasped and removed. Sometimes this procedure does not require anesthesia.

To cleanse the bronchi from an object, anesthesia is always used to prevent the glottis from closing. After the object is removed, the child may be kept under observation for several days and given antibiotics to avoid infection. If all actions are unsuccessful, an operation is performed.

Now you know, what to do if a child swallows a foreign object. Remember that self-removal should only be done when breathing is difficult. If the item comes out before the ambulance arrives, don’t worry. In this case, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Ingestion of foreign objects is quite common, especially among children who like to taste and put everything in their mouth. Moreover, in some cases, when the objects are small, have rounded edges and a safe chemical composition, this incident does not threaten health in any way. However, there are situations in which swallowed objects pose a threat not only to health, but also to human life, and the lack of timely assistance can have tragic consequences.

What is most commonly swallowed?

Ingestion of foreign objects by adults most often occurs due to negligence - I was eating a cherry pie and accidentally swallowed a pit. Or another common situation - I decided to hang a picture, picked up a hammer, and put the nails in my mouth. Suddenly the phone rang, the shout of a person entering the room, loss of balance - and now the carnation ends up being swallowed. As for children, swallowing objects occurs due to their curiosity and habit of tasting everything. And if adults do not keep an eye on their child, the object of interest may no longer be in the mouth, but ends up in the esophagus or stomach.

Often, due to an oversight by adults, small children swallow small objects, coins, and parts of toys.

Swallowing food-related objects

This situation is more typical for adults and older children, because when feeding babies, conscientious parents usually monitor the contents of the plate and do not allow bones or eggshells to enter the baby’s body. The danger of foreign objects eaten with food directly depends on their shape and size, and especially on the sharpness of the edges. Thus, an accidentally swallowed cherry pit has a round shape and small size, so it usually does not cause any harm and after a while comes out with feces. Apricot or peach pits are larger in size, so if swallowed, they can get stuck in the esophagus. If you swallow a plum pit, which has rather sharp edges, then in this situation mechanical damage to the wall of the esophagus or stomach is possible. The same applies to fish or chicken bones - the danger is precisely the sharp edges, which can not only scratch the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, but also cause their perforation - a violation of the integrity of the walls, which can lead to the development of an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity. The bone can simply get stuck in the wall of the esophagus and cause local inflammation. If a person swallows a bone that is not stuck anywhere and does not damage the wall, then it will soon dissolve under the influence of hydrochloric acid and enzymes.

The same can be said for chewing gum. Contrary to popular belief that once swallowed, gum can cause the intestinal walls to stick together and cause intestinal obstruction, once swallowed it usually dissolves quite quickly under the influence of the acidic environment of the stomach and pancreatic enzymes. The accidental ingestion of particles of eggshells or bay leaves with food does not pose a great danger - they can also be digested quite quickly.

The danger comes from swallowing seeds that have sharp edges in food.

Ingestion of plastic and rubber products

If you swallow small rubber products, as well as plastic objects (for example, beads or small buttons) with non-sharp edges, you should not worry too much - in most cases, these products will leave the body along with waste products in two or three days, without causing any particular harm. harm. However, it may happen that the size of the swallowed object will be larger than the pylorus - the opening through which food enters the intestines, and then the object will remain at the bottom of the stomach. The difficulty is that these objects, unlike metal ones, cannot be seen on an x-ray, so the doctor will have to resort to the help of an endoscope, which is used both for diagnosis and for removing a foreign body.

Ingestion of metal products

According to statistics, 50% of all accidentally swallowed objects are coins. In addition to coins, swallowing of small nails, pins, pieces of foil, small batteries, and dental braces is possible. A feature of all metal products is their radiopacity, i.e., it is possible to see and establish the exact localization of a given object during fluoroscopy or radiography. Products with sharp edges pose a hazard if swallowed. Alkaline batteries can cause a chemical burn to the mucous membrane, and relatively large metal products in case of prolonged contact with the wall of the esophagus or stomach can lead to the formation of bedsores or even tissue necrosis. It should be noted that in the case of successful evacuation from the stomach, the metal product, like any other swallowed object, practically ceases to pose a danger, i.e., the intestines are very rarely damaged.

One day, a friend of mine lost her small engagement ring. And since her child was only one and a half years old at that time, and he was just beginning to take his first steps in understanding the world around him, he tasted everything. As a result, suspicion immediately fell on him. The frightened mother immediately grabbed the child and rushed to the hospital for an x-ray. However, there was no ring in the picture, and the doctors advised him to observe the contents of the pot for a while, just in case. The next three days were devoted to a thorough study of the child’s waste products, and on the fourth day the poor woman saw a kitten, as if nothing had happened, chasing this ring across the floor. The mother’s relief knew no bounds, and since then her apartment has been in perfect order.

Swallowed metal bodies can be seen using x-ray examination

What are the most dangerous objects to swallow?

The most dangerous thing is to swallow objects with sharp, uneven, torn edges, since they can damage the mucous membrane of the esophagus or stomach, cause their perforation (through damage to the wall), and cause internal bleeding. In this case, it becomes unimportant whether this object is a fish bone, a toothpick or an accidentally swallowed pin - both are practically indistinguishable from each other in terms of the possible mechanism of action and the severity of the consequences. Elderly people often swallow removable dentures and dental pins, which can get stuck in various parts of the esophagus. Often these products have uneven edges that can injure the mucous membrane, so most often such situations require medical intervention. But swallowing a dental filling usually does not pose any danger - it is very small. A certain risk is also posed by ingestion of objects that have an unsafe chemical composition - like batteries - due to the possibility of getting a chemical burn or poisoning.

It should be noted that accidental or intentional ingestion of pieces of cotton wool, small insects, or snus (a type of tobacco that is placed between the jaw and the upper or lower lip) does not pose any particular danger to the body. Remember - in some Asian countries insects are successfully eaten, and tobacco is not only smoked, but also chewed.

Video: what happens if you swallow glass

Sometimes swallowing objects is a sign of mental illness - unhealthy people, suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, can deliberately swallow pins or other sharp objects, cutlery, blades, nails, hair, paper, cellophane. This can lead to both damage to internal organs and the formation of stomach stones - bezoars. For example, with obsessive hair swallowing syndrome, so-called trichobezoars may form in the stomach, which not only interfere with normal digestion, but can also cause gastrointestinal obstruction. Removal of foreign bodies from mentally ill people must be carried out under general anesthesia. After removal of gastric stones in such patients, the situation can repeat itself repeatedly.

Symptoms and signs of foreign object ingestion

According to statistics, in approximately 70% of cases foreign bodies get stuck in the esophagus, in 20% of cases they end up in the stomach, and only in 10% they end up in the intestines. The symptoms of the process depend on its location, the structure and size of the stuck object, as well as the duration of its stay in the gastrointestinal tract. Signs of ingestion of foreign objects are divided into local, depending on the location of the stuck object, and general - increased salivation, nausea and vomiting, dull pain at the location of the foreign body, pain during palpation, with prolonged exposure - general weakness, lack of appetite, possible development obstructive jaundice.

Depending on where the object is stuck, the following symptoms characteristic of the localization of the process are distinguished:

  • when located in the upper parts of the esophagus, swallowing disorders and sore throat are noted; when the lumen of the esophagus is blocked, regurgitation and return of undigested food are possible;
  • in case of compression of the trachea and larynx, breathing disorders, shortness of breath, hoarseness of voice are noted, patients take a forced position;
  • when a foreign body is in the stomach, heaviness and bursting pain are noted, which intensifies after eating, and a metallic taste may appear in the mouth;
  • when a foreign object is located in the area of ​​the pylorus - the narrow junction of the stomach into the duodenum - a clinic of intestinal obstruction is noted (vomiting of gastric contents, cramping pain, yellowness of the skin);
  • with perforation of internal organs with sharp edges, bloody vomiting may occur; with heavy bleeding, pallor of the skin, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure up to loss of consciousness are noted;
  • a foreign object swallowed, if it passes safely through the esophagus and stomach, usually does not pose a danger to the intestines; in very rare cases, a picture of intestinal obstruction may develop (cramping pain, nausea and vomiting, stool retention and lack of gas discharge).


The main diagnostic methods are a thorough history taking, examination of the patient, as well as fluoroscopic and endoscopic examinations. Fluoroscopy may detect metal objects, as well as large swallowed meat and fish bones. In case of ingestion of non-radiopaque objects, an X-ray examination with barium sulfate is indicated - in this case, the foreign body will be visualized as a filling defect.

Endoscopic methods - gastroscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy - relate not only to diagnostic, but also to therapeutic measures, since they allow you to detect a foreign object, clarify its location, determine its size, and, if necessary, remove it using special forceps or loops.

Using an endoscope, you can not only detect, but also remove foreign bodies of the esophagus or stomach

First aid for swallowing foreign bodies

If a foreign body is swallowed by an adult and a child is suspected of swallowing a foreign object, you can take a wait-and-see approach for a while and monitor the victim, but only if you are convinced that the swallowed object has smooth edges, is small in size and is chemically safe. In 80% of cases, swallowed objects pass through the rectum on their own, in 18% they require additional therapeutic and diagnostic measures, and only a little more than 1% require surgical intervention.

What do we have to do:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of the victim - in young children this may be restlessness, irritability, crying, increased salivation, difficulty swallowing, refusal to eat, vomiting food or liquid. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance. Swallowing small batteries and objects with sharp edges is especially dangerous. If you know for sure that this has happened, you should call an ambulance immediately, without waiting for symptoms to appear.
  2. If small children swallow objects, make sure that the object does not enter the respiratory tract. If this happens, the baby will have a convulsive cough, facial cyanosis, and signs of suffocation. In this situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance immediately, and before it arrives, you should place the child on your lap upside down, the angle of inclination should be approximately 60 o, and gently tap the edge of your palm between the shoulder blades.
  3. If you know exactly what object the child swallowed, you are sure that there are no sharp edges and the possibility of damage to internal organs, the child is calm and does not refuse food - you need to carefully monitor the child’s stool to make sure that the foreign body has passed out on its own. Otherwise, if the object remains in the body for a long time, it may have an adverse effect, and the possibility of surgical intervention cannot be ruled out.
  4. When foreign objects are ingested by an adult, it is also necessary to monitor clinical manifestations. If the victim complains of pain along the esophagus, there is increased salivation, vomiting, especially with blood, or breathing problems, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. In the absence of clinical manifestations and the belief that the swallowed object does not pose a danger to internal organs, a wait-and-see approach is possible.

Video: what to do if a child chokes

What not to do if you swallow foreign objects

If an object is swallowed, stuck, and causing distress, you should never try to push it down with food or liquid. Often, when fish bones get stuck, the victim is asked to chew and swallow bread crusts. This should not be done - the bone may move from its place, but it may also get stuck in the underlying sections, causing even greater trauma to the esophagus. You should not give laxatives or drugs that increase peristalsis (wave-like movements of the intestinal wall, as a result of which food masses move through the intestines). It is also not recommended to give an enema, so as not to lead to even greater trauma to the mucous membrane.

Possible consequences and complications

Despite the fact that in most cases the ingestion of foreign objects ends safely and does not cause serious harm to health, in a number of situations the consequences can be tragic and sometimes fatal. In addition to damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, their perforation is possible - a through violation of the integrity of the wall by a sharp section. In this case, pneumothorax may occur - air entering the chest cavity as a result of damage to the esophagus, or peritonitis - an inflammatory process that involves the abdominal cavity and affects the peritoneum. These complications can arise both against the background of acute damage to the wall of internal organs by a foreign object, and as a result of a long-term presence of a foreign body in contact with the mucous membrane and the development of an area of ​​necrosis in this place. The foreign body may be so sharp that it can cause vascular damage and internal bleeding. But the chances that a swallowed needle can enter the bloodstream are actually low.

There is a very common belief among people that constant consumption of seeds with husks, watermelons or grapes with seeds can cause the development of appendicitis. In fact, this is a common misconception - for the development of inflammation of the appendix, the presence of pathogenic microflora and a decrease in the body's defenses are necessary, and against this background, a mechanical blockage of the appendix can serve as a provoking factor. Much more often the cause of its inflammation is helminthic infestation. It should be noted here that some people can eat unpeeled seeds for years and still remain with their appendix unchanged, while others end up in a hospital bed with an attack of appendicitis, even despite a pathological predilection for not only thoroughly cleaning everything, but also pouring boiling water over it before consumption.

In some cases, a swallowed foreign body represents a serious surgical problem that requires not only correct diagnosis, but also the timely development of the correct treatment tactics. Almost any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so care must be taken both when preparing and eating food, and also to prevent small children from swallowing foreign objects.

Families with small children know that young researchers explore the world very actively, and this may not always be safe. Most often, children touch everything they can reach, and it happens that they taste new unfamiliar objects and put them in their mouths, not understanding the danger. If a child swallows something, parents are terrified! They begin to think about what harm an object accidentally or deliberately swallowed could cause to their baby. Therefore, mothers and fathers need to know exactly what to do if the baby swallows something inedible.

Objects that are dangerous or harmless to health - how to find out?

Sometimes parents worry in vain, so it is useful to know a rough list of what usually does not cause any harm to the child, and after a time is eliminated from his body naturally. Safe Items to Swallow:

  • small parts from a designer, for example, Lego;
  • small buttons;
  • various small beads or seed beads;
  • small-sized coins;
  • other small items.

But there are cases when swallowed objects can cause harm to health, sometimes even irreparable. Therefore, if your baby has swallowed something life-threatening, you should immediately consult a doctor. Considered hazardous to health and requiring immediate response:

  • any tablets, even in single quantities;
  • all toxic substances or something poisonous, such as insect poison;
  • large diameter coins;
  • any long objects (from 3 cm long - for children under one year old; from 5 cm - for children over one year old);
  • batteries regardless of their shape and size;
  • magnets in quantity more than one;
  • foil.

If your baby swallows these or similar objects, call a doctor immediately. Because if any of these items stay in the body for a long time, it is fraught with bad consequences.

What should you pay attention to first if your baby swallows a foreign body?- What is the child’s general condition? If he is as active as before, then there is no need to worry. The swallowed thing will come out naturally, so to speak. If he continues to actively play or do something else without complaints about his health, then there is no need to panic.

The baby swallowed a round object

A small, non-toxic, round object is the safest option. In a day he will come out on his own. Feed your baby porridge or applesauce so that the foreign object leaves the child’s body as quickly as possible. Pediatricians categorically do not recommend giving dry food to push an object or induce vomiting. Such violent measures can lead to internal damage.

Swallowed a coin - is it dangerous?

A coin that enters a child’s body can cause quite serious consequences. It can block the airway or scratch the wall of the esophagus. There is no need to be afraid of oxidation; for this, the coin will have to spend 3-4 days in the stomach. In most cases, small coins “slip through” without consequences, but it is imperative to make sure that they have left the child’s body.

Swallowed a potentially dangerous object

If you suspect that a child has swallowed a blade, battery, needle or other dangerous object, you should immediately contact a pediatric surgeon. Before the examination, it is important that the baby remains calm and does not run. It is strictly forbidden to give an enema, induce vomiting, give a laxative, or otherwise help a foreign object leave the body.

Batteries are especially dangerous. Contacting the walls of the intestines or stomach with two poles at once, they lead to damage to the mucous membranes. Batteries contain aggressive toxic substances that are intensively released under the influence of gastric juice. Within one hour of being in the stomach, the battery can cause an ulcer, and after a few hours a hole can form in the stomach wall. If a child swallows a battery, take him to a doctor.

A single magnet swallowed is not dangerous, but if combined with other magnets or metal objects, it may cause damage. Being in different loops of the esophagus, these objects will be attracted and can provoke acute conditions, in particular intestinal obstruction.


You should be especially vigilant when it comes to foil. Foil can be very dangerous if ingested. The safest thing would be if the foil gets into the digestive tract, as it does not cause any discomfort or health problems. Unfortunately, there are also severe cases where swallowed foil causes great harm.

Once in the respiratory tract, foil restricts the flow of air to the lungs, which can result in hypoxia. When the larynx or trachea is damaged by foil, coughing and vomiting usually occur. This is a protective reaction of the body, which tries to cope with the ingress of a foreign body. Often at this moment the child will not be able to say anything, and sometimes will not even be able to take a breath. In this case, you should not hesitate and wait for everything to end; you should immediately call an ambulance.

You should also contact qualified specialists if there is blood in the child’s mouth. This means that the foil has scratched the larynx or esophagus. Even if a child swallowed a small piece of foil and did not show any of the described signs, you need to observe for three days to see whether the foil came out naturally. Otherwise, the presence of foil in the body can lead to dire consequences, including disruption of the central nervous system.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

The most important thing: if something still bothers parents or a child, they should definitely consult a doctor! This is exactly the case where it is better to be safe than sorry.

If you are not sure whether your child swallowed something or not? The most obvious signs that your baby has swallowed something are:

  • The child complains of nausea and vomits;
  • The child cries because of abdominal pain;
  • His stool changes in appearance;
  • Sudden change of mood;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Of course, in the event of loss of consciousness, it is also quite likely that he swallowed something.

Surgeon Anton Lysov advises: what to do if a child swallows a foreign object

Coins, batteries, toy parts, crosses and even parts of a metal drill. In medical parlance, all of these are foreign bodies. As a rule, children aged from one to three years try everything around. Often everything happens in a matter of seconds. Parents, succumbing to panic, do not understand what to do. How to avoid foreign bodies getting into the body and what to do if this has already happened, surgeon Anton Lysov will tell you in the “Little Things in Life” program.

What should be done immediately as soon as a child swallows an object?

  1. Ask the child to open his mouth. It is quite possible that the baby has not yet swallowed, but simply put something inedible in his mouth. In this case, you should not scare the child, but carefully remove the object.
  2. If the object has actually been swallowed and dangerous symptoms are present, call a doctor immediately.
  3. Observe the baby’s condition, even if at first it seems that everything is fine. Active games, a good mood, and no complaints will show that everything is actually in order and there is no need to worry.
  4. When the parents have not noticed what exactly the child has swallowed, you can ask the baby himself if he can already talk or is able to point to a similar object.

The reason to immediately seek medical help is:

  • vomiting, nausea, hemoptysis, increased salivation;
  • acute pain in the larynx, esophagus, stomach area;
  • loss of appetite or refusal to eat;
  • increased body temperature;
  • blood during bowel movements or in stool.

If one or more of these symptoms are present, it does not matter how small the object was swallowed. You need to immediately call an ambulance, and while it is on its way, help the baby yourself in the right way.

What to do and what not to do before the medical team arrives

If an object has passed the oral cavity and is stuck somewhere below, but the baby can breathe freely, in no case should you try to pull out the foreign body yourself or “push” the swallowed object with food! It is also prohibited to give laxatives. Sometimes you can hear advice that a crust of bread or drinking plenty of fluids helps. But under no circumstances should the baby be fed or watered! If the child is very thirsty, or if the mouth is dry, you can simply moisten the lips or wipe them with a damp cloth. In addition, it is necessary to collect your thoughts, calm down and reassure the child, and also prepare the necessary documents for possible hospitalization in a hospital.

Only if the child begins to choke, do the following:

  1. Place the baby on your knee so that his head is down.
  2. Gently tap the edge of your palm between the shoulder blades, directing the movements from bottom to top.

Children under one year old are placed on the hand so that the head is lowered down, and with the finger of the same hand the baby’s mouth is opened. After that, according to the same rules, they clap on the back.

If the baby is not choking, you just need to provide him with peace and make sure that he is in a comfortable position, making a minimum of movements. The actions taken in this case are not only inappropriate, but also dangerous: you can accidentally move a swallowed object so that it blocks the airway or causes acute pain.

How do doctors act in a hospital?

The simplest and most effective test is an x-ray, which can be used to determine the location of a foreign body. Not all objects may be visible, so additional ultrasound or endoscopic examination may be necessary. Typically, children are kept in the hospital for 2-3 days to monitor their condition or decide whether further intervention is needed. If the object is small and does not pose a threat to health, then the child is provided with rest and with each bowel movement they check whether the foreign body has come out.

Dangerous objects must be urgently removed from the body; in this case, the endoscopic method almost always helps. The essence of this method is simple: using an endoscope and a special loop or clamps, an object is pulled out through the mouth, and in some cases, the foreign body is pushed further so that it leaves the body naturally. In especially severe cases, laparoscopic or abdominal surgery is prescribed, but this happens extremely rarely.

How to protect your child so that an unpleasant incident does not happen

If possible, you should always keep your child in sight, especially if he is a very small child who has just learned to move independently. Any items that pose even the slightest danger must be removed to a safe place. With older children, you need to talk about safety in language that is accessible to their age. It is worth carefully inspecting all the toys you buy and keeping an eye on the ones you already have so that they are not damaged. Parental love and care, as well as following certain rules, will help protect the child from trouble, and, if necessary, provide first aid if the baby has swallowed something.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!
