The history of the ballpoint pen. Types and types of handles

With the advent of ballpoint pens to the stationery market, schoolchildren were able to breathe a sigh of relief. Blots, blotting papers, notebooks covered in ink, smeared hands, face are a thing of the past. After all, earlier the task of a schoolboy was not so much learning to write, but the ability to manage pens and inkwells.

The advent of ballpoint pens

The main inconvenience of fountain and liquid pens was the need to regularly wet the pen with ink, which was still acceptable at school, but significantly slowed down any processes in the adult world - from political to industrial. A special need for transformation was observed where the pilots were forced to use pencils.

The idea of ​​a permanent supply of ink to the writing unit of the pen has been considered by inventors for a long time. The first analogues of a pen with a ball embedded in the writing tip were found on the territory of modern Armenia in a drawing dated 1166.

Subsequently, the idea of ​​a rotating tip returned repeatedly - in the US alone, 350 patents were issued. But the official inventors are the American John D. Laud and the Hungarians Laszlo and Georg Biro, who patented leak-proof handles.

The idea to organize their own production of ballpoint pens in the Soviet Union arose in 1949. It was not in the traditions of the Soviet state to buy patents, especially for national consumption. Therefore, on the basis of the best world samples, domestic copies were created.

The production of ballpoint pens was carried out by enterprises of local industry and industrial cooperation. The quality of the product was so poor that the introduction of the first ballpoint pens went without a hitch. The problem was the unsuccessful design of the writing unit. The complex procedure for refilling the cylinder also created inconvenience - the ball was removed from the tip, a new portion of ink was pumped through the hole formed by the syringe, and the ball was rolled back into the sphere. There were even stationary gas stations.

The quality of the ink also left much to be desired, for the production of which they began to use a mixture of castor oil and rosin.

At that time, the Union did not have the technological capabilities to eliminate these shortcomings, pens were no longer in demand and they were no longer produced.

The production of ballpoint pens resumed in 1965 at the Kuibyshev Ball Bearing Plant. Then Swiss equipment for the production of writing knots was purchased and it was possible to find out the recipe for Parker's ink.

However, the introduction of ballpoint pens into popular culture occurred in the early 70s.

The popularization of the model was hampered by educational standards, according to which great importance was attached to the formation of handwriting. The technical capabilities of a ballpoint pen did not allow for the implementation of the requirements for “writing out” letters that existed at that time.

For a long time, the problem was the issue of components - it was extremely difficult to replace a used-up rod, you had to buy a new one.

But with the solution of these issues in the Union, a design boom of ballpoint pens began. Sets of colored pens, automatic, two-, four-, six-color ballpoint pens began to be produced.

An interesting fact: among the Kremlin leaders, M.S. was the first to sign documents with a Parker ballpoint pen. Gorbachev. Previous chiefs preferred either pencils or solid ink utensils.


  • History of the invention of the ballpoint pen

The principle of a ballpoint pen is quite simple - at its end is a small ball that rolls along the surface of the paper and leaves traces of ink seeping into a small gap between the walls. But this invention was made not so long ago - in 1888, and the pen became widespread only in the 20th century, after the creation of a modern sample.

History of the invention of the ballpoint pen

Until the end of the 19th century, all writing instruments that used ink needed to be constantly dipped in an inkwell. It was uncomfortable to write, for a long time, there were blots on the paper. Engineers began to think about having a pen with ink supply. In 1888, American engineer John Loud patented the principle of a pen with a special reservoir for ink, which was fed through thin channels to a tip with a round hole. There was not yet a ball in a small hole at the end of the pen, but this device already allowed it to be drawn over paper without dipping it in ink. Although this pen was far from perfection: it is also blots, although less often than feathers.

In 1938, the Hungarian journalist Biro introduced a ballpoint pen of a modern design: first of all, he placed a small ball in the hole, which allowed the ink to be retained and blots from getting in, and also made writing more enjoyable. In addition, Biro also made special ink for such pens - watching the printing of newspapers, he noticed that the ink on them dries much faster. True, they were too thick for use in a pen, but he improved their formula.

The history of the development of the ballpoint pen

A lot of time has passed since the appearance of the modern design - more than seventy years, but its principle and structure have not changed much. Even the very first such pens had excellent characteristics, and most importantly, they were distinguished by a large supply of ink and their low consumption.

The first buyers of ballpoint pens were pilots - it was important for them that the writing instrument did not “flow”, since at high altitude it was a common phenomenon: the pressure in the air was higher.

The first ballpoint pens appeared in the Soviet Union after World War II. Soviet engineers had to make the ink themselves, as Parker, the owner of the most famous pen company, refused to cooperate with Stalin. Production of pens began in 1949, but they were too expensive for widespread use.

It wasn't until 1958 that ballpoint pens dropped in price enough to be widely used. In 1965, they began to be produced on Swiss equipment, and soon pens began to be issued. Soon this product became one of the most popular, today most pens have this design.

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No. 1. Write with a fountain pen with strong pressure. Perhaps the most remarkable quality of a fountain pen is that it does not require pressure when writing - it can literally write under the weight of its own weight. And yet, people who are accustomed to using ballpoint pens often continue to put pressure on the writing knot when switching to fountain pens. Excessive pressure may cause the pen tips to separate and ruin the pen. Do not attempt to write on a dry fountain pen by pressing down on the pen or tapping it on a hard surface as you risk damaging it. It is better to hold it under running water - the pen will “come to life”.

Tip: just relax and enjoy writing without pressure and without the consequences of numb fingers from fatigue.

No. 2. A fairly common mistake is to carry a pen along with other metal objects: keys, key chains, a folding knife, etc. The body of your pen can get scratched, whether it is made of plastic, metal with a lacquered or anodized surface.

Tip: Always carry the pen separately from these items: in another pocket, in a pencil case, or place the pen in a pouch or case.

#3: Use special calligraphy ink in your fountain pen, labeled as India Ink, Lawer's Ink, Pigmented Ink, etc. This ink is designed for doodle pens. Some of these inks are formulated specifically for use in fountain pens, but most are not. Calligraphy ink contains shellac, a resin that, when dry, completely blocks the ink channels in your pen. This ink dissolves only with alcohol, which can also ruin your writing instrument.

When a fountain pen needs to be refilled with waterproof ink, for example, for sketching in the “ink + watercolor” technique, pigmented ink is usually used - special for fountain pens, for example, Platinum Carbon Ink. Remember that when using such ink, the pen must be washed more often.

Tip: When buying ink, make sure it's the right type for fountain pens.

No. 4. More experienced users often make this mistake: not caring for a fountain pen. Fountain pen care is quite simple: the pen must be periodically washed with water at room temperature. Sometimes it is enough to hold the stylus under running water. If an ink-filled pen has been left unused for a long time and the ink in it has dried up, place the writing knot in a glass of water for a while. If you are using a converter, it is enough to draw water into the pen and empty it, repeating this several times until the water becomes clear. By the way, with the constant use of the converter, the pen requires less maintenance - the piston ink intake system automatically flushes the pen.

*The Goulet Pen Company blog also recommends a douche as a handy tool for washing the writing unit of the pen. As they say, everyone has their own rituals, choose the one that you like best.

If you use ink of the same color, you can wash the pen once a month. If you change ink, then wash it before each new refill.

No. 5. This is not a mistake, but rather a death sentence for your fountain pen: rinse it with alcohol or acetone. Acetone dissolves plastic, and alcohol is quite aggressive to both external and internal parts of the handle.

Tip: Use water to clean your fountain pen - it's enough to do the job.

No. 6. This mistake can be fatal for your pen: dropping a fountain pen when there is no cap on it. According to the law of the sandwich, it will fall pen down. If the surface is hard, it will bend, and as a rule, after that the pen can no longer be restored. In premium pens, a nib replacement repair can cost the cost of a whole pen. You'll have more luck if you own a Lamy pen or a couple of other brands whose nibs can be changed on your own.

Tip: when you've finished writing, immediately put the cap on the pen.

There is no information about the history of the creation of ballpoint pens, it will not be difficult to find it. Information about the rods is also highlighted in a separate .

But sorting it out and classifying the types of pens, as well as helping with advice with its choice will be useful.

Anatomy of a regular and automatic ballpoint pen

1. Hollow body - a rod is located inside it, if we are talking about a simple pen, and an additional rod return mechanism and a spring are located, if we are talking about a pen with a return mechanism (fountain pen).

2. Cap - serves to protect the ink from drying out, as well as to ensure that when worn, the writing mechanism does not stain clothes. You probably noticed that most of the caps have holes at the base - they serve to ensure that a person, in particular a child, when swallowed, can breathe through them until medical assistance is provided. The same applies to the caps of felt-tip pens.

3. Tip - unscrewed, serves to fix the return spring of the fountain pen and to change the rod. In cheap pens it is made of plastic, in more expensive ones it is made of metal, which significantly increases the life of the handle. The plastic tip is one of the diseases of fountain pens, it often cracks and breaks, long before the rod runs out.

5. Grip (Grip), aka grip section - stop (often rubber) for the fingers at the base of the handle. Thanks to this small rubber ring, the usability of the pen has increased tenfold.

6. Mechanical device for feeding and returning the core of a fountain pen. Serves to hide the writing unit inside the body of the pen. Mechanisms are mainly spring and rotary. Sometimes - sliding.

7. The core of the pen is a hollow tube filled with ink. As a rule, the rods are made of plastic or metal. But we will return to the types of ink below.

8. The actual writing unit of the pen. We will also talk about its types and device below.

Handle body

They are distinguished by the materials from which the body is made. Consider the main ones:

Plastic. The most common due to its simplicity and low cost. The handle made from this material is the lightest. Ideal for people who write a lot, for example, schoolchildren and students.

Metal. Traditionally, premium-class pens were made from different types of metals (steel, silver, gold, nickel, brass). However, now you can easily find a metal pen at an affordable price (Chinese - well done =^_^=). Differs not only in the greatest durability, but also in weight.

Tree. As a rule, it is found in the form of a decorative element of premium-class pens, but on the Internet you can find an incredible number of homemade pens, the body of which is made of wood.

Handles are also distinguished by types of section, we will consider only the main ones:

A circle is the most common section of a pen body. It is unremarkable, it is saved only by the flu installed at the base.

Hexagon - a pencil is taken as the basis of the body, the edges are applied to the body for easy grip, and so that the pen does not roll off the table, by analogy with a hexagonal pencil.

Triangle - by far the most ergonomic section of the handle, grip under the fingers. It is worth noting that some manufacturers took care of left-handers and made handles not only with a triangular section, but also with special recesses on the grip of the handle, for convenience, with a reverse grip.

Let's combine the types of writing knots and ink in one section, because they are closely related.

Ball point pen

As a rule, the writing unit and the core are a single unit (in cheap disposable pens, the pen core is also the body) and are thrown away after use.

Device and principle of operation: the writing unit is a combination of a metal tube and a rolling bearing. The capillary effect is used to supply ink to the assembly.

The ink falls through the tube onto the ball, and when we pass it over the paper, it rotates and transfers the ink from the tube to the paper. Due to the special properties of the ink and the small gap between the ball and the walls of the tube, a uniform supply of ink is ensured. Here it is necessary to make a small digression - there are two types of balls:

  • metal
  • ceramic

Ceramic is preferred as it is covered with natural mini-craters, which transfers the ink to the paper more evenly. In addition, the ceramic ball is not subject to corrosion, although this, by and large, does not really matter.

To date, ballpoint pens are divided into three types according to the type of writing unit and ink.

Ballpoint pen / Ballpoint - classic ballpoint pen

Used ink:

  1. Thickened ink/paste. The most common type.
  2. Oil based ink. In this case, on the refill or pen, Semi-gel is indicated, today it is one of the most progressive inventions in the line of writing instruments.

Ballpoint pens with low viscosity oil-based ink provide soft and easy writing with economical ink consumption. The disadvantage of ballpoint pens, no matter how expensive they are, is the so-called. "tight" writing, spoiling the handwriting and straining the writer.

Gel pen / Gel / Gel rollerbal - this pen uses ink with a gel consistency.

Thanks to a new type of ink, it was possible to reduce the size of the ball, the pen began to write softer, this is subjective, in my opinion, the majority of gel pens seem to “scratch” the paper.

Ink used - inked gel.

The purpose of the invention of the gel pen was the desire to write richly, boldly and brightly. However, when using a conventional pen for these purposes, a large amount of ink was consumed. If you use ordinary ink and a larger gap between the ball and the walls of the tube, then the pen will leak. Therefore, instead of conventional ink, a gel tinted with them is used. Gel pens have gained wide popularity due to the incredible number of colors available.

Everyone has seen the 24-color sets, and plus there are sets with glitter, neon and pastel colors. A lot of artists and designers use gel pens. The advantage of these pens is that they can write on almost any surface, unlike ballpoint pens and rollerball pens.

The disadvantage of gel pens is the uncontrolled supply of ink, so there will certainly be streaks and stains, both on paper and on hands and clothes. For the same reason, we note the rapid consumption of ink. Such a pen is not very suitable for writing, although there are amateurs, but it is perfect for artists and designers.

Rollerball pen / Rollerball is the most advanced model of a ballpoint pen.

This pen uses a refill filled with liquid ink and a spring-loaded ball in the nib at the end to write.

Used ink

Unlike ballpoint pens, which use paste as the writing material, rollerball pens use a gel or other water-based coloring liquid. Due to the lower viscosity, the ink absorbs better, which allows the rollerballs to leave a more beautiful mark similar to the trace of a fountain pen. The writing ball is usually 0.5 and 0.7 mm in diameter, with "F" and "M" marked on the refills, respectively.

It is also worth noting that the ink used in rollerballs is water-based, which means that they are not waterproof and if moisture gets on the text, there is a high probability of blurring (for example, raindrops). To avoid this, water-based pigment inks are used. That is, the ink contains an insoluble pigment, which, drying on paper, forms a solid substance resistant to moisture. Such inks also have a minus - they dry out if not used for a long time. A significant disadvantage of such pens is their considerable cost in relation to other types of stationery pens, however, lightness and softness of writing more than make up for this deficiency.

Created unique pens with special inks that provide maximum smoothness of writing at a low price of a pen (Uniball Jetstream 217), I recommend trying it out on occasion.

Few people know and pay even less attention to such a seemingly small object as a stationery pen. However, a properly selected handle eliminates slipping and unnecessary tension on the fingers, unloads the arms, shoulders, and even reduces neck tension!

0. Don't go cheap. I am not advocating buying expensive pens. In addition to premium-class pens, there are pens of the middle price category, I won’t point out the boundaries, each has its own. I just want to say that when buying a cheap pen, there is a high probability of damaging documents, spoiling objects around (for example, getting dirty with leaking ink), and even health, the pen can simply be toxic. Due to poor-quality materials from which it is made, it can last a day, or even a couple of hours, which will eventually lead to new expenses.

1. The pen should fit your weight, it should not be very light, otherwise you will put a lot of pressure on the paper and your fingers will quickly get tired. The same will happen with the fingers, and the hand as a whole, after the handle has too much weight.

2. A well-chosen body shape is the key to a long letter. Of course, all this is an amateur, but I recommend a triangular section with a grip under the fingers.

3. It will be great if the pen is equipped with a rubber or rubber grip for the fingers, this will soften the pressure of the body on the fingers and make the grip comfortable and soft, which again will allow you to write longer.

4. Beware of smelly pens! There is a high probability that this is a self-made Chinese production, such pens can be toxic.

5. Many times I read recommendations to buy only domestic or European-made pens. In defense of the “made in china” inscription, I will say that many European manufacturers have marked their factories in China, where not only pens are produced, but many other things are produced under quality control. If you have a pen of a famous brand in your hands, but with the inscription "made in china", 99% that this pen is made in China, but under quality control and there is no point in fearing for the material of execution and health. Many manufacturers care about their reputation and do not allow fakes under their brands to appear on the shelves.

Ink pens and pens have been used since the beginning of the written era. Despite problems such as ink smearing and writing utensils being unreliable, they were quite popular.

Ink components

The ink in the pen is about 50 percent dye. The black color comes from soot (a fine powder made from it). Several dyes are used to make blue ink, but the most common ones consist of triphenylmethane, a copper phthalocyanine. Black and blue inks often contain ferrous sulfate and tannic acids. These additives have been used since the Middle Ages to make it more stable.

Dyes and additives are mixed with the solvent. Often it is either propylene glycol. Synthetics are then added to help disperse the paint as well as adjust viscosity and surface tension.

Additives such as resins, preservatives and wetting agents are also used. They can be added to adjust the final properties of the ink.

In this article, we will consider the technical characteristics of promo pens: designs, materials, coatings and rods. Let's compare different methods of applying a logo. Let's find out which pens are better and for what purposes: which pens to buy if you are planning a mass promotional distribution, and which one - as a personal gift.

Ballpoint pen designs

Handles from the Topgifts range are disassembled, which allows you to replace the core if necessary. The details of most models are threaded and easily untwisted. The threaded connection can be located both in the middle of the body and at the end: some handles have a spout unscrewed.

Models without threads - with a conical connection or with clamps of various designs - are more difficult to disassemble. At the attachment point, you need to pull or turn the part with effort. We do not recommend disassembling such handles: putting them back together can be problematic.

There are unresolved exceptions: these are inexpensive ballpoint pens, the price of which is comparable to the price of a new rod. Such pens are optimal for promotional distribution, replacing the paste for them is simply impractical.

More than just a pen. The design of the Construction pens from the German brand Troika includes a stylus, a ruler, a level and two screwdrivers.

Handle activation mechanisms: push and turn

There is an opinion that the number of parts is directly proportional to the frequency of breakdowns. It is a myth. Swivel and push mechanisms are equally reliable, and their use depends only on the designer's idea.

Housing material

Plastic ballpoint pens

Four types of coating are common: glossy opaque (solid), matte transparent (frost), glossy transparent (transparent) and matte opaque (matt solid). Each effect is achieved by cross-using two types of plastic (transparent and opaque) and two types of molds (polished for glossy and specially "sanded" for matte). In addition to the four main types, we also highlight plastic with a soft-touch coating and plastic with a metallic effect.

To obtain the effect of "metallic" (satinated), a metallized powder coating is applied to white plastic.

A special, pleasant to the touch, "warm" soft-touch coating is achieved by applying a thin layer of elastic rubber-like material based on polyurethane to the plastic. If dark areas appear on such a pen, clean them with warm soapy water or simply erase with an eraser.

The rule of contrast also works for handles, which is why designers often combine different types of surfaces in the same model.

Glossy clear clip and matte clear body

Glossy clear clip and glossy opaque body

Glossy clear clip and soft touch body

Metal ballpoint pens

Ballpoint pens are made from aluminium, brass and stainless steel. Metal is often coated with paint or varnish. As with plastic handles, a combination of different surfaces within the same model is common. For example, soft touch and corrugated metal coatings.

Each metal and type of coating has its own engraving features. Read about them below.

In addition to the usual materials, metal and plastic, wood can be used in the manufacture of handles. Handles in maple, walnut, rosewood, oak and beech bodies, united in a set, are an unusual high-status gift.


In the catalog of pens with paste, only the most popular is blue. To order, you can make rods that write in red, green or black.

Most manufacturers use standard rod lengths and diameters. Therefore, the rod of one brand will fit the handle of another. But the match may not be perfect: the standardization does not concern the thickness of the rod nose. A new rod of the correct length may be thicker than the hole in the housing. And don't get in. Or, conversely, thinner - which looks ugly.

Metal handles last longer than plastic ones, so they are equipped with larger capacity rods.

Writing line thickness

At the end of the rod with ink is a writing unit (tip). It consists of a metal tube and a small metal ball. Due to the small gap between them, the ball rotates easily and transfers the ink to the paper. The diameter of the ball determines the thickness of the writing line.

As a rule, European manufacturers use a ball diameter of 1.0-1.2 mm, Asian - 0.5-0.7 mm. But this rule is not always respected, and the manufacturer can change this parameter at its discretion. Even with the same pen model, the thickness varies from batch to batch. In addition, we all write differently: someone displays letters with pressure, and someone writes, barely touching the paper.

Roller bars

Rollerball pens differ from conventional ones by using lower viscosity ink. The line left by the rollerball looks like the mark of a fountain pen. The ink is better absorbed by the paper and dries faster.

The disadvantage of roller cores is the lack of standardization. Finding the perfect replacement for an old rod can be difficult. Another disadvantage is that liquid paste dries quickly not only on paper, but also in the core itself, which significantly limits the shelf life of such pens.

Fountain pens themselves, which rollerblades are chasing after, have long become an element of the image. And among them there are both bright, conditionally youth models, and strict classic premium writing instruments. Which pens are better depends only on the purpose of the gift.

An alternative to pens and ink are pencils. Light and inexpensive, they seem to invite you to play. Application combined with simple yet creative packaging transforms the item and takes communication to the next level.


Expensive pens are always completed with a case. Gift wrapping gives additional space for personalization, including when application to the item itself is not possible or desirable.

The packaging turns the mid-priced pen into a personalized gift.

Drawing images on pens

Which pen to buy also depends on what design you want to print on it.

Common ways to apply a logo on plastic pens:

pad printing,
- UV printing.

Methods for branding metal pens:

pad printing,
- UV printing,
- laser engraving.

Aluminum handles are light and inexpensive. The case is usually coated with paint that is well engraved by any type of laser. When engraved, a light matte silver color of the metal appears. To add weight and “solidity” to aluminum handles, manufacturers can place weights inside the case.

Handles with a brass body are often coated with colored lacquer. Lacquer looks impressive and expensive, but whimsical for engraving. If you apply a logo with too small details on the handle, small jagged chips may appear.

The “natural” color of brass is matt yellow, showing through during engraving, it blends perfectly with the golden details of the pen (clip, spout, rings, and other decorative elements). If the parts are chrome-plated, the brass body undergoes a special treatment before applying varnish or paint, which creates a silvery stable coating. The laser "does not take" it, so the color of the body after engraving matches the color of the parts.

Stainless steel handles look spectacular and brutal. As a rule, they are not covered with anything: steel does not take well both paint and varnish. When engraved, it gives the natural color of the metal - dark gray with a small admixture of a shade of yellow.

The golden rule when preparing a drawing layout on a pen is: the fewer small details, the better! Large concise images are not only better printed or engraved, they also look more impressive on a small object.

The recommended line thickness for pad printing is 0.3 mm or more, the minimum is 0.1 mm. On handles of dark colors, pad printing requires an additional layer-substrate. Otherwise, the dark color of the case will break through the light ink of the print.

Direct UV printing produces a bright full color image with the finest lines (up to 0.05 mm). Printing is possible both on metal pens and on plastic, including those with soft-touch coating.

The recommended minimum line thickness for engraving differs for different materials: unpainted surfaces - 0.12 mm (for reverses - 0.25 mm), painted and varnished - 0.2 mm and 0.3 mm, respectively. Keep in mind that different hardware gives different results, so we recommend that you always order a test copy.

Technical savvy and knowledge of the “materiel” is a noticeable advantage if you choose a pen for your brand or help a customer make a choice. And although sometimes price and circulation come to the fore, design matters. Remember that the appearance and quality of a promotional pen sometimes says more about a brand than the slogan printed on it.
