How to quickly break in new shoes at home. How to wear shoes: proven tips

Even the most careful selection of shoes does not guarantee trouble-free wearing in the future. It often happens that sneakers that seemed so comfortable begin to rub your feet until they bleed. The reasons for this may be different, for example, the wrong size or the desire to “walk” a new thing as soon as possible without wearing it out even a little. However, the inconvenience of shoes is not a reason to say goodbye to them. There are many ways to break in shoes at home.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to contact a shoemaker who has special stretching devices. If there is no such desire or opportunity, there are other methods that you can use yourself:

  • Hardware stores sell chemical agents - stretchers based on alcohol and emollients. They are available in the form of spray, liquid and foam. Different products are suitable for different materials - leather, suede, varnish, leatherette. They are very simple and easy to use: moisten a cotton swab with the product and apply it inside to the rubbing area , and then put on socks and walk in the treated shoes for about an hour.
  • In shoe stores you can purchase special devices (lasts) for shoes.
  • If there is no urgency in using a new pair, you should break it in gradually, wearing it at home for one to two hours over a week or more.
  • If there is still an urgency, it is recommended to wear tight boots with thick woolen socks. After two to three hours they will have increased by half a size.
  • If the shoes are pinching in a certain place, for example, rubbing the heel, hot wax or paraffin is dripped onto this place, after which the shoes are put on. In a few days, the paraffin will wear off and the shoes will stretch.

How to stretch natural leather

Leather is a natural and most comfortable material. It is naturally easier to distribute products made from it than from any other.

Most methods for stretching shoes with improvised means also apply primarily to leather, although some of them are applicable to other materials.


Alcohol is an effective extender. It can be used to stretch hard shoes made of both smooth and patent leather.

  1. Alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and poured into a spray bottle.
  2. Spray the solution onto the inner surface of the product.
  3. Wear shoes with thick socks and wear them for about 2 hours until the alcohol has completely evaporated.

Instead of shoes, you can wet your socks with an alcohol solution. It is allowed to treat it from the inside with cologne.

Do not wipe the outside of shoes with alcohol - this may worsen their appearance.


This is perhaps the most unusual way to stretch shoes.

  1. Sealed plastic bags are placed in the shoes.
  2. Cold water is poured into the bags - as much as will fit.
  3. The shoes are laced up to prevent water from spilling out and placed in the freezer for at least 8 hours.
  4. After a while, take out the ice pack and let it thaw a little. Do not remove ice from your shoes immediately to avoid tearing or scratching them.

When exposed to cold, the shoes will expand slightly.

The method is suitable for genuine leather, good leatherette and suede. Winter boots without fur also stand up well to temperature changes. However, you should be careful: low-quality shoes, like shoes made of very thin leather, can crack at the seams.

Boiling water

This method seems extreme, but there is nothing wrong with it, and it allows you to stretch hard shoes very quickly.

  1. Boiling water is poured into the shoes and immediately, after a maximum of 30 seconds, poured back.
  2. Put on the shoes and break them in for about half an hour so that the leather cools and takes the shape of the foot.

The method is suitable for genuine leather, suede and textiles. Artificial leather and leatherette do not tolerate high temperatures.


A method whose effectiveness has been confirmed by many generations of housewives.

  1. The newspapers should be wetted, torn and stuffed into the shoes as tightly as possible.
  2. Then you need to wait until the newspapers dry naturally (usually about a day).

You cannot “help” newspapers dry near the radiator - this will deform the shoes.

Blow drying

There is a known way to stretch leather and suede shoes using a hair dryer.

  1. Thick socks are put on the feet, and tight shoes are put on them.
  2. Then turn on the hairdryer and warm the area of ​​the foot with it.
  3. Wait for the surface of the shoe to cool down.
  4. Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.

Then the shoes are lubricated with a special moisturizing conditioner.

Moisturizing with a towel

You can break in new leather boots by lightly dampening them with a towel.

  1. A towel soaked in boiling water and well wrung out is wrapped around the shoes or the box with them.
  2. Leave for 4–5 hours, periodically moistening the towel.

Cowboy method

Cowboys of the Wild West wore leather boots like this.

  1. They filled them with grain.
  2. The grain was filled with water in sufficient quantities.
  3. Left it overnight.

The grain swelled, stretching the boots in length and width. While still wet inside, they were put on and dried directly on themselves, as a result of which the stretched shoes fit perfectly on the foot.

Instead of grain, you can take any cereal that swells with water.

How to stretch artificial leather

Faux leather comes in different varieties. Its basis can be fabric, which does not stretch at all, or rubber, which can be made larger, but again smaller will not work.

Not all methods applicable to natural leather are suitable for artificial leather. The most painless way to increase leather shoes by half a size is to use a hairdryer. From frost and boiling water they can crack, and from swollen grain they will become so huge that it will no longer be possible to wear them.

Artificial leather also helps to carry fat-containing substances.

  1. Lubricate the shoes from the inside with vegetable or castor oil, fish oil or Vaseline. .
  2. Then it is put on a warm sock or last.
  3. After a few hours it needs to be cleaned.

How to stretch suede

Suede shoes usually stretch well, so you need to buy them strictly according to size. Even if they are a little tight, it usually takes a few days to wear them out. If, however, walking in suede shoes causes unbearable pain, it makes sense to try to stretch them too.

Of the methods already mentioned, drying with a hairdryer is suitable for suede. But there is also a specific option designed specifically for her. This is beer.

  1. The shoes are moistened from the inside with beer and put on thick socks.
  2. After a few hours, remove it and place it on an open window to remove the smell of an alcoholic drink.

Suede cannot be treated with other types of alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing products.

How to stretch rubber boots

Like leather shoes, PVC rubber boots can be slightly expanded with boiling water. However, the procedure in this case will be slightly different. Step by step it looks like this:

  1. Pour boiling water into the boots and wait a few minutes until they become softer.
  2. Meanwhile, fill a basin with cold water and put on woolen socks.
  3. When the water in the boots has cooled a little, it is drained and the shoes are put on.
  4. After a few minutes, they stand directly in their boots in a basin of cold water so that the PVC hardens under the influence of temperature changes.

To distinguish PVC from natural rubber, you should touch the boots with a hot object in an inconspicuous place. If the material begins to melt, then it will not be difficult to stretch it. With regular tires this is no longer possible.

How to stretch textile shoes

Unfortunately, the most likely answer here is no. In some cases, the refrigerator method mentioned above may help. In general, textiles are not prone to elastic deformation, so the only advice I can give here is to buy shoes in your size, without expecting them to stretch over time.

How to choose the right shoes

To save shoes from unpleasant procedures, which, moreover, do not always pass without a trace, it is recommended:

  • Buy products only from natural materials - they are easy to wear naturally, and your feet feel more comfortable in them.
  • Go shopping in the afternoon, when the leg is already swollen and increased in volume.
  • Try on winter boots only with thick socks or tights.
  • If your feet are fuller, buy shoes a size larger.
  • Do not make a purchase if you have even the slightest doubt about the size.

A balanced approach to choosing shoes or boots will allow you to avoid difficulties with breaking them in and maintain their original size for a long time.

All women love fashionable shoes. Especially the shoes. They can be worn to any event and changed at least every day. Unfortunately, sometimes after purchasing shoes they turn out to be uncomfortable - they pinch your toes and cause pain when walking. I don’t want to take it back to the store, because this is exactly what the girl dreamed of. Only they fit the new dress... The thought is born in my head: “Stretch and wear the shoes, no matter what.” Luckily, there are many ways to make your shoes fit and break in. We offer useful recommendations.

General rules and useful recommendations: if your shoes feel too tight in your toes

At home, making shoes a size larger is a completely doable task. If you need to put on a pair urgently, and there is no time to buy special products, you should resort to urgent methods. For example, spray an alcohol-containing product inside the toe box: cologne, deodorant, etc. After treatment, you should immediately put on your shoes.

If the shoes are made of genuine leather, alcohol will slightly deform them from the inside, and the foot will fit in without problems. Artificial leather also responds well to the alcohol procedure. Before spraying, alcohol is diluted with water (ratio 2:1). You don’t have to spray the inside, but wipe it with a cotton or cotton pad. If you don't have a spray bottle at hand.

Important! Suede products should not be soaked in alcohol! This causes the material to deteriorate and take on a sloppy appearance. For suede shoes, it's better to take beer. It will soften and will not stain the item.

If you don’t need a new pair soon, it is recommended to break them in gradually, without using chemicals. Shoes have the good property of adapting to the shape of the foot. You should wear something new every day and wear it for several hours. Over time, the shoes will stop squeezing your fingers and become comfortable. In the first days, it is better to put shoes or socks on your feet. There are special pads on the fingers that prevent the appearance of calluses.

Use of special means

If you don’t want to wear your shoes for a long time and exude the aroma of alcohol, you can buy special expanding agents. They come in the form of sprays or mechanical dilators. Such devices are convenient and will come in handy later when purchasing a new pair.

The expander is a block fastened with a bolt. It is inserted inside the shoe and the width of the toe area is adjusted using a bolt. That is, the device expands the shoes. You need to leave it inside for several hours. If necessary, do this before each use of the shoes. Instructions are included with the expander. Therefore, there will be no problems with its use.

Sprays that help make shoes bigger are also sold in stores. They are easy to use and effective. Just spray inside the products and put them on. It is recommended to walk for 30 minutes, then repeat the activity. If the shoes become normal after the first treatment, there is no need to repeat the process.

How to stretch shoes using improvised means

There are affordable ways to enlarge shoes using available means:

  1. Newspapers. Every house has old waste paper. It can be used to make an effective expander. Make a ball from newspapers that will be proportional to the size of the shoes. Place it in warm water. It is better to make two balls for both shoes at once. Remove from water and squeeze well. Place the resulting “bomb” in the toes of the shoes. Place tightly and leave to dry in a ventilated place for 6-7 hours. It is important to understand that it is better not to use the battery! Dry naturally. For example, on the balcony. Newspaper balls are effective for leather products. It is better not to fill suede with damp paper;
  2. Treatment with boiling water. High temperatures expand shoes. Pour some boiling water inside the shoes and leave for 2-3 minutes. Then drain the water and cool the material. Put on socks and shoes. Walk for half an hour. Boiling water is only suitable for high-quality shoes made of genuine leather with durable stitching. Otherwise, the product will come unstuck and fall apart;
  3. You can increase the size of the new thing by using raw potatoes. This solution is suitable for artificial shoes. Remove the skins from the potatoes. Place inside the shoes and leave for 8-10 hours. It is better to take several small potatoes to make it easier to compact them.

If you don’t want to bother with traditional methods, you can entrust the expansion of shoes to professionals. In shoe workshops, this procedure will be done quickly, efficiently and without damage.

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Sometimes it happens that after purchasing shoes at home, you discover that the product is a little tight. The pair might fit during fitting, but you still feel discomfort when walking. There are several proven methods for breaking in shoes that are too tight, and doing it as quickly and efficiently as possible. Before using them, be sure to study the instructions for use so as not to damage the product.

Basic rules

It is extremely important to choose the right stretching technique. The first thing to take into account is the composition of the product. For example, it is easiest to expand shoes made of genuine leather. It is much more difficult to lengthen shoes made from its substitute. It is important to know that the surface of varnished products may crack if the method is not chosen correctly. As for rubber boots, they cannot be worn out.

You can stretch shoes by yourself no more than 2 cm. If they are expensive, then it is better to turn to professionals. They use special compounds and adjust products using pads.

It happens that you don’t have time to go to the workshop, but you don’t want to change your already favorite pair. In this case, products that are suitable for stretching products at home will be of great help. It is also worth using specialized compounds that are available in any shoe department or choosing a suitable folk method. According to reviews, both options cope with their task, but you need to take into account what the product is made of.

There are techniques that are not suitable for certain materials:

  1. The freezing method has a negative effect on leatherette and varnished leather.
  2. The use of alcohol-containing compounds is prohibited for artificial leather - the surface will become dull and streaks will appear.
  3. The action of boiling water has a negative effect on any synthetic material.
  4. Vaseline and other fatty compounds should not be used on suede and velor - permanent stains will appear.

Before putting your shoes away for storage, you need to wash them well - remove all dirt from the surface, dry them and insert them inside the lasts or stuff them with paper. This will prevent deformation of the material. Do not place shoes in bags for a long time. Cardboard boxes and special fabric bags are suitable for this.

The freezing method has a negative effect on leatherette and leather.
The use of alcohol-containing compounds is prohibited for artificial leather
The action of boiling water has a negative effect on any synthetic material
Fatty compounds should not be used on suede and velor.

Selection of method depending on the material

To determine how to wear shoes that pinch at home, you must take into account that there are no universal methods suitable for all types of material. It is best to use a specific method for stretching models made of leather, suede, leatherette, membrane, textiles. This is the only way to be sure that the new pair will last a long time.


You can use ready-made cosmetics to wear shoes at home, but you need to pay attention to your skin type. Conventionally, shoe cosmetics are divided into two types: for a specific material and universal compositions. The use of products intended for other types of leather products is harmful to the pair. You need to be attentive to metallized, wicker, greased and varnished surfaces. Before wearing shoes that are too tight at home, you need to dry clean the shoes from dirt using a brush. If dust is not removed from the top and inside of the leather, it will penetrate into the material along with the wear agent, which will worsen the appearance of the product.


Suede is very susceptible to the negative effects of the environment, so you need to be careful when breaking it in. It is forbidden to use products that contain varnish or oils, and this material should not be soaked too much. You can purchase a spray for breaking in suede shoes. It should be applied to areas where significant compression occurs. Next, you need to put on your shoes and walk until the composition dries completely. If the process is accompanied by severe pain, then it is better to do several approaches. The spray effectively stretches suede without harming it.


Summer shoes are often made from woven materials, such as jeans. It won't be possible to expand it much, but it is possible to increase it a little. If the products are tight in your fingers, sometimes it is enough to put a damp insole and walk for 25-30 minutes, putting on socks and shoes. Alternatively, the surface layer is treated with an alcohol-containing liquid, for example vodka.

An effective way to break in fabric shoes is to walk in them in the rain or on wet grass. When you get home, you will need to put dry, crumpled paper sheets inside. This method is harmless if the sole is sewn and not glued.

Walk in the rain or on wet grass
Place dry, crumpled paper sheets inside


If the shoes are made of membrane, you must first wet the surface inside the shoes with boiling water. When they soften, the products should be wiped with a dry cloth and worn in by putting them on a sock. To consolidate the effect, you need to treat the shoes with cold - you can use water or ice for this. The method should be used carefully, since low-quality boots will lose their former shape when exposed to boiling water.

Wet the surface inside with boiling water
Wipe with a dry cloth and wear on a sock.
Treat shoes with cold


This is a synthetic material that is practically unstretchable. If you only need to enlarge the product a little, then you can distribute faux leather models at home in the following ways:

  1. Spray the surfaces inside and out generously with Vaseline. Wait about an hour, so the product is well absorbed, put shoes on socks, and a bag on top, then walk for half an hour. Upon completion, remove the greasy composition.
  2. Use candle paraffin. Rub the surface inside the shoes with wax and leave for a day. Afterwards, remove the paraffin with a napkin. As an alternative, you can use laundry soap. After a day, the product is removed with a damp cloth, after which the shoes are worn until dry.
  3. To increase the volume of leatherette shoes, you need to tightly pack peeled potatoes and crumpled wet paper inside, and leave the product for a day.

Do not dry wet shoes near heating appliances or on hot radiators. During prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures, cracks form on artificial leather. As a result, the material becomes clogged with dust, which shortens its service life. Surface deformation also speeds up shoes getting wet when “walking” in the rain. Products should only be dried at room temperature. Cedar blocks will help speed up the drying process.

Spray the surfaces inside and outside generously with Vaseline.
Walk for half an hour, remove the greasy composition
Use candle paraffin
Place peeled potatoes and crumpled wet paper tightly

Folk remedies

There are many folk methods for distributing shoes at home. Use alcohol compounds, water, fat, vinegar, and newspaper sheets. How to carry out the procedure correctly and not harm the product is a question that is worth considering in more detail.


This is an excellent skin softener. Shoes made from natural material are rubbed with alcohol from the inside and put on the toe. It is prohibited to wet the outside. Alcohol dries very quickly, so it doesn’t take long to break in tight shoes.

It is prohibited to treat suede shoes with alcohol - the material can only be moistened with beer. Lubricate the inside of the products well, put on thick socks and boots and wear them until dry. Kerosene can be used as an alternative to alcohol-containing liquids. The processing principle is no different, the only thing is that the smell after the procedure is difficult to remove.

Rub shoes made of natural material with alcohol from the inside and put them on the toe.
Treat suede shoes with beer, put on thick socks and wear until dry.


This method allows you to slightly increase the length of the product. Few people know how to properly break in shoes that press on your toes with the help of steam. To do this, you must complete several steps:

  • hold shoes over steam;
  • then fill with crumpled paper;
  • wait until it dries.

Drying using heating equipment is strictly prohibited, as the surface will be deformed. Unprinted paper should be used. Blank A4 sheets are best.

Hold your shoes over the steam
Stuff with crumpled paper
Wait until it dries


This technique is suitable for leather products. First, put on socks, then shoes, then use a hairdryer to treat the area on the bend of the foot with hot air. There is no need to take off your shoes right away - you need to wait until the surface has completely cooled naturally. This needs to be done 3-4 times, then treat the outer part with shoe care products.

There is no need to bring a working hair dryer very close to the surface - leather shoes can be damaged under the influence of intense and hot air.


This is the most humane method for breaking in shoes quickly and stretching them out. You will need a freezer and 2 bags. Balls are inserted inside each shoe and water is added to them. Be sure to tie the bag tightly, then put the shoes in the freezer. As the liquid freezes, it expands, stretching the material.

The main thing is not to keep your shoes in the refrigerator, since prolonged exposure to cold can cause cracks on their surface, especially for materials such as leatherette.

Add water to bags, tie
Paste inside
Place shoes in the freezer


This method involves mixing 70% vinegar with water in a 1/1 ratio. If you use a 9% composition, then there is no need to dilute it. Rules of application:

  • treat the surface inside with a solution;
  • then put on socks and put on shoes;
  • Afterwards they walk for at least one hour.

Vinegar is absolutely safe, and to remove the smell, the products need to be thoroughly washed with soapy water. If this is unacceptable, then simply ventilate in the fresh air for a long time.

Treat the surface inside with a solution
Put a pair on your socks and then walk for at least one hour.


There is a proven way to break in faux leather shoes. This will require wheat grains. They fill bags with them, put them in shoes, and add water to the cereal. The shoes are left in this state for a day. When cereals swell, they increase in volume and thus stretch the material. After completion, there is no need to specially dry the products; you just need to put them in fresh air.

Pour grains into shoes, add water, leave for a day


You can wash leather boots with hot water. Only genuine leather can withstand this method. Rules for how to quickly break in new shoes:

  • the product is doused with boiling water from the inside;
  • excess liquid is removed and the shoes are left to cool for a while;
  • Then they put on their shoes and walk until the product dries. If necessary, the process is repeated.

Pour boiling water over the inside of the shoes, remove excess liquid, and leave the shoes to cool for a while
Put on shoes and walk until the product dries

Best Techniques for Winter Boots

Breaking in winter boots or boots is much more difficult. There are two main methods: ice and alcohol treatment. Instructions on how to quickly break in winter shoes with the first substance:

  • place the bag inside the shoe as close to the toe as possible;
  • add water to it and tie;
  • Place the boots in the freezer for 10 hours. During this time, the liquid will freeze, enlarge and expand the product.

Any alcohol-containing composition is applied inside the product, then a sock is put on, and boots are put on top. When exposed to alcohol, the leather material takes the shape of the foot. This method is suitable if you need to increase the size of the boot.

How to wear it if your shoes are narrow

What to do if new shoes are tight and there is no time to break them in is a question that arises for most people. The simplest way is to increase the width of narrow shoes using newspapers. To do this, you need to crumple up the required number of sheets, put them tightly inside tight shoes and leave for a day. The paper will gradually expand and thus increase the volume of the shoe.

Sometimes it is suggested to moisten newspapers with water or vodka. This should not be done, as the printing will remain on the surface of the product. If your shoes are too tight, you can use a hairdryer. You need to warm the product inside well, put on a woolen sock and walk around for about an hour.

Waxing is also an effective option for breaking in shoes. You need to rub the inner coating of the product with a regular candle, then install the shoe last in the shoes and leave for 10 hours. This method can be used on shoes made of any material.

Increasing the width of narrow shoes using newspapers
If your shoes are too tight, use a hairdryer
Rub the inner coating with wax, install the last in the shoes

How to make a backdrop softer

If the heel puts a lot of pressure on the heel, you can soften it in several ways:

  1. Place wool socks in hot water, wring them out, let them cool a little and put them on your feet. Next you need to put on your shoes and walk around until the moisture evaporates.
  2. Moisten thick socks with vodka, then put on shoes. Walk until the alcohol-containing product has completely evaporated.
  3. The backdrop can be softened with pliers or a hammer. To avoid damaging the material, the procedure is performed through fabric.

After you have succeeded in disassembling the backdrop using one of the methods, to record the result you need to fill the product with crumpled paper. In this form they should stand for one night.

Soften with a hammer

Rules for using stretch marks sprays

The spray is used if the boots are only a little tight. As a rule, these compositions for shoes are used after long-term storage. The product can be applied to any type of skin.

Step-by-step instructions on how to quickly spray on shoes that are too tight:

  1. The composition is generously sprayed onto the pinching areas inside the shoes.
  2. The product is put on and worn by walking around the house for half an hour.
  3. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

You can buy spray for wearing shoes in any shoe department.

These methods are time-tested, so there is no doubt about their effectiveness. It is worth remembering that thin material will not withstand aggressive influences, since it is not designed for this. Therefore, before breaking in your shoes, you need to try initially gentle methods - they can show excellent results.

It happens that shoes begin to chafe after purchasing them in a store. How to quickly break in shoes that pinch your toes and rub your heels, how to do it at home: choose the best methods, use the tips and photographic materials that suit you.

Reasons why shoes may chafe

Sometimes shoes pinch and rub because your feet swell . What to do, the foot may be wider than the standard size, and then the shoes are very difficult to choose. Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they have been choosing shoes for a long time and look great on their feet, but begin to rub in the heels or squeeze their toes while wearing them. Here are some discomforts you can use to stretch your shoes at home to make them comfortable without damaging them:

  • shoes one size too small because your size was not on sale;
  • the shoes fit in length, but are narrow in width;
  • the leather on the shoes has shrunk after getting wet;
  • The shoe sizes are appropriate, they begin to squeeze your feet after a long walk;
  • hard shoes that rub your heel or squeeze your toes.

There are several current methods for quickly stretching shoes at home. Before breaking in new shoes, boots or sneakers, you need to take into account the properties of the materials from which the shoes are made. Genuine leather stretches easily, maintaining its structure. Other materials - fabric and leatherette - can tear or lose strength if stretched too much. Rubber shoes have virtually no stretch. Over time, all shoes wear out, but sometimes you want to speed up this process.

We offer you the 5 fastest options for how to stretch your shoes:

  1. Apply the patch to areas of the foot that come into contact with hard areas of the shoe.
  2. Buy a spray or liquid for wearing, apply it according to the instructions.
  3. Moisten the inside of the shoe with an alcohol-containing liquid, put it on, and wear it until it dries completely.
  4. Fill your shoes with plastic bags filled with water and place them in the freezer.
  5. Pour boiling water into the shoes, pour out the water and put them on for one hour.

INFO: a cardinal method that can be used in extreme cases is to soften the edge of the shoes with a hammer, after wrapping them in a thick cloth. Of course, this method is only suitable if the material of the product is rough leather or hard textiles. It is advisable to stretch expensive shoes in more gentle ways.

Medical patch

The use of a patch not only protects the foot from damage if the backs of shoes rub. The patch stretches the shoes in the place where it comes into contact with the material. If a blister forms in the heel area, it may be enough to soften the back edge of the shoe using one of these methods.

Special spray for stretch marks

Stretch foam for different types of leather, fabrics and suede can be purchased at shoe stores or hardware stores. In addition to sprays, the range of ready-made stretching agents includes solutions and gels. The method of application is simple: use a cotton swab dipped in the product to treat the inner surface of the product. After processing, the shoes are put on a thick sock or tightly stuffed with paper, and wait until it dries. Ready-made sprays are suitable for various types of shoes: suede, artificial leather, fabric.


One effective method for stretching boots is to pour water into them and then freeze them. The bags inside the shoes are filled with water and tied not close to the water, but leaving room for expansion. The shoes are wrapped in a bag and placed in the freezer. After 7-8 hours, they are taken out and wait for the ice to partially melt in order to remove it without damaging the products. If the size has not increased enough, the whole process can be repeated again.

Boiling water stretch

This is a very quick and effective method to stretch out tight shoes. Boiling water is poured into the shoes for a few seconds and immediately poured out. When heated, the material from which the shoes are made becomes softer and more flexible. Now, if you put it on and wear it for 25 minutes or more, the shoe will take the shape of your foot. Once it cools down, it will retain this shape and stop rubbing and squeezing your legs. Shoes made from natural leather stretch more easily than those made from artificial leather.

Liquids containing alcohol

Vodka, cologne or other product containing alcohol helps to stretch shoes. Alcohol-containing products must be safe. The best option is to use a food product, for example, vodka and half water. Use a swab dipped in it to wipe the inside of your shoes or boots. Then the shoes are put on and walked in them until they dry.

INFO: Specialized means for stretching shoes contain alcohol and chemicals that soften the material. They usually also contain flavorings. At home, alcohol can be replaced with vodka or cologne. It is recommended that after using vodka, wipe the inside of your shoes with a slice of lemon (to remove odors).

Home Remedies for Breaking in Shoes

From “folk recipes” you can learn how to quickly break in shoes, shoes, boots that squeeze and rub. To do this at home, use proven methods and tips, see photos with the most effective options. Here is a list of practical findings obtained by combining ingenuity and experience:

IMPORTANT: when buying shoes, it is useful to ask a consultant how best to stretch the type of material from which these particular shoes, sneakers or boots are made.

In what order should I proceed if the shoes are new?

Have you bought new shoes or boots and suddenly it turns out that they don’t fit very comfortably on your feet? Don't wait for calluses and unpleasant consequences to appear. Here are some tips for troubleshooting problems early:

  • Do not wear newly purchased shoes for a long time, at first it is enough to walk in them for 1-2 hours every day;
  • watch a video about the features of your type of shoe;
  • apply an adhesive plaster to your feet in advance in those places where they may rub;
  • wipe the back edge of the shoes with alcohol before putting them on; alcohol can be replaced with soapy water or wax;
  • It is useful to lubricate the inside of new leather shoes with castor oil, and then put them on;
  • When purchasing shoes, do not forget about the stretching spray to avoid problems in advance;
  • if you have a special last for correcting the shape of your shoes, use it for several days, regardless of whether you wear these shoes or not;

Professional stretcher

How to stretch different types of shoes

Shoes stretch differently. While some materials are flexible and can be stretched more effectively, others should be handled more carefully. Here are some recommendations for different types of shoes.

Nubuck shoes

These are shoes made of genuine leather, processed using special technology. The usual methods for softening and stretching leather products are suitable. Products containing fats and oils should be avoided. Also, do not use liquids that contain dyes, such as beer or cologne. Alcohol and water can leave white streaks on nubuck. There are only a few options left for breaking in nubuck boots. The first one is to put bags of water inside and place the shoes in the freezer. The second way is to pour boiling water and immediately pour it out, put the boots on your feet for 25 minutes. You can also buy a special stretching foam for nubuck and use it.

Patent leather shoes

It is quite difficult to stretch patent leather shoes, since it is the patent coating that prevents them from deforming. If this coating is not treated carefully with strong substances, the varnish may become cloudy or crack. The most you can do with patent leather shoes is try to soften them. For this purpose, wearing shoes at home with thick socks for several days is suitable. Socks can be left dry or moistened with diluted alcohol or vodka. An excellent method is to wrap your shoes in a warm towel dampened with water and leave them like that for several hours.

Leatherette shoes

Artificial leather stretches worse than natural leather; leatherette boots can only be stretched a little. It is not recommended to twist and wrinkle artificial leather too much, as it can easily ruin its appearance. The best option for stretching such shoes is cream, castor oil, and Vaseline. They coat shoes from the inside. After 2-3 hours, when the shoes are soaked and softened, they are put on and walked for a while. You can also stretch the leatherette a little with wet paper left inside overnight.

From time to time we encounter the problem of tight, tight shoes and try to stretch them in different ways. There are many answers to the question of how to break in shoes, now we will look at and systematize them so that it is convenient for you to choose the most optimal way for your shoes.

How to stretch natural leather

The most comfortable, beautiful and healthy material is leather. Leather shoes can always be broken in if they are a little tight or chafing. But if the last is yours and the size is correct, then there will never be problems with leather shoes.

You can break in new leather shoes if you dampen them a little and put them on a thick sock. Moisturizing should be gentle, for this you need:

  • wrap the shoe box with a wet rag or towel;
  • leave it for 4-5 hours.

Sometimes girls spray tight shoes with a spray bottle and even completely immerse them in water, soaking them (oh, horror!). But leather models are different. Some will be able to withstand such a test, while others will then fall apart, the insole will fall off, the paint will deteriorate, and stains will appear. Therefore, it’s better not to take risks and wait a little, rather than hopelessly ruin new shoes in a hurry.

If you need to quickly break in shoes that are tight, then take thick socks, wet them and wring them out well. Put these socks on and walk around until they dry.

There are also professional products that are very convenient to use at home. You just need to take care of their availability in advance by purchasing an aerosol, a spacer or a special last at a shoe store.

Pulling suede shoes

Now let's look at the question of how to break in suede shoes. Suede is the same skin of some horned animals, only processed in a slightly different way. Usually suede shoes stretch very well, so you need to buy them strictly according to size. They may feel a little tight at first, but after a few days of wearing they will take on the shape of your leg.

If suede shoes are unbearably tight, you can use stretch foam. It is applied to suede from the inside to prevent stains. They treat the place where the new shoes are the most tight, and put them on a thin toe. Be careful not to wear thick socks, because suede shoes can stretch too much, causing your feet to squish.

But how to break in suede shoes if you don’t have a special product at hand? To do this at home you need to use vodka. A cotton swab is moistened in an alcoholic drink and wiped from the underside of the area where it is pinching. You need to moisturize the suede well, and then put on your shoes at home and walk around.

It is not recommended to treat suede shoes with grease or cream, as it will leave stains. You can slightly wet them and wear them in, but in this case there is a chance that they will stretch more than you need and will fall off.

For owners of patent leather shoes

Particular care must be taken when you want to wear patent leather shoes. To them, like to suede, you can apply vodka or an alcohol solution at home, only from the inside. Excessive stretching may cause the varnished surface to crack, so do not overdo it.

Patent leather shoes are so cute, but stiff, especially if the main part is made of leatherette rather than genuine leather. In this regard, you need to buy only the right size and close your eyes while trying them on in order to completely trust your feelings and not admire the shoes. The leg should sit absolutely freely, but not dangle. If you feel your fingers tightening, this effect will get worse as you wear it.

If patent leather shoes still feel too tight, you can lubricate them with castor oil, rich cream or Vaseline, and wear them at home on your toes. You can lubricate inside and outside, this will quickly soften and stretch the material.

How to break in shoes made of leatherette or fabric

You are unlikely to be able to wear shoes made of fabric or oilcloth. More likely, the material will burst and tear. But sometimes shoes made of artificial suede or leatherette can still be increased in size, and very quickly. To do this, use freezing water.

When water turns into ice, it increases in volume. This property is used to stretch shoes made of leatherette:

  • Pour water into two plastic bags and close them. It is better to use bags with a special fastener;
  • put bags of water in the toes of shoes;
  • put the shoes in the freezer and leave them there.

When the water freezes, it will press down on the surface of the shoe. The pressure is so strong that even glass jars will burst, so the material will stretch exactly.

Some fabric stretches slightly, and if you wet it and then walk around in it wet, it will take the shape of your leg. But it’s not always pretty, and stains can still remain.

If the backdrop is rubbing, this problem can be dealt with very simply and quickly by using a candle. The inner surface is rubbed with a paraffin candle, and it stops pressing hard. As you walk, the paraffin will wear off, but by this time the tight shoes will have stretched enough. Instead of paraffin, you can use hard soap.

Here is a list of tools you can use to quickly break in your shoes.

As a last resort, if the purchase is unsuccessful, you should immediately return to the store and change your shoes for another one. If you wear shoes that are too narrow, your legs, your spine and tights will suffer, and the shoes themselves will wear out faster.

Shoes cannot be worn in if they:

  • small in length;
  • 2 or more sizes smaller;
  • if they pinch in the area of ​​the edge seam;
  • made from some artificial materials.

Problems especially often arise with leatherette and oilcloth. It seems that when you try them on, everything is fine, but when you start wearing them, you feel terrible discomfort. Therefore, we advise you to choose “wooden” hard shoes half a size larger.

Consider the fullness of your feet and instep and never choose shoes based on size alone. It happens that your size is your size, but the shoes don’t even fit on your feet, because they are much wider, although not longer. A good salesperson will tell you which model is suitable for thin and narrow legs, and which for full and wide legs. One can only kindly envy those who have ideally shaped and average-sized feet.
