How can you win the heart of your girlfriend. Earn high trust

Hi, friend! Glad to see you on the pages of the FitKis Club. My name is Vitaliy Okhrimenko and recently I have been fascinated by works on how to make someone fall in love with you, win someone's heart, etc., etc.

For example, last time I wrote an article for girls about, and before that, there was a publication recently. Well, today we will analyze the instructions for young womanizers about winning a woman's heart. Today, the article will highlight the theoretical side of the issue. how to win a girl's heart, and at the end of the article there is a link to practical tips for winning a girl's heart.

I’ll note right away that this article is designed for those guys who set themselves the goal of winning the girl’s heart, and not dragging some attractive beauty into bed as soon as possible. True, I must warn you: this event can be dangerous, because sometimes it can be much easier to win a girl's heart than to get rid of this heart later. By the way, probably at the end of this series of articles you will need to write a detailed manual on how to get rid of the girl whose heart you unwittingly won.

What does it take to win a girl's heart?

Let's define the concepts right away: you can be a super-cool and super-rich successful dude, but it's not a fact that this will help you conquer a girl.

It is immediately appropriate to pay attention here that status and money are not of key importance, as it is commonly understood. Yes, status is of considerable importance when seducing the fair sex, but by no means the key. Of course, there is a category of girls whose heart can be won only with money, but today we will not consider them, because everything is simple there: there is a lot of money - it is yours, there is not a lot of money - sorry, she will find someone who has. In the common people for such beauties there is a whole list of metaphors and allegories, but for the sake of decency, I will not give it.

For most girls, there are qualities that are much more valuable than money.. This is a sense of humor, romanticism, charisma, sincerity, kindness, sociability, courage and courage.

To win a girl's heart, be neat

All this is certainly good and great, but despite all the internal advantages that you undoubtedly have, the appearance also plays a role. I'm not saying that you should be dressed to the nines, not at all. The main thing is to achieve the state in which the girl will be comfortable with you. Shower, razor, deodorant with toilet water - these are your must-have friends before a meeting with the chosen chosen girl. Clothing should be stylish and neat. Pay attention: I did not say that it should be new and branded. The main thing is to be clean, stylish, and not too worn of course. Neatness is a trump card in men's hands, and if you also dress with taste - you already have two trump cards up your sleeve.

Girls are conquered by self-confident guys

Of course, she, like all girls, likes self-confident and purposeful guys. Just do not show off, believe me - it burns very quickly. I didn't say now tough guys”, I said self-confident. And for this, you must first of all feel comfortable. Know how to make her laugh and remain a sincere guy at the same time. Show your determination in relation to the conquest of her heart and do not give up after the first refusal (if there is one, of course).

Be polite and tactful. Eliminate all rude and indecent jokes, except, perhaps, really funny indecent anecdotes. But before you tell such a joke, don't forget to apologize for it. It is also better not to use mats and curses when spending time with the girl you like. In short, be all so clear, tactful and cool so that she herself falls in love with you.

How to win her heart without haste

Haste in the process of seduction is not your best ally. I then perfectly understand why you do not want to wait and where you have it itches. But she is not like you and me, she is a girl, which means her nature is much more refined than ours. She needs time to fall in love and you can ruin everything if you put pressure on her.

Let her get to know you better, consider your best qualities. And do not think that girls are only interested in grandmas (see point 1).

Do not be a bore

Just don't show how smart and competent you are. You will not be able to win a woman's heart if you put pressure on her with intelligence or experience. Arrogant dudes don't attract girls (except in rare cases), they prefer simple, sincere guys who treat them as equals.

Know how to listen carefully to what she says to you and do not forget to look into her eyes at the same time. And most importantly, do not try to sort out these same relationships at the first stages of a relationship, not a single girl will forgive you such tediousness.

Be good but in moderation

Give joy to the girl you are going to conquer. Compliment her, surprise and delight her, take her to the movies, arrange dates of her dreams. But remember: when it is very good, it is also bad. Don't be all so sugary-sweet, you're a man, but a very good man - this is already suspicious.

It is allowed, what is allowed there, A slight prick of jealousy is MANDATORY from her to you. Allow yourself to communicate with other girls in her presence, it is quite possible to flirt under her nose. But do not go too far, if she considers you a womanizer, write - it's gone.

It takes time to get a girl

Haste is perhaps the meanest friend of a guy who wants to know how to win a girl's heart. You must allow your relationship to develop in stages, periodically - constantly rising to a new level. I understand you, as an artist of an artist, because you want everything at once and already on the first date. Sorry, friend, but I have to disappoint you with the explanation that this approach will not be appropriate with girls (again, I clarify: not with all girls, but only with those whose heart you are seriously going to win). And you will appreciate your victory much more if it is not quick.

First, there must be mutual sympathy and flirting, then you need to hold hands, then the obligatory first kiss, followed by passionate passionate hugs, and only after passing through all these stages (the sequence can be changed) is sweet allowed.

You do not need to show the girl your bodily desires every time. After all, it is quite logical to assume that if you are going to win her heart, then you are attracted to her by other things, besides so many beautiful female bodies. Jokes and indirect allusions to sex are perfectly acceptable, but only in those cases when it is really appropriate, fun and not vulgar.

The manifestation of direct hints (or not hints) on the bed is prohibited in the early stages of the relationship. You are a conqueror, a heartthrob, a gentleman of fortune, which means a cold-blooded and judicious master of your high goal. Let her get used to you before seducing the young beauty. In general, make it a rule for yourself: if you are really going to conquer a girl’s heart with full responsibility, then be kind, don’t go into her underpants at least the first 5 dates. And even if she herself will strive already at your third meeting to jump into your bed, you must remain impregnable - this will play into your hands later, take my word for it.

Girls don't like formulaic approach

Impress her with your eccentricity and originality. Don't be like everyone else, it's boring. At least you know how to do something better than others (play GTA, hit cats with a slingshot, build houses out of cards)? So show yourself in all its glory where you are really good.

In addition, girls love cheerful and optimistic guys. So whining is forbidden, but laughing at everything around ( except her mom's waist) is welcome.

At the same time, you should be able to sympathize with everyone at the right time - girls appreciate this very much.

Persistent people win more often

Like it or not, but persistent guys who know what they want and purposefully move towards their victory, these very victories get much more often than their indecisive and suspicious counterparts. This applies to both life in general and the love front. Impregnable fortresses are much more likely to surrender under siege than in the case when they offered, but took the first refusal for granted and disappeared in an unknown direction.

It even happens when, after two nos, the girl says yes, satisfied with the assertiveness, and hence the seriousness of the boyfriend's intentions.

Don't run after her

That image of the winner, which all the girls like so much, does not imply frank woman-whipping and podkabluchivanie.

Cool guys don't run after girls, quite the contrary - girls run after such guys.

Meet her loved ones

I do not advise you to avoid getting to know her family and friends. Try to please the people who matter to her, but don't get out of your skin. Be natural, be yourself and you will succeed.

Great trick - make friends with her girlfriends. Someday this kind of friendship will serve you well. Girlfriends can be a serious argument when answering the question of how to win the love of a girl you like.

Earn high trust

To win a girl's heart, you need to make her trust you. Always keep your word and never let her down. It's like in chess: you grab a piece - move. Share your plans with the girl, and even more so if you promised something - be kind, keep your word.

Don't be a jailer

Here's an honest answer, you Kumar jealous girls? Imagine, jealous guys just as well annoy girls.

Your nerves are like steel ropes

At the initial stage of the formation of relations, it is better to completely avoid all sorts of quarrels and disagreements. But if a conflict has already occurred, show maximum patience and do not allow yourself to say too much. Well, it’s better not to let yourself drag yourself into a quarrel at all.

Be original

Do you know why brother killed brother? For telling old jokes. If you act either according to the knurled or stereotyped, it will be much harder to win the girl's heart.

All these standard movies, wine and dominoes are certainly cool, but it's much cooler to arrange dates that she has never been on before. Find out what she is fond of and interested in and act in the chosen direction. Arrange her dream date, something that has not happened to her before, then she will feel as comfortable and at ease as possible. Well, be the same as all her exes were, then it will be much easier to conquer the girl.

Don't compare her to others

Never compare her with other girls, and even more so with your ex. For such a reception, you can also please the blacklist in Ban.

Spend in moderation

Yes, girls love gifts, and expensive gifts even more so. But this does not mean at all that if you present a diamond necklace, then you will immediately win her heart. Experienced womanizers say that in order to conquer a woman's heart, it is much more correct to give her trinkets that will remind you of you.

Pick the Right Compliments

Girls love with their ears, this fact has been known to everyone for a long time. And for this quality of theirs to play into your hands, you need to compliment them correctly and in the right way.

Compliments should not be vulgar or clumsy. A compliment should praise a girl where she feels confident without you. Notice those moments of her life or appearance that she is most likely proud of and emphasize them with your compliments.

Sincerity deserves love

I advise you to be honest and sincere with her, because lies tend to surface at the most inopportune moment. It is easy to get caught in dishonesty, but to rehabilitate after that is much more difficult.

Know how to listen

I advise you to carefully listen to all her trembling. After all, firstly, she can tell you something interesting and useful for your mission, and secondly, such a technique will quickly bribe her and she will rightly conclude that you are interested not only in her appetizing forms. It is quite possible that in the process of communication she will tell you where she would like to go and what she is fond of. Such information will tell you where to invite her on a date next time, and who knows, maybe it will help unravel the secret question of antiquity: how to win a girl's heart forever.

Be reliable

Of course, girls, logically, should fall in love with good and reliable guys rather than windy gouges. Be a good guy, but don't overact. In the flower-bouquet period of a relationship, we usually strive to show ourselves much better than we really are. This approach seems to be good, but it has its drawbacks. Firstly, she is likely to be disappointed in the future, when you get tired of portraying Alain Delon and you finally decide to show your true face. And secondly, if you are too good, she will at one point be afraid that she herself is not too good for such a macho and run away. The conclusion is: be nice, offer a jacket when she is cold, be interested in her affairs and mood, but allow yourself to be a bad guy a little with all the consequences.

seize the moment

Here's what you don't have to do is pretend to be a friend. After all, you want to know how you can win the heart of a girl, which means you don’t intend to be a friend. We develop the idea: it means that you don’t need the girl to consider you a friend, right? And if it’s true, then don’t let her allow such a thought.

Turn your imagination on

I have already spoken about this above, but it will not be superfluous to repeat. In order for her to be interested with you, you must constantly surprise, amuse and delight her. I don’t know how, but you must not let your passion get bored, then you will be happy. Show imagination when planning dates, be erudite and resourceful, then it will be much easier to win over any girl.

Girls love with their ears

Do not analyze this judgment, just accept it as a fact and speak a lot and emotionally.

Be romantic

Believe me, any girl appreciates romance very highly. And I give my head to cut off that your girlfriend, like any other, lacks romance in this harsh world.

Be a smart boyfriend

Each Assol in the depths of her soul is waiting for her prince under scarlet sails. And it will be much easier for you to win the love of your girlfriend if you allow yourself to be this very prince. Move a chair under her in a cafe (although it would be much funnier if it were from under her), open the car door, give a hand at the exit of the transport, quickly put on a lighter when she pulled a cigarette to her lips. Be caring and gentle and you will certainly fall in love with her!

Don't become a jerk

Women despise henpecked and ladies' men not much less than you and I. Take care, do nice, have fun and make your girlfriend happy, but don't lose your head from her. Do not fall low, remain a man in the end. Be able to argue with your girlfriend and always keep your opinion with your personality. I hope it's clear!

Well, that seems to be all for today. The theoretical part of the question of how to win the heart of a girl is sorted out from and to. In order for the picture on female seduction to be complete, I highly recommend reading the article, which sets out the practical part of the issue.

Here on YouTube I found a very funny case of winning a woman's heart:

P.S. Now, if it was useful for you, everything that I spun for you here today, then maybe it will be useful for your friends too? Be kind - click on the buttons of social networks, share the record with your friends. Well, or at least rate the entry on a five-point scale (the rating under the article is marked with asterisks).

And let me digress. I hope we will meet again on the pages of the Fitkis Club.

With respect and best wishes, Vitaly Okhrimenko !

24 comments on “How to win a girl's heart? - theoretical part""

    This is advice I wrote on how to win a girl's heart - it will pull on a whole dissertation. Vitaly, did you win the heart of your wife in this way?

    Gee, of course not. Back then, I didn’t have my own blog and I didn’t have to understand all these points.

    Wow! He provided for everything, and even a chair in a cafe!

    Hello Vitaly. I wrote so much and everything is on point. All noted correctly. On my own behalf, I will join the main, in my opinion, advice: You need to be sincere and do all your actions with a pure soul.

Do you like a girl and dream of a serious relationship with her, but don't know how to win a girl's heart so that she reciprocates? It seems to you that in comparison with other representatives of the stronger sex, you are much inferior, which means that you will never be able to succeed in her eyes?

But psychologists say that nothing is impossible. To do this, you need to know about women's preferences for the stronger sex. That is, you can conquer a girl or woman with your behavior, qualities or charisma, if you know how they want to see their chosen one, and then become such a person.

This article does not contain advice on the manipulation of the female consciousness or pick-up techniques. For the development of a serious relationship, these are bad ways. Sooner or later, all this will disappoint the girl with the ensuing consequences for the man -. And what do psychologists advise to do for those who are thinking about conquering a woman's heart for the purpose of a serious relationship? Consider 10 practical tips.

Girls are conquered by male charisma - a trait that is rather difficult to determine, but it is immediately clear who possesses it. This is a combination of emotional and psychological traits, thanks to which a man is able to conquer women's hearts very quickly. This is one of the main qualities of a true leader. A man with charisma is able to lead people.

Many people are of the opinion that something charisma is inherent to you by nature or you don’t have it at all. But in fact, charisma is a quality that can be developed. Become friendly, energetic while developing your oratorical skills if you want to conquer the girl you like.

Courage is a quality that plays an important role in how to win a girl's heart. For example, in ancient times, this quality was considered one of the virtues along with moderation, wisdom and justice. Courage is a quality that testifies to the ability to endure difficulties, trials, as well as physical and moral suffering.

Since the time of chivalry, this quality has been directly related to honor and dignity. Every girl dreams of her boyfriend being a knight for her, performing various feats for her. In addition, speaking of a courageous person, they mean that he has firmness, the ability to stand his ground and courage. Considering this female preference, perform some feats for the sake of your chosen one in order to conquer her.

Reliability and devotion, which allows a girl to feel behind a man, as if behind a stone wall. At the same time, being sure that in her absence the guy will not start any romances. By devotion on the part of a man, girls mean male love and loyalty to their beloved. And by reliability they mean the stability and firmness of morality.

Today, girls consider men who possess these two qualities at the same time to be very rare. Since they believe that all men, under certain circumstances, will not be able to resist temptations, which means they will definitely cheat on their soul mates. A reliable man is able to keep devotion even in temptations. Thanks to this, a woman is happy to submit to such a man, as she can rely on him, especially in difficulties.

A sense of humor is a trait that most girls fall for. Of course, in one way or another, all men have this quality. But according to the girls, it is quite difficult to meet a guy who is able to subtly understand what the lady is laughing at and what exactly cheers her up.

Often there are guys who will spend hours dying from the jokes of Comedic Club or similar programs. But if the guy understands what really causes the laughter of the chosen one and contributes to her good mood, then the girl’s heart will be conquered by him.

Good manners and etiquette. Unfortunately, as the beautiful half of humanity complains, today not all men have good manners in their daily dealings with women. Unless businessmen more or less still observe etiquette, since their appearance and good manners are directly related to business success and income.

That's why many girls want to have relationships with businessmen. In addition to material interest, they are also impressed by the ability of the latter to adhere to the rules of good manners with women. Therefore, knowledge and use of the most elementary rules of etiquette and good manners will allow any man to conquer a woman.

Respect for the female sex, both in general and individually. Men who respect women are always the most successful among them. Such men always speak flatteringly about all women. They do not categorize them as first-class or second-class girls and you will never hear from them an insult to the representatives of the weaker sex. Such a male trait tells a woman that this man really has power over the female sex.

Therefore, he will not have to assert himself through the humiliation of women. He will never close her mouth with the words “woman, know your place; shut up". After all, only losers behave this way, who fail to conquer women's hearts, so they try to put the female gender one step below themselves.

So, if you really thought about how to conquer a woman, then do not try to oppose yourself to women and compare yourself with them. Strive to ensure that your words or behavior do not slip some contempt for the fairer sex, even if they have become a source of your problems. Learn to respect the feminine dignity of every girl and then you will conquer them.

Strive to be a successful person. Agree, girls like successful people. It has always been like this and still the women's society makes the same high demands on men. It has been observed that girls treat successful men better, even if they do not have any special physical data. And women should not be blamed for this. Wouldn't it be strange to see how ladies love complete losers, weak, lazy people? It is this category of male representatives that reproaches women for this.

Now you understand what goal you need to strive for? To conquer the girl you like, strive to be successful. After all, thanks to success in society, a man looks much more attractive in women's eyes than his opponents. And this is not about the possession of some material or social advantages: money, power, career. After all, you can be successful in any field, from business to religion. Therefore, even if you don’t have any special achievements yet, but women don’t hear your whining or reproaches, but see determination and perseverance, then they will be able to draw the right conclusions.

Learn to communicate with girls. What to talk to them about, what to say at the same time, what emotions to broadcast? If you see that you have problems with this, then turn to specialists or attend training in oratory or the ability to build relationships with the opposite sex. There you will probably learn what you need to talk about with women, how to behave with them and what qualities to demonstrate at the same time.

Read specialized literature and visit sites where such information is given. In general, “pump” yourself, because due to inaction, eloquence will not come to you by itself. Remember, women's hearts are often conquered by men with some special abilities. Accordingly, a guy who knows how to speak beautifully, communicate or skillfully conduct a conversation will stand out significantly from other men.

By the way, it is even better when a little intrigue and mystery are introduced into communication. For example, do not rush to answer all the questions, and it is better to pass some of them on deaf ears or turn them into a joke. Also add some emotions, cheerfulness to the conversation, alternating them with seriousness. Such an alternation in communication conquers the girl, as she sees that her interlocutor can be different, and this is always captivating.

Infect a girl with positive emotions - the next feature is how to win a woman's heart. You always want to meet that person with whom communication promises us charging, inspiring emotions, and not poisonous. Therefore, your goal is to become the guy about whom the girl will tell her girlfriends that he is so charming and cool. Such a characteristic of the female sex bestows those men who know how to create a good mood with their emotions.

In view of this, learn to radiate positive, charm and any other positive emotions with which you want to “infect” your companion, and not whine, complain, tell sad stories, wanting to arouse sympathy from the lady.

By the way, has it ever occurred to you to think about why few people digest “unfortunate lovers”? Because those like that Piero from Pinocchio are always dull, sad, suffering, so you want to run away from them as soon as possible.

Emotional connection. To conquer a woman, whether you met her for the first time or have been friends for some time, you need to create an emotional connection. The look of a man can provoke very strong and diverse emotions: embarrassment, attraction, excitement. In addition, emotional contact is very important for women to make sure a man is interested in her or not.

But if you constantly avoid the gaze of the woman you like, you will look insecure, and she will quickly lose interest. This is especially true when you first talk to her.
Therefore, if you want to conquer her, be sure to look into her eyes when you talk to her. Try to look at a woman with a natural, confident look, while he should not be piercingly staring, so that the lady does not feel embarrassed.


In how to conquer a girl, of course, there are much more masculine qualities that conquer women's hearts. Therefore, we propose to take part in the completion of this article in order to add to the list of qualities that attract them.

Sincerely, the editors of the site "Family and Children".

Each man has his own method of how to win the heart of a girl, based on theory and personal experience. These methods are not always effective, and in some cases they give a completely wrong result. While men are born, myths will be born along with them about how many methods were invented by male representatives and rather look like a desire to show off their imagination to each other. Only true men know how to conquer a girl.

In this matter, there is no set of rules, following which you can achieve success. Here you need to connect your own experience and intuition. However, there are a few points that can be used with most women.

And so, a man who wants to get a girl is simply obliged to have it. Subtle, kind humor is appreciated. Jokes should not be overdone, because if a woman wanted to laugh all the time, then she would go to the circus, and not go on a date with you. Don't risk it with provocative humor. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who is able to look at life positively and see funny moments in it than with an absolutely serious man. The main thing here is that the jokes are appropriate, and the man, in addition to laughter, evokes a desire to get to know him better.

It is necessary to radiate self-confidence, because only the winner can win the heart of a girl. Do not confuse self-confidence with self-confidence. These are completely different concepts. A person who believes in himself creates the impression of a reliable companion. A woman wants to feel weak at least sometimes next to her man. She will be ready to give her heart to someone next to whom she will feel calm and confident. What is needed here is not an empty bravado with their dubious achievements, but a noble calmness that instills confidence in a person.

If you want to understand: how to win a girl's heart, then find out what interests her, if she has any hobbies or preferences in spending free time. Maybe she is passionate about reading books by a certain author, or all her life she dreamed of going to a concert of her favorite band. There are a lot of options here, you just need to show interest in it. The main mistake many men make, which makes them unable to keep a woman around, is their ability to ignore her addictions. So, for example, she said many times that she loves gerberas, and for the hundredth time he brings her roses on a date. A man who is able to share the interests of a woman, or at least treat them with some respect, will never be rejected by her.

Women hate in If a companion spared money for a tip to a waiter or offered to dine in a cheap cafe out of economy, then his chances of meeting her again are zero. Because how to win a girl stingy is not under force. Male greed leads the list of negative qualities, according to women. This does not mean that you need to recklessly scatter money on the first successful occasion. It is worth simply treating them rationally, not sparing every penny, but at the same time appreciating them. This approach will help a woman see a man in a man who is able not only to earn, but also to spend wisely.

It is not worth saying once again that a man should be neat, dressed with taste and smell good, because it is absolutely impossible to win the heart of a girl without these characteristics. A lot has already been said about these things, and everyone chooses the style and form of clothing for himself. The main thing is that the appearance of a man should correspond to the situation and the situation in which he is with the lady. Do not put your companion in an awkward position with your outfit.

Falling in love with a girl is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is very important not to overdo it in your attempts to draw attention to yourself, as excessive obsession, on the contrary, will repel her. Avoid hackneyed platitudes and stereotypes. Try to show your imagination, show sincere attention to her and her problems, let her feel protected. Believe in yourself and your success and do not despair!

Hello dear men! Today I want to tell you how to win a girl. I will describe in detail the process of working on myself, share the secrets and secrets of how to capture female attention, and at the end I will explain how to keep relationships happy for many years. After all, just getting a girl is not enough, you need to be able to keep her, create strong and healthy relationships.

Any guy will be extremely useful book " Technique of fail-safe flirting. From the first date to the last". In it you will find practical and useful tips, examples and colorful descriptions that will definitely help you increase your level of charm and seductiveness.

Work on yourself

To begin with, I propose to talk about what qualities you need to develop in yourself in order to please women. After all, if you are reading this article, then it is not so easy for you to achieve location from the side of the girl. And first of all, you need to work on yourself.

Appearance. Be sure to take care of your appearance. Girls like neat, well-groomed and attractive young men. This does not mean that you need to become obsessed with your appearance, start going to the beautician, for manicures, and so on.

You should smell nice, your clothes should not be dirty or torn. Well-groomed hands and face. Polished shoes. Here's a secret for you - always carry a handkerchief with you, which you can give to a girl if she has cried and she needs to wipe her tears, for example. Robert De Niro's character in the film "The Intern" speaks well about this.

Work on your confidence. The guy should not doubt, mumble or be weak. A woman is looking for an experienced, purposeful man who can protect her, suggest, teach something.
To do this, you need to work on your own. After all, both a low and an overestimated opinion of oneself is bad.

Look for the golden mean. Your focus will help you with this. Learn to set clear goals for yourself. Both in terms of winning a girl, and in life.

If you made an appointment with her, then clearly stipulate the time and place and in no case allow yourself to come later than the appointed time.

What does it mean to be strong? Be able to support a weak woman. Give her your strong and confident shoulder. Help understand the problem, listen to its hardships. It is very important to be supportive not just in words but also in deeds. Show your lady that she can rely on you.

Learn to speak beautifully. It's no secret that women love with their ears. A beautiful compliment can work wonders. And how to learn how to do them, read the article "". The essence of a compliment is to show that you care about her, that you are serious about her.

Learn to be patient and calm. No need to tell the lady that she is constantly doing something wrong. Nobody likes moralizing. Therefore, you should not constantly show your intellectual superiority. A bore is even worse than a modest one. Be tolerant and try to show the girl that she is also good at something.

Don't bend the stick. Too much attention and care too. If you constantly compliment her, give her gifts, take her out into the world, she may get tired of all the attention. Sometimes she herself must act as the initiator of your meetings. In addition, you should not immediately reveal all your cards. Let her get to know you gradually.

If you have several favorite activities, do not tell them right away. First, dip her into one hobby, show what kind of a master you are, for example, baking pancakes. And after some time, let him know that you also play the guitar. And so on.

In dealing with a lady is extremely important. And I'm not just talking about nodding while she goes on and on about how her day went. I'm talking about the ability to hear what a woman says to you. Often, desires, hopes and dreams are hidden in her words. Listening to what the girl is talking about, you can find an approach to her, understand how to organize the perfect one, find out what she wants.

Be original. Try to come up with non-standard dates, surprise her, charm her with your imagination. Each of us has unlimited creativity. Reveal it.

You can't change yourself quickly. It's a whole process. But don't be afraid. Fear only binds and hinders. Open the article "" and find one quality that you will begin to develop in yourself in the near future. Gradually, you will begin to succeed and you can develop further. In this matter, purposefulness will help you. With her, perhaps, you can start.

Important Points

Now I propose to talk about direct communication with the young lady. Take your time. Don't be rude in trying to get a girl. Act gradually, measuredly. To begin with, it is very important to build trust and respect for each other. Therefore, do not be another boyfriend who just wants to have fun. Show her that your intentions are extremely serious.

Don't shy away from rejection. Courage is a quality. If she once did not agree to go with you for coffee, that's okay. Maybe now she has a blockage at work or she does not yet see you as a future prince. We'll fix it. Try again, but in a different way.

Do not miss the opportunity to show that you also communicate with other young ladies, but make her stand out from the rest. She will see that you are popular among the ladies and this will attract her even more.

Don't forget your sense of humor. Making a girl laugh is an art. But this is what will help you achieve location on her part. The joke should not be obscene, vulgar and angular. If you're not good at improvising yet, prepare a few jokes ahead of time and use them at the right moment.

Sincerity is your forte. Women feel good lies, even the most insignificant. If you don't want to talk about something, then it's better to say so. Your honesty will be highly appreciated. After all, love is impossible without the sincerity of partners.

One of my clients met a wonderful guy. He told her amazing things about himself, which over time turned out to be a terrible and well-thought-out lie. I think it is not necessary to explain that now this young man is in the category of the former.

Pay attention to small things and details. Remember her eye color, favorite cafe, book, music. Get to know her, be genuinely interested in her life. This will show your attitude towards her.

Don't stop flirting and flirting with her. You can learn this in the article "". Such a trifle can help maintain relationships even after many years.

Don't try to play the part of someone else. A lot of guys are sure that you need to show yourself so busy, unavailable, and that this will definitely work. This method can eventually work against you. Acting inaccessibility is likely to be regarded as indifference.

Share your emotions and experiences. Just tell her how your day went and ask her what interesting thing happened to her. Light and heartfelt conversations help people get closer, get to know each other better, and get to know each other better.

Make friends with her friends and family. Remember when her mom and dad's birthday is. Such moments are extremely important for girls. After all, young ladies are extremely sentimental creatures.

What's next

Now it became clear how you can win the heart of a girl. But how can this warm and happy relationship be maintained? Do not stop conquering her again and again. Of course, the candy-bouquet period cannot last forever. But a couple of times a month to arrange a romantic date is quite a feasible and realistic task.

Be sure to write down all the dates that are important to you in your diary. A man who remembers the date of the first date, the first kiss, the birthday of a cat and his beloved sister from another city will always be worthy of admiration. But everything is so simple - write it down on the calendar and set a reminder.

Keep surprising her. Sometimes ask friends or relatives about the desires of your young lady. Maybe she shared with her friend her dream to ride on a boat. A great opportunity to arrange a real surprise for her.

Tell us about your methods of winning girls. What's the weirdest date you've managed to arrange? What do you draw attention to? What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?

If you're going to learn how to win, conquer and woo a girl, and make her the choice of you among the countless fans chasing her, read on for 18 proven steps you can start using right now.

How to win a girl, achieve her and conquer

Step 1. Stop purposefully trying

Oddly enough, the first step to winning over a girl is to stop trying to keep such a goal in mind. Instead, just get started without asking for anything in return.

You will be surprised how much easier everything will be given to you if you stop being dependent on the result.

Most men will do their best to please a girl with a purpose. However, guys who don't care about how to impress a girl by any means look like a rose among the weeds.

Women also love to be challenged, so if you are not afraid to demonstrate your intelligence, do not curry favor with girls, and can even express disagreement with them, you automatically go into the category of attractive subjects.

Step 2 Make her notice you

To win over a girl, wear accessories that attract women. Who knows, maybe you should get the tattoo you've always wanted.

Improving your appearance will work wonders, attracting a new wave of female attention.

Step 3: Prepare

If you decide, then before you approach a stranger, you should get rid of any excuses that can become an obstacle in your path. For example, do not think that you cannot, and in general it is better not to think at the time of approach.

Such restrictions will not help you.

Here is how you can change your negative attitudes with positive beliefs:
  1. "It's useless to talk to her, she won't interest me" = "I should talk to her and cheer her up because she looks sad."
  2. "She's too good for me" = "I wonder if she's good enough for me to be interested in hanging out with her."

This will help you approach a girl with a positive attitude and you will naturally become an extremely attractive guy in her eyes.

Step 4 Approach the girl confidently

Want to know how to win a girl - when you come up and chat with her.

Also, smile, be relaxed, and wipe the stern look off your face. Imagine that you are in a supermarket asking a store employee where the milk is.

When you start a conversation, make sure that your voice does not take on a high timbre. In this case, there will be a feeling that you are a beggar who wants to beg for something. No one can stand hesitant treatment from strangers.

Instead, use a neutral or low-pitched voice. If you have a voice like Vin Diesel, then you are doing everything right.

When you're talking to a girl, keep smiling, don't get too close or lean on her.

Make eye contact and tell the girl why you decided to approach her.

The best way to do this is to use a sincere compliment. Although…

Step 5 sincere compliment

To give, use the first trait that came to mind that caught your attention.

Perhaps it's her pretty smile, the dimples on her cheeks, or the chic curls of her hair.

Step 6. Irony

Start making fun of or teasing girls on a regular basis. Such behavior will definitely help to achieve a girl.

If a girl says she loves cats, you can say, “Wait… So you're a catwoman? How many cats do you have? Hopefully no more than 9.

Her normal reaction is to laugh, which may be accompanied by a slap on your arm. Girls love fun, relaxed guys.

This shows that you are not afraid of some confrontation. You are an uninhibited guy, not a bore boy.

The ability to joke and tease will develop naturally when you stick to your opinion and stop agreeing with girls all the time to please them.

Always pay attention to the girl's pleasant features (“What an attractive look you have”), what she says (“Wow, how smart you are”) or does (“Wow, what a light step you have”) to indicate them. and emphasize the individuality of a friend.

Step 7 During the conversation, focus on the girl

To win over a girl, listen to her carefully and make the interlocutor the main topic of your conversation.

When the focus is on her, you leave much less room for error on your part, plus it gives you lots of things to talk about, as well as the opportunity to use humor.

  1. “Why did you choose this place today? Ah, I know, you just saw that I was here!”
  2. “What brings you to the park? Are you jogging in evening dress!”
  3. “You say in the mirror you like to admire? Look next time, don't be blinded by your beauty."

If a girl becomes the center of communication, she will think: “This guy is so fascinating.” Although in fact, most of the time she will talk about herself on her own.

Step 8 Take the girl's phone number

When you feel like the conversation has reached a climax, apologize for having to leave and take the girl's phone number. Without her number, you are unlikely to be able to win a girl.

Even if you are in a bar and do not plan to leave yet, but have a desire to join, take the girl's phone number at this very opportune moment.

If the girl begins to hesitate, whether to leave a phone number or not, take your phone out of your pocket and say: "Call the number, I write it down."

When you take a phone number, do not forget to make a test call to a girl in her presence, because lovely ladies sometimes have a habit of giving phone numbers that are not their own.

Step 9 Invite a girl on a date
Step 10 Where to invite a girl on a date
  1. You can find out where to go on a date with a girl by going to.
  2. Where you can have a romantic date, read.
Step 11 Praise the girl

Women can spend hours choosing a dress, applying makeup and styling their hair for a first date. She does it all for you, so be sure to express your appreciation with a sincere compliment.

"Wow... You look amazing."

Step 12 Conversation topics to avoid

How to win a girl? To do this, avoid the following topics of conversation on a date at all costs, because they worsen the mood and stir up arguments instead of feelings.

  1. Talk about ex-girlfriends.
    If you are negative about past relationships with girls, you will appear weak.
    You may sound like you continue to miss your previous girlfriend.
    It is possible that if you begin to remember past girls, your companion will think that in absentia she has already been transferred to the category of the former.
  2. Talk about your money.
    Only materialistic women want to know how many cars, houses and money you have in bank accounts. Worthy girls will see in such conversations boasting, which is a cheap way to curry favor with them.
    Instead of money and property, tell about your plans and goals in life.
  3. Complaints about your work.
    Any talk about work is usually boring, and if you are also dissatisfied with your work… Nobody really cares.
    And in general, it is strictly forbidden to complain to a girl.
  4. Religion.
    Do not bring up this topic unless your goal is to become a monk and become celibate.
  5. Policy.
    Bring up politics only if you want to start an argument with a girl and turn her away from you.
Step 13 Flirt with a girl physically

As soon as you stop being dependent on the result in communicating with girls, you will become relaxed and start to really have fun, as a result of which the physical will manifest itself in a natural way.

If you're worried about a girl's reaction to your touch, start with these preparatory steps:

  1. Remove the speck from her hair, but purposefully grasp her neck with the back of your hand.
  2. If you are sitting next to her, place your hand next to her nearest leg and touch the outside of her thigh with your little finger.
  3. Playfully slap her arm or push her slightly away from you when she teases you.

If her reaction is positive, you can increase the duration of the touch, if negative, step back and try again later.

You will understand that she enjoys physical contact when she begins to reciprocate your feelings, for example, leaning on or grabbing your hand, playfully pushing you, etc. These are clear signs that you are attractive to her.

Once you're sure the girl is flirting, it's time to move on to the kiss.

Step 14 Kiss the girl
Signs that you won't be rejected when you try to kiss a girl:
  1. She plays with her hair when she talks to you.
  2. She keeps looking at your lips.
  3. She laughs at all your jokes (even if they are not funny).
  4. She leans towards you when you tell her something.

It is better if the kiss happens when there is a short pause in the conversation, and at this moment you both look into each other's eyes. You are both smiling, in close proximity to each other (perhaps even touching), and her eyes quickly jump from yours to your lips.

Even if a girl refuses a kiss the first time, she will respect you for your courage, and your advance will most likely have an effect on the next attempt.

A classic mistake many guys make is to slow down after the first failure.

Surely the girl also wanted to kiss you, but she was not ready at that very moment, i.e. you took her by surprise, or she is uncomfortable in public.

Be that as it may, do not think that there is any clarity after the first unsuccessful attempt.

Step 15 Don't make a second date right away

At the end of the first date, kiss the girl on the cheek and say, "Tonight was fun, we should do it again sometime."

Let the girl be in a state of excitement, not fully understanding what you meant by the word “somehow”.

Women, like men, need intrigue and the presence of interest, so you should not show all the cards at once, especially in the early stages of dating, otherwise you will kill the thrill of the need to win, and the girl will quickly lose interest.

Step 16 Maintain intrigue between dates

To win a girl, do not give yourself up and be a little inaccessible, forcing a friend to think about you more often.

If you, like Chip and Dale, are always ready to help, your friend will conclude that apart from her, nothing interesting happens in your miserable life. And why does she need such a man?

Although the girl may seem upset or angry at you, in reality, seeing a man nearby who has his own affairs and interests.

Don't answer questions directly, use humor: “Hi. What are you doing?" - "Hello. I save the planet from destruction, and in between I answer your messages.”

The more you make a girl think about you, the more excited she will be when the second date comes along.

Expressing your emotional attachment to a girl in the early stages of a relationship is a sure way to end it.

Women disappear from a man's life in the blink of an eye if they begin to feel that you are more emotionally attached to her than she is to you. Or in this case, they can start using you without running anywhere.

The best way to show a girl how much you appreciate her, without revealing your emotions or scaring her away, is to show your sexual interest in her.

  1. I miss you. = I can't stop thinking about how you looked in your black dress.
  2. I can not stop thinking about you. = Today I had a Renault Megane trunk looming in traffic in front of me, and it made me remember how gorgeous you looked from behind last night.
  3. I want to see you again. = I want to see some more gorgeous dress on you.
Step 17 Keep a healthy distance

When you start hanging out with a girl you really like, it's easy to fall into the trap of wanting to take control of the relationship.

You develop deeper feelings for the girl and attachment begins to develop, so you want to spend more time with her.

You begin to worry about the relationship and worry about its further development, becoming somewhat obsessive.

You try to find ways to control the relationship and make plans for the future by hinting at your feelings for her. You may even ask how the girl treats you.

This behavior is not attractive to any woman, although it may seem that this is a completely natural demeanor.

So what's the solution? It is very simple. To win over a girl, keep a healthy distance.

When you and a girl spend time, you should focus on those pleasant moments that arise between you and get the maximum pleasure, but you should not try to confirm or control anything.

Put yourself in the place of your chosen one: if you experience only joy and pleasure, don't you want to repeat it?

However, if your other half is constantly nervous and tries to push you to spend more time together, this will lead to you feeling guilty and feeling like you are some kind of thing that they want to appropriate. But, as you know, guilt has no friends.

Therefore, just enjoy every moment of your relationship and focus on pleasant emotions by smiling at the girl when you are together.

Do not try to establish total control and maintain a healthy distance. A girl is not your arm or leg, she is a different person.

After a few dates are over, your boyfriend and girlfriend status will come naturally, so don't talk about it or beg for it.
