How to remove nail polish from natural and synthetic clothes. Effective and affordable methods for removing nail polish from clothes

Often, during a manicure, nail polish gets on clothes. These stains are difficult to remove, so soiled items are often sent to the trash can. In fact, there are many ways to remove varnish from clothes at home. To do this, you will need improvised means that can be found in almost any hostess. Before you start cleaning, you need to consider the material and color of the product.

If you follow certain recommendations when cleaning clothes from nail polish, then the process will go much faster and will not harm the fabric:

  1. Cleaning should begin as soon as possible. Old stains of varnish are more difficult to remove.
  2. Do not immediately wash the item. Water can only fix the varnish in the fibers of the fabric.
  3. After cleaning, the product can be washed, after turning it inside out.
  4. Before washing, it is advisable to find out recommendations for the care of a particular item. You can find them on the product tag.
  5. The effect of the cleaning agent must first be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing.

When working with aggressive agents, it is necessary to protect your hands with gloves so as not to damage the skin.

Varnish removal methods

Before you start using cleaning products, you need to perform a number of preliminary steps:

  1. As soon as the varnish gets on the clothes, you should blot it with a dry cloth, handkerchief or sponge. This will help get rid of most of the pollution.
  2. A dried stain must be carefully removed from the fibers of the fabric with a cotton swab or toothpick.
  3. Then you should find a paper napkin or white cotton fabric. Their size should correspond to the size of the soiled item.
  4. On the selected napkin or cloth put the clothes to be cleaned.

It is also worth remembering that more aggressive products and various solvents can be used to clean natural fabrics. And for synthetic products, it is necessary to choose gentle methods.


Acetone can only clean clothes made from natural fabrics. This substance can ruin synthetics.

Action algorithm:

  • moisten a cotton pad with acetone;
  • rub the stain and wait for it to dry;
  • wet the sponge with acetone and wipe the contaminated area again;
  • leave for 20 minutes;
  • wash the item in the car.

If you do not want to wait, then you can use the express method:

  • lay a clean white cloth on a table or other flat surface and a few paper napkins on top;
  • on the prepared surface, place the soiled product face down with the stain;
  • moisten a cotton pad with acetone;
  • Wipe the stain from the inside out.

The nail polish will stay on the paper towels. Wipe the contamination should be until it completely disappears.

If after this procedure traces of varnish remain on things, it is necessary to wipe them with dishwashing detergent or refined gasoline. Then the area should be sprinkled with talcum powder or baby powder and washed in the usual way.

First, you can try removing the stain with a non-acetone nail polish remover. This is a more gentle method, suitable for cleaning synthetic fabrics.


Helps remove nail polish and toothpaste.


  • mix toothpaste with sunflower oil until gruel;
  • apply the resulting mixture to the stain;
  • wait for the composition to dry;
  • clean the contaminated area with a soft toothbrush;
  • wash the item in the usual way.

To clean white things, you can use another method:

  • prepare a gruel by combining tooth powder with water;
  • smear the contamination with the prepared composition;
  • wait for it to dry and rub the area with a brush;
  • wash the product by hand or in the machine.

Crushed chalk can be used instead of tooth powder.

Insect repellent

A universal and unusual way to help remove nail polish from clothes is to use insect repellent in spray cans.


  • spray the product on an unnecessary toothbrush;
  • rub the stain in a circular motion;
  • soak the item in cold water for 10-15 minutes;
  • rinse and wash the product.

This method can be used to clean any fabric. But for safety net it is worth checking its action on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

Refined gasoline

With the help of refined gasoline, you can also remove nail polish that has got on clothes.

Cleaning steps:

  • lay a piece of cotton fabric under the varnish stain;
  • wet the contaminated area with purified gasoline;
  • wait 20 minutes;
  • blot the remnants of the substance with a dry cloth or rag;
  • wash the product with powder to get rid of the specific smell of gasoline.

When cleaning white things, crushed chalk can be added to gasoline.

Hair fixation spray

Hairspray can not only fix your hair, but also clean clothes. For this you need:

  • carefully treat the stain with hairspray;
  • wait until the product is absorbed into the fabric;
  • rub the stain with a soft toothbrush, making circular movements;
  • rinse the contaminated area with running water;
  • wash the item.

This tool is suitable for all types of fabrics.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide can only be used to clean light-colored items, as it has bleaching properties and can ruin colored clothes.


  • moisten a cotton pad with peroxide;
  • wipe the stain from the varnish;
  • rinse the area with running water;
  • wash the product.

The procedure can be repeated until the complete disappearance of the stain.

White Spirit

Another tool suitable for removing varnish is white spirit.

Cleansing method:

  • wet a napkin or cotton pad with white spirit;
  • put on a contaminated area;
  • leave for 15 minutes;
  • after the allotted time, rinse the fabric with running water;
  • wash the item with powder.

If necessary, repeat the procedure.

White spirit copes well with traces of gel polish.


You can try removing nail polish with bleach. It is possible to use the usual Whiteness. You will need:

  • add a little bleach to a basin of water;
  • soak soiled clothes for 30-40 minutes;
  • wash the product by hand or in the machine.

Bleach can only be used to clean white items.


At the pharmacy, you can buy denatured alcohol, that is, crude ethyl alcohol, and use it to remove nail polish.


  • moisten a cotton pad with alcohol;
  • wipe the stain from the edges to the center;
  • when the contamination disappears, it is necessary to rinse and wash the thing.

It can be difficult to get rid of varnish that has got on clothes. But it's far from a disaster. You can also clean the product at home using improvised means. The main thing is to start cleaning as early as possible.

Manicure is fashionable and beautiful. Many girls and women know how varnish is worn and under an hour at home they create real masterpieces of nail art. But what to do if the varnish dripped on clothes, how to remove it? In fact, there are many effective ways to remove these stains. It is important to pay attention to the composition and characteristics of the clothing material.

Preparing to remove stains

The procedure should be approached responsibly, prepared in advance so as not to damage or spoil the fabric with the agent used to remove the stain.

Important! If you put the clothes in the washing machine immediately after getting dirty and start washing, the varnish will rub off and eat even deeper into the fibers of the fabric! It will not be possible to remove the nail polish, and it is impossible to rehabilitate the thing after that, even by giving it to dry cleaning.

Getting rid of the stain takes place in several stages:

  1. Do not wait until the stain dries, try to blot it gently and gently with a cotton pad or paper towel as quickly as possible. Collect as much varnish as possible from the fabric.
  2. With a cotton swab or toothpick, clean the traces of varnish between the fibers of the matter.
  3. Lay the clothes on a horizontal surface, put a white cotton cloth under the stained area.

Advice! Before removing a varnish stain, make sure that the product used will not spoil or damage the material. To do this, test its action on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing (on the wrong side, near the seam), dropping a little money there and following the reaction of the fabric.

It is much easier to remove varnish stains from clothes made from natural materials: silk, linen, wool, cotton. This is because their fibers are less likely to react with chemicals compared to synthetic materials.

Acetone, nail polish remover (non-acetone), hydrogen peroxide, gasoline, white spirit will help to remove nail polish.

To clean stains from clothing, dampen the stain with acetone and wait until it disappears. You can speed up the process like this:

  1. Lay out the item on a horizontal surface.
  2. Place a white cotton cloth or cloth under the stain.
  3. Put a few drops of acetone on the stain.
  4. Wipe the wet area with a tissue.
  5. The varnish will go to the napkin.
  6. Repeat the procedure one more time. Contamination should disappear, and the napkin should not stop staining.

Advice! If you are afraid to ruin the fabric, then use nail polish remover without acetone to remove the dirt in the same way. The effect will be the same, and the harm will be minimal. To remove greasy marks from nail polish remover when washing, use dishwashing detergent instead of washing powder.

Acetone-free nail polish remover can be used to remove nail polish marks from synthetic fabrics without damaging the material.

Important! For synthetic fabrics (fluorescent and acetate), acetone should not be used, as it will corrode the material.

Pour hydrogen peroxide on the stain and leave for half an hour. In 30 minutes, the stain will disappear, but if a pale color appears as a result, then it is easy to wash it off with ordinary washing powder in the washing machine.


Any gasoline will do, the brand and quality do not matter, but it is advisable to take purified, for example, for refueling lighters. Car fuel often contains impurities that are not desirable for stain removal.

Apply to stain and leave on for 20 minutes. Blot the remaining gasoline with a napkin and wash the thing as usual: washing powder will help wash the fabric completely.

Gasoline can be used on clothes made of synthetic materials.

Soak a cotton swab or disc with white spirit and apply to the stain, then wash the item. White spirit is a versatile solvent and is often used to remove various stains.

Important! White spirit has an unpleasant and at the same time persistent smell, which will be problematic to remove from the fabric, even after washing the item 2 or 3 times.

White spirit can be used to remove lacquer stains on synthetic and natural fabrics.

Home stain remover

Combinations are more effective at removing nail polish stains than just acetone, gasoline, or hydrogen peroxide.


  • mix gasoline and chalk (powder) in equal proportions until a paste is obtained and apply to the dirt, after the gasoline has evaporated, brush the area with a brush (the procedure can be repeated, the product is ideal for snow-white clothes);
  • take 10 ml of turpentine, olive oil and ammonia, mix and apply to the contaminated area, after 10 minutes blot the remaining product with an absorbent cloth (the mixture is recommended for lace and delicate materials);
  • make a thick paste of chalk, tooth powder and water, apply the mixture on the traces of varnish, when the composition is completely dry, carefully remove the crust and rinse the area with water (the composition can only be used for white clothes!).

Advice! It is not easy to remove a varnish of a bright shade after the first wash. On the remaining dull mark, apply a paste of starch and water. After it dries, remove it. The stain will lighten or disappear altogether.

The same product can perfectly clean one type of fabric and irreversibly ruin another. Therefore, when using ammonia, acetone, bleach or gasoline, the following recommendations should be considered:

  1. For non-shedding natural materials such as silk, wool, cotton, denim, acetone can be used as a stain remover.
  2. If stains remain after treatment with acetone, they can be removed with a sponge or cotton swab dipped in gasoline.
  3. Do not use hydrogen peroxide on fabrics dyed in bright colors or with a rich pattern, as it will discolor them.
  4. Bleaches are another way to remove nail polish stains. They can only be used on white clothes. Apply bleach to the stain for 40 minutes, then wash the item.
  5. For delicate, delicate fabrics with patterns or rich colors that require gentle care, you can use acetone-free nail polish remover and gasoline.
  6. On natural fabrics, any solvents can be used.
  7. Genuine leather items can only be cleaned with soap and water. Such products do not tolerate treatment with gasoline, alcohol or acetone very well.
  8. Turpentine must not be used to clean rubberized materials.

The easiest and most effective way to get nail polish out of clothes is to buy a good quality stain remover from the store. If all else fails, you should contact the dry cleaner, it will not be cheap, but reliable.

Many women believe that a thing that has been dripped with nail polish is ruined forever. However, this is not the case at all, you can try to remove the stain in several ways. The most common mistake homeowners make is applying nail polish remover directly to the stain. So you will only smear the varnish and ruin the fabric, holes, scuffs, or even a complete change in color may form on it. In this article, you will find many useful recipes for removing varnish from fabrics, both natural and synthetic. Take them into your arsenal and always have the following tools on hand.

How to remove varnish from natural fabrics

The approach to natural and synthetic fabrics in this matter should be different: surprisingly, varnish is removed from natural fabrics much easier and faster than from synthetic ones. Therefore, you can apply more gentle methods to natural tissues.

How to remove varnish with a towel and acetone

The sooner you start removing the stain, the better. Until the varnish is dry, apply on one side, where there is more of it, a thick paper napkin or fold the usual one in two layers. On the other hand, immediately attach a waffle towel. Moisten it liberally with acetone.

After that, you need to wait about five minutes and wash the item with a special stain remover.

Not only can you use a waffle towel, but it must be white, undyed, and also free of lint. Waffle is perfect for this.

Removing nail polish with gasoline and turpentine

A more risky method, but it can be used when acetone or nail polish remover with acetone is not on hand.

Use the towel method above, but use refined gasoline or turpentine instead of acetone.


  • It is better not to use gasoline on dyed fabrics, as it can completely change their color.
  • Turpentine is forbidden to pour on rubberized things.

Also, this cannot be done with synthetic fabrics, as the consequences can be unpredictable.

How to remove white things from nail polish

If the varnish has touched white things, then you need to act differently. Try the gentle way first:

  • Blot the varnish, apply a white towel with acetone to the stain.
  • On the other hand, rub the chalk with a knife and sprinkle generously on the stain.

Chalk needs to be rubbed a little and left for five minutes. Only after that, wash the thing, repeat the procedure if necessary.

Another option will help you wash your whites: hydrogen peroxide. Just pour it on the stain and leave it for a while, then wash it.

If there is nothing from the proposed house, then there will always be soda. Make a paste of baking soda by mixing it with water until it becomes thick. Lubricate the stain and rub for about ten minutes. Then send it to the machine.

How to remove varnish from synthetic fabrics

To do this, you will need stronger tools and recipes, for example, White Spirit. You will find it in the shops of your city. Apply it on the stain and leave it on for a while. After that, wash the item. Please note that this is only true for white and light-colored items.

For bright and dark things, you can cook pasta:

  • Mix a few drops of olive oil with turpentine.
  • Add ammonia.

Add all ingredients in the same amount. Lubricate the stain, and after a while blot it well with napkins. Such a tool is quite aggressive, but it can be used when things are no longer reliable for saving.

Take a closer look at any oxygen bleaches, they can easily remove even the most problematic stains.

For every girl or woman, well-groomed hands with a neat manicure are pride. In addition, any person, man or woman, pays attention to the appearance, including the condition of the hands.

At the moment, you can put your hands in order both in a nail salon and at home.

Surely every girl in the process of caring for her nails faced the problem of the lack of nail polish remover. Many panic and run to the store for the appropriate product, while others, on the contrary, use improvised means that are in no way inferior to nail polish remover.

The easiest way to remove nail polish is to use nail polish remover. Despite the fact that liquids cope with their task with a bang, they can affect the structure of the nail and its growth. Therefore, you need to choose high-quality products with a minimum content of acetone.

How to remove nail polish at home? There are many different methods that women have used over the years when there is no nail polish remover on hand.

  1. The varnish from the nail plate can be removed with another varnish(any color, as it does not matter at all). You need to apply a layer of varnish over the old one, wait a few seconds and remove everything with a cotton pad. Since the process is very sloppy, you need to stock up on cotton swabs and discs to immediately remove varnish from the skin.
  2. You can use hairspray. You should soak a cotton pad with varnish and try to remove everything from the nail very quickly. The process is far from safe, as hairspray dries very quickly, can get on the skin of the hands and damage it, causing an allergic reaction and discomfort in general. If, nevertheless, such undesirable consequences have occurred, you should immediately wash off the hairspray from the skin of your hands.
  3. To remove nail polish You can use regular deodorant spraying it on a handkerchief or cotton pad. They should intensively wipe the nail until the varnish disappears. This manipulation can also be considered unsafe, as it is harmful to both the skin and nails. And if you inhaled the smell of deodorant throughout the process, then the risk of slight poisoning by volatile vapors is not excluded.
  4. You can erase the old manicure with ordinary perfume. It is necessary to wet a cotton swab with perfume and carefully remove the varnish from the nails. Be patient, as this is a rather laborious method.
  5. One of the old, classic ways to remove nail polish is to alcohol use. In the same way as in the previous version, you should moisten a cotton pad with alcohol and treat the nail with it until the varnish disappears completely. If you are afraid to use alcohol for nails, then you can go to the previous option, it is a little safer.
  6. You can remove nail polish with sunflower oil. You need to apply a small amount of vegetable oil on the nail plate, wait about twenty minutes, and then remove the varnish with a cotton swab.
  7. You can use improvised means such as vinegar and sparkling water.. You need to mix the ingredients in a bowl and place your fingers there for a few minutes. After that, the hands should be washed and dried, and then carefully wipe off the nail polish with dry cotton wool.
  8. You can use one of the common products - lemon juice or citric acid. You need to moisten a cotton pad with lemon juice and wipe your nails with it, as soon as possible you will notice a result that will please you.
  9. The varnish from the nail plate can be removed even in the process of hand washing. If you hand wash things in hot soapy water, the varnish will swell and separate from the nail itself. This method does not require any special efforts and costs, however, you will have to manually rewash a lot of things.
  10. You can remove nail polish with organic solvents such as turpentine, gasoline, white spirit. Such funds are very effective, but adversely affect the hands and nail structure. They can leave yellow spots on the skin.
  11. To remove an unsuccessful or old manicure, hydrogen peroxide is quite suitable.. It is necessary to moisten the cotton with it and rub the nail until the varnish comes off completely.
  12. Using toothpaste to remove nail polish is one of the safest and most effective methods. You need to take a large amount of toothpaste (preferably white, as it will cope with the color pigment of the varnish with a bang), apply it to a cotton pad and intensively treat the nail until the nail polish disappears. The effect will increase if you add a small amount of baking soda to your toothpaste.
  13. Some women in the fight against outdated varnish resort to the use of alcoholic beverages. But this method is very risky for your nails. Alcohol damages the skin of the hands and nails. Recovery of nail plates after manipulation with alcohol is very long and difficult.

Harm from aggressive removal methods

Many women and girls who use aggressive and toxic substances to get rid of old manicures make a huge mistake.

Removing nail polish with white spirit, paint thinner, gasoline can cause serious skin diseases, ranging from allergic to toxic poisoning of the body.

Also, the use of such funds has a strong effect on the respiratory tract, so if you still decide to use them, then the process should be carried out in a well-ventilated area.

Protect your skin with a towel or protective film. They wrap brushes, as in the process the skin may turn yellow, and the resulting yellowness is very difficult to remove without the use of chemicals.

Non-standard use of gasoline and white spirit poses a serious danger to the human body.

Pregnant women and people prone to allergic reactions and respiratory diseases are at particular risk.

There are a lot of tools and methods for removing an old manicure, so you should not resort to the most extreme options.

Choose harmless products and protect yourself from high costs and serious risks to your health. In this case, you will keep your nails healthy and beautiful, earn the approval of both men and women. After all, as you know, a manicure for a girl is a calling card and a sign of grooming and femininity.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Very often, women wonder how to remove varnish from clothes. This is due to the fact that a large number of the fairer sex do manicures on their own, and this often leads to varnish getting on the fabric from which the clothes are made.

A damaged manicure is a fixable matter, but what to do with clothes that have got polish on them, how to remove nail polish from the surface of a thing without ruining it. Women with a problem that has arisen very rarely turn to specialized dry cleaners, so they are interested in how to remove varnish from clothes at home.

There are several ways to get nail polish off clothes. Experts in the field of cleaning things from various types of dirt have developed recommendations that allow you to remove varnish contamination from the surface of the fabric at home quickly enough.

A large number of the fairer sex do manicures on their own, and this often leads to varnish getting on the fabric from which the clothes are made.

There are several tips on how to remove varnish from clothes, which are recommended to be followed when removing pollution:

  1. You should not try to remove the varnish in the usual way - by washing with powder, gel or soap. This is due to the fact that in the process of such washing, a small area of ​​​​contamination of the fabric with varnish is converted into a smeared ugly spot that occupies a decent area on the surface of the clothes.
  2. If varnish gets on the surface of the fabric, do not wait until the varnish dries and hardens. The fact is that this type of pollution is much easier to remove from the fabric while it is fresh. To do this, you need to remove the varnish from the surface of the clothes with a cotton swab or cotton pad. This procedure should be done as quickly as possible, since the earlier it is carried out, the easier it is to remove the remaining varnish from clothing in the future.
  3. Before using any cleaner, it should be tested on the fabric in an inconspicuous area, such as an inseam or hem.

Important! If the removal of the stain is started after it has dried, then it is likely that the dyes will penetrate into the fibers from which the fabric is made.

You should not try to remove the varnish in the usual way - by washing using powder, gel or soap

It is quite difficult to clean such pollution, and it is practically impossible to get rid of residual phenomena in the form of a change in the color and structure of the fabric, regardless of the type of further processing of pollution during its removal. At the initial stage, after removing excess varnish, the stain should be rubbed with an old toothbrush, trying to use it to pull out the remains of varnish that have penetrated between the fibers of the fabric.

Lacquer pollution is difficult to clean

Before mechanical treatment, contaminated clothing should be spread on a horizontal surface, after placing a piece of light-colored fabric made of cotton fiber under it in the place where the stain is located.

After removing the varnish from the surface of the clothing, you can begin to remove its residues using various chemical compounds and household chemicals.

At the initial stage, after removing excess varnish, the stain should be rubbed with an old toothbrush.

Removing varnish stains on natural fiber fabrics

Recently, women are increasingly using a composition such as gel polish for manicure guidance. This composition is highly resistant to factors that destroy nail polish. Natural fiber clothing has been and is one of the most popular. These 2 factors are the reason that women are often interested in how to remove gel polish from the surface of the fabric from which the clothing is made. To remove this composition, just as when contaminating things with ordinary varnish, you can use several different chemical compounds and household chemicals.

When cleaning a thing made using fabrics made from natural fibers, great effort is not required.

When cleaning a thing made using fabrics made from natural fibers, great effort is not required. In order to remove the stain, you should use:

  • acetone;
  • refined gasoline;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • bleach;
  • white spirit.

On a note! The use of a chemical compound such as acetone when cleaning natural fiber fabrics is the easiest and safest way to remove contamination.

In the absence of acetone, natural fiber fabrics can be cleaned with refined gasoline.

To use acetone, put a few drops of the chemical compound on the remaining dirt and use a cotton pad to wipe the stained area. If after the treatment there are small traces, it is recommended to treat the stain with gasoline and sprinkle with talc.

In the absence of acetone, natural fiber fabrics can be cleaned with refined gasoline. How to remove gel nail polish from clothes with gasoline is a question that can often be heard from women. In order to clean with gasoline, pour a little liquid on the dirt and leave it in this state for 15 minutes. After this time, you need to take a piece of cloth and try to wipe off the varnish from the surface of the fabric using intense movements. To remove streaks on the surface of clothing, re-apply a little purified gasoline to the spot where the stain has formed, then wait again for 15 minutes and then wipe off the remaining varnish completely. After finishing removing the dirt, the item of clothing will need to be washed in the usual way with a washing powder or washing gel.

Using hydrogen peroxide, bleach and mineral spirits

Using hydrogen peroxide is a safe and reliable way to remove nail polish from white fabrics made from natural fibers. In order to remove contamination, you should take a 3% peroxide solution and gently treat the contamination with a napkin. The treatment process should be repeated several times until the varnish stain is completely removed, while changing the contaminated wipes.

Bleach is an effective means of removing dirt from the surface of white fabrics made from natural fibers. In order to get rid of contamination, it is necessary to apply the product to the surface of the fabric, then wait about half an hour and wipe the area with a napkin. After the processing process, the thing will need to be washed in the usual way using laundry detergents.

Bleach is an effective means of removing dirt from the surface of white fabrics made from natural fibers.

The use of white spirit gives a good result if it removes the dirt formed by nail polish on the surface of the fabric. In order to get rid of the stain, it is necessary to apply the product abundantly on its surface and leave to interact for 15 minutes. After this time, the place of contamination should be rubbed with vigorous movements with a flap moistened with the product. After finishing the treatment of pollution, the thing should be sent to the laundry.

For the final removal of varnish residues from the surface of the fabric, the item should be washed in an automatic washing machine in the standard wash mode.

The use of white spirit gives a good result in case of removal of impurities formed by nail polish on the surface of the fabric with it.

How to remove varnish contamination from the surface of synthetic and fine fabrics?

It is quite difficult to remove traces of varnish contamination from the surface of synthetic and thin fabrics.

  1. Using nail polish remover without acetone. To use this composition, apply liquid to the surface of the stain and wait a few seconds, after which you need to rub the stain in one direction. During processing, it is recommended to use cotton pads. As disks get dirty, they should be replaced with new ones. The treatment of the stain is carried out until it disappears completely.
  2. Using a homemade stain remover for delicate fabrics. To prepare the product, you should take an equal amount of ammonia, turpentine and olive oil, mix all the components and apply the resulting mixture liberally on the surface of the stain. Then the treated area should be left for 5 minutes in order for the product to work, after this time the mixture is removed from the surface of the fabric with a cotton pad or napkin. The thing processed in this way must be washed in a washing machine on the appropriate mode. If traces of contamination remain on the surface of the fabric, the treatment will need to be repeated, but it must be remembered that re-treatment is allowed only after the item is completely dry.
  3. If varnish gets on woolen products that have a long pile, the contaminated area can be cut off after the varnish dries. The main thing is to turn the product upside down so that the varnish cannot seep through.
