How to decorate the assembly hall by February 23. Create a military environment

Defender of the Fatherland Day occupies one of the most honorable places in our calendar, because for many years this holiday has been celebrated not only by the military. Literally from the very childhood, future defenders are honored, they are given gifts and tea parties are organized for them. A similar tradition continues in schools and universities, and then gradually moves to places of work. Workers relax at corporate parties, and representatives of the strong half of humanity again receive pleasant surprises.

Any celebration requires a special atmosphere, so in the new article we have prepared for you unusual ideas for decorating a room for celebrating February 23rd.

Wall newspaper

We all drew wall newspapers in school. And including on February 23. In educational institutions, this type of design is considered a classic of the genre: girls diligently write congratulations, add drawings, photographs and other decorative elements. But in any team you can repeat this idea!

Imagine how your men will be pleasantly surprised if they see their image on the wall newspaper with a cool signature or congratulations.

paper garlands

Another indispensable attribute of solemn decorations are paper garlands. Volumetric and colorful, made of flags and stars, they instantly create the mood of a holiday.

You can easily make blanks for a garland with your own hands in a kindergarten or school at labor lessons, or buy ready-made ones in a store. A garland in the form of the inscription “Congratulations on February 23” or “Happy Holidays” will also look very festive. Choose garland>>


The easiest way to quickly and beautifully decorate any room is to hang balloons. Nowadays, you can make real works of art out of them: numbers, stars, tanks, weapons, and even real soldiers! Even small balls just suspended from the ceiling will still create a festive atmosphere.

In any case, adults will definitely appreciate such decorations, and children will simply be delighted with unusual figures and will certainly want to take a picture with them! Select balloons>>

Russian coat of arms and flag

The coat of arms and the flag are the main state symbols of the country, so they must be present at the holiday dedicated to February 23. Small flags can be placed on tables or one large tricolor can be hung on the wall.

In schools, at labor lessons, children from paper or fabric will be happy to make crafts dedicated to state symbols. After these works, you can make an exhibition.


The theme of camouflage at the holiday can be played up in any way you like: table decorations, balloons, decorative panels ... Or maybe make a real shelter from a cape in the office?

Draperies made of real camouflage fabric, which can be bought at any military paraphernalia store, will also look unusual. In any case, there is never too much camouflage on Defender of the Fatherland Day!

congratulatory posters

In addition to wall newspapers, you can draw or buy greeting posters with your own hands. This is also one of the easiest and most effective ways to decorate a room.

Posters are equally suitable for both kindergarten and office: the main thing is to choose the right theme! Soviet-era leaflets dedicated to the Red Army Day will look very atmospheric. Choose a congratulatory poster>>

paper carnations

Paper pom-poms actually resemble carnations, the most masculine flowers. If you choose the right sizes and shades of such decorations, they will create a festive atmosphere in any room and delight your defenders.

To decorate the ceiling, it is better to make large blanks of green and blue and hang them with a transparent fishing line, and small red carnations collected in bouquets will look unusual on the tables.

photo zone

By February 23, you can arrange a real photo zone, in which both children and adults will be happy to take pictures. Equip her with themed props and multiple costumes for everyone to wear.

Such a corner with a photo zone will not only decorate the hall, but also allow you to have fun. Choose a T-shirt for Defender of the Fatherland Day>>

Kids toys

Ordinary toys, which are sometimes lying around at home, can help decorate the hall. Cars, tanks, pistols and many other boyish treasures will turn into real props in one second without any changes.

They can decorate the table, diversify the decor and also use for the photo zone. And rare specimens will perfectly fit into the theme of the exhibition. Choose a toy>>

Sweet compositions

Sweet compositions are perfect for decorating a festive table in kindergarten and elementary grades. Also everywhere you can lay out the figures of tanks, cars or planes made by yourself. Such decorations can be beautiful and very tasty!

We hope you enjoyed our original ideas for decorating a festive hall for any age. Put a piece of your soul into jewelry, and February 23 will be wonderful!

On the eve of any holiday, it is worth decorating the interior in a special way. This will help create a festive mood and make the house even more cozy. How to decorate an apartment by February 23?

If you have a large family with children, be sure to hold a “competition” between them for the best drawing for Defender of the Fatherland Day. The drawings hung on the walls will give a touching and sincere mood to this "courageous" holiday. Why not put the number 23 on the wall and decorate the room with old war photos of relatives (of course, if there are any) or photos from war films.

Balloons are the backbone of any holiday decoration. They can be filled with helium and placed under the ceiling, while it is good if the balloons repeat the colors of the national flag. You can put a surprise for men in balloons - for example, a note with wishes and congratulations. You can also build original figures from balls - for example, a soldier, while the emphasis in such compositions is on shades of khaki, green and brown.
And foil balloons in the form of stars filled with helium will be a symbolic reminder of the stars on shoulder straps. The homemade "firework" of balloons also looks impressive: red, blue and white balloons with helium are tied at the bottom to a stable object. It is important that there are a lot of balls, they are at different heights and resemble a "firework" that can be placed in the corners of the room.

By the Defender of the Fatherland Day, not only the house is decorated in a special way, but also the workplace - for example, an office. According to tradition, it is customary to give memorable gifts to colleagues on this day. Also, the women's team can try and make a pre-holiday poster with congratulations and military photographs, inserting images of workers' faces into them. On the poster, men can be divided into branches of the military - someone will become a sailor, someone a tanker, and someone a pilot. Flags hung and placed everywhere and a large Russian flag will also add a festive spirit to the interior. Again, balloons are welcome everywhere, and tank-like balloon arrangements are a great idea for decorating an office, of course, if its space permits.

As for the color design of the premises, it is worth choosing not too bright colors that do not irritate the eyes, but avoiding an excess of a dark background is still a holiday. Calm shades of beige and gray are welcome; colorful accessories can be placed against their background. If the brightness and mood in the interior is still not enough, it can be diluted with red or blue, which do not irritate the eyes, but at the same time create a festive mood.

Since Defender of the Fatherland Day is traditionally celebrated by everyone who served in the army, you can make a themed evening on the army theme by decorating the interior with protective colors. Interior decoration with camouflage fabric (for example, make covers for sofas, armchairs and pillows) and a camouflage net will make the atmosphere more intimate and “protected”. It is worth hanging a Russian flag in the room, and the camouflage net can be draped with white, blue and red ribbons.

If you have a good imagination and the standard scenarios for decorating a room are not for you, you can make accents in a festive interior on a specific military theme - for example, a marine one. Men can wear vests and peakless caps, distributing “roles” - the eldest man, of course, will become the captain, and the boys can be cabin boys. It is better to write a mini-scenario for such a festive evening and, of course, sing military-themed songs during the feast.

If your living room is decorated in a marine style, half the work is already done, and if not, you can decorate it with items and accessories of a marine theme: a steering wheel, an anchor and seascapes on the walls. The table is also decorated "in a special way": napkins can be folded in the form of sails, and a cake or pastries - in the form of a ship. Striped textiles are also added to the overall decor (for example, pillow covers made from vests), and shells can be laid out on the windowsill and pedestals and models of warships can be placed. An interesting idea would be to throw a fishing net instead of curtains, into which you can weave decorative elements in the form of flags or ribbons in the color of the Russian flag. The door will be decorated with a steering wheel cut out of cardboard, or a “wind rose” with indicators of parts of the world. And if your relatives served in other troops, decorate the room in the appropriate direction, including all your imagination.

And, of course, how could it be without fireworks. You can make your own mini salute if you stocked up on pyrotechnics in advance. The main thing is to follow safety rules, especially if there are children in your company. Such a holiday will certainly be remembered by you and your guests for a long time.

A beautiful and courageous holiday, which every year, in my opinion, is celebrated in our country on a larger scale. After the collapse of the USSR, there was some strange period when Defender of the Fatherland Day was celebrated very modestly and even bashfully: they simply congratulated men out of habit, trying not to focus on the fact that they are, first of all, OUR DEFENDERS.

There is a great selection of ideas on how to congratulate men in the office!

Sincere patriotism is back, and it's wonderful! I propose to congratulate and honor our boys and men so that they feel really strong and courageous.

All this must somehow be reflected in the design of the premises. For now, I'm just going to remind you of some simple tricks that you can use in the classroom, school hall, office, or small coffee shop.

Balloon camouflage

Balloons now come in all colors and shades, so I think it’s not so difficult to choose a green gamut that everyone present will associate with the camouflage clothing of our soldiers.

There are also ready-made camouflage balls. It's even easier here - you don't need to select any shades.

From balls of such shades, you can weave a garland into 4 balls or simply place balls with ribbons under the ceiling. Ribbons, by the way, are best done in the colors of the Russian tricolor.

Russian flag

Of course, you can use ready-made flags and small flags made of fabric and other materials. Nowadays, you can order flags of all sizes with delivery in two clicks. For decoration by February 23, a few bright “touches” are enough in addition to green balloons.

Another good option for creating a huge flag is polysilk. This is a non-woven material that is sold in rolls. Waterproof and very lightweight. Such a flag can be made to the entire wall.

The colors of the Russian flag will be “supported” with balloons:

  • make garlands (we decorate the edge of the stage, the front door or columns)
  • arrange "fountains" - these are floor compositions of 7-10 helium balloons tied to a weight or a special rack
  • make bouquets of 3 balloons (red-blue-white) on the tables
  • stretch the helium rainbow chains, where the balloons of the colors we need will alternate
  • the Russian flag can be woven from balloons in the form of a panel

Figures and numbers from balls

Another noticeable decoration for our premises on February 23 is large balloon figures. In principle, you can make a tank, an airplane or a comic figure of a soldier in uniform, but more often they stop at the numbers “23” of an impressive size. They can be up to 2 meters high.

The easiest option is foil balloons in the form of numbers. They can be filled with helium or inflated with ordinary air (in this case, they must be fixed to the wall). Such figures come in different colors, size - from 30 cm to 2 meters. Sold in online holiday stores. If the figures are part of the composition of their balloons, the decorators will bring everything with them and inflate it in your room. They look like this:

paper decorations

Let's remember childhood

Cheap and cheerful - lots and lots of colored paper airplanes. They can be hung from a false ceiling grid at different heights, or simply placed randomly on walls, doors, and furniture. For these purposes, you can use double-sided tape or easy-to-remove chewing gum for decoration.

Large paper ornaments

Still in many stores "Everything for the holiday". They are sold folded, take up very little space and can be used repeatedly. Naturally, we are interested in red and gold stars. By the way, they are perfectly combined with floor decorations made of balls.

pom poms

At first glance, paper pompoms do not look manly. They are too airy and frivolous. But! I suddenly saw that white and bright red pompoms are very reminiscent of carnations - the same flowers that are on almost all men's postcards. Do you agree? .


Now you can buy a poster of any size, there are a lot of offers on the net. These can be modern posters or copies of propaganda stories from the Second World War. In any case, these images create the right atmosphere on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Of course, pictures look better in frames under glass, but you can just make a collage on the wall.

Letters and numbers from different materials

This is, first of all, about the inscription "February 23". Now I won’t repeat what decorative techniques you can use, I’ll just give a link to my own.

Fabric drapes

Yes, camouflage fabric is sold in specialty stores. It can be used to decorate walls and holiday stands. Wrap large boxes of household appliances with such a cloth and frame photographs of Russian soldiers from different years.

photo zone

This is a place where everyone wants to be photographed. In order for everything to go emotionally, make a background of fabric, ribbons or balls, and put interesting accessories next to it - fake weapons, hats and raincoats. Let your guests have something to show on the pages in social networks!

I hope that for the flight of your imagination, I have collected enough ideas for decorating the premises on Defender of the Fatherland Day.
