How to determine what a boy likes at school. How to understand that a boy likes you? The main signs of true feelings

The realization that a guy likes her is great happiness for a girl. Conviction of this makes her more confident and happy, relieves her of painful torment and doubt.

But how to recognize male interest? To do this, it is enough to analyze his behavior. People can't by willful efforts control your behavior 100%. A person in love certainly gives signs. They signal his sympathy and he does them unconsciously.

Psychologists have long identified actions that “signal” sympathy. It is worth studying the main signs of behavior of a lover young man and you will be able to understand it without words.

The first thing that reveals a person’s sympathy is his gaze. A young man will always admire the girl he likes. He can do this openly or secretly.

A guy likes you if:

  • you constantly “catch” the young man’s gaze;
  • he looks at you (intensely or cautiously) when you turn to the side (this can be seen with peripheral vision).

When you meet the eyes of a young man you are interested in, be sure to pay attention to his pupils. A clear sign of interest is the dilation of the pupils when looking at you. IN in this case you can even talk about falling in love.

A good sign is that a guy periodically looks at you when he tells something in a group. So he wants to track your reaction to the words he spoke. It is worth paying attention to what semantic load the text carries. This can be a brilliant hint for a girl.

If you haven't chatted yet

It often happens that a young man arouses sympathy. But you don’t communicate with him personally (or don’t even know him). You can meet him periodically at school, work, places of recreation, entertainment. He might like you too. Similar conclusions can be drawn if he watches you and strives to be near you. Particularly brave individuals start a casual conversation and ask questions.

A sure sign of sympathy is a person’s emotions; his state changes when you appear. You find yourself in his field of vision, and he begins to smile or feel embarrassed, blush, and express himself more actively.

A guy who is trying to check if you are interested in him may do a little provocation: flirt with another girl. At the same time, he will quietly observe your reaction. You can repeat this manipulation by chatting nicely with another young man. If this makes the guy you like negative reaction, we can talk about a manifestation of jealousy.

By correspondence

Many young people often communicate on the Internet. Correspondence analysis - great way understand the guy's feelings. An interested young man regularly writes first. He will be interested in the girl’s affairs, her mood, thoughts, preferences. In communication, he regularly takes the initiative, answers questions in detail, rather than briefly and laconically, and asks questions. They contribute to the continuation of the dialogue.

A very positive sign in correspondence - the guy actively expresses himself, but is embarrassed in personal communication. This is how young people in love behave.

Signs at school

It’s quite easy to understand a guy’s feelings if you study at the same school. At this age, he can choose radically opposite strategies of behavior:

  1. Be nice, look at you furtively, congratulate you on holidays, protect you from others, look for an opportunity to be together, entertain, offer help or ask for it.
  2. Show yourself a little aggressively, make malicious jokes, catch on. This is how some teenagers behave. They try to hide their interest. Many boys believe that this way they can hide their sympathy.

In contact with

The social network VKontakte is an excellent tool for studying the behavior of a young person.

The interested interlocutor will be the first to write, like photos and published posts. He often accompanies his messages with emoticons. This emphasizes the emotional significance of the dialogue.

If a girl doesn’t visit her own page for several days, he may wonder where she went. Such a gesture indicates the presence of a certain attachment. It is with you that he seeks communication on VKontakte if he leaves the network after you have done a similar action.

3 main signs that a guy likes a girl:

  1. He pays attention.
  2. He is interested in you, asks mutual friends questions about you.
  3. He shows certain actions towards the girl.

Test to find out if a guy likes you

A simple test will help you check a guy's attitude. The questions should be answered “Yes” (2 points are awarded), “Sometimes” (1 point is awarded), “No” (0 points are awarded).


  1. He's trying to talk to me.
  2. Smiles at me.
  3. Shows concern (helps to put on a coat, offers assistance).
  4. He gets embarrassed when he sees me.
  5. I think he likes me.


  • 7-10 points - in love.
  • 3-6 - interested.
  • 0-2 - does not show sympathy, or is too modest.

Behavior of a guy if he likes a girl

There are many other behavioral characteristics that indicate male attraction.

Among them are:

  1. Constant attention.
  2. Compliments.
  3. Positive reaction to the girl’s jokes and her stories.
  4. Attempts to “mirror” the girl’s behavior are to unconsciously repeat movements.
  5. In the presence of a girl, a young man straightens his hair, clothes, and straightens his posture.
  6. When standing or sitting, point the toe of your foot in your direction.
  7. Tries to touch.
  8. He tries with all his might to please and make a positive impression.
  9. When communicating, puts one leg forward.

The girl should analyze the guy’s behavior in detail. Then she will be able to understand his attitude towards her. You should also rely on your own intuition.

Many serious relationship starts from school. And in order to build such a relationship, you must know how to understand that a boy has fallen in love with you. By understanding the feelings of guys, you can easily bring a person in love closer to you and alienate someone who wants to take advantage of you. Moreover, figuring out who likes you is not as difficult as it seems.

Simple signs that a boy has fallen in love with you

There are several signs by which you can determine if a person is in love. They do not change with age, and include:

  • Constant glance in your direction;
  • Trying to talk to you, even if there is no reason to do so;
  • Courtship. Gifts, compliments, help in various matters;
  • Correction appearance at the sight of you;
  • Hesitation when talking and looking away to the side;
  • Avoiding direct communication with you at school.

Watch the boy for a while. He will give himself away. It is difficult to describe all the criteria for his behavior. But he will definitely behave “a little differently.” And this behavior cannot be confused with anything else.

Unusual signs of falling in love

Love is not always about embarrassment and confusion. Some boys in love behave completely differently. Often signs of special feelings include:

  1. Flirting. Pushing, tripping, taking away a briefcase, etc.;
  2. Anger. The guy is constantly trying to argue and quarrel with you;
  3. Dostovuchest. He writes and calls you for no reason;
  4. Loyalty. The guy doesn't notice your obvious shortcomings;
  5. Constantly cheating from you, asking for help, etc.

Thus, he is trying to attract attention to himself and constantly be in your personal space. But you need to look at his behavior with other girls. Perhaps he just has such a character and behaves the same “in love” with all the ladies.

In addition, a boy who is in love with you may change his interests in order to be closer to you. He does it simply and unobtrusively. But it is quite possible to guess such a sign. The main thing is to take a little closer look at it.

What to do with a boy in love?

If you understand that he has feelings, then check it out. Start communicating with him yourself real life or on the Internet. If he is happy, then your arguments are justified. And when his reaction is neutral, then you probably made a mistake by drawing castles in the air.

Be sure to give your crush a chance, even if he's not popular at school and you don't like him as a boyfriend. Perhaps with close communication, he is a real prince.

The person who loves you will not cheat, swear, or weave intrigues. You will be calm with him. Remember this. Many girls in such a situation begin to play “queens” and look for people of “their caste.” Should not be doing that. After all, the person you love may not love you. Then incredible problems will begin in your life. And you will remember the guy who is in love with you.

In fact, it is very easy to understand that a boy has fallen in love with you. He himself will demonstrate love to everyone possible ways. All you have to do is accept his feelings and try to build a relationship with him. Perhaps this is the very person you need in life.

And here are two articles that tell you what to do next.

When a girl is in love, she tries in every possible way to understand whether the guy likes her. Every day she observes his behavior in order to somehow reveal this secret.

A long stay in a state of uncertainty and the unknown is quite depressing and depressing. This results in mood swings, sadness and detachment.

But don't despair, there are many ways to understand that a guy likes you. It is enough to choose the most effective way and get the desired result.

How to understand that a guy likes you - the main signs

There are several main signs that a guy at school likes you:

  • Behavioral changes. When a guy likes you, his demeanor begins to change. This can be understood by conversations and gestures. He either becomes too talkative: he begins to talk a lot about himself, brags in order to impress, or, on the contrary, he closes down and becomes shy and self-conscious.
  • Gesticulation- a special body language that sometimes helps to expose a person's feelings and intentions. Try to observe him: his attitude towards you can be expressed through touch. He may often touch your hand, your hair - this is a clear sign that he cares about you. He will also try to always turn in your direction at school, lean closer and be near you more often. Your task is observation.
  • Sight. As you know, the eyes never lie. Try to meet his gaze and watch his further actions. If he looks away, this may indicate either that he is shy, or that he is indifferent to you. A guy who likes you will not let you out of his sight, he will watch you, but carefully hide it.
  • Appearance. When a guy wants to please a girl, he makes every effort to impress her. He's trying to dress better stylish hairstyle, many even start using men's perfume to make an impression.
  • Chatting with other girls. Often, in order to interest the girl he likes and attract attention, a guy begins to provoke her to jealousy. He tries to demonstratively communicate and flirt with other girls in order to awaken her feelings.

If at the same time the guy glances in your direction and after you leave he stops talking to the girls, then this is a clear sign that he was trying to attract your attention.

  • Increased attention. A person who likes you will use every means to provoke your emotions and seek attention. This can manifest itself in different ways. He will make you angry, cling to you, pull you, find fault with you, or, on the contrary, constantly call you by name, ask for something, ask, and sometimes even help.
  • Ostensible indifference. There are situations when a guy, afraid of being exposed and revealing his feelings, begins to carefully hide them and demonstrate complete indifference, sometimes even feigned disdain. Here, try to be more attentive, you can show courage and ask openly what is the reason for this behavior.

How to understand that a guy likes you by correspondence

The Internet has become very firmly rooted in people's lives and has become not only a source of various information, but also an excellent way to make acquaintances and communicate. There are several ways to figure out if a guy likes you by correspondence.

If a guy writes to you often, sends all sorts of pictures and music, is constantly online, and is in a hurry to wish you Good night- all this will speak about his desire to communicate with you.

Most The best way to find out about his sympathies is to pay attention to what he writes about and what type of music he sends. By correspondence you can guess how much he likes you.

If he shows attention and care, is interested in how your day went and what mood you are in, then this is a clear sign that he is not indifferent to you.

Thanks to online communication, people get to know each other. Such an acquaintance, which develops into communication, often turns into a live date.

How to tell by looking that a guy likes you

As they say: “the eyes are the mirror of the soul,” so by looking at you you can determine what a person is experiencing towards you. Usually, if a guy likes a girl, he is constantly looking for a reason to look at her.

But how can you tell by looking whether a person likes you? Try looking at someone for 1-2 seconds, holding your gaze. If he doesn’t look away and smiles, then he obviously likes you. If a guy looks away, then either he is embarrassed by you, or he is indifferent to you.

Pay attention to how he looks at you while talking. After all, the look of a person in love is quite eloquent and will answer your questions better than any words.

How to find out if a guy at school likes you

If you liked a guy from school and you don't know how he feels about you, try watching him. Look at how he looks at you, how he communicates with you. Try to show him some signs of attention during recess. Get him interested.

Let him know that you like him. Guys love compliments because it gives them confidence. They are shy at this age and are used to hiding their feelings. If you feel that he likes you, try to take the initiative yourself.

But if the situation remains unclear and you don’t know how he feels about you, try calling him to talk. Try going home with him, or being alone in class.

Look what he will talk about. He can carefully hide his feelings, show indifference, or he can look away, be shy and silent, so watch him.

How to let a guy know that he likes you - tips

If you decide to hint to a guy about your feelings and don’t know how to do it, try using some tips:

  • Show attention and care. You can resort to using a glance and a smile directed in his direction. If you don’t know the guy, try to say hello to him and smile at him one day. This will provide an opportunity to make acquaintances and become closer.
  • Show your affection by praising him. Give compliments. But don't overdo it!
  • Try to support him in any situation. Showing care and friendly support is a great way to win someone over.
  • Try to become closer to him (sit next to him at the same desk, go home or on an excursion together). But don't force yourself!
  • Use humor. Jokes always bring people together. Be funny, but also sincere. There should be no pretense or falsehood in your behavior.
  • Chat with him often. Find out what he is interested in. Start a conversation on topics that interest him. You can study it yourself first useful information on this matter, and show off your knowledge. Common interests brings people together a lot. And it is very important if people have something to talk about. So improve yourself.
  • Be yourself. No need to play. To please a person, you just need to be natural and sincere. This has always been valuable and attractive.
  • If you are brave and determined girl, you can openly, but in private (perhaps even outside of school), express your sympathies and feelings to him. But there is no need to expect anything in return. Just be sincere and honest.

How to understand that a guy likes you if you don't communicate

If you don't know a guy and you don't know how to tell if he likes you, try talking to him first. Start with greetings, and every time you say hello or goodbye to him, give him a smile and a kind look.

This way will be great opportunity start communication. After that, try to get closer to him. You can go to lunch together, or go home. This method will allow you to be alone, and therefore find out better friend about a friend.

Be brave and take the initiative, because the guys are a little shy and shy.

After you interest a guy and become friends with him, you can begin to carefully show him signs of attention, which can manifest themselves in the form of care and compliments. And then - watch how he looks at you and how he treats you. And take action!

How to understand that a girl likes you: 7 signs

If you liked a girl, no matter where at school or university, and you want to find out what she feels for you, try to watch her. Girls change noticeably when they like someone, and they absolutely do not know how to hide their feelings.

So, here are some signs that a girl likes you:

1. A girl who likes you will always keep you in her sights. She can show her attention in different ways: tease, hurt, joke maliciously, or on the contrary, she can always try to start a conversation with you, smile, cheer you up and give you a compliment.

2. Sometimes a girl reveals her feelings through her touch. After all, it is known that no girl will touch a guy if she is not indifferent to him, so if she likes you, she will look for ways to touch you and violate your space.

“How to understand that a guy likes you” is a question that probably tormented every girl at least once in her life. Moreover, the younger the beauty, the more difficult it is for her to understand the sympathies of the opposite sex.

There is no experience at all, but you really want to feel reciprocity from the person you like. In fact, there are certain signs that indicate guys are interested. The main thing is to learn to notice them.

How do you know if a guy at school likes you?

Usually, the first sympathies between boys and girls arise at school. In such early age unsuccessful relationships can leave a mark on the whole later life. Rejection is especially emotional young girls, because they are more romantic and vulnerable than guys. It is the girls who try to recognize sympathy in advance. If you are looking for signs that a guy likes you, then watch him.

The following actions will issue it:

  • talk. If a person has an interest, then he will seek communication with you. And here it doesn’t matter what the conversation is about, the main thing is that it happened;
  • If a boy begins to look at you more often, then, most likely, he is not indifferent to you;
  • accidental touches. When a person is attractive, you want to touch him. If a young man began, allegedly by accident, to touch you, then this is a clear sign of sympathy;
  • did the guy start giving compliments? notices new manicure or a changed haircut is sure sign interest on his part.

Of course, these are not all the signs that show the sympathy of boys at an early age. Some representatives of the stronger sex behave extremely stupidly when they are in love: they begin to joke about the girl they like, tease her, and communicate with other beauties out of spite. Therefore, sometimes, in order to determine a guy’s true sympathy, you just need to talk to him.

How can you tell if a guy likes you via pen pal?

Modern people They spend a lot of time on the Internet and social networks. There they not only watch films, listen to music and read books, many meet people on the Internet. Therefore, the question of how to understand from correspondence about a boy’s sympathy sometimes arises very acutely.

Let's list some nuances that will indicate sympathy:

  • he shows interest and makes pleasant compliments;
  • if you discuss mutual friends, he always says that you are better, smarter, etc. In general, he praises and extols you;
  • is interested in your hobby, asks about it;
  • often writes first;
  • says he misses him;
  • begins to follow the spelling of words. Some boys write with a lot of mistakes at first, but when they realize that they are interested in a girl, they try to monitor their literacy. Guys want to be better, watch this;
  • tries to make you laugh, sends you funny pictures, jokes;
  • if you communicate on social networks, then the boy may begin to actively comment on your photos and put them under them "likes" and perform other activities.

By the way, it is easier for many representatives of the stronger sex to show their activity in correspondence than in real life. Exactly virtual communication allows these guys to open up.

If you want to know how much a guy likes you: look at him

Let's discuss a few more signs that may indicate an interested person.

So, if you want to know about sympathy, pay attention to the eyes. Psychologists believe that eyes never lie: when a person looks at another and his pupils dilate, this is a sure sign of sympathy. Pay attention to this.

If the boy is not a timid guy, then he will often cast interested glances at you. But then how do you understand that you like him? shy guy? Here you should watch him a little; even the most timid representative of the stronger sex will glance at you. But as soon as you notice this, the handsome man will quickly look away. It is very difficult with such boys; sometimes their shyness does not allow them to enjoy life.

If a boy looks intently at your forehead, then he has an interest in you, but only of a business nature. But if the gaze wanders from the lips and back, then this may hint at interest.

How does a boy behave when he is in love?

All actions of a representative of the stronger sex in love can be divided into 4 stages.

  • During this period, the guy will try to interest you and pay attention. He can act in different ways, for example, give compliments, write messages on social networks, etc. At this stage there will be a certain shyness and respect. Many boys get great pleasure from the stage of conquering a girl.
  • The second period is most loved by girls. By this moment, the guy begins to open up, you finally understand that you like each other. Begins candy-bouquet period. Now the boy will be very active and happy.
  • When the boy realizes that the location beautiful lady received, he backs down a little, begins to act more thoughtfully, tries to make dates that will satisfy your interests. Romance is here to stay.
  • Many girls do not survive this period. Since you have already gotten to know each other enough, the sweets and bouquets for every day are over, it’s time usual life with worries and studies. Only now you also have a loved one with whom it is pleasant to spend time and communicate. During this period, it is important for girls not to start causing scandals due to the lack of surprises. Your loved one will please you, but a little less often.

Experienced psychologists give following tips that will help you understand sympathy:

  • Don't build castles in the air. Even if you caught interested look the boy on himself, this does not at all indicate that he is in love. Maybe the guy is just looking at your outfit or hairstyle, there are plenty of options;
  • a boy who is interested in you will never tell you about other girls or discuss them. Topics of conversation will be only about you and him. Although some representatives of the stronger sex specifically talk about other girls in order to offend and cause jealousy;
  • Don’t involve your friends in finding out your likes. This behavior can ruin everything;
  • Don't discuss the boy you like with others. Extras in a relationship will not bring benefits;
  • if you really want to talk to someone, ask for advice, then go to your mother. She will help, listen and support;
  • If something doesn’t work out, don’t be upset. Keep your nose up, boys love optimists!

Some girls ask how to understand that they like you completely to a stranger. Everything here is quite complicated and depends on the situation. If you meet him in the company of mutual friends, then, if interested, the guy will try to find out your coordinates through his acquaintances. Thanks to social networks it's quite simple. If the meeting took place on the street, then either take the initiative into your own hands and go get acquainted, or wait for steps from the stronger sex.

If a boy really likes you, he will definitely hint about his interest, you just have to wait a little. Can't wait? Then talk to him, everything will work out for you. Good luck!

Friendship and relationships. There is sometimes such a thin line between these concepts that a girl in a friendship with a guy, willy-nilly, can begin to wonder: “does he like me, or am I just a friend to him?” Therefore, I propose to consider how to find out whether a guy likes you, a man at work or a boy at school. After all, many girls and women who like this or that man are interested in the desire to understand the answer to this question.

In order not to get into an awkward situation with a showdown, it’s worth figuring out whether you really like you, or if it’s just a fantasy playing out. Because men aren't always great examples of verbally explaining feelings. However, studying male behavior and the guy's actions, the girl can see obvious signs his interest in her.

So we'll look at some signs of a man's body language that will help you determine whether he likes you or not, and whether he has feelings for you. warm feelings or are they not there?

How to find out if a guy or man likes you

The way he talks to you. The way a young man communicates with you can say a lot about his attitude towards you. So he treats you like his girlfriend, or just like a friend? Try to highlight these points:

  • Does he keep with you eye contact during a conversation, or hides, lowers his eyes? Maybe it's because he's just shy because he likes you!
  • How easily does he get distracted from the conversation and from you? Perhaps, during a conversation with you, someone called out to him or called him. If after this the young man immediately forgot about the subject of your conversation, maybe he is simply not interested in what you were talking about, or he considers it not important to him.
  • Does he compliment you? If yes, and this happens quite often, most likely the young man admires you. Or, for example, often uses your name because he likes it.
  • Pay attention also to what he tells you. Does he tease you? Don't be so quick to get offended. Of course, there are different jokes, but if in his conversation he sometimes jokes harmlessly about you, this may indicate that he is simply flirting or trying to please you.
  • Whether he shares something personal with you is the next step in how to understand if a guy likes you? It is not typical for a man to share personal feelings, experiences or problems with just anyone. Sometimes they keep their emotions inside for a long time. This means that if a young man shares with you similar experiences, personal plans for the future, family problems- this means that you have gained his trust and, most likely, he wants a serious relationship with you.
  • Is he interested in your past? In the process of communication, sooner or later the conversation may turn to the past. Namely about past relationships. What does the fact that a young man supports this topic, and moreover, asks questions about it himself, say? That he is trying to find out if you like other guys, if you are single, if you want a new relationship.

Also, in how to understand that a guy likes a girl, an important sign is his attitude towards other girls.

  • Pay attention to how he feels about your opinion. Is it special and important to him? Or are you just another girlfriend for him, with whom he, like all girls, behaves the same?
  • Listen to what he himself says about past relationships. If his stories are short, full of humor or sarcastic remarks, perhaps he himself is not serious about relationships, and you are no exception to this. But be careful, sometimes behind such an attitude there is a desire to make you jealous.
  • How do you communicate when you're not around? Does he write to you, or does he remember only from meeting to meeting? Does he get nervous when you talk on the phone, or maybe write witty text messages? Yes, it's not the best important indicator, and perhaps he just doesn’t like communicating on the Internet. Therefore, do not rush to get upset if you do not communicate on social networks as often as you would like. Maybe it’s more pleasant for him to see you in person?

The next tip on how to determine if a guy likes you is to analyze the time and place in which you meet.

  • What can time and place suggest? Remember, do you always see each other only in noisy companies, at parties, visiting mutual friends, or does he invite you to go for a walk just the two of you? And if you come to have a snack, this is a noisy, crowded place, where you can hardly hear what the interlocutor is saying, or he prefers a calmer, even romantic atmosphere? Or maybe he even showed you something special - “his” place, where he likes to come to think about something important.
  • Do you meet only when it is convenient for him, for example, after his work, some business, or does he take into account your circumstances? If all the above situations or circumstances still speak in favor of the fact that the guy likes you, do not rush into action. Make sure that all this does not just seem to you against the backdrop of your own love. If you are sure that he likes you, or you simply think that there is nothing wrong with this, you can tell him about your feelings yourself.
  • After all, oddly enough, often in a couple where there is mutual sympathy, both are afraid to admit it only out of fear that the other does not experience these feelings. But don’t overdo it with signs of attention, confessions or expressions of feelings, so as not to scare off the guy, even if he likes you. You probably wouldn't want to seem like a crazy huntress. So let everything take its course, it’s not for nothing that they say that “there is a time for everything.” Be sincere, be yourself and feelings, if they really exist, will definitely appear!

Signs that a man likes you

Body language can also tell a lot about a man's or young man's attitude towards you. Try to pay attention to how he behaves with you:

  • Does he touch you supposedly “accidentally”? His knee touches yours when you're watching a movie and he doesn't seem to notice. Or his hands slightly hold your hand when you pass something. This may indicate that the guy would like to be closer to you.
  • Does he often sneak glances at you? Have you noticed that in noisy company where there are a lot of people, he, nevertheless, most often looks at you. Especially if he thinks that you don’t notice his gaze?
  • What does he do for you personally? Let's say he knows what you are interested in, what you love. Is he trying to use this to please you? (You can find out by reading the article on the site).
  • Does he care about you? On a cold evening, he rushes to throw his jacket on you or picks you up after school/work so that you don’t travel in noisy transport? Always ready to help if something is broken and, of course, pampers you with your favorite sweets? If yes, score a couple more points in your favor.

  • Is he near difficult moments? As we have already said, men are very different from women. And women's tears and completely irritate them. Therefore, if a guy is still next to you when you are sad, wipes your tears, and tries to console you, most likely he is not indifferent to you. Otherwise he simply wouldn't waste his time.
  • In how to check whether a guy likes you, pay attention to one feature - synchronicity. He will consciously or unconsciously imitate your movements. For example, when you drink from a glass, he drinks too. If you cross your legs while sitting, he does the same. Or you have similar colors of clothes, you sit in the same position - all this good signs. When both of you are surprised by the same things, it's a big plus. If he laughs at your jokes, that's extra points.
  • The man often smiles, looking directly at you. At the same time, he has some kind of special grin or smile that applies only to you and no other woman. His eyebrows raise, not dramatically, but enough to recognize you as a special girl. He laughs when you laugh because he wants to be on the same page.
  • Is he trying to get to know you better? For example, the company tries to be closer to you, often looks for reasons to meet during the week, finds out what kind of movies you like, or what your hobby is, where the scar on your knee comes from and what the names of your pets are, then you know - he has a goal . Most likely, this goal is to become closer to you, more interesting.
  • He really likes you if he supposedly accidentally plays with or touches your hair. Men love beautiful women's hair a lot more than you think. The longer his hands stay on your head, caressing your hair, the clearer the signs that a guy likes you.

  • How does he represent you in society? As funny as it may sound, if a guy likes you, he will most likely have problems introducing you to his friends. And all because imagining you as a girlfriend would not be entirely true for him if he experiences feelings greater than friendship. But he can’t call you a girl either, because he’s not sure whether you feel similar feelings for him. Therefore, do not rush to be offended if the guy hesitates, trying to introduce you to his friends and acquaintances.
  • Do you know his family and friends? Agree, it’s not as important to introduce an ordinary friend to your mother or childhood friend as it is to introduce a girl you like. If a guy invites you home for a family dinner or introduces you to his best friend, he most likely has plans for your future relationship.

How to understand that a boy likes you

Let's look at a number of signs of his body language that will help you understand that he likes you. By the way, a huge indicator of desire and sympathy is as frequent physical contact as possible.

  • The boy is trying to hug you from behind. This is unusual, but probably means he doesn't have the courage to give a hug like adults do. But he's very happy to see you and can't wait for you to turn around to look him in the face.
  • He grabs your elbow.
  • Hugs you while walking.
  • Looks for excuses to playfully touch your arm or hold your hand.
  • He crashes into objects: desk, table, blackboard due to nervousness.
  • He may forget basic information about you: name or address because he is nervous.
  • Plays on fingers with any rings due to nervousness.
  • He rearranges all the objects on the table without finding a place for them. He needs to do something with himself because he is afraid of his emotions.
  • He tries to look more mature and serious in your presence.

  • Due to the sudden amount of energy, at the sight of a girl of his liking, he can behave like a small child: make noise, playfully fight, jump with other classmates. These are all signs that a guy at school likes you.
  • He suddenly felt the need to adjust one of his socks and pull it up - an old trick.
  • Constantly smoothes his hair in your presence. Since he is driven by the desire to look better in order to stand out noticeably from other young men.
  • He looks at you for a long time.
  • He smells noticeably of cologne, especially if this has not been noticed before.
  • He had better posture to look more confident, stronger, more courageous.
  • He licks his lips, usually subconsciously.
  • He tries to protect you because he feels confident and wants you to consider him as a protector.
  • Oddly enough, he can hum in your presence or whistle some melody because he is happy and free.


You met a guy with whom you started to be friends and communicate, but his behavior is unclear, and you don’t know if they have any future other than friendship. This is a classic situation when you communicate regularly but are stuck in a relationship that is considered more than friendship, but less than love. That’s why the thought resonates in women’s heads: how do you know if a guy likes you? Because most men, as previously mentioned, are not ready to directly tell a girl about this. In view of this, it is worth observing the body language of a guy who often says more than words of confession.
