How to distinguish a Japanese from a Korean. How to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese, and a Japanese from a Korean

It's not easy to tell Asians apart. In fact, there have been cases when the Chinese spoke in their native language to Koreans or other representatives of the Mongoloid race, mistaking them for their people.

Anthropologists have examined a number of features characteristic of each of these three nationalities in order to identify their distinctive features from each other.

Difference between phenotypes

Only intense practice will help you differentiate between Koreans, Chinese and Japanese.

China is considered a multi-ethnic state. About fifty-six different nationalities live within the country. It turns out that some of them do not look like typical Chinese. For example, the Uighurs resemble Tajiks in appearance.

Historical facts indicate that the Japanese ethnic group also underwent a transformation associated with the migration of Koreans and Chinese at different times.

But anthropologists still managed to identify some differences in their phenotypes.

For example, a Japanese face has the shape of an elongated oval, a pronounced nose and large eyes with a fairly wide slit. The modern Japanese has a larger head than the Korean and Chinese.

Japanese women always strive to whiten their skin, so they keep special whitening products in their cosmetic bag. But even without makeup, Japanese women and men have the whitest skin among other Asians. Chinese women don't wear makeup as often as their Japanese neighbors.

Chinese people have the darkest skin among these three nationalities. For this reason, they try not to sunbathe so that their skin does not become darker.

The Chinese have a round face shape and wide cheekbones.

Koreans have flat faces with high, square-shaped cheekbones. Typical Koreans have thinner noses than their Chinese and Japanese neighbors.

Quite often, the Japanese look expresses arrogance or friendliness.

Many Europeans compare the Japanese to fish, as they have large, slightly bulging eyes. And the Chinese look very similar to kittens.

Among the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, the latter have the smallest palm sizes.


Representatives of these three nationalities exhibit striking differences in behavior. The Chinese are considered the most noisy and impulsive among them. They shout loudly on the streets without any embarrassment or shame, are not afraid to express their emotions in public, and can also behave in an uncultured manner in public places. The people of Japan are always very reserved, patient and polite. It is for this reason that in the land of the rising sun, public places pleasantly amaze with their silence.

Plastic surgery

Korean women and men are big fans of plastic surgery. They love a doll-like appearance and often bring themselves to perfection with the help of a plastic surgeon.

Statistics show that South Korea occupies a leading position in the world in performing plastic surgery among both sexes. If you notice an unnaturally handsome Asian man, then most likely he is Korean.


The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese have a number of distinctive features in their clothing style. For example, the Japanese are blessed with brilliant taste. They often wear clothes from famous world designers. The Chinese are not always dressed to the nines. They have their own style, which allows them to be unique among these three nationalities.

Quite often, a Chinese woman is able to put on night pajamas in the evening and go outside in them. Not a single Japanese woman would dare to show herself in such an unsightly light.

Chinese men are comfortable wearing cheap tracksuits, which distinguishes them from the Japanese, who prefer expensive suits.

If the Japanese wear sportswear, it is usually from expensive boutiques.

Koreans stick to the golden mean in their style. They are taller than the Chinese, but they have not yet been able to catch up with the Japanese.

Language differences

There are many dialect forms in Chinese. But even despite this feature, their language is considered tonal. At the end of Korean phrases, there are noticeable sound notes of politeness. There are no tones or accents in Japanese. Their language is considered monotonous. Japanese people usually speak to each other in a slightly subdued tone.

The topic of the differences between the Chinese and the Japanese is very delicate, like everything intercultural and interethnic, but it is simply absurd for residents of Asia, for whom the differences between the Chinese and Japanese are obvious.

First of all, Chinese- These are the inhabitants of China, an incredibly large Asian nation. Japanese- residents of the island state of Japan. Despite the fact that representatives of these countries are similar in appearance (short stature, thin build, anatomical features of the eye structure, hair color), the Chinese are very different from the Japanese. Historically, they even fought with each other, and even now the relations between these two nations are not the simplest. Naturally, these two nationalities differ from each other in culture, language, and traditions.

Modern anthropologists note that the average Japanese is still taller than the Chinese, by ten centimeters, and this trend will intensify, but in the recent past this was not the case. Chinese men have thicker hair than Japanese men, so they are more likely to have mustaches. It is believed that Japanese people have lighter skin, this is especially obvious when comparing a Japanese woman and a Chinese woman. The Japanese gait is more noble and straight. Some differences can be observed in the structure of the face. Thus, the Japanese face is on average more elongated, has a more regular oval shape, their nose is wider and their eyes are larger. At the same time, within China as a country, the external characteristics of the inhabitants are much less homogeneous than in the case of Japan, which can complicate your “diagnosis”. As for modern times, the casual clothing style of Japanese youth is much more whimsical and colorful than that of young people from China. If you often visit countries with developed tourism, then take a closer look at the tourist guests. If a group is noisy, they are most likely Chinese. If the group is quieter, then they are Japanese - the difference in volume here is due to differences in language. Regarding personal characteristics, which can be very controversial, it is believed that the Chinese are more sensitive to money than the Japanese. Orientalist experts also note that the facial expressions of the Chinese are usually more “simple,” while those of the Japanese always have some dominant feature, for example, cheerfulness or arrogance.

It is worth remembering that the above differences are not strict and often do not correspond to reality due to the mixing of nations, population migration, as well as the inexperience of the European view in Asian affairs, but still here Some differences that may be useful when meeting a Japanese or Chinese person:

  1. The Japanese face is lighter, regular in shape, with a pronounced predominant emotion, with less “vegetation”
  2. The Japanese sound quieter and walk straighter and more sedately
  3. Modern Japanese are on average taller than Chinese
  4. The style of clothing of modern Japanese is much more unusual (sometimes in a positive, sometimes in a negative sense) than the style of dressing of the Chinese.
  5. The Chinese and Japanese have different history, culture, cuisine and language.

It is very difficult for us to distinguish between an Asian's nationality because they all seem so similar. But in fact, the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans have significant differences: by using knowledge about them, you can understand who is in front of you and avoid an awkward situation.

Phenotype difference

The Chinese nation is multi-ethnic, 56 different nationalities live there, and some of them are not at all similar to the Chinese in our minds. For example, the Uyghurs are more similar to the Tajiks. Therefore, it is simply impossible to derive any average Chinese phenotype. However, there are basic principles that will help distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese and Koreans:

  • Chinese faces are rounder than Japanese and Korean faces, and the Chinese usually have the widest cheekbones.
  • The Chinese are blessed with the darkest skin, so they prefer not to sunbathe.
  • The faces of the Japanese are elongated and oval, the nose is more pronounced, the eyes are large with a wide slit. It is also believed that the Japanese have larger heads.
  • Japanese men and women are the whitest among Asians.
  • Korean faces tend to be flat, with high, square cheekbones. Koreans also usually have thinner noses.


One of the distinguishing features of Korean women and men is often their “doll” faces. Plastic surgery in Korea is one of the main trends; according to statistics, this country leads in the number of plastic surgeries performed (not only in women, but also in men).


The Chinese have a tonal language, regardless of dialect, and Koreans like to put characteristic sound markers of politeness at the end of phrases: you can learn to distinguish this with some experience. The Japanese language has no accents or raised tones, it is monotonously polite, they speak in a muffled tone.


Asians can also be distinguished by their behavior. The most impulsive and loud among them are the Chinese. They speak a little unusually for our ears, they can spit on the ground even in a public place. The Japanese, on the contrary, are very reserved and delicate, so in Japan, even in public places, it is always quiet.

Fashion style

The Japanese most often wear clothes from world brands and have good taste. The Chinese, on the other hand, can be a little off-kilter with their clothing combinations. For example, you can easily meet a Chinese woman on the street in her pajamas in the evening. But Japanese women will never do that. Chinese men allow themselves to wear cheap sportswear. Koreans are somewhere in the middle in terms of clothing style: they are ahead of the Chinese, but have not yet caught up with the Japanese.


It is very difficult to distinguish a Korean from a Chinese or Japanese without special training. But this is only at first glance - they look the same. The art of distinguishing Southeast and East Asians from each other becomes very simple if you know a few simple rules.

Phenotype difference

Let's say right away: without practice, it is not easy to distinguish between Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. Even they themselves cannot always do this with 100% accuracy.

The Chinese nation is multi-ethnic, 56 different nationalities live there, and some of them are not at all similar to the Chinese in our minds. For example, the Uyghurs are more similar to the Tajiks. Therefore, it is simply impossible to derive any average type of Chinese phenotype.

Also, the problem of differentiation is complicated by the fact that the same Japanese islands experienced more than one wave of migration of both Chinese and Koreans, so in the course of history the phenotypes again underwent changes.

However, some signs can still be identified.

For example, it is believed that the faces of the Japanese are elongated and oval, the nose is more pronounced, the eyes are large with a wide slit. It is also believed that the Japanese have larger heads.

Japanese women often use a pale white complexion in their makeup and use active whitening products. It is believed that Japanese men and women are the whitest among Asians. Chinese women use cosmetics less than Japanese women.

Among these three nations, the Chinese have the darkest skin, so they do not like to tan to make their skin lighter.

Chinese faces are rounder than Japanese and Korean faces, and the Chinese usually have the widest cheekbones. Korean faces tend to be flat, with high, square cheekbones. Koreans also usually have thinner noses.

There is also a figurative way of differentiating the Chinese and the Japanese. Thus, they say about the Chinese that they look like kittens, while the Japanese look like fish, that is, their eyes are a little bulging.

It is also believed that Koreans can be distinguished by their small palms.


Chinese, Japanese and Koreans can also be distinguished by their behavior. The most impulsive and loud among these Asian peoples are the Chinese. They usually speak in ways that are unusual for our ears and can spit on the ground without being embarrassed by the fact that they are in a public place. The Japanese, on the contrary, are extremely reserved and delicate, so in Japan, even in public places, it is always very quiet.


Finally, one of the distinguishing features of Korean women and men is often their “made”, doll-like faces. Plastic surgery in Korea is one of the main trends.

According to statistics, South Korea ranks first in the world in performing plastic surgeries among both the female and male population. So if in front of you is a face of standard Asian beauty, a little unnaturally exaggerated, then most likely it is Korean or Korean.

Fashion style

The fundamental differences between the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese can be traced “by their clothes”. The Japanese most often wear clothes from world brands and have good taste. The Chinese do not always match the tone and beautiful combination of clothing elements; they have their own style, different from the Japanese.

For example, you can easily meet a Chinese woman on the street in the evening in pajamas; Japanese women never do that. Chinese men allow themselves to wear cheap sportswear.

The Japanese, if they use a sporty style, wear only expensive things known throughout the world. Koreans are somewhere in the middle in terms of clothing style: they are ahead of the Chinese, but have not yet caught up with the Japanese.


Another way to distinguish these three peoples is by language. The Chinese, regardless of dialect, have a tonal language, and Koreans like to put characteristic sound markers of politeness at the end of phrases, which can be distinguished with proper experience. However, even here you can be mistaken: it is believed that the Shanghainese dialect of Chinese resembles the Japanese language. The Japanese language has no accents or raised tones, it is monotonously polite, they speak in a muffled tone.

To put this knowledge into practice and distinguish the Chinese from the Koreans and Japanese, watch video clips with the most popular hits in these countries today.

Japan: Torisetsu (Nightcore) - Kana Nishino

How to distinguish a Chinese from another Asian? It's actually very simple! All differences are hidden behind one common feature - the shape of the eyes. In fact, each of the Asian peoples has its own unique culture and is significantly different in appearance from its neighbors. But how can you figure out who is who when you stumble upon a group of Oriental people?

Differences between residents of Asian countries

The international relations of the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese cannot be called good neighborly. Historically, ambitious Japan more than once waged wars of conquest and more than once penetrated both Korea and China. After all the assimilation and mixing, it is difficult to outwardly distinguish these nationalities from each other at first glance. But if you take a closer look, you can identify a number of similar patterns inherent in the average Asian resident:

  • Skin color among Asians

Most Chinese people work a lot and, when exposed to the sun, their skin color becomes brighter. Despite the growing fashion for white skin, most Chinese people have tanned bodies

The Japanese are more attentive in this regard. According to tradition, the whiter the skin color, the more beautiful and aristocratic a person looks. Everyone knows Japanese geishas who powder their faces white.

Koreans have a more neutral and straightforward attitude towards skin color, but are closer to Japan. They also have pale faces in high esteem.

  • Growth of Eastern countries

Vietnamese and Cambodians tend to have the shortest average height among Asian countries. The Chinese are relatively taller, but inferior to the Koreans, Japanese and Taiwanese.

Mongols are considered the strongest and tallest.

  • Appearance and hygiene

The average Chinese pays less attention to hygiene, especially when in public places. Due to the very high population density, hygiene fades into the background.

Koreans try not to pay much attention to their appearance and behave calmly and reservedly. But in Korea, special attention is paid to hygiene problems. They have “toilet humor.” Pictures, figurines depicting a person defecating, or feces themselves, are common in Korea.

Japanese youth stand out for their shocking appearance. In this regard, the Japanese have become trendsetters in some fashion trends. And hygiene issues are spelled out in Bushido, which still influences everyday life.

  • Asian behavior

The Chinese are very loud and vociferous. These people can behave cheekily, especially when there are many of them. They have specific ideas about etiquette, which they do not observe. The Chinese do not value a person's personal space, constantly interfering in the affairs of their neighbor. This is due to the high population density. When communicating, they may pursue selfish goals, asking direct questions about marital status or salary. This is not considered bad manners.

The Japanese and Koreans are much quieter and calmer. The Japanese are distinguished by deference and respect. Koreans have restraint and tolerance.

  • Attitudes towards food in Asian countries

The Japanese are always attracted by the aesthetic side of food. They enjoy not only the taste, but also the view. Seafood is common.

Koreans now eat like the rest of the European world. America also influenced gastronomic preferences. Fast food and street food, familiar to our average person, are widespread. National foods such as kimchi and kuksi are also popular. It is interesting that Korean food is gaining more and more popularity in China, and the export of food to the Middle Kingdom sets records every year.

The Chinese love to eat and have fun. True gourmets, the Chinese are fixated on the taste of the dish; the aesthetic component does not interest them and is secondary.

Taiwanese are relatively larger than Chinese, despite being considered the same ethnic group. This can also be explained by the influence of Western food and the large amount of sugar in its content.

  • Style and clothes

The Chinese do not attach much importance to clothing items and appearance. Internal well-being is more important for them. So in almost every city park in the morning you can meet people practicing Tai Chi.

The Japanese always prefer to look stylish and neat, also according to Bushido, which states that one must always look dignified in order to be ready to face death.

Koreans are more oriented toward Western culture in fashion and style. Costume etiquette is of great importance.

Undoubtedly, what unites these peoples, who are so similar to each other and at the same time so different, is the territory of settlement. Some climatic conditions, political processes, and ethnogenesis influenced the formation of common features in appearance. In culture, each nationality has its own characteristics, making its people more unique and richer spiritually and historically.
