How to celebrate the New Year at home with your family. How to have fun celebrating the New Year - examples and tips

Celebrating the New Year at home with your family can be a great opportunity to strengthen family bonds, have fun, and ring in the new year with your loved ones. If you plan ahead for fun, food, drinks, games and entertainment, you'll have a great time.


Part 1

Drinks and food

    Prepare home-cooked meals. Taking into account the fact that on the eve of the New Year, food delivery prices go up (like other products before the holidays), nothing prevents you from spending a little and preparing a family dinner. Choose dishes that will appeal to all family members and that you can’t afford every day - steak, barbecue or seafood. Such a family dinner can turn into a New Year's tradition.

    Make fun appetizers and desserts. Try making cookies, butterscotch, or other desserts that the whole family can enjoy during New Year's Eve. You can also add to the New Year's spirit and prepare special New Year's desserts. Many cultures have their own New Year's desserts, such as Vasilopita, a Greek New Year's cake in which a coin is hidden in the dough when baked. It is believed that the person who gets a piece of the coin will have good luck in the coming year.

    Prepare holiday drinks and mocktails. All children love hot cocoa, sugary drinks and sparkling grape juice. You can also make other smoothies with strawberries and kiwis, cranberries and peppermint. Be sure to use champagne glasses and other “grown-up” plastic utensils so the kids can celebrate with you. For adults, you can make separate cocktails or stick to the classic version with champagne.

    Watch movies. Play movies you already have in your collection and buy new ones you've been wanting to watch for a long time. Make movies one of your many entertainment options or watch movies non-stop. During the movies, you can eat snacks and drink drinks that you all prepared together.

    Create a New Year's photo corner. Organize a place in the room where you can take photos. Select a wall or corner to use as a backdrop and decorate with ready-made or homemade holiday decorations. You can also print some of the fancy dress parts to create your own photo props.

    Wear sophisticated outfits. Invite all family members to wear their best clothes to feel like they are participating in the New Year's ball. You can turn on the music, dance and take pictures in irresistible costumes.

    Make timekeeping bags. Place a variety of goodies and sweets in small bags, opening one bag every hour until midnight. The number of bags you need depends on what time you start opening them. You can put the following in them:

    Make your own Christmas decorations. Use construction paper, string, and embellishments to make party hats. Also try making homemade New Year's rattles by placing rice, confetti and glitter in plastic bottles. Cover them with a lid and shake them loudly to noisily welcome the arrival of the New Year. You can also attach balloons to the ceiling and release them when the clock strikes midnight:

Part 3

New Year's Eve

    Remember the past year and make plans for the coming year. Around midnight or any other time, gather together and remember what happened last year to each of you individually and to the whole family. After that, try to formulate plans for next year. You can create a plan for the whole family to hold each other accountable to.

    Celebrate the New Year in a different time zone. If there are small children in the family, it will be difficult for them to stay awake until midnight. Try celebrating the New Year in a different time zone. For example, depending on your country of residence, you can celebrate the New Year with the French or Japanese. Thanks to this, young children will be able to celebrate the New Year with you and go to bed earlier.

  1. Don't forget about those who are a little bored spending New Year's Eve with their family. Teenagers and young adults tend to think that by staying home for New Year's, they miss out on all the fun. You can ask them about the pleasant moments of the past year and expectations for the next 12 months. This conversation will help you get closer.
  2. You don't have to stay awake until midnight. Surely some family members won't want to party all night! If you're tired and want to go to bed earlier, that's completely normal. In the morning it will be the same New Year, the meeting of which can be shifted a little.
  3. Warnings

  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Be mindful of your neighbors when you play music. Even on New Year's Day, people have small children and sick relatives.
  • If you spend the entire evening regretting that you stayed with your family and could have had a much more fun time, then it will be difficult for you to feel the moment and appreciate its importance. It will be much easier and more fun if you consider this as another great way to ring in the New Year. Think about what you managed to avoid - long waits for a taxi, drunken quarrels, slightly crazy crowds of people who strive to hug everyone in honor of the New Year!

Dikmi: A harmonious holiday is achieved only when the interests of all family members coincide. Before you decide to celebrate the New Year with your family, talk about it. Find out if this prospect inspires your beloved wife, adult daughter and baby son? If the result of the home vote is a unanimous decision, start preparing! You will definitely succeed!


Dikmi: First of all, it is necessary to develop a concept for a family holiday. Think about what you would most like to do on this fateful night? Here are some examples:

1. Bring something new to the table

For example, something that has never been tried before. Make cheese fondue or chocolate-covered tangerine slices. A family dinner can be accompanied by a good European tradition. In the West they say that if on New Year's Eve you suddenly lose your piece of bread in a pan of cheese, you definitely need to quickly kiss the person sitting on the left. This will bring you both happiness!

2. Organize a tasting

Assign a home sommelier, draw up a wine list, play restaurant and wine tasting. Pair the wines with cheese, crackers and fruit. If wine is not your thing, you can do the same with cheese, coffee, chocolate, beer, finally. Children can also actively participate in this game! Food or drinks from different countries will help add a special charm to the theme.

3. Organize a picnic at home

Drag all the blankets and pillows into the living room and set up camp! Remember when you went camping in 5th grade? Watch your favorite New Year's films, play board games, and let your children try something that was previously prohibited in your family: fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.

4. Celebrate the New Year in the style of another country

Are your children too young to wait until midnight for New Year's Eve? Find a country that has a tradition of celebrating the New Year early. Solemnly play out the moment of the countdown, and at the twelve beats, offer them sizzling cider or colorful juice. For example, following the Greek tradition, you can cut the New Year's cake "Vasilopita" at midnight. When they bake this cake, they hide a coin inside. And whoever gets a piece with a coin will definitely be happy in the New Year! This coin will bring him fabulous luck! In the same way, you can test the effect of Spanish traditions, eat Japanese sushi and play the Chinese tea ceremony.

5. Invite a family friend

One, the best. Or family. Those people with whom you don’t have to stand on ceremony, who love you not for delicious food and a tidy apartment, but simply because you exist in this world. Those people with whom you never run out of topics to talk about and will surely have the most amazing New Year! Those with whom it is pleasant to dance and joke, organize masquerades and play cards. It’s very nice if your children are friends too. Then everyone will have a good time on New Year's Eve. You can also play a game with close friends: “What would I change in the past year?” Write down your mistakes and regrets on pieces of paper and then burn them! And now, on other pieces of paper, write the answers to the question: “My great hopes for the New Year.” Save these leaves until the next New Year's holiday.

6. Turn your Christmas tree into a “Tree of Destiny”

Instead of (or together with) New Year's toys, hang notes with predictions for next year on the tree. Promise each other a good job, love, an apartment and a dacha, mutual understanding, high grades at school, victory in a boxing tournament, whatever! Everything you dream of and strive for! And at midnight, remove one of the notes and read your New Year's prediction. Will it come true? You have a great opportunity to check it out!

7. Organize a tournament

Monopoly or cards, lotto or bingo - every family has its own favorite games. Arrange a battle on New Year's Eve! After all, usually, on weekdays, there is not enough time for such things!

Dikmi: And if you want something new, use my selection of family games!

Game 1. Lapland Pyramid

Props: plastic plate and wooden toy blocks.

How to play: The participants' task is to build a pyramid of cubes on their heads. The base of the pyramid is a plastic plate. Whichever of you manages to build the tallest pyramid wins.

Game 2. Nose of a deer

Props: cream, tape (approximately 15 cm), rubber red nose (from the store "a thousand little things").

How to play: Attach a pompom to the end of the ribbon, and hold the opposite end of the ribbon in your teeth. Apply cream to the tip of the nose. The task is to make the red pompom “land” on the nose. At the same time, you cannot use your hands or involve assistants to complete the task. The family member who completes the task faster wins.

Game 3. Garland of candy canes

Props: stretched clothesline, New Year's candy.

How to play: The challenge is to hang as many candies as possible on a string using only your mouth. The winner is the one from your family who makes the largest garland in 1 minute.

Game 4. North wind

Props: Glass jar, deck of cards.

How to play: A deck of cards is placed on the neck of the jar. The participants' task is to blow off as many cards as possible from the jar in 1 minute.

Game 5. Toy confrontation

Props: clothesline, plastic Christmas tree ball.

How to play: Attach the ball to a stretched rope in the middle. The players' task is to use only their lips to roll the ball to the end of the rope on the opponent's side. It's usually fun and very intimate!

Game 6. Dear Santa Claus

Props: old New Year and Christmas cards with funny, funny or unique phrases in the text, pens, paper.

How to play: Divide into teams, choose a judge. Give each team 5-10 postcards. The task is to use the words and phrases from the postcards to write your own letter to Santa Claus. The judge awards the best letters in various categories (although at the beginning the teams do not know which categories). You are given 10 minutes to complete the task. Once the letters are completed, a representative from each team reads them aloud. The judge evaluates the completion of the task and chooses the “best letter”, taking into account how many phrases from the postcards were used.

Game 7. Christmas tree

Props: round and wrapped chocolates, toothpicks.

How to play: The task of the participants in this competition is very simple: you need to assemble a New Year tree using candies and toothpicks. You can divide your family into teams, or give individual tasks. And the winner will be the one who will use the most candies for the Christmas tree and whose structure will be stable and sustainable.

Dikmi: Play and have fun! After all, it is emotions that form our positive memories of the holiday!

8. Throw a pajama dance party

Celebration and dancing are inseparable things! And the fact that you are at home with your family does not prevent you from dancing all New Year's Eve! Create a playlist of your favorite songs, put on your favorite, warm and comfortable pajamas, turn on the music and dance until you are exhausted! Accompany the dances with “duck” competitions, dance in circles, and dance in pairs. The main thing is that everyone likes it!

9. Do some New Year's crafts

Accumulate your creative energy on New Year's Eve! Do some New Year, Christmas, cute crafts. Make snowmen and hares with your children, make a gingerbread house and a sweater for Santa, make garlands and cards. Everyone, especially children, will remember such an unusual New Year!

10. Celebrate the New Year outdoors

If the weather permits, go out into the yard at midnight! Watch fireworks, go sledding, play in the snow.

Dikmi: If these usual snowy joys don’t look too festive on New Year’s Eve, I offer several new winter fun that both children and adults will enjoy.

Snow dancing. Turn on the music, dance like baby bears, ducklings, ostriches, hippos, penguins, and let your children follow your example.

Create a maze. Put on your hiking boots and trample a maze in the snow. Let your children try to find the right way out of it!

Play hot and cold. Let dad be frost and mom be sunshine. Catch up with each other! If the frost freezes you with its touch, stop, freeze in place. If the sun touches, run further. With this outdoor game you will never get cold!

Play Tic Tac Toe. Draw a large square on the snow. Use crossed sticks as crosses, and cones as zeros. Unusual, right?

Make sweet snowmen. Decorate your snowmen with candies, marmalade, lollipops and gummies. Let them look festive, because for them New Year is also the main holiday of the year!

Dikmi: Here are a few more ways to decorate your family New Year's Eve. If, suddenly, you haven’t yet found an idea that’s right for you!


. Make it rain with balloons

What could be more festive than hundreds of balloons flying around? Take advantage of our idea, attach the balls to the ceiling, and at the most solemn moment, pull the string and let them float freely!

. Write a letter to your future self

For example, the letter will be dated December 31 next year. Write about your dreams for the future, only in a past form. They say that it is the affirmatively expressed desires that the Universe likes most, and it reacts to them by turning them into reality!

. Have a fireworks show at home

Moreover, it is not necessary to use pyrotechnics! Buy some bubble wrap and clap loudly for the new year!

. Make a fun countdown

Control the hours and minutes that bring your family closer to the New Year with fun tasks that you will complete at a specific time. And upon completion of the task, prepare “champagne” from vinegar, soda and dyes so that every hour looks bright!

. Encourage children to write about their achievements

Let the children also learn to sum up the year and make plans for the future! Offer them a questionnaire in which they indicate what exactly the outgoing year was memorable for, and what they would like to continue, or simply do in the coming year.

. Treat the kids to Santa's milk and cookies

Let the New Year's wait be fun for the children! Treat them with Santa's treats - warm milk and bright chocolate chip cookies. They will be proud to have the opportunity to touch the magic!

. Arrange a story photo shoot

This idea will especially appeal to children, even toddlers. Well, to you, the future, of course! Then, on long family evenings, you will look at these photos and remember that same cheerful and carefree New Year!

Dikmi: But sometimes it happens that you have to celebrate the New Year alone with yourself. How to decorate such a holiday?


. Take a walk

A walk through a city festively dressed in tinsel and smiles can restore a good mood and inspire. In addition, you will have time to reflect on the mistakes of the past year and make a plan for the future. And who knows, perhaps magical adventures await you along the way. After all, New Year's Eve is magical!

. Leave town

Have a New Year's holiday. Take a tour and go somewhere to the mountains or to the sea. Go to the spa, learn to ski, fall in love, in the end! Perhaps this particular trip will mark a new path for you in the new year!

. Go to church

Be grateful for the year you have had. Even if it was not too easy and full of happy events. Be grateful for illnesses and troubles, career failures and failures in love. Also be grateful for the good things. For meetings, deals, smiles, good deeds done for you. Stand with a candle, reflect, and go out on New Year's Day completely ready for new, bright achievements!

. Do charity work

Take time to help those who are worse off and more difficult than you. Go to the shelter with gifts, feed the poor, take a donation to the church, adopt a homeless puppy. And you will feel that your soul will become lighter, that it is ready for the holiday!

Dikmi: Believe in the miracles of New Year's Eve! Pay attention to your loved ones, may everything work out for you!

New Year is traditionally a family holiday, and many people prefer to spend it with family and friends.

How to organize the New Year at home so that it is fun and memorable for a long time? This will be helped by bright and original ideas for celebrating the New Year, which can surprise and entertain guests.

The New Year's feast is an occasion not only to try your favorite holiday dishes, but also to cook something new.

For example, you can celebrate the New Year at home by choosing a themed menu and taking into account the tastes of each guest. To celebrate the occasion at home, you can look into recipes from cuisines around the world and choose Asian, Mediterranean, Mexican or more exotic dishes. In any cuisine there are dishes that will appeal to vegetarians, spicy food lovers, and complete meat eaters.

For example, why not celebrate New Year's at home with a French turkey stuffed with goose liver and cheese? The menu can be supplemented with traditional French smoked salmon and oysters. Can't afford oysters? No problem - replace them with mussels. Baked chestnuts and boiled vegetables are suitable as a side dish.

The French are also big fans of snacks: tartlets and tiny pies with various fillings, cheese balls, shrimp and eclairs with olives, fish, cheese, etc. Such dishes can be served with cocktails, wines, martinis, cognac or whiskey. While having a leisurely family conversation and tasting appetizers, you can work up an appetite and wait for the main celebration.

How to create a New Year's atmosphere? Use the principle of Asian peoples, according to which the New Year's table must comply with all the rules of the festive ritual.

Thus, whole baked fish in China symbolizes abundance, chestnuts represent profit, shrimp will attract happiness and joy to the house, and chicken - prosperity. Complete the table with Chinese dumplings, peach compote and vegetables of five colors. The tasting of dishes can be enlivened by a story about their origin and the legends associated with them.

You can organize the New Year at home in the culinary traditions of the inhabitants of Poland, who decorate the table with 12 different dishes, among which there should not be a single meat dish.

If guests prefer traditional dishes on New Year's Eve at home, you must try to serve them as beautifully as possible, using both your talents and the advice of professional chefs. Before celebrating the New Year, you should read their recommendations on special culinary sites or in publications.

How to entertain guests?

The New Year's holiday at home will become very colorful if the premises are decorated accordingly. The main focus should be the Christmas tree. The more guests you plan to receive, the more noticeable it should be, because, as you know, it is the New Year’s tree that creates an atmosphere of magic in the house.

How to arrange entertainment for children? You should remember ancient traditions and hang a lot of goodies on the tree: sweets, tangerines, cookies wrapped in beautiful foil. Sweets will delight little guests, who will enjoy them with pleasure during the holiday.

Decorate your apartment with garlands, shiny balls, and homemade toys. Before celebrating the New Year at home, you can create a lot of decorations with your own hands from almost any available materials: paper, foil, cotton pads, socks, wool, etc. They will not only surprise guests, but will also become a topic for discussion.

Before organizing a New Year's party, you need to think about entertainment that will be interesting to all family members, taking into account their age and health status. For example, you can celebrate the New Year at home, and then go for a walk together, light sparklers, admire fireworks, and show your family the most picturesque places in your area.

How to organize the New Year if the guests are small children and elderly people who have difficulty moving?

In our hectic age, there is not always enough time to get together with the whole family and have a leisurely conversation, so this holiday will be to everyone’s taste and will allow you to get even closer.

You can spend the New Year at home playing gaming battles. Stock up on board games: classic (Monopoly, lotto, dominoes) and active ones (foosball, hockey or air hockey). You can hold a tournament with a gift given to the luckiest player.

Before throwing a celebration, download several interesting children's puzzles or quizzes onto your computer, and then reward the child who turns out to be the most resourceful. And don't forget about the consolation prizes!

If children come to celebrate the holiday, try to choose an interesting cartoon or movie on DVD for them, prepare appropriate drinks and snacks. Children will be interested in competitions for intelligence and dexterity.

Let's celebrate the New Year with fun

How to celebrate the New Year fun? First of all, you need to tune in to a positive wave and pass it on to your guests. Learn New Year's songs and print the words on paper. One of them can be sung, holding each other's hands, immediately after the New Year. Rejoice, dance, make noise and have fun, because on New Year's Eve you can do whatever you want. Drums and whistles can be given to children. Let the holiday come to your home with noise and laughter!

And of course, how to celebrate the New Year without kisses?

After the chimes, kiss each member of your friendly family and wish everyone longevity and prosperity.

These are just a few recommendations on how to celebrate the New Year while staying at home. But, if you approach the organization of the celebration creatively, you can come up with many more pleasant moments that both you and your family members will remember for a long time.

You can have a great time not only at the ski resort, in restaurants or in cafes. What prevents us from having a fun and joyful holiday in our apartment or outside the city? Absolutely nothing. After all, the main thing is not where we spend the holidays, but with whom and how.

In order for the holidays to be remembered for a long time, they are necessary - after all, they are the ones who predetermine how it will be decorated, what the menu will be, what outfits to choose, musical accompaniment, and so on. I've put together a few ideas that will help you make your choice and have a really fun New Year's Eve. These tips are suitable for those who spend time outside the city and those who gather a company in a city apartment.

1.Home decoration, nice touches for loved ones

Of course, you are long before the chimes. But if you want to please your guests, make friendly greetings using their photos (hopefully you have them). Draw a New Year's poster by pasting a photo on whatman paper and writing a few nice wishes to everyone. Decorate a sheet of whatman paper in a New Year's style. Believe me, this “little thing” can warm hearts and will be very pleasant to the people close to you.

Or make one out of photos wrapped in colorful tinsel. Attach a humorous poem of congratulations to each photo. If you lack imagination, look for the text on the Internet. Or you can hang a symbolic gift from each photo - a sign of what your friends would like to have in the coming year. Does your girlfriend want a car or a new apartment? Hang a bunch of keys on her photo. A fur coat? Build it from a piece of fur. Find a pair? Draw a heart. In general, you probably get the idea.

Of course, this is not the only way to decorate your home or dacha beautifully, unconventionally, but at the same time quite quickly and easily. Perhaps one of the ideas that you will find in this selection of New Year's publications will give you holiday inspiration:

2. Board games for a large company

How to entertain a large group of friends? Invite guests to play interesting games Board games. Let's leave chess, checkers and lotto for other occasions - there are many wonderful, albeit less popular, entertainments.


Activity is a fun team game. Participants compete in guessing words using facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, verbal and graphic descriptions. The game is played against time: the more words the player can successfully show, explain, draw, and the more words the team guesses, the more points will be received.


In the game Alias, or " Say it differently“You need to be able to explain the essence of the word in a different way, without naming the word itself. To do this, creative imagination is involved, synonyms and antonyms are used. A fun game that everyone loves!


The extremely exciting game Dixit with colorful cards can awaken the dormant powers of our intellect and cause an explosion of imagination! In each round, one of the players composes a phrase describing one of the pictures. Using this vague phrase, other players must select the desired image. And then it is determined how correctly everyone chose the picture. For all its undoubted advantages, this game has a significant drawback: you will have difficulty tearing your guests away from it, it is so interesting!


Set is a light card game that uses 81 cards. A game on attentiveness and ability to compare. The cards feature simple figures, each with four characteristics. Some cards match 2-3 characteristics, some do not match at all. The players’ task is to discover identical comparisons on the cards as quickly as possible and joyfully exclaim: “Eureka!” or "Seth!" The game is dressed up and exciting, so while the guests are busy, you will have time to update the New Year's table and serve new dishes.

3. Twister - to the podium!

Invite your guests to play a fun twister - an active floor game that ignites everyone with energy from the very first minutes. And the one who literally turns out to be able to get out (crawl, jump, roll, etc.) from the most difficult game situations will ultimately be the winner. What is he supposed to do? That's right - a prize! What kind of prize it will be, think about it in advance.

4. Masquerade mafia!

Addresses, appearances, passwords - to the studio! Organize a masquerade mafia at home - an interesting one role-playing game with a detective plot. Prepare cards, money, masks and surroundings. You can draw cards, print money on a printer, and use toy pistols, mafia caps (coppolas) for men and fake hats, fans and veils for ladies as props.

Divide into clans, decide on a hierarchy, voice a set of laws and begin dividing up the territory, for example. Control zone: bathroom, kitchen, balcony, bedroom. Just develop the plot in advance and don’t forget the musical accompaniment: jazz or blues. Experiment! - and fun all night is guaranteed.

5. Positive “Crocodile”

It is interesting to “stretch” your intellect on New Year’s Eve by playing “Crocodile” - a game where a given word is guessed by others only with the help of facial expressions and gestures of the player depicting the essence of the word. For example, the word is given: . The player imitates flapping his wings, buzzes, etc., and those around him guess the word. Under no circumstances should you name the word, you can only depict it. In addition to the hilarious spectacle, all participants will also receive a lot of positive emotions. And most importantly - everyone can play this game: both children and elderly people.

6. Holiday cinema hall

You can also invite guests to view Comedy films with a pleasant entertaining plot. Where the main character finds himself on a white horse and saves the princess from robbers. Or hold a “cult mass” vote and decide together what to watch.

If you're celebrating far from fast internet, have all your guests bring their favorite movies. And if you are celebrating a holiday in a narrow family circle, organize viewing of family videos. The children will be delighted! After all, they love stories about themselves.

No one can do without alcohol, even if the owners are ardent adherents of a sober lifestyle. If you are one of those, prepare for yourself non-alcoholic cocktails. And offer your guests something exotic: a party fountain, mead, cider, etc. The process of preparing these drinks is an interesting and exciting activity. Some recipes, as well as a video illustrating the process of preparing these warming winter drinks, can be found in the article (by the way, you can also get ideas for practical and original New Year's gifts for friends there)

  • Mulled wine
Sizzling hot wine would be appropriate after a walk, because it can drag on, and after frost it is especially pleasant to sip tart hot wine, cheering the soul and body.
  • Party fountain
Organize a tiered party fountain with flickering LED lighting, and “launch” any drink of your choice through it: apple, lemonade, champagne. The pleasure is a little expensive, but if you can afford it, go ahead and sing!
  • Mead
Maybe you know how to make mead? No - there are plenty of recipes on the Internet. Surprise your guests with this ancient Slavic drink, which, in addition to its intoxicating effect, also has a healing effect.
  • Cider and punch
For lovers of light cocktails, prepare a chilled, wonderful apple drink (6-8 degrees of alcohol), which does not weigh down your brain or body. And for those who want something stronger, create a punch - a hot cocktail of rum and juice, exotically decorated with fruit.

Step back from traditional alcoholic drinks on New Year's Eve and prepare something “a little different,” unusual and excitingly delicious. And how nice it is to sip a warm strong drink near the New Year's Eve, enjoying the glare of the “living fire” and the fabulous mystery of the street Christmas tree shining with lights!

Singing karaoke is a good old tradition. Arrange song championship, in which there will be no losers. Such a New Year's song holiday will be remembered for a long time. However, it wouldn’t hurt to start by making sure that all your guests love to sing and are tolerant of the vocal abilities of other soloists :-)

9. Darts

Play darts, but not the usual one, but an intricate New Year's one. Blow up the balloons. Inside each one place a rolled New Year's wish note and set up incendiary shooting ranges. And then let everyone read out loud what wish they received.

10. Theme party

To make your New Year's Eve memorable for a long time, organize a themed party. What's in fashion now? ! This means that you can use the arsenal of your grandparents: antique dresses, hats and veils for ladies; tailcoats and top hats for gentlemen.

What, you don't have any of this in your chests? And there are no chests either? It doesn’t matter, because the main thing is the idea! And there are no barriers to positive ideas. If you want to show your kids what it was like “back then,” get out your sewing machine and make some vintage outfits and hats. Your children's eyes will widen in surprise when they see mom in an old dress dancing a waltz with dad dressed in a tailcoat and top hat. Ladies and gentlemen behave accordingly, addressing each other as “You”, men kiss the ladies’ hands and, with a bow, invite them to dance. This can only be seen in movies now. What's stopping you from having a live movie at home?


Three weeks before the New Year you need to: - gather the whole family at a round table and distribute responsibilities, write them on a large sheet of calendar and pin them in a prominent place. Let everyone who has completed something put a mark with a felt-tip pen that it is already ready;
- discuss the holiday menu and cooking times. If friends come to your house, let them also prepare something in advance and bring it. Grandmother can occupy the kitchen in the morning, and mother - in the afternoon; by the evening, the children will be busy decorating the dessert. This way, you will avoid crowds and misunderstandings in the kitchen;
- determine on what day you will decorate the house, who will be responsible for installing the Christmas tree, who will be responsible for the garlands, who will be responsible for the snowflakes;
- start putting wrapping paper, foil, bows and bags in a secluded place, you can also store gifts here;
- discuss the exact list of guests, who you want to invite, who might drop by by chance, whether friends will come to your child;
- if New Year's Eve promises to be unusual, then think about what you will wear. Perhaps you haven't had a masquerade party for a long time;
- the most important thing is to plan your holiday budget. Talk to your husband/wife about how much you can expect. If you are celebrating the New Year with friends, then the required amount must be divided among all participants of the holiday so that no one is offended;
- if you dream of visiting a hairdresser or getting a manicure, now is the time to make an appointment. After that you won’t have time.

A couple of weeks before the holiday: - go grocery shopping and gifts. As long as the lines in stores are not so long, you can easily buy everything. Before purchasing, carefully study the prices; sometimes they turn out to be unreasonably high, in which case you will have the opportunity to shop around and choose other stores;
- in order not to make a mistake with the choice of gifts, do some research in advance. Perhaps the children wrote letters to Santa Claus with their wishes, the husband mentioned something in passing, and friends love surprises. Try to make purchases on weekdays and during the daytime; this period eliminates turmoil and queues;
- and also buy a few small inexpensive gifts in reserve: figurines, magnets, souvenirs, a bottle of wine or sauce, a DVD with films - for those who may unexpectedly visit you;
- now see if everything is available to decorate the room. Do the garlands work, is there enough rain and tinsel. If you don't have enough jewelry, now is the time to buy some. Don't forget clown noses, hats and whistles to lift everyone's spirits;
- work on the holiday program. What competitions can be held for a child and his friends, where to arrange a place for dancing, how to entertain guests at the table. Perhaps after midnight you will all go outside and dance around the tree or make snowmen.

A week before the “magic”: - decorate the room with your family and friends;
- pack gifts and hide them in secret places;
- deliver gifts to relatives who will not be able to visit you;
- buy batteries for cameras and cassettes for video cameras;
- arrange a place for children to play and do handicrafts, let board games be held as competitions for a sweet, valuable prize. Show the kids how to make New Year's crafts and souvenirs;
- try to solve all remaining problems - at work, in your personal life, within yourself. Make peace with the one with whom you are in a quarrel;
- stock up on fairy tales and cartoons for children;
- think about how you will spend your time after the holidays, whether you will visit or ski, or go to the theater with the whole family for holiday performances;
- take time for yourself, put your thoughts and body in order, sit back a little. So, everything is ready, everyone is collected. Happy New Year to you!

Every year the time comes and each of us thinks about when, where and how to celebrate the holiday beloved by millions - the New Year. Some want to spend this magical night with their soulmate, some, remembering their childhood, celebrate New Year's Eve with family and loved ones, while others want to have a blast in a cheerful company of friends. Having chosen with whom and where you will go on the night of December 31st, you should not forget to think through a small scenario in order to surprise and please your loved ones, without forgetting to pamper yourself.

So you have decided that you want to spend New Year’s Eve with your loved one in a cozy home environment. It's time to start conquering his festive spirit and the right to share with him the “best New Year of your life”!

  1. First you need get in the right mood . Therefore, on the eve of the holiday bustle, grab your loved one and head to the nearest fair. There you can not only drink aromatic mulled wine, taste it with honey and gingerbread, but also look for home decorations and take part in various competitions. After eating your fill, you can take a short walk, enjoying the views of the evening city, decorated with thousands of lanterns. It is also worth visiting the ice skating rink: even if one of you does not know how to skate, this will be a good reason to learn, because there will be reliable support nearby. After you've had your fill, visit some establishment so you don't have to start decorating your home on an empty stomach. Upon returning home, take a breath, choose the right music (where would we be without your favorite “Jingle Bells” and Frank Sinatra), lay out all your New Year’s toys and start creating magic, transforming your home.
  2. Decorate the Christmas tree together . Let it be special this year, just for the two of you. In addition to the usual Christmas tree decorations and tinsel, you can hang your joint photographs, favorite sweets, tangerines and other trinkets that are important for the two of you on its fluffy branches. Yes, it won’t look like it’s from the cover of a glossy magazine, but it will be the best tree of your life.
  3. Decide on the menu for the holiday table. You shouldn’t cook so much that the table breaks. This could be several appetizers, one main dish and fruit. This amount of food is quite enough for two, especially if you are counting on a romantic continuation. The main thing is to agree on the menu with your lover so that everyone is satisfied. If you decide to order food, then take care of it in advance to avoid misunderstandings, because on New Year's Eve, food delivery is simply inundated with orders.
  4. Together doesn't mean boring! Not everyone needs a lot of company to have a great night. Imagine, just the two of you, snow is falling outside the window, the tree is glowing with hundreds of lights, cozy holiday music is playing. The whole house is at your disposal. You shouldn't spend all your time near the TV, looking for a decent TV show. Better come up with a magical world where each room in your house will have its own atmosphere. Your kitchen can turn into a chic restaurant at the foot of the lava, if you just replace the lamps with candles and add a little imagination. So the bathroom turned into a jacuzzi, somewhere in the tropics. What's going on on the balcony? Yes, this is Santa's house in Lapland! All you have to do is write down your wishes, put them in an airplane and fly them into the snowy distance, and they will immediately come true. Dream, play, have fun. Feel again the magic that never left you throughout the winter holidays as a child.
  5. A little romance never hurt anyone. When planning your joint holiday, do not forget that your loved one will be next to you. Prepare a surprise for him, which will include: you, your significant other, dim lights, sexy, perhaps even themed, lingerie, candles, some fruit and chocolate, dancing and lots of kisses. The hot night is ready. Happy New Year!
  6. There will be gifts! Agree in advance that you should give each other gifts. Let it be cute socks with snowmen or a candle with the scent of pine needles, but their presence is mandatory. Set up a quest for each other: hide your gifts, write notes with clues and leave them in different places. Hidden clues will help you find the next ones and so on until the gift itself. And regardless of the gift, you two will be incredibly pleased to finally find your treasured treasure.

It doesn’t matter whether there is one person next to you or a whole crowd, the main thing is the role of these people in your life. When spending the New Year, even together, fun can overflow, the main thing is that the person sharing this night with you understands and loves you.

How to have fun celebrating the New Year with your family:

New Year is considered to be a family holiday. After all, no matter how far away your loved ones are, no matter how rarely you communicate, on New Year’s Eve, everyone gathers at one table. The magic of the holiday is felt from the very morning, when children are busy decorating the Christmas tree, mom and grandma are preparing various goodies, and dad and grandpa are preparing a festive table and lighting the fireplace. Everyone helps each other, has fun and waits to please others with gifts. But you can spend the New Year with your family both at home and outside the city or in nature.


Why do many choose to celebrate the New Year at home? Yes, because it is, first of all, comfort. You can cover all the windows with snowflakes, dress up in pajamas, wrap your cat in New Year’s “rain,” steal food from the refrigerator that says, “Don’t touch it! This is for the New Year,” and in general, do whatever you want. At home, you and your family will always have something to do: look at a family photo album, remembering past years, decorate gingerbread cookies together in the form of New Year's attributes, play Crocodile and a lot more.

  • What kind of New Year is it without mom’s signature salad? The holiday at home is wonderful because every year the same dish that is familiar from childhood appears on the table. And it is definitely prepared only on this night, because it is special.
  • Every family has a movie that they watch on December 31st. Even if it has already been watched thoroughly and you know all the dialogues by heart, this day would not be so wonderful without it. So don’t forget to set aside an hour or two for a movie show this year.
  • On the holiday, everyone wears their best clothes. But you can set a new trend in your family. Pajama party! Although the beautiful half of your family will repent for a long time, because they chose this dress for so long, but with your persistence, this New Year will be the most comfortable in your family. And what wonderful photographs you will get, it’s not worth mentioning.

In the countryside

A small country cottage with a huge Christmas tree in the backyard, what could be more magical? It’s certainly nice to be at home, but it’s still worth trying at least once to get out somewhere on New Year’s Eve, taking your whole family with you. You can play snowballs, build a snow castle, cook your favorite dishes over an open fire and warm up near the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. And after you celebrate the New Year, dress warmly and go out to explore the surrounding areas. You can bump into your neighbors, make new acquaintances, and even go on holiday to another country (who said that your neighbors can’t be fiery Spaniards or harsh Finns?).

In addition to a separate cottage, you can stay in a country complex. There you will be offered not only a cozy house, but also a festive menu and an entertainment program. If you are traveling with children, do not forget to check the availability of an animator. Not only will this help keep the kids engaged, but it will also be great fun for the adults in the family.


New Year is associated with something warm and cozy. But what if your family has a craving for everything extreme and unusual? How then to celebrate this holiday without indulging in all these home gatherings?

  • Take your family and go to nature! To the top of a mountain, to a forest thicket, to the shore of a lake or a snow-covered beach - whatever you choose, with the right preparation and love for everything unusual, this will be the best New Year of your life.
  • Go for New Year's adventures to ski resorts, or to farms and villages glorified by writers. Arm yourself with thermoses of hot tea and celebrate New Year's Eve on the shore of a lake or even the sea. Or the winter berths of Russian beaches are always at your disposal.
  • Wherever your family decides to celebrate New Year's Eve, you will always be comfortable and happy. After all, everyone has family traditions into which some innovations can be introduced to create a festive mood.

How to celebrate the New Year with company at home

The guest list is already ready, the apartment is decorated, gifts for all friends are already under the Christmas tree, all that remains is to prepare a whole mountain of food and figure out how to entertain everyone. Sounds familiar? This is how the New Year passes for every housewife who is waiting for her friends to visit. But it is possible to radically change everything.

  • Divide areas of responsibility. Don’t carry everything on your fragile shoulders, because the holiday is common, so everyone needs to be involved. One of the guests will be responsible for the entertainment (he will come up with competitions and rewards); another will take sparklers and firecrackers with him; Appoint the third as a bartender, who will monitor the availability of cocktails during the next toast, and let each of the guests take home a signature dish. And it will be easier for you to cook, and each guest will find at least one favorite dish on the table.
  • If, however, you decide to take on the entertainment part, then be sure to take a couple of games with you for the company. Twister, Alias, Jenga are some of the most popular games for the company. Don't forget about the good old Crocodile or the lottery. But it would be better to come up with a game that suits your company: for some, a New Year’s quiz will be perfect, for others it will be more interesting to play mafia, and for vocal lovers, karaoke is the best option. When choosing contests and games for the New Year's company, take into account the age and characteristics of everyone, so as not to leave anyone without a festive mood.
  • Another great idea would be to host a themed party. You can choose one of the countries and, observing its New Year's traditions, immerse your friends in its culture. In India, for example, New Year is considered the festival of lights. Buy candles, New Year's garlands and let the whole house shine with hundreds of lights. Or arrange a real Brazilian carnival: with music, half-naked bodies and feathers.

The main thing is not to try to do everything alone. Discuss, plan, prepare costumes - all this will help your whole merry company celebrate the New Year like never before.

Where you can have fun celebrating the New Year together ideas

For those couples in love who decided not to celebrate the New Year at home, we offer several places where you can spend the outgoing year:

  • New Year's themed parties. Many establishments organize various parties on the night of December 31st, both New Year-themed and various others. Thus, you can visit Agent 007’s party, the fabulous domain of the Snow Queen, and attend a holiday in Hong Kong without leaving the city. Choose the scenario that you two like and have a fun New Year.
  • Celebrate the New Year in an extreme way. Go to a ski resort. There you will be completely immersed in the atmosphere of a winter fairy tale and will be able to drink champagne while making a wish on the top of the mountain.
  • Santa in swimming trunks. Choose the Cote d'Azur that you like and get ready to celebrate the New Year in a bikini. Even though it’s a winter holiday, how can you deny yourself the pleasure of soaking up the sun with your loved one?
  • Around the world. Book a comfortable cabin on a cruise ship and go ahead and conquer the sea. Festive program, dinner prepared by the best chefs, the ocean, you and your significant other - what could be more magical.

The best restaurant in the city, a magnificent beach in Mallorca or a liner in the Atlantic Ocean - whatever you choose, the best gift is in any case already near you. Love each other!

A short script for celebrating the New Year in company at home

  • First of all, distribute responsibilities between the guests. Create a menu for the holiday table, taking into account the signature dish of each of the characters at the holiday. When guests arrive, invite them to take a few photos in a specially prepared corner with New Year's decorations. Let everyone have a memory of this day (especially since after the holidays you can compare the photos before and after the feast, and have a good laugh). Start with light snacks and drinks, gradually moving on to something more serious.
  • To maintain a festive mood, play the game Situations with your guests. Divide into teams. The presenter invites you to find a way out of the situation, for example: “You forgot to buy crab sticks for the salad, and the stores are no longer open.” At this time, rivals ask tricky questions. At the end of the game, the host will decide who was more inventive.
  • Having celebrated the New Year with a glass of champagne and having tried all the dishes, you can safely go outside, light sparklers and set off fireworks. Afterwards, go to the city Christmas tree and share the holiday with a large part of your city.

Family gifts for the New Year ideas with photos

Sometimes choosing gifts for each family member takes too much time and effort. In this case, comprehensive gifts for the whole family come to the rescue, which can be not only practical, but also quite pleasant.

  • A set of dishes for the whole family. This gift will help decorate not only holiday feasts, but also diversify the usual family dinner.

  • Coffee maker. If your family cannot imagine their morning without a cup of aromatic coffee, please them with a convenient and high-quality device.

  • Identical pajamas. This cute and cozy option is suitable not only for a married couple, but also for a large family with a good sense of humor.

  • Family portrait. Order a portrait of your entire friendly family. It can be drawn either from a photograph (if you expect to make a surprise) or from life, but this will require a lot of patience and endurance.

  • Theater tickets. Treat your loved ones to a few hours of cultural fun.
  • Basket with sweets. In this case, both adults and children will be happy. There will be enough sweets for everyone!

When choosing a gift, remember your family and friends. The main thing is to put a piece of your love into it, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a tea set or a family trip, your attention is more important to the family.

New Year's games for children and adults

Here are a few more New Year's games that both adults and children will enjoy.

  1. "Mystery Box" For the competition you will need a holiday box in which you can put anything: from Christmas tree decorations to clothing items and dishes. Participants, asking leading questions to the presenter, must guess what is in the mysterious box. You can also put various souvenirs and sweets in it to give them to those who guess this item.
  2. "Secret Santa". On New Year's Eve, each of the guests takes out the name of the person for whom he will have to make a gift. It could be some kind of trinket, or some kind of action. The main thing is that the person for whom you are a secret Santa does not figure you out. At the end of New Year's Eve, you can discuss who “suspects” whom.
  3. "Guess how much." Prepare a container filled with, say, candy in advance. Place it in a visible place so guests can inspect its contents. The guests' task is to guess how many candies there are. Everyone writes down their guess and places their answer in a special box. At the end of the evening, announce the winner, who will be the one who was closest to the real number. Guessed candies can be a gift.
  4. "Who am I?". Each participant is given cards with the name of a famous person. The participant cannot read his card, but must stick it on his forehead. Next, everyone asks their neighbor a leading question, which can only be answered Yes or No, in order to find out who he is according to the card. The one who guesses their celebrity the fastest will win.

New Year is truly a magical holiday that touches the souls of not only children, but also adults. You decide for yourself how and with whom to spend it, what to give to your loved ones and what dish to serve on the festive table. The article only presents some options that will help you make this holiday better. Happy New Year and Christmas holidays!

Video: “How to celebrate the New Year?”

How to organize a New Year's celebration at home?

More than 75% of Russians celebrate the New Year at home or visiting relatives or friends. The tradition is wonderful, but in order for the holiday not to turn into a banal binge in front of the TV and for the memory to retain the feeling of a wonderful evening and night, you need to not only invite guests and treat them well, but also be able to entertain them. Of course, there are few people who are able to plan a New Year’s celebration as a serious cultural event, and not everyone is ready to take on the role of toastmaster, and a professional toastmaster in a home celebration will look, at a minimum, inappropriate.

Celebrating the New Year with your company and family is very fun and easy if you take a little time to think about everything in advance and do some “homework.” In this article we offer you several games and competitions that can be organized at home or outdoors.

It is better to come up with competitions in advance, taking into account the taste of the invited guests.

So, for example, if a company likes to play cards, then it is not at all necessary to play the already well-known “nine” or “fool”. You can buy a set of poker chips and master this game, beloved by many people around the world. To do this, you need to explain the rules to everyone, and then you can arrange an impromptu poker tournament.

It is more convenient, easier and more fun to conduct games and competitions with simple rules and a minimum of props. The only condition is that there must always be a person who organizes the game and explains its rules to all participants.

What's in the bag?

This game can be played when you have just arrived at the guest house or holiday cottage and unloaded your bags. The presenter takes a bag of groceries and, without taking out the item, describes it in words: color or shape, what it is for, what history happened with a similar item, and the like. He says it needs to be done in such a way that the guessers suffer a little and do not immediately give the correct answer. The one who guesses it gets the item, and along with it the task. If it is bread, then cut it. If it’s canned food, then open it, if it’s an apple, then wash it, if it’s charcoal, then put on the grill... And it’s fun, and everyone will be in business.

I am the only lunar rover

To participate in this game, you can already take a little, because it requires some courage. The leader (volunteer or chosen one) gets down on all fours and, moving on four bones, says quite seriously: “I am the only lunar rover, peak-peak starting the reception...” The one who laughs joins him and becomes lunar rover number two. So gradually the whole company becomes lunar rovers, and the one who doesn’t laugh wins. The phrase of the lunar rover can be expanded: “... I’m heading to the lunar base for refueling.” In a word, improvisation will only enhance the “ha-ha” effect.


The meaning of this game is as follows: in a circle, starting with the first letter of the alphabet, i.e. A, and further down the alphabet, those sitting at the table say a congratulation phrase. For example: A - “And I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!” And so on... Sometimes you get very funny phrases :).


Several pairs of volunteers are called. In each pair, one of the participants must build a “mummy” from the other using a roll of toilet paper and come up with a name for it. The winner is the one who receives more applause from the audience and whose figure is the most interesting.

A la towns

In the fresh air, while, for example, barbecue is being prepared, children are getting underfoot, and adults have not lost coordination, the whole group can play a simplified version of the towns. To do this, you need to collect approximately identical pieces of firewood around the area and one stick that will serve as a bat. A circle is drawn on the ground, firewood is laid out in any shape (like a pioneer fire or a well), and each participant (distracted from the task for a while) from a certain distance knocks out as much wood as possible from the circle. But this is not so easy and you can’t do it the first time. If you replace the bat with a ball, you get something a la bowling.


You only play at the zoo once in your life, and then it’s no longer interesting. If it so happens that there are no such lucky people in your company or there are only a few of them, you will have great fun. The presenter speaks the name of the animal into everyone's ear. Then everyone stands in a circle and firmly takes each other by the arms. The presenter names the animal. For example: “Which one of you is a crocodile?” And the crocodile must sit down sharply, and the non-crocodiles must hold him back. Then they call it a monkey. The same thing happens. But on the third click, the main thing happens. After the question: “Which of you is a hippopotamus?”, everyone falls to the ground together, and, realizing that they have been deceived, they laugh. Because the trick of this game is that all but one or two participants receive the same animal name.

"Seventh heaven".

This competition is especially attractive for children. At a certain height, a rope is stretched, on which surprise souvenirs are hung at different levels. The task of each participant is to run up and jump as high as possible and pick the souvenir they like.


Motor coordination test. Participants must take turns walking along a straight line without ever leaving it. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that before starting the path you need to perform a simple movement: Grab your left ear over your knee with your right hand and make 3 circles around your axis.


Participants are divided into 2 groups, each of them is given a large canvas, which is used for a collective throw of the ball. One of the subgroups receives the ball. Task: throw the ball from one surface to another without dropping it.

"Reindeer Sleds"

The task is to divide into pairs to cover the distance. ½ distance, the pair walks around the cones, in the following position - the first player stands on his hands, the second holds his legs. At the last cone, players change places. Thus, all participants complete the distance.


Hit a snowball into a bucket. Each participant is given 5 attempts. According to the overall team result.

What other outdoor activities can there be in nature?

Taking a snow town, sliding down a hill and sculpting a snow woman

Lighting a fire, decorating a Christmas tree with improvised materials

Sledding, skiing, ice skating


Launching sky lanterns

Soap bubble generator (in winter they freeze and become covered with a pattern, like on windows)

Firecrackers, boom-fetti.

Meat on a spit, kebabs

Hot Mulled wine in a Samovar or in thermoses

Dumplings, pancakes with caviar, pies.

Round dance, dancing around the Christmas tree, dressing up as buffoons, gypsies, national Russian or Altai costumes

Games, competitions and fun make an ordinary New Year at home unforgettable. Impressions fueled by laughter last a long time. Next, professional entertainer Zakhar Sokhatsky shares his recipes for a cheerful home New Year:

The first thing you can do for a good mood is to radically turn off the TV. The best you can do is listen to the chimes, and after draining your glasses, press the red button on the TV remote control. After all, in recent years, New Year's Eve on television has been a failure, and it is unlikely that anything will change this time.

It’s much better to have fun chatting with each other, playing something, and shedding your seriousness for one New Year’s Eve.

In this sense, the “pajama party” method is very helpful - guests are asked to bring pajamas to the party (or some other purely home clothes - T-shirt, shorts) and change immediately upon arrival. I assure you, this will make your holiday much more comfortable than a prim reception in evening dresses. Besides, you don’t have to spend the whole December thinking about what to wear so spectacularly for the New Year. Less show-off - more joy.

Puzzle your guests in advance: ask everyone to prepare some kind of surprise. For example, everyone can learn a trick with cards or matches, or something else easy, non-stressful, for pulling. But do not demonstrate everything at once, but at some interval. Let this theme of homemade preparations run through your holiday.

Also ask each guest to bring with them a wish in an envelope that will go to one of the other guests. All the envelopes are mixed, each person making a toast takes one of them, reads it out - and undertakes to fulfill the chosen one. Wishes can be designed for immediate fulfillment (from the banal “sing a song about the Christmas tree” to an exotic wish to drink in one gulp, for example, a glass of cocktail made from cognac, vodka, champagne and coffee), and for the entire current year (get married, give birth, become deputy of the regional Duma, etc.). In a year, you will conduct a debriefing and see who really knows how to keep their word.

Immediately after midnight, everyone goes out into the yard together for a short time - just to shout, to relieve the tension that has accumulated over the year. This is what the workaholic Japanese do, and this simple method is quite effective. Having thus thrown off the negativity of the past year, we return to the warmth, to the already set table. By the way, what's on our table? A New Year in the Russian folk style or with classic “Soviet traditions” is good, but if this is already “boring”, an “ethnic” approach will help make the New Year’s table more original. Prepare dishes, for example, only from Hungarian, Argentine or other little-known cuisine. This is not difficult to do - there are many culinary reference books now. Preparing such a table will not only bring more pleasure than routine salads, but will also significantly expand the housewife’s “arsenal” for the future. The “ethnic table” will give guests completely new sensations, which fully corresponds to the very idea of ​​New Year’s Eve. If the company is large and the organization of the table requires joint participation, you can agree in advance for each guest or family to prepare some kind of “ethnic” dish, a national drink, the serving of which may be accompanied by some national traditions.

Next, I can suggest playing “Yudashkin.” Guests are divided into two teams. In both teams they choose a “model” - a girl, preferably of a petite build, so that there is more room for imagination. Each team takes 3-4 minutes to dress a girl in the funniest way possible, putting everything on her, from fur coats to nesting dolls. We dressed, assessed, photographed - and now we undress the girl, and for a while. Without fanaticism, to the original state.

While dressing the girl, the guests have already become a little acquainted with the house where everything happens - it’s time to play “tax inspector”. We select two leaders who take turns ordering the participants to bring some items that are exactly available in the apartment. Children usually take part in the game with pleasure. The winner is the team that lays the most items at the feet of the stern taxman.

No matter how well the holiday goes, try sometimes to remember the inevitability of the morning. Morning will most likely come in the evening of January 1st. If the guests have not left before bedtime, you can cheer them up a little, for example, agree in advance: whoever drank the most will organize exercises in the fresh air for everyone. It’s harsh, but it invigorates and brings you back to life. You can plant some other intrigue in the evening: for example, a social burden (going to the store) on the least drunk person - so that no one wants to be this “lucky” person. It is advisable to plan the program for the “morning” in advance. But whether you can fulfill it depends only on you.

Happy New Year to you!

On the eve of the New Year holiday, many people think, especially those who believe in the eastern horoscope, how to celebrate New Year 2016- the year of the fire monkey... how to celebrate the New Year at home in a fun, original and interesting way... unforgettably relax and have fun with children and friends, alone or alone, or with the whole family... or families...

Traditional New Year- a magical holiday loved by everyone, both adults and children. Long New Year holidays, a beautiful Christmas tree, Father Frost and Snow Maiden, a feast, the chiming clock, tangerines, champagne and Olivier, gifts and congratulations, such as “Happy New Year, happy new happiness”, fireworks, folk festivities, slides and snowdrifts...
And most importantly in the New Year- expectation of a miracle, magic, something kind and good... expectation that a secret dream will come true...

It is the dream, the expectation of a New Year's miracle that makes the New Year holiday (initially, the Christmas holidays) “magical” and universally loved. Even the anticipation itself, the anticipation of the New Year, lifts the spirits of many and makes people prepare for it, almost from the beginning of December.

How to have fun celebrating the New Year at home or away

The main essence of the New Year's holiday is fun, childishness, a certain childishness (not childishness) ... the emotion of joy ... a long-lasting emotion in the form of a wonderful mood ...
The question arises: How to have fun celebrating the New Year, at home or at a party - it doesn’t matter... Having fun means from the heart, sincerely rejoicing and gaining “in reserve” a lot of positive emotions and a good emotional charge for the whole new year.

Indeed, in a psychological sense, it was precisely the cheerful and positive New Year’s celebration that was transformed into a folk saying: How you celebrate the New Year is how you will live it (you will spend it)”. This means that if you meet it cheerfully, with positive emotions...happily, then you will live mostly in happiness... And vice versa, if you celebrate the New Year not cheerfully, unhappyly, understand...

Festive fun also means interest. How interesting is it to celebrate the New Year?
To make the New Year holidays interesting for everyone, both children and adults, you need to anticipate holiday miracles and prepare for them yourself.

Let children “really” expect magic, and adults, although subconsciously also expect a miracle on New Year’s Eve, should still carefully prepare for the New Year.
You should understand how you prepare, tune in, including emotionally and psychologically, for the holiday, and that’s how you will meet already know what’s next..

Everyone's interests may be different. Therefore, when coming up with New Year's games and entertainment, as well as buying gifts for your loved ones, including children, you need to proceed not only from common interests, but also from the interests of each individual person.
For example, you shouldn’t give a child or anyone else a New Year’s gift based on your interests and desires. A child dreams of something...he has some desire...his personal desire is a desire and must be satisfied. For him this will be a miracle.

Also, in order for the New Year and the entire New Year holidays to be interesting, you should not indulge in gluttony and drunkenness. Drinking is not fun or interest, it is due to ignorance and inability to celebrate the New Year in a normal, natural, human way, for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

Make an interesting plan for New Year's events: prepare congratulations, oral and written; come up with good pranks, quizzes and games; plan your time for outdoor recreation and entertainment (skis, skates, sleds); organize winter fun...

This way you will really have fun with interest, relax and gain new energy and strength during the New Year holidays. And if you overeat and drink, know...

How to celebrate the New Year in an original way

Each person is unique from birth and original in his own way - many simply wear social masks, not being themselves - so the question arises for them: How to celebrate the New Year in an original way.

In order to differ from the traditional New Year's celebration and celebrate the New Year in an original way, you must first of all become unique and original, i.e. natural... And turn on fantasy, imagination... become more creative and creative... don’t be afraid to experiment...

How to celebrate the New Year with children and family

New Year is considered a family holiday, so many people want to celebrate New Year's holidays as a family with their children. How to celebrate New Year with children with the whole family, so that everyone, both adults and children, has fun and interesting?

If you are celebrating the New Year in your family, with your children, then you definitely need to turn into children yourself during the holiday. And, as mentioned above, you need to become children not with the help of alcohol, but naturally. You just need to know that in every, and I emphasize every adult, there is a little child who wants to be happy and have fun.

Light symbolic alcoholic intoxication will give you the opportunity to turn on this childish ego state if it is “strained” (you are shy, too gloomy, etc.). Too much alcohol will turn on the inner “Pig”, sometimes the “Devil” - Do you need this?

By “overeating” in moderation and drinking alcohol, while celebrating the New Year with fun and interest, you will show your children (in fact, give instructions for the future) how you can have a wonderful time during the holidays without stimulants (alcohol) and without destroying your health .

How to celebrate the New Year together

Most couples in love who have not yet started a family, as well as newlyweds without children and elderly spouses whose children have started their own families, want to know how to celebrate the new year together.

Celebrating together means romantic, loving feelings. To the extent of fun and childishness... the main thing is the closeness and unison of two hearts, and a warm emotional and sensory exchange, if possible, gradually turning into the merging of soul and body, and the formation of one integral state... the state of “We”...

These feelings are no less beautiful and good for accumulation, just like fun, and this many positive emotions, when celebrating the New Year together, can last for the whole next year. This may be someone’s New Year’s dream...

How to celebrate the New Year alone

Unfortunately, there are people who are lonely. They often ask how to celebrate the New Year alone
Man is a social being, so celebrating holidays, and especially celebrating the New Year alone (or alone) is, to put it mildly, not very good.
However, a person is also a rational being, therefore, even if it so happens that there is no one to celebrate the New Year holiday with, then you should not limit yourself to watching “The Blue Light” and go to bed with sadness in your soul. It’s better to celebrate the New Year not alone (or alone), but to go to people... to visit... even to neighbors, even to old acquaintances and friends... even to parents... the main thing is to take “New Year’s supplies” with you: champagne, vodka or wine, fireworks and some sweets (a box of chocolates, a cake...) for a New Year's gift to the owners...

New Year This is such a holiday, at least in Russia, that people, out of joy and anticipation of miracles, as if by magic, become cordial and hospitable, they will definitely be glad to see you... and accept you as family. On New Year's Day, the Russian people reveal their true essence - the “broad Russian soul”...
