How to dye your hair. Rules for dyeing dark hair, we select fashionable shades


Qualitatively dye your hair from black to brown will help you in good salon. There the master will pick you perfect option washes and immediately offers a paint that evens out the color and does not damage the hair structure.

If you decide to perform this procedure yourself, then prepare a bleaching agent. It can be a brightener that will make yours 3-4 tones. Buy also brown paint that you will apply to your hair.

Do an allergy test before using these products. Lightly lubricate the composition of the wrist and wait forty minutes. If the skin does not turn red, then you can proceed to discoloration.

Put on gloves, cover your shoulders with a towel and dilute the bleach. Gently apply paint to the strands with a brush, shifting the painted to the other side. Keep strictly according to the time indicated on the package. After that, gently rinse the composition under running water. Make sure that the product does not get into the eyes. In case of contact, rinse immediately cold water.

After lightening, apply a special balm or mask to your hair. Leave on for 3-5 minutes and rinse. Dry your hair. Keep in mind that the color will be uneven. Near the roots, the hair will be slightly lighter than the ends.

Now move on to coloring Brown color. Dilute the composition according to the instructions and apply to the hair. Coat the lighter roots first. Hold for ten minutes, and then apply paint to the rest. Comb through with a wide-toothed comb, distributing the dye evenly, and leave for 20-25 minutes. The exposure time depends on the stiffness of the hair and the color that was obtained during lightening.

After that, rinse your hair thoroughly, apply hair restoration balm again, rinse and dry your head.

Keep in mind that coloring doesn't really affect your hair. positive impact. Therefore, use various nourishing masks. Rub into hair periodically medicinal oils or apply balms.


  • how to dye black hair brown

Women who intend to dye their black hair any other color have a hard time. Similar procedure It takes time, effort and perseverance. Getting rid of black color at one time will not work, it is a long process.


Clarifier - required component such a repaint. Professional hairdressers do not recommend using too strong means so as not to harm the structure of the hair. After the first dyeing, the color of your hair should change by 3-4 tones, respectively, if you want to get a completely light shade of hair, you will need several procedures.

Most often used as an illuminator white henna or hydrogen peroxide. After the first lightening, the hair may turn red, yellow, and in some cases bright red, it depends on how your hair pigments interact with the active ingredients of the lightener. Between lightening, be sure to use balms and masks to strengthen the hair. Otherwise, by the time you reach the shade you need, the condition of the hair may become deplorable and they will simply have to be cut off.

If you want to switch from black paint to lighter paint, you can do it in a longer and safer way, without having to use brighteners. You can gradually repaint in the selected shade as the roots grow, each time using a lighter tone for coloring. This will give an interesting gradient effect, and after a while (six months or a year) you will be able to “get out” in the color you need.

Women are fickle natures, especially appearance: having barely finished the difficult struggle for light strands, the ladies may suddenly want to return their natural dark blond again and dye their hair from light to dark color.

It would seem that nothing could be simpler: I bought paint a few tones darker - you are a brunette again.

But practice proves the opposite: it is not so easy to qualitatively repaint light curls in a dark color.

You will learn about all the tricks and nuances associated with recoloring blondes from this article.

Let's start with a word of caution: Before dyeing your blonde hair dark, think thrice if you really need it.

No, the procedure is not complicated, it can be carried out even at home. But the problem is that after staining it will be very difficult to achieve a light tone again.

Moreover, it can cost the health of the hair, because the brighteners that you have to use dry the strands a lot.

In addition, before repainting the curls in a dark color, ask others, and even better professional stylist whether such a transformation suits you.

So, you can dream about a hairstyle for a long time, as in the photo of your favorite actress, not realizing that in reality the color, as in this photo, does not suit you. If you recklessly darken your hair, then you can regret it for a long time.

For fair-haired girls who want to change their image, stylists advise not to dye all the curls at once, because you can change the color gradually.

Yes, today there are various options coloring (bronding, balayage, ombre) that will help with this.

If you still firmly stand your ground and are determined to get a solid dark color, here are some tips for you.

If you are a blonde or your hair is light blond, and at the same time your color type is "Summer" or "Autumn", try to choose a paint that will definitely have the same warm colors or there will be gold.

In this case, the color of the strands will be in harmony with the color of your skin.

If you are a winter girl, even dark tones should be "with a touch of ash." For girls with the “Spring” color type, both the first and second options may suit, but you need to pay attention to the color of the eyes.

Also, when choosing a dark color(s) for coloring, think about how this color will be combined with the length of your hairstyle.

If the haircut is short, it is better to use one hair color, but if the curls are long and the hairstyle is graduated, the image can be made even more interesting by dyeing the hair in several colors (pay attention to the photo). light curls with coloration).

Stages of the procedure - recolor blond hair

At first glance, it seems that making light strands darker is very easy. However, this is not quite true. The procedure for changing color requires careful preparation.

You can, of course, rely on intuition and luck. However, Lady Luck can change.

When you have already made a clear decision to recolor the curls and have chosen a specific color, you can begin to prepare.

You need to find:

  • quality wash,
  • a pack of paint of the color you intend to receive;
  • intermediate color paint (something between what is now and the desired color);
  • brush, container for diluting paint;
  • towel or unwanted clothes to cover the shoulders;
  • cosmetic oil and cotton pads to treat the skin under the hairline with them.

To new color did not turn out "spotty" and did not bring unexpected surprises, even blonde hair before a cardinal repainting, stylists advise, it is worth treating with a wash - this will remove all unnecessary shades and be safe from disappointment with the future color.

For example, if you want to go from a platinum blonde to a sizzling brunette, after treating your hair with a wash, you can dye your hair blonde or chestnut color.

To do this, you can use ammonia-free paint. Coloring may not turn out to be monophonic or give a greenish tint, but even in this case you should not be upset, because after a while you will be able to even out the color.

And finally, the most crucial moment - we dye our hair black. It is best to have someone help you at this stage (the ideal option is to invite a professional hairdresser or go to a salon).

As practice shows, it is almost impossible to color the curls from behind on your own, especially when it comes to a cardinal change in color.

If you still decide to act on your own, carefully read the instructions for use, which is attached to each paint.

For example, some paints need to be applied to wet hair, while others are dry. The retention time of different paints is also different: from half an hour to 50 minutes.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions - these are fundamental points.

After staining, be sure to use a conditioner balm or nourishing mask, because even the most gentle paints dry curls a lot.

By the way, balms and hair masks should be used in the future. In this case, it is advisable to buy special care products specifically for dyed hair.

What other points are worth considering?

It is not necessary to wash your hair immediately before dyeing it. It is desirable that the interval between shampooing and changing the color of the curls is at least a day.

However, if the hair is a large number of various means for styling (all kinds of gels, mousses, foams), they, of course, need to be washed.

Use balm or oily mask not before painting.

After the time specified in the instructions, the paint should be washed off with ordinary running water without shampoo, because hair washing products, especially sulfate-containing ones, strongly wash out the coloring pigment.

An unequivocal answer to the question of how long the paint will hold and how long it will last deep color, No.

It depends on the quality of the paint itself (from the manufacturer, the content of ammonia in the paint, etc.), as well as the frequency of hair washing.

Accordingly, the more often you wash your hair, the sooner the color will change. The color will become paler and in case regular attendance swimming pool, swimming in the sea and being in the sun.

In order not to stain the skin on the forehead and behind the ears during the dyeing of the strands, before dyeing, these places must be treated with any cosmetic oil or greasy cream.

It is necessary to work with gloves so as not to stain the skin of the hands. It is also better to cover the shoulders and neck during the procedure with something so as not to stain the clothes.

It is advisable to pamper the curls after recoloring the hair for a month or two. First of all, give them a break from the harmful chemical exposure: do not use any paint, and minimize the use of styling products.

It is also not advisable to dry the dyed strands with a hot hairdryer, use curling irons and hair straighteners - under the influence high temperatures already weakened curls dry out very quickly and begin to break.

And of course it's worth doing good masks to nourish the strands. Yes, you can use purchased means(for example, masks and serums from Loreal, Schwarzkopf) or folk.

Homemade masks, which include cosmetic oils, honey, dairy products.

An indispensable tool in restoring the beauty of curls are decoctions of herbs.

For dry, weakened hair after dyeing, herbs such as: nettle, sage, yarrow, chamomile, hop cones are best suited.

You can even dye your hair from light to dark at home.

In order for the final result to please, you need to try: firstly, to choose the right tone, and secondly, take your time and work in several stages.

It is also important to carefully treat and properly care for dyed hair - then your hairstyle will be on top.

It is often insulting and annoying when I have done stupid things in Once again trying to change myself. In pursuit of beauty, we often forget to think, what then to do with the shade that we have chosen for the current moment?

Well, if the hair from the dark was repainted in some light color, in this case, you can correct the error only by choosing the closest tone and shade of hair dye.

But what if you impulsively decided to dye your hair darker, or even worse, pure black. Naturally, this situation is more difficult to change, since in this case even professionals use various bleaching agents or washes, and they can thoroughly spoil the condition of the hair.

Brown highlights for black hair

It is especially difficult to return brown or chestnut shades after the hair was dyed black. As a rule, hairdressers perform a two-stage procedure, the first stage of which is the washing off of the previous dye or bleaching of the hair, and the second stage is the application of brown or chestnut tones.

But both of these stages can severely damage the structure of the hair, which will immediately not only lose its luster, but also become more brittle, and begin to actively break off even when combed.

This is how the use of clarifiers at hairdressers usually looks like:

But don't worry, there are perfectly safe, albeit slow, ways to return to your favorite brown tones from cardinal black.

Homemade ways to return to brown tones

Choosing one or the other home method will depend mainly on the initial condition of the hair. If they were previously damaged, then the most gentle method should be chosen, which will not damage the hair even more. It should also be taken into account whether the hair was dyed with a permanent dye or a semi-permanent dye was used.

With a semi-permanent dye, it will achieve good result at home you can do it much faster.

One of the safest and simple ways removing black dye from hair is an application special shampoos. To perform this procedure, you will need two types of shampoos - dandruff and cleansing.

The cleansing shampoo contains those ingredients that will easily help remove pigments from the hair. Shampoo designed to treat dandruff is essential for light and gentle discoloration of hair. Both detergents will help to go 2-3 tones in several procedures.

How to dye black hair brown

Nevertheless, we recall that it will not be easy to make a high-quality output to the desired tone without experience at home, if you have never used washes and color correctors, we advise you not to take risks and study the application well and possible consequences this procedure.

First way this use special wash(it’s also a color corrector) If you decide on such a procedure, study the clarifier and the future paint yourself in advance, there are both 2 in one and separate options.

In one procedure, a transition to 3-4 tones or more is possible, the disadvantages have already been described above. Test the composition in advance, for example, on the wrist on allergic reactions if you suffer hypersensitivity. No redness? Then you can start the procedure.

So the second way : Moisten the hair, then apply a special cleansing shampoo to them, lather it well on the head. It is advisable to additionally wrap the hair with shampoo foam for a while in polyethylene to enhance the effect.

After 15 minutes, you can already wash off the foam that has absorbed the black paint with plenty of water. The transition to 1-2 tones is achieved in several procedures. Next, brown staining is performed.

Third way, consists in the use of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in the form of powder or tablets. In addition, you will need a shower cap, a towel, a comb and your favorite shampoo.
If vitamins are in tablets, then they must first be crushed, then mixed with shampoo, whipped into foam. As soon as the mass begins to resemble a paste, it must be applied to moistened hair under a cap, then it is advisable to comb the curls with a comb with sparse teeth.

Paste with vitamin C on the hair must be left for at least 1 hour to act, and after the allotted time, it must simply be washed off and in the usual way wash your hair. If necessary, the procedure with the use of shampoo and vitamin C can be repeated until the desired result is achieved.

Fourth way: Natural analogues such as kefir and beer are the safest way and do not cause harm, however, the time spent on the transition to 2-3 tones can reach 3-4 weeks and require 3 procedures per week.

Turning from a blonde to a brunette is not difficult, but getting reverse result much more difficult, sometimes even turning to an experienced stylist, you can only achieve it from the second visit desired shade and get rid of the red tint. If the girl for a long time dyed her curls in a dark color, then go to a more bright hues it will require patience and high professionalism of the master. There are several modern methods, which will help to radically change your image and get a blonde from a burning brunette. But how hair is dyed in two colors and what means should be used, this will help to understand

Methods for repainting in a light tone

In salons, three procedures are used to lighten the tone of the hair: highlighting strands, highlighting and rinsing special composition, each of them has its own characteristics and disadvantages. Their choice depends on the tone of the hair, their structure, whether they are natural or dyed.


It should immediately be noted that this method not applicable at home, to achieve the desired shade and at the same time not harm the hair, only experienced master. Highlighting is not suitable for owners of thin curls, prone to, due to the long and aggressive impact strands can be irretrievably damaged, they cannot be restored, the only way out is to cut off the damaged length.

The main thing is to use the product correctly, as it can damage the hair.

Using this method, you can achieve a hair color corresponding to the 11th level of coloring.

At first, the master tries to reach the basic light shade, on which paint of a certain blond color is subsequently applied. Lightening in this case can take from two to 4 months, during this time the hairdresser applies a brightening composition to the strands, after which they will quickly acquire yellowish color. After that, the master carries out staining, the result of which can be a muted blond or light brown color.

If you succumb to dangerous persuasion and use hydrogen peroxide at home to lighten your hair faster, you can seriously ruin it and the whole hair will look unkempt and lifeless. How is hair coloring done? onion peel and how effective this remedy is indicated

On the video - a description of the procedure for the transition from dark color to light:


This is an interesting and gentle alternative to lightening hair. By choosing it, you can change the dark color to light in a more gentle way. With this method, not all hair at once, but only selective strands.

Very effective procedure, which will help lighten only the upper strands

There are several options for highlighting, with a certain skill it can be done at home, you just need to ask someone from your relatives or friends to help.

The staining process is as follows:

  • a special cosmetic cap with holes is put on;
  • through selective holes, with the help of a hook or other convenient tool, strands are pulled out of a common mop of hair;
  • a lightening paint is applied to the hair prepared in this way (it is better to choose a professional product with a low-percentage oxidizing agent);
  • paint is applied separately to each strand, and then the dyed hairs are wrapped in foil;
  • after half an hour, everything is washed off and washed with shampoo.

When performing the procedure in next time previously unused strands are dyed, and over time, the entire hair is processed. Before the next procedure, at least 3 weeks must pass.

The process of transforming into a blonde by highlighting is not as fast as similar procedures, but the hair remains healthy, they are not immediately “killed” by an increased dose of clarifier. But how hair is dyed after keratin straightening and how to perform such a procedure, this will help to understand


The process of its application is similar to dyeing, a special agent is applied to all hair, which, instead of darkening or lightening the strands, returns their pigmentation to them. Usually, after its application, the hairs acquire some yellowish tinge. Each hair is released from the dye contained in it and becomes so loose that it quickly absorbs any paint.

Carrying out such a procedure, you can effectively get rid of the old and dark hair color, giving your natural color.

Although it is similar to staining, it is performed in the reverse order. First, the composition is applied to the ends, then processed middle part strands, and even at the end, the wash is applied to the roots.

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Having set up to wash at home, you can use folk recipes, and as a clarifying agent, apply a long-standing recipe consisting of glycerin and chamomile infusion. To prepare the latter, you should take 150 grams of dry chamomile and brew in 200 ml of boiling water, after 2 hours, filter the resulting liquid through gauze or a fine sieve, add 60 grams of glycerin to it. In this form, the composition is applied to all hair and kept under polyethylene for 2 hours, then the entire hair is washed with water. Over time, dark hair will brighten, but it will be possible to achieve the desired shade of blond only after additional coloring of the strands.

A longer method is to use as a wash light beer or kefir. After each application, the hairs will become a tone lighter. One and these products should be applied each time before the main shampooing 1.5 hours before. Lightening in this case can take more than two months.

But most often at home and especially in salons, a special industrial wash is used, which is applied and maintained strictly according to the instructions, otherwise all efforts may be in vain and the black color will return in the morning.

For those who are especially patient, repainting is suitable, that is, each time you will need to choose coloring agent tone lighter. To achieve light strands, you will have to walk for a long time. abrupt transitions, since the growing roots will lighten well, but long strands that have previously absorbed a lot of black pigment will be less amenable to lightening.

On the video - how the washing procedure takes place:

Having decided to “get out” of the black color, it should be understood that the procedure cannot be performed at a time, and you do not need to spoil your hair with unverified means, since then it will take a long time to restore the curls. If you rush and choose an aggressive clarifying agent for yourself, then you can completely cause irreparable damage to them, and then wait for new hairs to grow.

It is so established that most women are dissatisfied with their hair color, and in pursuit of the desired shade, sometimes there are mistakes. We will devote this article to how to dye your hair after unsuccessful experiments.

Sometimes, driven by the impulse to change our image, we go for risky coloring (for example, cardinal change colors). And the result is not always happy. Perhaps we chose the wrong paint, did not take into account our natural color, recklessly painted in a color that does not suit our type, ages and so on. Don't walk like that until your hair grows back. And in order to correct the situation, it makes sense to contact a hairdresser, where a specialist will do the coloring. Especially if you are faced with such a problem for the first time. But if you want to correct the situation yourself, then you need to responsibly approach this issue. Let's take a closer look at the various options.

How to dye black hair

One tricky option that is hard to get away from is black hair. Get rid of the black color instantly will not work, this will require several stains. In addition, it is worthwhile to understand that the procedure for washing out color is quite harmful to the hair. In order to repaint, you can use two options:

  • Decapitation.
  • Lightening.

Both options are far from useful for hair, but still the first option is softer than the second. Let's not stop at lighting. Everyone knows this procedure, you can use hydrogen peroxide for it, but it’s better to stop at professional means(for example, Blondoran).

As for decapitation, this procedure is done with the help of special means, the so-called paint washes (for example, Estel Color off). In one application, your hair will become 3-4 tones lighter. Can be reapplied if necessary. In addition, if the paint is washed off unevenly, you can apply the product only to the areas you need. Washes cannot be used if you were painted with henna or basma.

After the color has become light enough, take the dye of the desired color, but a tone lighter, and dye your hair to get an even and rich color. If you want to dye your hair in a light color, you will also have to carry out a lightening procedure with cold shades to get rid of yellowness.

Read the instructions carefully and observe the exposure time of the product, as well as keep the intervals between the application of the product and the application of paint.

Another option on how to recolor dark hair, more gentle, is highlighting. True, you will have to update it regularly, and after a few procedures you will achieve the desired color.

How to dye red hair

It is very difficult to get rid of red and red shades. Of course, if you want to dye your hair chestnut, you will not have any problems, since this color has warm shade. But when stained in other colors of cold shades, it will be more difficult, not to mention the blond. In order for the color to lose brightness and saturation, you will have to use a wash (as is the case with dark hair), it is better not to use hydrogen peroxide, as you will get a reddish-yellow color.

If you got a red tint by applying henna, then paints and washes will not help you, since henna is not washed out of your hair. And even if the hair is no longer red, when applying paint, henna will affect the result, and you will get new shade red. So you have to wait until the hair grows back.

So, how to recolor red hair after applying a wash? The wash should be applied as many times as necessary to get rid of the copper tint. And only then should paint with the desired color be applied.

How to dye white hair

From white color easier to get rid of than any other. However, keep in mind that all the colors that you apply to white hair will turn out to be bright and juicy. Dyeing in dark and black colors can give you green tint. When unsuccessful staining in white, you should contact the hairdresser, because only a specialist will be able to properly mix the shades to get the color you need.

Now you know how to dye your hair. Remember that after all dyeing procedures, hair requires special care: use masks, balms, special shampoos.
