How to iron a large sheet. How to iron underwear and bed linen

Today, there are many arguments in favor and against such a procedure. The final decision in choosing the right care always remains with the hostess. But for adherents of a perfectly even set of bedding, the correct execution of actions is important.

If we are talking about the classic form of underwear, then there should be no questions. But a sheet with an elastic band will force the housewives to suffer over the problem: how to stroke this option correctly. This article just aims to talk about the methods of ironing and the rules for folding sheets with an elastic band.

Comfortable sheet for regular use

Characteristics of stretch sheets

Convenience and practicality drive away all doubts about the correct choice of sheets with an elastic band. Such a thing is ideally stretched on a mattress, during a night's rest it does not crumple and does not move out on the floor, it has an attractive, neat and aesthetic appearance.

In addition, such a product can easily become a replacement for a mattress cover if it is not available. During washing, there are no troubles and problems, as well as during the drying process. But provided that you perform these actions in accordance with the proposed instructions.

The design of the sheet is a canvas, along the perimeter of which an elastic band is sewn. There are models with the presence of an elastic band only in the corners of the sheet. It is this moment that creates inconvenience in ironing. The tightening properties of the elastic do not allow you to neatly straighten the fabric on the ironing board. This hinders the convenience and ease of the process.

The easiest and fastest way to make a bed

General ironing rules and preparatory work

It sounds trite, but first you should look at the label to determine the heating mode of the iron. After all, an incorrectly selected mode can lead to the yellowness of the bed and the appearance of tan marks on it.

In most cases, manufacturers claim that there is no need to iron sheets with elastic bands, but some fabrics allow this procedure and sometimes even just need it.

The ironing mode is selected based on the type and type of fabric. This does not apply to products made of terry cloth, which become stiff after heat treatment. The workplace should have good lighting. An ironing board or a table fixedly covered with a thick cloth will allow you to iron the linen of bedding as it should be. If possible, you should adjust the height of the countertop to the height of the hostess in order to prevent premature fatigue from the process.

For high-quality smoothing of the stretch sheet, it should not be completely dried. Slightly damp laundry is more pliable than dry, the probability of getting unsmoothed areas and creases is reduced to a minimum value. However, if the laundry has had time to dry thoroughly, you can use a spray bottle to spray and moisten the matter to the desired state.

Many craftsmen sew similar sheets themselves.

After smoothing and folding, the product must be allowed to cool down. It is not recommended to immediately put the laundry in cabinets or in a chest of drawers.

Effective Methods

Let's look at the most effective ways to iron a sheet with an elastic band. The choice of the optimal way, how to iron a sheet with an elastic band, will be possible only after testing all the options in practice. Which of them is able to deliver less trouble with a simple iron, but show a quality result in the end? All execution rules, advantages and disadvantages of each option will be discussed below.

Method number 1. It is recommended to fold the sheet four times, and then simply iron it. The speed of ironing and heat treatment of the bed are considered a positive property of the method. Of the negative points, it is important to note the possibility of the appearance of creases and smoothing. Fixing them in the future will be quite problematic. In addition, the appearance of the bed will noticeably suffer. This method is more relevant for sheets with elastic bands only in its corners. After all, it is quite difficult to fold a thing with an elastic band around the perimeter without effort.

Method number 2. Allows you to perform a minimum of ironing, namely to stroke only the middle of the sheet. Ignoring the edges will save time on ironing. The fabric along the elastic cannot be smoothed to the perfect look. The result "before" and "after" will not be much different.

Method number 3. The proposed method is effective, but rather extreme or original. Its essence lies in the implementation of ironing directly on the mattress. The quality of ironing will be on top due to the possibility of processing all visible wrinkles. This is due to the optimal location of the sheet. Moreover, the method is not time consuming. It allows you to carry out the procedure quickly and efficiently.

For cribs, sheets with elastic bands are used everywhere

Among the shortcomings are the possible inconveniences associated with bringing the iron to the place of ironing. If the cord is not long enough, you will need to use extension cords.

Method number 4. The most time-consuming and laborious, but at the same time the highest quality method is ironing in a circle. First, the central area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet is processed, then the edges are ironed, moving the ironed area around the perimeter. The method provides an opportunity to stroke the entire area of ​​the product, that is, heat treat without smoothing the folds.

Method number 5. It is suggested not to waste time ironing the sheets. Due to the tension of the sheet on the mattress, it naturally flattens out, which gives it a neat and good appearance. With all the simplicity of this method, the disadvantage may be the lack of processing with a hot iron.

How to iron bed linen and is it useful? This question arises among modern housewives because today many research centers post various scientific works that describe the negative aspects of such a procedure as ironing sheets and pillowcases. To understand this issue in more detail, we will take a closer look at the process of processing bed linen after washing..

Properly iron bedding

How to iron bed linen and in what cases should it be done? Even our grandmothers, after washing sheets and duvet covers, carried out several procedures at once: they starched and ironed the fabric. After this treatment, the sheets looked like new, it was very pleasant to lie on them and they looked aesthetically pleasing. Today, it can become a real problem for someone to iron the sheet so that as a result it does not get dirty or wrinkled. After all, what usually happens in the process of ironing such a large fabric? The ironed part of the sheet ends up on the floor over time. There is no question of starching bed linen.

Fortunately, modern washing machines are equipped with many different very useful functions that can not only wash and dry clothes, but even iron them. Therefore, modern housewives can only decide whether they want to iron bed linen.

The following positive aspects of ironing sheets and pillowcases can be distinguished:

  • under the influence of high temperature and hot steam, all bacteria and microbes that could settle in the pile are killed, this is especially true for delicate washing at temperatures below 60 °;
  • ironing the linen increases the life of the fabric, as the threads are ironed and soldered, which makes the sheets more durable;
  • steam treatment allows you to make the fabric more pleasant to the touch, so sleeping on ironed linen is more comfortable;
  • An important point is also that ironed duvet covers and sheets look aesthetically pleasing, it is pleasant to lay such linen not only for yourself, but also for guests.

It is easy to guess that, whatever the points described below, it is strictly necessary to iron the bed linen of newborns and young children! This is because even the smallest fold can harm the baby's delicate skin.

Before starting the process, it is very important to know what type of fabric the bedding is made of. It depends on which side ironing will be done - the wrong side or the front. Delicate and delicate fabric, such as silk, requires a special approach. For such material, an additional gauze pad should be used so as not to accidentally damage the linen.

The process of ironing bed linen at home is as follows:

  1. First of all, it should be remembered that sheets and duvet covers should be ironed at a time when the fabric has not yet dried completely. In this case, it will be easier to iron even very large sets of bed linen.
  2. A damp sheet or duvet cover must be thoroughly shaken and smoothed, and then laid out on a flat surface. It is very convenient to iron a large fabric on the table, but if this is not possible, an ironing board will do. Be sure to cover the floor with a clean cloth or polyethylene so as not to stain the washed bed linen.
  3. For convenience, the sheet can be ironed folded, but the fabric should not be folded more than four times. In this case, the fabric must be ironed along the shared thread, first on one side, then turn the sheet over and iron the other side. With a duvet cover, it can be more difficult, because if it is not folded and ironed correctly, new folds will appear.
  4. Pillowcases are the easiest to iron because they are small. This can be done both from the front and from the wrong side.
  5. Do not immediately fold only ironed bed linen and send it to the closet. Wait until the fabric is completely cool, and then hide the sleeping set in a drawer.

The process of ironing classic bed linen really does not seem complicated. The situation is completely different with non-standard kits. It can be very difficult to iron a sheet with an elastic band so that even the slightest crease does not remain. Experienced housewives even advise not to iron such linen, but to dry it and immediately make a bed for them.

For more information on how to properly iron a duvet cover at home, you can find out if you watch the video below.

Reasons why you shouldn't do it

It would seem that there can be no disadvantages in ironing clothes, but it is still worth considering the reasons why you should not treat the sheets with a hot iron.

  1. Increasing tissue density. As mentioned earlier, in the process of ironing, the linen becomes denser, which undoubtedly increases its service life. However, on the other hand, such a fabric will absorb moisture worse. Why is it bad? In the process of research, scientists found that the average volume of sweat emitted by a person during sleep is approximately 200 milliliters. If this fluid is not absorbed into the fabric, then sweat remains on the skin, which disturbs the temperature balance and can lead to various diseases.
  2. Static electricity. This factor may not be noticeable, however, frequent ironing of the fabric leads to the fact that the fibers of the material accumulate a small amount of static electricity. Physically, this will not bring discomfort, at least while the person is awake. However, if you sleep on such a sheet, you may experience problems with sleep. A person will begin to feel constant fatigue and anxiety, sleep will not bring a feeling of rest.
  3. The European Psychological Center for the Study of Relationships of Married Couples also cited interesting statistics. In accordance with the data, sexual activity in those families where bed linen is ironed is significantly reduced.

Having studied all the available information, you can draw your own conclusions and decide whether to iron bedding or not. Also, the above instructions will help you iron sheets and duvet covers made of any material correctly and well.

Thanks to the advent of automatic washing machines, washing has become a real pleasure: downloaded, selected a program and after a while received clean, semi-dry linen. But ironing, unfortunately, machines have not yet learned. Therefore, this monotonous work is done manually. Many women do not iron the bed at all, arguing that it will wrinkle after the first night anyway. Fans of ironing bed linen argue their choice by the fact that heat treatment destroys harmful bacteria. In addition, resting on an ironed bed is much more pleasant.

Do I need to iron bed linen - pros and cons

  1. Every hostess understands that the process of ironing bed linen is quite long and tiring. Not all of us have enough free time to iron large sheets and duvet covers for the whole family.
  2. American researchers claim that fabric fibers stick together during ironing. Because of this, the bed stops absorbing sweat, which negatively affects the state of health. By the way, this also applies to towels - you can not iron them.
  3. Definite advantage: ironing disinfects linen.
  4. The aesthetic factor cannot be ruled out: ironed linen is easy to fold and store in a closet or drawer. In addition, a bed made with ironed linen is pleasant to the body and looks much more beautiful.
  5. If your washing machine has the "Easy Iron" function, there is no need to manually iron the laundry after washing.

As you can see, the advantages of ironing clothes are much greater than the disadvantages, but the choice is still yours. Therefore, if you decide to iron your clothes, let's talk about how to do it correctly and as quickly as possible.

How to iron bed linen?

  • Before you start ironing, carefully read the information on the laundry label. Manufacturers usually indicate the permissible temperature: silk - 50 ° C, cotton - up to 200 ° C, jacquard - up to 120 ° C.
  • Check the soleplate of the iron for dirt: such a nuisance can ruin the laundry.
  • Experts advise not to iron bed linen along the transverse line of fibers. Otherwise, the fabric may stretch and lose its shape.
  • It is better to iron a slightly damp cloth. Therefore, use a spray with clean boiled water or iron the laundry before it is completely dry.
  • Silk bedding should not be ironed on the front side and use a spray - it can leave stains.
  • Mohair sheets should not be ironed - it is worth evenly spreading them out wet, and after drying, disinfect with steam (without touching the surface).
  • Do not fold freshly ironed hot laundry - wait a few minutes for it to cool down. Otherwise, your work can be considered in vain: the hot fabric will wrinkle again.
  • For quick ironing, fold the laundry in two layers and iron on each side.
  • To facilitate the ironing process, use a fabric softener while rinsing.
  • If you have such an opportunity, purchase a special steam generator. Thanks to this device, you can easily and quickly cope with the ironing process.

How to iron bed linen - video

Ironing a sleeping set is an unpleasant business for any hostess. Large sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases, where the fabric tends to fold into a crease that is difficult to iron ... Do you always need to iron bed linen after washing? Let's find out in the article.

You can make your choice - whether the procedure for ironing your bedding is obligatory

Ironed bedding looks more aesthetically pleasing

An ironed bed is an aesthetic pleasure. Dents, folds of the sheets look sloppy. But a picky person will reconcile. However, the essence lies not only in the appearance of a sleeping product.
Ironing, especially with the "steam" mode, makes the fabric softer. If an air conditioner was used during washing, then the hot temperature will “complete” its work, making things softer and more fragrant.

By ironing sheets and duvet covers, you increase the resistance of the fabric to wear and make the linen softer.

In what cases it is not necessary to iron bed linen

There are situations when ironing things for sleep is not necessary. For example, when the washing machine has an "ironing" mode.

“Easy Ironing” refers to steam treatment

After washing, take out things, straighten things on a flat surface, leave to dry. It is important that there are no wrinkles. Smooth with your palms.
It has been found that things that are washed regularly in this way have a longer service life. They absorb moisture (eg sweat) better. It is also important to save money when paying for electricity, as well as saving time.
Do bed linens containing terry cloth need to be ironed? No. Working with an iron makes it less pleasant to the body.

If the bedding is made of terry cloth, you cannot iron such a thing - it will become hard, rough and unpleasant to the touch.

Tips for those who iron bed linen:

Are bed sheets ironed in other countries?

Surprisingly, in some countries, the refusal to iron has become a trend.
For example, some residents of European and American countries completely abandoned the use of an iron, because they realized that the ironed one does not absorb moisture well, that is, hygroscopicity decreases.

How to iron bedding?

Is it worth standing over the ironing board or can it be folded neatly and save valuable time

Every hostess has her secrets. Let's talk about some of them:

When you can not do without ironing bed linen?

It is necessary to iron sleeping sets, clothes belonging to children. It is especially important to do if children's things in the washing machine occur together with adults.

Children's bedding and clothes for the little ones must be ironed

A mixture of powder and water rarely disinfects washable items, so germs will get on children's things. The result may be the appearance of allergies or diseases, including skin. Ironing with a hot iron kills harmful bacteria with heat, so the risk of getting an infection is close to zero.

Ironing is necessary for those people who react to dust mites with an allergic reaction. Therefore, ironing is a must.

Bed mites are killed only by the high temperature provided by ironing.

Be mindful of people staying at home. Submitting a wrinkled bed, even if it is clean, is a bad form. A small amount is ready to put up with chaotic folds.

Guest sets should also be ironed after washing - so they take up less space and look neater

Secrets of proper ironing

It is important to learn how to iron the bed correctly so that this process brings pleasure and joy.

There are secrets that help make life easier for the hostess while using the iron, save time, improve the quality of things.

After ironing the linen, do not immediately put it in the closet - the linen should dry

Which bed linen does not need ironing?

Modern irons and ironing systems are suitable for all types of bedding fabric - you need to decide on the temperature regime when ironing

There are crease-resistant fabrics that allow you to abandon the iron, thanks to the elastic fibers.

  • Silk fabric

Eco-friendly fabric is pleasant to the skin, has a high hygroscopicity, prevents the growth of bacteria.

The coarse calico is wrinkled, but weakly, because of its elasticity. It is enough to hang it evenly so that wrinkles do not form.

  • satin

It is similar to silk, but has a more complex structure for connecting threads, which is why it is more stable.

How to fold bed linen so that it does not wrinkle

There are situations when things are needed immediately, but after a long storage they have to be ironed again. The method of proper folding in a closet, invented by the hostesses, will help to cope with the problem.

The main essence of the method is folding with fewer folds: first, the thing is folded in half, and then twisted into a “roll”. It prevents the number of folds, greatly saves space storage space.

Folding things in a roll will help avoid creases

What to do so that the bed linen does not smell during storage

  1. Check the smell of the air conditioner. Perhaps it has an unpleasant odor.
  2. Do not put in the closet immediately after ironing. The remaining droplets of moisture contribute to the formation of fungi, mold, because they increase the humidity of the enclosed space. If the smell appeared for this reason, take everything out, straighten it, dry it in the open space of the sun or go through the iron, turning off the steam function.
  3. Use additional aromatics. For example, soap. It disinfects, gives a pleasant aroma. Coffee beans absorb the aroma well.


Ironing is a useful, necessary activity. It gives accessories a neat look, and also disinfects, eliminates dust mites.

However, ironing can be avoided using special types of fabrics and the method of correctly folding the sleeping set, after which you do not need to go over the fabric with an iron again. This will increase the service life, the degree of hygroscopicity of the fabric product.

Video: How to iron percale bedding

Ironing bed linen is an essential job of every good housewife, who carefully and carefully monitors the set of bedding, keeping them neat and tidy.

How to iron a sheet with an elastic band? This will be discussed below.

Why iron bed linen?

Ironing bedding sets is necessary for a number of reasons:

  • High-quality heat treatment of linen disinfects the fabric.
  • With proper ironing, the sleeping set will keep neat and tidy for much longer.
  • Heat treatment eliminates the deformation of linen.
  • Ironing improves the tactile properties of the material, making it softer
  • Well-ironed and neatly folded bed linen is much easier to compactly place in a chest of drawers or closet.
  • Ironing is recommended for people with skin-allergic reactions, skin and infectious diseases.

Elasticated sheets

This new type of sheet has a number of features that, no doubt, every housewife will appreciate:

  • since soft material is used for sewing, the elasticated sheet does not wear out for a long time;
  • it is easy to wash and dry;
  • it can be used instead of a mattress cover, if one is not available;
  • during a night's rest, a sheet with an elastic band does not slide down to the floor and crumples;
  • can be used for a baby bed, as it keeps its shape well, even if the baby moves and spins vigorously;
  • such a product has a neat, attractive and aesthetic appearance.

Such bedding can be selected directly to the size of the mattress. For example, you can buy a sheet with an elastic band 160x200 cm or euro - 200x220 cm. Products are usually made from natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, calico or satin. They are soft, strong and durable. In addition, the products retain their color and appearance for a long time. How to iron and fold a sheet with an elastic band? Let's take a look at it below in the article.

Preparing bed linen for ironing

In order to iron your bedding with high quality, you should listen to some tips.

The place of ironing must be well lit. If there is a special board - great, but if it is missing - it does not matter either. You can simply cover the table with a thick, heavy cloth that will not slip when ironing. If you use an ironing board, its height must be adjusted to your own height so that you do not have to bend during ironing, otherwise you can quickly get tired.

There are many more important nuances on the topic "how to iron a sheet with an elastic band":

  • Spray iron is good. But sometimes it is much better to use a spray gun to moisten the laundry during ironing, putting gauze on top of the product.
  • After washing, it is best not to dry the laundry a little and iron it slightly damp - then spraying may not be necessary at all.
  • You need to be careful where you put the iron when straightening or turning the fabric. Remember, in no case should it be placed horizontally on the product, as it may stick to the soleplate of the appliance or burn.
  • It is also important to ensure that water does not get on the iron, as this can cause a short circuit.
  • Before you run the iron over the next bed linen, you need to iron it with your hand, thus checking for the presence of folds and creases in the fabric, which then will be quite difficult, if not impossible, to remove.
  • Do not iron the same parts of the product several times. If you see that everything is already smooth, then it’s enough. Ironing finished.

These small, but practical and very useful tips will help you cope with ironing bed linen in a matter of minutes. And at the same time do all the work just perfect.

How to iron a sheet with an elastic band?

So, if you bought yourself such a sheet, washed it, but faced ironing problems? Some housewives complain that ironing it is completely inconvenient, it does not fit on the ironing board and cannot be ironed. But in fact, not everything is as sad as it seems at first glance! The most persistent and creative housewives have developed different ways of ironing this bed linen. Let's consider the main ones.

The first method is the easiest

It is considered the simplest. Ironing sheets on an elastic band is carried out as follows. The product is folded in half, then again in half, after which it is ironed. When folding it four times, you need to ensure that folds and creases do not form on it. Since they will be difficult to smooth back after that. Some experts in this way advise ironing bed linen only with an elastic band in the corners.

The second way is the most painstaking.

This method of how to iron a sheet with an elastic band is the most painstaking. It is necessary to start ironing from the center, gradually turning the fabric itself, moving in a circle. This option is quite long, but it allows you to iron and heat the entire surface with high quality, without creases and folds.

Original method number 3

It is considered the most original. With it, you can give the material a smooth and perfectly flat surface. Consider how to iron a sheet with an elastic band step by step:

  • first, only the middle of the sheet is ironed;
  • then they iron, starting from one side of the sheet, moving gradually along the perimeter of the product;
  • after the sheet has cooled, it is put on the mattress and the result is evaluated.

If the linen fits tightly to the mattress, then even small creases will be invisible.

Fourth way

Before ironing a sheet with an elastic band, it is pulled over the mattress and ironed without much effort, moving from the center. This method allows you to completely avoid the appearance of folds and creases and perform a complete heat treatment of the product.

So, we looked at how to iron a sheet with an elastic band. It is up to the hostess to decide which method to choose, but you need to remember that the temperature regime for ironing must be set depending on the characteristics of the fabric from which the product is sewn.

Many even refuse to iron bed linen, because when pulled on a mattress, they straighten and smooth out so well, but in this case there is no thermal treatment of the fabric, and, accordingly, disinfection.

Folding sheets with an elastic band

Folding such sheets in the closet immediately after ironing is not worth it. It is better to let them cool slightly to room temperature.

So, after the stretch sheet is ironed, the question arises: "How to fold it?". Let's consider this process step by step.

  1. We turn the sheet with an elastic band inside out and gently stick our hands inward, straightening the lower and upper corners with our fingers.
  2. We move the corner from one hand to the one in the second hand so that in one hand we get two corners, as if put on one on the other.
  3. We put our free hand back and find another corner located below.
  4. In the same way, we add it to the two previous ones, then the fourth last corner. So, the four corners turned out to be inserted into each other.
  5. We straighten the resulting rectangle neatly and spread it on a flat surface.
  6. If there are two sides with an elastic band nearby, then everything is done correctly.
  7. Now you can fold the sheet several times, like normal linen. The result is the following appearance: the edges are tucked into each other, and the product itself is evenly folded.

At first glance, the process of folding this linen looks rather laborious and complicated, but in fact everything is much simpler. For the first time, you may have to tinker a little, dealing with this folding technique, but the next time this work will take about five minutes, no more. In this type of sheets it is convenient to store on a shelf in the closet, they take up a minimum of space and do not wrinkle.
