How to make a fashionable five-strand braid? How to weave beautiful five-strand braids? How to make a 5 strand braid.

Today, the braid, like many years ago, is a real decoration - cute, charming, bewitching and sexy. At first glance, it may seem that a 5-strand braid is very, very difficult to weave. But if you have patience, put in a little effort, practice, and you can easily and in a matter of minutes create an amazing hairstyle that will attract the attention of others.

Five-strand braids and features of their weaving

Undoubtedly, a beautiful five-strand braid is unlikely to be braided right away. This hairstyle is complex and requires certain experience and skills. Therefore, before you start complex braids, for example, five-strand French braids, learn how to weave the simplest ones.

Hairstyles look best on straight, long hair. If you have voluminous hair or curly hair, it will not be easy for you to master the weaving technique. But in our life nothing is impossible, so be patient, and then you will definitely succeed!

There are many weaving technologies presented on the Internet, in the media, and in glossy magazines. Not every one of them is distinguished by simplicity and accessibility of presentation. We tried to present the information and technique of weaving a five-strand braid as clearly as possible, so with us you will definitely learn how to make a beautiful hairstyle.

Five-strand braid: an easy option

Comb your hair from roots to ends, then distribute it into five strands, mentally numbering them. Take the first strand and place it under the second and third, and pass the fifth under the fourth and over the third. Number the strands again and repeat the steps described above. Continue until the braid is the length you want. All you have to do is secure your hair with an elastic band or a hairpin.

More complex option

As in the first option, comb your hair thoroughly and divide it into five even buns. First, work with the leftmost bun, which must be placed under the next strand and passed over the next one after it.

Once you've done this, work with the rightmost bun and pass it under the next one, and then over the next one. Alternate these two steps until your hairstyle reaches the desired length. To secure the braid, use a beautiful hairpin or elastic band.

As you can see, the technology for weaving such braids is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. And to make it even easier for you to master this hairstyle, we have prepared a number of tips and recommendations.

Little tricks

  • Creating a hairstyle is not such a simple process. And if suddenly you don’t succeed either the third, or the fifth, or the seventh time, leave this activity for a while - a little later you can return to it, and you will succeed. And during the break, you can learn several other, simpler weaving techniques.
  • Training should be regular. Like any new business, creating a hairstyle takes a lot of time. But if you are firm in your intentions, try to train constantly. Daily exercises will help develop mechanical memory, and after a few days your hands will remember how to create beautiful five-strand hairstyles.
  • A slightly uneven strand, a small flaw, or asymmetry is not a reason to quickly undo your braid. On the contrary, such flaws give hairstyles a certain romanticism.

Photo instructions

For many centuries, a thick and long braid was considered an essential attribute of young girls, and braiding turned into a unique art, which all beautiful girls tried to master perfectly. The secrets of weaving a variety of braids have been passed down from generation to generation. And if you can braid some of them yourself in a couple of minutes, turning your curls into a wide braid with a tricky pattern is difficult without the help of a friend and the work can take a whole hour. Recently, the fashion for massive braids is gradually returning and some versions of such hairstyles are considered universal for any age. For example, a chic 5-strand braid visually increases the volume of even not too thick hair with thin hair and is suitable for any face shape.

Weaving a five-strand braid requires certain skills and the help of a neat friend who knows how to weave at least simple “spikelets.” Before you start weaving a voluminous braid, carefully study the visual instructions with photos, and as you work, keep the step-by-step diagram in front of your eyes to accurately transfer the strands. Not only straight, but also curly or twisted curls are suitable for braiding, but the hair must be long enough to freely rearrange the strands according to the pattern.


Thin comb.
With fine teeth and a thin pointed handle, which is convenient for separating strands from the hair and making a parting;

Massage brush with medium-hard bristles.
Before braiding a braid, it is convenient to untangle tangled clumps of hair with this tool and comb the curls;

You can diversify the appearance of a thick braid with the help of bright ribbons or multi-colored threads that are woven into the strands while working;

Invisible, thin elastic bands.

With the help of these devices it is easy to separate curls and fix the weaving at intermediate stages;

Mousse or varnish.
Before the procedure, you can apply just a little hair styling product to your hair so that the captured strand does not crumble and easily intertwines with the rest.


❶ Comb your hair with a brush and separate three strands of the same width closer to the crown;

❷ We transfer these strands using the French braiding technique, placing the left strand under the middle one, stretching it over the right one;

❸ Using a thin comb handle, separate part of the hair from the left strand (No. 4);

❹ We weave the separated part into the overall pattern, dragging it under the adjacent strand on the right (No. 2) and above No. 3;

❺ Using a thin comb handle, separate part (No. 5) from the right strand;

❻ We weave part No. 5 into the overall pattern, passing under the nearest right strand and laying it on the middle part. At stages 7 and 8, thin strands are added, which are separated from both sides;

❼ Using the inverted braid method, we complete the braiding by passing the outer strands under the adjacent one and over the middle one, and then fix the ends with an elastic band.

- visual weaving diagram (on multi-colored ribbons)


❶ Divide the combed hair into five equal parts;

❷ We pass the outermost strand No. 1 under the adjacent No. 2, stretch it over the third;

❸ On the other side, we pass strand No. 4 under No. 5 and lay strand No. 3 on them;

❹ We have completed the first link of weaving. Again we number the strands from 1 to 5, repeat the same actions as in the previous paragraphs;

❺ We form all subsequent links of the pattern according to the given pattern and collect the free ends of the strands together with an elastic band.


In the photo: step-by-step instructions for weaving a braid of 5 strands


In the photo: hairstyles based on large braids


Today, braids are considered the best options for creating various hairstyles. You can braid them yourself at home. The most common braid is the 5-strand braid. But many are afraid to face it, because they consider it a rather complicated option.

Who is it suitable for?

Many people believe that braids are only suitable for young girls. This is a misconception. A five-strand braid can be suitable for both everyday hairstyles and festive ones. This look suits different face shapes and any hair. But it is believed that on straight lines it looks a little prettier. There is one condition for creating such a hairstyle - the hair must be long enough.

What is needed to create a hairstyle

To create a five-strand braid, you mainly need just a comb and an elastic band. But, if the hairstyle is festive, then some jewelry may be needed.

You may also need varnish. In addition to a massage comb, you will need a thin one. It is needed to separate the strands.

If you know how to weave a regular hairstyle, then a 5-strand braid will not be difficult for you.

Step-by-step weaving instructions

There are several weaving options.

To begin with, here is a diagram of weaving a braid of five strands:

The most common is the classic version:

  • First you need to comb your hair thoroughly.
  • Gather hair from the crown and divide it into three parts.
  • The beginning is similar to weaving a regular braid.
  • Next, using the tip of a comb, you need to separate another strand from the left edge - this will be the fourth.
  • It needs to be woven into the resulting braid. To do this, you need to pass it from below under the adjacent strand on the right and from above above the next strand.
  • Now you need to create a fifth strand, but on the right side.
  • It needs to be woven in the same way as point 5.
  • Now you need to weave a braid of five strands, constantly adding thin curls on the sides.
  • Finish the braid and tie it with an elastic band.

Options for braiding 5-strand braids


The braid is braided diagonally in the same way as the classic version.

Only the weaving starts not from the top of the head, but from the temple and goes down in a diagonal direction:

  • Comb your hair thoroughly. If they are magnetic, you can spray them with varnish.
  • We also select three strands near the temple and begin to weave the usual braid.
  • Next, you need to add two strands on both sides and weave from five.
  • Place the first strand on the second, the third on the first, the fourth on the second and on the third, the fifth on the first and under the fourth.
  • Thus, it turns out something similar to a chessboard.
  • Weave the braid until the hair is long enough, then finish and tie with an elastic band.


This type of weaving is considered somewhat more complex than the previous ones.

Let's consider some options for weaving such a braid:

  • Using your fingers, take a bunch of hair and divide it into 5 parts.
  • We will count strands 1 to 5 from right to left.
  • Let's move on to the actual weaving. Insert your index finger and little finger between strands 1 and 2. Use your little finger to pick up 1 strand. Insert your ring finger into strand 2 and grab 3.
  • Now you need to insert your middle and index fingers between 3 and 4. Using your middle finger, grab strand 2, and place your index finger under 4 and grab 5.
  • Now you need to extend your right hand to the ends of your hair. Thus it is possible.
  • Do the same with the other hand.
  • Now you need to add another strand to the strand between the middle and index fingers. Now repeat steps 3-5. All hair should be in one left hand.
  • Now repeat point 7, only add a strand on the other side.
  • Now weave in this manner until you run out of hair.

Second option:

  • Comb your hair.
  • Gather a section of hair at the crown of your head.
  • Divide into five parts. We will number the strands from 1 to 5 from left to right. Hold 1,2,3 in your left hand, and 4, 5 in your right.
  • Pull strand 1 under 2 and over 3 and tighten. Now the strands are counted like this: 2,3,1,4,5.
  • Now with the right hand. Pull 5 under 4 and over 1. Now the strands look like this: 2,3,5,1,4.
  • On the left, take another strand and add to 2. Pull under 3 and over 5. Strands - 3,5,2,1,4.
  • Take a section of hair on the right. Add to 4. Pass under 1 and over 2.
  • Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you run out of hair.

With ribbons

A hairstyle made with ribbons looks great. It weaves in exactly the same way.

The only difference is that the two strands are replaced with ribbons:

  • Using bobby pins, attach two ribbons at the base of the head.
  • You should now have 5 pieces in your hands.
  • Take 1 part, pass it under 2, then over 1 and under 2 ribbon.
  • Do the same on the right.
  • If the braid is braided from the top of the head, then sometimes you need to add hair from both parts.
  • To add volume, you need to pull out the hairs from the outermost curls.

It is often difficult to weave such a braid.

To do this, you need to use some tips:

  • If you have never done braiding before, it is better to start by practicing on a simple one.
  • If you have a cascaded haircut, it is better not to braid the braid to the very end, so that the hair does not bristle.
  • After successful training, you can turn on your imagination and create your own images with braids.
  • If your hair is curly, you can straighten it to create a graceful braid.
  • To add solemnity to your hairstyle, add various accessories.
  • If your hair gets tangled during braiding, there is no need to tear it out. You should gently shake the tangled strand and straighten it with a comb.
  • Don't braid it too tightly. As you know, a certain carelessness in the image is now fashionable. Sometimes you can fluff up the result a little yourself.

Here's another valuable tip: it happens that when weaving a braid, it turns out uneven or asymmetrical. Don't despair. Such imperfections give the hairstyle a certain romanticism. So don't rush to redo it. But there is no need to do this on purpose, as the hairstyle may turn out careless.

And one more thing: Freshly washed hair can be very silky. Therefore, before you start braiding, your hair needs to be treated with gel, conditioner or, since ordinary water simply cannot handle it.

  • Creating such an image is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. If it doesn’t work out after a few training sessions, then you need to put this idea aside and rest. After a break, perhaps everything will work out better for you.
  • You need to practice weaving constantly. This activity takes a lot of time. But, if you have a goal, then you should not deviate from it under any circumstances. If you train every day, you can develop mechanical memory and your hands will remember how and what to do.

After finishing your hairstyle, you need to spray it with hairspray and add some accessories if necessary. With this hairstyle you can easily go for a walk, to the office or to any celebration and it will definitely not go unnoticed. Typically, these hairstyles are great for wedding looks.

A five-strand braid looks unusual and adds individuality, romance and elegance to the look. Many girls are interested in step-by-step instructions for creating a hairstyle, its varieties and recommendations from specialists.


First you need to prepare the necessary accessories. You will need a not too hard massage brush and a sparse comb with a long sharp tip to grab the strands. A water spray bottle or a can of mousse will come in handy.

Temporary clamping of the strands can be done with special crabs or rubber bands. Various beads, bows, ribbons, hairpins with decorations and other decorative elements will help to decorate the finished braid.

It is advisable to straighten curly hair with a special straightening iron; you can use a straightening cosmetic.

Weaving methods

The 5-strand braid has many varieties and can be woven in different ways. You should not rush when braiding a five-strand braid, as there is a risk of hair getting tangled. One tangled strand can ruin your entire hairstyle.

The general pattern of weaving such a braid has one feature - the central strand is involved in all cases of the process. First, the three left strands are intertwined, then the same number of strands on the right.

The simplest, classic way to create a five-strand braid can be described step by step:

  1. hair is thoroughly combed, moistened with water or lubricated with mousse;
  2. the curls are divided into five equal parts;
  3. the outermost strand on the left is placed on the second bun of hair, the central strand is thrown on top of the first part;
  4. the extreme right part is placed on the second strand from the right, onto which it is necessary to throw the curl located in the center so that the strand is under the first left part;
  5. the second bun should be thrown over the middle part and covered with the fifth curl;
  6. then you should perform the same actions on the left side, then on the right, and so perform similar manipulations along the entire length;
  7. The end of the braid is fixed with an elastic band or a hairpin;
  8. The work is completed by lightly pulling the hair from the outer buns in order to give the braid fluffiness.

Instructions for weaving a French braid:

  1. first, a piece of hair is separated from the top of the head, the initial classic three-strand weave is made: the left part is placed over the central bun, then the right strand is thrown over the middle curl;
  2. Once again, a strand of loose hair on the left is picked up, placed under the second strand, then under the central bun;
  3. then the same actions are performed on the right side;
  4. in this way, they weave a braid: strands of hair are placed not on top of other tufts, but from below, while new strands are added from the free mass of hair;
  5. At the end of the loose hair, the braid is braided in the classical way. Then it should be fluffed up.

You can braid a five-strand braid with a ribbon:

  1. first, lift a bunch of hair at the very top of the head and tie a ribbon to it, leaving only one long end;
  2. the hair should be divided into 4 parts, and the function of the fifth strand will be performed by the ribbon located in the second position from the left;
  3. actions begin on the right: the fifth tuft is placed under the fourth part, which, in turn, should be under the central tuft, and the ribbon must be thrown on top;
  4. then the left strand is placed under the fifth bun, the ribbon must be pulled from the bottom of the curl so that it is again in the second position from the left;
  5. Then similar actions are repeated on the right, while free strands of hair are picked up;
  6. after repositioning the leftmost bun, loose hair is added;
  7. at the end of all the remaining random strands, the braid is completely braided, tied and straightened.

A similar braid with two ribbons is most often woven directly into the ponytail. During the weaving process, care must be taken to ensure that the ribbon does not twist. It should be no more than one and a half centimeters wide, otherwise weaving will be difficult. It is advisable to choose a contrasting color attribute, then the hairstyle will resemble a chessboard.

The main stages of chess weaving:

  1. First, tie the hair into a ponytail with a ribbon, leaving its ends the same length;
  2. the hair bundle is divided into three equal parts, with the ends of the tape in the third and fourth positions from left to right;
  3. a second curl is placed under the first left part, with a ribbon at the bottom and top of it;
  4. the fifth strand is brought under the first part, which is next to each other, ribbons are placed crosswise on top and bottom;
  5. then all actions are repeated, first on the left, and then on the right until the very end of the entire length of the hair.

You can create an original hairstyle with two ribbons without using a tail. In this case, an invisible tape bent in half is attached to the side of the head. The curls are divided into 3 parts. The right strand of hair is passed under the adjacent bun, placed on top of the third lobe, and pulled under the tape numbered “4”. Next, put it on top of another tape. Then weaving begins in a checkerboard pattern.

Possible options

A five-strand braid is suitable for women of all ages and goes well with any face type. The only condition for creating a chic hairstyle is long hair.

Exists an original version of a five-strand braid with two thin braids inside. This creation looks like an openwork braid. Weaving is done in the same way as with a ribbon. The hair on the head is divided into five equal parts. The third and fourth buns are turned into ordinary three-strand braids, the ends of which are secured with elastic bands. The main braid is woven according to the pattern described above, but instead of a ribbon, thin braids will be crossed in the middle of the hairstyle. Small rubber bands are removed from braided braids at the end of braiding. A common hairpin secures the hairstyle.

Looks very beautiful and unusual side braid. To do this, five equal curls must be mentally numbered. The first part is carried out under the second strand and pulled over the third strand. Then similar actions are performed on the other side: the fourth part is dragged under the heel, and the third part is placed on top. After the first circle, all curls should be numbered again. Actions are performed again according to the same scheme. When all the hair is braided, you need to secure the end with an elastic band.

Looks elegant braid braided diagonally. When such a braid is placed along the head, you get a spectacular and beautiful hairstyle. The “basket” fixed with varnish looks voluminous and very elegant. Pearls, rhinestones and flowers will successfully decorate your hair for a festive event. Glitter polish adds shine and elegance to the braid.

How to make a braid for yourself?

The easiest way to create a similar hairstyle without outside help is to use a side ponytail.

It is best to use two mirrors at once for a good view of the entire head.

Step by step instructions:

  1. carefully combed hair must be collected at the back of the head;
  2. divide them into 5 equal strands, each of which must be secured with a small elastic band (later it is carefully cut off);
  3. curls are numbered in mirror image;
  4. you need to take the fifth strand, put it on top of the third bun and pass it under the fourth curl;
  5. then the first strand is passed over the third and carried under the second strand;
  6. then the fifth curl is superimposed on the fourth bun and placed under the third strand;
  7. again the first strand passes over the third and under the second strand;
  8. a braid braided to the end must be secured with a hairpin, and the silicone rubber bands at the base must be cut off;
  9. Finally, you need to lightly fluff your hair with your fingers.

  • Quickly weaving a braid of five strands is achieved through hard training. You have to learn to weave on someone's head. It is advisable to begin training by mastering the French weaving technique. Then other methods will work out very quickly. When your hands begin to move confidently, you can easily do this hairstyle for yourself.
  • You should not continue braiding tangled hair. It is best to carefully untangle the strands with a comb rather than try to tear them. You need to lightly shake the tangled strand and carefully run the brush over it.
  • If the hair is cut in a ladder, then the braid must be woven from the ponytail.
  • Tight weaving is not recommended. It's not trendy right now. The finished braid should be slightly tousled so that it resembles openwork fabric. This hairstyle looks lush, airy and luxurious.
  • You can braid two braids or even several, decorating them with decorative elements. Bright multi-colored ribbons add a special charm to the hairstyle. The color is often chosen to match perfectly with clothing or accessories. A tape that is too wide or too stiff will not work. In extreme cases, it can be replaced with a soft scarf. Two five-strand braids look wonderful with a stylish headband.

Popular wisdom says: “A girl’s beauty is a long braid.” In fact, the braid not only decorated a woman’s head, but also carried certain information about its owner. An unmarried girl walked with her head uncovered and braided one braid. Moreover, by the color of the ribbon in this braid, others could understand: the owner of the braid was a girl of marriageable age or already engaged. At a wedding, a girl’s braid was unraveled and two braids were braided, putting them in the married woman’s hairstyle, then covering her head.

Traditional hairstyle and its modifications

In addition to historical value, this hairstyle also brings practical convenience. This method of styling long hair prevents it from tangling. Braided hair does not get into the face and does not get in the way. But many people think that the traditional three-strand braid is boring and old-fashioned. Therefore, the hairstyle is modified and in its modern form can look interesting and fashionable.

To make a traditional weaving of 3 strands “on the fly”, you need:

What modifications of this hairstyle exist today and how can they be systematized? All innovations can be conditionally combined into several areas:

Types of braiding

Five-strand braid: pattern and varieties

Those who want to diversify their appearance with an original and comfortable hairstyle can try a five-strand braid. Having mastered simple weaving, this hairstyle can be modified and complicated, getting more and more interesting options.

Step by step instructions

This hairstyle is easy to achieve. You need to comb your hair and divide it into five equal parts. For simplicity, we number them from left to right. Next, the pattern for weaving a braid of 5 strands will look like this: the first strand is passed over the second, under the third, over the fourth and under the heel. After this, you can renumber them again from left to right and repeat the weaving.

With this hairstyle you can go for a walk or to the office, to a cafe or to the cinema.. It looks unusual, but neat. With some skill, it does not take much longer than traditional three-strand weaving.

French technology

If you want a more festive option, you can try the French weaving technique. It is a little more complicated than the classic one, but it also looks more interesting. This braid is braided not from the back of the head, like a traditional one, but from the forehead. To do this hairstyle, you need:

When adding strands of “loose” hair, you shouldn’t make them wider than the main strands, but you also don’t need to make them too small. The less “loose” hair is taken at a time, the more elegant the braid looks, but the more difficult it is to weave. At the same time, if the strands are too thin, then such a hairstyle may cause a headache.

This braid looks somewhat stricter than one braided from the back of the head. It is perfect for the office.

Another type of French braiding is the “inside out” or “reverse” French braid.. The principle of weaving is the same as that of a regular French braid, but the pattern is different. To make an inside-out weave, you need to weave the first strand on the left under the second, over the third, over the fourth and over the fifth. Repeat these steps the required number of times and braid the braid “on the fly”. It is important when switching to weaving “on weight” not to change the sequence of strands and the direction of weaving. In this case, the hairstyle will be more convex than with classic French braiding.

To make the braid look more voluminous, you can make it a little wider. You should only pull out the outer strands from the end of the braid to its beginning. It’s better to go over it several times, pulling out a little at a time. If you immediately stretch the braid too much, the image will turn out sloppy, and the hairstyle will not hold well.

Application of tapes

If you want to make the look more elegant, you can weave jewelry into your hair. For example, ribbons or beads. When using beads, it is important to choose lightweight plastic ones, since beads that are too heavy will add weight to your hair and stress on your neck. For beginners, it is better to start experimenting with tapes, as they are lighter and easier to secure.

Weaving braids with ribbons begins in the same way as weaving a regular or “reverse” French braid. A strand is separated near the forehead, from which the weaving will begin. Underneath it, a ribbon folded in half is attached to the invisible one. The strand is divided into three parts and the hair is intertwined according to the French pattern, in which the second and fourth strands are replaced with ribbons.

When the braid is braided, the ribbons are wrapped crosswise around its tip several times and tied in a knot. You can tie a bow over the knot for beauty.

A braid is a comfortable and practical hairstyle. It looks great not only in paintings by 19th century artists, but also on modern girls. You just need to choose a suitable modification of this hairstyle.
