How to make ripped jeans using a grater. How to rip jeans at the knees beautifully at home? How to beautifully rip jeans at the knees

Sometimes it happens that a hole suddenly appears on your favorite but already worn-out jeans, or even on newly purchased ones.

Big, creepy or small, barely noticeable, but no less insidious. What now - your favorite thing to go to the landfill? Who then and why came up with the fashion for jeans with holes?

Maybe just the same person who suffered due to the loss of a comfortable, quality item. Or maybe it’s just another prankster who added notes a la homeless to fashionable everyday life. But be that as it may, the fashion for ripped jeans is both beautiful and beneficial from the point of view of the ability to revive clothes that, well, it’s a shame to throw away.

This is how it turns out that out of old damaged pants you can now build an ultra-stylish little thing that can immediately make its owner the object of attention of fashion fans. Besides, it’s not too difficult, you just need to use your imagination.
Jeans with holes are loved by stars and fashionable girls like Ashley Greene and Rihanna...

... and the most ordinary fashionistas. Jeans with holes are cool!

Ripped denim has been an attribute of youth subcultures since the hippie era. Today they have partially lost this status, and absolutely all lovers of original and outrageous clothing are now wearing them, which does not depend on gender or age. They are also made by all and sundry. That's why the results are so varied. After all, if you just somehow tear up even the most branded jeans, then they will look the same - anyhow. Therefore, even tearing jeans, it turns out, is necessary according to all laws and rules.

General rules

The first rule of cutting jeans is to tear only the part of them that is located on the legs, and not on the pelvis. The fact is that pants have tears at the butt, just like jeans with holes in the knees, do not look entirely aesthetically pleasing, if not indecent. After all, a normal person will definitely not like to look at your underwear peeking out from the holes (although, a few years ago, torn jeans were considered the clothing of clochards, so who knows...).

A rupture in the hip joint, both front and back, is also dangerous in this regard. It is better to make it a little lower, because if you bend or sit down even a little in this outfit, the hole will immediately corrode all the way to the waist. In the upper part of the trousers, the only thing painless would be to use for striping the back pockets, under which there will be a whole fabric, and it will look great.

Now we need to determine at what angle do those white threads go?, which should remain in our hole =) It seems that all the threads on the denim go diagonally, but in fact, everything is not so (see photo). If you “fluff” the edge of the denim a little, it immediately becomes clear where the dark threads are, where the light ones are, and what at what angle. On finished jeans you won't be able to check this way (unless you need to hem them, for example), but you don't need to - on all standard normal jeans these treasured white threads run parallel to the floor!

Before cutting your jeans, measure the required height and cut location. To do this, put them on and leave marks with tailor's chalk, dry soap or pencil at the height you need.

Remove your jeans and lay them out on a flat surface. Examine the material again, try to imagine what you want to get in the end. If necessary, adjust the length of the legs and apply additional markings to the fabric.

Next, we make 2 cuts parallel to the white threads, following the markings. We take something with a sharp end (but not too sharp - so as not to damage too much) and begin to carefully pull out the white threads from the cut, so as not to tear it. It is enough to pick up and pull out a few pieces to see a fringe of dark threads running perpendicularly. Now we grab (at first one at a time, then it will be easier to pull straight in bunches) these dark threads and gradually tear them out of our hole! All!

If you want to thin out the white threads, you can do this with scissors after. If you want, leave them hanging around the edges or cut them off. This method allows you to achieve exactly what you need and how you need it. The main principle is to pull out the dark threads, remove them according to the shape of the hole! Therefore, the shape can be any, you just need to think about how and where to make the cuts, parallel specifically white threads (otherwise you will cut them and nothing will work). Let's just say that the cuts are needed only to separate some threads from others and pull out what is unnecessary. Therefore, in fact, one small cut is enough - and you can pull out the dark threads from there, cutting them with small scissors according to the intended shape. This is exactly how the heart is made in this photo:

As you can see, the cut can be either through or with a backing. In the second case, it is implied that a small piece of fabric will be sewn on the inside, differing in color and texture. Which cut will look best on your jeans is up to you to decide.

If the cut is through, simply guide the scissors along the intended contour. You can first cut a smaller piece of fabric to try on the jeans again and evaluate how the item will look in the end.

If you plan to use backing, you will need to cut it out first. The edges of the backing should be about one and a half centimeters larger than the edges of the cutout. Be sure to process the cut with an overlocker or by hand to prevent the fabric from fraying. Then carefully open the outer or inner seam of the jeans, secure the backing with pins and stitch it to the main fabric using a sewing machine. The seam is laid strictly along the pre-designated contour of the cutout.
Once the backing is ready, you can beautifully cut the jeans inside the outline and remove excess fabric. Or you can lay a few more lines along the contour, retreating inside the pattern, and make a cut between these lines.

Advice: if you want a heart (or something else of a specific shape), be sure to then glue it (with non-woven material, for example) from the wrong side of the edge or sew it with a zigzag. Or fix it somehow - this is important, otherwise when worn and washed, all the beauty will creep out, the necessary threads will fall out (well, in general, you understand). By the way, you can sew a bright piece of fabric from the inside so that it shines through the hole - for greater beauty: o)

Tip 2: if you are very afraid of ruining your jeans (or have already ruined them) - make the intended hole on a separate piece of denim. Then boldly cut out the desired shape on the jeans with scissors, and place a piece of fabric with the finished hole there from the inside out and sew it on (don’t forget to fix the edges everywhere!).

In the photo on the left, I did just that because I initially made the cuts incorrectly and ruined everything. But even in the photograph it is almost invisible. That's why I drew in red how to sew - close to the edge, you can use a zigzag (I sewed it with a regular straight stitch).

You can also see trendy jeans at fashion shows lately. with holes and lace. You can make the same exclusive new things yourself. To do this, you can cover the hole with a guipure ribbon gathered into a ruffle. Or you can hem the lace fabric from the inside under the hole: this way, when moving, the lace will be very tempting to be seen through the hole in the leg, which will make the jeans more romantic.

So that it doesn't look so neat, there is a fringe around the edges. One of the easiest ways to fray the outline of a hole is to wash your jeans in the washing machine. If, again, you don’t have enough time for such manipulations, or maybe you just don’t want to wait long, then there is a simpler way for you. You take a manicure file, or sandpaper, or an iron brush, and use these instruments of torture to torment the cut in your pants.

By the way, With a small file, sandpaper, a foot rub or a nail file, you can make gorgeous holes, but this takes a lot of time.
We take the pants themselves, stationery knives, fine sandpaper, chlorine bleach, scissors and a lining so as not to cut through all the jeans. Now let's get to work.

Take the jeans, place a lining, pour bleach on the desired area and start rubbing with a sanding knife, but be sure to remember that you shouldn’t do this on the knees, because at the folds they will rub on their own. The aging effect will appear immediately and will delight you for a long time.

You can also do this: pull the pant leg over something round, but not over your leg, because subsequent actions can tear the fabric along with the skin, so it’s better to use a piece of water pipe. Now all that remains is to move the tool back and forth around the circumference of the hole until you get excellent wear and a hole in the center.

If you choose imitation of fabric torn by claws, it will look more civilized and neat, and will also bring to mind grunge.

Scuffs on jeans

And one more thing: you don’t have to rub your jeans to holes, you can just give them a worn look, which will be interpreted as vintage. Jeans with holes made with your own hands will not be completely complete without signs of the effects of time on them - scuffs. As mentioned above, this result can be achieved using a file, manicure file, pumice stone or even an ordinary kitchen grater.

By the way, in the seventies, in order to give new branded jeans a fashionable light wear, they used simple brick. Yes, yes, they simply ate the tissue in the selected area until the desired result was achieved.
For greater reliability, these places were also treated with a chlorine-containing agent - the same “Belizna”. In addition to the bleached effect, it made the fabric more shabby, which is why beautiful natural holes appeared in places of wear after several washes. The same product is now used to treat cut holes in the legs and their contours, making them appear more natural, and the fringe along the edges also looks quite natural.

If they appear on jeans abrasions between legs, then such a hole can be improved. It's enough to take a piece of denim from other old jeans, and it's good if they are a few shades lighter and a little thinner. From this flap we cut out a square of the required size, which will cover the entire hole and a little more, lightly ruffle the edges and sew it onto the dilapidated place using a machine with colored threads or by hand with a decorative seam. For greater harmony, we trim the jeans with several more of the same squares, picturesquely scattered in the most worn places or in random areas of the jeans.

If desired, such a disgrace can be torn up a little, whitened, or decorated to your taste with rivets, paper clips, blocks or rhinestones.

For example, like this:
You will need paper clips and sharp scissors.

If, in addition to the shape, you want to change the color, then simply spray the denim with bleach from a spray bottle, and then do not forget to rinse in a solution of water and vinegar (2 tsp per liter 3) to neutralize it, otherwise the stains will spread a lot.

If you don’t really like it yet, then you can continue the execution until boring simple jeans become a real masterpiece in avant-garde art. However, one should not forget about a sense of style and about taking precautions so as not to turn your jeans into a stupid and vulgar outfit. You can find work inspiration on the Internet.

What is the most convenient way to “ruin” jeans?

A scalpel is best suited for this. The cuts made with its help turn out to be very neat, and this tool is also easy to make on fabric. True, you can also use a regular straight razor or simple blades.

Scissors and a stationery knife are not so convenient, but in the absence of other means, these will be good. You will also need something solid that you don’t mind ruining: for example, a piece of plywood or board. The board is placed between the fabric of the trouser legs so as not to cut through them.

At first glance, everything is simple - in order to make jeans with holes, you first need to cut them with scissors. The cut does not have to be rectangular. You can cut out patterns and entire subject compositions on jeans by first preparing a paper stencil. The stencil is secured to the trouser leg using tailor's pins, and the outline is outlined with chalk or soap.

Then fluff the edges of the cuts, for example, with a comb

But it turns out that in order for holes in jeans to look aesthetically pleasing, there are a lot of nuances...
Therefore, I bring to your attention several master classes

Making a hole in jeans using a utility knife

You will need:

  • Sharp stationery knife,
  • chalk to determine the contours of the hole.
  • And a table knife - it should have a pointed nose, but so dull that it cannot be used to cut anything. This could be a table knife (not a kitchen knife) or a bottle opener.

Draw a contour - the perimeter of the hole. If you are confident in your abilities, you can skip this step.

Using a stationery knife, cut transverse strips about 0.5 cm wide within the indicated contour. The stripes are transverse, i.e. horizontal, if you imagine that you are wearing jeans.

Here are the strips you should get:

Now we process each of the resulting stripes as follows. Using a blunt knife, we take out white threads from both edges of the strip, which will remain to cover the finished hole. We take out these threads carefully so that they do not tear and move them to the sides.

After you have already taken out all the possible white threads, all you have to do is pull out the short blue threads.

And you need to do this with every stripe!
And I didn’t even say that it would be quick and easy! If you want something quick and easy, buy yourself some new jeans! :O)

Making a hole in jeans using a kitchen knife

It is better to use a knife with an uneven blade. They can cut beautiful holes

Put on denim (jeans, shorts) and, slightly pulling, cut horizontally with a knife, tearing it to the point of complete disgrace.
If you don’t want to cut yourself, then put a small cutting board in your pant leg, place everything together on a table or large cardboard box, mark with fabric chalk and, pressing firmly, cut the fabric with a knife.

By the way:
— It is not necessary to use fabric chalk: you can take a regular ballpoint pen or a simple pencil.
— Replace the cutting board with an old, thicker magazine.

At the end of the procedure, you should always wash your pants a couple of times, and your stylish hardcore is ready!

And, of course, several video instructions

How to rip jeans correctly and stylishly:

HOW TO MAKE FASHIONABLE RIGGED JEANS with your own hands at home:

How to make holes and scuffs on jeans.

Ripped jeans have been considered a popular and stylish wardrobe item not only among young people, but also among middle-aged people for many years now.

You can choose a decent option in the store, but if you have old favorite jeans lying around in your closet that are no longer in fashion or are simply frayed in some places, we suggest you consider how to make ripped ones from ordinary jeans at home.

After all the manipulations, the “new” stylish piece of clothing will be able to delight you for more than one season.

To create a beautiful and stylish look, you need to choose the right denim trousers. This must be done taking into account all the features of the figure. Slender girls with long legs are allowed to purchase any models of different styles, for example, skinny jeans or boyfriend jeans.

Girls with a curvy figure and full legs will look great with flared or straight denim trousers.

Girls with a curvy figure and full legs will look great with flared or straight denim trousers. It is important that the slits should be vertical and narrow, hiding the shortcomings of the massiveness of the legs.

To give a more curvaceous figure, thin girls need to choose flared jeans, straight or tapered. The slots are best made horizontally.

Necessary tools for altering jeans into a ripped model

Transforming new or old denim pants is easy and takes little time. The main thing is that the new thing will delight you with its originality. There are many schemes for making ripped jeans.

The main condition is to reserve time, purchase the required materials and tools:

  • jeans;
  • cutter's scissors;
  • razor, file, sandpaper, grater;
  • stationery knife, blade (can be replaced with small scissors);
  • small fabric, lace for decorating torn areas;
  • a piece of dry soap or chalk for designation;
  • a ripper or a simple needle to remove unnecessary threads;
  • tweezers;
  • sewing pins for securing fabric.

Ways to create beautiful holes in jeans

The basis of any ripped jeans technique involves cutting the fabric and pulling out excess threads.

Let's look at the most basic and common options for creating beautiful slots:

A step-by-step guide to creating ripped jeans from regular ones.

How to make a torn and elegant model from ordinary denim trousers is quite simple, and without spending a lot of money and effort. For modest beauties, small holes can be cut to the knees. But brave and confident girls can make slits along the entire length of their pants.

The basis of any method for making ripped jeans out of regular jeans involves cutting the fabric and pulling out the excess threads.

Step 1. Lay out the trousers on a clean, flat table. On one pant leg, use chalk (pencil) to mark the place where the holes will be located. Try on and evaluate how the jeans look from the outside.

Step 2. Insert thick cardboard into the trouser leg, stretch and straighten the fabric.

Step 3. Cut out the marked areas using sharp scissors (knife). You need to make cuts no more than 5 cm, since after some time the threads will unravel, therefore, the holes will become even larger. Also, during the cutting period, it is necessary to leave allowances - additional places for processing fringes or abrasions.

Step 4. Use a sewing needle to go along the edges of the cut hole., releasing the threads. The result should be a fringe.

Step 5. Pick up sandpaper and process the edges of the slots. The fabric will not only look frayed, but also lighter.

Jeans with holes are ready. Can be worn with a blouse, tunic and beautiful shoes.

How to make distressed jeans: instructions

To create neat abrasions on denim, use sandpaper, pumice or a grater.

To make abrasions you need:

  1. Mark the places. You can’t do shuffling on the bends of the knees, as unsightly large holes may form during wear.
  2. Gather a suitable piece of fabric into several folds(up to 4) and secure with tailor pins.
  3. Using pumice stone start rubbing along the designated areas in a horizontal direction.
  4. From time to time it is necessary to check the condition of the wear. All actions must be performed extremely carefully so as not to create holes.

How to effectively age jeans

Jeans with an antique effect are very popular. In production, various bleaching agents and silicate sand are used for this.

Jeans with holes are allowed with a blouse, tunic and nice shoes.

Making torn, frayed jeans from ordinary, both new and old models, will not be difficult at home. The technique for making abrasions will be the same when using any tool.

The most common options:

Ways to decorate ripped jeans

If torn holes look sloppy, then it is recommended to add some decorations.

There are several options:

Having figured out how to turn regular jeans into ripped ones, you need to know a few important points and useful tips:

  1. Craftsmen with little or no experience need to practice initially on a separate piece of fabric, and only then proceed to cutting.
  2. If the holes were made in the form of a pattern, then from the wrong side they need to be glued with non-woven material. Otherwise, during washing and wearing, the appearance of the trousers will not change for the better.
  3. It is recommended to make slits on slightly damp jeans so that dust does not form and small particles of fabric do not fly to the sides.
  4. To create a more original image, it is necessary to sew the holes with a zigzag using multi-colored threads.
  5. Along the edges of the legs It is recommended to make a fringe.
  6. You can wash your trousers by hand or in a typewriter, but after placing the clothes in a special bag.

It’s quite easy to make ripped and distressed jeans from regular jeans, but it’s important to know how to properly combine them with other wardrobe items. Plain T-shirts will look great with trousers that have severe cuts, and ballet flats for shoes. With the fewest holes you can wear an elegant blouse and shoes.

How to make ripped jeans (video instructions):

How to make fashionable ripped ones out of regular jeans yourself:

From year to year, modern fashion publications show clothing samples that never cease to amaze with their handmade designs. A striking example of inimitable extravagance are ripped jeans.

The question inevitably arises, how difficult is it to turn your ordinary jeans into a fashionable example of perfection at home, for example, like the one in the picture from a glossy magazine?

This is only at first glance; it seems that it is enough to just arm yourself with scissors and make a few chaotic cuts.

The saddest thing is that without special knowledge and skills, if you try to implement something like this yourself at home, your jeans will safely go into the trash. In the best case, as a result of an unsuccessful experiment, denim shorts will remain in the wardrobe.

We strongly recommend that you listen to our practical advice, which describes in detail the steps to transform denim clothing at home. A short instruction will help you understand how to rip jeans beautifully and eliminate possible mistakes in this exciting creative process.

Your old or new jeans will gain a new life if you learn how to make neat cuts. This technology has its own certain tricks.

Before you start shredding your jeans, you need to figure out the direction of the woven fabric. As a rule, these are white threads (the inner layer of the fabric), the integrity of which ensures the strength of the product. It is important to keep these threads intact, as they will play the role of masking the cuts and serve as a stylish element in the design.

In order to make a neat cut with your own hands, you need to place the jeans on a flat surface and mark the locations of future cuts using a piece of soap, chalk or pencil.

The best tool for cutting the top layer of fabric is a sharp utility knife. It must be said that scissors will not allow you to make a neat cut. We remind you that the formed cut should not damage the denim base (white threads).

After the operation, you should pick up a needle or other sharp object, such as a knitting needle, and pull the white warp threads to give them some disorder. Then the contours of the cut should be fluffed up a little. The result will be a kind of fringe that will interestingly disguise the line of the incision and will not allow it to increase in size.

Each person determines for himself the required number of such cuts. By the way, to enhance the visual effect, you can use scraps of dense fabric of various prints and colors.

It makes sense to try placing such flaps under the cuts so that they visually show through the base. If the experiment results in an interesting image, then you can safely sew on an impromptu patchwork.

If you create cuts in the form of complex shapes, then remember that during the washing process your creation may noticeably suffer. A sewing invention such as adhesive tape will allow you to maintain the shape of the cut. Just secure it to the wrong side of the cut.

How to make fashionable scuffs?

An equally interesting way to transform denim is to recreate the image of external wear. I must say that such decoration makes the thing very stylish and attractive. In addition, as a result of repeated washing, the product will retain its proportions unchanged.

For the procedure at home, you will need to use a crochet hook, a piece of pumice and a regular kitchen grater. Before you begin the creative process, you should understand how to do it correctly. You should start by identifying places for deformation. In most cases, the best location for abrasions is on the front of the legs and the back pocket area.

For error-free work, it is necessary to highlight areas of future damage using chalk. However, you should not get carried away with such decoration over the entire area of ​​denim. Otherwise, you risk losing the product forever.

Tearing on the knee

In general, after the places for abrasions have been identified, for example, on the knees, you should put the jeans on yourself and, armed with a grater, begin to make characteristic movements in the direction of the base of the fabric. Here, as in the situation with cuts, it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the white warp threads, damaging only the colored (outer) shell of the fabric with a grater.

To make the scuff look beautiful, you should make measured horizontal movements with a grater, without resorting to brute physical force. Remember that vertical movements cannot be made!

As a rule, as a result of the procedure, places may appear that were unsuccessfully grated. In this case, it is possible to correct a visual defect using a regular crochet hook.

We consolidate the effect

After the colored shell of the fabric has been erased, the deformed edges should be treated with a piece of pumice. Using rotating movements, treat the entire area of ​​​​the edges of the formed abrasions.

As a result of this procedure, the threads at the edges will receive additional volume. In addition, pumice will allow you to make a smooth transition of color, which will visually look like a whitened effect.

You can make characteristic gaps in the white warp threads, but you should not cut them off completely. For example, to add even more style, you can cut several threads of the base in the center. Here we can recommend cutting off the resulting strands, leaving about one centimeter of their length, and then, taking a pumice stone in your hands, fluff the threads.

This will add additional volume to the structure and prevent further unraveling of the fabric even after repeated washing.


As you can see, creating a stylish, rejuvenated look is not difficult. The main thing is to gain a little practical experience and strictly follow our valuable recommendations.

And now the video

Ripped jeans were popular decades ago and are still popular today. If you have not yet purchased the ideal model, you can always make holes at home using simple secrets and techniques.

It would seem that such a simple thing as a hole is easy to make. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. Creating a distressed look in jeans and stylish holes is actually difficult. This requires not only time, but also desire, as well as the ability to give things an original look.

Holes on jeans are a hit of 2016. Be sure that any denim item will look fashionable and trendy if it has scuffs, scratches and holes. Only “improper holes” made hastily or for laughs can ruin such a thing.

Beautiful holes in jeans

You've probably noticed people wearing clothes like this more than once. Some looked good, some looked ridiculous. How you will be perceived is determined by the technique of creating holes, which are easy to do at home.

In order for your jeans to look impressive, you first need to determine exactly where the holes will be. To mark, put the pants on yourself, stand in front of the mirror and mark the necessary areas with ordinary chalk

Be sure that an item decorated in this way will become a stylish part of your wardrobe. After all, denim is perhaps the only fabric that has never gone out of fashion. Prepare a simple set of tools:

  • scissors: regular and small (manicure)
  • sandpaper (you can use heel pumice or any other abrasive brush)
  • tweezers
  • blade (it’s more convenient to use a regular stationery knife)
  • needle
  • thick cardboard or any wooden backing

utility knife for creating beautiful holes in jeans

Be careful about the fabric cuts themselves; they must be made very carefully so as not to touch the other side of the pants. To do this, place a board or piece of thick cardboard inside the trouser leg.

You are free to make absolutely any cuts in any direction. Longitudinal slits will create the effect of “loose threads,” while transverse slits will create the effect of torn jeans. Think over your image in advance and don’t be too lazy to once again draw a sketch on paper.

Video: “How to tear jeans beautifully?”

How to make neat holes in jeans?

Neat holes in jeans are suitable for those who are not yet accustomed to radically changing their style and want to look flirty and at the same time on the “wave of the times.” Creating such a ragged effect is of course more difficult, it requires more time, but it is quite possible.

To determine the location of the “neat holes,” you should still put on your pants and mark the locations of future holes with chalk. After this, take off your pants and place cardboard inside the legs. To wipe, you will need a blade, a pumice stone and tweezers.

neat holes in jeans

In order for clothes to look unobtrusive and neat, you should not localize holes in your jeans too often and choose quite decent places for them:

  • front pockets
  • back pockets
  • place for belt
  • knees
  • lateral thigh

To begin the work, take a blade and, at the site of the hole, begin “artistic excision” of the tissue in different directions. You shouldn’t get too carried away, just make sure that the fabric is cut.

After this, carefully rub the excision site with a piece of sandpaper or pumice until a hole appears. If you notice a lot of fringe, pull out the excess threads with tweezers, but under no circumstances cut them.

neat, not large holes on women's jeans

To add a feminine touch to denim trousers or to give a stylish look to too-holey pants, you can use a simple trick: take a piece of lace of any color and carefully hand-sew it to the back of the denim so as to catch only the front threads and not pierce through.

Video: “How to make fashionable holey jeans?”

How to make big holes in jeans?

Large holes in jeans are a sign of a person’s courage and character. Not everyone will decide on such a stylish detail, and just as not everyone suits it.

Large holes are most often made by:

  • on the knees
  • on the back of the knee
  • on front pockets
  • on the front of the thigh
  • on the buttocks

Large holes in jeans are considered very sexy, as they expose parts of the body that are usually hidden from view. They need to be done “smartly” so as not to look funny and not cause ridicule.

large holes in jeans can be stylish, or they can reflect bad taste
  • When creating such an element on jeans, you should understand that there should not be many large holes. It is best when she is alone and complemented by several smaller ones. An exception may be two holes: on the knees or on both sides, for example on the knee and on the buttock.
  • Creating a large hole is not difficult: to do this, you should cut the fabric crosswise or cut out a piece of quadrangular-shaped fabric in the right place. These are the easiest ways to create holes. After cutting, the edges are carefully rubbed with sandpaper or pumice.
  • A more complex but more beautiful hole will take longer: make several cross cuts. To do this, use a ruler to mark even stripes on the fabric. After the cuts, use tweezers to pull out the vertical threads and get a beautiful, opaque hole

Video: “How to make big beautiful holes in jeans?”

How to make jeans with holes in the knees?

Holes in the knees are the most stylish and fashionable element of modern jeans. In order to correctly determine the location of the hole, you should bend your leg and make a mark, because it is much better when the sharp knee looks into the hole than the other part of the leg.

fashionable jeans with holes in the knees

Never make cuts directly on yourself, as you can easily injure yourself with a blade, knife or scissors.

  • In order for the knee to be completely visible, you will need to cut a rectangular or round piece of fabric. After this, all edges are carefully rubbed with sandpaper, creating the effect of a real hole made by natural conditions.
  • If you get threads while rubbing, don't cut them as this will give your pants more style. Only very long threads that look awkward should be removed.
  • It’s good if you can achieve a scuffed effect not only around the hole, but also slightly beyond the hole. Both holes should be treated (if you are cutting both knees)
  • You can also make a longitudinal hole on the knee; to do this, cut the fabric horizontally several times in one place. After the cuts, use tweezers to pull out the excess vertical threads and carefully rub the edges

beautiful jeans, torn at the knees

A little secret: A regular kitchen vegetable grater will help you achieve a ragged effect on your knees. To do this, you need to place a board inside your trouser leg, secure the jeans so that they don’t “fly off” and start rubbing the grater over the fabric as hard as you can. You can choose any side of the grater, but the most effective is the one intended for cheese - with the spines facing out.

Video: “How to tear jeans?”

How to make holes in stretch jeans?

Stretch is a synthetic fabric. It looks very impressive on the body, as it is able to tighten and literally “squeeze” extra places without showing them to others.

Stretch jeans have flooded the market. They differ in that the thread in them is not cotton, but elastane. This quality can play a cruel joke on you when you want to create a beautiful hole in your jeans.

stretch jeans with holes

If you have a full figure and your jeans are tight, you may not get the effect of beautiful ripped holes and these holes will literally spread out horizontally on your body. Therefore, it is still advised to choose trousers either in a larger size, or to make only longitudinal holes.

Stretch jeans can be sanded just as well as cotton ones. Try to choose the most advantageous places for holes: pockets, seams, knees and outer thighs. To prevent the stretch thread from fraying too much, work only with small holes.

How to make holes on black jeans?

Black jeans suit everyone, but they are still different from the standard blue and light blue ones. It's all about perception. The point is that the black fabric and your body color will contrast more through the holes. That is why holes on black jeans should be neater and neater.

holes in black jeans

Holes on black jeans will not be as impressive because there is no white thread in the trousers.

Give preference to horizontal holes on black jeans. To do this, make a cut with a blade and rub it thoroughly with sandpaper until the edges become fluffy with threads. Do not cut off excess threads. Such holes can be made along the entire length of the trousers, parallel to each other.

How to make fashionable holes in jeans?

Modern fashion dictates that everyone has holes in their jeans, and it doesn’t matter what they are or where they are. If you have them, you are on trend! A fashionable denim hole is one that is made carefully. Therefore, try to carefully rub each cut and make it as “shaggy” as possible. This will allow you to consider the cut to be a factory cut and it is unlikely that anyone will think that you created it yourself.

fashionable holes in jeans
  • Remember that the hole should reveal a beautiful part of the body and not underwear or cellulite
  • There is definitely not just one fashionable hole; there are several of the same ones, evenly placed throughout the trousers.
  • A fashionable hole is necessarily the effect of wear and tear, without clear cuts and lines
  • Consider the style of your denim pants! Torn holes are best suited for boyfriend or tube style pants, as well as skinny ones.

How to make round holes in jeans?

Round holes in jeans are an infrequent element that occurs either on the knees, or on the buttocks, or on the thighs. Its goal is to reveal a beautiful part of the body and make the image more sexy.

fashionable round holes on jeans

In order to create such a hole, the area should be determined in advance. After this, use chalk or a piece of dry soap to mark a circle or oval on the fabric. Horizontal cuts are made along the entire contour.

After this, the threads are separated using a needle. Use tweezers to pull out the vertical threads. You can reduce the number of horizontal threads by cutting them. Each round hole should be given a scuffed style using a pumice stone, float or sandpaper.

  • Ripped jeans are a must-have for every fashionista, so if you haven’t purchased the right model yet, you can easily “refresh” your old trousers. You don't need any special equipment for this. Be patient, time and desire to create a unique thing
  • When choosing a design, always pay attention to your figure. Do not create holes where they will focus attention on unfavorable parts of the body, for example large hips or bowed legs
  • Longitudinal holes will always help to visually “stretch” the legs and make them longer, and stylish decorations, such as lace, will add romance and tenderness to the image
  • Experiment with old clothes, try different ways to create holes and scuffs on the same pants and you can get exactly the thing you always wanted to have

Video: “How to make ripped jeans yourself?”

Video 1: How to make ripped jeans with sandpaper using a homemade device?

Video 2: How to make ripped jeans with sandpaper using a homemade device?

Anna Turetskaya

Reading time: 14 minutes


Every second girl experiments with things from her wardrobe. Especially if things are already old, unfashionable and require either disposal or urgent upgrading. The second option is certainly preferable.

You probably have a stack of jeans lying around in the far corner of your dresser that you hate to throw away.

We'll show you how to make them relevant and fashionable again!

What you will need: your old jeans, a seam ripper (blade or knife), soap and a small metal grater with garlic holes.

  • We choose a place for the future “scuff” on the jeans.
  • Carefully rub this area “horizontally” with a grater. We act as carefully as possible if the desired result is abrasion and not a gaping hole. The grater should only remove the top layer of thread.

For the holey effect:

  • We lay out the jeans on the table and mark strips with soap (maybe chalk) for future holes.
  • We make horizontal cuts using a seam ripper or scissors.
  • We pull out a few threads along the edges of the holes to make the jeans feel “worn” (note - or we wash them in the machine so that the threads stretch out on their own) - we create the shaggy appearance of our chaotic holes.
  • We make cuts based on our wishes - in several areas or immediately along the entire length of the trouser leg(s).
  • If desired, you can decorate the resulting holes using one of the following methods (lace, sequins, etc.).

To prevent the created “gaps” from spreading completely and ruining the presentation, you should sew guipure scraps to them from the inside out.

Bright colored space jeans - dye according to instructions

For this masterpiece you need: dark jeans, toothbrush, acrylic paint for fabrics of the desired colors, sponge, spray bottle, bleach and water solution (2:1), container for mixing paints.

  • We spread the jeans on top of the film on the floor.
  • We spray the bleach solution poured into the spray bottle on various areas - not copiously, but a little at a time and carefully. We are waiting for orange spots to appear. To increase their intensity, you can spray one more time.
  • Next, mix the first portion of acrylic paints and carefully apply it with a sponge around our orange spots. Let's experiment with colors! That is, we rinse the sponge from time to time and take a different color.
  • We highlight individual areas with white paint.
  • We paint the stars in our denim “galaxies” using a brush and diluted white paint. Everything is simple here: we dip the tooth/brush in the paint, and then, using our finger, we “spray” (splatter) the paint onto individual areas - we create clusters of stars.
  • Don't forget about the back of the jeans and the seams - they also need space. Wait until it dries completely (at least 24 hours).

Stylish “varenki” - if jeans have become “boring”

You will need: old jeans, whites, containers (a bucket or a large pan that mom won’t tear her hands away from later).

  • We choose dark jeans that are in dire need of a “fashion reboot.”
  • We twist our jeans tightly. Moreover, the more you twist, the fewer streaks there will be. If you want a vertical pattern, then secure the twist sections well with rubber bands. For horizontal twists, you need clamps, and for the “stars” in the twist areas, you need clothespins.
  • We fill a container with water - exactly half, heat it to 80 degrees (on average) and suddenly pour a full glass of white into it.
  • Bring our solution to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • After the “potion” boils, immerse the jeans completely in it. Are they getting out? Push it back with a ladle.
  • We wait 15 minutes, constantly pushing the jeans under the water. If the color does not want to change at all, add another half glass of the product.
  • After obtaining the desired shade, we take it out, take it into the bath, remove all the clips/elastic bands and thoroughly rinse the new jeans.

If you are too lazy to cook jeans, your mother doesn’t give you a pan, or you simply don’t have the necessary container, but you have Domestos - use it. We dilute half a glass of the product in 3 liters of water, soak the rolled jeans in the same way and wait for the lightening. Next, rinse and dry.

And - another way, more gentle

Alas, the resulting pattern as a result of the above method does not always bring joy. If you don't want to be upset, you can use using the following method:

  • Treat the desired areas of the jeans with a sponge soaked (thickly) in bleach.
  • Forget about jeans for 5 minutes (no more!).
  • If you want a gradient, you can spray more intense areas with a spray bottle.
  • Next, rinse the jeans and dry them.

Decorating jeans with lace - stylish and glamorous

Today this is the most fashionable finishing option.

You will need: old jeans with very large holes (for example, jeans on which you went too far with holes) and lace. You can also use regular jeans if the decor is external.

What options are there?

  • Lace sewn as a lining on the hole from the inside out. The denim edges around the lace patch, of course, need to be ruffled. White lace sticking out in the slits of blue jeans looks very piquant.
  • A lace ribbon sewn around the waist or just the front (only the back).
  • Back pockets completely decorated with lace.
  • Flowers cut out of lace (another pattern), sewn onto trouser legs like appliqués.

Just don't overdo it. An abundance of lace or its illiterate use can turn your jeans into a vulgar item.

What you will need: rhinestones, beads, beads, your jeans.

  • We select the desired area on the jeans, look for the desired pattern and transfer it to the jeans with chalk/pencil (pockets, sides of the legs, cuffs).
  • We select rhinestones of different sizes and glue them according to the pattern manually.

Sequins, beads or beads will have to be sewn on. The work is more painstaking, but the result is worth it.

If you don’t know how to draw, take drawings as a basis (among them there are many interesting sketches of flowers, birds, etc.).

And the jeans have cuffs!

Today, wide cuffs on jeans are considered the most fashionable. Although no one will stop you from making them according to your personal size and desire - you are a designer.

Having chosen the desired width, stitch the jeans or simply roll them straight out, baste along the seams and start decor of the received cuffs:

  • Decorate with rhinestones or beads.
  • Sew on the lace.
  • We use bright strips of fabric.
  • Making fringe.

Stamps are not always bad

If a bear stepped not only on your ear, but also on your hands, and you only know how to draw with chalk on the asphalt, it’s not a problem. They will come to the rescue stamps and stencils.

  • We take an ordinary children's rubber stamp for creativity with the desired pattern, dip it in fabric paint of the desired color and stamp it for health in the way your soul requires.
  • If there are no children's stamps, you can make it yourself from a potato, an eraser, etc.
  • You can also stamp with a sponge. Just use thicker paint and first test stamping on an unnecessary piece of paper so that the excess paint comes off the sponge - the design should turn out to be a fine snowball, not blots.

Stencils are also a good idea.

  • We draw a pattern on cardboard, cut it out, and attach it to the jeans with masking tape.
  • Apply the design with a brush or sponge.
  • Wait for it to dry and remove the stencil.

Drawing on jeans - an option for artists

Option 1:

  • We take fabric paints and brushes.
  • Apply the pattern with chalk, paint it, wait for it to dry.
  • You can use felt-tip pens for fabric (it’s even more convenient to draw with them).

Option 2:

  • We insert cardboard into the leg to protect the other side.
  • Place lace over the desired section of the leg and fasten it tightly with pins.
  • Using a sponge, toothbrush, or dotted by hand, paint the pattern through the lace and wait for it to dry.

Option 3:

  • We cut out the desired pattern from the lace and soak it in bleach until slightly damp (so that the lace does not crumble).
  • Place the lace on the trouser leg and press tightly for 10-30 minutes. Accordingly, the longer, the brighter the picture.
  • Next, remove the lace and briefly dip the jeans in a solution of water and vinegar (approx. 3:1). Afterwards, wash separately in a machine or by hand.

Jeans turn... into elegant capri pants

Everything is simple here. If you are tired of flares, or the bottoms of your trouser legs have become completely unusable, then it’s time to cut your jeans into capri pants (or shorts).

  • Select the desired length with a margin for cuffs.
  • Cut along the strips marked with soap.
  • We bend the legs outwards and decorate them using one of the above methods (fabric, lace, beads, etc.).

Patches are at the height of fashion!

If you are young, daring and have golden hands, you can use appliqués. They transform old jeans so much that then people they know ask where to buy this beauty?

There are many options - choose to your taste or look for something unique:

  • Bright rectangles made of multi-colored and multi-textured fabrics, randomly sewn onto the front legs of the trousers.
  • Applications using colored laces.
  • Applications in graffiti style.
  • “Dot” applications in the form of hearts, letters, patches, etc.
  • Using colored thin leather or denim in different shades.

You can also sew on appliques in different ways - from a regular stitch to a zigzag or even a satin stitch contour.

Embroidery on jeans is painstaking and time-consuming, but beautiful and durable

If you can surpass even your grandmothers in needlework talent, and you have a box full of floss, feel free to look for the desired pattern.

  • Apply the pattern to the desired area.
  • We embroider. It’s better to use satin stitch, it looks more impressive. Although, you can also use the cutwork technique, but in this case it is not recommended to experiment with colors - take 1 color of thread slightly lighter than the jeans fabric.

If desired, you can make voluminous flowers on jeans from threads:

  • We make loops around 2 fingers, remove the skein and tie it in the middle with a contrasting thread.
  • We cut off the ends, fluff our “dandelion”, and sew it to the jeans.
  • From below we embroider a stem with leaves.

Rivets on jeans are a timeless fashion

First, come up with a pattern or think about the geometry along which you will “screw” the rivets. If during the decorating process you realize that you have done “wrong” and “wrong”, it will be extremely difficult to correct.

  • We buy rivets in the store (those with “petals” on the inside).
  • We pierce the fabric with a rivet and bend the petals. If the jeans are too thick, make mini holes in advance.
  • Rivets will look most advantageous on side seams, pockets, waistbands or cuffs.

Ways to breathe new life into your old jeans - one cart and one small cart. Based on the above, you can come up with your own techniques and create a real masterpiece.

Remember: “hand-made” is valued at all times! You can even organize your own.
