How to preserve love for many years? Argue wisely. Behavior in a quarrel

How to maintain a relationship with your loved one for life? - the question arises if there is love and happiness in a couple, a desire to continue the relationship for for a long time. Falling in love is easy, but maintaining love and developing feelings is more difficult. Often initially happy couples lose interest in each other after 2-3 years of marriage. Passionate love passes, how to move on? How to build relationships?

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5 Secrets to Maintaining a Perfect Relationship

1. Develop mutual understanding

The main reasons for the difficulties of relationships are related to the lack of understanding by partners of each other. The desire to understand, delve into, feel will help to open the spiritual world of a loved one, books on the psychology of men and women will also help; basic knowledge is necessary for any person to build and strengthen a family.

In men and women different needs in love and its manifestations, we often misunderstand the actions of loved ones, we do quickly conclusions, conflicts arise. Needed in everyone specific case look for the answer to what is behind the action, motives, reasons, thoughts. Perhaps the person did not want to offend, but rather to help. Patience and understanding are the keys to opening hearts of love.

2. Relationships are more than just romance.

To understand how to maintain family relationships, it is important to understand that relationships change over time - there are several stages in the development of love: falling in love, getting used to it, making a decision, family connection or separation. This means that love is an endless process, and not a given from above.

The lifespan of love depends on two people, you can live, overcoming difficulties, or give up and say: “Love is dead”, feelings will live as long as there is a desire and desire to maintain a connection. Happy couples We also went through a lot of difficulties, but from the outside it seems that everything is simple and easy.

Often the reason for breakups is the fading of feelings, but it is only passion that fades away, real love has not yet begun... Strong feelings arise as a result of spiritual intimacy, the result of living together, gratitude to a partner for support and understanding.

How to maintain a relationship with your loved one? Continue to develop relationships after passion fades, seek intimacy on a spiritual level - friendship, mutual understanding, support high level trust, look for ways to bring joy into your partner’s life. And passion can be revived over time, with a joint effort.

3. Spirituality is more important than the absence of conflicts

The question is to understand the truth - everyone has conflicts and disagreements, the main thing is how we react to disagreements, whether we allow our partner to have a different opinion or strive to dominate. Constantly fighting to be right does not improve understanding, but focusing on common values, unites interests.

How to maintain a relationship with your loved one? Develop spiritual intimacy, notice positive sides partner’s personality, attention, help, efforts in the interests of the family. Good deeds give rise to a response, and scandals destroy even the most strong feelings. Focusing on the positive makes life much easier and improves family interaction.

It is important for women to understand that a spouse’s return from work is a holiday, there is no need to darken his mood with a stream of problems, it is more pleasant to see a beautiful and joyful wife, and after dinner we can calmly discuss current issues. family issues, find joint solutions.

How to keep love in a relationship? Criticize your partner less, do not aggravate conflicts, praise more, show attention and support. This applies to long-term relationships, married couples with experience, initial stages— praise and compliments should be dosed and justified so that they do not sound unnatural for guys and too intrusive for girls.

4. Love is more important than common interests

Common interests can be a unifying factor; often people meet for a reason similar hobbies, but belonging to different areas cannot interfere with the development of relationships. It is more important to recognize that a partner’s personal interests may prevail, it is not necessary to participate in them, the main thing is not to prohibit, not to interfere with the realization of what he loves. How to maintain family relationships?

Respect boundaries, recognize your partner’s personal space. For example, fishing is a wonderful activity for men, but it is of absolutely no interest to women. Women love shopping, but most men hate it, so is it worth the pain? It’s better to study on your own or with friends, there’s more pleasure, less quarrels. Differences on the emotional and genetic level must be accepted. If a couple likes to watch football together - great, no - nothing critical, you can have 2 TVs, find a compromise.

At times, an encroachment on freedom manifests itself in a family - before marriage, a person was fond of racing, but now - it’s impossible, it’s unsafe, how to live? This is the same element, passion, without friends, sports, a man ceases to feel strength and independence, turns into a henpecked, driven beast. The result is that she will get tired of living in prison, or the woman herself will become bored with a spineless man. How to maintain a relationship with a man?

Respect mutual interests and hobbies - a guarantee of a happy life together. We are not talking about addiction to alcohol; it is closer to a disease and requires treatment in severe cases.

5. Improving your sex life leads to better relationships.

It is a mistake to think that over time the need for sexual relations decreases, on the contrary, the need exists, and the lack of satisfaction leads to the search for more attentive partners, lovers of intimacy. How to maintain a relationship with your husband?
Realize that this area is incredibly important, especially for men, although it is also useful for women - the hormonal cycle is normalized, health and mood improve. It's important for women not to play passive role, take initiative, men tend to hide needs and desires. Experiments, openness, naturalness will help improve and diversify life.

How to save a marriage relationship?

Look for information and ways to improve the intimate sphere of life. Nowadays there is a lot of literature for men and women in the public domain, but remember - the main thing is not new techniques, but sensuality and the desire to please a loved one, otherwise it’s better not to try... You need an attitude and a desire to please, to add variety to intimate life.
The advice is the same for men - mechanical actions will not help, but only naturalness and communication on personal topics with a partner. A woman needs love, care, tenderness, and men are conquerors, passion for them is the highest manifestation of love. If you are interested in a partner, you should strive to understand the psychological and physical needs of your partner.

How to maintain a relationship with your loved one?

Maintain the fire of passion, seek spiritual intimacy and understanding, develop relationships at the level of mutual understanding and acceptance of the partner. Important point— people change over the years, interests, personality traits, you can fall in love with a person again or deny the changes and be disappointed. But there is no constancy in the world, everything is in motion.

Married couple - friends, partners, associates, future parents, lovers - how to maintain a relationship? Remember that spouses should strive to become not a formal couple, but truly close friends who understand each other and provide for each other’s basic needs, including love and affection, in order to avoid the loss of a loved one.

The main thing is a common desire to be together for a long time

Psychologists' advice on how to maintain a relationship is not unambiguous, simple, often difficulties and dissatisfaction are associated with inner world, childhood memories, internal complexes. Especially such manifestations are jealousy, suspicion, the desire to attach a partner, to feel constant attention. They are often signs of dissatisfaction with the “inner child” who lacks love.

Therefore, it is important to understand where cause and effect are in similar situations might be worth working on inner fear and anxiety, get rid of complexes and whims, learn to trust and have an open dialogue? We all come from a country - childhood, our manifestations in our personal lives originate in relationships with our parents - were we loved, met with understanding, care or alienation?

Everyone wants to feel unconditional love, adoration, but it is important to understand that an adult must be able to take responsibility for relationships and love, then it is possible happy years life.

How to maintain a relationship with a guy? - young girls think. Often, a lack of experience leads to mistakes - dissolution in love, idealization, loss of individuality - the priority is the partner and his interests. In this case, there is a “paradox of passion”: the more in love one person shows, the less interest the other partner experiences.

Everything should be in balance and harmony.

Each partner takes his own steps towards love; you should not go for the other. You need to be an individual, have your own interests, develop confidence, and strive to understand and support your partner. Perfect Union- a combination of two independent individuals, complementing each other.

Advice on how to maintain relationships and friends often does not correspond to the truth; representatives of the older generation have extensive life experience, have learned to overcome everyday difficulties and deserve respect, and have been able to preserve feelings for the rest of their lives. Interested in the secret, we get the answer: “we need to do everything together” - help, support, inspire.

The peculiarity lies in the simple truth - in old times things were valued and repaired, just like relationships, now we are used to throwing things away and getting divorced immediately after the passion fades. There is a significant difference in the approach to life, people, and core values.

How to maintain a relationship between a man and a woman, the psychology of the issue is quite diverse; there are specific needs of a man and a woman in marriage. Let's take a closer look at the features of the psychology of the stronger and weaker sex.
How to save a good relationship with husband?

1. Accept the truth

Men do not have the ability to read minds like women - they are more insightful and understanding. Try to speak intelligibly and clearly about expectations and needs (write a shopping list, discuss an action plan for the day, week), plan your weekend in advance to avoid overlaps. By the way, it is useful to remind you of important dates and holidays so that you don’t miss Valentine’s Day or dating, they sometimes have “memory lapses.”

2. Communication - in moderation

Psychology, how to maintain a relationship - strives to provide a partner with a comfortable stay together. An important point - men tend to think about the situation longer and can hesitate, do not rush, give time to think. Each has its own characteristics.

3. Be lenient—forgive mistakes.

We are all human, prone to making mistakes; if a person loves and admits mistakes, then he is worthy of forgiveness. Resentments undermine health and relationships; it is better to learn to let go of unpleasant emotions - anger, envy, jealousy, irritation. All this is a path to nowhere, try to understand personal experiences, reasons, learn to get rid of negativity - auto-training, meditation, music.

4. Don't make hasty decisions

In every situation there is various options developments of events depending on the woman’s reaction. Try to understand your spouse, find out the circumstances, and do not rush to reproach him. various reasons. Open dialogue is the path to understanding your partner.

5. Let your man feel like the head of the family

Responsible for providing for the family and home improvement. A woman should be feminine, weak at times to increase male strength. And words of gratitude will strengthen a man’s desire to work for the good of his family.
How to save family relationships? Support your beloved man, praise him for his help and participation in family affairs, maintain comfort in the home - minimize complaints, quarrels, always be attractive and seductive, especially at home.

Over the years, spouses notice that feelings weaken, there is less romance, how to maintain a warm relationship?

  • Say compliments, kind and affectionate words;
  • Surprise, make surprises (gifts, romantic evenings, Love letters, sms);
  • Spend time together more often - family visits, meetings with friends, outings.

If you want to maintain your first relationship, strong and passionate feelings, you need to constantly maintain the level of passion and emotional intimacy - go on dates, re-conquer, fall in love, surprise, discover new facets of love.

How should men act to maintain a relationship with their wife, what are the basic rules?

  1. Maintain the level of love - surprise, delight, try to diversify life. The monotony depresses everyone, especially after years of living together.
  2. Talk about love, find a place for romance.
  3. Regularly finding time for joint communication, walks, romance, intimacy is also needed by both - 2-3 times a week is the standard, so that there is no desire to look for an attentive and loving partner outside the family.
  4. Learn to listen, understand - women often need to speak out, a man’s task is simply to listen and sympathize or support, even advice is not always needed, more understanding. A little attention in this issue will make her husband the best in the world.
  5. Helping around the house, especially after the birth of a child - a woman in modern world plays many roles, is responsible, along with the spouse, for financial support, household chores, and raising children. But women get tired too, they need support and help.

IN patriarchal marriage the wife did not work, but only did housework, now life has become more complex and dynamic, treat with understanding, strive to take part in household chores as much as possible.

How to maintain a relationship with your loved one? To maintain a good relationship with your spouse you need care, love, affection, attention, and help. Any woman will be happy and most best wife, feeling desired and loved.

The period of birth of a child is the happiest and most difficult for married couple. We are waiting for you to appear small miracle in life, we believe that it will brighten it up, fill it bright colors, will turn everyday life into a fairy tale. However, in books and magazines everything looks more beautiful than in life.

Having children is a test of a relationship's strength.

Many people have no idea what kind of stress lies ahead - moral, physical. Not all couples can withstand such a test. How to maintain a relationship after the birth of a child?

  • Distribute responsibilities between spouses;
  • night duty in turns - mom also needs rest, or dad can walk during the day, allowing mom to sleep off;
  • relieve a woman of her daily chores and allow her to preserve her strength;
  • try to come home from work early, help with household chores, and devote weekends to family;
  • rested wife - good lover, tired - sleepy and inattentive.

How to maintain a relationship with your loved one after the birth of a child in the family? The main rule is shared responsibility for the child; maternity leave is not a vacation, but a huge amount of work that a woman does every day with a baby in her arms. Help, take care, show understanding and love.

There are situations when spouses separate for a while to understand life, feelings, and the impossibility of raising a child together. With a lack of attention from her husband, the wife is inclined to raise the child with parents who are always ready to help.

The question arises: “How to save a marriage, how to restore relationships?”

  1. Realize the need to restore relationships, find an opportunity to convey information about your aspirations to your loved one, partner.
  2. The method of restoring a relationship depends on the cause of the breakup; it is worth understanding what the root of the trouble is, what prevented life together? Calmly analyze life situation without emotions, using logic.
  3. Find the antidote:
  • lack of attention - to become the most loving, caring, romantic;
  • betrayal - try to inflame passion, experiment, learn;
  • children - pay more attention to household chores, help your spouse;
  • misunderstanding - communicate more, study the psychology of the partner;
  • Advice from relatives: take responsibility for your personal life, make your own decisions, find separate housing.

It is possible to restore a relationship, even after a few years, the main thing is a joint desire. A common situation is that a husband leaves for a young mistress and returns after a couple of years. What to do, is it possible to restore the relationship?

How to save a relationship after cheating?

  1. He returned - it means he repented, realized the value of family - reproaches are inappropriate;
  2. we try to understand the reason for leaving, what was missing in the relationship;
  3. We work to develop and improve relationships - we begin to build a family anew, filling relationships with romance and passion;
  4. we do not remember the unpleasant period, we forget the grievances of the past;
  5. thank fate for new chance and a turn in relationships, any negative contains a positive, we are looking for the positive aspects of the situation.

How to maintain a relationship with your loved one? It is important to realize that the lifespan of love and relationships depends on the couple, the desire to continue to work on developing and maintaining the relationship. There are no hopeless situations - there is a lack of desire to solve current issues, to find ways and solutions.

How to maintain a long-distance relationship?

In the modern world, dating via the Internet and love at a distance have become increasingly popular. There are also situations of temporary separation - business trips, seasonal work, studying in another city.

  1. Communicate more often, using as much as possible modern capabilities- telephone conversations, social media, Viber, Skype. Stay constantly in touch - required condition to maintain long distance relationships.
  2. Joint activity - try to do something at the same time - go shopping, prepare culinary dishes, get advice on choosing an outfit, shopping. We try to ensure maximum presence in life.
  3. Surprise - everyone loves surprises and gifts, it is especially valuable to receive parcels from distant lands and feel love from a distance.
  4. Do not create reasons for jealousy - you should not talk about colleagues, escorts or constant parties, and likes on the Internet can be tracked. It’s better to arouse suspicion as little as possible—to remain honest and open.
  5. Try to see each other more often - meetings are also needed to maintain relationships - find an opportunity to meet, come, see, nothing can replace real communication. Temporarily you can be friends virtually, but to prepare for life together you need meetings.

Analyzing the advice of psychologists, older people and specialists in family relations, we come to the conclusion: love is not just a gift from above, but a lot of work. How to maintain a relationship with your loved one? Constantly work on them, strengthen feelings, invest your soul, strive for compromise and understanding in a couple.

We wish everyone love on long years!

Probably everyone has heard F. Beigbeder’s phrase: “A mosquito has one eyelid, but a rose has three. A cat's age is thirteen years, love's age is three years. And there's nothing you can do about it. First, a year of passion, then a year of tenderness and, finally, a year of boredom.” Indeed, over time, the feelings of lovers lose their former thrill, become ordinary, and sometimes change to negative. Why does this happen and how to preserve love? Is it possible to do this at all? Let's figure it out.

What is love?

Every person has their own ideas about love. Some people call love an all-consuming passion, others the impossibility of living without a lover even for a day, others the desire to care for and protect your chosen one. There is love-mania, and there is a mother’s love for her children, love for God. A person can experience the full range of feelings, but without the following factors love relationship impossible:

Of course, the characteristics of love do not end there. For most, the desired (or mandatory) attribute of a relationship is: tolerance and acceptance of each other’s shortcomings, the desire to give, respect, understanding, common interests, the ability to support in difficult times. Having such a close, beloved person is real happiness.

What destroys feelings?

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, not even love. You can read about feelings that are not subject to time and the blows of fate except in books. Even the most strong love can destroy life, difficult financial situation, distance, disability of a partner, etc. Each has its own reason. However, psychologists identify 10 factors that can destroy love feelings very fast:

  • dissatisfaction with the partner and oneself, rejection, desire to re-educate;
  • inability to come to an agreement, hushing up problems and grievances;
  • indifference, lack of attention to the partner;
  • inability to forgive, accumulation of negative emotions;
  • pathological jealousy;
  • insincerity, lies;
  • mistrust;
  • nagging, frequent conflicts over trifles;
  • public showdown;
  • material, everyday difficulties, illnesses and other blows of fate

Serious feelings do not disappear overnight. Almost any relationship difficulty can be solved if you know how to maintain love. The main thing is to avoid the point of no return, when your partner becomes completely cold and disappointed in you.

Love in a relationship

The relationship between a guy and a girl, the feelings between them, are significantly different from love in marriage. This is where problems and difficulties arise. Most often, young couples complain about unsuitable friends, differences in aspirations and views, frivolity, infidelity, lack of external attractive qualities. When problems arise in relationships, young people often behave childishly - they speak harshly, manipulate and in every possible way provoke their partner to react.

For some reason, many people think that when they get married, the problems will disappear on their own or the beloved will not go anywhere. But starting a family only makes the problem worse. Hence the sad statistics on divorce - more than 50%.

To maintain love in a relationship, it is important to understand that it must evolve. The dating period is the time to get to know your partner, learn to negotiate and accept with him. The logical conclusion of a relationship is marriage. In order not to destroy, but to preserve love at this moment, you should:

  • commit to being faithful, honest, and attentive to your partner;
  • express your love not only in word, but also in deed;
  • trust your partner more than others;
  • spend time together with interest and benefit, develop;
  • be restrained, resolve conflicts calmly;
  • criticize rarely and exclusively constructively;
  • support in difficult situations;
  • strive for independence, not depend on the parental family.

It is important to understand that it takes two people to work on a relationship. Love can only be preserved through joint efforts.

Love in marriage

Having entered into marriage, a couple may become very cold towards each other after just a few years. You get used to everything good quickly. What initially excited and aroused admiration becomes commonplace. Often, spouses turn into cohabitants, who are connected only by living together. Some people are torn apart by the birth of a child. It would seem that, happy event, but in reality it is still a test for the family. What if suddenly someone remains unemployed? In short, problems in marriage are through the roof.

Is it possible to maintain love in marriage? Of course. Only in this case it is important to understand that feelings will no longer be as hot as at the beginning. Love in marriage is calmer and deeper. After ten years, the spouses become not only friends and lovers, but also relatives. To maintain good relationships in the family and carry your feelings through the years, you need to listen to the following advice:

Love at a distance

“Absence weakens small passions and strengthens large ones, just as the wind blows out candles and fans the flame” F. La Rochefoucauld

Long-distance relationships are a real torment for hearts in love. Intimate touching, hugging, looking at each other, sex are very important for a couple. This cannot be replaced by frequent phone calls, no video communication. When separated, lovers often develop distrust and anxiety that the partner will want to build a new relationship with someone else or will simply lose the habit and his feelings will fade away.

Love of a man and a woman

“When a man gets married, he hopes that his wife will remain the same, but a woman expects that her chosen one will become different” J. Gray

The famous American writer, psychotherapist John Gray, who published a whole series of books “Venus and Mars,” insists that a man and a woman are fundamentally different creatures. What is important for a man is secondary for a woman, and vice versa. When entering into relationships, we most often judge by ourselves. But is this right?

As practice shows, it is necessary to preserve the love of a man and a woman in different ways. In order for a relationship or marriage to be happy, it is important to take into account important differences between the sexes:

  • she needs care - he needs trust;
  • she needs understanding - he needs acceptance;
  • What is more important to her is respect - gratitude to him;
  • she values ​​​​devotion more - he admires;
  • she needs recognition - he needs approval;
  • she needs reinforcement of confidence - he needs encouragement;
  • It is closer to her to distribute and accept - to him to extract and conquer;
  • she wants to direct his thoughts and desires - he makes decisions;
  • she needs actions for her sake - he needs to act;
  • she needs to make plans, dreams - he needs to bring them to life, creating his own unique world;
  • she wants to feel belonging to a man - he wants to own a woman;
  • it is like a vessel - it has energy, strength, information that fills it;
  • she gives the form - he fills it;
  • It is more important for her to interact with children and home - for him with the outside world;
  • she wants to feel confident tomorrow– he realizes his abilities;
  • It is important for her to feel like the only one, loved, desired - he is richer, more talented, stronger than everyone else;
  • she is closer to the spiritual and personal development– him generating fantasies, games, plans.

Irina, Irkutsk

Relationships can only be saved if they are sincere and mutual. But, as you know, nothing is ideal. And even in the strongest relationships, cracks can occur. And who knows whether these relationships were sincere. And yet the question arises - why did this happen?

Why you have to stay in a long-term relationship

Every couple has a moment when the relationship cools down a little. The main thing is not to panic, but to survive this period correctly.

Why do feelings fade?

Your feelings have weakened over time;

You are often far from each other;

Everyday life and everyday life replaced romantic moments;

Mistrust resulting from betrayal;

Tired of your responsibilities;

Life difficulties and problems.

Problems in intimacy.

This, of course, is not the entire list of reasons why relationships deteriorate. But the most important thing is to pull yourself together in such situations and find a way out of the current situation together. And we will help you how to maintain a long-term relationship.

You need to clarify all the misunderstandings that bother you. You shouldn’t close yourself off and worry yourself. This can even lead to madness. It’s better to communicate and put everything in its place. You must always be open and sincere in everything. This is the only way you can reach your other half and sort out all the troubles;

Always be considerate of each other. Compliments, admiration for victories - all this will only have a positive effect on your relationship. Also, do not forget to thank each other for certain work done, even minor ones;

Try to surprise each other more often. You can, of course, surprise expensive gifts, but this does not always work. It’s better to let it be a pleasant surprise or gift for your partner, but it will symbolize something only for both of you;

Be together more free time. You will be able to get to know each other more and more, and you will both enjoy being and doing something interesting together;

The division of labor will be in a great way to strengthen your relationship. Remember that you too can do what your significant other does. And it will be nice when she comes home from work and doesn’t have to do this. And it’s even better when you do everything together. Even cooking dinner will be more enjoyable when you do it together;

Also, try to solve all problems together, it will be easier and together it will be much easier to find a way out of the current situation.

So, you just have to want it, and balance and idyll will return to your relationship.

How to maintain a long-lasting relationship as a couple

Do not hesitate to talk to your chosen one about your feelings and what worries you. The main thing in a relationship is trust and frankness. Without heart-to-heart conversations, you will not understand each other. Create favorable conditions for conversation, talk about what bothers you;

It is difficult for men to express their emotions, but for a wise woman it is not a problem to lead the conversation to find out what is really going on in the soul of the chosen one. Try to ensure that everything takes place in a calm and inviting environment. No nervousness. If your partner can't talk to you at home, change the environment and talk in a place where you have spent time pleasant moments. This will help you relax and not become withdrawn;

Find out why your relationship is different. There can be a lot of reasons: betrayal, unforgiven grievances, negligence towards each other, life troubles. Don't focus the conversation on your grievances. If you intend to keep your feelings, forgive everything and let go;

Try to accept your partner with all his shortcomings. There are no perfect people, and you are no exception. Give him the opportunity to be himself. Help him cope with what he does himself all the time - he tries to be the way you want. It is difficult for a person to live constantly in tension, he gets tired of it. Make him open up to you again and you will see your love for him again;

Add romance to your feelings: organize a date, give a gift just because, be there for difficult moments;

Forget that hysterics and scandals are effective way. This will stress not only him, but also you.

Family problems often fill our everyday life and the question of how to maintain relationships becomes the main thing in order to save the family and establish a life together.

At the first stage of a relationship, there is a special euphoria that the feelings will never go away. Minutes of waiting seem like an eternity, and eternity means boundless happiness and pink castles.

As sad as it is to realize, any relationship will sooner or later be tested and may end. The chance of saving your feelings depends on both of you. If a woman and a man’s happiness lies in their communication, then they will definitely find a way to maintain and not lose their union.

Loving people There are three main dangers:

Get cold feet quickly and get bored of each other

Be sure that you know everything about each other. That is, your partner has become uninteresting to you.

Treason as a consequence frivolous act or mindless flirting.

How to maintain a long-term relationship with your loved one

Be sure to clarify any misunderstandings. The habit of accumulating resentment inside without discussing problems with a partner leads to coldness between people.

With prolonged internal conflict Severe depression may occur and a desire to break off the relationship may occur. You should learn to communicate in a trusting and open manner, not to harbor grudges, and turn to the person closest to you for help. If your relationship is open and sincere, it will last a long time.

Show attention to each other. Give your partner compliments more often, appreciate his personal qualities, problem-solving skills and work achievements. Appreciate what partners do for each other in everyday life, Everyday life, you need to every day - praise your husband for sharpening knives, thank your wife for delicious dinner etc. Try to pay attention to each other, thereby maintaining intimacy.

Surprise each other more often. This does not mean giving any expensive or gorgeous gifts. Little surprises, expressions of care, sudden and unexpected trips, meetings - take the routine away from your relationship. You can give a gift, small but meaningful to you. Choose things that are practical and romantic, thereby bringing a smile of surprise to your partner’s face.

Spend your free time on each other. Spend weekends and evenings together, not all of them, but enough so that neither of you feels abandoned or left out.

It is necessary to share responsibilities. When you start dating, few people think about what is to be and what consequences it can bring. When household grinding begins, many pairs fail the endurance test. If in a relationship someone does all the housework and someone does nothing, then conflict is inevitable.

Learn to decide together everyday problems, share responsibilities, turn a regular shopping trip into an opportunity to be close to each other.

Here are the basic five rules that will tell you how to maintain a long-lasting relationship.

How to keep love in a relationship

According to psychologists, any love story can be told in 6 sentences, since the relationship between a man and a woman goes through 6 stages. It is the knowledge of these turning points that helps many couples find the answer to life important question: how to maintain relationships and love between a man and a woman.

As children, many of us liked to jump over one or even two steps, alas, in love everything is different, and an attempt to playfully jump over the problem or interests of a loved one can end sadly.

The first stage is the stage of love, romance and adoration of the chosen one. All traits and habits seem ideal. And the lovers themselves look at each other as if in mirrors, in which only the undeniable advantages of both are reflected. This is the “childhood” of love, the most carefree period, which lasts about one month. But if you are both lucky, then you can maintain this feeling for 3-4 years.

The second stage is the time of compromise. U lovers lose the desire to constantly hold hands, peer into each other, they begin to notice in their loved ones what they have not seen before. At this moment, many couples break up.

The time has come to gradually “break away from each other,” but many lovers are so carried away by this natural process that they cannot stop and break up forever. Respect, listening and understanding loved one, patience are the main helpers that will help maintain relationships and move to the third stage.

The third stage is the time of struggle for power in the union of a man and a woman. The confrontation is growing. At this time, the phrase most often heard is: “You don’t love me!” During this period, serious support from friends and relatives will be required to maintain relationships.

The fourth stage is the most difficult, it is also called the “fatal 7th year.” The most crisis time for marriages, this period is greatest number divorces, the danger increases adultery.

Each of the spouses, after 7 years of marriage, seems ready to dissociate themselves from their partner in order to affirm their “I”. At this time, in order to preserve love and relationships, you will need firmness and the ability to give in in time and say “no” to your chosen one in time, courage and the ability to speak openly about common problems.

The fifth stage is a truce. If your marriage lasted until stage 5, then you can safely tell yourself that you know how to maintain the relationship between a man and a woman.

The sixth stage is finding harmony in love at a new stage. Peace, tranquility and happiness reign in the family. Partners have learned to accept each other as they are. If your family boat did not crash into everyday life and swam to the 6th stage, most likely. Your marriage will last for many years to come.

How to keep love in the family

If living together or constant communication turns into a familiar and monotonous routine, you will not be happy when your husband comes home from work, and your spouse, out of habit, will perceive your household chores.

Try at least once to greet your husband from work not with the routine question: “how are you?”, but with an intriguing promise to surprise him with something. Prepare a delicious dinner, set the table beautifully, tell us about an extraordinary recipe that amazingly improves immunity.

Watch all his favorite shows together and be close to him all the time. Dirty dishes and unwashed floors won't go anywhere. It's possible that only you can see it. Turn at least one evening into a holiday and an opportunity for close communication.

It is much easier for a man to win a woman's heart. A bouquet of flowers, a cute souvenir, gentle and nice words will awaken the heart of every woman.

If your husband is trying to concentrate on the next chess move, do not try to bother him and complain that you are bored. It is possible that after a successful chess game, he, inspired by the victory, will be able to dispel your boredom in such a way that you will fall in love with chess and maybe even start playing it.

If your spouse is deep in conversation with a friend, do not rush to get offended and demand that she prepare tea. Maybe the protracted conversation is also bothering her. Prepare the tea yourself and invite her to the table.

She will be grateful for your understanding and patience. Maybe this action of yours will sincerely surprise her. It is this surprise that will pay dividends. IN next time, the spouse will try to put off unnecessary chatter.

Music family life always requires the skill of the arranger. What notes the duet participants hit depends only on them. Understanding and helping each other are the main components of family life. Family and the desire to preserve love is work on oneself. Daily and tireless, requiring trust and mutual understanding.

It is much more difficult to understand how to maintain love and relationships if betrayal has crept up on you. There are no ready-made recipes. If you have the strength, then you will forgive the man. You can't accept betrayal. You can understand and forgive. But if you decide to erase this episode from your life, never return to this topic.

It is possible that your spouse is blaming himself the most. Yours constant reminder about his mistake can not only cause irritation, but also finally assure him that he once did the right thing. Become not only a beloved woman for your husband, but also a sincere and understanding friend.

Text: Sascha Gluwein

Finding your soulmate is not so easy. It’s even more difficult to build relationships so that the family boat doesn’t turn into the Titanic and sink, crashing into everyday life. Everything is in our hands: we can kill love, or we can save it.

Arm yourself with a theory about the phases of love

The languid excitement before each date, the fire of passion and the waterfall of tenderness, magical sex and constant desire holding a man’s hand 24 hours a day... Do you think that if this is no longer there, then the love is gone and it’s time for you and your partner to say goodbye too? You are wrong! In fact, you have simply come to the end of the first phase - the "symbiosis" phase. The next stage in a relationship inevitably becomes the distancing phase. Men distance themselves by resuming meetings with friends or pursuing their hobbies (if they are “kept on a short leash,” they may begin to distance themselves in other, much less harmless ways - for example, going into alcoholism or illness). Women do the same thing, but with different methods - they start quarreling with their partner or refuse sex. Then the real struggle for power in the family begins (and at the same time the establishment of boundaries and rules). The main characteristic of this phase is the desire of both for autonomy and organization of personal space. Unfortunately, at this stage, some couples prefer to end the relationship. Others continue to live together, while “increasing” their internal readiness to leave at any moment. Still others begin to see their once loved one as an enemy and start a domestic war in which there will be no winners. Merger and distancing, dependence and independence, fear of closeness and intimacy, the possibility of a third person appearing in a relationship and the associated feelings - shame and jealousy - each of these phases fits into the natural cycle, each of these phases is needed in order to bring partners to new level relationships.
What can be done: during a crisis, do not hesitate to defend your point of view, argue and quarrel - this is normal! The main thing is not to use the argument “If you behave like this, it means you don’t love me!” and don't threaten to leave, even if you're hurt and disappointed.

Stay a woman

At the beginning of the novel, both the man and the woman literally blossom because they feel loved and desired. Every time they communicate with their significant other, they receive confirmation of their masculinity or femininity from her. Add to this compliments - both from our partner and those around us - and it becomes clear why our self-esteem soars to unprecedented heights. However, over time, the ardent delights of a loved one become not so ardent, the passion begins to fade away - as a result, self-esteem also suffers. At this moment, it is important not to demand from your partner recognition of your attractiveness (however, you should not beg for his approval either) - this can lead to the exact opposite result.
What can be done: Don’t “reserve” your attractiveness and sex appeal exclusively for your loved one. “Forcibly” force yourself to use it - flirt, shoot your eyes, etc. when you go out in public. The rule is: the more other men like you, the more attractive you will be to him. own husband. A little jealousy in a relationship doesn’t hurt, it’s like adding salt to soup, the main thing is don’t oversalt it!

Set priorities: first “I”, then “We”

If you perceive yourself rather as half of a whole called “We” (and so say “We will come”, “We will think”, etc.), then in this relationship you are a dependent part. The more jealous you are, the more you feel that you cannot live without your loved one, the more your partner feels that he is tied hand and foot, and dreams of getting out of his home “prison” to freedom (and sometimes not only dreams). It may be the other way around - your partner cannot take a step without you, so you constantly feel like you are being kept on a short leash.
What can be done: There is nothing wrong with “I” + “I” turning into “We” from time to time. Another thing is that in order to maintain a relationship, it is necessary for the “dependent” and the “free” to change roles from time to time. If you feel that you are “stuck” in one of these roles, mentally “rewind” the film on which your life was “captured” to the moment when you had the opportunity to play another role, and remember what it was like (even if you gained experience in other respects, it will still be useful to you). In addition, it makes sense for the “dependent” part to focus on its own autonomy and deal with its desire for freedom and independence. And the “independent” side should think about how you can convey to your other half a feeling of reliability that will reconcile her with your thirst for freedom. In any case, it’s great if, in addition to your husband and mutual friends, you have your own social circle (“My husband is my best friend and I don’t need anyone else” is fraught with loss of meaning own life).

Accept that he still hasn't learned to read your mind

“If he loves me, then he must guess what I need” - this female attitude, however, like the “logical” conclusion drawn from it - “And if he doesn’t guess, it means that he stopped loving me” completely ruined his intimate life many pairs. A bunch of sexual problems arise due to the inability to talk about this side of the relationship. With the tacit “consent” of both partners, the same ritual is born and then practiced for years, which over time turns into a practiced (but so boring!) set of movements.
What can be done: no matter how difficult it is, talk to a man about sex. Just don’t get carried away and turn your appeal into an accusatory speech. Your task is not to criticize your partner (this will only make things worse), but to tell him what exactly you need, express your desires clearly and intelligibly.

Stop following the same rake

Analyze your quarrels with a man. Ask yourself, what strategy do you use when sorting things out? As a rule, when a couple has a row, the partners' behavior is always the same (we behave like offended children and unconsciously use the same techniques that our parents used when they quarreled), the script is the same, only the content is different. No one else can compare with a loved one in the “art” of pissing us off - after all, he knows exactly which painful “button” to press, what words to say, what to reproach with (in fairness, we note that you also have a similar secret knowledge). The development of events is very predictable - we “explode”, and then we are also angry with ourselves for allowing ourselves to react to the provocation in such a way.
What can be done: By and large, with the help of a quarrel we want to achieve attention from our partner, his love or control over the situation. Take advantage of the eastern wisdom that says that the best fight is the one that never begins. Give up your usual strategy - don't attack. You don’t need to prove to a man that you’re right, just listen to what he wants to tell you (even if you know that he’s wrong) and try not only to understand him, but also to feel what he feels.

Switch from thoughts to feelings

Eastern and Western lifestyles are very different from each other. Europeans do nothing but think, analyze, plan, organize, etc. And there would be nothing wrong with this if they did not forget to switch from the rational wave to the emotional one in moments of intimacy.
What can be done: To learn how to stop the whirlwind of thoughts, at least start breathing correctly, concentrating on what is happening to the body. Be guided the following principle: deep breathing strengthens our senses, and shallow breathing strengthens the work of the intellect. Frequently perform very pleasant tactile exercises to develop your own sexuality.

Remember more often why you chose this particular man

Even if your friends and acquaintances consider you an ideal couple, there are days when you willy-nilly ask yourself the question: “What was I thinking when I chose this guy.” At this moment, everything wonderful and bright that was between you imperceptibly fades into the background.
What can be done: turn on your personal “time machine” - go back to the time when you were head over heels in love with this person and remember what bewitched you about him then? Save this feeling and return to the present!

Every day in life we ​​try to achieve something - promotion at work, success in a game, etc. But perhaps one of the most important achievements is maintaining love in a relationship. In this matter, it is not enough to find your soul mate; you also need to maintain love in the relationship so that it does not fade away or come to naught. But, as always happens, it is extremely difficult to do this alone. Both must participate in this. After all, it is impossible to carry the entire family burden on just one person.

The relationship between two people should always be based primarily on feelings of love, mutual understanding, and respect. Therefore, now we will tell you how to maintain love in a relationship and not become a victim of disappointment.

How to maintain love in a relationship? This is a question everyone should think about. loving friend friend to the couple, because love is a creative feeling and love needs to be built, warmed up all the time, and always be attentive in matters related to love. Success in love needs to be seriously worked on by both halves.

Here are some tips on how to maintain love in a relationship to help young couples:

Always find a compromise. This is necessary for both of you. After all, in a dispute you can always find correct solution. Just don’t lead your disputes to rudeness and massacres;

You should not resort to insults, especially in front of people. Thus, you will fall in the eyes of your friends and loved ones;

Know how to forgive insults. Especially not externally, but internally. In the shower. Everything happens in life and you need to be able to survive and forgive it in order to maintain love in a relationship;

Try to help each other more often. This will bring you even closer. And you will also show that you are not indifferent to him;

Spend all your free time together if you want to maintain love in your relationship. Theaters and cinema, nature hikes, trips, and even just walks on fresh air. In this way, you will strengthen your relationship more and will always be able to find a way out of any situation in a calm atmosphere;

Give each other surprises. And with or without reason. This will never go unnoticed. Gratitude and understanding that you are loved will only strengthen;

Don't be stingy with praise. Everyone needs this. More compliments and declarations of love, even in the most seemingly inappropriate places;

Mutual understanding is simple necessary condition for creating strong relationships. Therefore, in all cases, to maintain love in a relationship, listen to each other and be understanding of each other's needs and characteristics;

Don't try to limit each other. The cage has never done anyone any good. Ultimatums and conditions are also inappropriate;

Confidence. It is impossible to maintain love in a relationship if you no longer trust each other. Try to trust your life partner more. After all, without trust there can be no normal relationship.

It is very important to find compromises in any situations and disagreements between you, this will help you strengthen your union, and it is the basis of your relationship. It is always necessary to maintain love in a relationship and communicate with each other openly and not hide anything from each other, and if a controversial situation arises, then you need to collect your thoughts, take a few deep breaths, stop quarreling and try to find a solution together controversial issue. After all, your opponent is not an enemy, but the very other half that you love. It is always necessary to remember this.

Always be honest with each other and communicate more often on intimate topics, get to know each other better and deeper, the better you know each other, the easier it is for you to communicate, the easier it is to find compromises.

Try to maintain love in your relationship, protect your partner’s personal space, and don’t be too intrusive if your significant other suddenly wants to be alone for a while. If you don't allow this to happen, you will create an oppressive feeling, and you will unwittingly cause a not-so-good feeling. pleasant feelings.

Don’t forget to give compliments, declare your love, give gifts, show all sorts of attention, this should always be the case. And then some after the wedding think that “candy bouquet period"is over and they stop looking after themselves and their significant other. This shatters all romanticism into smithereens and has a detrimental effect on relationships.

Try to spend more time together to maintain the love in your relationship, and it would be great to find some common hobby. And together we strive to achieve a common goal, which can be more interesting than striving for something in common with the person who is closest to you in the world, who, along with you, will rejoice at your joint successes with complete sincerity.

Smile at each other, call each other more often during the day. Try to always stay in good mood, then you will not care about difficulties, and you will easily cope with them.

Children bring families together like nothing else. Children are the most major success in love.

How to maintain love in a relationship while working on yourself

The ability to love is an art that requires a special talent, a talent that, alas, is not inherent in every person. This art takes a lifetime to learn, and it is good to learn it in order to maintain love in a relationship. And, often, only in extreme old age can one really see examples of real sincere and deep love, love, bright and inspiring. Not everyone has this “pure” feeling, but there is still nothing that a person can learn.

Control of emotions

A person who is first of all in harmony with himself can love. An open, kind, sincere person. The heart of such a person is filled only positive emotions. Learning to restrain yourself is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. And today, the ability to control oneself is valued much more than mental abilities.

In order to maintain love in a relationship, you need to keep your emotions under control, and you need to keep your thoughts under control. As you know, thoughts are material and this is justified by the law of attraction operating in the universe. So the first step in learning to love is the ability to hold back everything negative emotions.

Understanding a loved one

The second step is the ability to empathize, understand and support the person who is next to you. Learning this is not so easy. If you support a person, as a rule, it does not amount to a lot of work, then again, not everyone can really understand and penetrate into his problems.

And not everyone will decide to shoulder the problems of another person and understand why it is important for him. And so, in order to maintain love in a relationship and learn to love, you need to be understanding about the problems of a person close to you.

And the third, one of the important steps, is the ability to learn and teach. IN human relations this comes first. The ability to transfer your knowledge and receive it from others is highest point human communication. This ability is necessary in order to learn to love.

Learning to maintain love in relationships

How to learn to love?

Is it enough to teach him the above listed qualities? The answer to these questions is clear: no. As they say: “Live forever, learn forever.” You cannot teach a person to love - only he himself can do this.

Yes, for this you need to know the above points, but this is not enough. Just as it will not be enough to know 20 more similar points. After all, what is love? This is a special feeling, and only time and experience can teach a person to feel. And maintaining love in a relationship is generally an art.

Unfortunately, by our nature we tend to express love in a language that is understandable to us, and not to the person we love, that is, in the way we would like it to be done to ourselves. However, if you speak different languages, then your lover (beloved) will not appreciate your efforts.

This is why thousands of couples fail in their relationships by failing to maintain love in the relationship. Sam, a divorced man, once said to a woman he was dating: “I don’t understand what she wants from me. She complains all the time that I don’t love her.

How can she say that! Every day I say I love her. I compliment her on her appearance, I praise her for being good mother. Why does she feel unloved?"

How to learn to express love

The catch is that her main language is actions, not words of encouragement. She, in turn, thinks: “If he really loved me, he would help me with the housework. When he comes to visit me, he watches TV, and I wash the dishes.

He never helps me with anything. I am annoyed by his confessions: I love you, I love you. His words are empty words! If he truly loved me, he would have proven it in practice. I do everything for him, but he does nothing for me."

A similar scenario exists in thousands of relationships in which people have failed to maintain love in the relationship. Everyone expresses love in their own language and does not understand why their partner does not feel loved. If you want to build a close relationship, determine your lover's primary language.

Many couples who date for more than two years break up after the obsessive period of passionate love passes. They could make a wonderful match for each other, however, when their feelings become dull, young people scatter, instead of fixing everything with the help of love languages.
