How to hide herpes on your lip. Cosmetic methods to eliminate colds on the face

The herpes virus on the lips makes itself known in advance by itching and burning. And if first aid is not provided in time, bubbles appear, which, bursting, form a crust. The only way to disguise visible bubbles is to use decorative cosmetics.

Is it safe to use decorative cosmetics?

If symptoms of herpes are found on the lip, it is better to refuse cosmetics and try to stop the development of the disease with a remedy. The need to disguise a cold is a necessary measure, and it should be used in the most extreme cases. After all, applying a camouflage agent can provoke its spread. Often it is not possible to prevent the spread of bubbles, then we devote most of our efforts to drying them out and hiding them with the help of decorative cosmetics - we try to disguise them as much as possible.

Masking at the initial stage

As soon as you feel a burning sensation on your lip and see that it begins to swell, try to stop the development at an early stage. For this you need a medicinal ointment. If there is no special ointment against herpes, you can use an anti-inflammatory one (“Levomekol”). They will stop the development of the process and relieve inflammation. The ointment is applied at intervals of 3-4 hours.

If the blister does pop up, it can be cauterized using brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide. A crust forms, which under no circumstances should be peeled off. It should fall off on its own.

How to disguise a cold with makeup?

I couldn’t stop the rash, but I need to go to work. How to hide herpes without causing harm? Let's try to mask the problem. Let us immediately note that decorative cosmetics can only be used for rashes on the lips. If they continue on the skin, it is better to consult a dermatologist, because special dermatological products will be needed. And for proper camouflage you need to remember a few rules:

  • You should not use regular foundation, it can roll off and the wound will become even more noticeable.
  • Use camouflage pencils for problem skin rather than cream. They are often double-sided: the first has antibacterial properties, the second perfectly masks.
  • When applying cosmetics, use disposable products or brushes that can be washed. Herpes is a viral disease; if you don’t protect yourself, it won’t leave you alone.

Let's get started: before applying decorative cosmetics, you need to treat the lesion with a special (anti-inflammatory) ointment and give it time to absorb. The top surface must be masked with foundation for problem skin, first with the green side, then with the body side.

Carefully select the right shade, otherwise the problem area will be very different from the skin color and will be noticeable. It is likely that you will have to apply foundation all over your face so that there are no visible differences in color.

It is better to avoid using lip liner when you have a cold. By emphasizing the contour, you will focus on the unevenness, which will definitely attract the attention of others.

Lipstick will help you apply the finishing touches. It is important to use light shades. Bright, expressive colors highlight rashes. Avoid pearly shades and glitter. Matte lipstick is best. It will lie flat on the surface and visually reduce the amount of swelling.

Herpes on the lips is a very unpleasant phenomenon. He causes a lot of inconvenience. Constant itching and burning do not give rest. And there’s nothing to say about the appearance. Inflammation, swelling and ulcers will not add beauty.

But you don’t have to endure it at all. Modern medicine will help cope with unpleasant symptoms, and we will learn below how to disguise herpes on the lip with makeup.

What is herpes on the lip

Herpes is a virus. Once settled in the body, it remains for life. It appears when the immune system weakens due to stress, colds or other reasons.

First, itching and throbbing are felt, the skin in this area becomes hot. Next, one or more bubbles appear filled with a clear liquid that contains viruses. Within a day they burst and the wound becomes covered with a crust. It is worth noting that it takes a very long time to heal, up to a month, causing great inconvenience.

How to hide herpes

You can hide unpleasant manifestations on your lip with the help of cosmetics by applying the right makeup. To do this you will need: moisturizer or gel, foundation, powder, lipstick and manual dexterity.

But first you need to dry it so that the swelling becomes smaller and does not stand out too much.

Step 1: relieve inflammation and swelling

This is the first thing you need to do before covering up a cold sore on your lip. Pharmacy medications or traditional medicine will help.

Zelenka and fucorcin are very effective in combating this disease, but because of their coloring abilities, not every girl will risk applying them to rashes.

Then you can resort to the help of essential oils or antiviral ointments.

Essential oils

Esters are very effective as an anti-inflammatory agent, as they have powerful antiseptic and disinfectant properties. All this is thanks to the high concentration of vitamins, microelements and other beneficial substances in the composition. What oils are suitable for treating rashes before masking herpes on the lip:

  • Esters of coniferous plants: spruce, cedar, pine, fir. The most powerful of these is fir oil. And the sooner you start using it, the better. As soon as the first bells appear, you should begin to apply undiluted oil to the spots where the pulsation begins.
  • Tea tree oil is a well-known antiseptic with antiviral properties. It should be used topically, undiluted. It stops the development of inflammation by suppressing the virus.
  • Eucalyptus essential oil. It is also effective in the fight against herpes, especially during the period when the first symptoms appear. Works similarly to tea tree oil.
  • Melissa. Its oil works best in the earliest stages of the disease.

All of the oils listed can be used in their pure form. However, they can cause burns on very sensitive skin. In this case, they must be diluted with any vegetable oil: take 5 drops of ether for half a teaspoon of base.

Pharmacy products

Those who do not trust traditional medicine can be advised to purchase drugs such as Acyclovir, Zovirax, Panciclovir. These are topical antiviral agents that are created specifically for the treatment of herpes.

They can also prevent the appearance of blisters and reduce inflammation if you start using them as soon as the first signs of herpes appear.

Step 2: Disguise

Before covering up herpes on your lip with makeup, you need to apply antiviral ointment. This will prevent the infection from spreading further.

Then you can start applying makeup:

  1. First of all, the skin around the wound and the rash itself must be moisturized. A light cream or gel is suitable for this.
  2. Apply foundation to entire face, including lips.
  3. Use a concealer to hide particularly noticeable elements.
  4. Powder.
  5. Apply lipstick to your lips.
  6. Apply eye shadow and mascara to your eyes.

The emphasis is best placed on the eyes to divert attention from the lips. Lipstick should be chosen in natural shades. Firstly, nude shades stand out less. Secondly, bright colors, glossy, pearlescent, have the ability to highlight all the flaws, and they also attract attention.

How to hide herpes on the lip with makeup. Photos before and after.

The right cosmetics for herpes

Concealment products should not be greasy. In such a nutrient medium, microorganisms multiply well, but in case of a viral infection this is completely useless.

It's good if you have products for problem skin. They have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. This will help relieve unpleasant symptoms and prevent viruses from spreading.


The herpes virus is highly contagious. When applying makeup, do not allow it to get into the cosmetics. Therefore, it is very important to comply with a number of requirements:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Place a small amount of foundation needed for makeup in a separate container.
  • change after each touch to the skin. That is, if you powdered your lips with a brush, you cannot use it to pick up the product from the palette. This is necessary so as not to introduce a virus into the jar. If the powder is crumbly, you can simply take a small amount into a separate container.
  • The same goes for lipstick. You can't run it over your lips. It is better to take brushes or cotton swabs and change them.
  • Wash all brushes in a disinfectant solution after use.

How to remove makeup

Very carefully, using cotton pads, remove makeup using a special product. The discs must be changed every time to avoid spreading the infection. Then wipe your face with toner. Treat herpetic rashes with special means.

How to prevent herpes from appearing

In order not to constantly rack your brains about how to disguise herpes on the lip, you should take care of your health. To do this, you just need to avoid stressful situations and strengthen your immune system. and also observe the rules of personal hygiene.

At the first sign of infection, take emergency measures immediately.

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Several ways to disguise herpes on the lip


Herpes on the lips is a common problem among those who have reduced immunity due to stress, hypothermia, or, conversely, overheating in the sun. It appears gradually, first the lips swell, then a slight burning and itching appears, and finally an ulcer appears in the form of small bubbles with transparent contents on the inflamed area.

You can try to prevent the herpes virus even at the stage of swelling if you apply Zovirax, Acyclovir or Panciclovir cream 5 times a day for 24 hours. If this does not help and the ulcer pops up, it is recommended to immediately cauterize it with alcohol, brilliant green or iodine until a crust forms. The crust cannot be peeled off; it should fall off on its own over time.

To soften the skin of your lips a little and relieve inflammation, you can wipe them with a cotton pad dipped in a warm decoction of chamomile, mint, St. John's wort and sage. These herbs have medicinal and antiseptic effects.

If possible, smear the ulcers on your lips several times a day with Alpizarin ointment or Bonaft. Of course, these drugs will not help immediately, but at least they will speed up the healing process of the lips.

An ulcer on the lips will be quite noticeable if it is not masked, so use decorative cosmetics (foundation, powder and lipstick). Before applying lipstick, take an ice cube out of the refrigerator and apply it to the sore area. Then blot your lips with a sterile napkin and cotton swabs soaked in a solution of salicylic acid, and treat the damaged area. After this, you can already apply neutral beige lipstick.

In your makeup, focus on your eyes, and try to make your lips as matte and inconspicuous as possible. The right foundation and powder will help you with this. Before applying foundation and powder to your face and lips, do not forget to moisturize them so that folds and cracks do not form that are no less noticeable than the ulcer itself.

Please note that if you have a lip ulcer, everything should be disposable: face towel, cup, cutlery and even cosmetics. After recovery, you are unlikely to want to use the same lipstick that you used to disguise herpes, and this is fraught with its reappearance.

Modern scientists know more than 200 types of herpes. It is considered the most well-known.

This disease causes both physical and psychological discomfort and makes a person ashamed of his appearance.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly disguise herpes on the lip so as not to harm your health.

Can I use cosmetics?

Herpes is manifested by itching, redness and swelling. appear, inside of which there is liquid. This liquid contains billions of viral particles.

It is very important to prevent their spread to healthy areas of the skin. Therefore, at the early stage of the appearance of the virus, when it has just formed, you should not use decorative cosmetics.

But if it is necessary to disguise, then you should use exclusively low-fat products. Fatty components are a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

What to cover with?

At the initial stage of the appearance of herpes, it should be dried using pharmaceutical medications or.

Observing the rules of personal hygiene and properly selected products for treatment and care of the affected skin will help you cope with this unpleasant disease.

Herpes is a virus that appears when the immune system is weakened, manifesting itself in the form of inflammation on the lips. It brings many psychological problems, is not aesthetically pleasing and spoils the appearance. If the disease appears, you can reduce the discomfort and try to disguise the herpes on the lip.

Herpes appears when immunity decreases and is transmitted from a patient to a healthy person by contact and airborne droplets. The virus can appear in early childhood and remain in the body forever. With a decrease in immunity, it begins to manifest itself in the form of damage to areas of the skin, tissues, and mucous membranes. If you start treatment, you can avoid the occurrence of inflammation. There are many types of herpes viruses and places of their localization; most often colds appear on the lips and nasal mucosa. This is a serious disease that requires treatment and prevention.

How to disguise with cosmetics

Bubbles, ulcers and swelling are clearly visible. It is better not to resort to using cosmetics and wait until the symptoms disappear. Sometimes you need to look perfect - for a successful photo or going on a date. In this case, try to disguise the rash.

  • First, cool the inflamed area and treat with salicylic acid.
  • Moisten the healthy area with cream.
  • If herpetic rashes extend beyond the lips, use foundation. Apply moisturizer first, then foundation, all over your skin. Use the shading technique to avoid focusing on the affected area and to even out the tone.
  • Apply lipstick to your lips. Choose light or nude shades.
  • Apply with cotton swabs, pads or decorative brushes to prevent the possibility of infection.
  • Powder the top of the wound to make it less noticeable.
  • Focus on the eyes. This will help distract attention from the inflammation.
  • Don’t forget to wash off your makeup before going to bed and treat the inflammation with medications (Zovirax or acyclovir).
  • If there are consequences in the form of scars, apply sunscreen before each time you go outside. It is more difficult to disguise scars that are light from the sun.

What products are best to use?

Decorative cosmetics will help cover up a cold. The main assistant is lipstick, preferably matte, in natural shades. Refrain from using dark, bright, rich or saturated colors, glosses or pearlescent lipsticks. They will make the disease more noticeable and highlight flaws. Avoid lip liner. He focuses on the swelling. Foundation will help to cover dark areas; apply it with your finger and lightly blend.

You can hide herpes with 1-2 drops of concealer. Use a shade that is 1 tone lighter than your skin, apply to the affected area, and apply lipstick on top.

Try to apply products using a synthetic brush; after completing the procedure, wash it thoroughly with mild liquid soap and wipe with an alcohol-containing disinfectant to prevent infection from getting into the cosmetics.

Mistakes when hiding cold sores on your lips

  • Don't try to quickly hide a cold on your lip. In the early stages of the disease, an infection can be introduced along with cosmetics. And the virus can spread to a healthy part of the face. Try to relieve inflammation first with a decoction of chamomile or mint.
  • During the first 24 hours, apply the cream 5 times a day, every 4 hours. Use medications that kill the infection.
  • Treat the bubbles with an antiseptic. You can use folk remedies: hydrogen peroxide, tea tree oil. Continue cauterizing the sores until a crust appears. Do not remove it yourself, this will cause scarring.
  • Use oil-free moisturizers.
  • Read the ingredients of cosmetic products carefully. They should not contain extracts of exotic plants. Useful ingredients: chamomile, nettle, burdock.
  • Maintain good hygiene.

It is not always possible to hide a cold on your lip with makeup. You need to take care to permanently remove herpes from the lips; the factors for curing a cold will be taking tests, taking antiviral drugs, and resting at home.
