How to become a better person and find a man. How to find your man: step-by-step instructions

Each person has his own ideal of a soul mate and these are not at all external parameters, although for many they are also very important.

As a rule, the ideal or dream man living in the imagination is endowed with internal qualities, has certain character traits, type of behavior and lifestyle.

Fortunately, the man of your dreams can take on very real outlines, and therefore it is even useful to carefully think through the image young man, which you are waiting for in your life.

IN Lately All more people begin to understand amazing power words and thoughts that are truly material. And the more detailed we desire a certain object, the greater our chances of successfully realizing our plans.

Is it possible to meet in real life the man of your dreams?

The answer is definitely yes! However, it should be remembered that nothing is given into one’s hands just like that. magic wand, in any business you need to make an effort and then the result will not be long in coming.

If you are ready to meet the man of your dreams, then you must be ready and change yourself so that the dream is successfully realized and becomes a reality.

First of all, you need to carefully analyze your past relationships with men, this will help you understand where mistakes were made and how you can avoid them.

At the same time, it is important to be as objective as possible, and not to shift all the blame for a failed relationship onto the man, because in some situations it was also your fault. Only this approach will help you draw appropriate conclusions, which in turn will increase your chances of meeting the ideal man.

What to do

Psychologists advise first of all to understand yourself, your feelings and desires. It is important to understand what kind of man you need, what you expect from this relationship and how you see your future together.

You need to mentally draw not only external image person, although for many this point is not important, and therefore you can safely skip it.

It is much more important to give mental image internal qualities. Think about what your character should be ideal man, virtues, interests and hobbies in life, is no less important social status, as well as his relation to controversial issues In your opinion.

Also think about his shortcomings, which you are willing to put up with, because there are no ideal people, you should not forget about this. Specify the features and negative sides, which you are not ready to put up with and completely discard.

This is a very important point, since one flaw can cancel out all the advantages that your dream man has.

Alternatively, you can make a list containing the key features and traits of an ideal man. It is important to always scroll this image in your head. However, be prepared to make changes; you may have to adjust some points or radically change them.

It is very important not to get hung up on the list and the search for your prince; let fate present you with this gift at one of the unexpected moments. In addition, it is important to move away from stereotypes, for example, “rich and handsome”, “generous and smart”.

The word rich can easily be replaced by the word promising, and beauty, as you know, is not measured with the right features face, but by the presence of charisma and charm. It is worth remembering that appearances are deceptive, and a person should be judged by his actions, and not by his external signs and words.

Sometimes a humble history teacher can make a woman happier than a businessman who is constantly absent from work and pays virtually no attention.

Advice from psychologists

Psychologists give very important advice, despite its banality - always remain yourself. Of course, if you like to pick your nose or antics, this is unlikely to help you find the man of your dreams. You need to understand that men also have their own ideas about the ideal woman and it may happen that you, with all your shortcomings, as it seems to you, may turn out to be a completely suitable option for his criteria.

However, there are a number universal advice, how to behave with men to attract their attention. There is no need to actively demonstrate your independence or refuse help. A real man always wants to be a knight for his lady, protect her from various troubles, take on hard work and caring for the family.

If it turns out that there is no place in your life for new acquaintances and meetings, because your usual route work-home-work has been worked out for years, don’t hesitate to ask your friends for help. Surely each of them has a man in mind that they would be willing to introduce you to.

In addition, acquaintance and communication in comfortable environment will allow you to open up and demonstrate your best qualities, and at the same time take a better look at the potential chosen one. And the opinions of friends, as a rule, play an important role.

The chances of meeting the man of your dreams increase several times if you free time spend outside the home. Don't be afraid to start new life, bring more colors to it, positive emotions and new acquaintances. It is important to be able to enjoy life and then positive moments will be attracted into your life and will bring with them many new impressions and perhaps a meeting with your soulmate.

You have long wanted to sign up for dancing or study the art of photography, go for it! This will not only allow you to find and discover new qualities in yourself, but will also significantly expand your social circle, which in turn can lead to new interesting acquaintances.

Alternatively, you could consider extreme sports or skydiving. According to psychologists, the resulting adrenaline will help awaken a thirst for life, which in turn will make any woman more attractive in the eyes of a man.

What is important to understand

It is very important not only to find the man of your dreams, but also to become for him ideal woman. Of course, everyone is simply obliged to take care of themselves a real lady, that's just knowledge fashion trends and the ability to identify the components of a perfume by aroma are unlikely to surprise or attract the attention of men. It is very important to be able to play on his field.

To do this, it would not be amiss to, at least in theory, get acquainted with male interests, types of sports. If you decide to gain this knowledge in practice, then your chances of real meeting with an ideal man will increase significantly.

To do this, you can enroll in computer or driving courses, Gym or go to a football match. It is not at all necessary to become a racer, a programmer or an out-and-out football fan, especially since a man has a natural desire to surpass a woman, especially in masculine matters.

One of the most important points to find your dream man - not to sit at home all the time within four walls. You need to be able to make the most of every opportunity to leave the house.

It doesn’t have to be exciting parties or get-togethers at a bar with friends; you shouldn’t refuse any offers, an excursion, a picnic with your family, or a trip to the country.

After all, no one can know where exactly the handsome prince is waiting; perhaps you will meet him in the corner store when you go out to buy bread.

In any endeavor, faith and effort are important to achieve maximum results. Do not despair if the prince has not yet appeared over the horizon, because this could happen in the next minute. The main thing is to be confident in yourself, open to new acquaintances and amazing adventures.

At the same time, remember that you deserve the best! You shouldn’t carry on boring conversations or finish reading an uninteresting book; know how to stop and say no to what doesn’t bring you pleasure. By learning to understand and listen to yourself, your chances of being happy will increase significantly.

Life is too short to waste time on trifles, to spend time communicating with unpleasant people or alone, suffering from thoughts that luck is not on your side. It is necessary to learn to perceive every free minute in a completely different way, with positive side and use this time for your benefit, for example, for your development.

This approach will undoubtedly bring results in the future, leaving sad thoughts and vain searches behind, you will boldly go towards a new happy life hand in hand with a man who is worthy of you and meets all your expectations.

Adalind Koss

Every girl dreams of meeting the ideal man. But to make such dreams come true, to bring them to life - difficult task. There is no guarantee that you will find it, but there are some steps that are taken in the search.

Your friend's ideal man will not necessarily be the man of your own dreams. There are points between people that, when they touch, make it clear on a subconscious level that it is worth staying together.

What is he like, the ideal man?

The desire to combine what does not go together is a problem that stands in the way of creating harmonious relations most women. In their search for the ideal man, women often want to achieve the impossible, to find a superman. We want the man to be the leader in the couple, but at the same time fulfill all the whims; , but also paid attention around the clock; knew how to defend his own opinion, but at the same time agreed with us on all issues.

Every girl has a list of qualities in her mind that the man of her dreams possesses. Most often, when choosing a couple, a lot of attention is paid to his position in society, personality traits, hobbies, and social circle. But it is worth understanding that it is almost impossible to meet a man endowed with all such qualities.

This doesn't mean you should give up on your dreams and date the first guy you come across. The point here is that you will need to filter out some of the requirements for choosing a man. In other words, you need to determine for yourself what qualities play big role, they must exist, and which ones do not matter. Please note that the more important qualities exhibit, thus fewer men fits the constructed image of the ideal.

Moreover, at the same time, other ladies, who are not so picky in their choice, with their positive responses reduce the number of men who are free for relationships. It is more correct to assume that the sooner you give up categoricalness, the more choice you will get.

It must be remembered that along with the main qualities, other features will not be so pronounced, or will be completely invisible. The guy might have characteristics only one person. People cannot combine the traits of different people in one personality.

If you want a relationship with a careerist, then it’s stupid to expect meetings every day and calls every 10 minutes. There are 24 hours in a day. The ladies don’t remember this and make claims against the guy, accusing him of selfishness and inattention. Although at first the lady was ready to start a family with this man. There are not many ways out of the situation. A man will give up his career for a woman, but in this case, he will lose his attractiveness, because it was his position and position that were important to the woman. The most common option is when a man gets bored constant complaints, and he breaks off the relationship.

Creating the image of an ideal man

Clarity is a force that will make it easier to find your loved one. For a thorough and accurate search, create an image of a man, determine who you need. To get started, write a wish list or “wish-list”. This exercise helps to structure requests, understand what is important and what is not so important. Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Remember how you used to write letters to Santa Claus and believe in miracles. Now write everything you like about the image. best man what features it should have:

start with your communication style;
go to appearance;
describe your occupation and income;
determine what goals the ideal man from your dreams should have: career, family, etc.;
describe character and personality;
define family values.

It is important to think through each point so as not to miss something important. The more accurately you work, the sooner you will get the result. In the list, highlight exactly those qualities that play the most important role.

Now draw a portrait of the prince. This will help bring the image to life. Remember all the nuances and features: accessories, jewelry, hairstyle, clothes.

Another serious point. You will need to create an image of a man with whom you never want to be close. Remember all your experience, write those qualities and traits that irritate you. And when you meet potential soul mates, test them through this list.

Now imagine that the man of your dreams is already nearby, that you will meet him very soon, get ready for this. First, clean up your personal life and give up relationships that have no prospects. Moreover, in addition to right thoughts go to action: buy beautiful underwear, buy new slippers for guests, a cup, free up your space for your future man, etc.

Mindset Setting

In finding and creating the image of the guy of your dreams, adjusting your own thinking is important:

understand yourself. It is important to realize your true desires and distinguish them from the expectations of others. It is important to be honest with yourself about your own shortcomings. You will have to find a man who will consider them unimportant, but will appreciate your advantages. If you have truly known yourself, then you are ready to meet the person of your dreams. If you know about your shortcomings and are ready to correct them, then you can easily cope with the problems that arise in relationships;
don't expect perfection. If you find it, great. But remember that you yourself are not perfect, no one in the world is perfect. If you are looking for a 100% perfect man, you will end up alone. It is important to be able to forgive mistakes and habits that do not have key value. If you expect the ideal, then you are making too high demands;
find happiness in solitude. If you want to get ready to find the guy of your dreams, then you need to be happy with yourself. It's important to feel well-rounded developed personality, your life improves with the advent of your soul mate, not complements it. Every woman’s life should have meaning even without a man - work, friendship, interests. To grow as a person and meet the man of your dreams, you will need to find time for yourself, for your interests;

love yourself. This is a serious moment. If you are looking for the perfect man, it is important for you to love yourself. This does not mean that you will need to engage in narcissism, but you must like yourself, know your own shortcomings, understand yourself. You shouldn't brag about how special you are. Remember this in your soul;
gaining experience. Yes, you will need to gain some experience. This will make it clear what you require before you find “your ideal one.” It happens that the man of your dreams comes your way immediately after graduating from school or university, but most likely you will have to go through some disappointments. Dating with the opposite sex will help you gain a better understanding suitable type for relationships. Don't date people you definitely don't like. But communicate with different people, leave your comfort zone. Samples will help you realize that finding the man of your dreams is not easy.

How to find the guy of your dreams

If you still don’t understand how to find the guy of your dreams, then you should realize that you have to become a girl. What kind of guys are you interested in? Which distinctive features do they have? To attract a perfect man, you yourself will have to have characteristics that attract the opposite sex, and specifically the man of your own dreams. In addition, note the traits that can help you. If you are a homebody, then you will become happy with someone who loves home and housework.

Become active, find yourself a hobby, maybe several. If you start a new business and start looking for yourself, you will certainly meet many new people who have the same interests as you. This increases the chance of meeting an ideal. If you don't have a hobby, then find the hidden talents in yourself. There are special trainings that help to reveal important aspects of personality, to understand oneself, to find golden mean, time for yourself.

The first impression never deceives. It should be positive. You don't necessarily need to be dressed appropriately latest fashion, but it is important to look after yourself, or try to find a man with a similar character. Friendliness plays a serious role in creating relationships. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation first, say nice things to men, but without flattery. Smile more, not only at potential boyfriends, but at everyone around you.

How to spot the man of your dreams

It happens that a woman, when choosing the image she wants to meet, does not know how to spot the man of her dreams. She rejects all attempts from men who... Often ladies come up with all the nuances, right down to height and eye color. Long time Such women are left alone, I don’t understand why there is no “decent” man nearby.

There is a possibility that if you get carried away with turning men off, a girl will also refuse those who fit the created image of the ideal. After all, it is difficult to determine at first glance what kind of person you have met.

Of course, there are men, at first glance it becomes clear that this is not the same one. But such personalities are rarely encountered along the way. And if a man has a non-obnoxious type, then give him a chance. Chat, get to know him, go on a date, because this is the only way to find the love of your life and find happiness.

It is worth realizing that you will need to spend a lot of time searching for the ideal man. Disappointments, failures and mistakes are inevitable. But, taking away something important from communication with each man, you will understand what plays a serious role in your character, what qualities are intolerant, what you can put up with and what you can’t.

If you have a clear understanding of what the ideal man is for you, if you exclude incompatible requirements for perfect guy, you will understand that he is interested in what she is doing, is passionate about - you will certainly find the man of your dreams and find happiness and.

The main thing is to follow these tips and not deviate from the intended path. Highlight your main qualities and traits. This will help you quickly attract the man of your dreams and meet your own ideal.

February 3, 2014

This is just a legend, but in fact, people are looking for and extremely rarely find the person of their dreams, with whom they would like to live their whole lives.

The man of your dreams - what is he like?

Before you look for the man of your dreams, you should decide on the image of this dream. Some ladies want to see next to them a strong and powerful man who will fulfill all their whims and desires. But that doesn’t happen. A person is either powerful or he is not. If your ideal man fulfills your every whim, then he will never become a leader in the relationship. Get ready to decide all the important things family issues You will have to do it yourself - from what to cook for dinner to questions such as which apartment to buy. If the man of your dreams is the leader in the relationship, then get ready for the fact that he will decide everything in the family. The maximum you will be left with is to choose the color of the wallpaper in the living room.

But if you have a completely acceptable list of qualities that the man of your dreams should have, then your desire is quite feasible. In this case, you should remove it from your eyes. pink glasses and look at life realistically - it is impossible to find someone who will be kind, faithful, thrifty, strong, understanding and 100 other similar epithets. It is worth identifying a few main qualities for yourself and focusing on them.

Where to find your soul mate

To find the man of your dreams, you should determine the main qualities that he will possess. In general, all men can be divided into two types – family men and bachelors.

This does not mean that the family man has been married for a long time. Such men can never do it at all. They just lead a quiet and calm lifestyle. They do not strive for large crowds of people. Such men prefer quiet evenings in a circle of close friends. You can find them in a cafe near work, where they have lunch, perhaps at an exhibition or in a museum, and occasionally in the evening in a pub or restaurant. But most often such men are registered on a dating site.

Bachelors lead a cheerful and carefree lifestyle. Such men are rarely alone; as a rule, they are accompanied by a lady. It is difficult to create a couple with such a man. In most cases, all you can hope for is a whirlwind but fleeting romance. But meeting such a man is much easier than meeting a family man. Bachelors make contact more easily, and a couple of glances and a smile will be enough to get acquainted.

How to find the man of your dreams

Quite often, especially in at a young age, girls reject fans only because their eye color does not match or they are not tall enough. But some of the rejected guys are quite consistent in character with the image of the dream. You shouldn’t reject all your fans so quickly. To begin with, you can simply make an acquaintance. After all, at first glance it is impossible to determine whether this is the right person. A person’s character is revealed by his outlook on life. Of course have Great chance the fact that even if you communicate with a person for many years, you will not recognize him, but there is nothing you can do about it - there are such secretive specimens.

In general, sometimes you have to spend most of your life trying to find the man of your dreams. Women who search and do not find their ideal are left alone. So you shouldn’t select men based on too strict criteria. Sometimes it happens that at first and even at second glance you do not understand that this is your love, and it passes by.

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Many people want to find the person of their dreams, but not everyone has this desire come true. If you still haven't found your soulmate, don't blame everything on your appearance or character. Most likely, you just had to look a little differently.


When looking for your ideal person Many people make a common mistake. They are looking for themselves without knowing whom. And that’s why they sometimes choose the first option they come across, thinking that they won’t be able to meet anyone better. And what happens as a result? Failed, destroyed, abandoned children. Not the most complete love story, is not it? Therefore, there is only one conclusion here: you need to approach the choice of your soulmate very responsibly and seriously and not sit idly by.

First of all, ask yourself a few questions: “What kind of person do you need? Who would you like to see next to you? Who would you like to spend your whole life with? - and answer them. But this is not necessary over a cup of coffee in the morning, on the way to work, or during a lunch break. Try to set aside a time when nothing interferes or distracts you. By the way, it is best to think before going to bed, when you are left alone with your thoughts. Ask yourself these questions again, and also try to imagine the image of your ideal. Moreover, you should not imagine the appearance, but the internal, spiritual qualities. Think about it: your ideal life partner should have character, manners, communication style, what to do, what, how to relate to life. Hair, eye, and skin color do not have to be included in this list. Believe me, if you really meet the person of your dreams, then his facial features, manner of dressing, etc. will be indifferent to you. Well, if these factors still matter to you great importance, do not forget that shops, hairdressers and beauty salons exist for a reason.

Finding the man of your dreams is not easy if you do nothing for it, but just wait for happiness to fall on your head. But it’s not that difficult; you know what to do and how to do it. We offer you step-by-step instructions on how to move forward along this path.

1. Indicate the goal - “I want to find a man who suits me.”

If you're tired of loneliness, if you don't have enough loved one, if you want to be close to the Man of Your Dreams, take the first step: admit to yourself that you really want this.

2. Describe YOUR Ideal Man

Make this as detailed as possible. You can entrust your list to paper or tell best friend(preferably a pillow). This description must be either written or spoken out loud. Mental recitation is not suitable.

Imagine his appearance, temperament, education. Start with eye color, hair length, voice tone. Try to imagine how he lived before you, try to imagine his family, his social circle. What are his interests, what could you do together in your free time? Imagine that you are on desert island. How could he behave to make you admire him? How should he even treat you? What about those around you? Should he have a sense of humor, or should he be strict and serious? Don't forget about his attitude towards your hobbies and life values. How will you raise your children? Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, you also need to think about this right now.

You must know exactly who your Ideal Man is. And if you know this for sure, then HE will not keep you waiting long. Just take my word for it. Better yet, check it out...

3. Imagine the image of a girl who might be interested in such a man?

Imagine him in as much detail as the image of your Ideal Man. How does this girl's image match yours? If something needs to be adjusted, do it as soon as possible! Remember that you will never have the chance to make a first impression a second time!

Have you been thinking for a long time that it would be nice to lose a few kilograms? Now is the time to do this. Just don’t put it off until tomorrow, or even Monday. “Tomorrow” will never come anyway, and for some reason Monday is always postponed to next week. Clearly write down in your diary that “On June 22, 2016, I’m going to buy a subscription to the fitness club” - and follow this note strictly.

If it's not just a matter of extra pounds, and you generally feel insecure, go to the appropriate training. If you think that you lack style, contact a specialist, or just a friend who, in your opinion, always looks impeccable, and ask her to help you or give some recommendations. Believe me, people usually like to feel needed and important for someone, so if you sincerely express your admiration, you will not be refused.

4. Think about where you can meet YOUR Ideal Man?

If you love beautiful and healthy people, congratulate yourself, you already have two reasons to sign up for a good fitness club. If we like intellectuals, we go to exhibitions or bookstores. By the way, in bookstores Nowadays it’s very convenient to get acquainted while leafing through a book in the hall at a table, or sipping a strawberry mojito in a local cafe. Tall cabinets and ladders that need to be moved to the desired section are ideal for casual dating. Just choose the guy you like and ask him to help you climb this terribly heavy and uncomfortable ladder to get the book you need. While he is holding the ladder and feeling like a gentleman, don’t miss the moment to show him all the charms of your figure. Don't skimp on your gratitude, show off your most beautiful smile.

5. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Expand your social circle, lead active life. May there be many new and bright people around you. If you interesting job– sign up for courses that will help you move up a step in your career career ladder. Thus, you will not only make new acquaintances, but also improve your material well-being. If work brings more money than joy, you are welcome to psychological trainings. By the way, sometimes you can meet very interesting, well-educated and unmarried men there.

You can also go to a driving school (if you already have a license, then go to an extreme driving school), go diving, horse riding, and who knows what? The main thing is to communicate, and not necessarily only with men. Meet women - they will definitely have male friends, brothers, sons or nephews with whom they will be happy to introduce such a girl who is pleasant in all respects.

6. Develop.

We live in a world where everything “boils, sizzles, and bubbles.” The future belongs to those who do not stand still, but are ready to learn, improve their level of knowledge, professional skills, develop your abilities. Believe me, it's never too late to start doing this. Read more (don't forget about audio books, this excellent remedy don’t be nervous in traffic jams), stay up to date with sensational premieres in the world of cinema and theater. Education and intelligence have a very big impact on your image. When you feel confident, you look more attractive.

7. Be optimistic.

Now it’s no secret to anyone that our thoughts are material. Successful people have positive thinking. Remember that the world is the way we imagine it.

Having familiarized yourself with the proposed instructions, you now know where to start in order to meet the Man of Your Dreams. So start taking action right now! Set up your future for a happy meeting with HIM!

A person is happy when he moves towards his goal! And the goal in LOVE-Coaching is happiness in your personal life. The path to happiness is not always easy, but those who overcome it receive the main prize - the love of the man of their dreams!

Rule number one: Know your goal! First, you need to clearly imagine what kind of man is capable of truly making you happy.

Rule number two: Make a Decision! Understand what kind of woman matches him, and from now on, decide to improve yourself!

Rule number three: Take action! This is logical!

Sit down, take an A4 piece of paper and try to describe your future lover as accurately as possible (as if you were placing an order from the Universe). Describe it in detail in four categories:
Its anatomical and physical characteristics: appearance, height, weight, health, sexual potential, food preferences, attitude to sports, clothing style, etc.
His character: temperament, relationships with friends, most positive traits, some negative, etc.
His social status: profession, financial position, attitude towards money. How do you spend your free time? Hobby. Trips. Attitude towards shopping, etc.
His attitude towards you: How should he show feelings for you so that you understand that you are desired and loved? What does he appreciate and love about you? What am I willing to do for you? Jealousy. Present. Tenderness. What do you like to do together? What traditions will you have? What should he do towards you and what should he never do? If he quarrels, then how? How does one make amends? His attitude towards family and children. And why does he even need a relationship with you?

Now use your imagination and imagine a visual image of a man(for a few seconds, the first one that came to mind) with each of the written characteristics separately. Make this quality somewhat exaggerated, bright, and the rest secondary and not expressed. For example, you wrote “generous” - so construct in your imagination a person who is incredibly generous, but not too rich and handsome.

Then put a number next to each characteristic of a man- the degree of importance of this quality for you according to a ten-point system. When assessing, rely on your internal sensations that arose when you fantasized.

We choose a partner with our hearts, and the degree of satisfaction with the relationship will depend on our internal (often unconscious) ideas and images.

Now make a list of 10-30 characteristics of your future partner, which scored the highest rating. Write them out to right side A4 sheet.

And on the left, after thinking logically, write the female characteristics corresponding to each item separately, that is, make a list of qualities that should be inherent in the Woman of his dreams. The one who can captivate him, be necessary and interesting to him. Read also: For example, if you wrote “beautiful”, write “beautiful” on the left. He is a “gourmet” - she is an “excellent cook.” He is interested in golf, which means he will be interested in a girl who is also interested in golf or knows how to carry on a conversation on this topic... Etc. Be guided by logic and do not forget about the principle of mutually beneficial exchange and complementary abilities.

After this, place in front of each female characteristics score from one to ten how much this quality is inherent in you. Be honest with yourself!

Now you have a plan for self-improvement, but before you start working on yourself and looking for a young man who meets all your needs, soberly assess the situation. Are such men found in the wild and how often do they occur?

Our desires are often dictated by the stereotypes of society and are contradictory, essentially limitless in content, often we want everything at once. As Karen Horney wrote: “ The partner must be strong and at the same time helpless, lead and be led, be ascetic and sensual. He must rape us and be gentle, give us all his time and work hard creative work ”. Refer to your experience: remember your past connections

What did you like and what didn’t you like about the man? What was missing in this relationship? How did your partners match your list? Why did you choose this partner then? When and why were you happy in that relationship? What are your real, not imaginary, material and moral needs?

You may want to adjust the list - do so! Now you can change the requirements for yourself. Start already with tomorrow for your future lover.

Before you manage your dreams, learn to manage yourself!

Compose daily plan from 3-5 points of your specific actions (diet, sports, a new style, new knowledge, habits...) As they say, don’t be born beautiful, but be born active!

Understanding what He is like, the Man of your Dreams, ask yourself: Where are such men found? Write a list of 10 places - look there! Regularly!

By the way, be sure to include dating sites in your list. Now great amount successful dating happen thanks to him. Just be patient! Patience is the greatest wisdom! Finding the man of your dreams should bring pleasure and inspire you to become better, so that one day when you meet Him, he will not pass by, but will want to become your Beloved at all costs and make you happy!

Advice-Exercise. Test: How much are you interesting person?

Do you consider yourself a versatile and interesting person? Let's check it out. Please answer for yourself next questions:

  • What are your favorite books? Why are they worth reading?
  • What are your favorite movies? Why are they worth watching?
  • What aphorisms and sayings do you remember? How have they influenced your life?
  • Favorite parables, legends?
  • What are your signature dishes?
  • Favorite jokes, funny phrases?
  • What kind of music do you listen to?
  • 2-3 interesting stories that happened to you in life


There is nothing sadder than the life of women who only knew how to be beautiful. B. Fontenelle


Why are you looking at me like that? - I'm trying to understand what I found in you? - What others have lost!

To the girl’s question: “How many men have you had?”, she answered honestly, hand on heart: “Not a single one. But mu&acoooo...!!!”
