How to remove resin from hair: a difficult but solvable task. Methods for removing resin from the scalp

What could be more unpleasant than finding a viscous substance in your hair after a trip to the forest - resin? The situation, of course, is not easy, but fixable. You can go to the hairdresser - this option is for those who do not mind changing their hairstyle. Or when only the ends of the hair stuck together, cut them without regret and at the same time trim the split strands. And how to remove resin from hair if a haircut is excluded? In any case, there is a way out, just do not make hasty decisions. Having found a sticky mass in the hair, the first thing to do is to separate the stuck hairs, capturing them with a piece of cellophane, from the undamaged ones.

Essentials for removing tar from hair

Arriving home, you need to prepare all the improvised means that you may need so as not to be too nervous at the most inopportune moment. These include ice, vegetable oil, turpentine, soda, solvent or nail polish remover, shampoo. One thing will not help - you can immediately try something else.

Methods for removing resin from hair

  • First you need to try to simply divide the curls into smaller strands and carefully comb each one with a comb with fine teeth. If you can't do it, then you need to proceed to the next step.
  • In case of damage by small resin drops, it is enough to wash your hair in hot water with the addition of baking soda: 2-3 tablespoons of soda per 0.5 ml of water, dissolve well. Repeat the procedure several times until the sticky mixture is completely removed. The method is time-tested and really effective.
  • It is necessary to take into account the type of hair. Thin curls should first be generously lubricated with vegetable oil, then carefully combed out with a comb. The final touch is the usual shampooing. The oil will wash out easily if there are no pieces of resin left.
  • Thick hair is best saved in other ways. An ice compress will help. A piece of ice should be applied to the glued hair, the frozen resin should be crushed, pulling out each of its particles with your hands. After that, wash your hair with soap.
  • Coniferous resin is well split by medical alcohol, kerosene and turpentine. These drugs will not cause any harm to the hair if you drop the liquid on a cotton pad and apply it to the adhesive mass until completely dissolved. Vodka in this case will not help, despite the alcohol content.
  • The next method is not very aesthetic, but the resin in the hair will disappear without a trace when using a thinner, mineral spirits, and even nail polish remover. Extreme care is required here so as not to get burns on the scalp. Therefore, it is recommended to drip with a pipette on the resinous areas.
  • Similarly to the previous recipe, the use of gasoline is proposed. After this procedure, the hair should be washed with water and shampoo until the unpleasant odor disappears completely. But it is still better to try more gentle methods several times than to use solvent-based preparations once.
  • Resin in the hair is well removed with a hair dryer. Especially if it has already hardened. Contaminated areas are heated until the substance becomes a sticky mass. With a rag, you need to remove the main part, and continue to heat the rest using a nozzle with frequent teeth. All resin particles will be completely cleaned, you don’t even have to wash your hair.

Whichever method is chosen, it is advisable not to fight the whole stain at once, but to divide the hair into small strands and process each separately until all the hairs are cleared. You can make the task easier by asking for help from those close to you. In the event that the problem is still very serious and it cannot be solved at home, you should contact the hairdresser for help from a master who will certainly tell you how to remove the resin from your hair.

Few things can compare with a walk in a pure coniferous forest, which smells of cones and mushrooms. And no one will be able to deny themselves the pleasure of going to the Russian bath, hot and fragrant, with the aroma of a birch broom and resin droplets that have come out from the heat.

But both a walk among the pines and a good bath can lead to the same trouble, namely, tar in the hair. A sticky substance entangled in the strands can make life very difficult. Therefore, when this problem is detected, you need to decide how to remove the resin from the hair on your head. Fortunately, there are many ways, and everything you need for the procedure is in every home.

Vegetable oil

How to remove resin ? The most affordable remedy is vegetable oil, olive or sunflower. They need to generously lubricate the area with resin, and rub it into a tangled ball of hair. After a while, it will become more pliable, the resin will gradually begin to lag behind the hairs, then it must be carefully combed out with a fine-toothed comb.

After the resin has been removed, the head must be washed several times with shampoo to wash the oil from the hair. Then rinse your head with conditioner, which will make it easier to comb out tangled hair.

baby cream

Vegetable oils are not the only fat-containing product that can help deal with sap. How to remove resin from hair after a bath? For this purpose, a baby cream is perfect. And this is the most gentle, affordable and pleasant remedy. The cream smells good, it is hypoallergenic, softens the skin if particles of resin get on it and reduces irritation. It can be used by both adults and children.

Resin with the help of baby cream is removed as follows: the product is rubbed, and then brushed off the hair with a thick brush along with resin. Repeat the desired number of times, then wash off the remaining cream with soap.

How to remove resin from hair with other fat-containing products? This is done according to the same method, and peanut butter, mayonnaise, petroleum jelly, massage oil, body milk, etc. can be used as analogues.

"Coca Cola"

"Coca-Cola" is a very useful drink in the household. You can drink it, and clean the bath from rust, and rid the kettle of limescale. The activity of the drink is explained by its composition: carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid are present in Coca-Cola (by the way, it causes thirst, which makes it almost impossible to drink cola). The same components are found in other sweet sodas, such as Fanta or Sprite.

And it is they who will help get rid of resin in the hair. How to remove tar from hair with cola? To do this, prepare a solution: 0.5 l. soda for ½ tbsp. l. baking soda. Stir and lower the damaged strand into the solution for 10 minutes. Rinse hair thoroughly with shampoo.


The next method, how to remove resin from the hair on the head, is based on the use of turpentine. You just need to purchase a special purified one, which, unlike its technical counterpart, does not cause burns, irritation or redness on the skin. At the same time, it softens the resin well.

The recipe is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. dilute starch with 8 drops of high-purity turpentine and add 6 drops of ammonia. The resulting mixture is applied to the problem area, the resin softens and is combed out of the hair. Then the curls should be thoroughly washed with shampoo.


How to remove pine resin from hair Can I have some more? Acetone and substances containing it can cope well with a sticky substance. For example, nail polish remover. The procedure for working with acetone is as follows:

  1. Get out to a well-ventilated area.
  2. Apply some solvent to a cotton pad.
  3. Apply to resin for 5 seconds maximum.
  4. Clean off the resin with the same disc.
  5. Rinse hair well, with plenty of shampoo.

Acetone should not be used to remove tar from the hair of children or people with high solvent sensitivity. Also, this method can not be used by those who have diseases of the respiratory system. The solvent is strictly forbidden to open indoors, as its fumes are toxic.

Also in stores you can find solvents for epoxy resin - DMSO and DMF. Both will do well with tree resin, but it is absolutely impossible to use them to cleanse the hair and body! They are extremely dangerous and toxic.

In addition, you can not use SP-6 wash or any acid other than citric acid. These substances cause severe chemical burns!

Lemon acid

How to remove resin from hair with citric acid? It is the same chemical solvent, only softer and safer. In order to get rid of wood resin you need:

  1. Take a sponge and moisten it with warm water.
  2. Pour citric acid on a sponge.
  3. Wipe resin from hair.
  4. Rinse with warm water, rinse hair with shampoo.

Instead of citric acid powder and water, natural lemon juice can be used - it is applied to a cotton pad and the sticky substance is rubbed off.


The next method on how to remove resin from hair is to use ordinary alcohol. From strong alcohol, resin becomes soft and viscous, and it is easy to clean it off with a cloth or cotton pad. But vodka is not suitable for these purposes, since it contains an insufficient concentration of pure alcohol. Therefore, you need to purchase the usual 95% medical alcohol. And since it is now sold only by prescription, you can arm yourself with its analogue - formic alcohol. Or buy an old-style men's cologne - "Chipr" or "Russian Forest". They are still found in stores.

Alcohol is good because it softens the resin, and at the same time it quickly evaporates from the surface of the hair. It is also safe to use for both adults and children.

Cold and heat

How to remove tree resin from hair with heat or cold? The action of this technique is based on the fact that when cooled, the resin becomes hard and crumbles easily, and when heated, it flows like water, and can be easily removed with a cotton swab or towel. However, in reality this is quite difficult to achieve.

In order to get rid of the sticky substance, it is often suggested to use an iron: shift the stained strand between layers of clean fabric and iron it well. So the resin will spread and be absorbed. The method looks quite dangerous, since you will have to act with a heavy and hot object near your face. People with short hair, in principle, will not be able to use this method.

With the help of cold, it is also difficult to remove the resin: in order for the resin to harden, it must be placed in the freezer. If you try to cool it with pieces of ice, then it will never harden to such a state that it easily crumbles and leaves no traces.

So in theory, both methods are good, and they work well when you need to remove resin from clothes. But with hair it is better to use some other remedy.

Often, after a walk through a coniferous forest or after a bath, you can find viscous resin on your body, it is especially unpleasant to find it in your hair. Not everyone knows how to remove resin from hair, and in the absence of this information, the situation can become a real problem. It is not necessary to cut the affected area, there are several simple and effective ways to neutralize the sticky substance. You will learn about them from this article.

You can quickly and effectively deal with such a nuisance with improvised means. You will need:

  • fine-toothed comb;
  • alcohol;
  • solvent or gasoline;
  • nail polish remover;
  • acetone;
  • vegetable oil;
  • soda;
  • shampoo.

Depending on the amount of sticky mixture, the type and condition of your hair, it will also come in handy:

  • cotton pads;
  • hair dryer with comb attachment;
  • pipette;
  • cellophane film.

How to wash off the resin?

Before deciding how to wash the resin from the hair, isolate the stained strands from clean hair. To do this, use cellophane film:

  1. Dress your hair with resin.
  2. Lay the strands on cellophane.
  3. Start brushing your hair.

Method 1

Such a substance is well removed by the action of solvents such as alcohol, acetone or nail polish remover. Follow this step by step guide:

  1. Apply the product to a cotton pad.
  2. Wipe the resin, trying to come into contact with the hair as little as possible.
  3. Dress the cleaned strands by placing them under cellophane.
  4. Process until the sticky mass is completely gone.

Note: If you have the opportunity, ask someone to help you - so the process will go much faster. Try not to come into contact with the scalp, so as not to cause irritation.

Method 2

If the resin is frozen and there is a lot of it, then you will need a thinner or gasoline. Apply them like this:

  1. Using a pipette, apply a few drops to the desired areas.
  2. Avoid contact with hair or scalp.
  3. Wash your hair with shampoo several times.

What else can you do to remove resin from your hair?

There are less extreme methods for removing tar from hair. You can use them yourself, depending on what exactly is at hand.

Option 1

Fine hair can be easily cleaned with vegetable oil and a comb. This method will not damage them. For this:

  1. Abundantly moisten hair stained with resin, vegetable oil.
  2. Take a comb with fine teeth and comb the strands.
  3. Wash your hair with a simple shampoo.

Note: This option is not suitable for thick and coarse hair.

Option 2

A proven and effective method for solving the problem of how to remove resin from hair, which is highly efficient and speeds up the restoration of the attractiveness of your hair. The instruction is this:

  1. Dissolve 2 tbsp. soda in 400 ml of hot water.
  2. Rinse your hair in the solution several times.
  3. When traces of sticky mass disappear - wash with shampoo.

Option 3

The resin can be cooled and then it can be easily removed. For this:

  1. Prepare ice.
  2. Cover the stained area with ice.
  3. Wait until the viscous mass hardens.
  4. Break up the dried resin and remove it.
  5. Wash your hair in warm water with shampoo.

Option 4

If you have a hair dryer with a nozzle that has frequent teeth, use it. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. Heat individual contaminated strands with a hair dryer.
  2. Take a dry rag and wipe the area with the softened sticky mass.
  3. When you remove most of it in this way, comb the strands with a nozzle, while not turning off the hair dryer.
  4. Periodically clean the nozzle of the hair dryer from the resin.

Note: Those who solved the problem in this way claim that it is not necessary to wash your hair after it. A hair dryer with a nozzle completely cleans all sticky particles.

How to remove resin from a car?

After a car walk through the forest, resin can be found not only in the hair, but also on the surface of the car. Most often, such a nuisance is observed in hot weather. To quickly clean the car, there are a few simple solutions.

You will need such improvised and effective means:

  • drink "Sprite";
  • peanut butter;
  • petrol;
  • stain remover.

How to clean a car from tar?

Look at what you have available from the above tools, carefully read each method of their application and choose for yourself the one that seems more convenient and simple to you personally.

Solution 1

Drink "Sprite" is used to clean various contaminants, including it softens the resin well. There will be no problems with its acquisition - today it can be found in any store. Clean your car with it like this:

  1. Fill sticky spots with soda.
  2. Wait for the substance to take effect.
  3. Use a soft cloth to remove any residue.
  4. Wipe with a damp and then dry cloth to remove any remaining product.

Note: This option is only suitable for fresh traces, but if the resin has had time to harden, it will be ineffective. Choose a different solution to the problem than removing tar from the car.

Solution 2

Peanut oil and gasoline showed excellent results for rubbing coniferous Velcro from the surface of the car. Apply what you have available, proceeding as follows:

  1. Apply the product to contaminated areas.
  2. Leave on for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove resin elements with a cotton cloth.

Solution 3

If the tar contamination is serious and long-standing, you can remove it with a special stain remover for car surfaces. It is applied like this:

  1. Clean the surface from foreign contaminants and dust.
  2. Apply the product - suitable from any manufacturer you trust.
  3. Wait 2-3 minutes - the resin should soften and drain on its own.
  4. Remove any remaining stains with a cloth.
  5. Rinse the treated area with water.

Note: Usually such stain removers are very toxic, so take all precautions: work with gloves, a respirator and in the open air.


There are several ways to remove resin from hair after a walk in a coniferous forest. Simple but effective methods will allow you to cope with this problem on your own.

Resin in hair: preparatory work

First of all, separate the stuck together hair and place the strand on the cellophane film. This will keep the rest of the hairs from sticking together.

There are several simple ways to remove resin from hair.

To remove resin from hair, prepare:

  • scissors;
  • plastic combs with rare teeth;
  • vegetable oil;
  • baking soda;
  • chemical solvent: alcohol, acetone, kerosene, etc.

Shampoo and nourishing balm will remove the solvent remaining on the hair. You probably won't need all the funds. However, if there is a lot of resin on the curls, try several methods.

How to remove tar from hair

Ask family members to help you. If the resin gets on the ends of the hair, then simply cut this part of the hair with scissors. If cutting a strand ruins your hair, try the following methods.

For thin hair, comb out the resin with a plastic comb. Pre-lubricate the hairs around the adhered resin with vegetable oil. Another safe method is to remove with soda. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. baking soda in 300 ml of hot water. Rinse the contaminated strands with the resulting solution. Do this procedure several times.

Resin is easily removed if frozen. Cover the resin with ice cubes. After it freezes, crumble it with your fingers and remove. You can also use heat to remove the resin. To do this, use a hair dryer with a comb attachment. Heat the tar-stained strand and wipe it with a dry cloth. When you remove the main part of the sticky mass, comb the strands with a hot nozzle. Periodically clean off the resin from it.


If the resin got to the very ends of the hair and you do not mind cutting them a little, then the best way to get rid of this trouble is to carefully cut off the damaged strands.

In the case when cutting hair is excluded, try to carefully comb out the resin, lubricating it with a large amount of vegetable oil. This method can help if the hair is thin and not very thick. Removing the oil from the curls is quite simple. You just need to wash them a few times with shampoo.

Dissolve baking soda in hot water and rinse your hair with the resulting solution.

There is another way to remove resin. Freeze it by wrapping it on all sides with small pieces of ice. Then, gently crumbling it, gradually untangle it from the hair. After that, wash your hair well with hot water and shampoo or soap.

Spruce or pine resin dissolves well in pure alcohol (vodka will not work), turpentine or kerosene. To cause minimal damage to the hair, put some liquid on a cotton swab and gently dissolve the resin with it, being careful not to get too much on the hair. Avoid skin contact with these substances.

Try using gasoline to dissolve the resin drops. If possible, use clean gasoline designed for refueling lighters. After this procedure, thoroughly rinse the strands in running water and wash them several times with shampoo.

Use the solvent available at home. For example, nail polish remover or white spirit. Just be careful not to splash the product on your hair and skin.


Before moving on to solvents, try to remove the resin in gentler ways.

Helpful advice

Do not despair if this trouble happened to you. After trying various methods, you will find the one that suits you. And you don't have to, contrary to popular belief, go bald.

Tip 2: What is the difference between resin epilation and wax epilation

Perfect skin smoothness is achieved in many ways. You can remove excess hair from the body using resin or wax. These types of hair removal have a lot in common, but they also have some differences.

Resin epilation

Fitosmol is a special substance made from a mixture of pine resin, natural honey and ground nuts. Hair removal resin can be purchased at specialized stores or ordered online.

Before the procedure of hair removal with resin, make sure that you are not allergic to any of the components of this substance. Apply the resin to a small area of ​​skin, wait and check for irritation.

For epilation, you will need strips of cotton fabric. Heat the resin in a water bath to a liquid state. Use a wooden spatula to apply this remedy to the desired area of ​​the body. Attach a strip of fabric to the resin so that a tip up to 10 cm long remains below. You will pull on it. Smooth the fabric with the palm of your hand, and then tear off the strip with a sharp movement. Pull against the direction of hair growth.

Phytosmol has a number of beneficial properties for the skin. It expands the pores and makes the process of removing excess vegetation less painful. Resin epilation has a peeling function, since dead skin particles are removed from the top layer of the skin. The appearance of ingrown hairs, irritation and red spots after this procedure is less likely than after removing excess vegetation with wax. Resin can remove hairs in the most delicate places: in, above the upper lip and in the armpits.

After such an epilation, the hair does not grow for 3-4 weeks.


Hair removal wax can be purchased at most beauty supply stores. You will also need strips of thick paper and preparations to relieve irritation from the skin. Hairs about 5 mm long are best removed with wax, so the treated area of ​​​​the body must be shaved 3-5 days before the procedure. Before epilation, the skin should be thoroughly washed and dry.

After waxing, it is not recommended to visit the bath and sauna for 1-2 days, sunbathe and apply any cosmetics to the skin.

Wax must be heated to 40 degrees, while it should acquire the consistency of liquid honey. Apply this substance to the skin with a wooden spatula in the direction of hair growth. press the prepared strip of paper on top. Wait a couple of minutes. The wax will begin to harden. At this point, pull the strip sharply against the direction of hair growth. With your left hand, lightly stretch the skin where you begin to remove the strip of paper.

Wax residues can be removed with a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil. Skin irritation, sometimes occurring after, can be relieved by wiping the injured areas with camphor oil.

Of course, it is rather problematic to get dirty with pine resin or, as it is also called, resin. This is only possible when walking through the park and forest, setting up a Christmas tree for the holidays or working at a construction site. But even if you get dirty, then there is nothing wrong with that, you don’t have to throw away clothes, it’s quite possible to clean it.

You will need

  • - gasoline;
  • - acetone;
  • - white soap;
  • - starch;
  • - turpentine;
  • - ammonia;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - alcohol;
  • - vegetable oil.


Clean the stained thing and after that you can proceed to the painstaking task of removing the stain. To do this, take a cotton swab or soft brush, moisten it with your chosen product and start the stain from the edges to the middle. This will prevent the stain from spreading over a larger area. If necessary, increase the concentration of the agent.

You can use a more gentle way. Dilute white soap with gasoline in equal proportions, wipe the stain with the mixture, leave for an hour and rinse.

Remove an old stain on dark woolen fabrics with a mixture of potato starch (1 tsp) and a few drops of turpentine or ammonia. Apply the mixture to the stain and leave to dry, clean with a brush. If the stain does not disappear, then repeat the treatment again. A yellow stain may remain on the fabric, try it with a hydrogen peroxide solution.

From cotton fabric, the stain from the resin is well removed with turpentine. If it does not clean off the first time, then moisten it again with turpentine, leave until the resin dissolves, then wipe with alcohol and rinse with water. You can also pour a stain with a mixture of turpentine and alcohol in equal proportions and iron the fabric through a blotter.

It is not recommended to remove leather products with solvents. Better try to clean it with a light dishwashing detergent. You can remove the resin by smearing butter on the stain and letting it sit for a few hours, then launder as usual.

If the soiled clothes are preliminarily, then the resin will be easily scraped off, and the remaining stain can be removed by ironing this place with a hot iron through a napkin folded in 2-3 layers.


Before you start removing resin or resin stains, determine the type of fabric and test it for resistance to various stain removers. It may turn out that the material itself is not resistant to aggressive agents.

A noticeable mustache above the upper lip can divert attention from beautiful makeup and spoil the mood of their owner. To make the face perfect, the antennae can be lightened or removed. It's easy to do.
