How to take care of your breasts? Rules and recommendations. Lingerie for large breasts

Big, firm breasts are an exciting attraction for men. However, caring for her is often difficult and troublesome. If they are neglected, then in a few years the bust may lose elasticity, and then instead of sex appeal it will be associated only with complexes. How to take care of large breasts?

A luxurious bust is a gift of nature that you can be proud of. It is a little surprising that some generously gifted women seem to be ashamed of him and hide large breasts under baggy sweaters, stoop. Don't make this mistake, push your chest forward proudly and wear tight blouses with a large neckline. But above all, take care of your treasure. Breast care should be at the top of the list of beauty activities.

1. Correct posture
Even the most beautiful chest will not impress anyone if you walk hunched over. Not to mention, this is a great way to permanently lose her shape. Therefore, straighten up, straighten your shoulders, pull in your stomach, and lift your chest proudly. Remember that you need to not only walk, but also sit with a straight back. This will ensure that you look sexy now and in the future, because this position prevents the withering of the chest.

2. Invest in a good bra
Problems with choosing a bra is one of the reasons why caring for a large bust can be burdensome. You should forget about buying cheap bras and get ready to spend more on this part of the wardrobe. It is possible that you will not find suitable bras for yourself, except for white, black, beige, perhaps red. But even this will have to come to terms, because without a well-fitted bra, a large bust does not produce any effect. The bra for you should be strong, the straps should be rather wide (another loss - say goodbye to dresses with harnesses, because if the narrow straps of bras can somehow be combined with them, then the wide ones are no longer). Cups should be rigid and additionally reinforced.

Another important issue is size. A lot of women do not know what size bra they need, and incorrectly estimate it, for example, at 80C, when in fact they have 75E or even F. Refuse to buy several 80C bras at once, and spend the money saved on a specialist consultation, who will select your bra professionally. You can try to do it yourself, for example, with the help of lingerie catalogs.

3. Sleep in a special "night" bra
If you let your breasts out of your bra all night, they will begin to “spread out” to the sides, regardless of the position in which you sleep. Therefore, you need to buy 2-3 "night" bras. They can not be selected as carefully as "daytime". It is only important that, unlike the second ones, they are soft and not too small, because otherwise they will flatten the bust.

4. Spray your bust with cold water
It doesn’t sound very attractive, but this is where you need to start your daily care for large breasts. This is one of the most effective ways to keep it beautiful. In order not to torment your whole body with ice water, lean over the bathtub and shower your mammary glands and their surroundings until they turn red. After the procedure, wait about 20 minutes until they warm up again, and then apply a firming lotion (if you do this right away, it will not be absorbed as it should). Give your breasts a gentle exfoliation once a week.

5. Do chest exercises

In principle, these exercises are not so much for the mammary glands themselves, but for the muscles of the chest that support them. Here are some of these exercises.

Exercise 1 . Lie down on a mat or, if you have one, on a bench tilted at a 45-degree angle. Take dumbbells in your hands and hold them straight in front of you. Slowly spread them apart, slightly bending your elbows, return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps. If you do without the slightest problem, increase the load.

Exercise 2 . Lie down on the mat, keep your hands with dumbbells in front of you. Slowly lower them, keeping them straight, until you lower them onto the mat behind your head. Then lift back to vertical position. This exercise is done the same number of times - 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

Exercise 3 . It can be performed even while sitting at a not very interesting lecture, at work or while watching TV. Straighten your back, fold your hands in front of you, as if in prayer, at chest height. Move them slightly away from the body so that the elbows are bent at approximately a right angle. Squeeze your palms at their base, as if you want to crush something between them. After a few seconds, relax, repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise 4 . Well, the most famous and necessary exercise for the chest is push-ups. You can do push-ups “like a woman”, from your knees. The main thing is to make sure that the torso is straight, the butt does not fall and does not rise up. Hands should be widely spaced, it is in this position that the load on the muscles of the chest goes. Push up deeply, don't shy away. As much as you can. The bigger, the better! You can do, for example, 3-4 sets of 15 times.

What's in the article:

The breast is the most delicate part of the female body. Men are thrilled to touch her. And in the most touching time of motherhood, the breast becomes the most important moment in the life of the baby. And today wants to talk about how to take care of breasts to keep her in great shape.

Breast care is very important for any woman, regardless of her bust size. After all, not doing it properly, you may soon encounter the problem of sagging and sagging breast skin, which will significantly change its appearance for the worse.

The miraculous properties of a bra

You probably do not understand what the miracle of a bra can manifest itself in, but in fact everything is very simple. It is the right bra that is the key to a good breast shape. It should not pinch the chest too much, but also not be too spacious.

And if you are a fitness lover and often play sports, you should consider purchasing a special training bra. Because a regular bra with active movements holds the breast less effectively, which leads to its sagging.

How to choose the right bra: video

How to take care of your breasts in hot summer

The most important - do not overdo it with a tan. And although tanned legs look, of course, very sexy, the chest will only suffer from an overabundance of the sun.

The skin on the chest is very sensitive and delicate, therefore, under the influence of sunlight, it becomes inelastic and painful in appearance. On wrinkles may appear on the areola. So it's better not to give up the upper part of the swimsuit and save the most expensive.

And of course, in the hot summer, taking care of your breasts is even more necessary. Be sure to use moisturizers or lotions every day. Stop using soap as it dries out the skin very much. It is better to replace it with shower gels, which in turn will take care of the body and chest.

breast massage

A good remedy for beautiful breasts is massage. It tightens the skin and makes the breast itself more elastic and high.

breast massage you need to do at least ten minutes every day. To do this, squeeze your chest with your palms and rotate them ten times in different directions. It is not the breast itself that moves, but the muscles under it.

There is another breast massage technique:

Breast massage technique in pictures

Do it periodically contrast water massages. Adjust the temperature of the water from warm to cold and at this moment massage the chest in circles from the bottom of the chest to the chin. There are many advantages to this procedure:

  • Beautiful healthy breasts.
  • Good health and cheerfulness on any day.

But in addition to summer, you always need to remember and know how to take care of your breasts, and here are some simple tips:

  • Avoid too sudden jumps in weight. Indeed, in both cases, there will be little benefit for the breast. With rapid weight gain, the skin of the breast will be greatly stretched, and stretch marks may appear. And when losing weight, the chest will become sagging. So stick to the golden mean in everything. And if you decide to lose weight, do it gradually and with sports accompaniment.
  • Always walk well and don't slouch. With a straightened, even back, the chest is pulled up very well. And the muscles of your chest help her in this. If you constantly slouch, then even a beautiful tightened chest will seem sagging.
  • Don't sleep on your chest.Namely on the stomach. Because of this, wrinkles can form in the décolleté area. And in general, sleeping on your stomach is not very useful. It slows down blood circulation in the chest, and contributes to the appearance of puffiness on the face. It is best to sleep on your back and on an orthopedic low pillow. But if you are used to sweetly hugging a pillow and sleeping on your tummy, you will have to retrain for a long time, because sleep may not come in an uncomfortable position. Reading will help you fall asleep lying on your back.
  • Eat healthy food. For the good condition of your breast skin, it is important to eat fruits and vegetables every day. Drink freshly prepared juices and fruit drinks, as well as mineral water. Eat whole grain cereals preferably without salt. Salt is generally not the most useful product, it slows down the release of water from the body and contributes to the appearance of stretch marks.
  • Use breast makeup. If you want to always look flawless, you must be able to take care of yourself and understand the abundance of cosmetics, both for the whole body and for the chest. Therefore, we will dwell on this important point in more detail.

How to take care of your breasts with cosmetics

As we said above, the skin of the chest is delicate and vulnerable. And another not the most pleasant moment in her characteristics is that she is prone to rapid aging. Therefore, the use of special creams, masks, scrubs and other things is simply a vital necessity for her.

Breast care includes a set of procedures aimed at cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the breast skin. Good for breast cleansing and micro-massage scrubs. You can use a regular soft facial scrub.

Also, for cleansing the skin, a special cosmetic milk for the chest. It should always be used instead of soap, and then the question of how to properly care for your breasts will be less relevant for you. After all, this milk, along with cleaning, nourishes and regenerates the skin at the same time.

To moisturize the skin of the chest is best to use creams, which are based on extracts of aloe vera, hops, St. John's wort, ginseng, oil tree. As well as vitamins A and E, collagen and marine elastin. To rejuvenate the skin of the chest, it is best to use creams containing essential oils of lemon, pine, jojoba or nutmeg rose.

Nutritious creams made specifically for the breast are also very popular. They include complexes of all the necessary components that allow you to take good care of your breasts, as well as strengthen and tighten the skin of your breasts. There are a lot of creams! Adherents of traditional medicine can recommend rosehip oil. It is also very useful and accessible to all means.

Don't ignore your attention special masks that can be done in beauty salons or at home. Breast masks should be done at least once every two weeks. They restore the skin well and make it supple and elastic.

Another effective way to properly care for your breasts is rubdown procedure. It can be done with sea salt. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt in half a liter of water. Soak some soft cloth in this solution and wipe each breast in a circular motion for a minute.

Physical activity for beautiful breasts

It's no secret that sport has always helped to hone our forms and improve our figure. The same applies to the chest. And the most effective means in this direction is swimming. It well tightens the skin of the chest, and the bust itself makes it elastic and beautiful in appearance. So, if opportunities allow, sign up for a pool and swim at least two, and preferably three times a week.

Here are some simple ones Tips for taking care of your breasts, will help you always be proud of your bust and look stunning. Good luck!

Text: Evgenia Bagma

When breasts are naturally good both in shape and size, then its owner can only be envied. But years, stress, hormonal changes, weight loss or weight gain do not play in favor of the beauty of the female bust. How to take care of your breasts so that it excites the eyes of the surrounding men for a long time and is the subject of your special pride?

Healthy breast care habits

How to take care of your breasts without long and costly procedures? You can just limit yourself to developing good habits! So, an important role in maintaining the shape of the breast and its tone is the choice of a bra - it should not be too spacious or too tight, the straps should not cut into the skin, the chest should sag, and traces remain on the skin after removing underwear. Be sure to wear a bra while exercising. Topless sunbathers should beware - the breast skin is very thin and sensitive, so it ages quickly, wrinkles and age spots can also form on it. Use a sunscreen with a high sun protection factor or cover your breasts with a natural cloth. Correct posture is an important condition for a good chest shape: when the shoulders are straightened and the back is straightened, the chest is automatically tightened. Weight jumps, both up and down, have a bad effect on the shape and condition of the chest. Taking a shower - arrange a chest contrast massage with a jet.

Breast care products

It is important not only to know how to care for your breasts, but also with what means to carry out this care. Fortunately, today modern manufacturers produce a number of breast care products - moisturizing and nourishing creams, creams to increase or decrease the size, lotions, tonics, serums, masks ...

When washing your breasts, avoid hot water and soap - it dries the skin. Cleanse your skin with a special cosmetic milk. Use for washing the gel for sensitive skin, for moisturizing and nourishing - vitamin, moisturizing and nourishing creams. It is useful during the morning shower to douse the chest with a cold jet of water in a circle. For the firmness and elasticity of the skin of the chest, wiping it with saline is effective.

Do not neglect such affordable products as breast masks and serums, which have a moisturizing, nourishing, toning and tightening effect. How to take care of your breasts at home? For example, by making your own mask of honey and almonds, green radish with vegetable oil, honey, clay, yogurt with vitamin E, potatoes, apples, etc.

The most important thing in how to take care of your breasts is the regularity of all activities. One mask a month or dousing every six months is unlikely to have any effect. Take care of your bust daily, gently and systematically.

Breast care will help maintain its elasticity

Breast care at home: useful masks and cleansing rules

The breast loses its attractive shape not only due to age-related changes. Due to the negligent attitude of a woman to her own health, the bust also suffers. Pregnancy and breastfeeding often negatively affect the condition of the breast.

Why breasts lose elasticity:

  • stoop, lack of regular exercise;
  • exposure to hot water and sunlight;
  • unbalanced diet, which caused a sharp weight loss;
  • improperly fitted bra or the habit of walking without it.

To preserve the beauty of the breast will help daily cool dousing of the bust and décolleté area with cool water, wiping with pieces of ice. Do not use hard washcloths and towels, you need to gently blot the remaining moisture on the skin. To make ice, you can use a decoction of chamomile, mint, parsley, eucalyptus.

Oatmeal mask moisturizes and tightens the skin. Grind 30 g of hercules, add beaten egg white and 5 ml of honey. Apply the mixture evenly on the chest, wash off after 20 minutes with cool water.

A mask of equal amounts of thick thick sour cream and warm honey will nourish the skin with all the necessary substances, making it supple. You need to use the mask twice a week.

Large Breast Care

Large breasts need special care. Under the influence of its own gravity, the bust quickly becomes shapeless. The main rule is constant hydration. To do this, you need to spray the chest and décolleté area several times a day with cool water from a spray bottle. It is necessary to apply special moisturizers daily.

Exercises for beautiful breasts:

  • lying on your back, stretch your arms up with dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg. Slowly lower your hands to the floor, you can bend your elbows a little. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions;
  • in the same position, take straight arms with dumbbells behind your head;
  • in any position, straighten your back, squeeze your palms in front of your chest, elbows bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Press palms against each other for 5 seconds, relax, repeat 12 times.

A properly fitted bra prevents stretching of the skin, it must be chosen according to the size. Girls with small breasts can only wear it during sports training. Owners of a large bust should wear it all the time, pick up comfortable pitted models for sleeping.

Proper care will prolong the youthfulness of your bust.

A beautiful female breast is an indispensable attribute of sexuality and an object of admiration for men. And it is on how much attention we pay to this “gift of nature” and whether we pay it at all, its beauty, elasticity and even health depend.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but almost all girls spend a lot of time caring for their skin, hands and body, while completely forgetting about the bust. And in vain. After all, the chest can be “offended” and repay with a loss of elasticity or sag. Therefore, the care of the bust should be given due attention.

Minimal breast care program

Daily breast care is much simpler than face care and includes several components.

Choosing a bra should be strictly in size. Tight will press and interfere with normal blood circulation, and too loose will simply not be able to maintain shape and the chest will quickly sag. Therefore, underwear should be as comfortable as possible and preferably made from natural fabrics so that the skin can breathe. Models made of synthetics can be worn, but not often.

If you have small breasts, you can afford to stay at home without a bra at all. But be sure to wear underwear while exercising.

It is very useful, when taking a shower, to douse each breast alternately with a stream of cold water. Moreover, the pressure should be neither too strong nor too weak. Such dousing improves blood circulation and makes the chest elastic. You can also do a contrast shower for the bust, each time ending the procedure with cold water. Then rub it well with a towel.

If you have time, you can freeze ice cubes and rub them on the bust. Only it should not be ordinary water, but a useful infusion. Mint infusion has proven itself very well. Take 2-3 tablespoons of dried leaves and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Leave to infuse for half an hour. Then cool and freeze the mint infusion in the form of ice cubes. Rub them on your chest daily in the morning or evening.


The chest does not like to lose moisture, so use special moisturizers every time after a shower. For elasticity, you should use products with collagen, vitamins A and E. Creams with extracts of ginseng, hops, lemon and jojoba refresh the bust well.

Also effective are products with horsetail, St. John's wort, fenugreek, essential oils of pine and nutmeg roses. Many modern manufacturers have begun to produce special concentrates containing a lot of useful substances for breast skin. Such preparations can also be used as effective moisturizers.


No one will argue about the benefits of massage. But for many, it is a revelation that it is also useful for the skin of the chest, improving its blood circulation. The procedure is best done before going to the shower or after it. Superficial breast massage includes circular movements of the hand around the nipples without significant force pressure. During massage, you can use special creams or lotions for the breasts.


Many popular magazines advise including contrast compresses in breast care. If you have time for such procedures, you can try them. At least they will not cause harm, and the bust will be made more elastic. The method is as follows: you need to alternately apply a hot towel, then a cold towel to your chest for several minutes, completing the procedure with a cold compress.

You can use for such compresses not only ordinary water, but also decoctions of green tea, lemon balm and mint, as well as wine vinegar, lemon or sea salt. It is enough to drop a little of the selected product on a warm towel used in a compress or dilute it with water.


Another effective method in breast care is the use of natural masks from berries and fruits. The most effective for bust gruel from strawberries with cream, lemon, cucumber, orange and avocado. The selected fruit should be ground into a pulp or beat well in a blender and applied to the chest for 30 minutes. Then rinse off. Do not forget that these products dry out the skin a little, so after using them, you must definitely apply a nourishing cream.

In the list of mandatory beauty procedures for caring for the bust, an important place belongs to physical exercises. The most effective for maintaining a beautiful shape are swimming and push-ups. If your breasts have already lost their original shape and are slightly sagging, you should choose a special set of exercises together with your fitness trainer. However, do not forget to visit your doctor before going to a fitness club to rule out possible contraindications to playing sports.

To maintain a good shape and beauty of the chest, do not sunbathe topless. Under the influence of harmful ultraviolet radiation, the skin ages faster and sags. And ugly age spots and wrinkles may appear on the nipples. You also need to watch your posture. For as soon as you straighten your back, the chest immediately becomes taut and more beautiful. The opposite effect, when the back is hunched, is clear to everyone.

For the beauty of the breast, sharp weight loss and rapid weight gain are also contraindicated. Therefore, try to stick to one weight, and if you need to lose weight, choose sparing diets with a loss of no more than 2 kg of weight per month.

Finally, a normal emotional background is important. The female breast is one of the hormone-dependent organs that reacts to the slightest changes in the body. Therefore, even in stressful situations, try to maintain composure and peace of mind. And then you can enjoy the beauty of your bust. And, as you know, girls with beautiful, well-groomed and, most importantly, healthy breasts are more confident in themselves. Take note.
