How to lay a long cascade. Disadvantages of cascading haircuts for medium length hair

There are many spectacular hairstyles based on the cascade. No wonder this haircut deservedly enjoys overwhelming popularity. The style of your image depends on how to style the haircut cascade. For everyday options and for special occasions, there are many ways of styling.

The advantage of this hairstyle is the simplicity with which it can be perfectly looked after even at home. To do this, you do not need to be a stylist, but just know effective techniques.

How to style a haircut cascade at home

To make a spectacular hairstyle, you will need the usual arsenal that any fashionista has: a hair dryer, a hair straightener, a regular hair brush and a brushing brush, and in special cases, a curling iron or curlers. To fix the result and be calm about your hairstyle during the day, you need styling that suits your hair type. But you should not get carried away with mousses and varnishes with too strong fixation, firstly, because naturalness and naturalness are in fashion, and secondly, already when creating a haircut cascade, the foundations for effective styling are laid.

To lay a haircut cascade at home, as in a salon, you will have to work out a little, which is called “fill your hand”. But having mastered very simple tricks, you can do almost any hairstyle.

How to festively style a haircut cascade? A hairstyle with a “waterfall” of soft curls always looks beautiful - this image, by the way, owes its name. To create it, you need to start by washing your hair, using not only shampoo, but also conditioner, the hair should be soft and obedient.

The first step is to create the “correct” volume on the crown area. To do this, you will need a brush-brush and a hair dryer, if your hair dryer is equipped with a brush head - even better. Part your hair in the middle and lightly curl the shortest “wave”, lifting the strands and slightly stretching them. Dry the rest of the volume with a hairdryer, slightly crushing the strands with your hands.

A combination of straight strands and curls looks very stylish in such hairstyles. Large curls, small curls and absolutely straight strands will create a fashionable and spectacular mix. Straightened side strands framing the face and absolutely smooth bangs look especially good.

This is a basic technique for creating the basis of a hairstyle in any style. How exactly to style a haircut cascade on medium hair and long curls depends only on the image in which you are going to appear.

To create a romantic and festive look, you will need any curlers, curling iron or iron that are convenient for you. Twist on the ends of the strands and let the hair dry without using a hair dryer. The resulting curls can be combed, or you can just slightly disassemble them with your fingers. A curling iron will help to highlight and structure individual curls on straight hair, it is enough to wind wavy ones on your finger using an additional portion of mousse.

Now create a light creative mess. And lay the haircut cascade as beautifully as possible. Tilt your head down and wave your hair, straighten the curls with your hands and fix the result with varnish. At the same time, pay special attention to the crown zone - the curls at the ends of the strands are already fixed with mousse.

Detailed instructions on how to style a haircut cascade - in this video:

How beautiful to lay a haircut cascade

Curly curls are a classic trick that always looks elegant. But a haircut cascade can be styled both romantically and avant-garde. First you need to create the base of the hairstyle, as described above - create a beautiful and smooth wave on the crown area, “stretch” or smooth out the side strands and bangs.

But with the tips of curls it is worth doing in a completely different way. Wind them not inward, but outward, without creating a curl, but lifting the strand from the bottom up. Both a curling iron and an iron will help to beautifully lay a haircut cascade. Separate the curled strands with your fingers and apply mousse, or even better gel, to the very ends of the hair, forming pointed “feathers” with your fingers. Styling for the tips is better to choose stronger than for the bulk of the hair, but you should not treat them with varnish. Hair should look as natural as possible.

Loose hair is beautiful. But you can also style your hair with a cascade haircut in a fashionable hairstyle - a bun with loose hair, it perfectly diversifies everyday looks. She does not even need styling and hair dryers, but only cleanly washed hair. Comb them along the entire length with a brush, and separate the upper, longest “wave” of the cascade with a comb. Using an elastic band or hairpins, form a neat, smooth bun literally on top of your head. The remaining strands must be left completely free without curling them into curls.

How to style a haircut cascade

To get the most effective result, you need to take into account not only the image - romantic or avant-garde, but the type and length of the hair. It is necessary to properly style the haircut cascade as carefully as possible, avoiding strong overheating of the hair with a hairdryer or curling iron and, of course, carefully select styling so as not to overload the hairstyle.

In most cases, especially with not very long hair, you can do without a hair dryer. Dry your hair with a towel, paying special attention to the roots and leaving the ends slightly damp. Apply a light mousse to the hair, if the hair is straight and thin, then for the entire length, from the tips to the roots. On thick, and even more wavy hair, mousse is applied only to their tips.

This is quite enough to create an everyday and very beautiful hairstyle. Moreover, it will take you no more than 20 minutes to create it, regardless of the length of the hair. Using a brushing brush, comb and slightly straighten the hair at the crown and at the temples. And the rest of the array of curls, still wet, simply lay with your fingers - slightly tousling the hair at the roots and slightly stretching their tips. You can, if desired, select several strands using styling to create a complex hairstyle pattern. Wave your hair and slightly fix the styling on the top of the head with varnish. That's it, your hairstyle is ready!

This is how, by the way, it is easy to style a short haircut cascade as elegantly as possible. On short hair, the crown and temporal zone can be designed both smooth and voluminous, and frankly disheveled. Here you don't even need a hair dryer - just a brush, mousse and your own fingers. But it is worth remembering that such casual disheveledness is a well-thought-out fashionable technique. Try to direct the "waves" of your hairstyle in different directions, creating a complex and informal free volume. You can model it with a minimum amount of light fixation varnish.

Whole individual strands or tips can be shaped into feathers using a gel. To style a haircut cascade on short hair like in a salon, pay special attention to the occipital and temporal strands. Even at the moment of cutting, it is best to graduate them with long “feathers”. And in the hairstyle, they will look more spectacular if an additional portion of mousse or gel is applied to their tips. A soft silhouette of a hairstyle will turn out if you slightly twist them inward, and a fashionable carelessly tousled one if outward.

You can lay a haircut cascade as in this photo in just minutes:

To date, one of the most popular haircuts is considered a cascade. It can be performed on long, short or medium length hair.

Haircut cascade: features

This haircut was named so because it implies a graduated transition from short strands at the top of the head to longer strands at the bottom. And this intensity is different. For example, transitions can start either at the bottom or at the top. At the same time, the effect is created completely different - the transitions can be very soft or, conversely, sharp.

A cascade haircut is also called a “ladder” by many. The reason for this name is that the haircut in the face area resembles steps.

A great advantage of the cascade is that the haircut makes the hairstyle more voluminous. In addition, it allows you to adjust the appearance, hiding some flaws. So, for girls with a round or square face, stylists recommend exactly the cascade, which will be an excellent option for them, bringing them closer to the ideal. Much depends on the choice of bangs. For example, thick, straight and even bangs are recommended for girls with an elongated face, and oblique for chubby ones.

The only ones who this haircut will not suit are the owners of very curly hair.


If you decide to cut your hair in this way, then you are probably thinking about how to style a cascade haircut. Please note that styling methods vary depending on the length of the hair.

Hair cut in a cascade of medium length can be styled in many ways. You will create a strict straight hairstyle by straightening your hair with irons. And if you want to end up with something more flirtatious and romantic, use curlers to create curls.

When choosing a styling method for a haircut cascade for short hair, consider the features of your appearance. If your goal is to cover a massive chin, twist the hide-and-seek inward. A narrow face can be visually expanded by twisting the strands outward. This styling looks very stylish and beautiful: long strands are twisted outward, and the hair framing the face is twisted inward. Keep in mind that a short haircut is especially suitable for owners of thin or sparse hair. Haircut should be supplemented with coloring or highlighting.

You ? Caring for such a haircut is not difficult. Just wind all the strands on the curlers, loosen, comb lightly with your fingers. Ready! Or wind only the ends of the strand on the curlers. The effect will be completely different. And the easiest way is to dry wet hair, apply a little mousse and style it with a round large brush, drying it with a hairdryer. Thanks to this styling, the hairstyle will become more voluminous.

Approximately every third woman in Russia wears a cascade haircut. Such popularity is explained by the beauty of the cascade, the ability to perform on any hair, even thin hair, the presence of varieties for any character and appearance, ease of care and an incredible number of styling. Through different hair styling techniques, both everyday and festive, you can create many completely different looks on the same haircut. This article talks about more than 25 different options.

Hair cascade looks as feminine as possible. It helps young girls to add a certain amount of solidity to the image, and mature ones, on the contrary, throw off a dozen years. Through different options for laying the middle cascade, you can visually become more tender and romantic, more mysterious and mysterious, prettier and younger.

By styling in different ways, you can create a mega-sexy image a la Marilyn Monroe, turn into a stylish model, a business lady or a tomboy with an indomitable temper. Or you can not style it at all, even in this case the lady will look modern and fashionable.

A long cascade is airiness and lightness, femininity and aristocracy, sophistication, special charm, style and sophistication in one bottle. Having laid it in the technique of torn ends, you can instantly retrain into an eccentric beauty, and curling the lower part of your hair into curls, you can become a charming princess. And these are just 2 options out of dozens of possible ones.

When laying the cascade, do not forget about the bangs, here are a few recommendations:

  1. When making curls, it is better to curl the long bangs along with the bulk of the hair, and leave the short bangs straight, but together with the strands closest to the face, otherwise the transition will be too sharp.
  2. Creating volume on the cascade, it is imperative to lift the bangs, whatever it may be.
  3. The bangs should be a continuation of the hairstyle, and not a separate element, therefore, by curling the ends inward or outward, the same is done with the bangs.

As a rule, cascade styling techniques do not have significant differences depending on the original hair length. Therefore, specific styling options will be given below without reference to a short, medium or long haircut.

Everyday styling

One of the main advantages of any cascade is its harmony in any form - with or without styling. The easiest way to style a cascade is to dry your wet hair with a hair dryer. In this case, the hair will become airy, but will not lose its naturalness.

Tips inside

If you want to slightly dilute everyday life, then you can wrap the ends inward with a regular round comb or thick curling iron. This technique allows you to create several different styles, for example, volume over the entire head or just a ladder near the face.

Tips out

If, when drying the hair, the ends are twisted not inward, but outward, then the image will change dramatically. The haircut will receive an interesting relief, at the same time lightness, airiness and shape. Looking at a woman with such styling, the definitions of luxurious, stunning, indisputable and unforgettable come to mind.

Root volume

To make a cascade of any length look great, it is not necessary to spend time styling each strand of hair for a long time. It is enough to lift the hair at the roots, not forgetting to do the same with the bangs. You can do this in different ways:

  1. After shampooing, apply styling foam to the ends of the hair, tilt the head forward so that the hair hangs down and, combing from the roots to the tips, dry them with a hairdryer.
  2. Separate the top layer of hair, and walk through the rest of the mass with an iron (preferably corrugated), pressing it to the head. The best effect can be achieved if you first apply special products for root volume to the roots. Mask the raised part of the hair with the top layer, separated at the beginning.
  3. Large curlers give a good volume if they are substituted under the strands, pressing them at the roots, and not twisting them.

Splendor bet

If the styling product is applied not only to the ends, but to the entire hair (in a small amount and weak fixation), then by drying the hair with a hair dryer with the head tilted down, you can get a very lush and at the same time direct cascade.

Volume negligence

Volumetric negligence is created in the same way as ordinary splendor, but after drying, the hair is not combed, but the strands are carefully adjusted to make everything look stylish and sprayed with varnish.

Charming corrugation

And how many charming styling on the cascade can be created using corrugated curling irons. You can process them all the hair, forming a mega-fluffy head of hair. Or combine wavy strands with straight ones, resulting in a more restrained, but original and creative look.

Super volume ironing

Among the latest trends in hairdressing fashion, the ladies especially fell in love with the super volume technique, which is achieved by lifting and lightly curling the strands with a classic iron. You need to pinch the strand at the roots, then turn the iron so that a bend is obtained, hold it for a while and draw it down, moving along the strand along its entire length.

wet effect

Among all possible styling, the so-called wet effect has invariably been in the top three for the second decade. Create it like this:

  1. The head needs to be washed.
  2. On wet (precisely wet, not wet) hair, apply plenty of styling mousse.
  3. Dry your hair with a hairdryer, without combing, but separating the strands with your hands.

Creative mess

Similar to the wet effect, a creative mess is created on the cascade, but the hair should be damp, not wet, they must first be combed, ruffled when drying, and the mousse must be used half as much.

Stylish chaos

There is another version of creative chaos, let's call it stylish chaos. Everything is the same as in the previous version, but the strands are not ruffled, but specially directed, alternating their directions.

Torn ends

For owners of a torn cascade, creating a stylish finished look is as easy as shelling pears. It is enough to apply a strong fixative to the ends of the hair and dry the hair with a hair dryer. Can be applied to dry or damp hair. The end result will be very different.

Light waves a la Julia Roberts

Surely there will not be a woman who does not know Julia Roberts and has not watched the movie "Pretty Woman". The hallmark of the actress for many years (including the heroine of the film) was precisely the long cascade haircut. She styled it in different ways, but most often she created light waves on her hair, adding variety to the image by experimenting with the location of the parting. One of the options for creating an image a la Julia Roberts:

  1. Apply a low-hold foam to slightly damp strands (just a little bit).
  2. Wrap the strand around your finger and hold for a few minutes under hot air from a hair dryer.
  3. Pull your finger out while stretching the strand.

The same effect can be achieved if you braid one or two braids and sleep with them all night.

Curly ends

The most romantic look is the ends of the hair curled with a curling iron of standard thickness on a long or medium cascade. In this case, it is not necessary to raise the haircut at the roots.

Volumetric curls

Voluminous curls look gorgeous on the cascade. It is extremely difficult to create such a styling on your own, it requires time, and fixation, and a comprehensive review, and a certain experience of the creator. In everyday life, voluminous curls look out of place, but for going to a celebration it is better to have them done in the salon by a professional.

All kinds of curls

The cascade is simply made for curls, the appearance of which depends on the curlers available. So that the curls do not fluff, just pre-lubricate the strands with foam, and then, removing the curlers, do not comb them, but style them as they are.

Stretched curls a la Shakira

If each curl is wound on a finger and slightly stretched, then you can get a stunning image a la Shakira.

Afro curls or spirals

Spiral curls and afro curls look very harmoniously in combination with a long and medium cascade. The first can be obtained using similar curlers, and the second in the following way:

  1. Prepare thin strips of rags or laces about 10 centimeters long.
  2. Cut paper rectangles 5 centimeters wide, and long enough to twist a few turns on the cord.
  3. Apply foam to your hair.
  4. Separating thin strands from the hair, wind them on impromptu curlers and securely tie the ends of the fabric strips.
  5. Sleep through the night or walk for several hours periodically blowing a hot hair dryer on your head.
  6. Carefully remove the curlers.

Comb on one side

You can create an interesting image on any cascade with the help of such a little trick as combing your hair to one side with the transfer of the parting from the center to any side.

Cascade: styling at home

To beautifully lay the cascade, it is not necessary to visit the salon. You can do this at home, but if styling is required for an important event, then you should first practice several times.

Curls ironing

Ladies with medium and long cascades should definitely try styling their hair with an iron. To do this, you need to lift a small strand and clamp it with tongs, stepping back from the hair roots so that the hair is enough for two turns. Then you need to turn the iron inward twice. Quickly pull the tongs down, sliding through the hair. Process all the strands in this way.

Careless curls

Quite simply, careless curls are created on the cascade:

  1. Styling agent is applied.
  2. Weak curls are formed with a large curling iron, which are subsequently carefully divided by fingers into several parts.

Volume creation

The volume on the cascade with the ends turned inward can be obtained by means of large curlers.

Brushing and blow dry

A wonderful feminine styling is obtained using brushing and a hair dryer. It is required to wind the strand on the comb so that the tip remains inside and blow it with hot air for several minutes.

Laying with shreds

Another way to create beautiful waves on the cascade at home. You need to take long pieces of fabric or thin scarves and tie them into strands so that the ends of equal length hang down on the sides. Divide the strand into two parts, twist each with a flagellum around its end of the scarf and tie the ends, fixing the hair.

Cascade laying: video

Thus, a haircut cascade is a scope for imagination, styling it in different ways, you can change images every day, turning from a gentle romantic girl into a fatal beauty and back.

Among the many haircuts, the fashion for which changes every year, there are exceptions that do not lose their relevance over time. Cascade for medium hair is one of these hairstyles.

What explains the popularity of a haircut and how to properly care for it? We will understand this, as well as the nuances of choosing a cascade according to the type of face, styling features, advantages and disadvantages of hairstyles.

It's hard to believe, but this popular haircut was invented back in the 50s of the last century. Over time, it improved and acquired many new variations, but never went out of fashion.

Cascade is a versatile hairstyle that looks good on both straight and curly hair. It involves a multi-stage transition of length from top to bottom. At the same time, the ends of the hair can form pronounced “torn” edges or connect smoothly. Often a haircut is combined with oblique or straight bangs.

A nice feature of the cascade is that it retains its shape as the hair grows back. In addition, it looks good without styling and easily transforms into interesting hairstyles.

Types of cascades for medium hair

There are many types of cascades, but their common feature is a visual increase in hair volume and softening of the face oval. On the average length of hair, you can implement the following of them:

  1. Classical. With a standard haircut, which is also called a "ladder", the strands smoothly transition from short near the face to long at the bottom. Parting, as a rule, is done straight.
  2. With a bang. It can be combined with all types of haircuts and allows you to hide facial imperfections, for example, a too high forehead. Any shape of bangs is allowed - straight, oblique, shortened.
  3. Ragged cascade. This hairstyle option has many levels. Strands of different lengths and thicknesses are arranged randomly, which gives volume to the hair.
  4. graduated cascade. It resembles the classic one, but is distinguished by a more thorough study of the tips, some of which are deliberately lengthened. The hairstyle looks very elegant and holds its shape well.
  5. Double cascade. A two-level haircut is another option that significantly increases the splendor of the hair. Each row of tips is milled separately, giving volume to the hairstyle. Looks best on straight hair.
  6. Asymmetric. Its difference from other species is the different length of the tips on both sides of the face. The hairstyle is popular among young people.

Advantages and disadvantages

Haircut cascade for medium hair is universal and suitable for different types of faces. She also has other advantages - easy styling, a visual increase in hair density, relevance for women of different ages. The cascade looks appropriate in a strict office setting and, at the same time, easily transforms into a fashionable hairstyle for a holiday.

But there are haircuts and disadvantages. If you plan to grow your hair, then with a multilayer cascade, this will be difficult. It may take several years to equalize the length.

You also need to take into account that such a haircut will narrow down the choice of hairstyles available to you, for example, you won’t be able to braid a neat braid, and strands can break out of the tail. For this reason, the cascade is not the best solution for active girls, especially those involved in sports. Short strands will constantly fray, climb on the face and eyes, causing irritation.

There are restrictions on the condition and type of hair. The cascade is not suitable for split ends, brittle curls and lush curls; on too thick hair, it will also be out of place. It is not recommended to do this haircut on coarse unruly hair. On them, the cascade will look untidy.

Who is this haircut for?

A huge plus of a haircut is that it suits all types of faces, the main thing is to choose the right kind of hairstyle. If you have a narrow face, the best option is a classic cascade with straight bangs. It will add volume to the hair and make the cheekbones more expressive.

For girls with a round face, an elongated cascade starting at the level of the chin is suitable. You can combine it with oblique long bangs. With a triangular shape of the face, it is worth choosing a voluminous cascade, the first strands in which begin above the chin. The hairstyle goes well with straight elongated bangs.

A square face can be softened by making an asymmetrical cascade without bangs. A classic type of haircut with large curls is also suitable. If the face is pear-shaped, you should opt for a graduated cascade, a light asymmetrical bang is allowed.

As for the structure of the hair, the cascade is the best solution for fairly healthy, but devoid of volume curls. The haircut looks more interesting on fair-haired girls and brown-haired women.

Features of hair care with such a haircut

If you decide to make a cascade for medium hair, you need to tune in to high-quality care for them. Layered haircuts require special attention. If the ends of the hair begin to split, the hairstyle will look sloppy.

Silicone-free shampoos are suitable for washing your hair, giving volume to your hair. A caring balm, preferably from the same series, is necessary, but it must be applied 10 cm from the roots. This will provide nourishment to the hair without losing the splendor of the hairstyle.

If the ends are still split, it is recommended to use therapeutic oils and masks (one application per week is enough). And, although a cascade haircut can grow back without losing shape, you should still not forget about regular correction. Its frequency is individual and depends on the rate of hair growth.


A cascade hairstyle for medium hair can do without styling, but if you want to freshen up the look or add volume, you will have to work a little. Consider several options for a holiday and everyday wear.

The easiest way is to wash your hair and dry your hair with a hair dryer with a brush attachment (special round brush). If you have a regular hair dryer, you can dry your curls by bending down or lifting them with a round comb. If this does not give the desired splendor, make a light pile near the roots.

For maximum volume, foam is applied to slightly damp hair, paying attention to the root zone, and dried with cold air. Then the ends of the strands need to be highlighted, lightly smeared with wax and straightened with a comb with sparse teeth.

The ends of the hair can be shaped by wrapping them with brushing inward or outward. The first option is more suitable for chubby, as well as for those who have a heavy chin, the second is for girls with a narrow and elongated face.

For a formal event, dry the strands with a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle. This will give them a slight waviness, successfully combined with the effect of wet hair. More pronounced curls will be obtained if you use soft curlers or curling irons.

As you can see, the cascade is a versatile haircut that transforms into an interesting hairstyle without much effort. It suits all types of appearance, gives hair volume and never loses its relevance. But to make your cascade look neat, do not neglect high-quality care products and regular correction.

Useful video: haircut styling cascade


1884 03/18/2019 7 min.

Traditionally, a cascade haircut is considered a good option for medium length hair. However, modern fashion offers a much more daring solution: the cascade is literally "superimposed" on modern haircuts for short hair - bob, bob, pixie, and carefully modulated.

Haircut Options

The cascade is universal - in fact, it looks equally good on both long and short hair. The base for it can serve as a classic symmetrical bob and asymmetrical youth haircut. At the same time, the density and structure of the hair do not really matter: an experienced hairdresser simply selects the appropriate model for a specific type of hair.

The determining factor is the length of the control strand. She gets out at the top and fits under the oval of the face and the density of the hair.

In the photo - a cascade for short hair:

The rest of the hair is cut in waves or steps of any suitable shape. As a rule, the temporal and occipital strands are pulled back and decorated “at an angle” and “feathers”. This is the main attraction of the cascade: the light volumetric structure of the same effectively emphasizes both the splendor of the long hair and the grace of the head with a short haircut.

Cascade for short hair provides several advantages:

  • perfect for any type and color of hair;
  • allows you to emphasize the dignity of a person or mask some kind of flaw;
  • creates a feeling of volume even on very thin and weak hair;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • greatly facilitates installation;
  • has been holding a position on the fashionable Olympus for 3 years.

On the video cascade for short hair:

The disadvantage of the cascade is only one feature: in the future it is difficult to switch to a hairstyle with a single length of strands. However, just for short hair, this disadvantage is easily eliminated.

There are many haircut options, which allows you to choose the perfect option for any fashionista.

This form is ideal for highlighting and coloring, so it is often preferred for these purposes.

  • Cascade with bangs- it is selected in accordance with the oval of the face and the type of haircut. There are many options for bangs:

They create such an effect using a straight razor, so this hairstyle is not feasible at home.

A significant advantage of the cascade is the ability to perform on both wavy and curly hair. Moreover, the very structure of such hair does not carry any restrictions: the model is selected on the same grounds as for straight hair. When cutting, the master simply determines the most rigid curls and pulls other strands to this length.

It will also be interesting to see that. what cascading haircuts look like for medium hair with bangs:

But how a torn cascade haircut for long hair will look like and how difficult it is to make such a haircut, the content of this article will help

With curly hair, bangs are rarely formed. The reason is that she will have to be “taken care of” especially: the bangs must be pulled out every day, otherwise the haircut will lose its appearance.

Cascade is an unusually “grateful” model for any hairdressing coloring procedures. And highlighting, and coloring, and ombre - absolutely everything is suitable in order to emphasize the individuality of the image.

On the video cascade for short hair:

Who suits

Calling the cascade a universal solution, they mean that among the variety of models you can find the optimal one for any type of face, for any hair structure and for any necessary image. It is clear that a business woman cannot afford a ragged cascade with colored strands, and a young student is unlikely to like the classic, modest version at the tips.

A haircut is considered the best option for thin and medium hair, since its main task is to create volume. However, it is quite suitable for thick and coarse hair, as it allows you to achieve dynamism.

  • Any model is suitable for an oval and round face. The difference is the type of bangs: with the right oval, you can choose any option - even, oblique, with a wide round face, it is better to do without bangs or choose oblique.
  • An elongated narrow face will be decorated with a graduated haircut with a small bang.
  • A narrow face with a triangular chin can be "balanced" by a cascade in which volume is formed at the bottom of the hairstyle. The same technique is used with a rectangular shape, only the volume is formed just above the chin.
  • The asymmetric cascade is a godsend not only for fashionistas, but also a real “salvation” for owners of a heavy square chin. This model visually lightens it and makes the face thinner.
  • With large facial features, even or oblique long bangs are preferable. For small ones, it is better to choose a torn one.

On the video cascade for long hair with a short crown:

How to cut

Cascade on short hair is cut along the entire length. In this case, the steps seem to frame the face, emphasizing its advantages and hiding its flaws. At the same time, the bangs may be absent - it does not suit everyone. The color doesn't matter.

Haircut cascade is performed according to a certain scheme, where the main element is the central strand. The method of cutting, as well as the tool used, may be different.

The basic principle of creating a cascade is to choose a control strand - it serves as that template for the rest of the mass of hair, and an imaginary division of the head with partings along the radius. In this case, the main part of the hair, relative to which all other strands will be cut, may have a different basis:

  • round - the strand can be twisted;
  • square base;
  • triangular.

The smoothness of the transition of steps depends on the nature of the stitch. With non-steep steps, a kind of hybrid with a "ladder" is obtained, with very steep steps - a torn cascade.

On the video styling hairstyles cascade for short hair:

It is better to wash your head with shampoo and balm beforehand. All other care products - oil, foam, must be discarded. Hair is slightly dried with a towel.

Haircut technology includes the following steps.

  1. The hair is divided in half with a parting and the central occipital strand is selected.
  2. Choose its length and angle of retraction. Usually it is pulled at a 90-degree angle, while the others are pulled towards it.
  3. The rest of the hair on the back of the head is combed onto the control strand and straightened.
  4. The hair near the ears is parted horizontally, but also combed towards the back of the head and straightened.
  5. Cut the level from the back of the head to the forehead. A thin strand is selected in front of the head, pulled horizontally and cut. Lateral level according to the selected one.
  6. Make bangs - depending on the type of face and the shape of the haircut.

On this basis, all other variants of the cascade are performed - double, torn, stepped, and so on. They differ in the use of separate techniques.

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But how difficult it is to make a haircut ladder cascade for medium hair, the information will help to understand

How to style

The type of final hairstyle also depends on other hairdressing techniques: bending the tips out or in, smooth transition or, conversely, torn edges of the strands, styling bangs. The great attraction of a haircut is precisely the ability to instantly change the image with a minimum of effort.

  • Styling with such a hairstyle is the simplest, and on short hair with a torn edge, it can generally be reduced to applying foam to wet hair and pulling the strands with your fingers. Very practical youth option.
  • For an everyday, more elegant version, they do this: after washing, the strands are dried from the root - while the head is tilted down, and the tips are twisted with fingers inward. It is advisable to apply gel or wax to the tips so that the styling lasts longer.

In the photo-cascade for short curly hair:

The ends can be tucked inward, outward, you can combine the method - turn the strands inward on the face, and the rest outward, and so on.

  • To get a hairstyle with maximum volume, foam is applied to the washed, damp hair along the entire length, and then dried with a hairdryer, pulling the strands with a comb. Individual curls can be pulled at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • A smooth, smooth cascade with perfect styling is obtained using an iron. Before that, a thermal protective agent is applied to the washed hair. With an iron, the strands are pulled from the root down.
  • It will take longer to style the haircut with tongs. At the same time, curls are light and playful, and the image as a whole is very romantic.

You can change the appearance even with the help of a regular parting: straight, side, zigzag - even such a simple trick will transform a haircut.

Cascade is an extremely versatile model for any type of hair, for any type of face and for any age. Haircut is done in half an hour, and styling it takes no more than 5 minutes.
