How to shrink pores on face? Narrowing of pores on the face. The best methods to reduce pores on the face

1. It is necessary, it is necessary to wash

If you have enlarged pores, it is especially important to cleanse your skin twice a day. The activity of the sebaceous glands can exacerbate the problem, so in the morning and in the evening you need to wash your face with a cleanser. When choosing, pay attention to the composition: we like products with natural extracts, for example, Pure Calmille by Yves Rocher with chamomile extract, Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash by Kiehl’s with calendula extract, and Darphin Verbena Wash Emulsion.

2. And make-up brushes need to be washed

Daily. Yes, it's tedious, tiring and annoying. But try to incorporate this process into your daily routine. I put on makeup and washed my brushes. So you will avoid getting bacteria into the pores, which means comedones, inflammation and other troubles that make your skin look uneven.

3. Always use a primer

How to reduce pores on the face at home? For the sake of experiment, you can rehearse on an orange: apply a matting dense primer on it, and then tone. On the other hand, it's just tone. Do you see the difference? The primer works like a primer, fills in the hollows of the pores, and the subsequent application of tone or powder finally evens out the skin. We love Clinique's Pore Minimizer T-zone Control, Smashbox's Photo Finish Foundation Primer, and Benefit's POREfessional Pore Minimizing Makeup Primer.

4. Apply Moisturizer Often

Enlarged pores often lead to a vicious cycle: the glands secrete a lot of sebum, the skin is shiny and looks oily, you reduce the amount of cream applied, the skin feels dehydrated, and since it cannot produce water, it produces sebum, because of it it shines ... The more you moisturize your skin, the smaller your pores.


5. Protect your skin from the sun

You probably already guessed it: yes, the sun also dehydrates the skin, which provokes the production of sebum. The ideal option for a cream that reduces pores is a foundation with SPF: both beauty and health!

6. Peel

Once a week, arrange a global cleansing of the skin: peeling will remove dead cells, refresh the complexion and prevent the formation of clogged pores. Choose acid-based products: use our selection!

7. Buy a cream with retinol

This ingredient will speed up the renewal of the top cell layer, and the pores will appear smaller due to both a fresher complexion and a reduction in sebum production. Remember that retinol creams should be used at night, as they increase the photosensitivity of the skin.

8. Conduct steam sessions

How else can you reduce pores at home? Boil water and add a few drops of rose, lavender, basil or rosemary essential oils to it. If you have problematic skin, we recommend tea tree oil. Cover your head with a towel and soak your face in the steam: this is a natural way to hydrate your skin and open up your pores. After the steam bath, use a scrub or peeling.

9. Good old ice

Another option for skin care after steaming is to wipe with an ice cube. The contrast of temperatures tones up, and the pores narrow!

10. Drink less milk

Dairy products provoke acne, and indeed are quite harmful to the body as a whole. Less is better!

Most often, owners of oily skin type face a variety of skin problems. Greasy skin can spoil even the most attractive and blooming appearance: pimples, acne, inflammation. Consider how to narrow the pores on the face with various means at home.

Pore ​​care rules

It will not work to get rid of pores on the face forever, even visiting beauty salons and doing expensive cleaning procedures. The fact is that natural processes constantly occur on the face, and it is not possible to change them radically. But if you regularly take care of the skin and follow all the instructions, then visually you can significantly reduce aesthetic problems.

For a productive result, you need to follow the rules:

  1. Always clean the skin of cosmetics with foams, milk and other means;
  2. Wash your face twice a day: before bed and after;
  3. After using narrowing tonics, micellar water or herbal decoctions;
  4. Cleanse the skin with a scrub 1-2 times a week, in addition to traditional methods;
  5. You need to use cosmetics for your skin type, which dries the surface and helps remove oily sheen;
  6. If possible, visit a beautician and dermatologist (once every two months is enough) or make masks at home.

For more information on how and with what means to take care of the pores of the face, you can watch our video.

Video: creams and masks that narrow pores

Tightening products for oily and normal skin

To narrow the pores on the face, astringent masks for problem skin are widely used. In this case, you can remove excess fat from the surface and cleanse the dermis of old particles. So, for example, it works wonders, perfectly removing the upper stratum corneum.

#1: Blue, White, or Black Clay Mask.
In just half an hour, the skin will become noticeably lighter, and the pores will be less visible. It is very important not to leave the clay to dry completely, especially for girls with sensitive skin. It is necessary to wash off immediately after the first constraining sensations. Some girls help for a long time.

#2: A lemon-protein mass will help to narrow and brighten the enlarged pores of the face.
Damaged defects are bleached with lemon, and the protein has an astringent effect. Proportions: for 1 teaspoon of juice you will need 1 protein whipped into foam.

#3: Facial steaming with almond peeling.
Almonds have wonderful healing properties and effectively cleanse sebaceous pores. But this method is absolutely contraindicated for young ladies with inflammation on the face.

#4: Berry whitening masks for normal skin.
Most often, the water or herbal base is changed to milk, and this fruit pulp is rubbed over the face with a sponge. Fruits with astringent properties:

  • Strawberry;
  • Apricot;
  • Raspberries;
  • Grape;
  • Currant.

#5: Kaolin.
Mix a tablespoon of fennel oil with a teaspoon of kaolin, add glycerin and mineral water until a thick, dense mixture is formed. The solution is applied to especially noticeable pores of the face and left for 10 minutes (for sensitive skin) or 20 (to reduce the oiliness of combination skin).

#6: Linden decoction.
Half a liter of boiling water - 2-3 tablespoons of grass. Leave for about half an hour. It is necessary to wash several times a day, it is desirable to continue the procedure for a long time. So you can not only narrow the pores, but also get rid of black dots.

#7: Blend of Lemon, Peppermint, and Hazelnut Oils Effectively Tightens Facial Pores.
It is recommended to use before bedtime instead of a night cream. Walnut oil can be replaced with tea tree. Apply this solution to cleansed skin in the T-zone and leave for an hour. This is very important, because in the evening, regenerative processes begin. After the time has passed, do not rinse, but soak with paper towels.

#8: Elderberry constrictor.
These berries were popularly used to disinfect wounds and lighten the skin. Boil chamomile, lime blossom and elder flowers over low heat, after boiling, remove after three minutes. Proportions: for half a liter of boiling water, take a spoonful of each herb. Mix the warm solution with heated flower honey (not hot, but pleasantly warm) and oatmeal. Add at your discretion, the mass should not be very steep or thick. Put back on fire and boil. Cool and apply several layers on the skin. Keep on the dermis for 20 minutes.

#9: Actively tightens the large pores of the face orange peel.
On a grater we rub the fresh skin of the fruit and mix with its pulp. This porridge is gently applied to problem areas. You can apply the method to cleanse and whiten the pores on the body. Wash off well after twenty minutes. Many cosmetics manufacturers have begun producing foundation creams based on orange extract, this is a very good decorative remedy.

#10: The famous starch mask.
To prepare an old starch remedy, we need two tablespoons of potato powder, a little flower honey, heated to a pleasant heat, and a couple of tablespoons of warm milk. We mix all the ingredients and apply the mass on the dermis. Keep no more than half an hour.

#11: Cryomassage with ice cubes.
A very good remedy is to drive pieces of ice over the skin. Especially effective after steaming and cleansing the pores. You can do it in the morning and in the evening, or in the morning pour cold water over your face.

#12: Nose pore shrinking mask.
The disadvantages are most noticeable on this part of the body. You need to prepare two tablespoons of oatmeal, one whipped squirrel, a small spoonful of lemon juice. Mix and gently apply this porridge-like mass. Let's just leave it for 15 minutes. Flakes must first be thoroughly ground in a coffee grinder or mortar.

#13: Strips for blackheads from a tissue paper with whipped egg white.
Beat part of the egg into foam and apply to problem areas, but not to the entire face (otherwise it will be painful to peel off). We tear pieces of napkin and stick on the same problem areas. Apply again to the whipped mass already on a napkin and wait 15 minutes until everything dries. After sharp movements, tear off the napkins from the face. The procedure can be a little painful if you have sensitive skin. We recommend applying to a small area first.

#14: Cooked potatoes.
Enlarged pores are easily removed with a mass of premium wheat flour, whipped protein and mashed potatoes. The same method will help cleanse mature skin, give it elasticity and relieve age spots with regular use.

#15: Tomato mask.
We cut the fresh vegetable into slices and put it on the face. Tomatoes help not only to narrow the very visible pores of the face, but also from old cells and remove toxins.

Shrink pores on dry skin

Thin skin with insufficient secretion of subcutaneous fat is quite difficult to treat. Most traditional remedies irritate and sensitize her. To narrow the pores on the face, if you have dry skin, you can use blue clay. Just before applying the mineral base, you need to treat the surface of the dermis with a nourishing cream.

#16: Rosehip tincture works well on mature dry skin.
A few drops of essence are mixed with two tablespoons of a decoction of these berries. Apply to the face as a compress and keep for at least 10 minutes. Apply 2 times a week.

#17: Decoction of burdock root and nettle leaves.
For half a liter of boiling water, the proportions in tablespoons are 1: 1. Infuse for one day in a dark place at room temperature, and wipe your face with this liquid several times a day. If you are concerned about enlarged pores and acne on your back, then you can take baths with this decoction, the water should be yellowish in color, but not very concentrated.

Step-by-step process of narrowing the pores on the cheeks:

  1. Steam your face, inhale over essential oils;
  2. Cleanse the skin with tonic or chamomile decoction;
  3. Apply a mask;
  4. Nourish the skin with cream;
  5. Several times a day, wipe the pores on the face with a swab moistened with herbal decoctions or fruit juices.

Moreover, an integrated approach implies a special diet. Every day you need to drink at least two glasses of special herbal tea. His recipe: lavender, coltsfoot, chamomile, sweet clover, rosemary, star anise are mixed in the same amount, and poured with hot water (not boiling water!). Infused for a day in a dark cool place. Dilute the resulting tea leaves with warm water to the usual concentration of tea and drink. With a strong desire to narrow the pores on the face, you can add a little sage and thyme.

Our skin does not always look the way we would like it to. Not every girl can boast of a perfect complexion. On the contrary, in most cases, we regularly encounter various problems of the facial skin, such as acne, blackheads, inflammation, comedones and enlarged pores.

Of course, oily skin is more prone to such manifestations. However, many of the fair sex noted that even on dry skin in winter, enlarged pores and, consequently, black dots may appear.

The fact is that subcutaneous fat, standing out, expands our pores. This can be the result of oily or combination skin. Physical activity, when sweat appears on the face, also leads to the expansion of the pores. Well, and of course, the process of skin aging makes itself felt. Not for nothing after 25 years, many people begin to notice that their pores become much more noticeable. The process of cell regeneration slows down, impairing metabolism. All subcutaneous fat comes out, accumulating on the nose, in the nose, forehead and chin.

one of the conditions is regular cleansing of the skin of the face

Modern cosmetic technologies allow you to quickly solve this problem in a short time. These include: microdermabrasion, cryotherapy, laser resurfacing, procedures using beta hydroxy acids, alpha hydroxy acids and tretinoin.

In addition, it is also possible to narrow the pores at home. These treatments include masks, compresses, lotions and peels.

You can deeply cleanse the skin using peelings once a week. Now on sale there are special tools that allow you to dissolve fat deposits in the pores in one application. The less fat will accumulate in the pores, the narrower they will be.

How to narrow pores?

Home cryotherapy for shrinking pores

Cryotherapy helps to shrink pores at home, and for this it is not necessary to go to the salon. All you need is to freeze mineral water in cubes. For greater effectiveness, before freezing, you can add lemon juice to the water. Wipe the face with a cube in the morning and evening, massaging the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin.

tone skin with ice

Cosmetic clay for narrowing pores

Another simple but effective way is clay. To narrow the pores and remove subcutaneous fat from them, use white, pink or red clay. If you have dry skin, then apply the mask only to problem areas.

Orange mask for narrowing the pores

You will need: orange skin

This recipe is very simple. Masks based on fruits and berries were used by our great-grandmothers. Take the peel of an orange and crush it carefully in a mortar. Then apply the mushy mixture to problem areas of the face and décolleté. In order for the orange to give all the beneficial essential mask to your skin, cover the mask with gauze. We wait 15-20 minutes and wash off the mask with warm and then cold. Such a temperature contrast perfectly tones the skin and improves the general substances.

masks made from natural products

Egg mask for shrinking pores

You will need: egg, strawberry/strawberry, vegetable oil, starch

Beat 1 egg white, add a couple of strawberries, a couple of drops of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of starch to it. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on the face for 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash off the mask with warm and then cold water. If necessary, you can apply a nourishing cream.

Oatmeal Pore Mask

You will need: oatmeal, lemon, egg

Take 2 teaspoons of cereal and grind them in a blender. We do the same with lemon zest. Mix these two ingredients and add beaten egg white to them. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm and cold water.

Pore ​​Shrink Potato Mask

You will need: potatoes, flour, egg

We rub one raw potato on a grater and add a little flour and pre-beaten egg white to it. We apply the mask on the face for 20 minutes. We remove the remnants of the mask in the usual way.

Many women know firsthand what enlarged pores look like on the face and how difficult it is to hide them even with cosmetics. Unsuccessful attempts to hide the defect with powder or foundation are far from the only problem. Inflammatory processes, the accumulation of dirt and fat are only part of the troubles faced by the owners of the dermis with enlarged pores. You should not put up with a defect - home procedures using simple masks will make the skin smoother and prevent inflammation and rashes.

Pores on the face

Before proceeding with the procedures, you need to find out the reason why the pores expand - with its elimination, the defect will become less noticeable, and it will be quite easy to deal with it. Most often, the culprits here are the sebaceous glands, which actively produce fat. Simultaneously with the manipulations to narrow the pores, it is recommended to use products that reduce the production of fat, otherwise you will not have to wait for good results even after regular procedures.

The best remedy that narrows the pores while reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands is a clay-based mask:

  1. Knead the blue clay (25 gr.), Be sure to make sure that there are no lumps left in it - they can provoke irritation on the sensitive dermis.
  2. Heat cream (20 ml) in the microwave, add to the clay, mix.
  3. Melt honey (15 gr.) in a bath with boiling water, there should be no sugar grains in the bee product.
  4. Combine the clay mass with warm honey, squeeze the juice from the lemon slice directly into the mixture.

Apply the composition to the problem areas of the skin of the face, do not touch the areas of hypersensitivity (near the lips, eyes). Leave the mixture for a quarter of an hour, usually the clay begins to dry out during this time, so removing it is not difficult. Wash off the mask with warm water, wipe the dermis with a vegetable decoction that has a tonic property (brew 15 g of chamomile inflorescences with 100 ml of boiling water).

The procedure is carried out twice a week. If the sebaceous glands are not working too actively, you can reduce the number of manipulations - use a clay-based composition once a week.

Enlarged pores on the face, how to get rid of at home

There are a lot of tips in home cosmetology about how to quickly and permanently remove enlarged pores. Most often, masks based on plant components - vegetables, fruits - are used for this purpose. Before you get rid of defects, even if sparing masks or lotions are used, it is imperative to find out why the pores are expanding. If the reason is not the activity of the sebaceous glands, but the lack of nutrients or moisture, this problem will also have to be dealt with.

Facial mask: grape, lemon

To remove wide pores and enrich the tissues of the skin, a remedy from grapes will help. It is recommended to carry out the procedures several times a week, after a month the question of how to deal with the defect will not arise.


  1. Mash a few grapes with your hands or a fork.
  2. Add juice squeezed from a lemon slice to the fruit mass.
  3. Mix, use immediately.

Apply only to problem areas. Citrus juice is quite aggressive and can cause discomfort on sensitive skin, so first make sure there is no reaction - apply a few drops of acidic liquid on your wrist and wait 1-3 hours.

Face mask: protein, strawberry, starch

If you ask a fan of homemade skin care products how to quickly shrink pores, she will certainly recommend using a strawberry-based mask. The results will be noticeable after the first application of the composition, and simultaneously with the impact on the pores of the dermis tissue, they will receive a considerable portion of vitamins and useful elements.


  1. Puree 3-5 strawberries.
  2. Add to the fruit mass 20 gr. starch.
  3. Whip the egg white until stiff and carefully fold into the strawberry mixture.

Apply to areas where large pores are visible in a thick layer, leave until the protein begins to set (this will happen after 16-20 minutes, depending on the juiciness of the fruit). Remove, use warm water to wash.

Shrink pores on face once and for all at home

How to narrow permanently wide ugly pores that cannot be hidden even with cosmetics? There are several recipes for masks that, due to their effectiveness, are especially popular with women.

Face mask: Protein, honey


  1. Rub the egg white into foam.
  2. Send honey (20 ml) to a water bath, hold until the product becomes liquid.
  3. Grind the honey liquid with 20 gr. corn flour.
  4. Add a little protein foam.

Distribute into problem areas where large pores are visible. Leave for half an hour. Carry out the procedure using the product 1-2 times a week.

Face mask: yeast, peroxide

For women who have not only porous facial skin, but also an uneven shade, it is recommended to use a yeast-based product. It is important to use a pressed rather than a dry product for the preparation of the composition.


  1. Mash in a small container 30 gr. fresh yeast.
  2. Add soda (15 gr.) And peroxide (5 ml) to the yeast gruel.
  3. Stir the mass, leave for a quarter of an hour at room temperature.

Apply the composition only to areas with large pores. First make sure the composition is harmless by testing - apply to a sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. Leave the mixture to act for half an hour. It must be removed with a decoction of linden or chamomile, which have a calming property (brew 200 ml of boiling water with 20 g of vegetable raw materials).

Facial mask: avocado, sea salt, oatmeal, honey

Rapid narrowing will occur when using a mask in which the active ingredient is avocado. The tool is expensive, but effective - it will be possible to get rid of the defect in just 3-5 procedures, the interval between which should be five days.


  1. Turn oatmeal (20 gr.) into a fine powder, it is better to use a coffee grinder for this.
  2. Grind avocado (50 gr.) in a blender.
  3. Melt honey (15 gr.), Combine with avocado puree.
  4. Mix honey mass, oatmeal flour, add sea salt (10 gr.). If there is no sea salt, it is allowed to replace it with an ordinary culinary product, the main thing is that it should not contain iodine.

Apply the composition on the skin of the face for a quarter of an hour with a cotton pad. Remove with cool water. Tonics after the procedure will not be needed - avocado perfectly soothes and does not cause irritation.

Face mask: cottage cheese, honey

For owners of dry dermis, a cottage cheese-based mask is perfect, moisturizing the skin and smoothing porous skin.

Young ladies with oily and combination skin types are most often faced with such a problem as enlarged pores. This is especially evident in the process of applying foundation. It must be understood that it is completely impossible to get rid of this, but it is quite possible to narrow and stop the occurrence of comedones. Let's find out how to shrink pores in more detail.

What causes this problem?

  • cosmetics (other than intended use; not removing make-up)
  • genetic predisposition (do not worry with home procedures and masks, you can visually reduce all this)
  • hormonal background (puberty, pregnancy, menopause)
  • food (which is a fairly common cause)
  • bad habits (alcohol, nicotine)
  • oily skin
  • ultraviolet rays (this applies to solarium lovers)
  • stressful situations, constant depression
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract

How to narrow the pores on the face?

Cosmetic procedures

  • various types of peeling (glycolic, chemical, salicylic - the last option is allowed to be carried out at home).
  • microdermabrasion (grinding the dermis with small crystals or a special nozzle). Thanks to this method, you can exfoliate and even out the top layer of the skin.
  • cryotherapy (the skin is exposed to cold air, as a result, a reflective narrowing of the pores occurs, the processes of fat production slow down, the skin color evens out, acne disappears)
  • photorejuvenation (the work is carried out with a special laser, which allows you to even out the relief of the dermis and reduce pores)
  • darsonvalization (the skin is exposed to ultrasound, which leads to a reduction in pores)
Shrink pores on face at home

If there is no time or opportunity to visit beauty salons, then you should not worry, all manipulations with the skin to reduce pores can be done independently at home. There is a large selection of masks, compresses, scrubs based on familiar ingredients. Well, let's get started?

Clay mask. This recipe narrows not only the pores, but also normalizes the amount of sebum secreted. In addition, it effectively cleanses the dermis and has a whitening effect. In a container, dilute any kind of clay (blue, white, black) with warm water (according to the instructions), apply to pre-cleansed skin and hold for several minutes. For a double effect, it is allowed to add aloe juice (a couple of drops). Note: if the skin is too sensitive, then reduce the exposure time of the mask (do not wait until it starts to harden), and immediately rinse with warm water.

Lemon juice

  • dilute a couple of drops of juice in a container with water and treat the skin 2 times a day (morning / evening)
  • pour lemon juice (fresh) into whipped protein, mix and apply to the dermis for up to 15 minutes
  • combine lemon juice (1 tsp) + cream (1 tsp) and process up to 20 minutes.

Egg white. Combine protein (1pc) with oatmeal flakes (2tbsp) and lemon juice (2tbsp). Mix until smooth and apply up to 35 minutes. After - rinse with water (cold, otherwise it may curl). Perform such manipulations with the skin 2 times a week.

Cucumber juice. Evens out the tone of the face, tones, tightens pores.

  • In a container, mix cornmeal with fresh cucumber juice until thick. Leave the mixture on your face for up to 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  • Combine the grated cucumber with lemon juice, apply the mixture for up to 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Ice. Effectively copes with the narrowing of pores, tones the skin, gives a healthy, well-groomed appearance. Treat the skin after cleansing procedures. You can use various decoctions based on chamomile, calendula, green tea, mint, linden, etc. How is it prepared? The selected type of grass is poured into a container with water, boiled, poured into molds and sent to the freezer. We treat the face with the resulting ice cubes in the morning / evening.

Badyaga. Does the job well. Available in gel or powder form. A small amount is diluted with water and applied to the dermis. After the session, redness is possible, so apply in the evening.

How to narrow pores with tomato juice. This ingredient contains a high percentage of K and acids, which contribute to the narrowing of pores. Apply the pulp up to 20 minutes.

Soda scrub. In a container, mix soda with water (warm 3 tbsp each), rub into the dermis.

Honey mixture. Prepare: honey (2 tablespoons), starch (1 teaspoon), salt (a little bit), warm milk (1/4 cup). Combine all prepared ingredients, apply in a thick layer and hold for up to 40 minutes.

Sugar honey scrub. Mix honey (1 tbsp) with sugar (brown 1 tbsp) and pour in a couple of drops of lemon juice. Apply like a scrub.

Orange pore shrinking mask. Finely chopped orange mash with a fork, apply on the nose, cover with a napkin and hold for up to 20 minutes.

Aloe juice. This product helps with many skin problems. We dip a cotton pad into the squeezed fresh aloe juice and treat the skin areas. You can cover with gauze and soak for up to 20 minutes.

Parsley. Add kefir (2 tablespoons) to chopped parsley (1 tbsp). Stir and treat your face for up to 15 minutes. Rinse with cool water.

How to shrink pores with oils

The type of oil is bought according to your skin (oily, combination). Suitable options: jojoba, almond, grape seed, citrus, rosemary, mint, lemon balm, tea tree, etc.

  • mix almond oil (1 tbsp) with tea tree ether (1 drop) and treat the dermis for up to 10 minutes. We wash.
  • we take a choice: jojoba oil / hazelnut 5ml and 1 drop of mint + lemon oils. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for up to 15 minutes.
  • combine grape seed oil (1 tbsp) with jojoba oil (1 tbsp), rosemary (2 drops) and lemon oil (drop). Apply the resulting mixture every other day for 20 minutes. You can also do steam baths with grapefruit to narrow the pores and cleanse the dermis.
Herbal decoctions
  • dried rose hips or lindens (2 tablespoons) pour hot water (1 glass), insist up to 40 minutes and then wash your face 2 times a day. You can organize compresses once a week.

  • pour chamomile flowers (or calendula) into a container with boiling water (1 glass), let it brew for up to 40 minutes, pour into a glass jar and wipe your face 2 times a day.
  • Pour plantain leaves (2 tablespoons) into a glass of water, dip gauze and apply on face for up to 20 minutes. Or prepare a cream: beat the egg yolk into crushed, fresh plantain leaves, beat and apply as a cream.
  • under the ban self-squeezing acne
  • do not treat the skin with alcohol-containing products (they reduce pores for a while, but at the same time greatly dry out the dermis)
  • do not use soap as a cleanser (moisture loss occurs; look at gels and foams)
  • only after cleansing, you can proceed to further procedures to narrow the pores
  • do not be lazy and always wash off makeup before going to bed
  • refill your cosmetic bag with micellar water, tonics for narrowing and herbal decoctions. Be sure to exfoliate your face once a week.
  • cosmetics should match your skin type
  • review your diet
  • wash your face with warm or cold water, and then make it a habit to treat with ice cubes, herbal infusions or lotions.
