What does rhodium look like? Rhodium plated

Rhodium is a metal of the platinum group, its brightest representative. "Bright" is used in the literal sense. The element shines like no other. The radiance is cold, because the metal at number 45 in the periodic table is white.

Precious, does not oxidize, does not react with acids, alkalis, fluorine, sulfur, chlorine. In jewelry, the element is used as a ligature of some alloys. But, the main mission of rhodium is to cover jewelry.

What is birthing

What is rhodium jewelry? This is coating them with a thin layer of metal. The coating thickness should not exceed 25 micrometers. The minimum indicator is 0.1 micrometer.

Any metal can be coated with rhodium, but this is not always advisable, because the 45th element costs more than gold. Even in minimal doses, spraying only on precious items is economically justified. Applies silver rhodium, white gold, platinum and other valuable white.

Why cover white with white? There are two reasons. First, nothing compares to the radiance of rhodium. Neither silver, nor gold, nor platinum shine like that. To make the decoration sparkle and attract buyers, it is “hidden” under element No. 45. Rhodium not only shines more than other precious metals, but also strength. The coating protects products from scratches and other damage. This is the second reason to use delivery.

The birth process and its features

What does birth mean from a physical and chemical point of view? The answer is the standard electroplating process. In the school curriculum, the method is studied in the 6th grade. In Soviet times, the topic was always accompanied by visual experience. A copper penny was lowered into the galvanic bath. In a matter of seconds, the coin was covered with a white coating. It was not rhodium, but base metals. But, the point is the same.

Liquid is poured into the container. It will act as a conductor for metal salts deposited on the product. In the workflow, it is called cooking. It is negatively charged, and the particles of the deposited element are positively charged. When an electric current is passed through a liquid, the minus is attracted to the plus. As a result, the blank (anode) disappears under the coating layer (cathode).

The procedure requires water-soluble salts of the precious metal, but these are difficult to obtain. We need complex devices, installations. Entrepreneurs took this into account and began to produce a ready-made composition - a concentrated solution of rhodium sulfate. To get the finished electrolyte, you only need to dilute the acquisition in the right proportions with water.

Electrodeposited rhodium has a hardness of 900 kgf (kilogram-force) per square millimeter. The light reflectance is approximately 79%. The indicator is inferior to the reflectivity of silver. However, the argentum fades over time. Rhodium shines equally strong for decades.

It is no coincidence that the framework for the thickness of the rhodium-plated coating is set. With an impressive layer width, element No. 45 is prone to internal stress. Its formation leads to the appearance of pores and microcracks in the material. In this case, what they produce rhodium products, loses relevance.

Application of rhodium

In jewelry, the method is justified in several cases. The first one is gold rhodium. What it is from a physico-chemical point of view, of course. But what is it from an aesthetic point of view? The yellow metal is whitewashed with a ligature of silver, palladium, nickel.

However, the final color of the alloy is far from perfect. It either remains slightly yellowish or becomes greyish. Another problem is the dullness of the true. Required coating. Rodation makes products perfectly white. The latest trend is the lack of preliminary clarification of gold. The 45th element is simply sprayed on it. The microlayer reliably hides the yellowness of the base.

White gold rhodium applied most widely. Silver is rarely used. Spraying greatly increases the price of jewelry, the choice in favor of which many make precisely because of the affordable cost. However, elite silver models give birth. This relieves the metal - the basis of darkening associated with the appearance of an oxide film on the surface of the products. stops aging, does not require cleaning, shines like a star in the sky.

In jewelry, jewelers like to combine diamond with rhodium. What is it few know. Meanwhile, everything is simple - the model with diamonds is covered with element No. 45. The stone often has cold shades - white, blue, pink. The radiance of such crystals is hidden against the background of yellow metal.

Meanwhile, white alloys emphasize the natural play of light in diamonds. If, at the same time, the metal itself also has strong reflective properties, the radiance of a diamond increases exponentially. Even a stone of not the first purity seems perfectly transparent and sparkling.

Rhodium diamond ring is increasingly becoming the choice for engagement or marriage ceremonies. Lovers rely not only on the radiance of jewelry, but also on the fact that with rhodium plating they will last longer. This is especially important for engagement rings worn for life.

It is worth noting that rhodium has found application outside of jewelry. For example, a precious metal is planted on electrical contacts operating at low voltage and low currents. This is due to the low electrical resistance of element No. 45.

Delivery price

On the rhodium price installed in most jewelry workshops. Only about 20% of them do not provide the service. In the rest, they ask for about 800 rubles for covering the ring. This price tag is for a medium size product. The same is the cost of sputtering a precious element on a pendant. Rodirovanie will cost from 800 rubles to 2000 rubles. For chains, usually, the price is negotiable. It all depends on the size of the jewelry, weight, type of weaving.

Silver is a unique metal, the properties of which allow it to be used not only in the jewelry industry, but also in the manufacture of parts for technical devices, as well as in medicine. Silver is characterized by softness and ductility, which makes the metal susceptible to deformation, which is why it is not used in its pure form. To increase the strength of the metal, copper is added to it. But even this does not protect silver from deformation, since alloys are used in the jewelry industry, in which the part of silver exceeds 90%. Therefore, to protect silver from the effects of negative factors, it is coated with a layer of rhodium. In the thematic literature and on electronic resources, you can find such phrases as “radiated silver” and “rhodium-plated silver”.

Many people think that they are the same thing, but they really are not.

Rhodium silver

Rhodium-plated silver is coated with a layer of rhodium, a rare metal belonging to the platinum group. Rhodium is several times more expensive than gold, so it is not used in the manufacture of jewelry. At the same time, this metal is considered incredibly hard, which makes it suitable for making a protective layer that is applied to jewelry. This procedure is called birthing.

A layer of rhodium is applied not only to silver jewelry, but also to those made of 750 white gold. Rhodium plating allows not only to protect jewelry from damage, but also to give them an exquisite shine. In addition, silver products with such a coating cannot be visually distinguished from platinum, the most expensive metal used in the jewelry industry. The galvanic method is used for rhodium, and the procedure itself takes several minutes.

Rhodium-plated silver ring with stone

The rhodium plating has a significant drawback: it wears off over time, especially for areas of jewelry that are constantly in contact with the skin. The rhodium plating also wears off where the links are attached. But this is not a reason to refuse exquisite jewelry, because the coating is subject to restoration. To do this, just contact the master jeweler. Rodization cannot be called a cheap service, since such a coating consists of an expensive precious metal. For example, a rhodium-plated ring of medium thickness will cost the client about $15.

Every owner of rhodium-plated jewelry should be aware that such silver requires special care and respect.

  1. The rhodium layer can be destroyed by aggressive detergents - washing powder, dishwashing gel, etc. Therefore, rings and bracelets must be removed during hand washing and dishwashing. Sputtered jewelry can also be damaged by alcohol, so they should not be allowed to come into contact with alcohol-based tonics, lotions, etc.
  2. Rhodium-plated items should not be treated with abrasive surface cleaners, as hard particles will damage the coating.
  3. Special chemical cleaners intended for silver care are not suitable for the care of products with a rhodium layer. Silver can be cleaned with such substances, but only if it does not have any coating.
  4. Rhodium plating deteriorates when exposed to sweat, so jewelry with such a coating should be removed before going to the gym. The same rule applies to going to the pool, as water containing chlorine can cause the rhodium layer to deteriorate.
  5. How to clean silver with rhodium? In fact, the list of products that help clean such jewelry is limited. For example, you can prepare soapy water and thoroughly wash jewelry that needs cleaning with it. After that, rinse the products with clean water and gently dry with a soft cloth. The same technique is suitable for cleaning jewelry with precious stones.
  6. Store rhodium-plated jewelry properly. For this purpose, a jewelry box is suitable, but in no case a box made of cardboard. The thing is that cardboard can contain sulfur, and this substance provokes the oxidation of silver and the loss of its attractive appearance. If the product is not worn for a long time, it is recommended to store it in a piece of flannel.

The difference between pure silver and rhodium plated silver

Jewelry coated with a layer of rhodium, in addition to advantages, have disadvantages. For example, if a silver chain coated with such a metal suddenly breaks, then after its repair, the rhodium layer must be renewed, which will increase the repair costs several times.

What is radium?

In many sources of information, you can find such a phrase as "silver radiated". This is a mistaken name for rhodium-plated metal, but such a mistake can greatly mislead the reader. If jewelry were coated with radium instead of rhodium, then they would become deadly for their owner, and all because radium is a radioactive chemical element. For this reason, it cannot be used in the jewelry industry in any way, because the use of silver, which has radium in its composition, would be fatal to humans.

Radium as a chemical element was discovered by the Curies, for which they received the Nobel Prize. It was found that radium is a product of the decay of uranium, so it can be found in small quantities in uranium ore. In nature, this metal is catastrophically small. So, since the discovery of radium, scientists have mined only one and a half kilograms of this metal.

Despite the danger of a chemical element, an effective use for it was nevertheless found. For example, radon baths have been considered an effective method for treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system for several decades in a row. In technology, radium has also been used, for example, in the last century this metal was used to make luminous coatings that serve as illumination for watch dials and aircraft instruments. But due to radioactivity, radium was no longer used for this purpose.

The difference between rhodium-plated and radiated silver is enormous, since the latter does not exist at all.

Rhodium plating is the process of applying rhodium to a precious metal. Rhodium plating is often used in the jewelry industry, because. this provides many advantages over conventional metal products.

Why is birth necessary?

First of all, rhodium plating has distinctive decorative properties: it gives the product a brighter shine with a cold tint, which looks much better with many precious stones. Then, rhodium plating makes the product harder and more durable, protecting it from scratches and prolonging wear. However, rhodium increases the cost of the product.

Silver rhodium plating is widespread: this procedure is often necessary for precious items made from this metal, because rhodium-plated silver, unlike "naked" silver, does not react with the environment and does not give the darkening characteristic of silver during oxidation. However, on the other hand, some "functionality" of such jewelry (for example, ionization of water) is lost in this case, because. Rhodium is a chemically inactive element.

Despite a number of advantages, rhodium plating is rather short-lived. Its service life depends on the thickness of the coating (which is usually small on decorative items) and averages up to 5 years (with daily wear and close contact with the skin, such as rings or bracelets). Proper care of rhodium-plated products is also important, because this coating, although stronger than other precious metals, still tends to break down and wear out.

It should also be noted that rhodium plating can not be applied to any piece of jewelry. Rhodium is well fixed only on mirror-polished surfaces and does not tolerate the “old” layer, therefore, before covering an already worn item with rhodium, the entire top layer is removed from it and carefully polished.

It would seem that if this metal has such wonderful decorative and practical properties, why not immediately make jewelry out of it? There are two reasons for this:

How does the birth process take place?

Rhodium plating is applied by electroplating. To do this, electrolyte is poured into the working container, a pre-treated product is placed and the electrodes are lowered.

Getting an electrolyte with rhodium salts is a rather expensive pleasure, difficult to implement within the framework of small jewelry workshops, because such solutions are prepared in special chemical installations. Therefore, small workshops buy ready-made rhodium sulfate concentrate, which, immediately before use, can only be diluted with water in the right proportion. It is important that the water does not contain impurities of other metals, otherwise the durability of the coating will decrease.

The description of the procedure sounds simple, but it requires a scrupulous approach and adherence to the purity of the technology. The product is born only after preliminary preparation, which includes several stages.

By changing the composition of the electrolyte solution, black rhodium plating can be obtained, which has the same properties as conventional rhodium, while having an expressive black color that can advantageously emphasize the color of some stones.

Especially often they make black rhodium silver, as if aging it. Rhodium-plated silver is a real find for lovers of the cold shine of this metal, who cannot wear silver jewelry due to an allergic reaction.

More about childbirth

Often, when discussing the rhodium procedure on specialized forums, one can come across a question from novice jewelers who do not yet have their own studio and equipment about whether it is possible to perform rhodium plating at home.

As already described earlier, the rhodium plating technology itself is simple, such experiments are carried out in high school to demonstrate the principle of the galvanic method, however, to create a high-quality and durable rhodium plating, careful preliminary preparation of the product is required, which is quite problematic to produce at home. In addition, the raw materials for birthing are too expensive to carry out such experiments.

The main question that interests a potential buyer of jewelry is what are the disadvantages of rhodium? Much has already been said about the benefits of this coating, improving the appearance and durability of the product, but what is the catch? The answer is simple - in the fragility and cost of the procedure.

Of course, in relation to the jewelry industry, the price of rhodium plating may seem small (on average, about 1,000 rubles per ring, other products are evaluated by complexity and weight), but repeating this procedure once every 5 years with regular wear is a dubious savings.

In addition, the renewal of low-quality rhodium may be required even sooner than this period, and after several such procedures, the product may no longer be subject to re-coating due to its wear.

Caring for rhodium-plated jewelry should be done with care, avoiding aggressive impact, scratches and friction. The rhodium layer is very thin, and it is easy to damage it if you regularly wipe the product even with a soft cloth. It is better to clean such jewelry in jewelry stores using professional technologies, in extreme cases, you can resort to home methods used for cleaning silver (for example, a soda solution).

To avoid the need for frequent cleanings, you should follow the universal rules for wearing jewelry:

Thus, rhodium is a procedure that can make jewelry more aesthetically pleasing, prolong its wear life, and also allow people with metal allergies to wear things they like. However, you should take into account some of the nuances of such a step, such as its fragility and relative high cost, and also be more careful with your jewelry.

Until the 20s of the last century, Russia bought such a precious metal as rhodium from abroad. Rhodium is a metal that today is obtained by processing platinum. Experts say that to obtain 1 kilogram of rhodium, several tons of platinum must be processed. The problem of rhodium mining in Russia was based on the fact that in this country, where considerable reserves of platinum and, accordingly, rhodium are concentrated, they were completely unable to extract rhodium from those valuable additives that are contained in native platinum. Today, rhodium mining technologies are also known in Russia. This precious metal is highly valued. What are its main properties, scope, cost and other aspects - we will try to reveal all these questions in the article.

Properties and application

The simple substance rhodium is a solid transition metal that has a silvery-white color. Rhodium belongs to the noble metals of the platinum group.

It is important! Among all the unique properties of rhodium, it is worth noting that it is significantly superior to platinum in terms of resistance in most corrosive environments.

Rhodium is a chemical element, a precious metal with unique properties.

In general, the main chemical properties of rhodium are:

  • the possibility of dissolving the metal by boiling in aqua regia, which is a mixture of two acids: nitric and hydrochloric;
  • the possibility of dissolution in hydrogen peroxide and sulfuric acid;
  • this metal has a high chemical resistance;
  • rhodium interacts with non-metals only at a red-hot temperature;
  • Rhodium oxidation process occurs at temperatures above 600 degrees Celsius.

Rhodium is a unique precious metal the scope of which is varied.

Rhodium is often used in catalysts, in particular, in catalytic filters, which are the neutralizers of vehicle exhaust gases.

An alloy of rhodium with its "brother" platinum is a very effective catalyst in the production of nitric acid by air oxidation of ammonia. It is in this area that rhodium as a catalyst metal has no analogues.

Rhodium is also a structural material, which is used in the manufacture of glass, mirrors. Here, too, rhodium "acts" in a pair of platinum.

The precious metal rhodium in alloys with iridium and (or) platinum is used in the manufacture of thermocouples, which are used to effectively measure high temperatures up to 2200 degrees Celsius.

In jewelry galvanic rhodium plating electrolytes are actively used, with the help of which experienced jewelers achieve exceptional wear resistance and corrosion resistance of the coatings of their products.

The amazing slightly cold brilliance of the precious metal rhodium, combined with various precious metal inserts, in particular with cubic zirkonia and diamonds, takes on an exceptional look.

Rhodium is also used in the jewelry industry as a ligature in the production of products from platinum and (or) palladium. The rhodium plating of the jewelry makes it extremely hard, which helps to protect it from scratches and give it a brilliant shine.


World prices for rhodium are in constant dynamics. For example, in 1998, the cost of 1 troy ounce of rhodium did not even reach 1,400 US dollars. The peak of growth in rhodium quotations occurred at the end of 2008-beginning of 2009, after which prices fell sharply to the level of 1,400 US dollars, within which their subsequent dynamics took place.

It is important! In 2009, the cost of 1 troy ounce of rhodium nearly reached the $7,000 mark.

If we talk about the sphere of jewelry services, it is worth noting that among them, of course, such a service as rhodium plating of gold and silver jewelry, or, more simply, rhodium plating, deserves attention.

Rhodium plated ring

In the CIS countries, this service is provided by individual private jewelry companies. Its cost varies up to 1 US dollar per 1 gram of the product, which must be covered with rhodium.

Health impact

Rhodium plating is used in the production of jewelry made of platinum and white gold, which gives the latter brightness and creates protection against various kinds of damage.

The procedure of rhodium plating of jewelry has a positive effect both on the appearance of the jewelry and on its durability. Jewelry industry experts say with confidence that rhodium plating, among other things, also performs a protective function, which manifests itself in the fact that such a coating protects the jewelry from tarnishing and loss of color.

The precious metal rhodium, like gold, is practically not prone to scratches, and therefore rhodium-plated jewelry can serve its owner for a long time even if such jewelry is worn daily.

Rodion has its advantages and disadvantages.

In general, rhodium-plated jewelry cannot cause any harm to health. The same can be said about rhodium-plated jewelry. In addition, rhodium plating can be a lifesaver for those people who prefer silver or gold jewelry, but are prone to allergic reactions that occur when these precious metals interact with the skin.

It is important! Rhodium is completely hypoallergenic.

Nonetheless, birth procedure has a number disadvantages:

  1. Birthing is a temporary measure, as this coverage disappears over time, and therefore a second procedure is often required.
  2. The presence of rhodium plating on the finished piece of jewelry can significantly affect the value of the piece of jewelry.

Rhodium is indeed a unique precious metal. It is used in industry, jewelry, and the chemical industry. The unique properties of this precious metal, which determine the variety of applications of rhodium, significantly affect the pricing policy of this precious metal.

Rhodium-plated jewelry can often be a lifesaver for connoisseurs of jewelry craftsmanship.

One desire appears - it should remain as beautiful, elegant and attractive even after many years. To do this, you need to put a lot of effort, and sometimes money. But usually there is not enough time even for elementary home cleaning, not to mention trips to jewelers. That's what birthing was invented for.

What is the element rhodium?

Rhodium is used quite often in jewelry. He is considered a noble representative of the platinum group. It is a bright metal with an extraordinary strength. Its main feature is that rhodium is not subject to oxidation in air and the effects of acids. Outwardly, it is a light metal, very similar to silver, with a steely sheen, but in terms of hardness, other precious metals are inferior to it. When heated, it becomes plastic and interacts well with other metals; many craftsmen actively use rhodium in jewelry, creating beautiful jewelry.

The Secret of Birthing

How is rhodium used in jewelry? Let's understand what birthing is. This is a coating of any precious metal with a thin layer (from 0.1 to 1 microns) of rhodium. This procedure gives the metal high strength, immunity to oxidation and the effects of certain chemicals, as well as some other advantages:

  • Protection against temperature extremes (cold, heat, dry or humid air).
  • The decoration takes on a completely different appearance. A beautiful steel luster appears, which does not disappear over time.
  • There is no need for constant cleaning, because rhodium does not allow large particles of dirt to fall on the surface of the product.
  • A thin layer of this metal perfectly highlights precious stones against its background: diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires.

How much does rhodium plated jewelry cost? The price of the product will depend, first of all, on what metal it is made of. That is, a decoration made of cheap metal can be bought for 1500-2000 rubles. Accordingly, a product made of expensive metal will cost much more.

How does the metal deposition process work?

How is rhodium used in jewelry? Is the process of applying it to the decoration difficult? The very process of coating one metal with another is not difficult, and any jeweler of the "middling hand" can carry it out, but it is necessary to trust only specialists in their field. Therefore, you should choose only proven masters.

To understand how the rhodium process is carried out, it is enough to look into the seventh grade physics textbook, but it can also be explained with a couple of sentences:

  1. It is best to carry out rhodium plating on new jewelry, on the surface of which there are no flaws or damage. Then the rhodium layer will lie more precisely and thinner, as a conclusion: less costs, more beautiful thing.
  2. The decoration is polished, thoroughly degreased and washed. The rhodium layer must be integral with the other precious metal and any layer of dirt or micro-dust can cause failure.
  3. The basis of the whole process is the same physics, or rather, the phenomenon of galvanization. In with a certain solution, jewelry is lowered and an electric current is applied. Under its action, rhodium is released from the solution and covers the product with the thinnest layer. The thickness of the coating layer can be freely varied by the current strength and the duration of the process. On average, the process takes several minutes.

Disadvantages of the birth process

Rhodium plating jewelry has many advantages. But no matter how good this element of the periodic table is, it also has its drawbacks. They are insignificant, but it is better to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

  1. The coating procedure itself does not take much time, but requires certain tools and the ability to handle them. Real jewelers who are able to work with rhodium charge a decent fee for their art. Therefore, having made the decision to cover his piece of jewelry with rhodium, the client must be ready to invest certain funds in this.
  2. True connoisseurs of precious products believe that rhodium hides the natural beauty of metals. And if applied, it covers the true value of the jewelry.
  3. Unfortunately, rhodium cannot be soldered. If the jewelry is deformed, the rhodium layer has to be applied again over the entire surface, repeating the original procedure. And since even the thickest layer of rhodium is erased over time, sooner or later it will have to be done.
  4. If the owner of a rhodium-plated product is going to sell it, then this will cause some trouble in assessing. It will not be very easy for a jeweler to determine the metal from which the jewelry was originally made. What if rhodium was used in jewelry? The price of pure rhodium is quite high. But given that the top layer will have to be broken in order to find out what metal the jewelry is made of, the cost of the product can suffer significantly.

As mentioned above, close care of such products is not required, it is enough to do the following:

  • Wipe the jewelry every few months. As a liquid for rubbing, it is best to use an ordinary shampoo.
  • Under no circumstances should any chemicals be used to clean the coating from fine dirt.
  • Do not use materials with fine crumbs for cleaning.

The best option is to leave the choice of actions to a professional. Just take the piece to a jeweler.
