How to make a man think about you all the time. Relationships at a distance

Constant calls and increased attention can play a cruel joke. Long phone conversations, frequent meetings and intrusive communication lead to the fact that the second half runs away from excessive custody. How to be not intrusive, but make you think about yourself? This strategy will help guys get girls to think about him. Girls can similarly make men never forget about them.

Obsession is a bad option, but the person who touched your heart will not forget you. A smart strategy for tying the opposite sex to you.

1. Remind by message

How to make you think about yourself? Received SMS or message via the Internet. A lonely message of wishing a good day, rather than a lengthy correspondence, can attract more. A person, most likely, will remember you during the day. A short conversation or message before bed is also a great strategy. A person, falling asleep, will be about you. She will also remember the nightly conversation in the morning.

2. Leave a scent

How to make you think about yourself? Use your sense of smell. Many women love to use this technique. They leave behind a trail of fragrance after a meeting or some communication. Men should also use toilet water. This fragrance will remain on the clothes or body of his passion, sometimes calling for memories at the most unexpected moment.

3. Live your life

How to make you think about yourself? Show your busyness. You have things to do, hobbies, friends and family. Let me know right away. A person seems attractive when he has an interesting and busy life. When the second half learns about employment, she will value time more.

4. A gift for memories

How to make you think about yourself? Make a gift that would remind you of you. Men often give girls plush toys in the hope that she will remind her of him. Girls give purses, pens and toys for the car. So both sexes try to stake out a place in each other's memory.

5. Short phone calls

6. Be independent

How to make you think about yourself? Don't drop everything to meet her or answer a phone call. You are not running errands and are not obliged to answer all calls and messages every second. But at the right time, be ready to help.

7. Limit your time

How to make you think about yourself? Limit the time of communication between you. It's better to have a girl miss you than miss you. Do not give communication always when the other half wants it. Otherwise, it will be taken for granted.

8. A touch of memory

How to make you think about yourself? Make memory points. When you feel good together or after sex, touch your half. Choose a point on your body that is rarely touched by other people. This memory point will help to scar the memory.

9. Be positive

How to make you think about yourself? Be positive. Positive people are always sympathetic. Nobody wants to have their own half of a person who is always angry, jealous, arranges scandals, tantrums and showdowns. Communication should be positive, not negative and with claims. Then the person will always want to return and chat with you. The positive is attractive. Try to end conversations on a good note. People who like to settle squabbles are often left alone.

10. Be mysterious

How to make you think about yourself? Be a secret. Do not tell everything about yourself and let her cost the riddle. If you have plans to go to football with friends or another meeting, it is not necessary to inform her. Don't let me know exactly what's on your mind and what you're doing. Imagination is a powerful thing.

This attraction strategy has been tried and tested on many beauties and works well. You will be missed and jump out of your shorts, waiting for a meeting.

Passion and fire subsided, as soon as they began to get used to the sweet thought that he needed? Do you want to make a man dreamily look after you? To mentally return to the minutes spent together? Become an obsession for your chosen one? Do you, like most of the fair sex, want to achieve one hundred percent attention of a man?

Admit it, it's nice to realize that your man is only yours, that he is ready to fulfill any desire, is faithful to you not only in real relationships, but also in his thoughts does not allow the fact of a possible betrayal.

I will tell you about methods that can help return relationships to a romantic track. In particular, I will show you:

  • How to get his attention by choosing the right wardrobe.
  • Communication tricks: how to intrigue, keep the attention of a man.
  • How to make a man remember you more often.
  • How to properly remind a man about you, but in a way that does not cause irritation.

After reading the article, your relationship with a man will move to a new level. You will understand what men like in women and what annoys them. How to please and remember a man. Put practical advice into practice, and you will see that a man will remember you much more often than before.

What to do to make a man's thoughts revolve around you

Every woman is inherently strong and weak at the same time, self-sufficient and in need of protection. Now we will figure out how to use these qualities correctly so that a man constantly thinks about you.

The man is a hunter

You should start from this statement, which means that you cannot show with all your might that you cannot live without it. Such behavior will only give a negative result: the man will not be interested (there will be no reason to win), he will avoid excessive attention from you.

Give the man space to woo you. There must always be some kind of understatement, inaccessibility, which should make him interested in continuing to hunt for you. Practical psychologist Nadezhda Mayer will tell you about this little trick. Watch this video:

Woman snapped up

Show the man that you are interested in him, but this is not the only hobby.

You should have a hobby (dancing, music, needlework, etc.) that can easily compete with a man for your attention. Therefore, instead of tedious waiting for SMS from him, do something better for you.

Practical Tips:

  1. Pick up the phone after the third ring. Tell the man that you were busy, but glad to have his call. It’s not necessary to say that you were madly waiting for him to remember you: this, of course, will amuse the man’s pride, but at the same time alienate him. A man likes the process of conquest, the result is a secondary goal.
  2. Do not hang yourself on a man's neck, but don't be cold like a snow queen either. Be affectionate with him, sociable, but at the same time impregnable. All this should look like a game, flirting.
  3. If a man calls and is interested in what you are doing, then answer as is. But if you want to spur his interest, to distinguish yourself from other women, then answer something non-standard, instead of the banal, I walk the dog, visit my grandmother, drink coffee with a colleague. Say that you are currently doing an important task, visiting your old friend, drinking coffee to relax a little. Etc. Let him understand that your interests go far beyond the boundaries of communication with him. Do you want to make him think about you? Do everything outside the box, not like other women.

Your task is to let the man know that you like him. However, you should not show too clearly that you are dreaming about him: this will relax the man, and he will stop conquering.

your appearance

In order for a man’s thoughts to always return to you, you need to create an image that he will remember. Here, too, everything is individual: you yourself must decide what is most suitable for this purpose:

  • Does your man like it when a woman is bright? Then we advise you to choose a stylish wardrobe and appropriate makeup. But I do not recommend that you abuse makeup and paints in clothes.
  • If you are sure that a man likes a discreet style in the appearance of women, then the choice should be in favor of plain clothes in pastel colors. Light makeup (or lack of it) will help convince a man that you respect his tastes, dress and make up the way he likes.

Note!The main rule in choosing an image is to make sure that most men turn around after you. Remember that men are hunters and owners, and your man is hardly an exception. Looking at the fact that he has competitors, he will not be able to discard the slight pricks of jealousy and throw you out of his thoughts.


It’s quite easy for a man to get hooked on a fragrant addiction. To prove this, let's give a very simple example: often in shopping centers on New Year's holidays, the aroma of tangerine, the symbol of the new year, is spread around the trading floor. This motivates buyers to purchase more goods, including those that are not really needed at the moment.

Scent your bedroom, choose your only perfume, but don't overdo it. The smell should be pleasant and light. For example, essential oils of lemon, sweet orange, fir.

A scent that is too strong can cause a headache, which will have the opposite effect - the perfume will be associated with unpleasant memories of migraines.

Imagine: his work colleague or just another woman on the street, using this fragrance, will certainly remind the man of you. Isn't that the result you want?

Do you want to be reminded of yourself? Send him an SMS

Since men do not think about many things at the same time, they tend to forget information that is unnecessary at a particular moment. And often at work, men forget about their women.

An SMS message can be a great way to remind yourself. This means of communication is not for lengthy correspondence or to replace a live conversation, but for our purpose it will do very well.

Write an SMS of such a plan that after reading it, either pleasant memories of the evening spent with you will arise in the man’s head, or a fantasy about the upcoming romantic dinner will play out. This will make him think about you almost constantly, until the next meeting.

Watch this video from relationship expert Nadezhda Mayer and find out the top 3 phrases that you can text a man. These phrases will make a man go crazy for you.

Words words

Do you want your loved one to miss you and think about you all the time? Try to find a word that, on a subconscious level, will remind a man of the pleasant moments spent with you.

One example is to say after a passionate night: “Darling, you were beautiful!”. The last word in the sentence will be the key that can open the secret door in the mood of your man when you want to repeat something similar.

Interesting fact.There is one important secret of the power of the word: a man during an orgasm is absolutely open emotionally to the perception of information.

What you say to him at this moment, he will definitely remember. The main thing is that you do not use the code word too often in everyday life, otherwise it will be too much: its extra mentions will lead to the fact that the man will begin to perceive it everyday.

Little tricks

Learn to appreciate what a person does for you. Give thanks for a bouquet, a small gift or a surprise. Also, take a look at these tips:

  • don't run after a man, try not to be intrusive - he is unlikely to like it;
  • give the admirer a chance to get closer, but only after his first steps in this direction;
  • chat and flirt more often(lack of time spent together will lead to the opposite result - he will forget you);
  • if you don't live together, do not rush things, and remind that it is time to legitimize the relationship; just leave a few small things in his apartment (a comb in the hallway, a hairpin in the bedroom or shampoo in the bathroom) - this will gently remind the man of you;
  • give me a little reason to be jealous(for example, let another man invite you to a dance) - this will help the chosen one feel like an owner, make him think about you and the reasons why you did it.

Important! The main thing in flirting with another fan is not to overdo it and take into account the peculiarities of the man’s character: for one this may be a reason for a scandal, while the other may simply turn around and leave. Therefore, choose the option that is right for your couple.

How to make your spouse think about you

Your relationship has already been formalized by law, and now you are a happy wife? It's great, but you can't relax! We offer a few tips that can replace the step-by-step instructions for moving towards the intended goal:

  1. Not only a lover, but also a friend! Listen to him without interrupting, give advice, but do not say in case of failure that you warned him. He’s already in a bad mood, and such a reproach will only aggravate the situation.
  2. Sending your husband on a long business trip? Give a diary for notes, perfume or a cup of coffee. He will use these things every day, respectively, and he will have to remember you quite often.
  3. Unpredictability and unobtrusiveness in communication. You can’t send SMS every minute, because this will at least bother him, and it’s possible that it will even make you think: is such a woman next to him? It will be much more pleasant for your husband to read a letter received by e-mail or a note that you quietly planted in the morning. But what to write - it's your choice!
  4. Jealousy for no reason. Give him a little excuse, but don't overdo it. You can, for example, start flirting with a waiter or taxi driver, go to a corporate party with great makeup, perfect hair and a chic dress. And to smooth over his suspicions, return early and offer to drink wine together. In a word, make him go crazy with you, but be sure of your fidelity.
  5. One of the options for a constant reminder of yourself can become your photo (you can use a family photo). So the husband will always remember the comfort of home, his wife and children.
  6. Become a sex goddess! This will help to become irreplaceable for him, and even if you systematically arrange a “brain removal”, he will still remember the sex scenes in which your main role is played without the slightest mistake. Sex in the marital bedroom is almost always the key to a truce after a quarrel, a good means of healing emotional wounds after separation, and emotions that are irreplaceable. Take advantage of it!

All these methods are effective, but we must not forget about the individuality of the couple: for some it is a panacea, and for others it will harm. And there must be a sense of proportion in everything, otherwise just harm your relationship.

Answers on questions

Recently, I began to notice that my husband reacts “acutely” to my calls - he is not rude, but his voice is as if he is thinking: “When will this stop ?!”. Where does such a reaction come from? During working hours only on business, after work I’m interested in how much it will be approximately.

What a woman thinks is “serious” a man perceives as a trifle. It is better, of course, not to call during working hours, but to send, for example, an SMS or a letter to e-mail, viber or another network. A man can be at a meeting or “puzzle” over a difficult issue, and a call will knock him out of his thoughts. Naturally, the reaction will not be entirely adequate.

As for calls after work: imagine that you are tired, you are traveling in public transport “like a sprat in a tin can”, and then the call: “Are you coming soon?” Wouldn't the question be annoying? The best option is to agree that he will call himself in 20-30 minutes. before coming home.

We have been married for 10 years. The first passion has already passed, and everyday life has come: children, home, work. How to make a husband happy to go home?

Monotony will sooner or later get bored. Passion with age also subsides a little. Therefore, if you want to keep your husband near you, you need to add variety to everyday life: going to the cinema or theater, to a concert. You can have dinner for two in a cafe once a week. You also need to change something in yourself. For example, change your hairstyle, meet your husband in the evening not in a tracksuit, but elegantly dressed. Be creative, come up with something new every evening, and then the husband will look forward to the evening, and wonder how you will surprise him today.

I like a colleague, and I know that he cares. But I want him to “not take his eyes off me”, and think only about me.

If he likes you, then you don’t need to radically change yourself. But make some variety in clothes, in behavior. And be sure to see how he reacts to it.

It is not worth imposing your communication during working hours - it will be annoying. If possible, offer tea/coffee, have lunch together and decide how you will spend the evening.

What to remember:

Keeping the attention of a loved one is not difficult. It is important to remember a few rules:

  • Don't impose your attention.
  • Be attentive to the wishes of a man (including clothing).
  • Keep track of what actions trigger negative reactions.
  • Do not make it clear that thoughts revolve only around him.
  • Accept any gift with gratitude.
  • Do not throw tantrums and scandals.
  • Take an interest in his work.
  • Remember what is important for a man: a delicious dinner and “hot sex”, and do not deprive him of these pleasures.

Men are owners, no matter how they deny it. Another trick is to make it clear that you are interesting to others. But the main thing is not to overdo it with flirting.

Frequent mood swings, a sharp aggravation of all feelings and emotions, insomnia and a distinct tingling sensation in the solar plexus, as if hundreds of colorful butterflies flutter inside. If you are familiar with these symptoms, there is only one diagnosis - falling in love. Treatment of this "disease" is difficult or not amenable at all. The only thing that can alleviate the suffering of the patient is a feeling of reciprocity.

So much has been said and written about how to make a man think about you that it is difficult for an inexperienced girl who first encountered this type of “mental disorder” (yes, this is how eminent experts in human anatomy and psychology characterize love) what's what and don't do stupid things. Candid posts on social networks and kilometers of SMS messages, cunning female tricks and thoughtful psychological tricks, magic rituals and even NLP techniques - what women do not go to in the struggle for male attention. Let's try to figure out which of this really works, and which is just a waste of time.

If you are sure that you have a strong enough energy, you will probably be interested in learning how to make a person think about you. Source: Flickr (Aleksey_Bordukov)

Ice and fire or a game of "catch if you can"

In the 21st century, it's hard to believe that once upon a time, men had to run through the forests all day long in search of fatty prey in order to be able to have a hearty dinner. And even though supermarkets have now replaced the wild prairies, innate instincts are something that is almost impossible to fight. Therefore, smart women never go against the laws of nature, but turn their action to their own benefit. How to make a guy think about you? Give him a chance to hunt.

The game of "cat and mouse" is a win-win tactic. In reality, this means something like this:

  • Do not answer the call right away - give him the opportunity to think about what you might be doing.
  • Having gone on one or two dates, decline the next invitation, citing being busy, and reschedule the meeting for a couple of days.
  • After close communication, abruptly disappear from sight: turn off the phone, do not appear on social networks and avoid meeting with mutual acquaintances. Will he get nervous? And how! The main thing is to find an innocent and plausible excuse. For example, repair of power lines and interruptions in electricity, the Internet, communications.

Relationships at a distance

Kilometers of distances are always a test for two lovers. To pass it with honor and not lose sensual contact, a woman needs to know how to make a man think about himself constantly.

  1. If your loved one is going on a business trip, and you have the opportunity to fold his things, hide a cute trinket in a suitcase and / or jacket pocket - a photo, a note, a small gift.
  2. Let his morning begin with the thought of you. A short gentle SMS wishing you a good day is a great idea.
  3. In the evening ask about how his day went. Listen and encourage. Moral support and sincere participation is what makes relationships stronger and more trusting.

The degree of relationships at a distance can go off scale. In order not to break firewood, a girl in love needs to be able to restrain her impulses. Jealousy is a pungent spice that must be used very carefully. Having gone too far, you can hopelessly spoil the dish and beat off the appetite of your beloved man for yourself forever.

What can not be done?

  1. Calling and bombarding with SMS - give him the opportunity to get bored at least a little!
  2. Asking about the women with whom he communicates and interrogating with predilection - the need to constantly make excuses will soon become the reason that he will begin to subconsciously avoid your company.
  3. Going all out and making him jealous is a very risky strategy. Such behavior can provoke the opposite result: a man will get angry and hasten to console himself in the arms of others.

Make a guy think about you using the power of thought!

The idea that thought is material has long passed from the category of naive assumptions to the category of proven scientific facts. If you are sure that you have a strong enough energy, you will probably be interested in learning how to make a person think about you.

  1. Sit back, take a comfortable position and relax.
  2. By force of will, stop the mental flow and try not to think about anything for at least a minute and a half. For this exercise, you will need a pure mind.
  3. Now imagine your boyfriend. Do it in as much detail as possible. Take your time, let a bright image ripen in your head. Remember the smell of his perfume, shirt and try to feel it so clearly, as if he is right next to you.
  4. Draw in your mind a bright beam of light - an energy channel that connects you with it.
  5. Concentrate and imagine what he thinks, what he feels at the moment.
  6. Now try to mentally transfer your image into his consciousness. Reproduce in detail some vivid memory of yourself.

Take this exercise seriously and do it regularly. Each time the image will become more vivid, and the sensations more and more realistic. How to understand what the desired person thinks about you and the mental method really works? Try doing the same with loved ones (mother, sister, girlfriend) and see how long you have to wait for a call or message from them.

Love and pamper yourself, admire and enjoy your uniqueness, and then you will easily win not only the thoughts, but also the heart of any man.

Every woman dreams of becoming a real obsession for a young man she likes, the one and only, about whom he constantly thinks. For some girls, this desire is realized, while for others it remains an impossible dream.

How to make a man think about you? There are indeed many recommendations for this question: banal advice and psychological tricks, as well as magic! With their help, you will find those same levers in your boyfriend’s head, by clicking on which you can direct his thoughts in the direction you need.

The most important advice is quite simple in theory and quite difficult to implement. It sounds like this: so that all the thoughts of a guy are only about you, he needs to like you. Someone easily achieves a similar result, but others have problems with this.

Women's behavior either attracts or repels the opposite sex. So, young ladies running after men look easily accessible and not very attractive. And, naturally, guys will not think and dream about such girls.

The next extreme is touchy, who repel guys with their isolation.

The ideal option is a moderately inaccessible young lady who challenges a man, as a result of which he constantly thinks about her.

We offer several ways that will make a guy miss you and direct his thoughts in the right direction.

Method number 1. Reason for jealousy

Of course, jealousy is not the best and right feeling, but it can be a great helper in winning a man.

It is only important to understand how much the “object” is subject to this emotion and how it reacts to the appearance of an opponent on its territory.

Either way, don't go overboard, just flirt a little with the other guy. Or inadvertently mention that you met a pleasant stranger online. Jealousy (or possessiveness) will make a man think about you regularly.

Method number 2. The ability to listen

The ability to listen and hear is truly a woman's dignity. Do not talk about your problems, about your past personal life, but listen to the man you like. Not only girls need a kind of "vest", which is so nice to "cry".

The same advice involves the ability to maintain a conversation, because you will not constantly sit with your mouth open, listening to your man. Be interested in his hobbies, work, so that you can then skillfully enter into a conversation and thereby create a pleasant image of an intellectual.

Method number 3. Disappearance

Another effective method of how to make a person think about you is as follows - disappear for a while after a successful date, a crazy kiss, a long and pleasant conversation. Just stop calling and answering the phone. Wait a few days for men's thoughts to only revolve around your person, and then call him first or write on social networks.

Method number 4. Close and far

This method of making a guy miss you works in the right hands. Try to keep a man in love at some distance, playing a kind of cat and mouse. At first you are hot with him, and then a chill appears in the relationship.

The guy is simply forced to constantly scroll through this situation in his head, naturally, remembering you as well. Just play skillfully: with one man, more ardor in a relationship is preferable than cold, the other is crazy about inaccessible young ladies.

Method number 5. Romantic dinner

The phrase that it is through the stomach that the path to the male heart passes is not without foundation. Why don't you use this worldly wisdom? But only delicious food is indispensable here, since the main “dish” in this situation is you.

Your task is to create as many pleasant associations with you as possible for the guy, so dinner should be accompanied by romantic music, candles, and stunning aromas of dishes. The centerpiece is you - in your most seductive outfit. After such dinners, a man willy-nilly will return his thoughts to you and wish for a repetition of such an evening.

The opinion of psychologists

To evoke thoughts or memories of you in a man, use the method of "anchors", or stimuli that cause a reaction in response to any impact. They are of several types:

  • kinesthetic;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory;
  • visual.

You don’t need to run after a man, demonstrating yourself, beautiful. It is enough to occasionally send SMS to your beloved, which will be a kind of friendly poke. It is only important to choose a good time for the message, for example, you should not distract the guy from the workshop. Just wish a good day, hinting at a desire to communicate in person.

Another variation of the visual “anchor” is a small gift that can be hung on your hand, a phone (keychain), put in a purse (your own photo). Or present a coffee cup to a man so that every morning he starts with the thought of you.

Auditory "anchor"

To make a man think about himself as often as possible, you need to come up with a word that will switch him to you. For example, after sex, you can say such a long-awaited word for guys: “great!”, And only then use it when talking on the phone (“What a great morning!”) Or again send SMS with a similar “key”. Yes, and having heard this word from another person, the man will be with you in his thoughts.

Important! For this method to work, repeat this magic word at least seven times. In addition, you should rarely use this passphrase in a normal conversation.

Olfactory "anchor"

Think about the tricks of supermarkets that release tangerine scents into the premises. The setup works: we associate the smell of citrus with the New Year, which is why we begin to purchase more goods.

Choose a unique perfume or fragrant oil that a man will associate only with you. You can also place an aroma lamp in your bedroom to enhance the effect. Just be careful when choosing a fragrance so that the guy does not have a headache.

Important! To enhance a positive reflex, do not conflict in the bedroom, do not quarrel with a man when you are “wearing” your favorite perfume. Let a pleasant smell evoke only positive associations in a young person.

Kinesthetic "anchor"

Psychologists advise touching a certain place (neck, elbow) of your beloved when he experiences strong positive emotions (laughter, happiness). Just touch it and hold your hand for a few seconds. It takes an average of 10-30 touches to create a habit.

Such an “anchor” will help you create a good mood for a man, even if 10 minutes before that he was furious. Such control of emotions will make the guy constantly think about you and consider that it is with you that he feels good and carefree.

Thoughts are material! You can agree with this statement, but you can consider it nonsense. Magic and other esoteric methods can also be used in love relationships. Let's say a man has been missing for a while. And the question immediately arises in the female head, how to make a man think about you from a distance? Before we dismiss any "witchcraft", let's find out all the details.

Ritual number 1. Setting up for sleep

What is it: magic or just a certain mood? Both that, and another, It is quite possible to remind about yourself by the power of thought, the main thing is only to want. Before falling asleep, think about your beloved man, whom you want to dream about. Just think about him only good things, remember the most pleasant moments.

Close your eyes and say something like a spell: “See, Peter, bright dreams with me, Katerina. May it be so!" Words are not really that important, the main thing is your confidence in the final result and attitude. Say this “conspiracy” to yourself 2-3 times and address all your own thoughts to your loved one.

Ritual number 2. Welcome call

Do you want to force a man to call you with the power of thought? And again, "magic" comes to the rescue. Concentrate all your attention on the image of the young man from whom you are waiting for a call. Imagine him in great detail: in full growth, with all the details of clothing. Pay special attention to the emotions on the face - let it be in a good mood.

Pick up a cell phone and imagine how a guy must feel when he wants to call you. Look at the mobile phone and continue to imagine a man, remember his voice. Of course, the method may not work the first time, so practice more often.

Ritual number 3. Energy channel

This is not exactly magic, but rather the materialization of thoughts. To use this ritual, lie down on the floor and relax. Close your eyes, breathe deeply and slowly.

Then imagine your beloved and mentally draw an energy channel from yourself to him. Imagine how this connection becomes wider and stronger every second. Imagine how it begins to pulsate, connecting you with strong bonds. Lie like this for a while, smiling and thinking about him.

So, there are really a lot of ways to make a young man think about you, and they are completely different: psychological tricks, life advice, and even magic.

The main thing is not to get hung up on this desire, but to continue to live and be interested in the world around you. And if you are also inquisitive, charming and mysterious enough, then you will not need any tricks. How can you not think of such a beautiful girl?!

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Psychologists have developed several lines of behavior that evoke positive emotions in the interlocutor, especially if it is a man. Keep in mind: not only will your partner's attitude towards you change, but you yourself will become more sincere, open and sensual. Try to use each of the techniques in turn and watch how your inner state and the attitude of others change.

mental strokes

Communicating with people, even on the phone, imagine that you are easily stroking the interlocutor on the head, shoulders, holding the hand. Experiment with which of the options suits you best and which one gives the strongest effect.

talking look

Pay attention to where you look while talking. If you want to please a man, look at his nose or lips. This is an intimate area, men are very sensitive to such views. They quickly relax, begin to smile and are ready to communicate. But looking strictly into the eyes or, even worse, between the eyebrows is a forbidden technique. It signals an attack or a serious defense.

Gentle appeals

When the first two points have relaxed your man, you can proceed to heavy artillery. Say to yourself: “You are good”, “You are so cool”, “I am happy that I have you”. These phrases are so saturated with love that even if you say them to yourself, the interlocutor becomes very warm and comfortable. Do you remember what happens to indoor plants if you water them and say kind words to them? People react the same way to warmth and affection.

Three touches

As you already understood, the essence of the technique is that you repeat all the actions three times. Look into your eyes, look away, repeat three times. Come and touch his shoulder, then again and again. The fact is that men think about many things and it is not so easy for them to switch over as we do. And women often perceive this as a lack of love. Tactile contact will help them adjust faster and start responding to you correctly.

Words of Power

One word can fix a bad day and ruin great sex. So think about how you address your loved one. Do you want a man to really care about you? Replace diminutive nicknames with strong ones. Let him feel responsible for your life with him. He came home with groceries, and you from the doorway: “The getter has come! Master of the house!" Be smarter and more creative. If a man, having come home, immediately goes to his desk or immerses himself in computer games, do not be angry. Give him time to recover, and at this time go to the kitchen, heat a couple of tablespoons of olive oil in a pan, squeeze out a head of garlic and add spices. Such a fragrance will go around the house that your loved one will definitely pay attention to it. Walk into the room, whisper in your ear, "I'm in the kitchen," and immediately leave the room. This technique has been tested by thousands of women, and it works.

Give me a reason to brag

Everyone loves to talk about themselves. Give your partner the opportunity. For example, at dinner, ask how he learned to ride a bike or what he liked to do as a child. Men love to talk about their exploits, we just don’t ask about it and therefore don’t know anything about them.

All these techniques work perfectly not only with men, but also in relationships with children and parents.

Anna Tok, editor of the He and She section of the site:

Very good and kind advice. The most pleasant and correct thing about them is that they are aimed at the inner state of a woman. This proves once again how important it is how you feel about yourself. Your emotional background, mood, confidence, love, all these components attract people. A contented life and a happy woman performs all these techniques easily and without prompting.
