How to start a dialogue with a guy you like. How to find common topics of conversation with a guy on a first date, how to behave

And so we sit day after day in chats and social networks in the hope of meeting the one with whom you can share your feelings. And now, it seems, you have found him (at least, you think so at this stage), day after day, you monitor when he appears online and wait, and suddenly a miracle will happen and he will write to you himself. But believe me, miracles happen very rarely. Therefore, do not wait for “the weather by the sea” and start acting yourself. Just text him first. Let's think together about how to start a conversation with a guy on the Internet?

Let's start with the fact that you must clearly set before yourself the fact of what exactly you want from the object you have chosen. Without this, you will not be able to act clearly, guided only by the fact that you like him. Sympathy comes in different forms. For example, you may like him solely as a friend, in which case the battle tactics are completely different. The main thing is not to confuse a feeling of friendly sympathy with a feeling of attraction to a guy, otherwise misunderstandings may arise between you later, which are unlikely to have a positive impact on your further communication. So, how to start a conversation with a guy on the Internet? Remember any first communication, be it virtual or in real life, should be based on one clearly constructed plan: establishing contact, telling a story about yourself, in other words, “the presentation itself,” and, directly, the communication itself in the form of a dialogue with conclusions about the future fate of your relationship (for example, a meeting in real life).

Your second step necessary to establish contact should be to collect information about this guy. Go through his profiles and photo albums on social networks from “A to Z” (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, various chats where he sits), see if you have mutual friends who would help you get to know him as better as possible. In the photographs, pay attention to how he spends his free time, what establishments he visits, whether he is an active person. This will help you learn as much as possible about his interests, hobbies, favorite music, films, etc. By the way, it may happen that you have similar tastes in some ways, and this is already a plus, and knowing as much as possible about him, it will be much easier for you to establish contact with him. And by the way, fill out your forms more accurately, so that the guy also has an idea of ​​who he is communicating with. Go through your electronic photo albums, post your best photographs, preferably from different angles and different places where you have been, so that he can see that you are an active, cheerful person. Personal photographs should be clear, where your face is clearly and clearly visible. If you have beautiful eyes, hair, lips, highlight this in your photos.

Start the communication itself with the standard: “hello! How are you?". By the way, another “plus” is the fact that guys, as a rule, are much more likely to talk to girls, so it’s not worth starting your conversation with an extraordinary phrase. Well, if you, of course, want everything at once, then write to him something like “Hello! How would you like to meet a cute and still lonely girl!” or, for example, “hi, could you tell me...”, and then it’s up to your imagination. His answer will tell you how to behave with him further.

And now your first contact has taken place. Don’t miss the fact that once you start communicating with this person, you may, somewhere deep down in your soul, be disappointed, expecting something completely different. But don’t forget that perfect people don’t exist, so don’t give up right away. Perhaps in real life he is not like that at all. But no matter what, in any situation, communicate freely without any hints, be yourself, under no circumstances deceive him in anything, answer all questions as is (do not start communication with deception, because sooner or later it will come true). Show him your interest, how you like to communicate with him, how interesting it is. Tell something interesting about yourself, your hobbies, friends (a story from their or your life), create your image in his head. Of course, it’s not worth talking a lot about yourself; what he needs to know, he’ll ask himself. Try to answer all his questions without evading the answer, and also do not hesitate to ask him what interests you. And don’t forget to leave at least some information for the meeting in real life. Try to be funny, for example, throw in a couple of jokes or funny links. I think at this stage you will already have a more detailed understanding of each other. And you will understand exactly what kind of person is sitting on the other side of the monitor. And here your knowledge about him, which you read from his profiles, will come to your aid. To keep the conversation going, offer to discuss some movie, book (all within the framework of his interests); if you have common sympathies, it wouldn’t hurt to hint to him about it. Try to ask his opinion more, you can even argue about something as a joke. Establishing contact and first impressions is complete at this stage. Don’t go too far in communication, there is a lot of information in one day, it’s too much. Don’t forget that any communication should be complete (in the good sense of the word), thank you for the communication and hint how it would be nice to continue this in the future.

It’s not just a guy who finds it difficult to find a way to a girl’s heart—it happens the other way around too!

Often a girl does not know how to communicate with a guy in order to impress him and make him like him.

What should a girl do, how should she communicate with a guy she wants to please? Let's figure it out together!

Sometimes a woman avoids getting close to a man not because she doesn’t like him, but because she is afraid that he won’t like him.

Konstantin Melikhan

Dating in real life

It seemed that it was difficult for the girl to decide to communicate with the guy, but in order to please him, she still needed to think about her behavior. After all, if this is an awesome guy (or so you think), you will feel awkward and insecure, and this can lead to unnaturalness.

Many girls get lost in such a situation, some withdraw into themselves, while others begin to behave impudently. Both are not good. Just tell yourself the whole truth: “I really like this guy, and I would like him to like me, because of this I am nervous and losing my head.” Once you admit the problem, things will become much easier for you. Count to ten and try to relieve tension.

  • There is no need to appear very bold and self-confident. Not everyone likes it when a girl tries to take him by storm. Now, if you see that he is more embarrassed than you, you can be a little bold. Someone has to start! But then still give him the initiative.

    There is no need to pretend to be anyone: neither a pussy, nor a vamp, nor an ingenue, nor an Amazon. Unless you are a born actress and you can’t live without playing for the audience anyway. Most people are pleased when they are understood - but how can they understand you if you are pretending to be someone?

    What if you begin to behave like a decisive lady, and he just likes quiet and modest ones? Of two evils: it’s better that he doesn’t like you than your role!

How should you communicate with a guy to make him like you? Be yourself! At least you'll look decent.

Of course, how can you give advice when you know completely different examples from life:

  • There’s one like that, she’s always the center of attention, she behaves on the verge of shamelessness, she’s clearly playing for the audience, she jumps out all over herself to please people – and she likes them! Look how many guys are hanging around her. And you will sit there, all modest and natural...

    Don't worry, guys are no dumber than you, they also understand what this girl is like and are looking not for love, but for sex. But you want a serious relationship! In contrast, you are even more likely to attract the guy's attention.

  • Talk to him yourself about something neutral: “You don’t know, they didn’t promise rain today? It's eight o'clock - is it already that late? It’s so nice at Tanya’s (Mani, Dasha’s – whoever you are visiting) today, isn’t it? Are you Tanya's brother? No?."

    Don't try to start a conversation. If the guy wants, he will continue the conversation himself. You see, these are the rules of the game: he should pursue you, not you. Otherwise he won't be interested.

    If you manage to start a conversation, then under no circumstances lie to the guy, don’t pretend. Everything secret becomes clear; Stupid and senseless lies about little things can destroy your life.

You want to chat with a guy you met on VKontakte

Well, it happens. It's easier to communicate on the Internet.

If usually, when you see a cool guy, you blush, turn pale, drop your glasses and mumble something unintelligible, but now no one sees this. And by the time you meet in person, you will have gotten used to it and will not react so sharply.

If you're not already texting, find out what he's interested in and ask for his advice. And then how it will be. If he doesn’t want to communicate with you, well, bad luck. Maybe he’s only so cute on his page, but he’s just a monster.

And if he answered, give me another topic for conversation. Maybe you will start texting, and the question of how to communicate with this guy will be resolved by itself.

  • Check if your photos are good. Maybe some need to be removed?
  • Maybe add something interesting? A link to a funny video? Your romantic poems?
  • Now that you are texting, you can try to find out something about the guy.

    Invite him to answer one or two questions about him (the question: “How much money do you make?” is not good).

  • You shouldn't ask the guy to meet you first. Unless you came up with some cunning move. For example, you need a book, but he has it. “Oh, maybe you can give it to me for a couple of weeks? I will return you safe and sound, don’t worry!” - not very great, but still an option.

Love by correspondence

Well, now you are already corresponding:
  • Don’t try to seem like a sophisticated intellectual, especially if you’re not, write what you think.
    There is no need to bombard the guy with dozens of SMS and posts.

    He will get tired of it, and he will not want to communicate with you at all. Actually, this is ordinary correspondence, albeit by electronic means. This means it should be informative and mutual.

  • Tell the guy about something, ask his advice, thank him, praise him. Now it's his turn.
  • Why doesn't he write? Maybe he really is busy. Or he doesn’t know what to write to you.

    You can take the initiative two or three times so that he doesn’t have to worry about figuring out what to write to you about. But then let him write it himself at least once.

  • Don't be intrusive. Still no use. But let's hope this is not your case.

What's next?

How your relationship will develop further is unknown. But if you are attentive to your loved one, honest and natural, then it is very possible that great and bright love awaits you.

Wish you happiness!

Having started a dialogue on VK with the guy you like, you probably want to attract his attention and arouse his interest. There are several simple rules that will help you easily start a conversation.

If he wrote first, how to react

This option is the simplest. The only thing you need is to be as friendly as possible. Don’t answer dryly or monosyllabically, but don’t “go too far” - there’s no point in writing long memoirs answering trivial questions. In general, the main thing is to know when to stop.

What to write to him if we are strangers

First of all, you need to submit an application to add him as a “friend”. However, if he has opened access to information on his page for all users, and messages can also be written to him by people who are not on his friends list, then you can simply send him some message. Perhaps he will be interested in the usual: “Hello. How are you?".

But it’s better if your first message is not so faceless - let him understand why he aroused your interest. You can write: “Hi. I came across your page and just couldn’t take my eyes off your dog. If it’s not difficult, tell us something about this breed.” If there is no dog, then you can point out that he has an amazing bike, you want the same one and are interested in its characteristics. Having noticed that he goes to the gym, write that you have been eyeing this particular establishment for a long time, and you want to find out from a real client how convenient it is to work out there. This way you can play up almost any remarkable detail that you see on his page.

You are each other's "friends"

It may be that you crossed paths somewhere, and one of you was added to the other as “friends,” but then the correspondence never took place. Just wait until he makes a new post and comment on it - praise the song, express your opinion on some philosophical quote, etc. You can write him a personal message, noting some change in his appearance. Perhaps you saw that the guy visited some interesting place - just ask him about it.

Resume communication after a long pause

It is possible that you once communicated, but now it is a thing of the past. In general, in this situation it is also appropriate to start a casual conversation and inquire about the affairs of the interlocutor. Although, if you interrupted communication due to a quarrel, then you can carefully raise this issue by admitting that you were wrong and offering to establish contact.

What can you tell a guy about yourself when texting?

Of course, in correspondence you shouldn’t talk about things that guys are of little interest to - which salon you went to to get your manicure done, the advantages of one face mask over another, and the like. Leave such conversations for your friends.

Interests, hobbies

Perhaps you are interested in dancing, yoga, roller skating or fitness classes - all this would be useful to tell a young man about yourself. In addition, he will probably like the fact that you are trying to keep yourself in shape. Also, any guy would be interested to know about your creative hobbies - painting, photography, poetry. If you don't have any hobbies, now is the time to find them!

Surely, you have some ideas that you would like to bring to life in the near future. It is possible that you would like to visit some European city, or you want to go to an interesting master class. To maintain a conversation with a guy, you can also tell him about what you plan to do this coming weekend.

Conversation on your favorite movie

Sometimes it is useful to switch to neutral topics. Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who is not interested in cinema. Ask which genre your interlocutor is closest to. Many young people enjoy watching films based on Marvel or DC comics, which have recently been at the peak of popularity and collect huge box offices around the world. If you like “superhero movies” and you know for sure that the guy has some idea about them, then you can discuss famous heroes by sharing your opinions about them with each other.

There are also many fans among the television projects “Game of Thrones”, “The Big Bang Theory” and others, which will also be very interesting to discuss. Write about your favorite characters, put forward theories regarding the further development of the plot. If your tastes do not overlap, and you watch completely different films, then simply share with each other your opinion about certain films. From this conversation, he will at least be able to find out what genres you are interested in and, perhaps, later you will go to the cinema together to see the picture that you previously discussed.

Interesting places for you

Tell us how you like to spend your time and what places you visit most often. We can talk about your favorite shopping center, cinema, gym, bowling alley, cafe, and so on. It is possible that during the conversation it will turn out that you often visit the same places, and this could serve as a good reason for a meeting.

How and what to write to get a guy to like you

It happens that at first the correspondence goes quite briskly, but suddenly the interlocutor’s interest begins to fade. How to communicate with a guy to make him like you?

First of all, you need to show at least some interest in the young man. Ask him about how his day is going, what his plans are for today. Remember what he said earlier. Perhaps he was planning to visit somewhere - ask how it went. If he talked about his pet, then ask how his four-legged friend is doing.

You shouldn’t bombard your guy with endless messages, but it’s still advisable to demonstrate your friendliness. Do not ignore his messages, imagining how he suffers from the fact that you are online but do not respond to him. This way you won’t have a full dialogue. If you do not respond to most of his messages for several days, hoping that by doing so you will intrigue him, then gradually he will no longer feel like writing to you at all.

If a young man asks you some questions, then you do not need to answer them sparingly and monosyllabically. Give a detailed answer - of course, within reason. It would also be a good idea to ask him any questions, periodically without being afraid to take the initiative in conducting the conversation.

Even if you have a lot of free time, then the guy doesn’t need to know that you have absolutely nothing to do with yourself - you shouldn’t be “online” for most of the day - this way you will gradually earn a reputation as a slacker. It’s a completely different matter if you work or are really busy with something, listening to music on VK and responding to messages every few minutes, or even hours. But it’s better to go online in the evenings for a couple of hours. This is quite enough for full-fledged virtual communication, and will not allow you to get bogged down in meaningless correspondence.

What questions can you ask a guy during correspondence?

There are many topics you can raise with your partner. Avoid numerous questions about your ex-girlfriend and don't talk about too personal things - all this is acceptable to discuss in a closer relationship.

1. Find out about holidays with friends

Ask how often he goes out with friends, and in general, whether he likes company. It could also be that the guy you like is an introvert who doesn't really like spending a lot of time with his friends. In general, you can find out all this from him.

2. Bring up the topic of childhood

Somehow unobtrusively touch on the topic of childhood. Find out where the young man liked to go as a preschooler, whether any funny situations happened in his childhood, whether he remembers that period well. Also, do not forget to cover a more conscious age - find out whether the guy liked studying at school, which subjects seemed more fascinating to him than others, whether he still had contact with his school friends.

3. Discuss musical tastes

Surely, the guy you like has certain musical preferences, which you can also discuss. Ask him if he had idols as a teenager and what artists he listens to most often. You can also ask if he has a favorite song.

4. Favorite places in your city

Undoubtedly, in the city where your interlocutor lives, there are places that he prefers to visit more often than others - find out about these attractions. In addition, you can find out why this or that establishment is special for him.

5. Talk about travel

Find out what interesting parts of the world the guy has been to. Perhaps the geography of his travels is still limited only to the cities of his country - find out where he liked the most and where he would like to go again.

6. Inquire about work or study

If you don’t know this, then ask what the young man does - where he studies or works. Naturally, it is completely inappropriate to specify the amount of his salary. Just ask if he likes his field of activity and why he chose it.

There are several rules that you should follow to prevent your guy from losing interest in you.

  • You should not write to a young man several messages per minute - especially if he is not distinguished by such agility in correspondence. He has not yet had time to respond to one message, and you are writing the next one after that? At this rate, your dialogue risks gradually developing into a monologue.
  • Try to write without obvious grammatical errors - this is very annoying for some Internet users. Surely, in your browser you can find settings with which errors in your words (in VK, email, etc.) will be underlined with a red line.
  • Some girls prefer to take signs of attention for granted, or not notice them at all. If a guy praises your photo, noting that you look amazing, there is no need to write: “I know!” or “You’re not the first to tell me this.” A modest enough: “Thank you for the compliment.” Most men avoid arrogant girls, and it will not be very good if the young man you like considers you as such.
  • If you have different opinions on some issue, do not try to convince him that you are right, do not escalate the situation. You can simply indicate that you have a different opinion on this matter, but his point of view is also quite interesting. There is no need to prove to him that he is a fool who “understands nothing” in this matter.
  • Also, don’t try to provoke a guy to jealousy by telling him how many fans you have, how tired you are of them, and the like. If we are talking about “virtual” admirers, then the interlocutor himself will notice the activity on your page, and their discussion will not make you look good at all. The maximum you can do is to correctly answer a question about this or that person or about fans in general, if the guy himself asks you about it.

How to get a pen pal to ask you out on a date

Sometimes the correspondence drags on significantly, but never leads to a real meeting. If a guy is in no hurry to ask you out on a date, then you have the opportunity to push him to do so.

Little girly tricks:

  • When texting a guy, let him know that you are clearly interested in him. You should not impose yourself, but do not forget to answer his questions, periodically take an interest in his affairs, and maintain a dialogue.
  • Perhaps a film he likes is about to premiere. Hint that you are also looking forward to this film, and plan to visit the cinema when it comes out. You can also mention that a certain cafe opened in the city a long time ago, which you wanted to visit to taste the sushi or burgers that your friends praised you. The same can be written about some exhibition, theater, etc. He may not know where to invite you, but after your words this problem will disappear.
  • Tell the guy that you've had a lot of work or study lately, but now you've finally got some free time, and you don't even know where to go, because for some reason no ideas come to your mind right now. It is quite possible that he himself will give you an idea in which he will also appear.
  • If a guy is in no hurry to ask you out on a date, and you have already begun to doubt that you are of interest to him, you will have to act more radically and directly communicate that you really like communicating with him, and would like to “cross paths somehow” in the city for a drink coffee. Based on his answer, you will understand whether a meeting awaits you soon, or whether you misjudged the attentions of this young man.

Gone are the days when it was considered indecent for a woman to meet men first. In modern society, the initiative for communication comes from both parties. Often the reasons for this are rooted in male passivity. Some male representatives are ready to give all the reins of power to female hands. Others, recognizing a woman’s right to initiate an acquaintance, then take everything upon themselves. Many girls who have to initiate an acquaintance do not know how to start a conversation with a guy. Sometimes the wrong words can ruin your chances of further communication.

Dating in real life

Young people spend more and more time on the Internet, so dating there is becoming increasingly popular. But the likelihood of meeting the person of your dreams in real life remains high. Often men and women are equally eager to start dating, but young people sometimes simply do not know how to take the first step and experience shyness. In this case, the girl has no choice but to be the first to start a conversation with the guy she likes.

You can start a conversation in different ways, most of them have proven their effectiveness experimentally:

  • Do not neglect the circumstances around you - if two people find themselves in the same room, next to each other, then a conversation can begin naturally, but girls need to use all their resourcefulness to direct it in the right direction. Even a banal conversation about the weather can be a good start, but this is just an invitation to further conversation, to which a man who is interested in the interlocutor will definitely respond.
  • Ask for help. Often the reason for contacting is a request to convey difficult things. Most men cope with such a request brilliantly, girls should say words of gratitude, it is advisable to express their admiration for the strength and dexterity of the young man, but there is no need to flatter, men love praise.
  • Simply and unpretentiously introduce yourself to the guy you like. If there is a possibility that the acquaintance will be continued, this method is perfect for girls who are able to communicate without shyness with the boy they like. The chances that the acquaintance will continue are high if the girl is not too persistent.

Dating on the Internet

Virtual space is a place where young people spend a large amount of time. Communication with the opposite sex is also an important part of spending time online. Many girls try to meet a guy on the Internet, but they don’t always succeed.

The screen is a kind of barrier separating one interlocutor from another. It is both a protection against the continuation of an unwanted acquaintance and a barrier to communication, which has outgrown virtual conversations and requires real meetings. Girls who are going to meet guys on VKontakte need to understand why they need this acquaintance: to have a pen pal or to meet a man for a serious relationship.

Dating on VKontakte

Girls often make acquaintances on VKontakte with young people they like, forgetting that online it is easy to show yourself as not the person you really are.

Even a photograph is sometimes processed in Photoshop before it is posted on a social network.

It’s easier to start communicating on VKontakte if young people have common ground. A girl pays attention to a young man’s page; it’s easier for her to start communicating first if:

  • they have mutual friends;
  • they are in the same group;
  • they have the same place of study or work;
  • tastes coincide.

If there is none of this, then don’t be upset. The girl can write first, but first she needs to make sure that her page on the Internet does not arouse suspicion in the guy.

  • you can ask the guy if he makes acquaintances online;
  • to inquire about any information available on the young man’s page, the girl needs to be ready to carry on a conversation with the man;
  • express admiration for a photo, comment on a post on the wall.

Communication process

When communicating, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • feel the interlocutor - if he wants to end the conversation, then you should not be persistent;
  • speak in moderation, otherwise it will tire the interlocutor;
  • do not give free rein to your imagination;
  • give the young man a chance to speak.

It is best to end the conversation when there is nothing left to say, then the young man will still have questions for the girl, which he will ask first.

Often a girl starts a dialogue with her ex-boyfriend. Similar rules apply here. And she also needs to remember that she cannot be aggressive or rude.

If she is to blame for the breakup, then she should ask the guy for forgiveness. During communication, the initiative must be kept in your hands.

Do you want to meet a guy on VK, but don’t know how to start a conversation? What should you write immediately after the word “hello”? And is it worth writing to him first? Cast aside your doubts! There is nothing easier than meeting a young man you like on social networks. We will talk about the most effective ways to meet people on the Internet and give examples of successful phrases for the first message.

Although there is a stereotype that a girl should not make the first move, in reality this is not necessarily the case. The guy should be more active in developing the relationship, but if he doesn’t even know that you exist, then why not point it out to him?

If you miss out on your potential soul mate, no amount of pride can justify such a mistake. Take an example from the Japanese. It is customary for them that the girl makes the first step - and as a result, the number of divorces in their country is one and a half times less than ours. So feel free to write first.

Reasons to start dating a guy you like

Starting a conversation with a man you like is the hardest thing. You need a good and convincing reason. Think about what attracted you to the guy, besides his appearance? Carefully study his page in Contact. Here's what will help you start a conversation:

  • You have mutual friends. Perhaps that is why you found this young man. If you already have common acquaintances, then there will be common topics - at a minimum, you can discuss (without gossiping) these same acquaintances.
  • You studied or worked in the same place. Each educational institution and each company has its own special atmosphere, so this is already a sufficient reason to write. You will definitely have common memories and topics to discuss.
  • You have common interests. Social networks are good because they allow you to describe your interests in detail. And at least some of them will coincide. “Do you love Beigbeder? And I love Beigbeder. Do you listen to Beyoncé? And she’s my favorite performer.” And so on.
  • You have common groups. Browse your and his communities. Maybe among them there will be quite specific things in which you are both involved?

If nothing in common is found, this does not mean that the person should not write. Let's consider several universal options that will allow you to start a conversation.

Would you like to receive detailed step-by-step instructions on how to properly meet men on the Internet? We recommend reading free checklist Alexey Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and transform them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the Internet, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real world.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf file.

Examples of good phrases for the first message

There are four main ways to start a VKontakte correspondence:

  1. General approach. The universal phrase for starting acquaintance is “Hello. Are you dating online?” - that’s all. You immediately show your intentions, allowing the other person to respond accordingly.
  2. Sincerity. Honestly describe the purpose of your acquaintance to the person. Try to be as sincere as possible. For example, “Hi. I understand that we don’t know each other, but now I’m terribly missing new people in my life, new communication, new acquaintances. Judging by your page, you are a very interesting person, so maybe we can try to chat? We both have nothing to lose from this.” In this case, honesty will be disarming - it will be difficult for your interlocutor to refuse you.
  3. Playfulness. Come up with a funny reason, even if it's a little absurd. For example, “Hi! I’m very bored right now, please recommend some good movie.” Yes, such requests don’t seem to be addressed to a stranger, but this only makes it all the more intriguing.
  4. Opinion. Give your opinion on something you see in a person's posts. It’s better if it’s positive, although it won’t hurt to argue a little if the topic is not very serious. "Hello. I saw your post in which you say that “The Alchemist” is the most powerful book by Paulo Coelho. But it seems to me that the ideas expressed in “The Diary of a Magician” are even deeper and more interesting. What was it about the book that hooked you?” Naturally, you need to focus on the person and his posts, trying to understand who wants to talk about more serious topics, and who, on the contrary, would like light communication.

These are just examples of the first messages. Be creative - and then the guy will definitely respond.

How to keep the conversation going

So, you started communicating. Now is the time to think about what comes next. To ensure that your efforts are not wasted, it is necessary to maintain correspondence. Here are some simple tips on how to do it correctly.

To continue communication, rely on the information collected while studying the page of your interlocutor. In the beginning, you can’t do without some general topics, but then it’s better to move on to specifics.

Ask questions about the person’s hobbies, about his tastes indicated on the page - and be sure to prepare a couple of stories from yourself, but on topics that would interest the guy.

Here is a separate article from which you will learn about and maintain a conversation with a guy.

For example, if he loves cars, talk about how you learned to drive, if he loves hiking and picnics, tell about some funny story that happened to you during such an event, if he loves music, talk about how went to a concert of our favorite band.

Video on the topic - TOP 5 ways to meet a guy:

People don't like it when they're the only ones telling stories, so be prepared to take the initiative, although don't get carried away too much - they don't like talkativeness either.
