How to win a Libra man.

A man of the Libra sign is characterized by changeable moods. He is thrown from one emotion to another. But despite the instability of character, the representative of this sign strives for stability in relationships. He is quick-tempered, but easy-going. It can throw a stormy scandal, but soon it will begin to reconcile. He is very contradictory and picky, so it is difficult to please him. Usually he is forgiven for all his shortcomings, since he is able to admit his mistakes. He is honest and straightforward, somewhat of an idealist. He is an esthete and erudite, so a Libra man will be able to win over an outwardly attractive and intelligent woman.

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How to conquer Libra?

Despite his difficult character, the Libra man is always surrounded by a crowd of bright fans. He charms women with his eloquence, elegance and openness. He is an extrovert by nature, so he gets along with people easily. True, it is easy to disappoint him, because not every girl meets high standards.

This zodiac sign is not difficult, but getting a serious relationship from him is not an easy task. He tends to constantly analyze, weigh the pros and cons, ohHe will take a long time to decide whether the lady is worthy of his attention.

To interest him, in no case should you go for a quick rapprochement. Moderation helps maintain intrigue and attractiveness without alienating Libra. You need to lure him, and not rush headlong into the pool of feelings. Men love the candy-bouquet period, when a couple is just getting closer. The anticipation of intimacy excites Libra's imagination; he is in no hurry to put the woman into bed. A girl who immediately ends up in bed with him will lose his affection and respect.

He needs only the best and most extraordinary lady who shines in society, is able to carry on a conversation on any topic and subtly senses his mood. The chosen one must understand fashion trends, be able to take care of herself and dress impeccably. He will be conquered by a witty, non-vulgar person, well-read, with a promising profession. It is advisable to speak several foreign languages ​​and understand technology, because Libras are greedy for knowledge and constantly improve their intellectual level.

If a woman does not meet his expectations, you can only count on a short-term romance.

He is not a hunter by nature. Rather, it is the woman who will have to fight for his attention. You need to be able to carry on a conversation and pamper him with a romantic message. Knowledge of poetry is welcome. At the same time, his chosen one must have analytical thinking and be ready for any adventures. Libra, as has been noted, is a contradictory sign. It combines talkativeness and silence, seriousness and carelessness, responsibility and detachment. This is an adult child in the good sense of the word.

How to win a Leo man

Libra man in bed

He is more interested in the aesthetic side of intimate relationships. He is unlikely to agree to quick sex, because the surroundings are of great importance to him. Romantic people are delighted with the behavior of Libra, because this particular sign, unlike most men, loves long foreplay, role-playing games, lace lingerie, candles, and a bath with roses.

You need to be ready to experiment, because your partner will not tolerate boredom and monotony. If something turned him on yesterday, this does not mean that today he will be delighted with the same caresses and poses.

If problems arise, you can not be afraid to openly discuss any issues with him. He won't hide anything. If there is something that doesn’t suit him about his partner, he will say so in plain text. He does not skimp on expressions. But don’t be offended by Libra - he is pursuing a good goal. Constraints and understatement in love matters, according to the guy of this Zodiac, are evil.

The undoubted advantage of Libra is that he is not prone to betrayal. He prefers a varied intimate life with one girl rather than experimenting with different ladies.

How to understand if a Sagittarius man is in love

How to keep it for a long time?

Any smart and beautiful girl who will be interested in his tastes and inner world will be able to attract Libra and please him. It is comfortable to be around a man of this zodiac sign if you accept his impulsiveness. You should respond to outbursts of anger with iron calm. If a scandal cannot be avoided, you should not express everything that is in your heart in the heat of rage. Even in quarrels with Libra, you need to skillfully select every word, because he has an excellent memory, and he remembers every insult for a long time.

A positive feature of Libra is that they quickly move towards reconciliation, often taking the first step themselves.

They can surprise any woman. You can never say with certainty what is going on in his head. You need to be prepared for any surprises. It is Libra who can wake up his wife one fine morning and inform him that in an hour they are flying to Venice or to a conference of animal rights activists. A wife must enthusiastically go on a journey with her husband, otherwise she risks disappointing her partner with her dryness and excessive sanity.

But Libras are not frivolous spenders. They simply believe that there should be just enough finances to be enough to live on, but they can always make money. These men know how to make money. They will never work in low-paid jobs. It is easier for Libra to learn a new profession than not to take risks and lead a modest office existence.

They are attracted to everything new in life. They are childishly able to enjoy everything unusual. A like-minded person, an optimist and an active person, will be able to keep them. Dull young ladies may not count on success.

What kind of partner does Libra need:

  • non-conflict;
  • collected and neat;
  • cheerful and cheerful;
  • hardworking and ambitious;
  • tactful and polite;
  • sensual and feminine;
  • gentle and caring;
  • stylish and fashionable;
  • loving children and animals.

Libras are purposeful and ready to do a lot for the family, sometimes even the impossible. Their spouse should invest no less in the relationship, be a friend, a partner, a lover, and a sister. Only such a multifaceted nature will be able to conquer Libra for life.

It often happens when a woman likes a man, but she doesn’t know how to approach him and how to tie him to her. In any case, do not be upset, because there are many ways to solve this problem.

One of the most popular methods of conquering a man is the method using a psychological portrait based on the date of birth of your chosen one. To do this, it is enough to find out when your beloved was born, determine his zodiac sign and what qualities are characteristic of men of this sign and what they value most in women.

How to please Libra

If a woman likes a man born under the sign of Libra, then she should take into account that Libra men are creative individuals who like everything beautiful and perfect. Libra men are often gallant gentlemen who know how to communicate casually with the fair sex, and also master the art of flirting. Thanks to the above-mentioned abilities, Libra men never complain about the lack of female attention; on the contrary, they are always surrounded by women. To win the heart of a Libra man, a woman should try to stand out from the general crowd of fans.

So, if you really liked a man who was born under the sign of Libra and you want to conquer him, then you need to understand that you are dealing with an exalted creative personality who does not tolerate imposed restrictions, norms or rules.

Like any other creative person, the Libra man is characterized by some oddities, so a woman should prepare for the fact that a man will often surprise her with his extravagance. Such quirks include a man’s frequent lateness not only for work, but even for a date with his beloved woman, as well as some frivolity.

Despite the fact that a man will take life lightly and perceive everything with an optimistic smile, he will most likely demand from his companion that she always congratulate him even on minor holidays or events. Moreover, if a woman wants to establish a warm relationship with such a man, she will need to become interested in music, poetry and everything that her chosen one is interested in.

Libra men are used to people always and everywhere completely agreeing with them, so the woman next to him must also constantly agree, even if she doesn’t agree. This may be an agreement like “yes, dear, of course,” which will not require the woman to step over herself and say everything she really thinks, but on the other hand will satisfy the man and reassure him.

If a woman openly contradicts a Libra man, then most likely she will encounter another change of mood, which will clearly not be in the woman’s favor.

Also, when communicating with Libra men, you should avoid criticizing them and pointing out their shortcomings. This also applies to their appearance. At the same time, you should not rely on the fact that Libra men often change their mood; he may think about the criticism you said for several days.

Initiative and thoughtlessness - these two qualities are alien to Libra men, so a woman who wants to make Libra fall in love with her should prepare to make decisions herself and take the initiative into her own fragile hands. A man is used to making any decisions, even not the most significant ones, after thinking everything through thoroughly, and not acting spontaneously. This kind of thinking about things is typical for men, even in situations in which everything seemed so clear.

Libra men like calm women who can conduct a conversation in a calm tone, adhering to consistency. If a woman likes such a man and wants to conquer him, then she should initially study several fashion magazines, since men value style and elegance in women.

On dates with such men, you should wear only exquisite things that can fully highlight all the advantages of a woman’s figure, and at the same time hide some of her shortcomings.

Today it is rare for a woman to leave the house without makeup. Libra men have nothing against makeup as such, the main thing is that it is without excesses. That is, a woman’s makeup should not be conspicuous, but only emphasize the natural attractiveness of the fair sex.

The Libra man rarely takes the initiative, so for effective rapprochement, a woman should take the initiative herself. At the same time, it is advisable not to show your real goals and intentions, let the man sincerely think that for his companion it is not so much the relationship that is important, but how his company is.

Joint trips to various exhibitions, concerts, and performances will also improve a woman’s chances of winning over such a man. At the same time, the woman must convince the man that these trips are really interesting to her, and that your interests coincide with his. If, after several trips to concerts or exhibitions together, a man calls a woman and offers to go for a walk with him or somewhere else, then know that the man is practically in your pocket and you will be able to keep him.

How to keep a Libra man

If you managed to win a man, then you should not immediately calm down and rest on your well-deserved laurels, enjoying his company. Libra men are fickle, so a woman should be interesting and a little mysterious for him.

A woman can organize interesting leisure activities for the two of them. This could be going to a concert together or an outing into nature. The main thing is that the innate need of Libra men for cultural communication is fully satisfied, while the woman remains as interesting as on the first day they met.

Among the events that a man and a woman can attend may also be attending sports competitions at a stadium or somewhere in a cafe or bar in front of a big screen. If you want to please your loved one with a trip to the stadium, you should first find out his preferences. Maybe a man has a passion for football and supports the local football team, or maybe he is a basketball fan. A common preference for Libra men is team sports, but some members of the stronger sex may enjoy tennis or Formula 1 racing.

Libra men may not only love to watch sports competitions, but they themselves are partial to sports. As practice shows, Libra men are drawn to those sports disciplines where agility and a sense of balance are important. So such men may be interested in trampoline jumping or rock climbing exercises. In addition, men can enjoy working out in gyms, doing morning or evening jogging, and doing exercises on the horizontal bar or parallel bars. A woman can easily meet and make friends with a Libra man in the gym or while jogging. After such an acquaintance, the woman can propose together, and the man will most likely agree to her proposal. Thus, a woman can easily establish contact with a man she is interested in, and at the same time immediately find common interests.

As noted above, Libra men prefer team sports, so they often play football or just play with friends and colleagues for fun. That is why if a woman wants to develop a warm relationship with him, then it is advisable for her to become at least a little familiar with a man’s favorite sport, so that, for example, if a man’s favorite sport is football, she does not confuse Ronaldo with Ronaldo, and Andrey Shevchenko with Taras Shevchenko .

Libra men highly value a woman’s desire and ability to deliciously cook and beautifully serve cooked dishes on the table. But here it is important to use moderation, because having overfed the gentleman, he can sincerely thank the woman, gratefully shake her hand and retire to his bed.

Being near such a man, a woman needs to constantly surprise and intrigue him. So one day a woman can flaunt next to her gentleman in an elegant dress, and the next day she will prefer to appear in front of a man in a casual youth style, or even in a tracksuit, and the next day a woman can pleasantly surprise a man by appearing in a seductive blouse and shorts .

Libra men do not like manifestations of conservatism in clothing, but, nevertheless, a woman should always look impressive, elegant and charming.

Libra men often think about their every action or action, especially if this action is very important to them. This to some extent also applies to a marriage proposal, with which a man may not rush for years, but at the same time live happily with his beloved for several years. In this case, the woman should take the initiative herself and do not hesitate to propose marriage.

Libras fall in love with an ease surprising to many others, although not at first sight. If a woman knows well the techniques of communicating with Libra, then she can subjugate such a person without any problems. But it is much more difficult for these men to get out of the love trap that has slammed shut behind them.

The vast majority of men born under the zodiac sign Libra are extremely unbalanced and unpredictable people, extremely incomprehensible to society. The mood of such men is changeable, literally like the weather. So, for example, the warm and gentle sun of a good mood sparkles brightly on a man’s face, then suddenly, out of the blue, a gusty squall wind will blow in and literally blow everything away, causing a scandal... After another half an hour, the sun can shine again. And this can happen several times a day. Moreover, the owner of such an extraordinary character is not at all embarrassed by such sudden changes in mood; the Libra man simply always knows how to find an explanation for them, sometimes apologizes and continues to behave in the same way, as if nothing had happened.

We would even say that perhaps only those who love spice or thrills can seriously think about how to win a man like a Libra man. However, most representatives of the stronger sex born under this sign are not evil guys at all. Libra men are simply too hot-tempered. Well, why are the guys getting all uptight here, and they’ll calm down soon. So, in fact, why not start a relationship with them, and therefore, why not understand the issues of winning the heart of one of them? Moreover, you can’t order a woman’s heart. So let's get started...

How to Win the Love of a Libra Man

So, what kind of women do Libra men like? Being refined, romantic natures, they undoubtedly pay attention to the attractiveness of appearance, its uniqueness and rarity. Libras tend to be the center of attention, sometimes have inflated self-esteem, and they believe that they are the object of special public interest. It is important for them that no less attention is paid to their companions and that an extremely favorable opinion is formed about them. A woman is supposed to become a worthy, harmonious complement to a Libra man.

Often these men are partial to long-haired beauties with plump, slightly moist lips. The ability to dress tastefully is of no small importance, and Libra men of any age pay attention to this.

Another answer to the question of how to make a Libra man fall in love with you is decent behavior. Being delicate people, representatives of this sign cannot tolerate other people’s tactlessness and bad manners, therefore they will not be interested in an ill-mannered, vulgar, indelicate person. Their aesthetic taste may suffer when people even use slang, not to mention swearing, in their presence.

Libra men give preference to balanced, calm women who are not prone to overly violent expressions of feelings, scenes of jealousy, or conflicts. They like ladies who, in addition, are interesting, erudite interlocutors. A woman who is able to carry on conversations, for example, about art, can begin to communicate simply in a friendly way, without showing obsessive interest, can get closer to solving the problem of how to win a Libra man. Libras do not like to be openly hunted, but at the same time they like to deal with fairly strong, decisive, enterprising individuals who will take responsibility for the development of relationships. Libra men will not regard this as a bid for leadership if the woman acts tactfully and does not humiliate his self-esteem.

You should not make such men jealous even with innocent flirting: this will not in the least increase their desire to possess you. The ability to become a support for him and play many roles at once is of great importance. A woman appears in his life not to test his nervous system, but to make his existence more harmonious and pleasant.

As is the case with many other signs of the Zodiac, Libra's emotional reaction can be achieved through flattery and praise, compliments that emphasize their chosenness, intelligence, grace, and sense of beauty.

How does a Libra man in love behave? He immediately turns into an even more poetic, sublime person, bathes his chosen one in compliments and signs of attention, tries to please in everything and generously shares the treasures of his soul with her. His feelings will quickly cease to be a secret for the woman.

Let's look at one of the fastest and surest ways to please a person, knowing just what horoscope sign he was born under. Let's look at this using the example of Libra.

How to win a Libra man and tie him to you

Libra men are very subtle creative people who like everything light, sublime and, so to speak, unearthly. These men are wonderful gentlemen, gallant companions, capable of even serious conversations in a relaxed manner.

A woman should always remember that such men are in great demand among the fair sex. Be prepared also for male oddities and whims: lack of punctuality, frivolity, negligent attitude towards important matters. But at the same time, I am a flighty and eccentric person, the Libra man will not tolerate this from his companion.

Try to win a Libra man using such a miraculous method as sincere attention. For example, don’t forget to congratulate the guy (even if the holiday isn’t worth a damn, it will always be nice). Libra also loves to talk about beauty; it’s worth keeping up conversations with them about music and poetry. Libra will appreciate this and look at you from a different perspective.

Since Libra men are to some extent selfish and selfish, a woman should try to agree with them in many ways. But this does not mean that you need to bend over and look like plasticine in his hands. No, it’s enough just to tell him “yes, of course, beloved” and cunningly do everything in your own way. If you do the opposite, argue and make noise, in response you will only get a negative reaction and the most spoiled mood.

Do not criticize him or reproach him for his shortcomings, especially in public. The Libra man will think about this and worry about it for more than one day, although outwardly he may remain cold and indifferent. By the way, find out, and they will never tell your companion, because your Libra gentleman is prone to such secrets.

Libra men are sometimes uninitiative and thoughtless. Don't be afraid to take important issues into your own hands.

A few more recommendations that will help you win a Libra man

Only calm and balanced women, capable of conducting gentle conversations and smiling mysteriously, can please a Libra man.

Joint trips to concerts, performances, and exhibitions will also help increase your chances of winning over a man. You must be convincing enough that not only him, but both of you are very interested in this. At the same time, you must be the standard of style and attractiveness. You should not use bright colors in makeup and flashy, vulgar clothes. Simplicity, natural attractiveness and emphasized advantages in the figure - these are your main strengths in conquering a Libra man.

Joint leisure time for two will be very useful. It is always necessary to support a man’s desire for cultural communication. Together you can visit the stadium, take part in sports competitions, chat in a cozy cafe over a cup of aromatic coffee, or, on the contrary, have fun in a bar with friends.

Libra men simply love to eat delicious food, so a woman who wants to conquer an obstinate and restless male representative can surprise him by preparing something unusual and exotic.

Surprise and seduce your man every day, be strict and demanding, or soft and gentle. Don’t be afraid to experiment with images; the Libra man will definitely appreciate it. You should always remain interesting and desirable to him.

A Libra man can be conquered by a girl who is beautiful in both soul and body - a real princess! He's not too interested in commoners...

If we are talking about a man of the sign, you will have a hard time, friend. Firstly, his smile means nothing, he has been smiling like that since he was thirteen or fourteen years old at all females and knows perfectly well what impression he makes! Secondly, review your wardrobe. And also hairstyle, makeup, manicure. And become the best! No, of course, he values, and just as he values ​​the gold of the soul and the diamond sparkle of the mind, but, you see, the first thing he pays attention to is appearance. He always chooses the very best: stylish, elegant - the best of the best. The Libra man is an esthete to the core; a careless hairstyle, a broken nail, or a couple of extra pounds can push him away forever.

After three months in the gym and a loan spent on new things, you are triumphant: finally, things have moved forward! Now he not only smiles radiantly, but also looks at you for a long time and exchanges a few words. He paid attention to you, but you feel: somehow the chosen one is in no hurry to take the initiative into his own hands... And most likely he won’t take it! The Libra man is not a conqueror by nature. He will not storm the fortress. He is not caught by the hook of curiosity, it is difficult to intrigue him and force him to take the first step. So take the initiative: start a conversation, find common topics, flirt.

But initiative does not mean intrusiveness or aggression. Moreover, you should not talk about the feelings of the first one and confess your love. He loves to talk, a witty intellectual interlocutor with a lively, sharp tongue - this is what you need to become for him at the next stage of the relationship. He is one of those men who are self-absorbed; he is rather interested in a woman as a sparring partner, but not as an object of adoration, for the sake of which he can forget even about himself, his beloved.

The Libra man has a strange feature: at the initial stage of a relationship, he disappears for a week, does not call, does not appear, but when he appears, like the sun, he cannot be tortured and interrogated with bias: where he was, why he did not call. It's best to say what you were worried about. You can practice such care yourself a couple of times; some Libra men love games of cat and mouse (but not all of them, really).

When playing, don’t play around and don’t make mistakes: don’t try to attract the attention of Libra men by being jealous of an imaginary opponent. He is not too jealous, the reaction may be the opposite. Don’t believe in the stereotypes that Libra men are such a miraculously balanced person, a real peacemaker. This happens only three days a week. The other four are pure crocodile. During these “crocodile” periods, there is no need to pay attention to his grumbling, and, moreover, take irritability personally.

The surest tactic is to step back and not find out what happened to him and what’s wrong; this freedom-loving personality cannot withstand such interrogations and will run away. Just wait until he comes to his senses again. Now you have an advantage over your rivals! They don’t know that when he is grumpy and dissatisfied with everything, he should be left alone. On the question of rivals: yes, there is always a swarm of girls around Libra guys. Don’t attach much importance to this, he loves to chat, he simply swims in a sea of ​​adoration, sympathy and flirtation, but... he will give his heart to one, a model of perfection, the ideal woman of his dreams. If you become his only one, you will always come first in his life (even children and mother, no matter how much he loves them, will not become more important to him).

How to keep a Libra man?

Before asking the question: “How to keep a Libra man,” first study his characteristics. Like any zodiac sign, they have both positive and negative character traits. If you are in the mood for a serious relationship, weigh the pros and cons, and then think about how to keep this man...

Features of men born under the sign of Libra.
This man is, first of all, an esthete and an intellectual. His refined manners can turn the heads of many women. He is courteous and polite. In the company of such men, women will be surrounded by attention, Libra men know how to look after beautifully and shower them with compliments. They do this completely sincerely. This is their nature. Many people appreciate this courtesy, which is why Libra men are always surrounded by female attention.

Outwardly, one may get the impression that a man born under this sign is a ladies' man. In fact, he, like no other, is constant in nature. They are simply born diplomats. Aristocrats to the core. This positive quality is very attractive during the courtship period, but you need to understand that courtesy will not only apply to you. The Libra man will be polite and attentive to all women!

The second characteristic feature is indecision. They constantly weigh the pros and cons. They analyze the situation for a long time. A born diplomat tries to avoid conflicts. Libras tend to hide their true intentions.

In this sense, the Libra man can be compared to the Japanese. If a Japanese person answers the question, yes. This means - I'll think about it. If a Japanese speaks, I’ll think about it. Most often this means no. Likewise, this sign is often evasive in answering direct questions.
Because of their indecisiveness, they are rarely leaders. Rather, he is a follower. But to lead this man you need to work hard...

How to conquer a Libra man - keep his attention?

Due to their courteous manners and outward softness, some may have the misleading impression that winning the heart of a Libra is as easy as shelling pears. In fact, to keep the attention of this sign, a woman will need to make a lot of effort. To keep a Libra man, you need to fully comply with his ideas about the ideal woman. How to achieve this?

Only a woman equal to him in intelligence and aesthetic perception can truly captivate this man. A woman should have exquisite taste in clothes and impeccable behavior. Pretentious elegance, which attracts Aries or the looks of famous couturiers, which Leo will pay attention to, will not work here. Libras do not value a girl’s “status,” but her sense of taste, intelligence, and good manners, which, as a rule, are instilled in early childhood. If you are unlucky enough to be born into a family of intellectuals, then the chances of being liked are small... But still, if you have a goal, everything is possible!

How to interest a Libra man?

To keep a Libra man, raise the bar for your personality development.
If you seriously decide to keep your attention, you should make an effort here, like with no other sign. Set yourself the goal of constantly growing intellectually and aesthetically. Visit exhibitions, museums, theaters, read good books. These are the hobbies this man values. And you should be sincerely interested in the hobbies of the Libra man, because if you can get his attention, this is how you will spend all your free time with him.

If you prefer noisy “parties”, trips to high-status restaurants or family gatherings - give up the idea called - how to keep a Libra man. Turn your gaze to more down-to-earth signs. A girl who does not strive to develop her personality can only attract an intellectual for a short time.
How to keep attention in order to marry a Libra man?

Remember their second weakness is indecision. Therefore, the opposite is valued in girls. To make a Libra man fall in love with you, you cannot be timid; only a confident girl with a strong core of character, who knows what she wants from life, can delight and evoke a real feeling of love in an esthete. But at the same time you need to remain tactful in relationships. You shouldn't be the first to confess your love or propose marriage. Don’t put pressure on the Libra man, act carefully and diplomatically.

To keep the attention of a Libra man, you will need patience!
! Remember - Libra is constantly fluctuating. A man will doubt until the last moment whether you are really the girl with whom he wants to live his whole life. The Libra man takes the issue of love, and even more so marriage, very seriously, so it is difficult for him to decide on a serious act. It is difficult to tolerate these fluctuations. To dispel Libra’s doubts, you can use one more trump card:

Libra strives to achieve harmony in everything. They do not tolerate eccentric ladies or stormy scenes. Surround your chosen one with an aura of calm, goodwill and romance. Then this man’s heart will completely melt!

If you passed all the tests and you were still able to hold the attention of a Libra man, then a happy family life awaits you! After all, Libra is a permanent sign, a very gentle, romantic man, and a caring father.

You just need to remember their weaknesses, including his indecisiveness. And you will often have to make decisions in serious life issues, this should be done tactfully, delicately without injuring your man’s pride.
