What wrinkles on the forehead promise success? The same lines, but in the middle of the forehead at a great distance from each other, indicate an intellectual, perhaps a creative person, scientist or researcher. Diseases associated with wrinkles on the upper forehead

Test "Wrinkles and your character"

You can judge a person's personality by their wrinkles.

JOY. Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and mouth.

Shyness. Wrinkles are located near the mouth in people who are afraid of everything in life and feel a strong need to feel protected.

ATTENTION TO DETAILS, DETAILS. People who pay more attention to small details than usual have wrinkles around the eyes. They are also called "crow's feet".

HONESTY AND LOYALTY. Wrinkles form small horizontal lines above the outer edge of the eyebrows.

INTELLIGENCE. Deep wrinkle between the eyes. It also happens to shy people, and when the forehead is low, it shows that the person is preoccupied with problems that seem insoluble to him.

PRESENTATION AND KINDNESS. People with similar virtues usually have almost the entire forehead (without interruption) horizontal wrinkles. But if such folds are caused by numerous small horizontal wrinkles, this means an inability to complete tasks and a tendency to gossip.

DISAPPOINTMENT. These wrinkles appear in moments of disappointment and often disappear, but become noticeable over time. The most typical fold in this situation starts from the nostrils and ends near the edge of the lips. If wrinkles starting from the eyes are added to this, it means that the person is on the verge of his capabilities, and if the wrinkles continue below the mouth, then this also indicates physical suffering.

ANXIETY. The whole face seems to become “wrinkled”, and two “angular” wrinkles appear above the eyebrows.

AGGRESSIVENESS. “Angular” wrinkles appear again, but on the forehead, small wrinkles appear near the eyes and in the corners of the mouth, directed downward.

NERVOUSNESS. In addition to the already familiar “angular” wrinkles on the forehead, small wrinkles appear near the eyes and in the corners of the mouth, directed downward.

ASTONISHMENT. People who are surprised by everything usually have small horizontal wrinkles under their eyes.

INDIFFERENCE. In this case, there are usually no wrinkles, just the muscles of the cheeks are weakened, so a fold forms in the corners of the mouth. This is also a sign of laziness.

Practice deciphering wrinkles - and soon you will become a recognized physiognomist. In any case, you can recognize a person's character at first glance...


Expression wrinkles are noticeable skin folds. They occur with age due to the gradual loss of skin firmness and elasticity. As scientists have established, facial muscles are capable of contracting several thousand times during the course of a day. As a result, invisible wrinkles form on the skin at first, and then more and more distinct wrinkles. Thus, the emotions experienced are inevitably reflected on the face of a person who has reached old age.

This type of location is determined by the level of activity of various facial muscles. For example, a person who is accustomed to frowning often will most likely develop facial wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead over time. A funny people who love to laugh heartily will be distinguished by their network small wrinkles diverging from the outer corners of the eyes.

A noticeable wrinkle between the eyebrows (as a rule, it is single or double and quite deep) may indicate a habit of thinking a lot, but at the same time the person is occupied with things that are rather not very cheerful or joyful. These folds also indicate willpower and perseverance. It is interesting that in esoteric literature there are opinions that such wrinkles may portend problems with the law. At the same time, two or three horizontally directed wrinkles that appear above the eyebrows should be considered a favorable sign, especially if they are crossed by another vertical one.

It is also believed that a double vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows is characteristic of a person of honor, and wrinkles directed only upward from the outer corners of the eyes, on the contrary, may be a sign of not the most best qualities- such a person in difficult situations It's better not to trust.

Deep wrinkles, going down from the corners of the mouth, indicate a not very optimistic character - such people quite often show dissatisfaction for a variety of reasons. Facial wrinkles located below the mouth indicate suffering, both physical and mental, that a person has experienced for a long time. Circular expression wrinkles, located near the mouth, quite often indicate restraint or even shyness, according to a number of sources - perseverance, as well as the desire to have your own opinion on any issue.

Noticeable folds running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth can tell about disappointment experienced more than once, and a network of small wrinkles around the eyes, as well as above the eyebrows, is characteristic of those who are often inclined to be surprised. Angular individual wrinkles located just above the eyebrows can indicate that a person is constantly worried.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! Did you know that wrinkles are not just a sign of impending old age. From them you can find out the character and abilities of a person.

Various events and vivid impressions can change character, as well as facial expression. Facial expressions may change and muscles tense differently. Envy is a negative and very bad emotion that depresses a person and prevents him from developing.

Are you wondering where wrinkles are located? envious people and why do they appear there? Let's find out about this together.

Our face is ours business card. Our emotions are reflected on it, and over time, some character traits leave an indelible mark.
Even the great ancient healer Avicenna diagnosed the disease by studying the patient’s face. And Pythagoras took as his students only those who had special marks on their faces that indicated a calling to science.
Physiognomy can tell you about a person by looking at his face.

With its help you will learn:

  1. It is better to get to know and understand the people around you, which will help you avoid conflict situations.
  2. Find out information about a person just by looking at him.
  3. Identify special features evil people and recognize dangerous individuals.
  4. Find out more about yourself, to what extent your appearance matches your inner content.

Physiognomy is the science that determines features a certain person by parts of the face, has existed for a very long time. But don't trust her too much. For example, a low and wide forehead does not necessarily indicate a bestial character.

For example, many terrible killers of our time have facial features and forehead height that say nothing at all about the true nature of the monsters.
Psychologists have proven that people can perceive a person according to certain judgments.

If you show a photo and say that it is a criminal, most people will see signs of a terrible character on the person's face.
But you can really find out about your health status by looking at your face.

They talk about kidney problems. Yellowness skin- about liver-related illnesses. Horizontal folds on the forehead indicate frequent headaches. Vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose indicate problems in the liver and a tendency to melancholy.

How to determine character by face?

Do you want to know: how to determine character traits from a face, even though this is unreliable? Then let's get started.
You can find out a lot by looking at a person's forehead.

It is believed that if the forehead is rounded and large, then this means that this is a brave person, but who can lie.
A smooth, wrinkle-free forehead is evidence of a carefree nature. And the horizontal folds next to the eyebrows indicate a person with an extraordinary mind.

If the wrinkles diverge in all directions, then this is evidence of originality.
You're probably wondering how to recognize an envious person.

So, it is believed that such a trait is present in the owner of fused eyebrows. In addition, such eyebrows are evidence of cruelty.
Did you know that huge and wide eyes are not so much a sign of beauty as a sign of laziness, talkativeness and excessive daydreaming?
Deep-set eyes indicate envy. The same symptom characterizes irritability and suspicion.

An envious character can be judged by narrowed eyes, but it can also be a characteristic of cunning and insight.

What personality traits can be determined by wrinkles?

Here is a list of some values:

  1. Longitudinal lines on the forehead speak of a person’s intelligence and self-sufficiency.
  2. Intermittent wrinkles signal that their owner does not know how to complete things.
  3. A longitudinal line between the eyebrows indicates shyness.
  4. A vertical wrinkle on the bridge of the nose is considered a mark of intelligence.
  5. If the wrinkle on the bridge of the nose is crooked, then this is a characteristic of a jealous person.
  6. Lines going up from the outer corners of the eyebrows indicate a person's insecurity.
  7. Crow's feet are an indicator of good memory and attentiveness, but can also be a signal of vision problems.
  8. Angular ones appear in aggressive people.
  9. Expression wrinkles around the mouth occur in withdrawn and indecisive people.

How to recognize an envious person?

Let's find out where the marks that indicate an envious personality are located. Many people are uncomfortable with a narrowed gaze, which gives a cold and prickly impression.

This squint expresses envy, and sometimes aggressive envy. The underlying reason may lie in deceit and negative secret intentions.
Notice how your interlocutor wrinkles his nose. Especially how the wrinkles are located.

If a cluster of wrinkles forms at the back of the nose, this indicates dislike and discomfort. May be an indicator of feelings of envy.
A false smile can indicate a feeling of envy in a partner.

This is a barely noticeable stretching of the lips. At the same time, the smile evokes a feeling of pretense.

Remember that you cannot evoke sympathy from someone who envies you. It’s not for nothing that in the Middle Ages beautiful women were declared witches.

And who wrote the denunciations, of course, best friends. This is 100% true, although I was not there.

Try to see the difference between a smirk and a sincere smile.
But what should you do if you experience a “non-Christian” feeling? Don’t be sad, everyone experiences it in one form or another.

The main thing is not to punish yourself. And don't let it develop. After all, this will lead to jealousy and anger. And there, health problems are just around the corner from nervous shocks.

Try to make a bad emotion become an incentive for self-improvement. Distract yourself.

Develop further and develop your abilities. This is how positive emotions are created.
Well, that's all about bad emotions for today. The main thing is not to give in to them yourself and do not deal with people who cultivate them in themselves.

Compare yourself to yourself. And your achievements with your own successes in the future. Even if these are small steps, they are completely yours. Be happy and free from negative emotions.

I wish you success! Write if you have something to say and get updates.
Until we meet again, dear friends.
And this is very interesting video about how envy ruins your life.

It turns out that there are hidden diseases internal organs Wrinkles can tell us a lot...

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nailya Nasybullina says:
- A wrinkled face does not necessarily indicate a hard life. Some wrinkles are passed on to us by inheritance. For example, if your father had a large nose, you will get wrinkles or a double chin with age.

There are wrinkles associated exclusively with the characteristics of our character. Perhaps the person has not had any severe trials, and his health is fine, but he reacts so violently to all the little everyday things and minor problems that his entire face is literally dotted with small wrinkles.

But there are completely different wrinkles that warn that a person has certain health problems. He who is forewarned is forearmed.

For ease of “reading”, let’s divide the face into areas.

Cheekbones and chin

1. Lethargic and loose skin on the cheekbones indicates problems with the bladder.

2. A slightly swollen chin means that the kidneys are working hard.

3. Multiple wrinkles on the cheekbones indicate reduced function of the stomach and pancreas.

4. A transverse wrinkle on the chin may be a sign of congestion at the level of the liver or pelvis.

5. If the skin on your cheekbones resembles transparent film, then it is necessary to check the condition of the liver.

6. If your chin often goes numb, you should visit a cardiologist and have an electrocardiogram done, as there may be heart problems.

Nasolabial folds

1. Swelling and changes in the shape of the nose and the appearance of a purple tint indicate a disease of the lungs and large intestine.

2. Deep symmetrical wrinkles on both sides of the nose indicate dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

3. If the nasolabial fold continues to the chin, this means problems with digestion - gastritis with increased acidity, beginning stomach or duodenal ulcer, colitis.

4. Vertical shallow wrinkles above upper lip talking about gynecological diseases.

5. Vertical wrinkles from the corners of the mouth down warn of possible gastritis with low blood pressure secretory function and predisposition to pancreatic diseases.

6. If the area around the mouth and the mouth itself are covered with grooves, then there are spasms in the large intestine.

7. A white edging around the mouth draws attention to problems in the heart.

8. Cracks in the corners of the mouth indicate a violation of water-salt metabolism, and perhaps hydronephritis - a violation of the excretion of fluid by the kidneys.

On the forehead and around the eyes

1. If many cross-shaped wrinkles form above the bridge of the nose, a spinal disease cannot be ruled out. And a transverse wrinkle indicates a problem specifically in the cervical-occipital zone - often it is osteochondrosis.

2. If horizontal wrinkles cut across the forehead above the bridge of the nose, this is a common sign of a tendency to migraine.

3. A deep vertical groove between the eyebrows tells its owner that his body clearly lacks oxygen and movement in the fresh air.

4. Vertical fold between the eyebrows on the right indicates a damaged liver and gallbladder. If the wrinkle is shifted to the left, this is the first sign of problems with the spleen.

5. Vertical wrinkle in the middle of the forehead at the level of the bridge of the nose indicates stomach problems.

6. Wrinkles under the eyes in the shape of a crescent - “projection” possible problems with the bladder.

7. Swelling upper eyelids indicates that not all is well with the kidneys.

8. Bags under the eyes indicate a problem with the heart.

Of course, to get rid of these defects, you must first treat the disease. But if your wrinkles are still purely cosmetic in nature, you can say goodbye to them with the help simple exercises facial yoga.

Osteoporosis - diagnosis by face

It turns out that osteoporosis can be diagnosed by looking at the face. Doctor-researchers believe that the strength of a person's bone mass can be determined by the depth of wrinkles on his face.

Scientists tested 114 women aged 40-60 years who had gone through menopause. Women who used Botox and other skin correction products were not included in the study. For the rest, a system for assessing the depth of wrinkles on an 11-point scale was developed. Wrinkles were taken into account not only on the face, but also on the neck. Bone density was examined using X-rays.

It turned out that the most smooth skin is associated with the highest bone density, regardless of a woman's age, size, and other risk factors.

Now, diagnosing osteoporosis using the face will make it possible to assume such insidious disease and take appropriate measures to prevent serious consequences.


The emotion we most often experience leaves an indelible mark on our face. Therefore, with age, it is easy to recognize a person’s character by their wrinkles.

A little observation and any oddity in a man’s behavior will no longer be a mystery to you. It’s not for nothing that people say: “It’s all written on his forehead.” So let's learn to read what is written and learn all its secrets.

Wrinkles on the face character of the chosen one - decoding

Long continuous lines on the forehead– a proud person and does not like to make concessions. The man is hard-working and does not give in to difficulties.

Wrinkles above the eyebrows- speaks of the devotion of your chosen one. It's open and fair man who won't throw in Hard time.

Between the eyebrows on the bridge of the nose e is a shy and taciturn person. Reads a lot and has a penchant for introspection.

Multiple wrinkles around the eyes- a joker and a merry fellow. You definitely won't be bored with him. Such a person does not have the habit of making trouble, trying to resolve any misunderstanding peacefully.
