What mosquito repellents can be used during pregnancy? Dangerous bites during pregnancy Mosquito repellent for pregnant women.

Pregnancy is a happy time in a woman’s life. If this period falls in the summer, this is a wonderful opportunity to enrich yourself with natural vitamins from fruits, berries and vegetables, and enjoy the warmth and sun.

But along with the positive, there is always a negative: these are various insects, primarily mosquitoes. Mosquito bites are undesirable for pregnant women not only because of itching and scratching, but also because any product, be it ointment or spray, is toxic and can cause allergic reactions.

What to do in this case? How to protect yourself from insects and not harm yourself?

Meet mosquitoes!

Mosquitoes live in deciduous forests, near bodies of water: swamps, rivers and lakes. In the summer, they find shelter everywhere, especially at night. Therefore, unfortunately, mosquitoes are constant summer companions of humans. The most dangerous species is the malaria mosquito. He bites like a normal one, but he spreads a severe infection.

What mosquito repellents are there?

The fight against insects forces us to invent more and more different means to combat them. How harmful are these mosquito repellents for pregnant women?

All devices and preparations can be differentiated into several groups:

  1. repellents – products applied to the skin: ointments, sprays, creams, aerosols. Not recommended for expectant mothers. Mosquito bites itch, burn, and often hurt. What is the best way to apply mosquito bites to pregnant women? All repellents, one way or another, contain chemicals in their composition, and a woman does not need additional chemicals during this period. Therefore, if you are tempted to apply cream to the bite, it is better to simply moisten the area with water, be patient, or trust the old proven balm “Zvezdochka”.

As for sprays and aerosols, despite imported manufacturers, the smell that these products emit is toxic and harmful to expectant mothers. Therefore, to the question: “Can a pregnant woman use mosquito spray?” the answer is unequivocal: it is impossible;

  1. Fumigators are special devices containing a fumigator, an electrical substance or tablets that, when heated, release air that is poisonous for insects. Also contraindicated for pregnant women. It is especially undesirable for the expectant mother to inhale such a smell in the early stages. Even in their normal state, it is not recommended to plug them in overnight, and after use, be sure to ventilate the room;
  1. ultrasonic. The name speaks for itself. They do not need to be plugged in because they operate without electricity. The high-frequency sounds they make repel mosquitoes. The devices also do not emit harmful chemicals, so women in an interesting position can use them. The only exception may be individual hypersensitivity to ultrasound;
  1. anti-mosquito nets. These useful devices came to us from the west. If we choose a security tool then this is the best option. Small lattice openings on windows and doors do not allow insects to enter the room, but perfectly ventilate the room;
  1. bracelets and stickers. Not long term precautions. Suitable for long walks in shady areas. Glue or put on the wrist, ankle, clothing or bag. The protection option is suitable for children and pregnant mothers, since the patch is impregnated not with chemicals, but with herbal extracts, the smells of which discourage insects from flying towards you. This is exactly what needs to be done to prevent a pregnant woman from inhaling mosquito repellent;

  1. simple folk remedies. No matter how harmful the smell of mosquito repellent tablets is for a pregnant woman, it will not bring the benefits that our grandmothers’ proven folk recipes will bring. There are a number of scents that repel mosquitoes: the aroma of cloves, valerian, lavender, lemongrass, anise. You can put pads with dried herbs on the windowsill, or use aroma lamps. Drops of oils sprayed from a spray bottle are more effective during pregnancy, unlike mosquito repellents plugged into the outlet. The task of every woman is to know the characteristics of her body and be prepared for individual rejection of certain plants and medicines.

Any electrical or chemical components are undesirable during pregnancy. Try to make do with reliable means at hand.

The changes that occur in the female body during pregnancy dictate caution regarding everyday habits. Everything is adjusted: from nutrition to clothing. Last but not least, this applies to means of protection against mosquitoes during pregnancy. What to pay attention to and which ones are better to use?

Types of protective equipment

In summer, mosquitoes are everywhere: in the hot urban jungle and cool village houses. In addition to the annoying buzzing, they may well provoke allergies, itching, swelling, hyperemia, and infection due to scratching.

Given climate change and the increased desire to travel, malarial mosquitoes have also become truly dangerous. The only question is how to protect yourself from them, especially during pregnancy.

In fact, the proposals are very diverse:

  • electrofumigators;
  • contact preparations: creams, sprays, lotions;
  • bracelets impregnated with repellents;
  • fumigants in the form of spirals;
  • traps.

When choosing, you need to pay special attention to whether it is possible to use mosquito repellents for pregnant women. Manufacturers usually label their products. The packaging should indicate that this product is suitable for protecting children, pregnant and lactating women from mosquitoes.

If there is no such marking, then pay attention to the composition. The choice of pregnant women, of course, is better to make in favor of natural repellents.

Mosquito contact preparations, bracelets and consumables (wafers and liquids) for electrofumigators are often made from natural ingredients. They contain natural pyrethrins or concentrated essential oils that do not have a dangerous effect on the human body, with the exception of individual intolerance.

These are dangerous, toxic compounds dimethyl phthalate and diethyltoluamide, which are most often included in personal protective equipment. If there is no alternative, then buy a product that contains the lowest concentration compared to all the others. Most often they are intended for children. In this case, pregnant women must follow the rules for their use:

  • Apply contact repellents for no more than 2-3 hours. Do not rub into skin. Be sure to wash off with soap. Use no more than 2-3 times a day. In hot weather, it is better to apply to the edges of clothing so as not to expose yourself to danger;
  • turn on fumigators at a distance of at least 1 m from the bed. The window and window must be open. It is advisable not to leave it on all night.

Other methods of protection

The most effective and safest methods will be mechanical methods of protection against mosquitoes:

  • mosquito nets or tulle, stretched and hung on windows and doors;
  • dark colored clothes.

And, of course, we must not forget about the huge number of folk methods of protection. The most popular recommendations are essential oils and spices: cloves and vanilla. Using this mosquito repellent for pregnant women is safe and pleasant. You can choose any one depending on your olfactory preferences.

It is important to remember that essential extracts cannot be applied to the skin in their pure form.

They can be mixed with neutral cream, lotion or vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. You can also add spices ground into powder in the same way.

Cloves and vanilla are used whole to prepare a decoction. To do this, you need to boil 5-12 clove buds or a vanilla pod in a glass of water for a quarter of an hour. Then the liquid is poured into a spray bottle and the mosquito spray is ready. It can be enhanced with alcohol or cologne in a 1:1 ratio, and also add a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice.

Among store-bought and folk remedies, everyone can choose effective protection against mosquitoes. However, pregnant women should prioritize natural remedies that will not pose a danger to the woman’s body and fetus.

During pregnancy, an insect bite can cause severe irritation and swelling of the skin. If you are bitten by a malarial mosquito, you can get malaria, which is dangerous for both the expectant mother and the unborn baby. Currently, manufacturers produce a huge number of proposals for protection against insects. When carrying a child, you should only use absolutely harmless products. Experts from the online store “Daughters and Sons” will tell you what kind of mosquito repellent pregnant women can use.

Safe mosquito repellents during pregnancy

Repellent compounds such as sprays, lotions and creams effectively repel insects. They are applied directly to the body or clothing. Creams and lotions are well absorbed into the skin, so it is recommended to choose hypoallergenic products designed specifically for pregnant women and children. If the liquid is dosed correctly, it does not provoke allergic reactions. Lotions can protect a woman both at home and on the street.

Safe and effective protection against insects is guaranteed by products that:

  • flavored with natural extracts;
  • do not contain allergenic components;
  • do not emit toxic substances;
  • include chamomile and clove essential oils.

Repellents with chamomile and cloves perfectly soothe irritated areas of the epidermis and help relieve redness after bites. You can also choose ultrasonic pads, scented patches or bracelets. They do not need to be applied to the skin. The patch, clips and bracelets can be attached to clothing, the plates are placed in fumigators.


Liquid anti-mosquito formulations are not recommended for application to the skin more than three times a day. This may cause itching. Pregnant women should not use repellents containing diethyltoluamide (DETA). Such products are highly effective, but too toxic.

Table 1. Features of various types of protective equipment
Product type Peculiarities Main brands
Aerosol Spray on clothing or body. Protects against mosquito bites for no more than 4 hours. Used everywhere. Gardex, "Baby-deta"
Cream-gel Resistant to moisture. Apply directly to the skin. With extracts to soothe inflamed areas. Valid for 2-3 hours. Babycoccole, "Our Mom"
Bracelets Wear it on your hand while walking. Convenient. They repel midges and mosquitoes at a distance of up to three meters. Bugstop, Gardex
Plates Use indoors. Do not contact the body. Protects for up to 10 hours. "Raptor", Mosquitall
Patch Scented stickers for clothes. One patch lasts up to 12 hours. Can be easily removed. Magicoplast

Insect repellent bracelets and plates

Mosquito bracelets are ideal for pregnant women. They are flavored. Mosquitoes cannot tolerate such a smell, so they do not approach the carrier within 2-3 meters. The accessory is anti-allergenic, non-toxic, and can be easily put on and taken off. Wrist products provide excellent protection against bites in the evening in places with large concentrations of insects.

Ultrasonic plates are also called an absolutely safe product for pregnant women. Their only drawback is that they work from the network. Therefore, the plates help in the fight against mosquitoes only in rooms where there is an outlet.


During pregnancy, lotions based on natural repellent substances, essential oils and chamomile extracts can be used to protect against mosquitoes. Such compositions not only repel insects, but also soothe bite sites with inflamed areas of the skin.

Scented wristbands, patches and ultrasonic wafers can be used. Their use does not require direct contact with the skin. The products are quite effective. All these methods of protection are absolutely safe for the expectant mother and child.

We will start our conversation about “summer” insects with the so-called midges. Gnus is not just one species, it is the collective name for a group of blood-sucking dipterous insects. It includes about 900 species, including mosquitoes, midges, midges, midges, horse flies, blood-sucking flies (autumn fly, cow fly), etc. Midges are found almost everywhere.

The harmfulness of midges is difficult to overestimate. Due to his fault, people's labor productivity is greatly reduced, the number of accidents at work increases, and normal rest and sleep are disrupted. The saliva of bloodsuckers that enters the skin during a bite causes burning and itching, inflammation and swelling around the wound, there is a high risk of infection of the wound, and severe allergic reactions may occur.

Many species of midges are carriers of pathogens of a number of diseases in humans, animals and birds.

Mosquito bites during pregnancy

Only females are bloodsuckers. They pierce the skin with a long proboscis and inject a microscopic drop of saliva into the wound, which acts as a short-term anesthetic: it is assumed that in a few seconds of pain relief the uninvited guest will have time to quench her thirst for blood and fly away, which, as we know, not everyone succeeds in doing. The saliva injected into the wound by the mosquito is an allergen; after being “frozen,” it causes severe itching, swelling and redness around the wound. The bite site is scratched, sometimes “until it bleeds,” then an infection can penetrate into this wound and cause purulent inflammation. Male mosquitoes are one hundred percent vegetarians: they feed exclusively on flower nectar.

If there is severe itching in the bite area, wipe the skin with a chilled solution of baking soda (2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water) and burn it with brilliant green: it not only disinfects, but also dries out the wounds. If there are multiple itchy bites, then to reduce the itching you can take an antiallergic drug; you can use antiallergic ointments and gels locally (for example FENISTIL, etc.).

Midge bites during pregnancy

Together with mosquitoes, midges make up the bulk of the midges, but unlike their long-nosed “colleagues” they do not pierce, but gnaw out a piece of skin, after which they lick the blood. The body length of midges is from 1.5 to 7 mm. Their larvae, as a rule, need clean, running water to develop. Accordingly, they accumulate near mirror lakes, streams, rivers and springs. The maximum number of midges is in the air in May-June; they attack only on hot sunny days. Like a mosquito, the midge anesthetizes the very moment of the bite with its saliva. At the same time, blood thinning substances also enter the wound. The saliva of midges is poisonous, so after a couple of minutes a strong burning sensation, itching occurs, and a reddish swelling develops, which will last for several days. But the unbearable itching can last even for several weeks. Multiple bites are dangerous due to general poisoning of the body, which can manifest itself as increased body temperature, general malaise, headache, and nausea. Midges are attracted to light-colored clothing and the smell of sweat. Given the harmful nature of these insects, a pregnant woman should, if possible, avoid places where they are concentrated.

If the midges do bite you, wipe the bite areas with ammonia as soon as possible, and then apply ice. You can drink an antiallergic drug, lubricate the bite site with antiallergic cream or gel.

Burner fly bites during pregnancy

These flies are divided into two varieties: summer flies and autumn flies. As the names indicate, the first of them appears at the end of July, and the second - closer to autumn. These flies are similar in appearance to ordinary non-biting house flies. Therefore, there is a popular belief that flies become angry in August. The burning fly is about 6 mm long, gray in color with black spots on the abdomen; the burning fly differs from the house fly in its long, prominent, sharp proboscis (the housefly's proboscis is small, with wide sucking lips). The burner fly stings painfully, piercing the skin with its sharp proboscis, after which it sucks out the blood like a pump. Burner flies also carry anthrax, tularemia and other diseases, infecting people and animals. Zhigalka larvae develop in animal manure, if it is mixed with grass or straw, in rotting hay, seaweed. First aid for their bites is the same as in the case of a mosquito attack.

Horsefly bite during pregnancy

Another summer scourge that torments us from July until the cold snap in September is horseflies. There are especially many of them on hot sunny days near water bodies. In rainy weather, they give way to smaller horseflies - gray rainflies. Both of them bite off a small piece of skin and lick off the droplets of blood that appear. Like mosquitoes, the saliva of horseflies is poisonous and allergenic. All this together immediately after the bite, in addition to significant pain, causes the formation of a pale itchy blister with a red, inflamed rim around the edge. Horseflies are dangerous due to infection - microorganisms that they carry on their paws. They can also carry anthrax and some other diseases.

Wash the bite area immediately with soap and water. Itching will be reduced by cool lotions with soda solution (they must be changed every 15 minutes until relief occurs). You can lubricate the wound with iodine or alcohol and apply ice. Allergy medications will also help.

Remember: these insects love everything colored, as well as dark, rich tones. They are irresistibly attracted by the smell of sweat. Therefore, dress in light, loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves and trousers. It is better to wait out the heat in the shade away from the pond.

Moose fly (moose tick) and pregnancy

Bee, wasp, and bumblebee stings during pregnancy

You can be attacked by these insects all day long in late spring, summer and early autumn, while the weather is hot and sunny. You can meet them everywhere: in clearings and meadows, in parks and gardens, even in a summer city cafe or at a fruit and berry stand. These insects themselves, as a rule, do not attack. They bite only in defense of their life, hive, nest or "prey". Actually, the bees and the “company” do not bite, but sting, and do not seek to drink our blood, but only drive us away from their nest houses. Therefore, you should not brush off a bee or wasp: sharp movements in its direction will only confirm your aggression and force the insect to defend itself.

The “sting” of a bee, wasp, bumblebee or hornet is sharply painful, although the intensity of pain varies among different types of stinging insects. A sting may remain in the wound (it looks like a small black splinter). Insect venom injected into the wound causes severe swelling and redness in the bite area, all of which can last for several days. The most dangerous is an allergic reaction, which can be rapid and very strong, up to anaphylactic shock, which undoubtedly threatens life - the function of all vital organs is disrupted, blood pressure drops sharply, the person loses consciousness, and immediate assistance is required. When bitten on the head, cheek, or tongue, the allergic reaction occurs faster and can develop into Quincke's edema (massive swelling of the larynx, which impairs breathing). It is very dangerous if a live insect gets into a person’s mouth: a bite to the base of the tongue or soft tissue of the throat can lead to very rapid death from suffocation.

If, after being bitten by stinging insects, you experience shortness of breath, dizziness, swelling of the soft tissues of the face, hoarseness of voice, a feeling of a scratching, bursting, foreign body in the throat, a feeling of unbearable heat or, conversely, cold, palpitations, severe general weakness or other malaise - urgently Call an ambulance and take an antiallergic drug. If there is a sting left in the wound (and it can cause further intensification of poisoning and inflammation), remove it by squeezing it out lightly with two fingers or tweezers. Just when pulling out the sting, do not squeeze it too tightly: it is fragile and can easily be crushed, leaving pieces filled with poison in the skin. Wipe the bite area with alcohol or iodine, then you can apply ice in a towel. Remains of the poison can be neutralized by making a lotion with a weak solution of table vinegar.

Prevention of insect bites

  1. Do not part with antihistamines, keep them in your travel first aid kit so that they are always at hand (during pregnancy, in an emergency, you can take SUPRASTIN, TAVEGIL, FENKAROL, FENESTIL, LORATA-DIN, ZIRTEK, ERIUS, etc.).
  2. Do not leave sweets, fruits, berries, juices, sweet soft drinks, etc. on the table.
  3. Never drink from open bottles and cans (especially tin ones) that have been left in the open air (even if it’s just an open window in a city apartment).
  4. Wipe your mouth after eating with a damp cloth, especially if you ate sweets.
  5. Do not use perfumes with sweet floral scents, as well as fruit soaps and other floral and fruity perfumes.
  6. Don't dress in bright colors.
  7. Do not wander barefoot through clover fields and flowering meadows.
  8. No less dangerous are ground wasps and wasps, which often prefer shaded and well-ventilated rooms for their nests: verandas, terraces, attics, sheds, gazebos and balconies. Therefore, all such rooms must be periodically inspected, and if you find a nest, spray it with insect repellent.

Tick ​​bite and pregnancy

They most often lie in wait for us on forest paths or in remote hidden parks, hiding in tall grass or on low-sloping branches of bushes. Having fallen or caught on a person’s clothing or animal fur, the tick begins to crawl in search of a convenient place to bite - usually these are areas of skin in the head, neck, shoulders, armpits, and groin folds. Ticks attack throughout the summer and even in early autumn. The tick bite is insensitive: it, like the biting insects described above, injects its temporarily pain-relieving saliva - an anesthetic. The tick burrows into the skin and remains there, often causing local inflammation. Over time, redness appears around the wound, but there is practically no itching, such a characteristic sign of a bite from blood-sucking insects. The flare sticks tightly. It’s not for nothing that people say: “I grabbed it like a tick.” It must be removed, but very carefully. If you find a tick on yourself with a dark abdomen and a head protruding above the skin, part of which, together with the jaws, which are the most powerful in relation to the entire tick, is completely immersed in the skin, then you must pull it out of the skin carefully, grabbing this head with tweezers, otherwise it will come off and will remain in the skin, which is fraught with long-term painful purulent inflammation. Do not jerk the tick under any circumstances, otherwise its head will almost certainly come off. After removing the tick, treat the wound with alcohol, iodine or brilliant green. You should not test the effectiveness of traditional methods of removing ticks by dousing them with pure alcohol or kerosene, hairspray, and even more so by setting them on fire!

But the most dangerous thing is that ticks carry severe diseases - tick-borne encephalitis (viral inflammation of the brain) and borreliosis (Lyme disease - manifested by the appearance around the wound of a round bright red spot up to 10, sometimes up to 60 cm in diameter, and later damage to the nervous system - meningitis, encephalitis, damage to the heart and blood vessels).

When going for a walk in the park or forest, especially if there are known cases of tick bites, dress in such a way as to cover your body as much as possible. The collar is a buttoned stand-up, buttoned cuffs on thick trousers and sleeves, a cap or scarf on the head, or better yet a hood, trouser legs tucked into boots. And be sure to inspect the skin after each foray into the forest, be especially careful when examining the neck at the border of hair growth.

Insect bite protection

While walking, it would be good to have a small first aid kit with you to protect yourself from insects:

  • a bottle of alcohol;
  • a piece of cotton wool;
  • anti-allergy tablets (in case of severe allergies).

A significant part of the repellents sold are contraindicated during pregnancy, and due to the fact that the effect of fumigants (evaporating substances that kill insects) on the developing fetus has not been studied, manufacturing companies do not recommend using them in the early stages of pregnancy, much less leaving electrofumigants on all night in the room where the expectant mother sleeps. There are several simple ways to protect yourself from little “vampires”:

  • wear repellent-treated outerwear;
  • arrange curtains made of gauze, tulle, mosquito net or small fishing net, etc., over the beds in nature;
  • close the windows tightly with a mosquito net;
  • use electric ultrasonic flycatchers, traps and repellers in houses or on verandas.

Folk remedies pots of geranium, elderberry branches, aromatic lamps with the scents of cloves, anise, eucalyptus or pine nuts will also repel insects, but only if there are not many of them. In combination with the methods listed above, this will enhance protection, but do not forget that aromatic oils can cause both allergic reactions and affect the tone of the uterus, so it is better not to use them during pregnancy.

Where to hide from mosquitoes in summer? Well, maybe go to distant countries where there are no these buzzing and blood-sucking insects. Even in this case, after a week or two you will return home or to your dacha, where an encounter with mosquitoes will be guaranteed. In recent years, a lot has been created repellents. Which one is suitable for the expectant mother?

I would advise pregnant girls to buy products for themselves that are labeled as children's . They are less toxic than drugs for adults, the concentration of the active substance in them is lower, and the amount of herbal additives is higher.

Repellents in form cream, milk, gel, balm easy to apply, do not leave a sticky feeling and do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin. These preparations have a delicate consistency and additionally care for the skin.

Milk against mosquitoes, biting midges, mosquitoes, Mosquitall

Eat cream, which in addition to protection against mosquitoes, They also protect against UV rays. Of course, this won’t help you much in the fight against the sun’s rays, but it’s always nice when you pay money for a range of services))

Children's mosquito repellent spray with sun protection, Gardex Baby

Some sprays , leaving no traces, can be applied not only to the skin, but also to clothing.

Spray for children against mosquitoes, biting midges, midges, Mosquitall

Emulsions and lotions You can soak the wipes and wipe your face and exposed parts of the body with them.

Very comfortable on the road or just for a walk in the nearest park repellent pencils: they are compact, do not spill or tear during transportation. They can be applied precisely on open areas of the body. Another advantage is that when applied, the substance does not enter the respiratory tract of a pregnant girl.

I would especially like to note that aerosol repellents have a higher concentration of the active substance, and therefore last longer than those listed above. However, the smell from them is much stronger and more toxic. They are usually used to treat large surfaces: mosquito nets, curtains, tents. It is better for the expectant mother not to do the “irrigation” on her own - ask your husband or girlfriend. Aerosol repellents are not recommended for use on pregnant women's clothing.

One of the recent inventions is children's anti-mosquito bracelets which can be worn by adults too. Especially if they are pregnant)) Such bracelets do not contain toxic substances, and therefore they are absolutely safe for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and newborns. The bracelet can be worn on your hand, hung on your pocket or on the handle of your bag. Once opened, the effect lasts up to 140 hours, but if, upon returning from a walk, you immediately place the bracelet in a special sealed container, the product will last much longer.

The repellent should be applied as carefully as possible, having first carried out a drug tolerance test. Make sure that the substance does not get on wounds, scratches, abrasions and mucous membranes. It is better to treat the clothes as much as possible, rather than the skin. And you need to be prepared for the fact that a suitable remedy may not be found immediately. But later it will become optimal protection against mosquitoes not only for you, but also for your newborn baby.
