What is the baby like at 28 weeks pregnant? Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Pregnancy is gradually reaching the finish line. Anxieties and fears about future births appear. Back pain, an enlarged belly and weight make you feel uncomfortable. But everything is outweighed by the joyful anticipation of the baby. Expectant mothers come up with a name and prepare a trousseau for the newborn.

Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months is it, how long until birth? The third trimester is the most intense in terms of experiences. the appearance of colostrum, absent-mindedness and clumsiness of a woman are not a cause for concern. and confidence in a happy outcome of childbirth will help overcome unpleasant sensations.

Fetus at 28 weeks

The 3rd trimester of pregnancy has arrived. It's time to visit the antenatal clinic more often. The baby takes up almost all the space in the mother's belly. It becomes increasingly difficult for a woman to endure pregnancy. 28 weeks - the baby’s weight is already about 1 kg; his height is approximately 35 cm. These are average figures. Individual characteristics may vary. Both weight and height may be slightly more or less.

If you are 28 weeks pregnant, what happens to the baby? The brain begins to actively develop. Up to this point it was smooth. After 28 weeks, convolutions begin to form in it. The heart beats at a frequency of 150 beats per minute.

The baby's lungs are still weak and underdeveloped. However, at this stage the child is quite capable of surviving with medical help. Of course, babies are cared for at an earlier stage. But it is from the 3rd trimester that the child is legally considered a newborn.

Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months? Considering that the obstetric month is 28 days, then at this stage the 7th month begins. The child's facial features become clearer and his cheeks are rounded. He begins to yawn much more often. Hair accumulates pigment and begins to darken.

Fetal location

The baby already knows how to hear, he begins to distinguish the voices of his parents. He opens his eyes and reacts emotionally to what he likes or doesn’t like. If pregnancy is 28 weeks - what happens to the fetus? When will it roll over into the correct position?

There are only 3 types of fetal presentation:

  1. The main thing. The baby is head down, adjacent to the cervix.
  2. Transverse. The fetus is located across the mother's abdomen.
  3. Pelvic. The baby is head up, the fetal legs and buttocks are adjacent to the cervix.

Up to 3 doesn't make much difference. The baby's activity increases, he moves regularly and can be in any of the three presentations. If the pregnancy has reached 28-29 weeks, then the fetus is in the most convenient position for childbirth. Most often this is a cephalic presentation. It is optimal for childbirth.

During childbirth, the baby's buttocks and legs appear first. It may be difficult to remove the head, since it is the largest part of the body. Therefore, the prospect of a caesarean section is possible.

With a transverse presentation, the baby will not be able to be born on its own, without medical assistance. It is during this period, when the pregnancy is 28-29 weeks old, that the official diagnosis of fetal presentation is made. However, there is no need to worry ahead of time. It also happens that just before birth the baby finds himself in a cephalic presentation.

Baby moving

Third trimester, 28 weeks pregnant - how many months are left before giving birth? If the baby is not requested ahead of time, then the expectant mother has another 3 obstetric months left. This is an opportunity to set yourself up for a positive outcome, pack your bag for the maternity hospital, and prepare the necessary documents. If suddenly there is a need to suddenly leave for the maternity ward, all things will already be collected.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, fetal movements are most active. They must occur at least 10 times in one hour. Here you should be careful when counting. Because the baby can sleep during the day. And at night, when you wake up, begin your physical activity and movements.

We should not forget that the belly at 28 weeks of pregnancy is quite large. Sometimes it turns to stone - this means that the uterus is in good shape and is preparing for future contractions. The baby is also growing and there is not enough room for him in his mother’s tummy. Therefore, movements may not be as frequent.

During daytime or nighttime rest, the uterus relaxes, and the baby's activity increases. Therefore, when counting, you can detect at least 4 movements per 1 hour of mother’s rest.

Pay attention to fetal movements. If there is less movement than expected, you should tell your doctor about it.

Tests at 28 weeks

The time to go on maternity leave begins at 27-28 weeks of pregnancy. From this moment on, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist more often. Ultrasounds are often not done at this stage. During the appointment, the doctor listens, notes the woman’s pressure and weight on the chart, and measures the circumference of the abdomen and pelvis. You should still take standard pregnancy tests - urine and blood. But there are some other indicators, the values ​​of which need to be clarified in the 3rd trimester.

Blood tests that should be taken:

  • for sugar;
  • for antibodies.

Diabetes mellitus may occur during pregnancy. This is why blood sugar levels are so necessary. To prevent anemia from developing, the level of iron in the body is monitored.

An antibody test will reveal the Rh factor. And also the presence or absence of Rh conflict with the child, which can affect the outcome of the birth. If necessary, a special medicine is administered that will prevent the formation of antibodies to the child’s blood in the mother’s body.

Changes in the mother's body

Pregnancy 28 weeks - how many months have passed since the beginning of conception? The baby has been developing in the mother’s womb for 7 months. The woman's shape is rounded. The belly becomes much larger. It is at this time that gynecologists advise wearing a bandage.

The skin on the abdomen stretches more and more and begins to itch. Whitish stripes - stretch marks - may cover part of the abdomen. To prevent this, it is necessary to apply special gels and creams to the skin 1-2 times a day. Even simple oil or baby cream will help prevent stretch marks. In the morning and evening, rub the selected cosmetic product clockwise into the abdominal area.

Pain in the back and lower back begins around 27-28 weeks of pregnancy. Increased height, weight of the child, and a shift in the center of gravity are the causes of these pains. It is necessary to distinguish them. can lead to premature birth. With them, the tone of the uterus also increases. Radiculitis pain is associated with an enlarged abdomen and softening of the supporting ligaments and joints.


The appearance of edema is a sign that it is time to think about weight control, time to adjust your diet, and reduce fluid intake. It should be 1.5 liters per day. Liquids include not only drinks, but also soups, fruits, and milk.

Smoked, salty, fried, spicy foods cause thirst. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon such products. You should pay attention to the amount of urine excreted per day. There should be more of it than the liquid consumed.

At 28 weeks, the fetus may be affected by intense swelling and the appearance of dropsy. Late gestosis is a serious complication, so you need to be careful about your health and nutrition.


Light, milky shades of discharge are considered normal. They should be homogeneous and have a slightly sour smell. If the discharge changes sharply, becomes yellow, gray, with clots of pus or mucus, you should immediately consult a doctor. If itching and a strong odor appear, a series of tests must be performed to identify the infection.

Watery discharge means leakage of amniotic fluid. They can be minor or abundant. In any case, watery discharge indicates a violation of the integrity of the fetal bladder. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

If you are 28 weeks pregnant, what happens when you have spotting? This means previa, placental abruption. You should definitely call an ambulance in this case. Bloody discharge may be slight and spotting. Or profuse, with sharp pain. In any case, they disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and can lead to premature contractions and childbirth.

Taking care of your health

When the 28th week of pregnancy has arrived, fetal movements are so active that they can cause pain to the mother. In this case, it is recommended to calm the baby, stroke the belly or change the position of the body.

Walking and bending are becoming more and more difficult. However, weight gain accelerates in the last trimester. Therefore, doctors advise not to engage in vigorous activity (especially if there are cramping pains), but to devote more time to leisurely walks. It is important to monitor the smoothness of your movements and not allow yourself sudden jumps or bends.

You should establish contact with the child - communicate more, stroking the belly. Sing songs, read fairy tales. The child does not yet understand words, but he is well versed in the intonations of his parents. Therefore, it is better not to swear or raise your voice. Speak calmly, softly.


It is better to distribute meals 5-6 times during the day. Preference should be given to small portions. Changes in taste and the appearance of unpleasant sensations often accompany pregnancy. 28 weeks - what happens in the last trimester?

The appearance of heartburn is due to the fact that as the uterus enlarges, the diaphragm also rises. It puts pressure on my stomach. Therefore, heartburn and nausea are quite acceptable.

A pregnant woman simply needs to take foods containing calcium: cheese, cottage cheese, milk. The child’s inert system continues to form, and calcium is needed by both mother and baby. But it is better to limit the intake of potatoes, flour products, and white rice - these products will contribute to fat accumulation in a woman’s body. It is better to prefer cereals. For baking, use coarse flour.

Woman's feelings

It's 28 weeks of pregnancy. The baby's movements are so noticeable that they cause inconvenience to the expectant mother. Need more rest. At this moment, your legs should be kept elevated more often to prevent varicose veins.

It is important to monitor your posture. Back pain due to a shifted center of gravity will continue until the end of pregnancy. To prevent the spine from bending, you need to keep your back straight.

The veins on the chest become more prominent and colostrum appears. But a pregnant woman needs to remember that it is undesirable to squeeze fluid out of the glands. It is better to wash your breasts with cool water and wear special pads so as not to spoil your underwear.

Insomnia is possible in the last trimester. This is associated with frequent urination, heartburn, and thoughts about future childbirth. It is better not to get hung up on disturbing thoughts, and not to take sedatives without a doctor’s recommendation. Walking before bed, a peaceful mood, and an evening shower will help overcome night vigils.

Causes of premature birth

Premature birth is promoted by an unhealthy lifestyle - smoking, alcohol, taking drugs. But even for women who have been monitoring their health throughout pregnancy, some complications are possible (they, in turn, can lead to premature birth):

  • Rubella disease during pregnancy.
  • Genital infections.
  • Immune incompatibility of parents and child.
  • Cervical incompetence.
  • Polyhydramnios, fetal development abnormalities.
  • Detachment, placenta previa.

Childbirth at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Timely measures can stop the complications that have begun. To do this, you need to see a doctor or call an ambulance. A child at 28 weeks will survive only in special conditions that the obstetrics facility can provide.

In some cases, a threat to the mother's life leads to the initiation of premature labor. Rupture of the membranes and possible infection is also a reason to start artificial labor.

It doesn’t matter whether it is a caesarean section or a natural birth, it is important to preserve the life and health of mother and child. If doctors have made a decision about surgery or artificial stimulation of activity, then the situation should be accepted without controversy.

The postpartum period proceeds in most cases in the same way as in women who give birth at term. Minor complications can keep mother and child in the hospital for some time.

By the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman’s weight gain should be 9 kg. Slightly more or slightly less weight gain is allowed. However, it is necessary to monitor the increase and adjust the diet. It’s bad if the weight is significantly higher - it will affect your overall well-being and the birth process.

The raised diaphragm props up the stomach and causes mild nausea. Therefore, it is better to sleep on a high pillow at this time. It will be most comfortable to lie on your left side - this is the position that is optimal for mother and child.

To avoid anxiety and fears before childbirth, you should add positive emotions to your life.

  • Spend time with friends and relatives more often.
  • Light scented candles.
  • Read positive books, watch kind or funny films.
  • Go to interesting exhibitions and concerts.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothes.
  • Play relaxing music.
  • Choose a name for the child, talk to the baby.

The 28th week of pregnancy is the seventh obstetric month. If you look at the pregnancy calendar ->, then 190-196 days have passed since conception. This means that you have reached the finish line. The 28th week of pregnancy begins the third trimester. Very soon the agonizing wait will end, and now we need to do everything to prepare for the most important event in the baby’s life - his birth.

The last trimester is a very important time for a woman who is expecting the birth of a child. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, a baby (in medical terminology, a fetus) can be born. Yes, this is premature and extremely undesirable, but doctors can already do everything possible, and the child has a very good chance of survival.
However, during the normal course of pregnancy, the time for labor to begin has not yet come, and the baby grows and gets stronger in the expectant mother’s tummy so that when the due date comes, it will be born.

Mother's feelings at 28 weeks of pregnancy

What happens to the mother at 28 weeks of pregnancy? The baby continues to quickly and confidently gain weight, and the mother’s belly becomes even larger and more noticeable. The expectant mother is already accustomed to such ailments as heartburn, nausea, constipation, dizziness (it is quite possible that not all women have encountered such sensations).

The weight of the expectant mother at the 28th week of pregnancy will continue to increase, the baby is growing and the uterus is stretching. Stretch marks may form on the mother's belly. Don't forget to take care of the skin on your stomach. Now there are many creams and oils to prevent stretch marks on the abdomen during pregnancy. However, olive oil gives the best effect.

Belly photo. What does the belly look like at 28 weeks of pregnancy?

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, a woman may begin to feel pain in the lower back and back, which occurs for several reasons:

  • the baby continues to grow, the belly of the expectant mother increases, and with it body weight;
  • a woman’s center of gravity shifts due to her growing tummy;
  • joints and ligaments soften to prepare the body for childbirth.

However, these pains, although they cause discomfort for the expectant mother, are intermittent, aching in nature, and should not cause concern.

Many women at 28 weeks of pregnancy begin to complain of pain and fatigue in their legs, and leg cramps are common. To avoid such situations, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Pain in the legs can be avoided if you periodically take foot baths, keeping the water cool.
  2. Do light exercises for your legs.
  3. Get more rest.
  4. Be on your feet less often.

The 28th week of pregnancy is the time when a woman may develop veins in the mammary glands and release colostrum. To prevent traces of colostrum from appearing on clothing, you can use bra pads.

Expectant mothers may worry due to increased urination. Frequent urination is a natural process, as the uterus enlarges as the fetus grows and begins to put pressure on the bladder.

The 28th week of pregnancy is a period when the load on the kidneys increases and edema may appear, leading to the occurrence of such a dangerous disease as gestosis. If the expectant mother is concerned about swelling, she must:

  • agree on your diet with your doctor
  • limit fluid intake
  • follow a salt-free diet
  • control weight

Fetal development and movement at 28 weeks of gestation

What happens to the baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy? The child continues to grow. Now he already weighs more than a kilogram (approximately 900 - 1100 grams), and his height reaches 38 cm.

The baby has less and less room for movement, the mother may notice a decrease in movement, but at 28 weeks of pregnancy it is very important to continue to monitor the number of movements and their intensity.

By the 28th week of pregnancy, many babies have already taken the correct position (head down), which they will maintain until the moment of birth. Do not worry if the child has not yet managed to take the correct position, he still has enough time.

Achievements of the baby at this time:

  • formation of alveoli in the lungs;
  • active strengthening of the skeletal system;
  • increased brain development and the appearance of several convolutions;
  • opening of the eyelids and the beginning of blinking;
  • the baby’s interest in his hands and body;
  • setting wake and sleep modes.

Discharge of the expectant mother at 28 weeks of pregnancy

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, during normal pregnancy, the discharge should not change. They have a sour smell, while continuing to remain light and transparent.

A woman should think twice and definitely consult a doctor if:

  1. The discharge has become cheesy, which indicates the appearance of a gynecological disease (thrush).
  2. The color of the discharge has changed to green and an unpleasant odor has appeared, which may indicate the development of an infection.
  3. Burning and itching appeared.
  4. Mucus or pus was found in the discharge.
  5. They have become very watery, which may indicate leakage of the membranes (amniotic fluid) in which the baby is located.
  6. Bloody discharge has appeared, which may be the beginning of the labor process or placental abruption.

If the nature of the discharge changes, you should urgently visit an antenatal clinic.

Medical examinations of the expectant mother during pregnancy

A routine ultrasound is not performed in the case of a normal pregnancy at 28 weeks.

Cases when a woman is sent for an ultrasound examination:

  • according to indications;
  • the expectant mother did not undergo an ultrasound scan until 28 weeks of pregnancy (for example, due to a late application for pregnancy registration).

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the interval for visiting the antenatal clinic is once a month.

Tests that will need to be taken at 28 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. Checking blood for antibodies.
  2. Blood sugar test.
  3. Analysis of urine.
  4. General blood analysis.

A blood test for the presence of antibodies is very important because it helps determine whether the expectant mother has an Rh conflict with the fetus. Thanks to early determination of the presence of Rh conflict between mother and child, doctors will be aware of possible complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

Ultrasound photo at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Intimate relationships at 28 weeks of pregnancy

Young parents are very often concerned about the possibility of continuing intimate relationships during a long period of pregnancy. There are no contraindications to having sex at 28 weeks of pregnancy if the pregnancy proceeds normally, without complications. It is important to choose a position so that the expectant mother is comfortable and does not create pressure on the stomach.

The 26th week has passed since conception, and 24 weeks have passed since the start of the missed period. It may seem to a woman now that all these events happened quite recently. Time really flew by much faster in the first two trimesters. Now the state of health is changing, it is no longer so cloudless, and the expectant mother may feel that time is now passing more slowly.

Only 12 weeks remain until the cherished date of the expected birth. However, you shouldn’t tune in to it; only 5% of babies are born in the PDD. The rest choose other dates for themselves - either earlier or later than the PDR. If a woman has a planned caesarean section, the date has not yet been determined at all, but it will be approximately 38-39 weeks or a little earlier.

At the 27-28th obstetric week, which we are talking about, a wide variety of changes occur with the baby and mother.

Feelings of the expectant mother

More and more often, a woman wants to lie down and relax; it is increasingly difficult to stand, sit for a long time, or walk. The expectant mother began to get tired quickly, and this is quite natural: carrying a grown baby and her own increased weight becomes very difficult.

The woman’s figure is rounded, and now there is not even a hint of the waist line left, the hips are wider than steel. At week 28, a woman may notice that she has deposited “fat” on her hips and abdomen. This is not a consequence of overeating, but a normal physiological process.

Such fat deposits are provided by nature in order to protect the fetus, as well as provide it with energy in case the mother’s nutrition suddenly disappears completely (this happens in nature).

Increased fatigue makes it very difficult to work and study during this period. Those pregnant with one baby begin to kindly envy those who are carrying twins or triplets - such mothers will go on maternity leave in the coming days, while everyone else will have to wait up to 30 weeks.

It is very helpful to be able to take another vacation if the woman has not yet been on it before maternity leave. The law does not prohibit this. And female students can take an academic leave or agree to study at home with the obligation to take all exams and tests in person, in person.

Fetal movements and counting methods

At week 28, many pregnant women notice that fetal movements have become somewhat “quieter” and less frequent. There is still enough room for movement in the uterus, and the baby is not so large as to occupy the entire intrauterine space. The reason for the temporary “fading” lies not in the baby’s parameters, but in the next stage of development of his nervous system - now the baby has better control over his movements, and there are fewer spontaneous movements of his arms and legs, which the mother feels like pushes and kicks.

The baby moves at 7 months quite regularly in general. Already this week, a woman can receive recommendations from her doctor to keep a diary and record the number of fetal movements in it. There are several methods for counting them, but in each one, not a single movement, but a series of movements is taken as a movement. Example: the baby pushed his mother with his leg and turned over - these are not two different movements, but one.

The Pearson, Cardiff, and Sadowski tests are the most common. One of them can be chosen by the attending physician as necessary.

The Sadowski test is a determination of the baby’s motor activity after the mother eats food. If in an hour after a meal a woman manages to record 4 episodes of baby movements or more, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

If the movements are too active (more than 15 episodes per hour) or sluggish (less than 4 per hour after eating), you should definitely go to see your doctor to find out the reasons for this behavior of the baby.

The most popular and widespread method is the Pearson method of calculating movements. The woman is given a special table in which she must enter the time of movements from 9 am to 9 pm or from 8 am to 8 pm.

The time interval between 1 and 10 movements has diagnostic value. If no more than half an hour has passed, the result is good; if about an hour or more, you should consult a doctor.

Counting movements is needed not so much by the doctor, because he has a lot of more accurate ways to find out the nuances of the fetus’s condition, but by the expectant mother herself. This gives her more peace of mind, because she learns to control her baby’s condition on her own and pay attention to possible changes in his behavior. But at each scheduled appointment, the doctor will definitely be interested in how many movements there are and what they are.

In general, the nature of the movements at week 28 becomes more pronounced, that is, the baby’s legs and arms are already beating heavily, sometimes causing pain to its future parent. By this week, most pregnant women manage to establish close contact with their baby - the baby begins to respond to the touch of the mother’s palm on the stomach, to stroking, and the mother knows by the nature of the movements what the baby wants and what he is doing at the moment.

However, you should not assume that the baby will enthusiastically respond with a kick to someone else’s hand placed on his stomach. It’s hard to say how a baby determines its own and strangers, but in fact this is exactly what happens. When touching the belly of a stranger, the baby becomes warily quiet.

Most kids don’t even “trust” their own dads yet. If a man shows persistence, talks to the baby more often, touches his wife’s belly with his hands and cheek, the baby will definitely reciprocate.

At the 28th obstetric week, your child is very sensitive to weather conditions, and is also very dependent on the condition and well-being of the mother. When the weather changes, his physical activity changes. If a woman is happy, the baby behaves more actively compared to moments of mother’s sadness. In response to a delicious dinner or lunch eaten by the mother, the baby in the womb also perks up. The child’s temperament is already completely obvious: he is an active and joyful “fidget” or a calm and imperturbable “sleepyhead”.

Painful sensations

By the 28th week, a rare pregnant woman can boast of a complete absence of pain. Most expectant mothers already have a large stock of complaints and ailments.

7 months of pregnancy is a significant period; during this period, the female body begins to experience overload.

The most common pain at this stage is in the lower back and lower back. The lower back hurts and “aches” mainly due to the fact that the center of gravity has shifted, and it is quite difficult for the muscles to keep the woman in balance. The uterus grows, and along with it, the ligaments that hold it stretch. This causes various pulling sensations on the sides of the lower abdomen, in the lower back and sacral region.

Sharp “shots”, which women often compare to an electric shock, occur when the uterus, which has become large, compresses certain nerve endings. The back hurts not only because of a large belly and sprained ligaments, but also because the chest has become a couple of sizes larger, and the load on the back muscles has increased accordingly.

From 28 weeks your ribs may start to hurt. The uterus squeezes the diaphragm, the internal organs have to “crowd together”, the costal arches slightly “diverge”, which causes a noticeable ache. More and more often, a woman experiences fatigue in her legs, her joints may ache, or varicose veins may appear - all these are consequences of increased body weight during pregnancy. Weight increases faster than the body can compensate for it. The knee joints and ankles are especially vulnerable.

More than half of pregnant women experience pain in the pubic bone at 28 weeks. There is no need to be afraid - this pain indicates that the body has begun to actively prepare for childbirth. The hormone relaxin is produced, which softens and makes the pelvic bones more elastic. At the right moment, they should move apart and let the baby out. The process of softening of bones and ligaments is accompanied by aching and small “lumbago” in the symphysis pubis.

If the pain becomes unbearable, a woman cannot walk, stand, climb stairs on foot, it is difficult for her to sleep due to pain that intensifies at night, be sure to inform the doctor about this - it is possible that symphysitis is developing - a pathological divergence of the pubic symphysis, in which quite often A woman is only advised to give birth by caesarean section.

A woman at 28 weeks should know that any pain that is accompanied by discharge from the genitals other than usual, increasing, cramping or cutting pain is a reason to call an ambulance, because at this stage premature birth is quite possible.

Nature of the discharge

As a woman begins her third trimester, her estrogen production increases. Because of this, the discharge at week 28 may become thinner than it was before. The amount of discharge remains quite abundant; a lot of vaginal secretion is produced. This is necessary to ensure that the composition of the vaginal microflora is maintained at a level that will ensure the “correct” cut in the genital tract.

Thin discharge should not be confused with watery discharge. If a woman is now experiencing heavy watery discharge, she should definitely notify the doctor to make sure that the water does not break or leak.

The norm for the 28th week is considered to be light, slightly watery, homogeneous discharge without impurities or unpleasant odor. The normal variant is a slight yellowish tint (the pregnancy hormone progesterone can give this color to vaginal secretions). If the discharge has acquired a rich yellow color, has become thick and spotty, you should definitely visit a doctor and have a smear test done.

Unpleasant greenish or gray discharge, which is accompanied by a foul odor and itching in the perineum, may indicate the presence of a bacterial infection of the genital tract, a sexually transmitted infection. The discharge is white, with flakes and accompanying itching - this is thrush.

The most dangerous discharges now are those mixed with blood. They can talk about the threat of premature birth, placental abruption, or the onset of premature labor. Bloody discharge can have a different appearance - from pure scarlet blood to pink, cream, brown discharge of varying intensity and consistency.

The habit of wearing daily thin sanitary pads will help you notice changes in time. They will not only “show” the color and consistency of vaginal secretion, but will also help get rid of the feeling of wetness in the perineum, which is associated with a natural increase in the amount of discharge during this period. Tampons cannot be used.

The mood of the expectant mother

At 28 weeks of pregnancy, mood swings, increased irritability, and touchiness are not excluded. Your health is deteriorating, and this is directly related to changes in mood.

Women, for the most part, expect help from loved ones and relatives, but the very fact that they sometimes cannot do without this help is depressing and makes them feel some kind of inferiority. Thus, it is already difficult for a pregnant woman to tie her shoelaces or fasten the zippers on her boots, stand at the stove or hang out the washed clothes. It is often impossible to pick up a fallen object without kneeling.

A quick start to maternity leave also contributes to anxiety, because working women worry about the safety of their jobs: the expectant mother needs to be sure that she will return to work after her leave and that they will be waiting for her there. According to the law, it is impossible to fire a woman who is on maternity or child care leave. So now you don't have to worry about it.

The biggest worry at 28 weeks is the fear of the upcoming birth. Not only those pregnant with their first child are afraid to give birth; women who have already given birth before are often much more worried, since they better understand all the dangers and risks, are familiar with the sensations and possible complications.

If you can’t talk about your experiences with your relatives or a woman does not feel supported and understood, you can seek help from a psychologist who sees expectant mothers in every antenatal clinic free of charge.

Changes in the body

All organs and systems of the expectant mother work to the limit of their capabilities. When their condition is compared to overloads in space, this is not so far from the truth. The uterus is growing so quickly that it is now the largest organ; the rest of the “inhabitants” of the abdominal cavity have no choice but to make room.

Uterine growth

It becomes difficult to breathe. Taking deep breaths is not easy, because now the uterus is pressing tightly against the diaphragm from below. Shortness of breath appears, which intensifies even after slight physical activity. Climbing stairs, walking, and doing household chores are more difficult.

The uterus, which before pregnancy was the size of a woman’s fist, has now grown to an impressive size. The standing height of her day this week is 27-29 centimeters. The uterus already rises 8 centimeters above the navel line.

Shortness of breath is not the only problem caused by this increase. Heartburn and belching are a consequence of compression of the stomach, diarrhea and gas formation are associated with pressure on the gallbladder and a violation of the outflow of bile, constipation is a consequence of the pressure of the uterus on the intestinal loops. Frequent urination is the scourge of all pregnant women, because the bladder is one of the first to be compressed by the uterus.

The normal length of the cervix is ​​35-45 mm; slight shortening is not considered a pathology, especially with multiple or repeat pregnancies. But shortening less than 35 mm is considered a threat of premature birth.

The baby is already quite heavy, it is noticeably pressing on the inside of the neck. A healthy, wealthy cervix can withstand such pressure until 38-40 weeks of pregnancy. With isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the risk of having a baby prematurely due to the fact that the cervix simply cannot hold it in the uterus is tens of times higher.

The uterus may become toned more often than before. If this happens too often, the woman is prescribed treatment. “Ginipral”, “Papaverine”, “No-Shpa” help to relax the uterine muscles.

At 28 weeks, wearing a prenatal orthopedic bandage will be beneficial. This device allows you to lighten the load on the lower back, legs and back, which will manifest itself in a reduction in discomfort.

Weight gain

Weight gain at 28 weeks is intense and does not give the expectant mother the most pleasant sensations. The woman has already become noticeably “heavier,” but this is caused not only by her own weight, but also by the weight of the child, who is now more than a kilogram, and the weight of the placenta, which is already approaching 400 grams. There is about a liter of amniotic fluid, and the uterus itself now weighs about 600 grams. The amount of blood in a pregnant woman’s body has increased, and this also affects her weight.

The weekly increase during this period should not exceed 400 grams. If we evaluate the total increase over the entire period of bearing the baby, then it is already significant - more than 9 kilograms.

  • Thin girls can gain 10 kilograms by this week.
  • Representatives of the fair sex with a normal weight - about 9 kilograms.
  • Women who had problems with excess weight before conception should not gain more than 6 kilograms.

Women often pay attention to the fact that different doctors use different weight gain tables. One doctor, if you gain 8 kilograms at week 28, will say that this is an excellent result and everything is normal, while another will suggest a diet for weight loss. You need to focus only on the standards of the doctor who is observing your pregnancy, without comparing your increase with others.

A significant lag in weight gain may alert the doctor, since it may indicate pathologies of the placenta and intrauterine growth retardation of the baby. “Too much” is also dangerous - the frequency of complications during childbirth in women with pathological weight is higher than in those who have gained less.

Also, excess body weight can be a sign of the presence of internal edema - gestosis.

Training contractions

Braxton Hicks contractions at 28 weeks, according to available statistics, are experienced by approximately 50% of women. Basically, these are those who are about to give birth to their first child. For women who are carrying their second, third or next child, false contractions usually appear closer to birth, sometimes several days or even hours before it. There are women who do not experience false contractions at all. For example, pregnant women again after a first pregnancy that ended in a cesarean section very rarely encounter the phenomenon of false labor.

The true nature of Braxton-Hicks contractions is not entirely clear to doctors and scientists today. A common version of what is happening explains them by the preparatory “work” of the uterine muscles.

A woman rarely feels such contractions. They manifest themselves as slight tension in the abdomen; the woman feels for a few seconds or minutes that the uterus is becoming “stone”. If you lie down and rest, the smooth muscles of the uterus relax again.

This is the main difference between false contractions and real ones. Once labor begins, nothing can stop the contractions. Neither rest nor a warm shower will help.

Other changes

Blood pressure rises, and at week 28 it reaches the level that was natural for the woman before pregnancy. But expectant mothers who are prone to high blood pressure may begin to suffer from hypertension. Therefore, now more than ever, it is important to monitor your blood pressure by taking daily blood pressure measurements on both arms.

Pregnant skin becomes drier, and in some places there are areas of increased pigmentation. Moles and freckles become brighter. Now you shouldn’t sunbathe, because sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation increases tenfold.

Itching may appear in the thighs, chest and abdomen: this is a consequence of stretching of the skin. The formation of “stretch marks” is also a fairly common phenomenon associated with rupture of elastin and collagen fibers in stretched areas of the skin.

Cholesterol levels increase in the blood. And this is the rare case when such a phenomenon is considered the norm. This substance is necessary for the placenta so that it can cope with its hormone-forming function.

Sweat glands continue to cause a lot of hygienic and aesthetic inconveniences: sweating is increased, a woman often feels “hot.” The breasts swell and the amount of colostrum increases.

At this stage, a woman is most susceptible to allergies - contact and food. This is due to a temporary decrease in immunity. And even those women who have not previously had allergic manifestations may begin to suffer from itching and unusual rashes, cough and runny nose after using cosmetics for “stretch marks”, after imported strawberries purchased in January, after taking the most common multivitamins.

Baby development

New organs and systems are not formed at week 28 (corresponding to embryonic week 26). Everything has already been formed and is preparing for the fact that the baby will soon begin to exist separately from the mother. The prenatal period has ended, and from week 28 the perinatal stage or peripartum begins. Now the main task of your baby is to grow and get stronger; by the time of birth, he needs to accumulate mass.

The baby's growth this week increased slightly compared to the previous week - only 1 centimeter. Now it is about 36-37 centimeters.

The weight of the fetus increases more noticeably: at week 28 it is on average in the range from 1300 to 1400 grams. There is already a difference in weight between children of different sexes. So, girls at 28 weeks are approximately 150-200 grams lighter than boys.

The vast majority of babies have already taken a head-down position in the uterus. Head presentation is considered the most suitable for birth. If your baby is still sitting on his bottom (breech presentation) or lying transversely (transverse presentation is quite rare), there is still a chance that the position will change to the cephalic position.

There is still room in the uterus for the baby to turn over. For this, a woman is recommended to do special gymnastics and stand in a knee-elbow position. This helps many people.


The accumulation of subcutaneous fatty tissue is one of the most important processes at this stage, because how much of it is formed determines how the baby will be able to retain heat after birth. While fat deposits predominate on the cheeks, lower back, and neck. Deposition of subcutaneous tissue begins in the buttock area. A nice plump butt will appear soon.

The child looks quite proportionate. Head, body, limbs - everything is in visual “balance”. A week earlier, the baby began to take a natural “bending” position. It no longer fits in the uterus in an extended state and becomes cramped.

Now, due to the fact that the baby draws in his legs, diagnosing the baby’s gender on an ultrasound may be difficult. If previously it was not possible to find out the gender, now the accuracy of determination is low: the genitals are covered with legs, umbilical cord, and arms.

All the baby’s facial features are fully formed. The eyes still seem large, but this is due to some thinness. As you gain weight, this visual “deception” will dissipate.

The ears are slightly protruding: the cartilage tissue does not harden immediately, it takes time. The eyebrows, which a couple of weeks ago resembled Brezhnev’s - heavy and large, are becoming smaller and no longer “hang” over the eye sockets.

There is a layer of cheese-like lubricant on the baby’s body that protects the skin, which has not yet completed the formation of all its protective functions. The lubricant is fixed and held in place by a layer of original lanugo hair. They appeared almost as soon as hair follicles formed, and at 28 weeks the baby begins to get rid of them.

The skin becomes more and more perfect; lubrication remains only in folds where friction is possible, and in vulnerable places - the groin, folds on the arms and legs, and neck folds. Closer to childbirth, the lubricant will remain mainly there. There is almost no need for lanugo either. Hair falls out. By this week, the baby will get rid of about a tenth of his hair.

Nervous system

The baby's movements already resemble the movements of a newborn baby. To achieve this, the nervous system had to work hard, and its formation is not yet complete. The baby has several reflexes important for survival - sucking, swallowing and grasping. This is just the “tip of the iceberg”. In addition to them, the baby already exhibits muscle and tendon reflexes, tonic and cervical.

Experts also include breathing movements as reflexes, which are now clearly visible on ultrasound. The baby does them irregularly. Doctors believe that this way the baby improves its blood circulation, since during such movements the pressure inside the abdominal cavity decreases and the blood flow into the vena cava increases. Also, breathing movements at week 28 actively prepare the lungs and bronchi for future independent breathing.

All main sections of the central and peripheral nervous systems are formed. The development of the brain occurs most intensively. Now it has formed centers that will subsequently be responsible for thinking, analytical abilities, speech perception, and images. The functional component of the thermoregulation center is laid down.

New neurons are formed in huge numbers every hour. They build new neural and neuromuscular connections, connecting the muscles with the brain, so the baby already has good control over the movements of his arms and head for his age.

The brain is now interconnected with the adrenal cortex, the child has its own hormonal background, and growth hormones are one of the first to begin to be synthesized.

In a baby, one of the hemispheres already predominates over the other. If he prefers to suck the fist of his right hand more often, he is already right-handed; if he prefers to suck with his left hand, he is left-handed. In rare cases, ambidexters are born - people who can use both their right and left hands equally well.

The brain already receives signals from the senses. The baby listens and hears how the mother’s body sounds from the inside, he especially likes her voice and the beat of her heart.

External sounds reach him with difficulty: the thick abdominal wall, placenta, and amniotic fluid interfere. But the baby can hear some things - loud claps, calls, loud voices, music. The baby becomes less timid than a week earlier, he gradually gets used to sounds from the outside.

The optic nerve begins to send the first images to the brain. So far these are colored spots of different sizes. But now the baby “understands” the danger of bright light: the corresponding reflex makes him close his eyes if a strong beam of light is directed at the pregnant woman’s belly.

The baby’s sense of smell is practically formed, and he mastered the sense of touch quite a long time ago. From the 28th week, he becomes more picky about “food” - his taste buds improve. Now the baby has access to subtle nuances of tastes.

The baby sleeps approximately 21-22 hours a day. He dreams because his REM sleep phase is already recorded by hardware. The baby is very sensitive to the mother’s emotions and experiences, so now it is very important to protect the expectant mother from stress and shock.

Development of internal organs

All the baby’s internal organs are functioning normally. They are formed and are now only increasing in size. Digestion is established: the baby drinks amniotic fluid, lanugo and the epithelial cells that are present in it are not digested and are sent directly to the intestines, where, mixing with bile, they become the basis of original feces - meconium.

The baby will have a bowel movement after birth. In some cases, intrauterine bowel movement occurs. It is usually associated with severe fetal hypoxia, and meconium in the waters is the basis for early delivery.

The baby’s heart pumps more than 20 liters of blood per day, works “like a clock”; the normal heart rate at 28 weeks of pregnancy is considered to be 140-169 beats per minute. All blood vessels are fully formed. The baby produces all structural blood cells. The kidneys are busy producing urine, the baby pees once an hour or a little less often.

The most global processes this week take place in the baby’s respiratory organs. In the lungs, the formation of alveoli - small bubbles - direct participants in gas exchange is completed. To prevent their walls from sticking together after the first exhalation, you need a special substance - a surfactant. Its production is now carried out by immature alveoli.

The more surfactant the baby accumulates by the time it is born, the greater the chance of survival it will have. A common cause of death in premature babies is acute respiratory failure, which develops due to a small amount of surfactant.


Seven-month-old babies survive very well if they are born prematurely. Everyone knows about this, even people far from medicine. If birth occurs at 28 weeks, the baby will be considered seven months old. About 95% of babies are viable at this stage.

According to the medical classification of prematurity, they are considered very premature and will need a special incubator for some time. In it, the child will “ripen”, receive oxygen and be warmed, since the amount of subcutaneous tissue that has accumulated in the child by the 28th week is not enough for the body to retain heat.

The baby will have to spend as much time in the incubator as it takes for him to gain weight of 1 kilogram 700 grams. Then the baby will be transferred to a heated crib, and when his weight exceeds 2 kilograms, the child and mother will go home.

Those born at the 28th week of pregnancy have not only a high chance of survival, but also a slightly reduced risk of developing pathologies of the nervous system, although this option cannot be completely excluded: an immature nervous system can present a lot of unpleasant “surprises”, which no one can calculate and predict even the most experienced doctor.

Your baby on ultrasound

A referral for an ultrasound scan at the 28th week of pregnancy is issued only for special medical indications, which include the threat of premature birth, suspicion of fetal distress, and pathologies of the placenta.

If a pregnant woman just wants to admire her baby, and gynecologists often joke that the best medicine for an expectant mother is an ultrasound, then she can do this for a fee in any clinic that offers such diagnostic services.

Whether it is harmful or not to do ultrasound frequently during pregnancy is a controversial issue. There are many reasons for different answers to this question. Officially, there is no harm from ultrasound examination.

Opponents of the study point out that the consequences of ultrasound have not yet been fully studied. Therefore, this question remains at the discretion of the pregnant woman herself and her family members.

If, after all, you plan to have an ultrasound at 28 weeks, you should know what normal baby development norms are typical for the current week:

  • BPR - 65-79 mm;
  • LZR - 83-99 mm;
  • DBK - 49-57 mm;
  • DKG (tibia or tibia length) - 45-53 mm;
  • DKP (shoulder bone length) - 45-53 mm;
  • Head circumference - 245-275 mm;
  • Abdominal circumference - 220-280 mm.

The placenta now has a thickness of 22-37 mm, most often 28-29 mm. Its maturity level this week is normal - zero. In the case of premature aging of the placenta, the woman is prescribed special treatment, which is designed to maintain the “baby place” in a functional state for as long as possible.

Dangers and Risks

A woman’s immunity is greatly reduced, and it is this reason that at 28 weeks of pregnancy becomes the main risk factor. At the very beginning of pregnancy, a decrease in immune defense cannot be avoided: this mechanism is provided to ensure that the mother’s immune system does not reject the embryo. As a result, by the middle of pregnancy, immunity decreases by about 30%, and by week 28 it becomes even weaker.

This creates a real threat of contracting influenza or ARVI, and other viral and bacterial infections. Even a common cold can haunt a woman more often and be more severe than usual. Often women at this stage are faced with sore throat, conjunctivitis, rhinitis and bronchitis.

These illnesses themselves are no longer as dangerous for the baby as they were at the very beginning of gestation. It is now much more dangerous for a woman and child to try to treat a runny nose or reduce a fever with folk remedies or medications, the use of which has not been agreed upon with a doctor.

The danger of premature birth can lie in wait for any woman, not only pregnant women at risk for miscarriage, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, etc.

A correct lifestyle and a woman’s attentive attitude to her health and the need to follow recommendations will help reduce the likelihood of labor starting at such an early stage.

Now you should avoid sudden movements, injuries, heavy lifting and excessive physical activity. If your health worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor: in many cases, premature birth can be stopped in a hospital setting with the help of medications. Such a pregnant woman will have to stay under the supervision of doctors for several weeks.

Poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle and pressure of the uterus on the intestines and inferior vena cava at this time can cause symptoms of hemorrhoids - itching in the anus, pain during bowel movements, burning, blood during bowel movements. There is no need to endure them: in the third trimester, you can use a fairly wide range of medications for this delicate illness. Your doctor may recommend a specific remedy.

Analyzes and examinations

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a full examination is required for women who are going on maternity leave - expectant mothers of twins or triplets. For other women, as before, only a general blood test is recommended, which will show whether the woman has gestational diabetes and anemia, and a general urine test, according to which the doctor will evaluate the functioning of the pregnant woman’s kidneys and make sure that she does not have gestosis.

Women with a negative Rh factor are given a blood test for antibody titer this week, if the study was not carried out a week ago, and, if necessary, anti-Rh immunoglobulin is administered.

If the child’s condition is alarming, there is a suspicion of fetal hypoxia or other disturbances in its development, the first CTG (cardiotocography) may be prescribed this week.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman’s diet should become more calorie-dense - the calorie requirement increases to 3200 Kcal. This does not mean that you can now eat fried and fatty foods.

  • Plan to go on maternity leave, try to delegate all matters to colleagues, and do not leave unfinished tasks or unresolved issues. You are entitled to sick leave from the 30th week. You can calculate the amount of maternity payments taking into account income for the last two years using special calculators.
  • When going on vacation or traveling to gain strength before giving birth, be sure to check with the airline company whether you need a doctor’s certificate stating that the flight does not threaten your health. Typically, such certificates are required from all expectant mothers starting from the 28th week of pregnancy.
  • If you suffer from insomnia, purchase a special pillow for pregnant women. It allows you to comfortably place your now large belly, and the quality of your sleep will improve somewhat. Also, walk more in the fresh air, and don’t neglect an evening walk before bed.

  • Start doing Kegel exercises - a set of exercises for training the pelvic muscles, which will be good preparation for childbirth. In addition, such gymnastics significantly improves the quality of sex. Before starting classes, be sure to check with your doctor if you have any contraindications to it.
  • Sex itself at 28 weeks is not prohibited if the pregnancy proceeds without complications or threats. But now he requires his partners to be more sensitive to the position of women. Anal sex, positions that place pressure on the abdomen, and positions with deep penetration are contraindicated.
  • If the child's dowry has not yet been prepared, you can go shopping this week. The pregnant woman still has the strength to do this; going to the store will not turn into a complete torment. If you put it off until a later date, you will have to make purchases with all your might.

  • Remember that your baby feels everything. Read him fairy tales and sing songs, watch good films in which there are no bloody scenes or violence, listen to soft, pleasant music: good taste and a sense of beauty are already being formed. Avoid scandals, shouting, swearing, negativity and stress.
  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Sweating, a large amount of discharge, reduced immunity - these are good prerequisites for the development of infectious diseases, as well as relapse of chronic diseases.
  • Be sure to include “quiet hour” in your routine. An hour and a half of daytime sleep will help a woman more easily endure all the hardships of the third trimester.

The uterus continues to grow, the volume of amniotic fluid increases, and the placenta develops. This leads to rapid weight gain in the pregnant woman. Some mothers begin to refuse food, which is explained by late toxicosis and strong compression of the stomach by the growing uterus. Against this background, the expectant mother may experience mood changes, increased irritability and depression.

The third trimester of pregnancy has arrived. Now the expectant mother should be more careful, not overwork, and avoid shaking and falling. The birth is getting closer, so you can start packing your things for the maternity hospital and attending courses for pregnant women.

Some people leak colostrum from their breasts. This indicates the body is preparing for the upcoming lactation. By the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman can gain 5-10 kg in weight. Although many feel clumsy and clumsy, they are still quite active at work and at home.

Compression of nerve endings by edematous tissues and accumulation of fluid leads to numbness and a feeling of pins and needles on the arms and legs. Also, expectant mothers may experience cramps, which is caused by calcium deficiency.

Some pregnant women have a small belly at this stage and they begin to worry about it. In the absence of fetal developmental anomalies, a small belly at 28 weeks of gestation may be the cause of oligohydramnios or transverse presentation of the fetus.

Fetal development at 28 weeks of gestation

The fetus continues to grow, its movements become intense and distinct. It is most active when the uterus is relaxed, when the mother is resting. If the expectant mother is working, the baby becomes quiet and does not move. To monitor the condition of the fetus, it is necessary to control the number and intensity of its movements. Normally, he should move at least 10 times in half a day or at least 4 times in an hour.

The fetal skin is still pink, thin and wrinkled. The growth of subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue continues. The retina of the eyes becomes more receptive, so the child responds better to light. Now he opens his eyes for a long time and more often.

As the fetus develops, it explores the surrounding space and its body. He plays with the umbilical cord, touches his face and legs, rolls over, hears his mother’s voice and can listen to it.

The endocrine system continues to strengthen, and an individual type of metabolic processes is established. The child is gradually preparing for independent life. The thyroid and pancreas begin to function, producing the necessary hormones and relieving the load on the maternal organs.

How pregnancy manifests itself at 28 weeks

In the absence of pathologies of pregnancy, the health of the expectant mother remains satisfactory. Some women at 28 weeks of pregnancy begin to experience unpleasant sensations characteristic of the third trimester:

  • Headache;
  • Digestive tract disorders (spasms, heartburn);
  • Swelling of the legs;
  • Weak, periodic uterine contractions (training contractions);
  • Lower back pain;
  • Itching, dry skin;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • Burning, pain in the anus during defecation;
  • The appearance of a venous pattern on the mammary glands.

Most pregnant women gain fat deposits on their bodies (in the thighs and abdomen). This is due to sudden weight gain. Stretch marks become more noticeable. To reduce their manifestation, it is necessary to periodically lubricate problem areas with vegetable oil or nourishing, moisturizing creams.

The discharge this week may have a kefir smell, a uniform consistency and a white tint. If you notice a curdled leucorrhoea with a sour odor, which is accompanied by burning and itching of the vulva, you should consult a doctor. These are signs of candidiasis, which often worries pregnant women. The development of thrush can be triggered by wearing synthetic underwear, lack of hygiene and weakened immunity. If leucorrhoea is mucous or purulent in nature, additional examination is carried out, as this may indicate the development of a sexually transmitted infection.

Tests at 28 weeks of pregnancy

In the normal course of gestation at this stage, the obstetrician-gynecologist may prescribe a clinical examination of urine, blood and glucose tolerance test, which is carried out for the early detection of diabetes mellitus. To diagnose anemia in a timely manner, a blood test for hemoglobin is performed.

Future mothers with multiple pregnancies are going on maternity leave this week, so the list of necessary studies is expanding significantly. Pregnant women who are Rh negative need to be tested for antibodies to the fetus. To prevent Rh conflict, an injection of immunoglobulin is performed according to indications.

Possible pregnancy problems at 28 weeks

If the expectant mother continues to work actively and spends a lot of time on her feet, this can provoke an increase in pressure, the development of varicose veins and the appearance of severe lower back pain that hinders movement. Against the backdrop of excessive stress and fatigue, premature placental abruption can occur, which negatively affects the development of the baby.

If leakage of amniotic fluid is detected, which is accompanied by copious watery discharge from the vagina, you should contact a gynecologist. Damage to the membranes or disruption of their integrity can cause premature birth or provoke intrauterine infection. Another reason for early delivery is frequent stress and nervous strain, which disrupt placental circulation, cause vasospasm and increase blood pressure. Signs of premature birth at 28 weeks of pregnancy will be severe pain in the lower abdomen, uterine tone and bloody vaginal discharge.

Another complication this week is gallstone cholecystitis. If you experience nagging or dull pain in the abdomen and right hypochondrium, you should consult a doctor.

Recommendations for future mothers remain the same. It is important to adhere to proper nutrition, lead an active lifestyle, be attentive and not overwork. It's time to sign up for special courses where future parents will be taught how to behave correctly during childbirth and how to handle a newborn, and will also help them overcome fears and worries.

Nutritional Features

Since the child can distinguish the taste of the food that the mother eats, she is not recommended to abuse unhealthy foods and sweets. The fetus also develops taste preferences. If a woman wants him to prefer healthy foods in the future, she needs to stick to the right diet herself. You need to add more unsweetened fruits, fresh vegetables, whole grains, boiled meat and dairy products to your menu.

Since the growing uterus supports all organs, this provokes digestive dysfunction. To avoid nausea and heartburn, you should stick to fractional meals. You need to eat small portions every 3-4 hours.

Pregnant women who experience swelling should limit their intake of salt and spices.

Taking vitamins

As the fetal skeleton continues to strengthen, vitamin D and calcium supplements are still important. If a pregnant woman is unable to obtain the necessary micronutrients and substances from food, the use of complex multivitamins is indicated. If anemia is suspected, iron supplements and folic acid are prescribed.

Sex at 28 weeks pregnant

Intimate relationships are becoming increasingly difficult. This is explained by the woman’s fatigue and growing belly. This does not mean that you need to give up sexual intimacy. The main thing is to choose a comfortable position, avoiding pressure on the stomach and deep penetration.

Sexual intercourse may be limited by placenta previa, multiple pregnancies, leakage of amniotic fluid, cervical insufficiency, and the presence of a sexually transmitted infection in the partner.

Physical activity

Intense exercise is prohibited during this period. It is also not recommended to completely limit physical activity. The best option is to attend special sections or sports clubs for pregnant women. Taking into account the needs of the expectant mother’s body, a professional trainer will be able to select the optimal loads and exercises. In the third trimester, the emphasis is on increasing elasticity and stretching the muscles.

The last week of the sixth obstetric month of pregnancy has arrived, which means that you have about 12 more weeks to continue carrying your baby. 28 weeks of pregnancy is already the final trimester, that is, the time when both the baby and mother are preparing for the most important process - childbirth. Let's figure out what happens at this stage.

The sixth obstetric month is ending, which means that you have already reached the finish line of pregnancy. There are still about 12 weeks left until the long-awaited meeting with a new family member. Let's figure out what happens at 28 weeks with the expectant mother, how the baby develops and what dangers may await them during this period.


During this period, many women notice that their belly begins to grow literally “by leaps and bounds.” Of course, walking with a big belly is not very comfortable, but these difficulties are temporary.

The uterus is growing rapidly and this leads to the fact that the stomach may begin to itch very much at 28 weeks of pregnancy. Itching is caused by the skin becoming too tight. During this period, it is important not to scratch the skin, since this damages the skin, and this is fraught with the addition of infections and the development of inflammatory reactions.

Stretching the skin on the abdomen often leads to the formation of stretch marks. At the first stage, they look scary - like dark red stripes. But over time, these stripes will lighten and become less noticeable.

Getting rid of stretch marks is very difficult. Therefore, the 28th obstetric week is the time when you should start using special anti-stretch marks (unless, of course, you started doing this earlier). These cosmetics contain additives that increase the elasticity of the skin and relieve itching.

What unpleasant sensations may arise?

Pregnancy at 28 weeks is a difficult time; during this period, many women notice that they become more tired, and it can be especially difficult to stand for a long time.

There is nothing strange about this; the female body works under heavy load during this period:

  • the heart is forced to pump a large volume of blood;
  • the kidneys function in an enhanced mode;
  • the growing uterus puts pressure on the internal organs. It becomes more difficult for women to breathe, shortness of breath appears, and various functional digestive disorders arise;
  • the load on the spine increases, so women may periodically experience back pain;
  • Pain in the legs during this period can be quite intense. This happens when the uterus, having increased in size, puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. To eliminate pain, it is recommended to lie on your side so that the painful leg is on top, and relax as much as possible;
  • periodic aching pain in the lower abdomen and hip joints. If these pains are not constant and not severe, then there is no need to worry. This softens the cartilages and ligaments in the pelvic area, that is, preparations are underway for the birth process;
  • the appearance of slight swelling at the twenty-eighth week is practically the norm, provided that the swelling appears in the evening and disappears in the morning after a night's rest. Severe swelling that does not go away after sleep is a serious reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor;
  • the appearance of discharge from the nipples. The 28th week of pregnancy is a time when many pregnant women notice that stains from a yellow thick liquid remain on their underwear. This begins to release colostrum, a precursor substance to breast milk. Many women get scared when they notice colostrum discharge, believing that this is a sure sign of imminent labor. But this is a wrong opinion. The appearance of colostrum has nothing to do with the date of birth. Discharge may appear at an earlier stage or not appear at all, both options are a normal option for the course of pregnancy;

  • Another completely normal occurrence is training contractions. Pregnancy 28-29 weeks is the period when most women experience contractions. At the same time, women note that their stomach periodically becomes stone and nagging painful sensations appear.

Training contractions do not cause severe pain and are not regular. If your stomach becomes stone periodically and the intervals between spasms become shorter, then perhaps this is not training, but real contractions causing premature labor.


At this stage of pregnancy, fetal movements are quite active. But as the child grows at a rapid pace, he has less and less room for maneuver. At this stage, the baby can still roll over, so even if an ultrasound at 28 weeks of pregnancy shows that the baby is head up, there is no need to worry.

The baby still has time to take the position most favorable for natural childbirth (head down). But most often, by this time the child has already assumed the position in which he will be before birth.

Babies behave differently during this period; sometimes there are periods of rest, and sometimes periods of activity. The activity of movement at week 28 depends on many factors: the mother’s activity, her lifestyle, and the baby’s temperament.

As a rule, the baby begins to move more actively:

  • after a meal, when the blood glucose level rises;
  • when the mother goes to rest, during periods when the woman is actively moving, children, as a rule, behave calmer;
  • if mom starts to worry about something. The level of adrenaline in the mother’s blood increases, and this affects the child’s behavior.

It makes no sense to compare your child's activity with any norms. All children are different. Some, even before birth, demonstrate restlessness, others are very calm and do not move too often. Only sudden changes in rhythm should alert the mother. For example, if an always active baby suddenly stopped “giving signs.”

Weight control

At each scheduled appointment during this period, the expectant mother will have to weigh herself; her body weight should not grow too quickly. Gynecologists consider a normal weekly increase of up to 500 grams. If the increase is significant (1 kg or more), the formation of internal edema can be suspected.

But perhaps swelling has nothing to do with it, and the large increase is due to a good appetite. In this case, you need to reconsider your diet, eliminating “empty calories” from it - sugar, baked goods, too fatty foods.

By twenty-eight weeks, a woman according to norms should weigh 7-10 kg more than before pregnancy.

Weight gain during pregnancy depends on many factors - metabolism, constitution, initial weight. Typically, slim women gain more weight than those who were initially overweight.

How does the child look and develop?

Let's figure out what happens to the baby at this stage of pregnancy. By this period, children begin to “show individuality.” Babies have different temperaments, and there are also differences in height and weight. So, if mom and dad are tall, then their child at 28 weeks may be slightly larger than average.

But, in any case, the fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy is already quite large, it is already fully formed and in the remaining weeks it will mainly grow and gain weight. If the baby is born at 28 weeks' gestation, it will most likely survive.

But he is not yet capable of independent life, so the baby will need to be placed in a special incubator in which a constant temperature is maintained. If you are 28 weeks pregnant with twins, then the mother needs to go to the maternity hospital at any moment.

The fact is that twins are often born prematurely. But, of course, you need to try to maintain the pregnancy and give the children the opportunity to get stronger. Therefore, if a woman is offered to go to a hospital during this period, she should under no circumstances refuse.

The weight of the fetus at the 28th week of pregnancy is just over a kilogram, and its height exceeds 35 cm. During this period, the baby’s weight grows quite quickly, as the baby accumulates fatty tissue.

Despite the fact that all the organs and systems of the child are formed, fetal development continues at the 28th week of pregnancy. The brain, nervous and respiratory systems are improved. The baby's heart beats at a speed of about 150 beats per minute.

A child at 28 weeks of pregnancy can open his eyes, but his vision is still imperfect, since the pupillary membrane has not yet formed. All babies' eyes are blue during this period, but they may change color at the time of birth or during the first weeks of life.

A baby at 28 weeks of pregnancy looks almost the same as ordinary newborns, only he is still too small. During the remaining weeks of gestation, he should grow by 15-20 cm and significantly gain weight. The baby's body weight will increase approximately three times.

The 28th obstetric week of pregnancy is characterized by the following changes in the baby’s condition:

  • a layer of subcutaneous fat grows, thanks to which the baby’s skin smoothes out and acquires a natural color;
  • the skin is still covered with a protective lubricant, this is necessary to protect it from swelling, because the baby is constantly in water. In addition, the presence of lubricant facilitates passage through the birth canal;
  • The baby's muscles are strengthened, he already confidently controls his body. But the muscular system will continue to improve right up to childbirth;
  • there is active mineralization of the skeleton, therefore the need for calcium increases;
  • the cerebral cortex develops rapidly, new convolutions appear in the brain;
  • The hairs on the head grow, as well as eyebrows and eyelashes. But hair growth is individual. Some babies are born almost bald, and some have “lush hair”;

  • The fetal brain activity continues around the clock. Even when the child is sleeping, he makes reflex movements;
  • already at this stage one part of the brain is more developed than the other. And this determines which hand of the baby (right or left) will be leading.


A woman should be under medical supervision throughout her pregnancy, which is quite natural. At week 28, if there are no complications, you only need to undergo routine tests. It will be necessary to donate blood to conduct studies to determine the level of:

  • Hemoglobin. The low content of this substance makes it difficult to supply tissues with oxygen, which is dangerous for the fetus.
  • Glucose. An increase in sugar levels is a sign of the development of gestational diabetes.

During a routine examination, the gynecologist will take basic measurements - body weight, abdominal girth. If there are no indications, then there is no point in ordering additional research. At 28 weeks of pregnancy, an ultrasound is performed either if alarming symptoms occur or at the request of the parents.

When conducting ultrasound screening, you will be able to consider:

  • Child's facial features. Modern ultrasound machines allow you to get clear three-dimensional photos, so relatives will be able to see the baby and even argue who he looks more like - mom or dad.
  • Floor. If the baby “did not allow” gender to be determined during the second scheduled screening, then this can be done now.
  • Main parameters. When conducting a study, the specialist determines the height and weight of the fetus, the length of its limbs, the girth of the head and tummy.
  • Level of development of internal organs.

Possible deviations

Let's figure out what can happen during this period and what can complicate the normal course of pregnancy.

  • Pay attention to discharge at 28 weeks of pregnancy. If they change their character (become cheesy, purulent, or acquire a pungent odor), you need to urgently go to the gynecologist. Bloody discharge is especially dangerous; its appearance may be a sign of the onset of premature labor.
  • Get tested regularly. During this period, anemia or diabetes may develop, and both of these conditions have an extremely adverse effect on the baby.
  • Watch your baby's movements. If they become too active or, on the contrary, are practically not felt, immediately consult a doctor.

  • Blood pressure tests and monitoring will help to promptly identify serious complications such as gestosis and preeclampsia. These conditions are dangerous for both the woman and the baby, so do not hesitate to seek medical help if you experience convulsions, nausea, dizziness and “flying spots” before your eyes.
  • Premature birth. Babies born at this stage will most likely survive and develop normally. However, the first months of life will be difficult. Therefore, you need to try to extend the “pregnant period” in order to give the child the opportunity to finally prepare for independent life. Therefore, if there is a threat of premature birth, you need to go to the hospital to maintain the pregnancy.

So, the 28th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the final trimester, but there are still about 12 weeks of gestation ahead, which most likely will not be easy. After all, a large belly begins to cause significant discomfort. However, for the sake of the long-awaited meeting with the baby, you can endure a little temporary inconvenience.
