Coral stone has magical properties for signs. Coral - a stone of warm seas

Hello dear readers! Coral stone has attracted the attention of people for a long time, thanks not only to its unique appearance, but also to its rich color scheme. In addition, jewelry made from it is suitable for almost all people, regardless of their age and gender.

History of coral stone

The coral is a polyp, or rather its hardened remains, which formed over many years. It is classified as living organisms, coral develops in warm seas. Sometimes polyps unite in colonies called coral reefs, the most beautiful of them can be seen in the waters of the Red, Caribbean, and Mediterranean Seas. Also, coral reefs are found not far from the coast of Japan and Taiwan. Many people know what a photo of corals looks like, but nothing can replace the feeling when you see them live, in sea waters.

Mankind has known about this mineral since ancient times, it owes its name to the Greeks, in translation from their language it means “sons of the deep sea”. Before studies were carried out to study the composition and properties of coral, many considered it to be a marine plant. Disputes about the origin of this mineral continued until the 18th century.

The scientists then identified the coral twigs as fossilized skeletons of living beings called polyps. In a living state, polyps are able to form a lime mixture, thanks to which corals grow and acquire intricate shapes. The length of mineral branches can grow up to 40 cm, and their diameter is 4 cm. Corals grow at a depth of 3 to 300 meters.

How these minerals look and the magic of their color was mentioned in the poems of the ancient Greek author Ovid. In his poem, you can read that the corals are red because of the blood of the Gorgon Medusa, which flowed into the sea waters.

Also, the ancient origin of the stone can be evidenced by photos of products from it, which were found during excavations in the territories of Ancient Egypt, the Sumerian civilization and the places of settlement of the Mayan Indians. In this regard, scientists suggest that the age of the mineral is already more than 500 million years, and it is one of the first inhabitants of our planet.

The composition and physical properties of the mineral

From the photo of jewelry made from this gem, it is difficult to imagine that a stone formed in the sea can look a little different. It is completely devoid of luster, does not have a smooth surface. It is also worth noting that the mineral itself is opaque, unlike many precious gems.

The chemical composition of the stone is represented by the following elements:

  • Calcite;
  • iron oxide;
  • Manganese;
  • magnesium carbonate.

In jewelry workshops, the mineral is given a more attractive appearance, it is polished, made in the correct shape, and a frame made of precious metals is selected. It is worth saying that in addition to decorations, coral is also used to make interior items for the home.

Where are corals mined?

It is known that minerals are formed only in the waters of warm seas and oceans. In addition to the Mediterranean and Red Seas, coral reefs are found in the waters of the Atlantic, Southeast Asia, the Indian and Pacific Oceans, off the coast of Australia.

Today, like many years ago, these gems are rarely mined at a depth of more than three meters. The way coral is harvested has also changed little over the years. Only in developed countries, in order to get precious stones from the depths of the sea, without damaging them, use small submarines.

In most countries, however, minerals are extracted from the water with the help of gear, using beams, nets and loads. Coral twigs get tangled in nets and break, this method destroys their natural environment.

Varieties of coral and its colors

Natural mineral is divided into several types:

  1. Noble. Jewelers use this species in their craft, making various jewelry out of it.
  2. Root. This variety resembles a small branched bush in its appearance.
  3. Foamy. Corals of this type are a fusion of soft and hard rocks.

Since ancient times, masters have divided corals into shades, each of which has its own name:

  • Akkabar (black, one of the rarest shades of the gem).
  • Bianco (white).
  • Rosé pallido (pale pink).
  • Rosa vivo (hot pink).
  • Pele d'angelo (pale pink, "angel skin").
  • Second coloro (pink-orange).
  • Arciscuro carbonetto (ripe cherries).
  • Rosso (red).
  • Rosso scuro (dark red).

Also in the depths of the sea, rarely, but you can find coral reefs of green, blue and blue hues. The most expensive are blue and blue gems. In jewelry, the most commonly used mineral is a rich red hue.

It is also worth mentioning the properties of sponge coral. This type is the lowest grade and cheapest. This mineral in its appearance resembles another marine life - a sponge.

The healing properties of the mineral

This stone fell in love with people not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for its healing properties. The first drugs using corals were made in ancient Rome. In the modern world, powders are made from this mineral. It is also used in dentistry, usually in the field of prosthetics.

Other healing properties of the stone include its ability to give its owner energy, longevity, strengthen immunity, save from depressive states. Many people believe that the stone is able to protect a pregnant woman, helping her successfully endure and give birth to a child. In ancient times, coral amulets were worn by both children and the elderly.

In addition, it is believed that the stone can help with throat diseases, such as tonsillitis or tracheitis. Jewelry from it helps to cleanse its owner of toxins, improve the functioning of the circulatory system.

In general, the mineral relieves its owner from fatigue, brings his body into tone, and stabilizes the emotional and psychological state. If you answer the question to whom this mineral is suitable, then we can say that products from it can be worn by people of any age.

The magical abilities of the stone

In ancient times, people associated everything around them with magic. Many believed that all gems had magical properties. In ancient times, all kinds of amulets were made from coral, intended for both men and women. It was believed that they should protect their owner from adversity, damage, the evil eye and bring him good luck and happiness.

In the Middle Ages, when people turned to religion, one of the main meanings of the stone was to protect people from the temptations of the devil. For these purposes, a rosary was made from it, they decorated churches, temples, crosses and other items necessary for the performance of worship.

Jewelry and amulets found in excavations in the territories belonging to the Mayan Indians in ancient times indicate that these tribes believed that coral beads and necklaces were able to remove the evil eye or damage from their owner.

Also, rings with coral inserts and other jewelry from this gem could help their owner discover the gift of foresight. Oracles enjoyed using coral products.

Eastern peoples loved to decorate books and weapons with the mineral, as they believed that it was able to increase intelligence and strength. In India, people believed that the stone is necessary for wanderers, as it helps them return home safe and sound. Particular attention has always been paid to the magical properties of black coral, although it is found in nature much less frequently than the beloved red.

Also, judging by the photo of the properties and the value of the mineral, it can:

  • Changing natural conditions, for example, helps to subside a thunderstorm or storm;
  • Provides protection from the enemy;
  • Attracts happiness and success to its owner;
  • Protects the owner from troubles and misfortunes.

The stone is especially favored by those people who are suitable for the sign of the zodiac.

The meaning of the gem in the signs of the zodiac

People have always been worried about which zodiac sign this or that stone is suitable for, since it was believed that a mineral suitable for the zodiac sign is able to protect its owner from adversity and provide him with a happy future. If we talk about the magical properties for the zodiac sign, then astrologers believe that choosing the right stone is very important, since the wrong amulet can only bring evil and illness to its owner.

In addition to the signs of the zodiac, when choosing a talisman stone, an important role is played by the year of which animal according to the eastern calendar a person was born. Astrologers have found that coral is most favorable to those born in the year of the Tiger.

How to distinguish genuine coral from artificial

Many people, wanting to buy coral products, are afraid to buy a fake, so the question of how to determine natural from a fake is very relevant today. The fact is that coral jewelry is in high demand in the jewelry market, so craftsmen are often forced to create jewelry with its imitation. It is worth noting that their price is much lower than those made from a real mineral.

But, unscrupulous sellers sometimes want to sell a fake at the price of the original. In this regard, it is important to know how to distinguish a real stone from a fake.

A special technique for creating artificial corals was developed by a French master named P. Gilson. His creations are one of the most successful imitations of a natural gem. But, you can still consider that the stone is not real, but made according to the method of a jeweler from France, according to the following signs:

  • Imitation does not have a grid pattern;
  • Real corals have a tactile feel reminiscent of amber, while calcite and dye imitations remain cold;
  • If you drop a solution of hydrochloric acid on an artificial stone, it will hiss.

In addition to the French technique for making imitation of a mineral, there are others that can also be distinguished by the following features:

  1. Fake coral jewelry made of plastic is sold very cheaply, since it is not difficult to distinguish plastic from natural stone, you just need to bring a heated needle to the product and lightly touch the mineral with it, not a trace will remain on the real one, and a dark spot immediately forms on the fake.
  2. Due to the fact that white corals are cheaper, they are sometimes dyed with a special dye in another more expensive color in order to sell at a profit. Dyed products lose their color when in contact with ordinary water, this does not happen with natural ones. Also, when wearing dyed beads and bracelets, traces of paint may remain on the skin.
  3. Rings with natural stone inserts are usually in the form of cabochons or hemispheres, they are polished and shiny due to wax impregnation.
  4. Also one of the successful imitations of natural coral is pressed. Jewelry made from it looks very good and even spectacular, it is rather difficult to discern a fake, but it is given out by a lower cost.
  5. There is an opinion that natural coral is able to color milk pink, but its imitation cannot do this. It is easy to check this, you just need to dip the jewelry into a glass of milk.
  6. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a fake made of plastic will have less weight than a product made of natural stone. Jewelry in which coral imitates glass, on the contrary, will be heavier.

Today, it is still difficult to encounter fakes that sell real coral jewelry at the price, since all jewelry stores are always ready to provide quality certificates for their products, not wanting to spoil their reputation. When buying products from the hands or in small retail outlets, you need to be more careful.

If we talk about the approximate cost of coral products, then the most expensive are jewelry with inserts of pink and red. But, a nice silver ring with a natural coral stone insert can be purchased not so expensive, their cost starts from 1500-2000 rubles. The initial price of beads and necklaces is about the same, bracelets are a little cheaper, the cost of earrings starts, as a rule, from 2000 rubles.

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Corals are fossilized skeletons of colonies formed by invertebrate polyps.

In nature, corals constantly grow at a rate of about 1 cm per year and can form reefs and entire islands that take thousands of years to build.

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Physical and chemical properties of coral

The basis of the coral is calcium carbonate with various impurities, and in the scientific sense, it is not a stone at all. Depending on the species, the coral may contain different amounts of organic matter, and the more of them, the darker its color will be. Indian black coral is almost 100% organic, it is listed in the Red Book and its industrial extraction is prohibited.

Untreated corals have a matte sheen and are quite sensitive to high temperatures and chemicals. The most common colors are pale pink, peach and red-orange, but there are also blue corals, which are the most rare and valuable.

In the jewelry industry, the cost of natural coral is quite high and depends on the uniformity of color, the absence of any defects, spots and cracks.

coral deposits

Corals grow in the waters of tropical seas, where the water temperature is above 20 ºС - in the Red and Mediterranean Seas, on the coast of Thailand and Japan. Especially rare blue, purple and black corals are found in Algeria, Malaysia, India, Samoa. The largest reef is located off the northeast coast of Australia and has a length of more than 2000 kilometers.

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Coral bushes are formed at a depth of 3 meters or more, they have a rigid base, thanks to which they resist the pressure of currents and storms. Unfortunately, due to the destruction of the Earth's ozone layer, shallow-water corals are gradually disappearing, since ultraviolet rays are destructive for them, and deep mining is not so profitable, so some countries restrict the export of corals.

Healing and magical properties of corals


Corals have strong protective properties, and in order to ward off witchcraft spells, they must be worn in plain sight. The fashion for coral beads came to us from the Maya Indians, who wore them as a talisman against evil forces. It was believed that if the stone broke or cracked, then the magical spirit left it.

The ancient Greeks attributed to pink corals the ability to bestow immortality. They were considered the blood of a jellyfish collected by sea nymphs. Red corals in many cultures were the guardians of family happiness. In Rus', coral was considered a magical stone, as well as a symbol of wisdom and modesty.

Coral also has a lot of medicinal properties. Folk healers prescribed powdered coral rich in iodine to patients with thyroid disorders. It was also a popular remedy for stomach and intestinal ulcers. Due to its high calcium content, coral powder has been widely used to treat fractures and bone diseases.

It is especially noteworthy that even modern medicine confirms that calcium, iodine and other minerals that are part of the coral are easily and effectively absorbed by the human body.

Who is coral suitable for?

Coral is a very romantic stone, it develops the imagination, makes its owner more elegant and sophisticated. There is also an opinion that white corals are stones with female energy, and red ones are with male energy, and they must be worn in strict accordance with their gender.

Of course, one cannot fail to mention which signs of the zodiac coral suits. First of all, he favors the representatives of the water element. Moreover, light pink corals are suitable for Cancers, bright red corals are suitable for Pisces. Coral is also suitable for Scorpios, but it will be the easiest for them: stones of any color will bring good luck to people of this sign.

Red coral is a complex cluster of small bare bushes, reaching a height of up to 1 m, and consisting of intertwined needles. Chemically, coral is composed of calcium carbonate. It looks like an underwater colorful garden, but in reality the corals are colonies of marine animals - polyps. Such colonies are formed on the seabed, usually in dark places, at great depths or in deep caves and crevices. Coral grows at depths from 10 to 300 m below sea level.

In underwater caves, it grows at depths of 4 to 35 m. Around the islands of Japan and Taiwan, they grow at depths of 350 to 1,500 m below sea level in areas with strong currents. There are 35 known types of polyps that form corals. The first type of polyp was discovered in 1758, and the last, named parsnip, in 1981. Perhaps there are other, not yet studied types of polyps that form corals, and, accordingly, their colors are unknown in the world.

It is noteworthy that a characteristic of the value of red coral as a gemstone is its strength and intense color of red or pink. It is commonly used in jewelry. Red coral is a naturally matte gemstone, although it can be polished to a glassy sheen. Coral species are very diverse in color. Color ranges from warm reddish pink, pale pink to deep red. Stones are found in other colors. For example, scarlet, saffron, red coral, pink with bright red, black, yellow and white shades. Red is the most requested color.

Gardens of the sea - this is how corals are often called. It used to be thought that this is a plant, but now everyone knows that corals are colonies of living organisms, polyps. This is the result of accumulated skeletal masses from polyps.

The ancients believed that the planet Mars was made entirely of red coral. Therefore, according to Hindu mythology, when used as a gemstone, coral is able to negate the adverse effects of Mars and please it. Mars is the god of war and has the most aggressive energy of the nine planets. Its red color is a symbol of blood and perseverance in a person's life. He is known as Angarak and son of the Earth due to his proximity to the earth. It is considered an unfavorable planet in astrology and gives people whose horoscope is strong, the opportunity to put their own desires above others. Red coral is the stone of such people. These are people born under the constellations of Aries and Scorpio.

Positive properties of red coral

It was believed to be able to prevent misfortune and provide protection from skin diseases if worn as a necklace.

The benefits of red coral among other gemstones have been known for centuries. The Romans believed that red coral as a gem would benefit children in healing wounds caused by snake and scorpion stings.

Red corals should be worn by people in professions such as the military, police, electricians, surgeons, as well as players and ministers of various cults. It is useful for increasing self-confidence, developing administrative abilities and the power to assert one's right in the social and political spheres. Wearing a red stone can give success in transactions with the purchase and sale of land and property.

Wearing red coral develops many virtues in its owner, such as perseverance, courage and the ability to face difficulties and solve any problem. The stone also removes obstacles in the way and increases the influence of its bearer in society. In addition, it brings harmony in married life.

Healing properties

Red coral prevents sudden abortion. Helps with fever, impotence, typhoid, smallpox and many other diseases. Children can be saved with its help from diseases such as rickets and abdominal pain if they wear red coral beads or rosaries around their necks. Red coral also treats knee problems, arthritis and rheumatism. It is a good helper for meditation or visualization. Symbolizes the life and strength of the internal energy of the body.

Dark red coral is used to heat and stimulate blood flow. Pink shades help to restore harmony in the heart. It is used as an aid for depression, lethargy, or malnutrition.

Red Coral Jewelry

The color of coral does not fade with time and with proper care can be maintained for a long time. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are harvested for decorative use. Records dating back over a thousand years confirm that coral has long been widely used in decorative art. Red coral jewelry has been in vogue since ancient Egypt. Recently, these gems are especially popular.

Because of its softness and opacity, red coral is commonly used in modern beaded jewelry. It is used as a gemstone and in rings and bracelets for both men and women.

A red coral ring is recommended to be worn to reduce the effects of Mars. It is assumed that copper rings are best suited for this purpose. Nevertheless, jewelry made of gold and silver remains popular. But the rings, in which the stone is framed with copper, are in the first place in terms of their ability to reduce the negative influence of Mars. Rings with coral look equally advantageous on both women and men.

People who don't like to wear rings or want to experience more of the stone's influence can be advised to wear a red coral bracelet. Red coral, framed in silver in a bracelet, helps people achieve stability in their career and marriage and have more strength and courage to solve the problems they face.

The main qualities of coral:

  • deep red;
  • smooth edges and flat surface;
  • round or oval;
  • no dents, holes or perforations.

The authenticity of red coral can be checked in a special laboratory for assessing the quality of precious stones.

coral sources

The main places where corals can be found are in the Mediterranean, off the coast of Australia, the South Pacific, in the waters of Japan and Africa. Their harvesting is common in countries such as Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, Italy, France and India.

Intensive fishing in coral habitats, especially in shallow water and along the coast, is very harmful to their colonies. For this reason, the population of coral-forming polyps in the Mediterranean Sea has greatly decreased, where their colonies settled at depths of less than 50 m. In addition to commercial fishing, the existence of their colonies is threatened by climate change.

In Naples there is a museum of corals as jewelry. It contains a lot of information on the history of use and a large collection of jewelry from them, created from ancient times to the present day.

Care and cleaning of stone

Due to their organic nature, coral stones are soft and porous and should only be cleaned with a clean damp cloth. If additional special care is required, harsh chemicals and ultrasonic cleaners should be avoided. To clean such products, you can use a mixture of an equal amount of chalk and tooth powder. Avoid contact with hair sprays, cosmetics or perfumes.

Modern jewelers use coral with great success in their works and praise it for its rare quality of combining sophistication and simplicity.

Therefore, by buying coral jewelry, you will satisfy your tastes and improve your health. By purchasing a product made of coral, you can be sure that you are not afraid of the evil eye of an ill-wisher, illness and disaster, the dangers of travel: the stone will definitely protect you from adversity.

Perhaps the first mineral used to create jewelry is coral stone. The oldest items with coral inserts found by archaeologists date back to the 4th century BC.

Currently, the level of pollution in the world's oceans threatens the existence of this amazing stone, so its value is steadily growing every year.

Origin story

The name of the stone has several versions. According to one of them, the Greek word "koralion" means "that which hardened in the hand." Coral was popular in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt, but it earned special reverence in antiquity.

He often figured in ancient Greek mythology, and the supreme sea god Poseidon lived in a palace built from these stones.

According to another version, the Arabic word "goral" means "amulet stone". Muslims used black corals to create mourning wreaths, rosaries, knife handles, cane handles. It was believed that the powerful spiritual powers of the stone pass to its owner.

In Rus', it was widely believed that coral was found in the brain of a dragon, so it was called dragonite. It was considered a prophetic stone and was used to perform magical rites. Sinister properties were attributed to dragonite; he was an instrument of revenge and corruption.

In the Middle Ages, Venice became the center of trade in these stones. Wearable decorations, miniature sculptures were made from red corals, weapons and salaries of church books were inlaid with them. A pink-colored stone was worn by young girls as a symbol of modesty and purity.

Today, most of the coral comes to the world market from India, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The unusual stone is still interesting not only for collectors, but is also experiencing a new wave of popularity.

Origin and production

Coral as a semi-precious stone is of organic origin. It is formed by the oldest groups of multicellular organisms - coral polyps, which have been on earth for about 550 million years. Processing the salts contained in sea water, they release lime with the formation of plantar plates. As a result, coral reefs, atolls and even entire islands appear.

For a long time, corals were considered plants, and only in the 18th century was their animal origin proven. In jewelry, only calcareous frameworks are used - external skeletons left after the death of polyps. The most valuable part is the top of the coral tree.

On an industrial scale, corals are mined using weighted coarse nets that are moved and dragged along the seabed. Management of bottom nets and trawls is automated. However, with such mining, most of the valuable material deteriorates and dies.

The profession of a coral diver is still in demand. Many of them die at an early age, faced with the dangers that hide the underwater depths; others are due to caisson disease. The best catchers live on the island of Cozumel, located in the Caribbean off the coast of Mexico.

Physicochemical characteristics

Coral is an opaque stone that is translucent along the edges. The hardness of the mineral is low: for red varieties it is 3-4 according to Mohs, for black varieties it is two times lower. As a result, the coral is easily scratched with a knife.

In its raw form, the stone has a matte, even rough surface. It is rubbed with special wax polishes, giving a silky sheen.

When worn, natural corals can fade and fade. But the most common cause of this phenomenon is poor-quality coloring. Cheap white and even pink corals are immersed in a solution of hydrogen peroxide to give the popular red hue, and are also treated with chemical dyes.


Natural coral has a rich color palette - 350 shades. The color of the mineral depends on the level of illumination during its growth, as well as the composition of organic matter.

The following varieties are most popular in jewelry:

Red and pink corals

They owe their color to their high iron content. They are found mainly in warm seas at a depth of 30 to 500 meters. The best red corals are mined off the coast of Algeria.

Black, or Akkabars

They do not like sunlight, grow in caves and grottoes at great depths in the waters near Mexico and Australia. The resulting stones have a low hardness, so only formations over 50 years old are used in jewelry.

White, or bianco

Such corals are considered the cheapest, so they are often painted in more popular colors.

Blue or Akori

They are highly porous and difficult to polish. The most rare and valuable are spongy akori of a rich, almost blue color.

Pale pink corals

Received the name "skin of an angel". These delicate natural stones are also highly valued.

In addition, multi-colored corals are often found in nature.- a fantastic combination of golden, black and red shades.

Medicinal properties

There is an unconventional medical practice that uses the healing properties of precious and ornamental jewelry stones - lithotherapy.

According to this theory, coral is capable of:

  1. Activate metabolism.
  2. Normalize the work of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Help with depression and neuroses.
  4. Heal abscesses and ulcers, including internal ones.
  5. Regulate the work of the pancreas.

In addition, the stone is a source of protoglandin hormones. It is ground into dust and used internally as a contraceptive.

Hindus believe that coral affects the throat chakra responsible for breathing, hearing and skin. Ayurveda includes coral among the nine stones that symbolize the planets and control all processes on earth. The blood-red stone is associated with Mars - the patron saint of vitality and passion.

It warms its owner, inspires him to courageous and courageous deeds.

In Portugal, they believe that red coral helps with headaches, in England - with sore throats, in Mexico - with fever. In the countries of Southeast Asia, coral powder is sold in pharmacies and added to ointments, tinctures, and potions.

White coral is used in Japan for dental prosthetics, to speed up the healing of bone fractures. Its calcium structure is easily perceived and absorbed by the human body.

Coral is also popular in cosmetology. Based on it, an antioxidant peeling is made, which has an effective rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Magic properties and beliefs

As a talisman, coral improves memory. It is considered a talisman against poison, witchcraft, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, develops intuition and logic. The ideal time to wear is the phase of the new moon, and the most dangerous is the period of the full moon. Often wearing coral jewelry is not recommended, as it provokes capriciousness and eccentricity.

Natural stone has long been considered the patron saint of travelers. He protects from the dangers that lie in wait in distant wanderings, helps to establish new connections, calms bad weather, calms storms and thunderstorms.

However, the coral sunset in the evening sky portends just windy and turbulent weather.

Phallic-shaped coral amulets are very popular in Thailand. They symbolize the lingam of the god Shiva, protecting the wearer from evil spirits. Amulets are worn around the neck or on the belt, mantras are read over them, ritual chants are arranged.

In South India, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, women wear coral beads to bring peace and harmony to marriage, as well as to cope with infertility. In addition, the mineral acts as an indicator of health status - a sharp loss of color indicates a serious illness of its owner. If you dreamed of a coral, this is a sign of recovery after a serious illness.

35 years of marriage together is called a coral wedding. On this anniversary, husband and wife give each other jewelry with coral inserts, talismans and souvenirs.

Coral in astrology

In astrology, it is generally accepted that red coral is a male stone, and white is female. It is not recommended to wear an inappropriate color for representatives of the opposite sex: a woman who regularly wears jewelry with red coral will acquire rough and masculine features, and vice versa.

Coral has a beneficial effect on people born in the year tiger or red Kota(1962, 1974, 1986, 1998). He brings them good luck, protects them from the anger and envy of strangers.

As for the signs of the zodiac, red coral will be a wonderful talisman for Pisces or Aries. But it is categorically contraindicated for signs of the earth. The Virgos especially do not like him with their pragmatism and complex character.

White coral fit Taurus and Cancer. It promotes the rapid healing of wounds, heals from physical and mental ailments. As for the names, the coral patronizes Irina, Victoria, Svetlana, Nadezhda, Nonna and Athanasius.

At the same time, talisman stones bring good luck to their owner only if they are obtained in an honest way.


Beads are the most traditional coral jewelry. They help to give the image bright and juicy folk notes. But the richness of the natural palette allows the use of the mineral in a wide variety of jewelry.

Pale pink coral is suitable for a young girl's ring, bright orange in a gold setting will decorate a mature lady, rich black will ennoble a man's signet or bracelet.

Untreated coral sprigs are also used as decorations. They are called cornetti and are worn around the neck in the form of a pendant. Such an unusual product is successfully combined with a romantic look.


It is not difficult to take care of the stone - it is enough to protect it from scratches, acids, hot baths. Natural minerals do not like cosmetics and perfumes. Excessive humidity is harmful, and vice versa, dryness.

It is necessary to store products with coral inserts separately from other jewelry. The ideal option is tissue paper packaging. Plastic bags are not recommended - the mineral must "breathe".

How to identify a fake?

The main criterion by which you can determine whether a coral is natural in front of you is its price. It shouldn't be too low.

Currently, several substitutes for natural stone are common:

  1. Synthetic analogue, or Gilson's coral. It was first obtained in 1972 in a Swiss laboratory from calcite powder. In terms of its physical and chemical properties, Gilson's coral is almost identical to the stone extracted from the ocean depths, but it is much cheaper. It can be distinguished from a natural mineral by the absence of a characteristic mesh pattern on the surface.
  2. Quartzite. This is a cheap stone that looks like coral. It is easy to recognize by its temperature - it always remains cold.
  3. Coral imitations. They are made from pressed coral shavings with the addition of dyes and plastics. There are also very cheap fakes, completely consisting of glass, plastic or polymers. It is easy to recognize them by their uniform color, which is very rare in nature. You can grind a piece of stone and add acetic acid - the natural calcium material will enter into a chemical reaction, as a result of which bubbles form on the surface.

Like many seafood, natural coral becomes brighter after a long stay in the water: this does not happen with imitations and fakes. On the contrary, if a low quality colored stone was purchased, then the water may change color.

  1. Coral is popular and revered in the US. So, the black mineral is the symbol of Hawaii, and the agate is the symbol of the state of Florida. Here is the city of Cape Coral, which has the largest number of navigable channels in the world.
  2. Once on land, the coral begins to age and slowly die. After 200 years, the former marine life can dry up completely and turn into dust.
  3. The Great Barrier Reef is not only the largest coral formation, but also the largest natural object on Earth formed by living organisms. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. In 2013, a scandal erupted around the reef: during the US-Australian military exercises, four bombs were mistakenly dropped on it. Fortunately, the Great Barrier Reef was not damaged.
  4. It is still not reliably established why Karl stole corals from Clara. Presumably, the reason for the act was revenge for the stolen beloved clarinet.


Coral is a stone that occurs in warm seas. It consists of fossilized water polyps. Thanks to these organisms, tree-like stones are formed that make up reefs and islands. If you look at the photos of these amazing formations, you can come to an indescribable delight from their beauty. Seeing coral reefs and islands in their natural form is a real happiness.

The word "coral" comes from the ancient Greek word "collarion". So in ancient Greece they called marine polyps. The characteristic of the stone is an opaque mineral, which includes calcium and. Coral is fragile and can be destroyed by high temperatures and acids. It can be precious or semi-precious. The more porous the stone, the lower its cost.

These stones are in great demand among jewelers. They are processed, after which they acquire a glassy sheen and smoothness.

The properties and significance of the stone have been studied by esotericists and lithotherapists. They learned that coral has healing and magical properties.

Coral has a rich color range. It has more than 2 thousand varieties. The stone has a variety of tones. There is no color in nature that coral does not have. The tone of the stone is affected by its composition. Jewelers use only 16 types of these stones to create jewelry.

The most popular are only a few types of coral:

Jewelers use only bright stones for work. Usually these are small corals. If the craftsman needs to make large jewelry, such as beads, then he uses sponge coral.

The healing properties of the stone

This natural stone has healing properties. It is used by healers from different countries.

In ancient Rome, corals were used to heal wounds and accelerate bone healing. They made powder from stones and treated them with sore spots. In this country, the remedy was also used to neutralize poisons from snake bites and poisonous insects. The healing and disinfecting properties of the stone are also recognized by modern lithotherapists.

Natural stone has a positive effect on the central nervous system. It helps to get out of depression, normalizes sleep and treats a nervous tic.

The healing properties of coral beads are also confirmed by lithotherapists. They are advised to wear for colds and throat diseases. Such beads also need to be regularly worn by people whose voice is the main professional instrument, for example, singers, teachers or speakers.

This natural stone improves circulation and blood flow. It should be worn by people suffering from diabetes, anemia and other diseases of the circulatory system.

Coral stone improves memory, helps to concentrate and tones.

If a person is struggling with excess weight, he needs to pay close attention not to coral. It reduces appetite, therefore, the amount of food absorbed is reduced. Weight loss also occurs due to the fact that the stone removes toxins and toxins from the body.

In Japan, coral is used for dental prosthetics.

This stone can be used for early detection of diseases. To do this, it must be worn constantly and pay attention to how it looks. If dark spots appeared on its surface, the shine disappeared, and even cracks appeared, then this should be taken as a sign of an emerging disease. A visit to the doctor will help clarify the situation.

The magical properties of coral

Coral has magical properties. Shamans and sorcerers from different countries are convinced of this. The value of the stone in each of them will be different.

The magical properties of the stone in ancient Greece were used to prolong life and gain happiness. Every citizen of this country has worn coral jewelry all his life. By this they protected themselves from evil magical influences and evil spirits. Such magical powers of coral are also recognized by modern lithotherapists. They advise wearing coral jewelry to protect against corruption, love spells, curses, and so on.

The magic of the stone is used by the Hindus to gain wisdom. In India, coral is also worn as a talisman against danger.

The magical powers of the stone enhance a person's intuition. Esotericists wear coral to enhance psychic abilities.

This natural stone is advised to take on the road to wanderers and travelers. It will protect them from weather changes and show them the way home. On the road, the stone also protects against violence, theft and any manifestations of cruelty.

The soft energy of corals is suitable even for babies. Their stone will protect from the evil eye, which many parents are so afraid of.

Corals bring good luck to the house. To do this, you need to conduct a special ritual. It is necessary to pick up a raw stone and walk clockwise around the house, touching the ides to all doors and windows.

The power of the stone can be felt by men and women. Ladies are advised to wear white corals. Stones will add femininity, tenderness and sensuality to them. Red corals are suitable for men. Such stones will add masculinity and courage to them.

Corals are activated with the growing moon. During the full moon, their magical powers will become dangerous, so for this period they need to be removed away from you.

Who suits coral according to the zodiac sign

To date, it is known for certain who this stone suits according to the sign of the zodiac.

Coral compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

The zodiac sign Pisces is ideally compatible with coral. Astrologers advise them to wear red and brown stones.

The stone is also suitable for Cancers. Astrologers advise them to opt for pink corals.

Zodiac signs Aries and Taurus can safely wear coral. They also like stone. For Aries, it will become a protective amulet, and for Taurus it will bring good luck.

Zodiac signs Libra and Sagittarius should not refuse jewelry with coral. They will like his energy. The stone will help Libra to establish contact with others, and protect Gemini from black magical influences.

Zodiac signs Leo and Scorpio can wear coral jewelry. For Leo, the stone is a general tonic. People of this sign need to wear a stone only occasionally. Sagittarius coral will bring good luck if its tones are red or pink.

Zodiac signs Virgo and Capricorn should not wear coral jewelry. Even the slightest contact with the stone is contraindicated for them.

Coral is a fragile stone, so it needs to be handled with care. You can not drop it, hit it and leave it in the sun. It is necessary to clean the stone without the use of household chemicals. If you follow these simple rules, then the coral will have a long operational period.
