When we go to work. When do we return to work after Christmas? Features of the mode of operation of individual specialists

Leaving for the "winter holidays", people should know when to go to work after the New Year holidays in 2018. Each person plans to celebrate this holiday in different ways, someone will stay at home, and for someone the week after the New Year will be used to visit relatives or go on an excursion.

Workdays and weekends: the ratio in the New Year

Currently, information is known that the first January working day will come only on the 9th. This information will be useful for those people who work on a five-day or six-day schedule. However, there is still a difference in the duration of the holidays. Thus, many will have time to enjoy a 10-day vacation, that is, the weekend will begin on December 30 and end on January 8. Accordingly, ordinary citizens are given a little more than a week to rest. This applies to those people who work five days a week.

For those citizens who work on one of the days off, as a rule, on Saturday, an exit for the New Year holidays is provided one day later - directly on December 31. This means that literally one day those people who work five days a week are ahead of workers on a six-day schedule.

However, the official holidays come on January 6 and 7, which means that at this time all categories of Russian citizens can enjoy a full rest period. The basic weekend will coincide with the New Year celebrations, so the schedule of holidays is consistent with the location of these dates in the calendar.

The first month of the coming year will have 17 working days and 14 days off. In this case, the first ten days will be set aside for holidays.

Some businesses or organizations may make an exception to these rules regarding holidays established by the relevant Ordinance. The activities of such institutions may be adversely affected by the long absence of workers from their workplaces. These businesses include grocery stores and supermarkets that sell consumer goods. At the same time, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, employees of such organizations have every right to demand double payment from management.

Thus, workers whose regime is presented according to the 2/2 or 3/3 scheme and similar work regimes should go to work according to their usual schedule. However, if a manager or boss calls an employee to work in cases of extreme importance, which may be, for example, an urgent conclusion of a particularly important transaction or an urgent need to establish the functioning of production, then this fact should be officially documented, and the payment for such a working day should be significantly increased.

Thus, it is necessary that the appropriate order of the head be issued. It is necessary to issue an order to involve the employee in his duties after hours. Subsequently, he has the right to either take an additional day off in the future, or receive compensation in the form of accruals in excess of the amount due for the day worked.

Important! If a citizen works on December 29, then he has the right to request a reduction in his working time by 1 hour, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Transfer of holidays to spring holidays

The Labor Code states that if a non-working holiday and an employee's day off coincide, then one of them must be transferred to the first working day following the holidays. However, the legislative document mentions that this regulation does not apply to the holiday week from January 1 to 8. So how does the transfer of dates in the coming year?

The State authorities have prudently considered this point and have established the following system for transferring public holidays in January:

Thus, such a transfer of dates will allow citizens of the country to have an additional four days of rest in the spring in a row, starting from March 8 and ending on March 11, as well as additional days from April 29 to May 2, similarly. Accordingly, these days off will be timed to coincide with the spring festivities - International Women's Day, as well as Spring and Labor Day.

Working on Christmas holidays

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, any work on official holidays, provided for by the relevant order of the Government, is prohibited. There is a document that regulates this moment. However, as you know, there are exceptions to every rule. This has not bypassed this regulation in the legislation.

First, it should be noted that the manager has the right to call an employee to work on weekends and holidays, but a number of conditions must be met. First of all, this is the written consent of an employee of the organization to devote his day off to work.

After that, it is necessary to recalculate the amount of wages for a given working day, since the employee is entitled, in accordance with the Labor Code, to be compensated in the form of additional pay, or the provision of extra free time.

However, the legislation provides for cases when an employee of an organization can be called on duty, regardless of his consent. As a rule, such situations are not associated with a sudden potential benefit for the entire enterprise as a whole, but with an unforeseen situation.

For example, if the enterprise has suffered from a natural disaster or it is necessary to prevent a possible catastrophe. In this case, the employees of the enterprise are required to come to work in order to ward off the threat from the organization in which they are employees.

Accordingly, payment in this case is discussed individually with the team of employees, since the employment contract says that the obligations and rights of the parties concluding it lose in the event of force majeure.

Interesting! If the employee agrees to take an extra day off in the future, then his working day is paid at the standard rate, like a normal day.

How do we work and relax in January 2019 after the New Year holidays? What is the production calendar for 2019? What are the days off in January, and what are the working days? We present an overview of the working calendar for January 2019.

January holidays 2019: how many days

The number of days off in January 2019 is fixed by the 112th article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This norm determines how we relax in January 2019 and how long the official weekend lasts.

Non-working holidays (weekends) in January 2019 are:

  • January 1-6, 8 - this is the "New Year holidays" of 2019;
  • January 7 - Christmas (for believers).

Thus, according to the law, eight days are holidays in January - from the 1st to the 8th.

Please note that the holidays in January 2019 will begin at the end of this year. Since December 31, 2018 is Monday, it was decided that the Russians will work for the last time this year on December 29, Saturday. That is, the holiday will begin on December 30 and will last until January 8 of the next year.

Rescheduled January holidays

If a holiday coincides with a weekend (Saturday or Sunday), the employees are given one more day of rest.

On the weekend in January 2019, there are just 2 holidays - the 5th and 6th. These two additional days of rest are moved to May 2 and 3. Therefore, the May holidays will last for five whole days - from May 1 to May 5.

Production calendar for January 2019

In January 2019, most employees expect 8 public holidays. To them are added also the usual days off - Saturday and Sunday. For example, going to work on the 9th, citizens will work only 3 days, and again continue to rest on weekends, since January 9th is Wednesday.

According to the production calendar, in January 2019 there will be 17 working days and 14 days off and public holidays.

Working hours in January 2019

In January 2019, with a five-day working week with two days off, there will be 17 working days and 14 days off.

The working hours in January 2019 will be:

  • with a 40-hour work week - 136 hours (8 hours x 17 days);
  • with a 36-hour work week - 122.4 hours (7.2 hours x 17 days);
  • with a 24-hour work week - 81.6 hours (4.8 hours x 17 days).

How is labor paid in January 2019

Work on weekends, as well as non-working holidays, is payable at least twice the amount (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The exact amount of wages for work on weekends / non-working holidays (including January 2019) can be specified in the collective agreement, local regulation or employment contract.

An employee who worked on a weekend/non-working holiday may be granted another day of rest. In this case, work on a weekend / non-working holiday is paid in a single amount, and the day of rest chosen by the employee is not paid (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, the initiative to replace double pay with another rest day should come from the employee, not from the employer.

There is little time left before the New Year holidays. Someone has already bought a ticket to the warm sea, someone is waiting for large-scale family and friendly gatherings, and someone is going to just lie down on the couch watching TV or reading a book. Fortunately, there is plenty of time for any of these activities: this year we will have 10 days of rest. Why do Russians have such long holidays this time, and when to work in 2019 in January - read the article.

January 2019: 14 days rest, 17 days work

As a general rule, Russia rests for the New Year holidays for 8 days - from January 1 to January 8. It's provided Art. 112 Labor Code of the Russian Federation so winter holidays can be planned in advance. But this year, most citizens will have 2 additional days off due to Sunday and Monday - December 30 and 31 (recall that Saturday, December 29, 2019 is a working day). So in total, the Russians will have a rest of 10 days for the new year 2019. One less vacation will last for those who work 6 days a week: 12/31/2018 is not a day off for them, but a shortened working day.

In total, during the first month of 2019, with a five-day week, you will have to work hard for 17 days, with three breaks for the weekend. For companies on a six-day period - three working days more. But it will be later. And right now you can calculate a vacation or schedule a date for reporting.

When to go to work in January 2019

Whether your organization operates 5 or 6 days a week, the first working day of the new year is Wednesday, January 9th. So the work plan for January (if there is one or is needed) must be built from this date. Forcing employees to leave earlier without the consent of the subordinates themselves will not work. The management can only do this in case of emergency ( Art. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):

  • in the event of a catastrophe, natural disaster, accident or threat of their occurrence;
  • to prevent destruction or damage to the property of the organization;
  • in the event of the introduction of martial law or a state of emergency;
  • in other force majeure situations.

For employees of organizations with a continuous or shift schedule, the question of what date we go to work in January 2019 does not arise. If the shift falls on a holiday, you still have to work. But the employee is entitled to compensation for work on holidays: he can ask for an extra day of rest at another time, or he will be paid double for the worked shift.

When vacationers go to work

Based Art. 120 Labor Code of the Russian Federation Paid vacation is extended for public holidays. That is, holidaymakers are legally allowed to rest from January 1 to January 8. This applies not only to employees of those companies where a five-day or six-day week has been introduced, but also to those employees who have a shift schedule: in this regard, the legislation is the same for everyone.

Thus, regardless of the mode of operation, the vacationer must leave after the New Year holidays along with all other colleagues - on the 9th. Of course, if there is someone else's shift that day, you do not need to appear at the workplace. In this case, the fallen day off is a separate time for rest, which is not included in the vacation.

To the delight of many people in our country, the first working day in January 2018 will be January 9th. In other words, the duration of the New Year holidays that we expect is 9 days of the calendar: starting from December 31 and ending on January 8.

The decree of the Russian government, in addition, approved the postponement of celebrations and days off in 2018 in advance. The sequence is as follows: January 1 will be moved to February 24, and January 7 to May 7. These days will also be considered days off in connection with the transfer of legally guaranteed days off from holidays.

This schedule is quite convenient, because it will allow you to organize an efficient workflow during the New Year celebrations, and also gives you enough time for a break and rest. Already today, people of our country can plan their holidays for the New Year, focusing on the specified vacation term. Due to its duration, you can visit not only acquaintances and friends, but also make long trips and travel to chic places.

Features of the January work schedule

Despite the fact that January holidays were guaranteed by law and will last from January 1 to January 8, for some employees the schedule of the working week with shift days off will be different. For them, January will start its work from a different date. The labor legislation of Russia allows the possibility of such a schedule, provided that it is mutually agreed upon, and the employee was informed about the possibility of additional payment for work on weekends.

Among other things, the employee has the right to demand additional hours of rest if he works on weekends and holidays. Such a decision should be discussed and agreed with the administration of the enterprise.

How to organize your vacation

Many Russians are looking forward to the winter holidays in order to celebrate Christmas and New Year with family and friends. We also want to take a break from everyday activities, relax and have the opportunity to spend a pleasant time. No wonder there is a saying that after some rest you need extra rest. Is the long-awaited period of doing nothing really so useful for the inhabitants of Russia? Ambiguous data are carried out by sociology and medicine.

On the one hand, a person needs a quality rest in order to restore and activate the body's creative resources, as well as to get new positive emotions and make a kind of energy recharge. But the other side of the moon suggests that rest from December 31 to January 8 can have negative consequences.

Gastroenterologists, nutritionists and psychologists warn that the human body needs a period of adaptation when moving from a daily exercise regimen to a prolonged passive state, often accompanied by overeating and alcohol abuse. So, when you enjoy the solemn atmosphere, do not forget to spend more time on outdoor activities, follow a proper diet and do not forget that the celebrations will end, but you need to return to work stronger and healthier.

Other solemn days 2018

Another wonderful holiday that everyone is waiting for is Easter. This day begins with a greeting. On bright Sunday, it is customary to greet each other especially: one says - Christ is risen. The second answers him: He has truly risen. These solemn actions are popularly called christenings.

Also on Easter, crimson chime of bells floats all over the country. It is with the bells that most people have memories of the first spring holiday. Church laws say that it is allowed to ring the bells only during divine services - believers are called to the service with a loud melodious sound. But on Easter week, the bells ring at any time - in honor of the great celebration. In Rus', many years ago, there was a tradition to open bell towers, giving access to the bells to anyone who wants to. So in our time, it is also allowed to climb up and call in honor of the bright holiday.

grandparents day

In 2015, another date for the celebration was marked on the calendar in our country - October 28. Since then, all Russians celebrate a new holiday. It is dedicated to our beloved relatives and filled with warmth and smiles. Of all modern celebrations, Grandparents' Day must be called the youngest. He was only born in 2009. But, in a short period, he managed to gain popularity. The birthplace of the celebration is Holland. Initially, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe celebration fell in love with Europe, and then America. Today, the holiday has reached our doors.

It is worth saying that there is no single date for the holiday. It is celebrated in spring, summer and autumn in different countries. For example, in Canada, grandparents are congratulated on the first Sunday of September. Everyone gathers in the family circle, someone comes to visit with gifts and congratulations. If the weather allows, Canadians prefer to get out into nature and have picnics.

Several holidays and pre-holiday days in 2019 coincide with working days. For example, December 31 falls on a Monday, but will be non-working, etc. You can plan your winter mini-vacation now, as there is already a corresponding Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on weekends and holidays in 2019.

  • How we relax on the New Year 2018 - holiday weekend
  • Weekends in 2019 - production calendar, how we relax
  • Deputies propose to cancel the long holiday weekend


In the outgoing 2018, before the New Year, he will rest on Saturday and Sunday, December 22 and 23, which, of course, will not please those who celebrate Catholic Christmas on December 25.

The day off from Saturday, December 29 is transferred to Monday, December 31. So the last weekend of 2018 will be Sunday and Monday December 30-31. From this moment, the most natural New Year holidays will begin - 2019 with their trips to the Christmas Tree with children and joyful communication with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And someone, probably, will go these days to ski resorts or, conversely, to warm countries.

According to the official calendar of weekends and holidays approved by the Government, the New Year holidays in 2019 will last from January 1 to January 8. We celebrate the New Year 2019 from Monday to Tuesday, and the first working day of 2019 will be only Wednesday, January 9th.

At the same time, the days off, Saturday and Sunday, January 5 and 6, will be moved to Thursday and Friday, May 2 and 3, respectively.

As a result, it turns out that you can celebrate the New Year this winter for as long as 10 days - from December 30, 2018 to January 8, 2019! Some will say that you don’t need to rest for so long, but remember the children! Schoolchildren are on winter holidays at this time, which means that adults have a great opportunity to spend the first days of 2019 with their children.

By the way, in a series of days off in January 2019, one should not forget to celebrate January 7 - Christmas.


It is necessary to indicate in the same way how we will rest on the rest of the holidays in 2019.

So, December 30 and 31, 2018 are days off, then from January 1 to January 8, 2019 are the New Year holidays.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day in 2019, we rest for two days - Saturday February 23 and Sunday February 24. At the same time, the day off from Saturday, February 23 is transferred to Friday, May 10.

In March, on International Women's Day, we will rest for three days - from Friday, March 8th to Sunday, March 10th.

We will be able to celebrate Victory Day in 2019 for four days - from Thursday May 9 to Sunday May 12.


In total, in connection with the holidays in 2019, Russians will be able to rest for 28 days - in fact, having received a full-fledged additional vacation. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the famous New Year holidays will begin on Sunday, December 30, 2018, and will last for the traditional ten days - until January 8, 2019 inclusive.

However, according to the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee, Honored Doctor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gennady Onishchenko, it is time to stop protracted celebrations, especially on New Year's Eve - this is not useful from any point of view.

“It seems that my definition of the New Year holidays, which over the past ten years has become, as they say now, a meme, is still relevant,” Onishchenko said in a comment to the Federal News Agency. “I once called this period a “decade of horror” and I must say that protracted New Year celebrations cannot be called anything other than an anachronism.”

According to the parliamentarian, in most economically developed countries it is customary, having rested for one day, immediately after the New Year's Eve, as they say, to harness and start working normally, realizing the economic and political agenda.

“After the collapse of the Soviet Union, starting in the 1990s, we first walked from the New Year right up to the old New Year - almost a decade and a half,” Onishchenko recalled. “And this has always caused great concern in connection with such an important topic as the preservation of public health.”

The danger lies in wait for the Russians not only in connection with active libations and plentiful food, which have become invariable attributes of the protracted celebration of the New Year.

The danger lies in wait for the Russians not only in connection with active libations and plentiful food, which have become invariable attributes of the protracted celebration of the New Year. The tradition that emerged in post-Soviet times to spend winter holidays in hot regions of the planet is not conducive to health, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma committee believes.

“Returning home from hot countries just before the Epiphany frosts is a huge test for the body's adaptive system,” said the FAN interlocutor. - This applies to all ages, but it is especially dangerous for children, as well as for older people who have a worn out cardiovascular system. I equate these stresses for the body with Russian roulette.

According to Gennady Onishchenko, such voyages lead to the fact that all the energy accumulated on vacation is wasted on adaptation, and instead of a surge of strength, a person experiences malaise at best, and at worst, is in danger of immediately catching a respiratory infection, because in mid-January as the peak of influenza epidemics.

“I think we need to return to Soviet practice, when on December 31 we worked part-time, in the evening the beautiful half gave themselves into voluntary slavery for the production of herring under a fur coat and Russian salad, on January 1 we slept off, and the second we went to work,” Onishchenko noted.

It would be correct and civilized, and besides, it would save people from the temptation to subject their body to serious climatic tests, overeating, excessive alcohol consumption and complete immobility under the hypnosis of militants and not the most worthy works performed by representatives of show business.

“Today, our citizens, having seriously undermined their health in all these areas, are very slowly, with difficulty, drawn into the working rhythm throughout the second half of January of the new year,” Onishchenko continued emotionally.

"It's time to end this! We need to start the new year in a working mood, from a low start, and work as it was in Soviet times and as all economically developed countries do today. It's better than torturing your health! - said the deputy of the State Duma.

With the initiative to shorten the New Year holidays in Russia, people's deputies come forward every year. The last time a bill to reduce holidays to two days - December 31 and January 1 - was submitted to the State Duma about six months ago.

However, the bill was once again "rolled". As it turned out, the initiative to have less rest does not arouse enthusiasm among the people. Only 20% of the citizens of our country are ready to support short holidays, while 71% of Russians are categorically against the cancellation of the New Year holidays.

Analysts at Superjob came to this conclusion. They concluded that Russians love long holidays and are not ready to sacrifice a single day off.

So we rested, we rested and we will rest!
