When is the red hill of the year celebrated. How Krasnaya Gorka is celebrated: customs and traditions

Krasnaya Gorka, or Fomin's week - spring holiday, which has long traditions and customs, important especially for young people about to get married.

Red hill

Folk holiday Krasnaya Gorka marked the time when young boys and girls, who, by their age, were already supposed to start a family, got to know each other and planned weddings. They dressed up in the best, smartest clothes, decorated themselves with ribbons and arranged merry festivities. It has always been believed that a marriage concluded on this holiday will be strong, prosperous and happy in the full sense of the word. Therefore, it was not customary to stay at home, and the girls especially. They were even intimidated by the fact that later she would either not get married, or the groom would turn out to be useless. Traditionally, on this day, they chose a girl who knows the songs, the rules of the games best of all, and put her in charge of round dances. So Krasnaya Gorka was associated with girls and weddings.

Fomina Week

It must be understood that this holiday is pagan in nature. AT Christian calendar Fomin's week coincides with it, that is, the day dedicated to the Apostle Thomas, in memory of his belief in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. According to the Bible, the Savior appeared before his apostles and showed his wounds, and only then did Thomas, nicknamed “the unbeliever,” strengthen his faith more than others. This day is always celebrated exactly one week after Easter. Due to this, in Orthodoxy, the holiday has a second name - Antipascha. This day is very a large number of weddings, because during Great Lent they are prohibited, and St. Thomas Week is the first day from which young people can apply to the church for marriage in the face of the Lord.

Krasnaya Gorka in 2016

In 2016, Krasnaya Gorka, or Fomina Nedelya, falls on May 8th. This is the first Sunday after Easter.

On this day it was customary to ride from the hills chicken eggs and watch who comes to the end first and not broken. So it was determined who would have good luck and success in the year. They led round dances, sent matchmakers and called spring with songs and dances until the morning. They also baked loaves and pies, which were given rounded shapes. This is due to the tradition of honoring the god of the spring sun Yarilo. The circle was associated with the sun and its warmth. After a cold and long winter, it marked the triumph of a warm and sunny spring, which came into full force.

This holiday, which has both pagan and Christian beginnings, in more associated specifically with marriage, love and prosperity. Therefore, he was and remains loved by the people. All the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.03.2016 00:50

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Nearing the end Easter week, but at the end bright week the holidays don't stop. So, next Sunday after Happy Easter Orthodox celebrate Antipascha, or, as the people call this holiday, Red Hill.
This holiday is dedicated to the memory of how the Lord appeared to the Apostle Thomas, and this happened on the eighth day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the eighth day after Easter is also called Fomino Sunday.
When Krasnaya Gorka is celebrated in 2018, the history of the holiday
In 2018, Krasnaya Gorka (Antipaskha) falls on Sunday, April 15th. This holiday has its roots in the depths of centuries. Krasnaya Gorka can be attributed to pre-Christian holidays.
Previously, it symbolized the arrival of spring and the awakening of nature, which in its idea resembles the Easter holiday, symbolizing the victory of the immortality of the soul over death.
The name of the holiday "Red Hill" came from the tradition of climbing on this day to the hillocks, which were freed from under the snow after the winter, and make fires there, dance, and perform rituals.

Note that Red Hill is considered a holiday feminine that gives life. Since ancient times, it was girls and women who performed the main rites on this day, they also treated friends, relatives and loved ones with Easter treats.
Often, if the snow had already melted for this holiday, tablecloths were spread right on the glades and lawns, arranging a feast on the ground.
Krasnaya Gorka 2018: as noted, the beginning wedding season after Lent
As everyone has long known, the church does not hold a wedding ceremony from Shrovetide until St. Thomas Sunday, so Red Hill is considered the boundary. Immediately after this holiday opens spring season marriages and weddings.
Therefore, young brides often arrange brides on Krasnaya Gorka, introduce their chosen ones to their parents and other relatives.

After Krasnaya Gorka, only wealthy people got married, because food supplies were coming to an end, and getting married was much more expensive than after harvesting.
Marriages concluded in the spring after Krasnaya Gorka were considered by the people to be very strong and reliable. And in our time, on this day, it is popular to apply to the registry office or register a marriage, but it is still impossible to get married in the temple on this day.

It was customary to walk on Krasnaya Gorka in the company of friends and relatives, and those who stayed at home on Antipaskha risked spending the whole year alone. This tradition has been preserved to this day.
AT different cities countries authorities arrange mass festivities in the streets. Concerts, master classes, attractions for children and adults - all this awaits residents of different cities of Russia.

The most deeply rooted Red (beautiful) hill goes back to paganism, when the connection of the Slavs with nature was very strong. The arrival of spring was associated with the grace of Yarila, ancient god sun, thanked him for the gift of warmth, asked him to continue to help in business. The name of the holiday is associated with the spring renewal of nature: when the snow began to melt from the hillocks, they were covered with the first juicy grass and flowers, becoming beautiful (red).

In Christianity, Krasnaya Gorka is also called St. Thomas' Day and is associated with the very apostle who received the nickname Thomas the unbeliever because, after the crucifixion of Christ, he could not believe in the resurrection of the Messiah until he touched his wounds. This happened a week after Easter, since then the celebration of Fomin's Day (Red Hill) has been held seven days later, which is why it has been assigned another name - "Anti-Easter". Therefore, calculate what date will be Krasnaya Gorka in 2016, it’s not difficult - the holiday will fall on May, the 8th.

Red Hill - ancient and modern

Both in antiquity and at present, this holiday is perceived as a celebration of youth and renewal. That is why there were always many young men and women at the festivities - they sang songs, calling for spring, and danced round dances. Women presented hearty treats, pies in the shape of a circle, presented with colored eggs. Traditionally, young people got acquainted on Krasnaya Gorka - whoever stayed at home was not destined to find his mate in the near future.

On Fomin's day Orthodox calendar after Lent and Easter, weddings were allowed. Weddings played on this day were promised to the young strong union on the long years. Although Red Hill holiday in 2016 falls in May, because it is believed that getting married (marrying) in May is a century of toil, a large number of marriages are expected: a happy day will nullify the troubles that were mentioned. Incidentally, weddings folk style become more and more popular - they turn into theatrical performances and are remembered for a lifetime. But if such a celebration turns out to be beyond their means, since not only the young, but also the guests dress up in National costumes, and during the feast it is supposed to adhere old Russian customs, and in treats on old fashioned including, it can be used in the decoration of tables, arches and arbors of red and white ribbons.

Signs and rituals of the holiday

One of ancient customs- plowing furrows around the village before the festivities, so that all those living in it would pass adversity and illness, and the land would give a generous harvest. This was done only by women harnessed to the plow. The deeper the furrow, the better everything will turn out in the year. In the old manner, not only in distant villages, but even in cities, colored eggs are let down from the hills. He will be happy and rich, whose egg rolls smoothly and does not break. The brighter and more festive outfit, topics more girl will attract attention.

One of the signs is to throw a coin into the well for good luck. It is imperative to pray on Krasnaya Gorka, both for the living and for the departed - Radonitsa is ahead, and the departed bless their loved ones from heaven on this day. In order for the house to have health and prosperity, they wash the icons (preferably with water from a well) and wash themselves with it in front of them in order of seniority: the one who is the oldest in the house washes the younger ones, but not vice versa. The most important thing is that no matter what date Krasnaya Gorka will be in 2016 and what the weather is expected on that day, spend it rejoicing in everything around you and everyone around you, giving positive and hoping for the best. With such an attitude, any troubles will seem small, and obstacles - surmountable.

Krasnaya Gorka in 2016 what date: history, signs and traditions of the holiday. This Christian holiday, which is also called St. Thomas Sunday or Antipascha, falls on the Sunday after Easter. Krasnaya Gorka has its own traditions and signs.

Krasnaya Gorka in 2016, what date is celebrated, is known to every believer. This year, the holiday falls on May 8, the Sunday after Easter. The history of the holiday has centuries-old traditions and is rooted in the pagan past. Since ancient times, this day was considered by people as a holiday of spring and was filled with joy and light. The Slavs honored on this day the god Yarilo, who is responsible for the annual renewal of the heavenly body. Later, the holiday became Christian, but did not change its traditions - to rejoice at the onset of spring on this day. One week after light Christ's resurrection St. Thomas is honored, having received the nickname "unbeliever". Thomas wanted to personally verify the resurrection of the Savior, and on that day Jesus himself appeared to the apostle to convince him of the miracle.

On Krasnaya Gorka, a visit to the church is considered obligatory, where a service is held that closes the Easter week. After that, they start festivities, which unfold both at home and on the street. Young people especially enjoy the holiday. It has long been believed that girls and boys should not stay at home on Krasnaya Gorka on this day - otherwise you can remain an old maid or a bean. On the last day of the Easter week, the wedding season opened - after all, before that, weddings were forbidden for all seven weeks of Lent. Marriage, concluded on this day, was considered very happy for many years.

Red Hill in 2016 what date is celebrated. All day long, young people led round dances on Krasnaya Gorka, sang and had fun. According to signs, on this day you can not sit alone and be sad. One of the traditions of this holiday is the demonstration of one's talents and abilities. There were also skating colored eggs. Walkers gathered on a hill and took turns dropping eggs down. Whose egg rolled smoothly and did not break, having reached the finish line, happiness and good luck awaited him. AT this year Krasnaya Gorka falls on May 8 - this is the first Sunday after Easter. Theatrical performances are usually arranged on this day, mass celebrations. Orthodox Christians also visit the graves of their relatives. From this day begins Radonitsa - parent days dedicated to the remembrance of the dead.

Krasnaya Gorka in 2016 what date. Signs of the holiday have survived to this day. It is believed that you need to throw coins into the well on Krasnaya Gorka. This will help the most cherished dreams of a person come true and will attract happiness and good luck in business into his life. Those who dream of wealth should wash themselves in front of the icon on Fomino Resurrection. And to live long life without hardships and sorrows, they advise praying to God on a holiday.

Krasnaya Gorka, a national spring holiday, is celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. In 2016, this holiday falls on May 8th. What kind of holiday is Krasnaya Gorka, customs, traditions and signs of this holiday, poems and congratulations - in our article.

What is the Red Hill holiday

Krasnaya Gorka is a holiday celebrated after Easter on the following Sunday. Krasnaya Gorka has been celebrated since ancient Russian times, and with the spread of Christianity, it was timed to coincide with the first Sunday after Easter.

As soon as the land was freed from snow, and these are primarily small hills, popularly called hillocks, youth festivities, children's games, round dances, and songs immediately unfolded. From this came the name of such slides "Red", which means beautiful!

Krasnaya Gorka: signs and customs

Krasnaya Gorka has long been accompanied by children's games, round dances, and songs. The girls' festivities began on Krasnaya Gorka. This day was considered lucky for those who marry. For this reason, weddings were screwed to Krasnaya Gorka in Rus', and increased matchmaking took place.

Wedding on Red Hill. Before Krasnaya Gorka there is a huge break in wedding activity. AT great post on church customs there is a ban on weddings. Before, when the wedding was almost complete church event, in the period before Krasnaya Gorka they did not marry.

Here are a few more signs that exist on Krasnaya Gorka

On Krasnaya Gorka, all the girls and young women gathered in some favorite place of the village street and sang spring songs, led round dances and arranged various games and dances. It was considered bad omen if the girl on Krasnaya Gorka sits at home all day.

There is a sign that in order to find her betrothed to Krasnaya Gorka, a girl or a single woman needs to walk arm in arm with any man that day. It is best if it is a stranger.

The Easter egg is considered a talisman that brings good luck in personal life. So ask for a gift Easter egg at his married friend who is happily married. And the happiness of marriage will also find you.

Rituals and conspiracies on Krasnaya Gorka

“On the sea-okiya, on the island of Buyan, there are three blacksmiths, blacksmiths forge there on three machines.
Do not forge, you forges, white iron, but forge a wedding for me, strong, firm, eternal, durable. Such a conspiracy promises to soon enter into a successful marriage.

A happy talisman for those seeking to find a mate - for both women and men - are ribbons from wedding dress or a bridal bouquet.
Many signs and superstitions of the Red Hill holiday come true, and if you have a passionate desire to change your destiny, then it will certainly change for the better!

Krasnaya Gorka: commemoration of the dead

On Krasnaya Gorka they go to cemeteries, commemorate the dead.

As you know, according to church customs, it is not recommended to go to cemeteries on Easter, in order to visit cemeteries there is Krasnaya Gorka, the dead are also commemorated on Radonitsa, in 2016 it falls on May 10.

Congratulations in verse on Red Hill

You can congratulate friends and relatives on Krasnaya Gorka beautiful verses, poems can be short and funny, or they can be lyrical.

The Red Hill has come -
Laughter and holiday brought
We collect round dances
And we walk in the street!

Make way, honest people -
The holiday is already upon us!
Celebrate Krasna Gorka
Pour mead!

I wish you on the Red Hill
Everyone dance, not knowing worries,
Forget your problems
And you be happy!

Let the smile find you
May you be lucky today.
On a holiday of joy and happiness -
On a holiday Russian real.

Congratulations on Red Hill!
On this holiday we wish you
To lead round dances
Feelings of inner freedom

So that fun lives in the soul,
To sing songs today
This is a celebration of positivity
So celebrate nicely.

Sunday after Easter -
Red hill bright light
This holiday is young
Celebrated for many years.

SMS wishes with Krasnaya Gorka

May this holiday be our special
Adults and children frolic
Not enough words, perhaps, to
Say all these congratulations.

On the day of Red Hill I wish you
To remain primordially Russian,
I love my native country,
And smile more often!
