Beautiful handwriting learn how to write the alphabet beautifully. How to learn to write beautiful handwriting: calligraphy lesson

It just so happens that people like everything beautiful. Beautiful people, houses, creations - all this causes a genuine feeling of delight. But we should not forget about pleasant little things, for example, about our handwriting. And here the question of how to write a beautiful letter, name or even a letter becomes relevant. Alas, just wanting is not enough here. You still need to work on yourself and writing technique. How to do this, we will talk in this article.

general information

It would seem that every year we use the pen less and less, but the question of how to write beautifully does not lose its relevance.

Smooth, legible and aesthetically pleasing handwriting is needed for a number of reasons:

  1. Eliminates misreading and subsequent errors of perception.
  2. Doesn't irritate the reader.
  3. Disciplines the flow of thoughts while writing.
  4. Suitable for gift inscriptions and greeting cards.
  5. Speaks in favor of a person and his character.
  6. Provides a beautiful signature.

As you can see, there are both clear and indirect benefits. By the way, how to write beautifully is studied by a whole science - calligraphy. Graphology analyzes various features of handwriting. Knowing these two sciences, you can develop a style that will subconsciously arouse sympathy and respect for the author in readers.

What is worth paying attention to?

Everything. Our handwriting is our character. All curls, squiggles, sloping letters and pen pressure tell every reader about us. Therefore, simply taking and changing the style of the letter will not work. So, beautiful handwriting is more easily given to calm and balanced people who have a good command of the hand (that is, fine motor skills). The conscious desire to write legibly, evenly and beautifully is also important. The skill of writing depends on our willpower and training. Of course, at first you have to concentrate on the limit. But then, over time, correct and exemplary writing will be easier until it becomes a habit at all.


So, how to write beautiful text? You can learn this at any age. It is necessary to use only certain techniques. As previously mentioned, this is called calligraphy.

At the moment, there are a dozen and a half areas that have reached significant heights. Some of the alphabets used by the peoples of the world are real masterpieces of the work. These include Persian script, Chinese calligraphy and many others. But we are interested in Cyrillic. It has an ancient tradition and is used to teach children in elementary grades. Simple Cyrillic calligraphy is familiar to everyone - these are the recipes that schoolchildren learn to write in elementary grades. But if the school was finished a long time ago, don't worry - time is not lost. You can still reach heights in this matter. Let's figure out how to write a word beautifully.

We train the hand

You need to start with this. After all, if you do not put your hand, then all other attempts will be ineffective.

To do this, you should perform a little gymnastics, such as: circular movements, stretching, clenching fists, flexion / extension of fingers. Agree, it's easy. After a warm-up (five minutes is enough), you can pick up a pen. Initially, you can start with shapes such as spirals and zigzags. Then you should write the letter W, A and / or G in a line without a break. One row, then the second, and then the third. At the same time, it is necessary to work slowly, controlling your movements, draw letters along the contour. When drawing, you should focus on the sensations that arise in the hand and fingers. You should repeat the letters until the effect of automatism occurs. After that, you should try to write faster. The next step is to decrease the sign. You should do it in peace and quiet. Do not forget about good lighting, thick paper and a hassle-free pen. You can practice every day for 15-20 minutes or every other day, but devoting 30-40 minutes already.

Helping ourselves

Let's set a simple but pleasant task. For example - how to write a beautiful name. Yours, of course. For this purpose, you can use the calligraphic Cyrillic alphabet.

It can be purchased at the stationery store or, using a template from the global network, you can create it yourself. At this stage, an important goal is to correctly and beautifully display individual letters - both lowercase and uppercase. They must match the patterns perfectly. Then you can switch to letter combinations that are connected by lines. And from this to your name and a stone's throw. You can use the simplified form first. For example, write not "Olga" or "Alexander", but "Olya" and "Sasha". And then form sentences from individual words, and from them - full-fledged texts. Of course, talking about it is not the same as doing it. Is it possible to make this difficult path easier?

Is there a secret to success here?

To some, calligraphic handwriting from under your own fingers may seem like a fantasy. How to write a letter beautifully without allowing terrible letters?

Well, especially for those who ask this question, an important secret should be revealed - frequent practice is needed. Yes, you will have to write by hand much more than usual. Rewriting a certain text or compiling your own, you should not rush. Although you should not hang on each individual letter either. It is necessary to follow the nuances:

  1. The letters must be the same size.
  2. Observe the slope.
  3. You should write evenly. This applies to both letters and words.
  4. For the first time, you can use an oblique ruler. In the future, be sure to switch to unlined paper.
  5. It should be ensured that the edges of the letters do not tear up or slide down.
  6. Look: there should be spaces of the same size between words.
  7. Pay attention to punctuation marks as well. They must be the same, clear, legible.

Calligraphy for lefties

According to the rules, the writing instrument must be in the right hand. But it can often be noticed that in congenital left-handers, handwriting is very fine.

When relearning in childhood, it often happens that children with beautiful handwriting, starting to write with their right hand, create illegible and sloppy text. So he thinks how beautifully to write “Happy Birthday”, but he cannot do it.

The peculiarity of the left hand is that it is difficult to meet the requirement for calligraphic tilt to the right due to physical reasons. It is quite logical that many of them point the letters in the other direction. This option is not considered classic, but if you master the continuous writing of large words and maintain a straight line of the line, you can achieve pretty good results. In this case, there will be a desire to unfold the sheet of paper in order to create an artificial line slope. You should beware of it and not succumb to temptation.

By the way, it has been noticed that beautiful letters are more easily given when using gel or capillary pens. They allow you to draw lines smoothly and clearly without any effort. This is a small detail that will greatly improve the writing. At the same time, you should remember about perseverance. At first it may seem that there is no result, but remember that this is only a matter of practice.

Gender differences

Let's talk about the difference between men and women. The latter, as a rule, have a more attractive handwriting, and if they want to improve it, they often get the result. Therefore, for girls, the question of how to beautifully write to a guy or someone else is less than for men. Why is that? It's hard to answer exactly. But whatever gap exists, it can always be compensated by practice. And in the case of men, I would like to give advice to work more calmly and balanced. For girls, these traits are more familiar due to the nature and environment in which they grow up. You can train to draw beautiful handwriting in a hurry, quickly and in a short period of time, but believe me, it is better to develop gradually, to coast and gradually improve, rather than throw yourself with a cavalry saber naked, get disappointed and give up the opportunity to improve your handwriting.


Here, in general, that's all. Of course, knowing how to write an ad beautifully and being able to do it are two different things. Practice is the key here.

But the quality is also important, not just the quantity. You can write for an hour a day, doing workouts anyhow. Or give fifteen minutes each, during which the skill of beautiful writing will be honed. In addition, this option will allow you to quickly see the result and fix it. Initially, it will be difficult, but over time, comparing your modern texts with those that were written a few months or years ago, you can be inspired and continue this difficult path of improvement. Who knows how beautiful handwriting can help in the future? And finally - you should not forget about even posture.

Nowadays, it is very rare to have to write by hand, because the keyboard has replaced the pen, and typing is much easier and faster than writing. But, when you need to write something by hand, very often there is a problem in illegible handwriting. If you have been told that you write illegibly, then learn how to write letters beautifully.

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There is an opinion that a beautiful handwriting is given to a person by nature. And those who write illegibly and ugly will no longer be able to learn differently. But in calligraphy, as in other things, success depends on persistent desire and regular practice. Therefore, Learn This will tell you how to learn how to write letters beautifully.


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  1. The most valid and easiest way to help you with this is to practice writing each letter. This is a very complex and time-consuming process, but the result will not keep you waiting long. Take a pen and a piece of paper, and methodically write down one letter. Do this until you like the way it looks. Maybe you will use up the whole sheet, or even more than one, so that you get a beautiful letter. But it is these classes that will help achieve beautiful handwriting.
  2. You can try the first-grader method. That is, to buy ordinary capital notebooks, according to which primary school children study. It is in them that all the letters are shown as it should be according to the rules of calligraphy.
  3. Also keep in mind that when writing, you need to use your shoulder and arm, and not just your wrist, as is mistakenly believed. It is the muscles of the hand that help to make the handwriting beautiful, smooth and uniform. Also, handwriting is very dependent on the posture of a person. If you write, bent over in three deaths, you are unlikely to succeed. When exercising, you need to sit with a straight back.
  4. At first, you can practice writing letters in the air. Do this along certain outlines and lines, and after this training, transfer from air to paper. Experts say that such exercises will help make your letters on the sheet more even and clear. Naturally, at first it will be difficult to constantly keep the elbow in tension. But over time, you will have almost perfect handwriting.
  5. And do not forget that only constant training and your desire will help improve your calligraphy, and make it beautiful, even and legible.

How to teach a child

  1. It is necessary to teach a child to calligraphy from early childhood - as soon as he can pick up a pen. This is somewhere from the fifth year of life. Naturally, writing with a pen is quite difficult for such a small child, so start with a pencil. First, let the child outline the figure, draw straight lines and sticks. Everyone who has ever learned to write knows that from the very beginning it is necessary to learn how to accurately and correctly depict the elements of letters, then the letters as a whole, and then the words.
  2. Teach your child to hold a pen. It is worth starting from the age of 3 or 4. Develop fine motor skills with the help of games, coloring books, pyramids, cubes, and also plasticine. Let him circle the drawings along the contour, shade the figures. It is important to make sure that he does it carefully. Also, make sure that the baby takes the pencil in his hand correctly - with his thumb and middle finger, and hold the pencil on top with his index finger.
  3. After you have taught him to hold a pen and pencil, you can move on to learning how to write letters. They often begin by writing in capital letters. The kid will take a lot from this - he will be able to read captions for pictures, books and all the inscriptions surrounding him. When the child gets comfortable with printed letters, he can move on to learning capital letters.
  4. You can teach your baby to capital letters with the help of special copybooks, in which the elements of the letters and they themselves are indicated by dotted lines. The child, at this stage, as a rule, learns willingly, since circling is a great pleasure for them. Also, the child is offered to trace the contours of sticks, pictures, geometric shapes, patterns, and so on. After a while, the baby will be able to do all this without a dotted line.
  5. After the pencil, you can start to scribble with an ink pen. Many teachers believe that writing in ink is the key to beautiful handwriting. At the same time, this is an opportunity to correct defects in the letter that already exist.
  6. It is better to start teaching in notebooks in the “oblique ruler”, on lined sheets. When it comes out exactly, with the same slope, you can switch to blank sheets. When the kid has mastered all the rules, he can write exactly at the same time, both on a blank sheet and on a lined one. And if not, then keep practicing.
  7. This exercise is very effective: let the baby try to write the sentence "eat more of these fresh soft French rolls, and then drink tea." In such a short sentence there are a lot of letters of the Russian alphabet. Let him write it in both printed and capital letters. Even if he is doing great, you should not stop training.
  8. The development of beautiful correct handwriting depends largely on the position in which the child sits during class. A desk or table of the required height, proper lighting and a comfortable chair are also very important. Watch his posture - you can not bend low over the notebook. Elbows should be on the table, not hanging off it.

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Beautiful handwriting in the modern world can be found less and less. Since most of the people use computer technology to print any text. Many people want to learn how to write beautifully.

But in order not to spend money on it, you can practice on your own.

You will need:

Perfect every letter

Take a clean notebook in line and be patient. You will need it in order to train your handwriting in this way: start with the first letter and write it until it is round, legible and beautiful. Most importantly, you should like the result. Do not spare sheets and time, you must write at least one page.

Get ready for the fact that it will take you more than one hour to work out all the letters. If you have taken up this, do not stop until all the letters are written perfectly.

Uppercase notebooks

Capital notebooks for preschool children and schoolchildren will not even bother you. Buy yourself a few to compare and start working on them. In such copybooks you will learn how to write according to all the laws of calligraphy. When you write, pay attention to the fact that your hand should work completely, which means not only your fingers and wrist, but also your shoulder. This will help give your letters a round and nice shape.

At the same time, do not forget about a straight back. Instead of squirming, take a short break to recharge.

In this case, the distance between the eyes and the notebook should fit the distance of an outstretched arm.

write letters in the air

In order for your letters to be even, beautiful and clear, experts advise writing letters in the air, trying to make them as natural as possible.

After you write the word in the air several times, you can transfer it to a piece of paper. At first, this will seem like a pointless exercise to you, and your hand will also constantly get tired. But later you will notice the result.

If you devote more than ten minutes to such an exercise, you will not notice any pain and tension.

Practice as often as possible

In order to bring your handwriting closer to perfect, use computer typing as little as possible, in cases of emergency.

Abstracts, term papers, reports - write manually if you are allowed to. This will help you control your handwriting, and it will take you very little time for large works. Try to write as much as possible every day, every day increase the volume by a few pages.


Choose a pen that feels comfortable to hold in your hand. Try it first, holding the pen in your fingers, in the air, big sweeping ones, as if you were drawing on a blackboard. Thanks to this exercise, the movements of your hands will become clearer and more confident, and more even.

Try out a few different spellings and choose the one that suits you best. Pay attention to how other people are. Look at samples, poets, philosophers, determine the characteristic outlines of letters, curls, etc. Handwriting often depends on the character of a person and can tell a lot about him. Find your personal writing style and use it.

Try writing on lined paper. Thanks to this, the lines will become even and will not jump up and down. After practicing, write a few sentences on a clean, unlined sheet, and then draw it and see if the lines slip, if the distance between them changes in different parts of the text. Practice until you succeed and learn how to write equally smoothly on both lined and plain paper.

The blackboard is a familiar attribute of the school office. But in our time, designers are able to introduce this item into the home environment. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy it, you can make it yourself and fit it into the interior so that it emphasizes and complements the style of the room. Such a board is useful in a house where there are schoolchildren or small children, but it will not be superfluous for adults either: you can write messages to your relatives, make reminders or just draw on it.

You will need

  • base made of fiberboard, chipboard or plywood;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • masking tape;
  • black paint;
  • sandpaper.


Find the basis for the school board. It should be a sufficient and level surface. Fiberboard, chipboard, or plywood are great, but other flat materials can be used. Cut out a rectangle of the desired size. And if you have any unnecessary wall from a closet or another, you can use it entirely.

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The text influences our whole life. We come across it every day and write a lot: at school, at work, for posts in social networks ... Often, we are evaluated by texts, they form an opinion about us.

Why is it so hard to write lyrics? After all, I want to be able to write in such a way that people understand us, want to read more and more. .. So how can you make sure that you are not painfully ashamed of your texts? How to learn to write interesting articles?

Read tips on how to learn to write texts!

1. Visualize everything you write about

80% of the information that a person receives every second, he receives with the help of vision. It is logical that if we want to convey maximum information to the reader, then we need to use the most effective way.

Scientists have proven that texts are best perceived in which specific expressions are written that allow you to form a certain image.

In order for the reader to come from “It seems clear” to “I understand”, you need to visualize images for him.

2. Enter into a dialogue with the reader

They try to look smarter, insert professionalisms (and often clericalisms) right and left, use expressions a la “As we all know ...” or “It is obvious that ...” in cases where everything is actually far from obvious. They write in long difficult-to-read sentences and so on.

In most cases, readers will be divided into two halves: some will believe in the “great genius” of such an author, and their self-esteem will fall below the plinth, others will say: “Who are you in general that you are laughing in front of me?” and stop reading. So you don't have to write like that.

Classical texts that assume equality between author and reader help the latter feel like a genius

Stephen Pinker, linguist at Harvard University

How should one write correctly?

You have to be on the same level with the reader. Use the so-called "cooler test": Imagine that you are reading your material to a friend you met at the cooler at work. Better yet, let someone else read the text. Friend, colleague, loved one. And ask three questions:

Will he enjoy listening to you?

Will he understand you?

Will he draw the right conclusions?

If the answer to all three questions is “yes”, then you have written excellent material.

When I was young, I had problems when I couldn’t start a text for a long time, and then I opened the window of a new post in LiveJournal or a new letter in the mail, wrote there, and everything turned out right away, because writing a letter or post is easier than article. It helps a lot to come up with a specific addressee to whom the text is addressed: it’s as if you are personally telling him this story, focusing on what he will be interested in, how many minutes he will listen to you continuously (and then you need to be distracted, somehow joke or change the subject ) etc

In general, talk to the reader like a friend, then even the most demanding and busy people will find time for your text or article.

3. Do not pull, hiding the main thing

At the very beginning of the material, give the reader the main idea. If he does not understand what the “salt” is, then it will be difficult to perceive the text.

Imagine that the editor-in-chief of a sports publication is told that the Russian youth team beat their peers from Spain. Despite the fact that this is the area of ​​his professional competence, he will not understand anything.

What team? Youth is up to 18, and up to 16, and up to 14. What sport did you beat? Football? Basketball? Hockey? There are a lot of questions even for a savvy person in the subject.

What if your reader is a beginner? He will not understand anything and will feel like an idiot. These are negative emotions. They are associated with your blog or publication. Bottom line - you will lose the reader. This is bad.

Therefore, always give out the main idea at the beginning so that the reader can perceive the material based on it. There is no point in intrigue if the person does not understand what you are talking about here. Then he stops reading.

4. Shelve text

After the written material is adjusted to the optimal form (from your point of view), close it and put it aside until the next day. Take care of other things. You can start working on the next text, the main thing is that you don’t touch what has already been written.

The next day, open the material and reread it again. Most likely, there will be details that you want to correct, add or change. Correct, but it's better to stop there.

The final editing of the material should be carried out no earlier than one day after its writing.

5. Always check spelling and punctuation!

Banal spelling mistakes or commas can seriously ruin your impression.

If such incidents happen to you from time to time, then it is stupid to offer you to repeat the school course of the Russian language. Most likely you don't have time for this.

In this case, try to check your texts through specialized online services or in Microsoft Word.

Services for checking spelling and punctuation in the text:

  • - a simple and understandable service for quickly checking the text, where you can also check the uniqueness of the text;
  • - a set of several cool services for every day for a professional copywriter and journalist;
  • - a service from Yandex for checking the literacy of the text, you can embed it into your website.

It is better to check 100 times and make sure that everything is fine than to relax once and then blush. Always check the written text for literacy!

6. Write as much as possible

It's the same as with cycling: you can't learn to ride in theory. You just need to pick up and go! Fall, get up and try again. No other way.

With the text exactly the same as with the great. You need to write every day, regularly, constantly. Live this thing. Not a day without a line. Then and only then can you become a truly professional copywriter or journalist.

Write every day, fill your hand.

  • Stephen King writes 6 pages a day
  • James Patterson - 4 pages
  • James Joyce considered a lucky day when he added 6 new letters to the text.
  • And how many pages (words, signs) do you write per day?

7. Read as much as possible

It is impossible to write well if you do not spend at least a few hours a day reading books. When we read, new words and expressions are deposited in the head, old ones are updated, the style and manner of correct speech are adopted.

Read classic literature. But do not forget to read something else - sometimes it is useful to shift your attention even to frank "slag" in order to be able to distinguish one from the other.

You need to read a lot, I would even say - read everything. Do not make yourself lists of authors, media or books, but really read everything in a row, including any informational garbage. You need to have an idea: what and how is already written, how they write now, how they do not write. In any business, the most important thing is the coordinate system in which you exist. For a writing person, such a system should be all the texts that are available to him.

Oleg Kashin

At the beginning, it is not shameful to try to imitate a famous author. There is nothing wrong with that, A.S. Pushkin in his youth imitated, for example, Byron (the famous English romantic poet of the 19th century).
